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Yellowstone NATIONAL PARK with photos by: MICHAEL MELFORD TOM MURPHY ROBBIE GEORGE SERGIO LANZA CASADO TERRY DONNELLY MICHAEL S. LEWIS RAYMOND GEHMAN GRAND PRISMATIC SPRING PHOTO BY SERGIO LANZA CASADO “The center of Yellowstone’s Grand Prismatic Spring steams at 199° Fahrenheit (93° Cel- sius), too hot for the multicol- YELLOWSTONE: ored bacteria clustering on Location: Wyoming, Idaho, and Montana the cooler perimeter. But dead Established: March 1, 1872 center is no dead zone: Billions Size: 2,221,766 acres of organisms called thermo- philes flourish in the scalding is a water.” Yellowstonegeo - logical smoking gun that illustrates how violent the Earth can be. One event overshadows all others: Some 640,000 years ago, an area many miles square at what is now the center of the park suddenly exploded. In minutes the landscape was devastated. Fast-mov- ing ash flows covered thousands of square miles. At the center only a smol- dering caldera remained, a collapsed crater 45 by 30 miles. At least two other cataclysmic events preceded this one. Boiling hot springs, fumaroles, mud spots, and geysers serve as reminders that another could occur. OLD FAITHFUL PHOTO BY TOM MURPHY “Vapor rises from Old Faith- ful, one of Yellowstone’s most popular attractions. Not the YELLOWSTONE: largest or the most regular of Location: Wyoming, Idaho, and Montana the park’s geysers, Old Faithful Established: March 1, 1872 erupts more frequently, with Size: 2,221,766 acres each blast expelling between 3,700 to 8,400 gallons (14,000 to 32,000 liters) of boiling , how- water.” Yellowstoneever, is much more than hot ground and gushing steam.
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