Rockhound Ramblings

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Rockhound Ramblings Rockhound ramblings OCTOBER 2017 THE NEWSLETTER OF THE PASADENA LAPIDARY SOCIETY - PASADENA, CALIFORNIA INSIDE THIS ISSUE President’s 2 Message The Grand Prismatic Spring in Yellowstone National Park is the largest hot spring in Reports, Contact & 2 the United States, and the third largest in the world, after Frying Pan Lake in New Zealand and Club Information Boiling Lake in Dominica. It is located in Wyoming’s Midway Geyser Basin. Joan’s Corner 3 Grand Prismatic Spring was noted by geologists working in the Hayden Geological Survey of 1871, Workshop and named by them for its striking coloration. Its colors match the rainbow dispersion of white light Current Club News by an optical prism: red, orange, yellow, green, and blue. Current Club Events The vivid colors in the spring are the result of microbial mats around the edges of the mineral-rich Feature Articles 4 water. The mats produce colors ranging from green to red; the amount of color in the microbial 5 mats depends on the ratio of chlorophyll to carotenoids and on the temperature gradient in the run- Society Events off. In the summer, the mats tend to be orange and red, whereas in the winter the mats are usually Articles, Information and Photos dark green. The center of the pool is sterile due to extreme heat. Field Trip 6 The deep blue color of the water in the center of the pool results from the scattering of blue light by Editor’s Quiz particles suspended in the water. This effect is particularly visible in the center of the spring due to Federation Reports the lack of archaea that live in the center and to the depth of the water. Tips, Safety 7 Rock & Gem Shows The spring is approximately 370 feet in diameter and is 160 feet deep. The spring discharges an Member-to-Member estimated 560 US gallons of 160 °F water per minute.. Calendar 8 Photo by Bruce Lamarche of Monthly Events ROCKHOUND RAMBLINGS Page 2 OCTOBER 2017 THE NEWSLETTER OF THE PASADENA LAPIDARY SOCIETY President’s Message The committee for the 60th Annual Show The nominating committee, chaired by Marcia met and reviewed the progress of the plan- Goetz, will present their slate of officers at the Dear Members, ning. The show is on March 10th and 11th, October program meeting and will take nomina- Fall has finally arrived. We 2018. The various chairpersons will be look- tions from the floor. Ballots will be distributed at have had some very nice ing for volunteers to assist in areas of their the November general membership meeting and weather these past few days. responsibility. Please speak up if you are voting will take place. New officers for 2018-2019 The September workshop was willing to help one day or both days. There will be presented and installed at the Holiday a little cooler that in the past are generally enough volunteers to make Party on December 9th. three months. We did need the fans but, all in all, your time at any one station short. we had a nice day! Membership dues are due for 2018 beginning October 1st is the deadline for nominating October 1st and are delinquent December 31st. The board met and approved one new member. Rockhound of the Year and Junior Rock- Send your dues to the P.O. Box or hand them to We did not have a quorum therefore we were hound of the Year. Voting will be done at the Marcia Goetz at an upcoming Society event. unable to address the agenda. These items were October 24th general membership meeting. tabled until the October meeting. Those present The board will count the ballots at the Have a Happy and Safe Halloween! Can you dig discussed topics and made plans to address November board meeting and the awards it!!! them later. will take place at the Holiday Party on December 9th. Ellen Ferrell, President Meeting and General Society Information April Meeting Officers September Board Meeting new finds, fakes, created, dyed and October Program Meeting by Mark Nelson, Secretary enhanced stones. It was very well This month’s birthstone is the OPAL. Ellen Ferrell, President received and we have had requests to ◊ The September board meeting was Our very own David Lacy will present (727) 512-0381 cancelled. ◊ A nominating committee ask him back again soon! <[email protected]> both the well-known and little-known has been organized to nominate candi- ◊ Cori Solan introduced us to our own State Gemstone — Benitoite! She is secrets of this iridescent mineral! His Mona Ross, Vice President dates for our 2018 officers at the Octo- working on a presentation of minerals enthusiasm and knowledge should (626) 437-0150 ber meeting. ◊ Members present were make for a very interesting program! <[email protected]> and plants for 2018. reminded that the October program Don’t forget that the meeting is on a new meeting will be on the 24th. This is a ◊ A special shout-out goes to Ben Mark Nelson, Secretary date this month only: different day than our normal third Shutman for helping rig up the (909) 996-1784 electronics for the program meeting. Tuesday, October 24th <[email protected]> Tuesday at the request of the Library. We all really appreciate his help and Come early at 6 p.m. and enjoy coffee Linda Nelson, CPA, Treasurer September Program Meeting expertise. and light refreshments by Cindy (909) 851-4407 ◊ If you would like to be a speaker at Lamarche’s Hospitality Committee. Bring <[email protected]> ◊ Ken Rogers presented an enlighten- our monthly meeting - either as a rocks and minerals for identification! The program or a rock-of-the-month display table is for members to show Joe Goetz, Federation Director ing program about the changing (626) 914-5030 gemstone and bead industries, and speaker, please let Mona Ross know. items they have collected at recent field <[email protected]> trips or in their travels. Membership Information and Meeting Locations FAIR USE NOTICE. This publication may contain copyrighted material the use Membership per calendar year is only Program Meetings: 6:45 - 8:45 Safety: Liability waivers, eye of which has not been specifically protection, closed-toe, flat-heel shoes authorized by the copyright owner. $25, $15 for a second adult member in PM on the third Tuesday of each the same house. Junior members and month at the Pasadena Central and machinery safe-practices are We are making such material available in mandatory for all participants. Work- our efforts to advance the educational the third or more adult members at the Library at 285 E. Walnut Street. same house are $10. Initiation fee is Doors open at 6pm. Guests are shops are for adult members and understanding of the amateur jewelry junior members 8 and older with adult fabrication and rock collecting hobbies. $2.00 per person and membership welcome! supervision. badges are $9.00. Renewals are due We believe this constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as by the October General Meeting and Field Trips are scheduled each provided for in section 107 of the U.S. delinquent after December 1st. Mail month. Refer to the bulletin and Copyright Law. checks for membership to P.O. Box website for date, location and If you wish to use material from this 5025, Pasadena CA 91117-0025. information publication for commercial or purposes of your own that go beyond 'fair use', you Website: Workshop: The use of the club’s The Annual Club Show is held the must obtain permission from the copyright owner. equipment is available to members second weekend of March at the Email: <[email protected]> from 9am to 5pm on the 2nd Sun- Masonic Center, 3130 Huntington day of each month in our shop at Drive, San Marino. Newsletter Articles, ads or Board Meetings: 7:00 PM on the 97 E. Montecito Ave., Sierra Madre. Advertising - a business card size corrections should be sent to the There are two sessions - 9am to ad is available for $99 per year or editor: Mark Nelson, P.O. Box first Thursday of the month at Matt 1pm and 1pm to 5pm. Equipment $10 per edition. Submit text, logos, 5025, Pasadena CA 91117-0025 Denny’s Ale House, 145 Huntington proficiency is required and instruc- business card or other copy to the or by email to pasadenalapidary Drive, Arcadia CA. All members are tion is free. Fees are $3 per session editor at the address or email listed welcome to attend! Join us for a No at or $5 for a full day. Bring lunch! on this page. Host dinner. Menu is on-line. ROCKHOUND RAMBLINGS Page 3 OCTOBER 2017 THE NEWSLETTER OF THE PASADENA LAPIDARY SOCIETY Joan’s EDUCATIONAL OUTEACH Welcome Corner Joan Harrison New Members !! Chair, Education Committee The Society is continually seeking new members, It’s a great time to schedule our popular rock and mineral ideas and enthusiasm to assist us in sharing the presentation for your school, civic group, church, community, enjoyment and understanding of earth sciences. We welcome our or youth group. To schedule a presentation by one of our newest member - Rob Hull, of Glendale ! experienced club members, contact Joan at (323) 662-3074 or at <[email protected]>. Share the lapidary and jewelry hobby! Invite your friends and neighbors to one of our monthly meetings to learn more about the Display Table — Paulo Sanchez is coordinating the Display Pasadena Lapidary Society! Give us the name and address of someone and Rock I.D. table at our club meetings.
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