Wilderness Survival: It’S Just a Prolonged Camping Adventure! Wms Winter Conference February 23, 24 2021 Darryl J
WMS Survival Workshop February 2021 Preparation List Given that this workshop is virtual, hands-on training will be challenging. I propose that, to get the most out of the workshop, you read the syllabus before the actual date of the workshop. You will need to procure certain items in order to make the workshop enjoyable and interactive. During the workshop, short 10-15 minute films on survival skills will be shown, with a 15-20 minute break to do the skills demonstrated, or in the syllabus (or maybe you have a pearl of wisdom to teach us)! Then, we will move on to the next subject and skill demonstration. At the end, we will have a debrief. Granted, a 1.5 hour virtual workshop may not give you expertise, but should motivate you to practice on your own thereafter. That continuous practice is what will ultimately give you some expertise. Having said that, if you have a survival kit, bring it to the meeting. We will be covering “no matches” fire making, shelters, water procurement, and food. Please have these materials on hand before the workshop. Items below are suggestions only-feel free to obtain items wherever! An army surplus store, if open, might have. 1. A metal match/ferro rod (https://www.amazon.com/bayite-Ferrocerium-Drilled-Survival- Emergency/dp/B00S6F4RDC) and a multi-tool knife. In addition, bring a magnesium bar (https://www.amazon.com/SE-FS374-All-Weather-Magnesium-Firestarter/dp/B0010O748Q) if you have access, or care to compare. Other fire starting materials welcome. 2. Vaseline, and cotton balls for tinder (fire starting material); if you’re feeling adventurous, have on hand pitch wood or a large clump of dry grass or other tinder to light.
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