Vitaliy Turych

Project Report:

Forest Ecosystems of the Ukrainian Part of the UNESCO Transboundary Biosphere Reserve "West Polesie" under the Global Environmental Changes

Svitiaz, 2016 Content

List of tables 3

List of figures 3

Summary 4

Introduction 5

Study area 5

Methods 7

Analysis 7

Results 21

Appendix 23

References 26


List of tables

Table 1 Differentiation of pinewood plantations within different functional zones of the BR “Shatskyi”

Table 2 The amount of precipitations per year on the BR “Shatskyi” territory

Table 3 Climatic values of vegetation season of the Scotch pine per year on the BR “Shatskyi” territory

Table 4 Radial amount of growth of model trees the Scotch pine

List of figures

Figure 1 Functional zonation of the "Shatskyi" Biosphere Reserve Figure 2 A percentage distribution of the Kraft classes within the test site 1 (core zone) and test site 6 (buffer zone) Figure 3 A percentage distribution of the Kraft classes within the test site 2 (core zone) and test site 5 (buffer zone) Figure 4 Current and average amount of growth by volume the model tree of the test site 4 Figure 5 The amount of growth the model #13 (201 year old) and it correlation with the sum of active temperatures and precipitations Figure 6 The amount of growth the model #6 (147 year old) and it correlation with the sum of active temperatures and precipitations Figure 7 The amount of growth the model #10 (81 year old) and it correlation with the sum of active temperatures and precipitations Figure 8 The amount of growth the model #1 (61 year old) and it correlation with the sum of active temperatures and precipitations



Cover photo: humid pine-oak subpinery Al3OSP – the most prevalent stand of the BR “Shatskyi”



Vegetation cover of the Biosphere Reserve “Shatskyi” (BR) - Ukrainian part of the Transboundary Biosphere Reserve (TBR) West Polesie - has undergone a significant human impact in the second half of the XX century. Here within 1960-1980 years the drainage, reclamation of wetland complexes was performed, which also influenced on the forest ecosystems. Conducting drainage reclamation and cutting down the forests caused significant changes in the conditions of forest habitat, changes of phytocoenotic features of vegetation affected the structure ecosystems of the whole territory.

Creation in 1983 of National Park was the second factor of changes in the biota structure. Reducing the human impact and implementation of the preservation regime also accompanied by specific changes in the species composition of forest plant communities, their spatial and phytocoenotic structure as well as transformation of forest ecosystems as a whole. This necessitated further address the problem of preservation of protected areas through active conservation or application of specialized regimes of protection.

One more factor of transformation the natural ecosystems is human pressure (recreational use, forestry management). In BR are many recreational facilities. During summer, about two thousand people, daily, visit the BR territory. They attend forests for walking, gathering mushrooms and berries. Also, in transit zone is located State Forestry Enterprise, which performs intensive forestry.

Global warming occurs due to increasing the anthropogenic greenhouse gases, especially carbon dioxide (CO2). Climate change is also having a significant impact on the ecosystem of the reserve.

In the Ukrainian part of the TBR the predominant area is covered by forest ecosystems, about 52, 5 % of the territory. Among forests dominated Scots pines (Pinus sylvestris L.) (occupying 62% of the forest area). Among them, the largest area is covered by forests blueberries (49%), smaller - green moss pine forests (12%), even smaller - moss pine forests (1-2%). About 8% of the forest formations belong to marshy pine forests. Oak-pine forests occur rarely, they occupy about 2% of forested areas. Alder forests cover about 20% of the forest's area. Their small areas marked throughout the reserve, but there are also significant areas of dense forests. Birch forests with Betula pendula, occupying about 16% of forested area, are found on in place of indigenous pine and oak-pine forests.

The pine forests were chosen for investigations as the predominant forest's type within the BR territory.

Keywords: forest ecosystems, global changes of natural environment, preservation, the Biosphere Reserve “Shatskyi”.



There are two types of global changes of the natural environment: regular and cumulative [35]. Regular changes characterizing by direct influence on a global level. These include industrial and consumer emissions of ozone-depleting and greenhouse gases, changes in vegetation. Cumulative changes influence the natural environment through accumulation the local changes all over the world, namely, soil depletion, toxic pollution, diminution of biodiversity and forests etc.

Forest ecosystems decelerate and level the negative influence of the natural environment as well as regulate the climate in our planet.

They absorb more carbon dioxide and carbon deposited as well as reduces the greenhouse effect. Forests play an important role in the water cycle and prevent the erosion. Forest soils filtrate water, which flow from the fields and industrial areas and cleaning them from many contaminants. Forests have a high level of biodiversity, providing a large number of ecosystem services.

According to different estimations, during the last 200 years, the total area of all forests in our planet decreased approximately two times. Today, forests cover about 31% of total land of the Earth (WWF). Also, in accordance to WWF - 15% of all emissions of greenhouse gases are caused by decreasing of forests. For saving the forest ecosystems and, by that, achieving the targets of Paris agreement (2015), which was accepted in the frame of United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (1992), it’s necessary to study the present state of forests, estimate the past and future threats as well as to develop the recommendations for sustainable management by forest ecosystems of BR “Shatskyi”. Also, it will be important to preserve the ecosystems of the Western Polesie in general.

Study area

The territory of BR “Shatskyi” is located on the Main European Watershed basins of the Black and Baltic Seas in West Polesie within the Upper Prypyat Region. Its uniqueness lies in the combination of forests, lakes, wetlands and meadow ecosystems with the presence of fragments of transformed dune formations. Latitude and longitude: from 51° 40' 03" N to 51° 22' 42" N and from 23°36' 26" E to 24° 08' 34" E. Absolute height is from 160,7 to 182,6 above sea level.

The Ukrainian part of the TBR differs by the presence of a large complex of lakes; here are 23 lakes, including one of the largest lakes in the - Svitiaz Lake. Within the TBR a great diversity of flora and fauna is observed as well as a large number of rare plants and animal species listed in the Red Book of Ukraine (2009).

Climate - temperate continental with mild winters and relatively warm and humid summers. The average annual temperature is about + 8 ºC and average annual precipitations level is 500 mm. During some year’s rainfall may vary significantly from the average values of the Western region, because of the invasion of marine and polar masses as well as local microclimate features such as lowland character of territory and a large number of lakes.

In 2002, the Shatsk National Nature Park has been designated for inclusion to the World Network of Biosphere Reserves as Biosphere Reserve "Shatskyi". In 2012, the BR "Shatskyi", as

5 the Ukrainian part, has been entered the Transboundary Biosphere Reserve West Polesie (TBR), which also consists of such Biosphere Reserves as West Polesie (Poland) and Pribuzhskoye Polesie ().

According to Article 3 of the Statutory Framework Of The World Network Of Biosphere Reserves, the main functions of BR are the following: conservation - contribute to the conservation of landscapes, ecosystems, species and genetic variation; development - foster economic and human development which is socio-culturally and ecologically sustainable; logistic support - support for demonstration projects, environmental education and training, research and monitoring related to local, regional, national and global issues of conservation and sustainable development.

The BR territory is divided into functional zones. While the reserve was created, its territory was already populated. The most valuable and undisturbed environmental systems have been identified as the core of the Biosphere Reserve. Areas that are adjacent to settlements and without the intensive use of natural resources were referred to buffer zone. The transit zone includes settlements, the objects of communal facilities and lands of other landowners and land users as well as the land, on which the economic activity is carried out in compliance with the general requirements for the protection of the environment. The above-mentioned functional zonation was promoting the development of traditional economic activities (agricultural production, forestry, construction of rural and village infrastructure, food processing industry etc.).

Figure 1 Functional zonation of the "Shatskyi" Biosphere Reserve



The study will be based on field observations of forests using the descriptive forest methods; determination of parameters the forest stands; botanic methods for analysing changes in the floristic composition of forest communities in the process of their use and conservations; analytical processing the data of scientific articles and research findings in previous years as well as data analysis of state forest inventory in the past.


Despite the strong anthropogenic influence, the modern vegetation of the BR Shatskyi has features of not transformed natural ecosystems. Its vegetation cover is dominated by forests. But, because of previous deforestations, large areas are covered by pine forest plantations and as a result of drying forests only a few forest bogs have survived.

Within the BR the mire vegetation, inshore-aquatic and aquatic vegetation are presented good due to a large number of lakes, canals and other water bodies. A significant is areas of bushes on bogs and around the lakes. Also, marsh and peat-bog meadows are saved well. Fragmentary one can meet areas of watered bogs and uncovered sands.

Large areas of drained bogs, transformed into arable lands and meadows under crop, are located within the flood lands of Prypyat River and between the lakes. The absence of economic activity leads to recovery of natural features of vegetation on this territory. Stopping the agricultural activity on the tilled bogs as well as haying on meadows leads to their overgrowing with weed and forest. On separate meliorative areas one can observe the formation of forest ecosystems instead of bogs that reflect the inevitable changes of vegetation type.

According to the data of Yashchenko P.T. [37,38], vegetation cover undergone the changes after melioration works and preservation. In dried pine forests on peat soil, especially within the Knyaz Bagon site, one can see an intensification of Urtica dioica L., Rubus caesius L. R. and Nessensis W. Hall. within the grassy – shrub layer. For drained alder groves, the increasing role of Rubus idaeus L. within the low-level layer is characteristic instead of Carex riparia Curt. and C. elongata L. Because of draining forest bogs around the Moshne Lake, such associations as Pinetum oxycoccoso-menyanthoso-sphagnosum practically disappeared. The rare became Pinetum uliginosum and Р. Ledosum, while the role of Pinetum myrtillosum increased. Also, disappeared, the dominating in the past, Pineto-Betuletum pubescentis eriophorosum (vaginati) and boggy pine forests. Associations of forest bogs reflected the combination of two vegetation types – forest and bog or forest and shrubs. Because of the sharp decreasing of water level and its amplitude, changes in vegetation structure occurred as well as decreasing of biological diversity within the BR territory that leads to reduction of hygrophilous associations and their transformation to mesophytic with the heightened producing capacity of stands.

During 1964-1970 years, the intensive drainage of bogs was conducted. At that time, for the first time, within the West Polesie, the mechanized digging of wide canals was applied. As the result, large entire drainage systems were created - Kopayivs'ka, Ratnivs'ka etc. Such a large forest 7 bog areas were drained as “Knyaz'-Bahon”, “Mel'ovane”, “Krynyts'ke” and “Moshne”.

Preservation of forests began from the moment of the national park creation, when the question of expediency of gydromeliorative canals was considered. The decision was agreed by the Direction and Scientific and Technical Board (1985-1986 yy.) of national park about limitation of functionality the canals in forests by the way of their natural overgrowing without restoration the clearing works. Today, a majority of canals are partially functioning and some canals lost their drainage function. However, previous water level, before the meliorative works, in lakes and the adjacent territories wasn't restored.

Decreasing the water level up to 0.7 m has lead to changes in wood species and creation of hilly relief because of peat shrinkage. During first 10 years after digging the canals, a mass drying of Betula pubescens Ehrh. occurred as well as the lighter pine, partially.

After drying the lighter trees and underbrushes because of decreasing the water level, the crown density was reduced that lead to lightening the lower plants. Near canals, where the water level decreased up to 1m, the soil temperature under the ground litter was the 3 °C higher than near canals with a higher water level, up to 40 cm. Such a “warming” of soil was caused by solar rays, penetrating through the ground litter, as well as by decreasing the soil water level. Due to this, the process of circulation the substance in soil and decomposition the ground litter have been changed that have facilitated the most favorable conditions for trees growing.

Till the drainage works, the oligotrophic and hygrophyte plants have predominated in grass cover. General projective cover was up to 70%. Shrubbery layer began to form from the Ledum palustre L. and Vaccinium uliginosum L. and the undergrowth from Betula pendula Roth. has appeared. Also, a big role belongs to a sphagnum moss, a projective cover of which, have reached 80%. Blueberry (Vaccinium murtillus L.) was presented by small, in size, areas and it can be found as on elevations so in depressions.

Today, a blueberry became a dominant. The mesohydrophyte and mesophyte began to predominate over the oligotrophic and hygrophyte plants. Sphagnum participation in the moss layer decreased from 80 to 10 % and the dominated position has occupied the green mosses; in particular, the projective cover of Pleurozium schreberi Brid. reached the 40%. One can observe a considerable change of floristic composition and a structure of grass cover. It should be mentioned that the reaction of forest phytosystems to reclamation became apparent in the appearance of birch young growth (Betula pendula Roth.) and oak (Quercus robur L.).

After reclamation, during the 40-years period, wet pinery was transformed to a moist subpinery. According to the change in the type of forest conditions have changed and the forest type and stand type.

Forests within the core zone are massifs that in 1984 were excluded from production forests of the Shatsk Training and Research Forestry as well as from collective farm forests, which intensively have conducted all forestry activities, including tree felling of main use. From the time the national park creation, within the core zone there were no tree felling with the exception of clearing the cuttings and forest roads according to requirements of fire safety. However, in the buffer zone one can conduct a care tree felling.

Investigations in the pine forests of the BR were conducted through setting up a test sites in 8 core and buffer zones, taking into account different types of forest vegetation conditions and age groups of stands. The entire enumeration of trees was performed within the test sites, including distribution by the Kraft classes and selection of model trees. To determine the age of model trees and the radial increment used a Pressler drill.

The influence of preservation changes we have observed through differentiation the trees in pinewood plantations and through the results of the analysis the stands productivity, as it shown in the Table 1.

Within the all test sites a percentage of secondary trees (Kraft’s classes IVa and IVb) except the test site 6, are approximately 40. The absence of dead wood and dying off trees (Kraft’s classes IVa and IVb) on this area can be explained by conduction of care activities (tree felling) during previous years. Also, one can observe a substantial difference between the number of trees, which represent the dominant I-III Kraft’s classes and dead wood and dying off trees in different functional zones (Fig.2,3).

Figure 2 A percentage distribution of the Kraft classes within the test site 1 (core zone) and test site 6 (buffer zone)


Figure 3 A percentage distribution of the Kraft classes within the test site 2 (core zone) and test site 5 (buffer zone)

Comparable test sites in different zones of the reserve have, practically, the same characteristics of forest valuation, namely, quality of locality, age, forest type, height and diameter. A degree of density within the core zone is higher than in buffer. The same one can say about the thickness of stands in terms of 1 ha. A stock within the test sites 2 and 8 is 1,8 times higher than in the test site 5 and the number of trees is more in 3,9. Stocks per 1 ha in the test sites 1 and 6 are approximately equal at the difference in thickness of stands in 1,4.


Table 1

Differentiation of pinewood plantations within different functional zones of the BR “Shatskyi”

№ Area, Functional Таксаційні характеристики A percentage of trees according ha zone to Kraft’s classes Plantation Age Height, Diameter, Quality Forest Degree of Number of Stock Dominant Secondary Dying off and composition m cm of locality type density trees per 1 per 1 (І-ІІІ classes) (IVa-IVb dead wood (Va- ha ha, m³ classes) Vb classes) 1 0,2 Core 10 SP 60 21 18 І Al3OSP 0,8 1390 443 48,3 39,5 12,2 2 0,03 Core 10 SP 43 13 12 ІІ Al2OSP 0,9 6733 391 26,8 34,2 39,0 3 0,22 Core 10 SP 60 22 26 І Al4OSP 0,7 918 451 34,6 48,0 17,4 4 0,12 Core 10 SP 90 16 20 IV Al4OSP 0,8 1783 329 19,6 40,7 39,7 5 0,12 Buffer 10 SP 40 13 14 ІІ Al2SP 0,7 1725 222 69,6 37,5 2,9 6 0,24 Buffer 10 SP 70 22 24 ІІ Al3OSP 0,7 996 416 89,9 10,1 -


From the aforesaid, one can make the conclusion that a younger plantations in the core zone undergone an active autoregulation of stands. Trees that are retarded in growth are falling away intensively. This is evidenced by a high percentage of trees of Va-Vb Kraft’s classes and the following decreasing of classes of secondary trees.

The above-mentioned autoregulation process in older plantations in the core zone has almost completely taken place, as evidenced by the low percentage dying off and dead wood trees. Stands of core zone under the influence of preservation begin to acquire the attributes of forests of natural origin.

It should be mentioned that in test site 4 at age 90 the autoregulation is being in progress up to date. A low quality of locality and lower values of stock, diameter and height one can explain through transformation of type of habitat conditions the plantations, from flooded wet pinery to humid subpinery.

In the figure 4 on can see a sharp increasing the amount of growth by volume wood as the result of melioration works. However, after the beginning the preservation and stopping the functionality of meliorative network, the amount of growth began to decrease sharply. One can see the repeated dying off, of the retarded in growth, trees in plantation, diminution per 1 ha.

Figure 4 Current and average amount of growth by volume the model tree of the test site 4

The above-mentioned have confirmed a relatively quick reaction of forest ecosystems to changes of ecological situation as a result of conducted draining melioration. The described-above, changes of phytocenotic and taxation structure of pine forests one can consider as local changes of 12 forests. Along with this, the powerful anthropogenic influence to natural ecosystems in the form of draining of forest bogs one can consider as one of factors of impact the global changes on the environment.

As it was mentioned above, the melioration had led to considerable changes in vegetation cover of the BR “Shatskyi”. One can observe this in intensification of appearing of mesophytic plants, notably, as in changes the plantation composition, so in changes the amount of growth of trees. Our researches show a considerable decreasing of negative influence the meliorative works during last ten years. But, a phenomenon of global warming, also, could influence on the radial amount of growth the trees. The increasing of average annual temperature at general decreasing of water level of the territory can be affirmed by the appearance of adventitious south plants and animals within the southern areas. Among the plant species, which recently have penetrated the bioreserve territory and number of which increasing, one can mentioned the following: Ambrosia artemisifolia L., Echinocystis lobata (Michx.)Torr. et Gray., Impatiens glandulifera Royle. and Heracleum sosnowskyi Maden. The same one can say about birds, the number of which increasing during last ten years, namely: Larus cachinnans, Egretta alba and Platalea leucorodia.

To estimate the climate changes, we have analyzed a radial amount of growth of Scotch pine. It’s a matter of common knowledge that the amount of growth the trees depend on air temperature, rainfall and duration of vegetative season. Table 2 shows the data on the amount of precipitations per year. It’s well known that the active vegetation begins at temperature level equal + 10°С. At the falling of temperature, the amount of growth the trees are sharply decreasing. Table 3 shows the sums of active temperature values that were defined (> + 10° С) during the last 60 years (1956 – 2015). For this research, the average daily temperature values were used and number of such days in the year were calculated.

Table 2 The amount of precipitations per year on the BR “Shatskyi” territory

Year/Amount of precipitations, mm 2015 519 1995 557 1975 956 2014 571 1994 532 1974 713 2013 734 1993 488 1973 654 2012 549 1992 558 1972 545 2011 607 1991 444 1971 933 2010 706 1990 513 1970 491 2009 720 1989 498 1969 933 2008 715 1988 685 1968 757 2007 610 1987 436 1967 972 2006 698 1986 507 1966 737 2005 505 1985 527 1965 533 2004 554 1984 559 1964 474 2003 467 1983 463 1963 697 2002 542 1982 603 1962 406 2001 720 1981 688 1961 627 2000 570 1980 671 1960 501 1999 584 1979 548 1959 648 1998 639 1978 691 1958 620 1997 578 1977 423 1957 747 1996 522 1976 462 1956 727 13

Table 3

Climatic values of vegetation season of the Scotch pine per year on the BR “Shatskyi” territory

The sum of The sum of Year Vegetation active Year Vegetation active season, days temperatures, season, days temperatures, ° С ° С 2015 168 2908,3 1985 155 2501 2014 183 3049,2 1984 176 2671 2013 183 3045,5 1983 174 2904,1 2012 175 3033,4 1982 161 2659,1 2011 169 2909,7 1981 159 2665,3 2010 174 2978,1 1980 147 2211 2009 174 2834,9 1979 151 2530,9 2008 171 2784,2 1978 145 2163,5 2007 161 2777,9 1977 142 2286 2006 182 3025 1976 158 2394,5 Average per Average per previous 10 174 2934,6 previous 10 157 2498,6 years years 2005 170 2793,7 1975 163 2763,2 2004 169 2653,6 1974 148 2254,1 2003 162 2779,9 1973 153 2434,5 2002 171 2924 1972 150 2553,3 2001 181 2937,9 1971 161 2640,6 2000 182 2932,8 1970 148 2355,4 1999 168 2885,7 1969 158 2566,3 1998 172 2713,2 1968 165 2661,1 1997 1967 178 2910,7 No data 1996 1966 172 2737,2 Average per Average per previous 8 172 2827,6 previous 10 160 2587,6 years years 1995 1965 146 2225,7 No data 1994 1964 156 2580,3 1993 168 2679 1963 166 2902,3 1992 162 2744,1 1962 157 2376,3 1991 167 2681,2 1961 156 2516,6 1990 173 2619,2 1960 157 2461 1989 179 2868 1959 151 2524 1988 174 2797,4 1958 157 2525,5 1987 154 2388,4 1957 145 2390,5 1986 164 2631,6 1956 157 2460,5 Average per Average per previous 8 168 2676,1 previous 10 155 2496,2 years years


For comparison, core samples from model trees were taken using the Presler drill. Scotch pine is charactering by a rapid growth in young age up to 40 years. The middle-aged trees (up to 60 years) are growing somewhat slowly. During the next years the amount of growth becomes stable and, mainly, depends on the environment conditions. As models, trees of different age were selected. They could be divided into three age groups: 200, 150 and 80 years old. For comparison, the models of 60 years old, also, were selected. The values of the radial amount of growth of model trees are shown in the Table 4 and in Figures 5- 8.

Table 4

Radial amount of growth of model trees the Scotch pine

The amount of The amount of The amount of The amount of growth, mm growth, mm growth, mm Years growth, mm (Model tree #13, (Model tree #10, (Model tree #1, age (Model tree #6, age age 201 year) age 81 year) 61 year) 147 year) 1 2 3 4 5 2015 0,3 0,3 0,7 1,1 2014 0,5 0,5 1,4 1,9 2013 0,8 0,8 1,7 2,3 2012 1 0,9 1,9 2 2011 0,7 0,8 1,6 1,2 2010 1,1 0,7 1,7 1,3 2009 0,9 0,8 1,9 1,2 2008 1 0,9 2,1 1,6 2007 0,8 0,9 2,1 1,3 2006 1,3 1,1 1,7 1,1 2005 1,5 1 1,3 1,4 2004 0,9 1,2 1,6 1,3 2003 1,2 0,7 2,2 1,4 2002 1,5 0,9 1,7 1,8 2001 1,1 1,3 2,1 1,8 2000 0,8 1 1,6 1,8 1999 1,3 0,8 2,2 2 1998 1,3 1,1 2,1 2,3 1997 1,2 1,2 2,1 2 1996 1,2 0,8 1,1 1,7 1995 1,3 1,1 1,1 1,4 1994 1,3 1,3 1,8 1,9 1993 1,7 1,4 2 3,1 1992 1,6 1,3 2,3 1,8 1991 1,7 1,2 1,7 2 1990 1,4 1,5 2,5 2,5 1989 1,3 1,2 2,6 1,9


1 2 3 4 5 1988 0,7 1,2 2,7 1,5 1987 1,2 1 2,2 1,1 1986 1,2 1,2 1,6 1,4 1985 1,5 1,8 1,3 1,9 1984 1,1 1,6 1,3 2,4 1983 1 1,3 1,3 2,1 1982 0,6 1,5 1,7 2,2 1981 0,7 1,6 1,7 1,1 1980 0,6 1,7 2,1 1,4 1979 0,8 1,2 1,4 1 1978 0,6 1,5 1,3 1,1 1977 0,6 1,6 1,1 0,9 1976 0,7 0,8 0,8 0,8 1975 0,8 1,3 1 1,1 1974 0,9 1,2 1,1 1,1 1973 0,7 0,9 1,4 1,3 1972 0,7 0,8 1,5 0,9 1971 1 1,4 2 1,6 1970 0,5 1,3 1,9 1,2 1969 0,8 1,1 1,8 2,4 1968 0,7 1,1 1,8 2,9 1967 0,8 1,3 2,4 4,6 1966 1 0,9 2,3 4,8 1965 0,8 1,3 2,2 4 1964 0,9 1,2 2,1 4 1963 1,3 1,2 1,7 4,1 1962 0,9 1,5 1,4 5,5 1961 1,2 1 1,4 5,9 1960 1,1 0,7 1,6 5,1 1959 1,2 1,5 2,1 4,2 1958 1,1 1,4 2,3 0 1957 1,2 0,8 1,9 0 1956 1,2 0,9 2,5 0


Figure 5 The amount of growth the model #13 (201 year old) and it correlation with the sum of active temperatures and precipitations


Figure 6 The amount of growth the model #6 (147 year old) and it correlation with the sum of active temperatures and precipitations


Figure 7 The amount of growth the model #10 (81 year old) and it correlation with the sum of active temperatures and precipitations


Figure 8 The amount of growth the model #1 (61 year old) and it correlation with the sum of active temperatures and precipitations


As one can see on Figures, the radial amount of growth of old trees, in absolute value, is more than of young. According to trend lines, for all models one can see the decreasing of the amount of growth, except model #13 (201 year). This could be explained by the attenuation of growth the trees in older age. The sharp decreasing of trend lines of model trees #6 (147 years) and # 1 (61 year) one can explain by the age-related changes: #6 – the transition to old years of stage of development and the model tree #1 – the transition from a young age to mature. The same, but weaker, phenomenon, one can see from the model # 10 (81 year).

At analyzing the trend lines of precipitations, we can observe their small decreasing with the high amplitudes (from 406 to 972 mm) during last 60 years. A constantly increasing the sums of active temperatures from 2496,2 (an average over 1956-1965 years) up to 2934,6 (an average over 2006-2015 years) corresponds to increasing the number of days of active vegetation, from 155 to 174, accordingly. But, on the assumption of decreasing the amount of growth during the last 10 years for all models of different age, one can affirm that increasing the duration of the vegetation season hadn’t led to intensification the radial amount of growth of trees. One can assume that the most significant limiting factor is the water level of forest plantations, because just its decreasing had facilitated the decreasing of the amount of growth the trees in spite of a longer vegetative period during the last years.

The permanent increasing the air temperature at simultaneously decreasing the precipitations lead to drought. At this time, trees, partially, are stopping their growth. Hereby, a process of photosynthesis begins to slacken and, as the result, the absorption of carbon dioxide is stopping as well as deposition the carbon. Taking into account all above-mentioned, one can speak about climate changes towards the hotter and dry.


According to the results of researches concerning the changes of forest ecosystems of the BR “Shatskyi”, one can assert that the further development and formation of forest stands under the influence of preservation will be followed by their partial thinning out and the appearance the natural young growth under the crown of artificial plantations. A conophorium will also occur that will become apparent through the appearance of new pine generation of natural origin, intensification of participation the oak, birch and other leafy trees. Just now, on many areas of pine forest one can see the appearance of natural young oak that indicates the beginning of formation the pine-oak stands within the subpinery. The forests of Bioreserve are getting the natural features.

Under the influence of draining, the partial transformations of forest ecosystems have occurred within the core zone. The type of conditions within some areas of pine forest has changed from А5 to А4, and after some time - from А4 to А3 with the further transition to B3. Due to the transformation the forest conditions, from the bottom layer of forest plantations a hygrophilous plants disappearing. Also, the changes of soil mesofauna observed in the forests as well as changes of biodiversity in whole. On the other hand, the area of transformed forests within the BR “Shatskyi” is not so large.

During last years, one can observe increasing the air temperatures at decreasing the precipitation amount. It can be concluded that the local climate changes occur and, in time, will be accumulated and will make a cumulative contribution to global climate changes. Decreasing the 21 amount of growth the pine reflects a probable decreasing the volumes of carbon deposition by forest ecosystems of the BR “Shatskyi”.

To overcome the negative influences of regional and global changes on the environment, it’s necessary to manage the nature-protected territories of the BR “Shatskyi” toward the lowering the effects of drainage and heightening the water level within this territory. The active preservation of natural ecosystems is very urgent, taking into account overgrowing the bogs by bushes that leads to disappearing the rare species of plants as well as the bogs in whole. The experience of such works, conducted in separate areas of core zone, speaks about the opportunity of a high efficiency for preserving the forest and bog ecosystems.



Natural falling in pine plantation of the core zone

Melovane Bog overgrowing by willow and self-seeding of silver birch.


Core sample is taken using the Presler drill from the model tree #13.


The core sample of the model tree #6.

Dried up a stream canal of the Kopaivka River during summer 2015.



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