c~ t ~ BOWi Otl IA f iiJ - -----~R~E~C~E~l~V:;,.:E~O~ f----*~*-:--*-;----- - ------:N:UM=BE:R~-9~ f t A PR IL t97tl Committee avors spending $2.7 million for sites t:y IIA\'D\. 1;u ,1 Ell .\ 1ornr l'Om111Jtll'C or «·•Jtmcil h.i.'i rct.-om ·n,c mofiun lo spend tl 7 n1111ion for Tht· moI I011 \l,1s Tl., S2-7 million i• a prtion or he S6 rucnd1"1 th.1l $2 7 nulfi,.n he ~IM·nl n11 iW bt>Usmg was passed "-3 m the t..-omnullcc. )(1J1por1Ptf h~· AICX'rUK'II I l;irry H:tnkm. million rhe- pro\inc:-ia l govC'rnme,nt p,.1d q,unng !',IICS for hou.,mi; rn Jiu.• <lou·nton n ~ 11h AJdumcn J .1Ck Volnd,. Ed Swee11t'Y :\hkl' 11:ir<"Ourl. ,\rt Co"1t! and Helen for lhc ,'UurthocJ~· nc,t lo fh,, ouli~ &Ja c,1-J.,,d~ :irca. and Hugh Bird opposed. ' 1111.\('\' t,on on .\1:1in. • I _Phillips to Oppose Hous1ng · Local Groups Urge Eriksen Dollars for Downtown East to Reconsider By JEAN SWANSON L. E.A. P. BRUCE ERIKSEN, Mar. 14/75. Mayor Phi llips will oppose ions and Aldermen Rankin and nasium and parking l ot for / RE : YOUR RESIGNATION - the recommendation of a Harcourt. It was noted that policemen. Alderman Harcou rt' , We, the undersigned ask you joint COIDIDittee of council over 1, 000 housi ng units had s aid he would like to use , to reconsider your decision; to use $2.
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