Flyer News, Vol. 59, No. 17
miami outlasts flyers in overtime, PagE 12 friday news, SOCIETY OF FREETHINKERS mEETS ON CamPUS, PagE 4 NOV. 18, 2011 a&e, WHaT’S THE DEaL?, PagE 6 opinions, PIZZa FOR THaNKSgIVINg DINNER?, PagE 8 sports, EDITOR ENCOURagES STUDENT support OF FOOTBaLL TEam PagE 12 univerSiTy of dayTon vol. 59 No. 17 students raise money for service trip Cornerstone Bar & Grille owner opens new restaurant sarA DorN Chief News Writer The owner of the former Corner- stone Bar & Grille on Brown Street opened a new restaurant called Jimmie’s Ladder 11 on Friday Nov. 11. Jimmie Brandell said it wasn’t easy to let go of the bar popularly known as The Hills – he had owned it for 26 years, celebrated his wed- ding night there and had both his sons work at the restaurant. But he said he knew he was in luck when he cut the red tape to Jimmie’s Ladder 11 at 145 Warren A group of University of Dayton students pose outside the Honduran medical clinic they worked during a UD service breakout trip in January. The Center for Social Concern is hosting a pancake breakfast Sunday, Nov. 20, to raise money for a similar breakout program to Honduras this winter. PHOTO CONTRIBUTED BY NICOLE SCHECKELHOFF St., just across the street from his old bar’s location. CHriS rizer breaks. and faith-based medical brigades, throughout Honduras, she said. He said he acquired Cornerstone News Editor Shannon Hallinan, a senior biolo- Scheltens said. Scheltens said the January 2011 Bar & Grille, located at 936 Brown gy major and a fundraising chair for These supplies include dietary Honduras breakout was led by Rob- St., only three years after he mar- The University of Dayton Center the trip, said the pancake breakfast supplements, pain medications, an- ert Kearns, a biology professor and ried Sue Brandell, and the couple for Social Concern will hold an all- will raise money to help two causes: tibiotics, topical creams, asthma, si- director of premedical programs had owned the bar ever since.
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