The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of The

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Les diagrammes suivants illustrent la mAthode. 1 C&e Iprincipal jQatiigations, Qopages, Ccaffiques, AND Discotierieg of tfje (BriQiisf) Bation. ll I \ I THE PRINCIPAL ma Discotjcncs or THE ENGLISH NATION. CoUtctrD tt.) kK.M.iKJ) il AlvI.UVI, I'Ki.v mi; AND EOitrlr bs EDMUND GOLDSMID, F.R.H.S. \-. I,. VI. MADEIRA AND THE CANARIES; ANCIENT ASIA, AFRICA, &c. Clitnbutati: K. i\, C, l,(lI.).^M[lt, 1887. 0';/y /oo Ci'/'h-.; /•n'/iM. ] ^00 KG a ; ; THE sr.coxn voi.vme OF TIIK I'KINCIPAL NAVIGATIONS, VOYAGES, TRAFFIQVES, DISCOVERIESAND ENGLISH NATION, MADE BY SEA OR OUER-LANU, TO THE SOUTIIi^ SOUTH-EAST P. IRTS OFTHE IVORLD. AT ANY TI.MK WITHIN TIIIO COMl'ASSli OV TIIESIC 1600. YLKES; DIUIDEIJ INIO TWO SKUERAI.L PARTS : WHEREOF THE FIRST CONTAINETH t:ie persona Lr. tkauels, >y.. of the English, THROUIJII AND WITHIN THli STRKIOUT OK GIBRALTAR, TO Al^tr, Tunis, aii.l Tn'po'is in Har!<.fy,tj Alii.inlri.i iinj Ciirj in Ae:;ypl, to the Isles of Sicilia, /infe, Can./iti, A'Ao/iis, Cyfnis, atiil Ohio, to the Cilie or Con<t,intin-if<'.i\ to Aiiirs pn-ti of Asiu Minor, to Syria attil Armfnia, to lerusalem, ami other /Voces in luH.ia AS ALSO TO Arabia, downe the Riiier of Euphrates, to H.ihylon and lialsara, and so through the Persian Guiph to Ormutz, Chan ', Goa, and to many Islands adioyning vpon the South Parts of Asii AND I.lKtWI<:E r»OM Goa to Cambaia, and to all the Dominions of Zelabdim Echebar The Great Mogor, to the Afighty Kiiier of Ganges, to Benga'a, Aracan, liacola, and Chonderi, to Pegu, to lainahai in the Kingdoine of Siam, and almost to the very Frontiers of China. THE SECOND COMPREHENDETH THE VOYAGES, TRAFFICKS, b'c. OF THE ENGLISH NATION, •» MADE WITHOUT THE STREIGHT OF GIBRALTAR, TO THE ISLANDS OF THE AC0RE3, OF I'ORTO SANTO, MADERA, AND THE CANARIES, TO THE KINODOMKS OF BARIIARY, TO THE ISLES OF CAPO VERDE, To the Riuers of Senega, Gambra, Madrabumba, and Sierra Leona, to the Coast of Guinea and Benin, to the Isles of S. Thome and Santa Helena, to the Paris about the Cape of Buona Esperanza, to Quilangone, neere Mozambique, to the Isles of Comoro and Zanzibar, To the Citie of Goa, Beyond Cape Comori, to the Isles of Nicubar, Gomes Polo, and Pttlo Pinaom, to the maine Land of Malacca, and to the Kingdome of lunsalaon. By RICHARD HAKLVYT Preacher, AND SOMETIME STUDENT OF CHRIST CHVRCH IN OXFORD. IMPRINTED AT LONDON BY GEORGE BISHOP, RALPH NEWBERy, AND ROBERT BARKER. ANNO 1599. ; '. DEDICATION TO THE FIRST EDITION. TO THE RIGHT HONOURABLE SIR ROBERT CECIL KNIGHT, Principall Secretarie to her Maiestie, Master of the Court of Wardes and Liueries, and one of her Maiesties most honouradle Priuie Counsell. RIGHT Honorable, hauing newly finished a Treatise of the long Voyages of our Nation made into the Leuant within the Streight of Gibraltar, and from thence ouer-land to the South and Southeast parts of the world, all circumstances considered, I found none to whom I thought it fitter to bee presented then to your selfe: wherein hauing begun at the highest Antiquities of this realme vnder the gouerment of the Romans ; next vnder the Saxons and thirdly ; since the conquest vnder the Normans, I haue continued the histories vnto these our dayes. The time of the Romans affoordeth small matter. But after that they were called hence by forren inuasions of their Empire, and the Saxons by degrees became lords in this Hand, and shortly after receiued the Christian faith, they did not onely trauell to Rome, but passed further vnto Jerusalem, and therewith not contented, Sigelmus bishop of Shirebume in Dorcetshire caried the almes of king Alfred euen to the Sepulcher of S. Thomas in India, (which ^jlace at this day is called Maliapor) and brought from thence most fragrant spices, and rich iewels into England : which iewels, as Dtdkalivn to First Edition. William of Maiincshurii; in two sundry treatises writcth, wore remaining in the aforesayd Cathedrall Church to be scene euen in his time. And this most mcmurahie voya^^e into India is not onely mentioned l)y the aforesayd Malnieslnirie, l)iit also by Morentius Wi^ornicnsis, a graue and woortliy Aiilhor which lined before him, and by many others since, and euen by M. I'oxe in his first volume of his acts and Monuments in the life of king Alfred.
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