NÚMERO 158 ANTONIO ORTIZ MENA L. N. AND DREW FAGAN Relating to the Powerful One: Canada and Mexico’s Trade and Investment Relations with the United States JULIO 2007 www.cide.edu Las colecciones de Documentos de Trabajo del CIDE representan un medio para difundir los avances de la labor de investigación, y para permitir que los autores reciban comentarios antes de su publicación definitiva. Se agradecerá que los comentarios se hagan llegar directamente al (los) autor(es). • D.R. ® 2007. Centro de Investigación y Docencia Económicas, carretera México-Toluca 3655 (km. 16.5), Lomas de Santa Fe, 01210, México, D.F. Fax: 5727•9800 ext.6314 Correo electrónico:
[email protected] www.cide.edu Producción a cargo del (los) autor(es), por lo que tanto el contenido así como el estilo y la redacción son su responsabilidad. Acknowledgements This working paper is the end result of a conference held at Harvard’s Weatherhead Center for International Affairs. “Relating to the Powerful One: How Canada and Mexico View their Relationship with the United States” (May 5-6, 2003), organized by Jorge I. Domínguez (Weatherhead Center), Maureen Molot (Carleton University) and Rafael Fernández de Castro (ITAM), proved to be an auspicious occasion to engage in much needed dialogue on lessons in dealing with the United States. This economic issues chapter, as well as chapters on other topics, will be published in book form, in Spanish, during the second semester of 2007. Abstract Despite being members of the North American Free Trade Agreement and facing a common and powerful neighbor, Canada and Mexico have not always looked to each other for lessons in how to deal with the United States in economic affairs.