Illt-Widee Valuatiaon Saars W~Ilson Akears Con World Ecsonomics
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, -t f~~ in-LUME -91 NUMBER SI ) A NOVEMBE 30, 1971 ~ fCMRDE ASCUE-SFV ET Und~giad educatioM: | ~By Paul Scfdler T~he source noted that one Dlisconcerting information way to make elimination easier |has reached The Tech in recent wvould be to follow current plans |weeks which casts doubt on to creat~e a separate undergrad- MIT's intitutional dedication to uate division. "If the funds for udergraduate education. this facet of MIT's operations ' No onse can doubt the car- were sepazate and visible, the rent adiiato' dedication probable losses would be easier to undergaduate educationl," to point to,," he noted, in- saidl inlformed souces, "but the creasn pressure to drop the -Institutewide -trends axe in unprofitable enterprise- another direction: research and He concluded b0y no~ting that, graduateeducation,' "the Corporation very probably Exployees ill onle section of has final say in this kind of I the Dea for Student Affar matter, and their approach could office nloted that many there uell be conlsiderably more prag- feel a "essening cmmitment'" matic - and considerably less to udergra duates and uder- idealistic than that of the admn- gradluate education, made, clear istration." Olt -4vs,. W in the budget-ctting priorities. Kenneth Hloffman., former The seod fkwdonp entry to f em~k~m OWpwmpting an iret*Uon which I91 -oriuennted activty seems chaira of the Commlittee on Swent Ceter wer Wcked off fo'oe a week eseed dt all the damr had Worn excessively. tos be gettimg hit hardest,"" noted MIT Education, whose -report as iron wokr - intlldnw doo catche and Some 2-3 people pass through ffhese ;one staffer, "'just as we were suggsted the creation of an malcing some progress in humna- undergaduate im ovtdadw oing parLOn f te dos f doorsdaily, bwuding almost 1200 who use eithier king the envirnment." division to cover o¢ff reetl. rwaly mpsng tw Sfixient Cente 11I olr 20 Chy es. jPiotp lby shemon Lo wenu the freshmanx and sophomore _ L __ L __ _ _ _ _ C rThe major rationale for cut- years, called such allegations, I 'ting out students -seems to be 'unt=."9 He added that "We moneq. A highy placed Sloan school official noted that: "In were trying to point out new I IllT-widEe valuatiaon saars spite of the mnuddled state of the, direcuoos for undergraduate educationl, to which most of us FAcatioal. rPfcy,, thle SD9Msc poect is one.) Baker explained budget, it's clear tht unlder- here are firmly commlitted," He The fbr nI~tiute-e Sub- submite the pr^et to tbrE that the rspnors then consid- graduate education loses a great seemed to think that some tur- itct e~d a~k p r~t Will &e't CEP for its xdm. exed approaching individual fac- deal of money.' moil over the proper balance of wdeiay- toda and ioomw, The EP9 in ilts rely en- uity members to request assis- The o~ffcial went on to note undergaduate education, be- gith atpproximatl ;t0,0 tance, bult deemig this too time that, "Undergraduates are Anot as- tweenl sciences and humanities, psiniple. andco n endthe consmie, thy have chosen to useful inI research as graduate tdUf lvne gsg = 6 for example, was visible. Others pxcect, bUt sed 'that it felt cmduct the evauations through students are; thus graduate stu- havre speculated that this tunnoil The somy imiel* sifudt that any survey designd to Se lig group distribution (there dents are more valuablLe, relt- might be mistaken for indecision wth o acut or adm th "cOaSwme lresaCWL tukt wIalso be a booth in Bldg. lO tivrely less expenie to educate-" triio partcpato except in sho~d propeDy be entiely stu todaay aM tomorrow to distribS He noted that a year age, there about all of undergraduate edu- tkeal uplaif bges iss1 dn rn. (Te CEP ddC' ute questionnars to non- .wvas "'noticeably" more senti- cation. bem jointl sponsore by Xh operate td a certain extet by eident students). ment agais underpdadte eda- On numerous occasions, both 'CMof`72 -td.TCA Accoiding apeCeing tO md a lette to the Baiker also noted that after cation than there is now. "plwt Chancellor Gray and President (o f~reY Baker 72,,O o "72 NUT instructin tf which thke questionnies have been ning for the eimntion of Wiesner have re-affirmed their Feddet, the.qustionaiies;wi wol comed eforft to i- compild, they wiiH be sent to undergraduates doesn't seem to personal commitmenlt to under- be compied durn December prveStdet-eae feedback, te instructors involved some- be going on any more, at this graduate education, in both the ad Jaua2y-' an th eis of -which the laa of 72-TCA time after grades are out. point."" long and short haul at MIT. be made avlble to anMU stuents beoe th einto & spring =nesftr. The evg hato projet wf W~ilson akears con world ecsonomics focus on- 1=slitute addepa -- Mental egurdetsX-n 13ke By Fet Feka After sprinlng a few quota- GATT's [General Agreement on sible or im perm issible de ro ga- " pointe ot that Vor stafi%- Speaking at Tufts Unvesity tions in French ino his lecture, Trades and Tarriffsj twin, the tions from GATT, whose fun- tim remns subjcs Wihfewe an Sunday evening the Right Wilon remarked "I've got to Bretton Woods monetary agree- damentals, if not unchallenged, tha 20 suents woul not be .Honorable Harald Wilson, for- keep on quoting F~rench because ment, is now being called in no one country seems to want to included in bm evabafin ~mer Britis Pie Mnste amd President Pompido~u said we question ona aft sides, GATT tae the initiative in Tiepealing. The q- efovmk welcoss now thie leade of Her ~ajestess must. I've got to show tbhat some suvves. The monetary xons Import surcharges, such as Bri- of trepars Tr Coure ever~oyal otpposition,, dismme of us stl can.' quences of.-August 15th could tain introduced in 1964, and 'B Tthe " an - QCm on thie history of postwar ecom W~it comaments such as these, well blo>w sky-higf much that President. Nixon -followed by Ments.7> peed~ed by a brief omi deveopmnents frm th the MP ingratiated himself with has reaied 'unchanged sice the new Danish government -in expaatio3 4i the Progrmn ide, vtaepoinft of an insider- tfie audience or approximately Bretton Woods:. equaLly far- 197 l, are defended as a tempor- in the SpnsO n s~ting Wfsnws topic, 'World Trade 600 who stuggled to follow hims reaching proposals o3n trade stil ary bending of the GAn5 tbeir PhD to "Pnont StmDig 'adPaymet: The End of th thoug a economic discussion tend to be discussed. as permis (Plezase turn to pqage 2) and wrea points in MT's C Keynes-Clayton Era,', was which wras difficult for te unini- oferigs." Under "Te Course" appropitl chse sic th. tiated. Wilson 'credited Clayton WMR be quefone (askn fr speech was the first oxf thee wit ben the originator of the revse on a On WQ fiv c pxesentations in th 971 Wfi Marhl Pha anld claimed that it Ptobig the orgniato and hiam L. Clayton DMemoriAl Lee -was Clayton's memorandulm of general rale of -,he subet; tures- Claytoat a United-States May 27, 1947, which sparked "'The 'feacher quere i em- dilpomat actke in negfati~on the Marsha Plan speech of Julne Phasiz^e teachig techniue. which establishied the strctur 5,, 1947- The former PM went an Whie the --Comiaentse^ wseinn of world trade mli the ps-a to quote John J. McCloy';s ap- ,welme "anthig you wol worN, ended his d prisl -of Clayton: "4If he were bl~e to s,- it aLSO pmmpts careras Undewrtx Of stte alv todayf[this was 19681 he pemnal r ws. in& are=s in charg of Econlomic A~fairsn woul be deeply pa-ed by the pace, intexest, text and lectues 1947. At the tender age of 31,, efforts of thlose who woulld de-- homeworkc, andL qui= Te Wilson was Brita s; Miiter of plere the concept of Atlantic questionnieas asks the stu-' Trade ad hence Claytons cu- unity ad co-operation as some-- dent to identif hi year and terpart in avery citia post-wr thing alen to the fredom, peace major as" *re as thie subject -period.-Wilo stated tihat"I anad prosperity of Europe. The nUm~ber and his instructrs the Unxited States repombilty thougt that Europe's interests ]Baker, duteg the deveop- for ovesea eoDF- mic1 ffis adthose of the-Un ited States ment of the prorm sai 7tha adhered in --the State Depar-_ are fnamentally antagonistic, te idea fo the evaluation Grg men, wit WE Clayon ita as soe woud have us -believre, -iLs n3ated wit h cla of -72,o in unique chrg -te Sertr tbfi! negation of all that Will eels lat but Jay stant of Stat semdwligt dek- -Clayton stood for and it is 'a until thfis fam Coneuntly, gate thes matters fly to hir,, concept whichca not endure if t ependently bea ds and there appeae in thaw days we are to achieve the free and lassing suibjt aualtionoii not to be the kin of multi- peaceful world which he sought RAlY intendn to siplyt capabiity par-mxlisient.1 para- to prosper te remits -overto instmaom omriotent, Whieiou secree In readto President Nxon's Mfer a senue of meeins wit trit of the kid we hav coae. demarche in econ~omic policy Dens Roert Holden adDaie to kow and loveow t^h;S pa 3nounced on August 15, 197 1, t*hart Proas Walter Rosn- decade' ThAe auldieneoad 'Wilson posted that: "While the bfith and t- Committe o withi laughter ~ -fund amental - concept, of Photo by Dave Tennembzum PAGE 2 TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 0, 1971 TH T 1- - -- A.