BOR Approves New Faculty Credit for Prior Learning Workshop
rna July 8,1981 Vol. 10, No. 1 Published by Univers~tyRelations Sangamon State University Springfield, IL 62708 BOR approves new faculty The lllinois Board of Regents, Good has been named assistant meeting JuneI8 at Sangamon State, professor of communication and approved the appointment of five public affairs reporting. She has new faculty members for the Uni- held teaching positions at Florida versity. They are: David E. O'Gor- International University, Southern Credit for man, Gary L. Trammell, Sherrie lllinois University and Ball State prior learning Good, Jack Van Der Slik and Phyllis University and has worked with a Walden. number of campus newspapers as workshop set O'Gorman will join SSU as a pro- well as with the Miami Herald. She fessor of business administration. helped establish an internship pro- Since 1972 he has been associated gram in broadcast news and print Persons interested in receiving" with Husson College, Bangor, Me., journalism at the Hollywood (Flor- college credit for prior learning are an institution which focuses exclu- ida) Sun Tattler. invited to attend a workshop and sively on business administration Van Der Slik, who will be profes- reception at 4 p.m. on Wednesday, programs. At Husson he served as sor of political studies, is a former July 15, at Sangamon State. The assistant to the president, director consultant to SSU's Legislative Stu- workshop, sponsored by SSU's In- of admissions, coordinator of long- dies Center as well as to the public novative and Experimental Studies range planning, director of infor- information committee of the Illi- Cluster, will be held in Brookens mation systems development and nois Constitutional Convention.
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