For Immediate Release January 2013 c o n c e r t s e r i e s Press contact: John Orlando, 1-831-539-0000
[email protected] Distinguished Artists Concert Series Now in its 28th year, The Distinguished Artists Concert Series proudly presents Amit Peled, Cellist Sunday, March 17, 2013, 3 PM Resurrection Church, 7600 Soquel Drive, Aptos TICKETS: on sale now $____ or at the door 831-539-000 On what is probably the most famous cello in the world, Amit Peled will touch his skilled fingers on the fingerprints of music legendaries for the March 17 Distinguished Artists concert in Aptos. 7KHFHOORZDV3DEOR&DVDOVWKHZRUOG¶VPRVWIDPRXVFHOOLVWRIODVWFHQWXU\ (see attached article). Peled, has earned international critical praise as a musician of profound artistry and charismatic stage presence. The New York Times described his music as having a ³glowing tone, a seductive timbre and an emotionally pointed approach to phrasing´ He is a professor at The Johns Hopkins University and been featured on television and radio stations throughout the world, LQFOXGLQJ135¶V³3HUIRUPDQFH7RGD\´:*%+%RVWRQ:4;51HZ<RUN:)07&KLFDJR Deutschland Radio Berlin, Radio France, Swedish National Radio & TV, and Israeli National Radio & TV. Peled has performed as a soloist at Carnegie Hall, Alice Tully Hall, New York; Salle Gaveau, 3DULV:LJPRUH+DOO/RQGRQ.RQ]HUWKDXV%HUOLQDQG7HO$YLY¶V0DQQ$XGLWRULXPIn &KLFDJR¶V0LOOHQQLXP3DUNPeled joined the legendary Krzysztof Penderecki for his cello concerto; performed with Maestro Michael Stern and the IRIS Orchestra; the San Francisco Opera Orchestra; and with the Israel Chamber Orchestra. Peled released his third Centaur 5HFRUGV&'³5HIOHFWLRQV´LQWKHVXPPHURf 2012, Mr.