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S.t2 '15 .3. v/~ M41~------------------------------------------------~ c,yA SOUTH CAROLINA STATE HOSPITAL R I PALMETTO STATE HOSPITAL · E R T PINELAND, STATE DOC y A STATE TRAINING SCHOOL AND HOSPITAL Vol. 13 No. 11 COLUMBIA, SOUTH CAROLINA December, 1965 \SUMTER A .T ~AL·62407 1636 SUMT ERS · ·pher.t- AL-62410 701 HARDENS~ _ COLU181A.S.C. Ralph E. Mehlman (right), President and Lewis C. Black, Vice President, Mehlman Inc., Columbi~ S. C., on November 9, 1965 presenting to Dr. WilliamS. Hall, State Commissioner of Mental Health and Superintendent, S. C. State Hospitals, two Magnovox twenty-seven inch screen TV sets for the patients. Next to Dr. Hall is Julian M. Kelly, Chief, Warehousing Section, De partment of Mental Health. One TV set was given by Mehlman, Inc., for the S. C. State Hos - pital and the other for the Palmetto State Hospital. Photo by Kent Studio WILLIAMS. HALL, M.D . STATE COMMISSIONER OF MENTAL HEALTH AND SUPERINTENDENT, STATE HOSPITALS FRANCES C. SHIMMEL, EDITOR variety 2 December, 1965 Sol B. McLendon, M. D. Advisor The Convocation Honors were a tribute Mrs. Inez N. Fripp Special to Dr. Whitten who retired on August 12, Mrs. Maril n B. Summers T ervisor 1965 as superintendent of Whitten Village, Clinton, which he organized in 1919. H 0 S P I T A L N 0 T E S Mrs. Inez N. Fripp The address was delivered by Ron. Robert E. McNair, Governor of South ACTIVIT!f:S OF DR . WILLIAM S. HALL, Carolina. STATE COMMISSIONER OF MENTAL HEALTH, SUPERINTENDENT, SOUTH CAROLINA AND Dr. Whitten's life has been and con PALMETTO STATE HOSPITALS - AND - tinues to be dedicated to the cause of PINELAND, A STATE TRAINING SCHOOL children in the special group cared for AND HOSPITAL at Whitten Village. This has been the dominating force of his very existence; November 11, 1965, Dr. Hall attended and his energies, intelligence and com the Board meeting of the S. C. Alcoholic passion have been devoted to their wel Rehabilitation Program held in the new fare and interests. Throughout the state , Rutledge State Office Building, Columbia. and far beyond its borders, Dr. Whitten's gentleness, real concern and practical November 12, there was participation helpfulness have benefited thousands in the Governor's Interagency Council of his "children" and their families; on Mental Retardation at the Columbia and it is not surprising that he is College. referred to as the Dr. Albert Schweitzer of South Carolina. On Sunday, November 14, in the Chapel of Hope, South Carolina State Hospital, From January 15, 1916 to December 13, Dr. Hall presented the Certificate of 1918, Dr. Whitten was an assistant Appointment aq Chaplain to the Rev. physician at the South Carolina State Burton J. Newman during the impressive Hospital (assigned to State Park, now installation ceremonies. Palmetto State Hospital). He resigned to organize and become the superintendent Originally from Philadelphia, Penn., of the State Train~ng School at Clinton. Chaplain Newman served as pastor, Low This school for the mentally retarded Moor Presbyterian Church, Low Moor, of South Carolina was opened on Septem va., prior to entering the clinical ber 14, 1920. In 1923, the name was pastoral education program at the S. C. changed to the S. C. State Training State Hospital in September 1963. He School. In 1954, the S. C. General has been acting supervisor of clinical Assembly officially entitled the school pastoral education since April 1964, Whitten Village, honoring Dr. B. 0. and is now a staff chaplain on a per Whitten, the first and the only superin manent basis. tendent. DR. WHITTEN HONORED BY THE The State Training School opened in PRESBYTERIAN COLLEGE 1920 with about 100 "children" cared for in a comparatively small farm house ~~on. C. M. Tucker, Jr., of Pageland, located near Clinton. Today, Whitten Chairman, S. C. Mental Health Commission, Village covers 1,800 acres and there are with Mrs. Tucker and Dr. and Mrs. William more than 50 buildings. The resident S. Hall attended the ceremonies in the children now number more than 2,500. Belk Auditorium, Presbyterian College, From an initial appropriation of $87,000 Clinton, S. C. , on Sunday, December 5, in 1919 to a current operating budget of 1965, when Clinton Hall was dedicated, nearly $3 million, plus a more than $2 and Dr. Benjamin Otis Whitten was hon million building program now in progress, ored with the presentation of Doctor is a dramatic summary of over 40 years of Humanities Degree. progress, years long, difficult and (Continued on page 3) variety December, 1965 (Continued from page 2) o~e was placed on ward 204, men, at the S. C. State Hospital and the other challenging, but rewarding to Dr. Whitten. in Building 13, women, at Palmetto State Hospita 1. Singlehandedly, Dr. Whitte~ won the support of a then relucta~t State Leg Since~e gratitude is expressed to islature and an indifferent public . His Nelllo:nan Inc. for tl-:is thoughtfulness determination to arouse interest in tte ,.,;1ic:;. means so much to so many of the welfare of the "chi:dren" and to secu.:-e pa tier.ts. things for their welfare are inspira tional. CA RIL!..0'\1 PARADE NOVE~1BER 25, 1965 One of the fir.est accomplishmen':s wa s securing the coo?eratlon of the alert Se~eral thousand patients at the parents and the organization of the S. C. State Hospital had the pleasure Parents Club, with t:Jei:::- cl•Jb b:..ti lc1i:1g of seeing part of the 1965 Carillon on the campus . Parade on a tour of the hospital campus. Dr. B. 0. Wbitten bas retired from In additior. to the always interesting active service at Whit~en Vill2ge, but equestrian units, there were five there is the certainty that he win be beautiful floats, among them the musical close by for guidance, wise counse l Chapel Bells and the ever welcomed and above all, friendliness for trainee Santa Claus in person. and personnel alike. There is deep appreciation to each Truly a great South Ca rolinian , onP who shared in affording this joy Dr. Whitten. to the patients. ON 'fV P?.OG~MS Born on Augu st 12, 1886 "in ti1e •:ou:-,try H;:-s. Inez No:an F:ripp, Executive near Pendleton," he was t~1e son of Edward Se.:r~:::ta;~y, Department of Mental Health, and Martha Douhit Wh~tten. After com was on TV twice recen~ly regarding the pletion of gramoar school, he educated Y'/CA c:-1::-istmas program W~1ere she is a himself prior to entering the Medical aoa~d of Director~ member and chairman, School of Emory University in Atlanta, I ntc:-<.:J.ub C.;)un·.:il . November 22, 1965, Georgia. He graduated at the top of she o:: Lois Quatt.!.ebaurr. ' s WNOK his class in 1913 and then practiced " 'ij'o~·J.d of Wonen"; and o:1 November 23, his profession in "t:1e :-qgged count;:-y ." or; Alice H~rman's \.VIS "Let's Fiad Out." For a while he practiced in an Ocon ee County textile commenity and then {_n S •__ C . 2:'ATZ rl_OSP_I'!',<\l,: 1 1916 joined the staff of the 3. C. ·NURSEs'--·---- Atm1r> I State Hospital, resigning to organize cm:UJD'!L\S,,;::,;:...;:__;_~ Pl\RTI __ the trainil~g school, r,mv Whitten Village. Or< tl:!e eveaing of December 9, 1965, He married Miss Myra Bal:enger of ti-:.c So•1t~1 Ca:.·olina Stat8 ~-Io.spital Nurses ' Seneca and they have two daughters and Alummc enjoyed the anr:ua 1 Chr istlilas three grandchildren. par-ty in the stately Hills Building on the hospital calilpus . GIFT OF THO T.V SETS FROM MEHLNAN' S T.he four parlors were unusually lovely with gilded magnolia leaves, On November 9, 1965, R. E. Mehlman, poi!lset t ias, sever a 1 forr.:a 1 arrangements, Pre s ident and Lewis C. Black, Vice choir boys o~ t he piano and a large President, of Mehlman Inc., Columb ia, frosted C ~r ist!nas tree. personally delivered to Dr. WilliamS. Hall two beautiful Magnavox t-wenty A gr~up of young students from the seven inch screen TV sets for the Columbia Jible College presented a 11 ai.._;_ents. (Continued on page 4) variety 4 December, 1965 (Continued from page 3) 2A Josephing Allen, Reporter musical rendition of the Christmas story. The Bayview Baptist Church gave 2A On the beautifully decorated table a Christmas party the evening of Decem centered with a single tall golden candle ber 14th. The group sang carols and were sandwiches, tidbits and fruit cake the music of "Here Comes Santa Claus." served with red holiday punch. Everyone closed their eyes and when they opened them a real live Santa Gifts to all the guests from the alumni Claus appeared. were distributed by Mrs. Annie Starnes. He distributed to everyone gifts Committee chairmen of this delightful consisting of cosmetics and hard candy. party were: service, Miss Beulah L. Following this a social hour was en Gardner; program, Mrs. Annie Starnes, joyed and coffee and cake were served. and social, Mrs. Mabel Wilson. At the end everyone formed a circle Officers of the alumnae ; president, and sang "Blest Be the Tie That Binds" Miss Allie Greene; vice-president, followed by a prayer from Santa Claus Miss Beulah L. Gardner; secretary, Mrs. who proved to be a deacon of the church Marga Livingston and treasurer, Mrs. Clara Lever. Saunders Building Helen Bowman, Reporter N E W S A R 0 U N D T H E W A R D S Mrs.