'Happkhr^^">'^^^''' Hap)})'Eating! «G^S ^I Monti

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'Happkhr^^ Saturday, Dae. '2Sth, Christ­ carry out the cropland mas Day, decided members of let-aaide program, should it Courthouse To Be PAo,:^*., .^^ ,,K, „,„,„„, „,,,„,,, ,^!^f«»^^-^'^;«^;^::^'^^2S222'*'*=f'^'^^ be deemed necessary. the Commissioners' Court in USDA SEEKS COMMENTS jaasion laataaak. However The Secretary must make a Closed preliminary determination as the court voted to allow the ffiCTION THREE, 8 PAGES EAGLE LAKE, TEXAS, 77^4 DECEMBER 13, 1876 to the set-aside of cropland county offices to be cfoaed ON 1977 MCE PItifilUM Dec. 24, 25 only on Sat., Janoarj 1st for by Dec. 81, 1976, but before The U.8. DMartawnt of If the Secretary estimstee doing so, he will give The ^unU eatiKkouae in the New Year's holiday and the courthouse will be open CIQ\J$ Afrienltare tUSDA) has iktt this is the case, he is consideration to any wrnten Columbus win doaa all day on REfill Santa Greeted School Xmas, eaM for eoouncots on the required to determine (1) comments received. These FViday, Dae. 24th, Christmas all dv on FViday, Dae. 3lst 'HappKHr^^">'^^^''' for convenience of those t 1977 rice promm. whether there should be a comments should be sub­ Eve and also all day on N.Y. Holidays Current TegisUtion au- aet-aaidt requirement for riee mitted to the Director, citizens who have year-and thoriies the Secretary of tor the 1977 crop and, if so, Grains, Oilseeds and Cotton business to conduct in the wnhoiii The Riee School Diftriet AipricuHure to provide for a the extant of such require­ Division; Agricultural Sta­ courthouse offices. will obeenre a IODK ChiictiUM Free set-aside «f cropland for the ment; (2) whether there bilization and Conservatfon; of the Director, Room 3741 of and New Year% holiday 1977 crop if he estimates that should be provisians for USDA; Washinaton, D.C. Hap)})'Eating! t prizes to period arain thia year, with USDA's South Building dur­ the carryover of riee on Aug. addRional divernon of crop­ 20250 and must be received the hoUdajr break beginning ing regular business hours. 1. 1978 will be more than 15 land and, if so the extent of no Ister than December 27, at the dote of daaaea on The Secretary will make a such cropland diversion and 1976. All writtan comments WishtnaHbu Friday, Dee. 17th and rcent of the total supply final determination on 1977 the payment rate; and (81 will be made available for ^i •ontinuing through Sunday, Kiw. 1, 1977 carryover plus set-aside provisions no later SantalsMst S 7 Big Prizes | Frii 1977prodttctkm). Other provisions necessary to public inspection in the office than April 1,1977. /HI «g^s Jan. 2nd. 1. Solid State Multi-Band Portable Radio, AM-FM 2. Proctor Silex Toaster-Ovon Unit « 3. Sunbeam Professionaire 5SS Li-ii^-i-ii^J^S.. •v^v. Blower/Styler # Specials good for Christmas « Bia Davs ^^""'"-' ^'" '*'"" '•*<" ^'''•' ^i<urs., & Pn., W7 ^ '•- - ^ Dec. 16,17,18,20,21,22.23. & 24 L^-(.-sV «Ste»i. - • • Joe Duncan, president o( UM Eagle Lake Chamber of Commerce, 1^, welcomes Santa Claus on Ms annual rislt to the children of the community Saturday, Dec. Uth fol- Fresh Produce Delivered to MilleJ lowlni his arrival In the helicopter, In the backpound,plk)f J Three Times a Week edi)y Dan Thornton. Nearly eight hundred youngsters, and many parents and others, braved cold threatening weather to visit with Santa during his annual pre-Christmas visit to the Celery community, sponsored by the Chamber of Commerce. Large Santa Bas Many Parallels 1' * if M ORANGES in Other Farts of the World .,1 Christmas to American The good youngsters find ^ Green children conjures up visions gifts in the morning but the 5 Lb. Bag of Santa in his red suit, with naughty find only a black I Onions 2 Bunches 35c his sack full of gifts, stuff­ mark on their wrists. ing stockings merrily on Finnish children eagerly VF fel'i'lKJ^ 2 Bu. 35c Christmas Eve, while rein­ await gifts from Father deer prance upon the roof. Christmas, who is a man -. fCranbwies ™= 44< But in Italy, youngsten dressed as a yule goat. The; eagerly await the arrival of A Bulgarian tradition has Ka^»c»4 p Delicioiis APPftS an old woman, called la the Christmas tree and gifts Oscar Hiller Befana. Because she was for youngsters brou^t by Fruit Cocktail 3 for M J told by the shepherds about Grandpa Koleda, who is SWAI the birth of Jesus, legend _ CANS I d»» equivttlmt of xwr Santa Texas says, biit delayed in follow­ Family's Claus. The youngsters do Cliick#6roth i for $11 for ing the Christmas star, she not see the tree or the gifts f Oranges is doomed to search ever until Christmas Eve, when Annual 6 after for the Holy Child. 32 0z.^^£#^ We have Apples and Oranges by the Box real candles are pkced She leaves gifts at each upon the tree and gifts are Sweetheart for your Christmas and New Year's Needs. home, as that might be Q joyously opened. Glade ^ *^' ^^^ where the Christ Giild is staying. Our own Santa Claus is OCEAN SPRAY No. 300 cans probably descended from In Holland, the gift-giver St. Nicholas, who Was a ii Cranberry Sauce 39'! is Sante Klaas, who fills bishop of Myra in Asia MONti shoes either with sweets Minor during the 4th cen­ BAKER'S 12 Oz. Pkg ICut Green NO. 303 and presents or with birch- tury. He was known as the Chocolate Chips 79' I CANS rods. patron saint of maidens, !F1JOUR The Christ-Child brings because of a legend credit­ gifts to children in Germa­ ing him with having pro­ Cherries SHADY LANE vided dowries for the three 5 Lb. Bog VIICIIICJ lOOZ. JAR 47c} ny, as a messenger for the «Whole Beans NO. ^3 new-bom Infant Jesus. This daughters of a poor father. Through the centimes, St. RED LABEL * role is usually enacted by a Karo Syrup PINT ^'( t WK or CS Corn female member of the fam­ Nicholas has become asso­ ily, or a window is left open ciated with gift-giving and and youngsters are told that helping little children. t Sweet Peas « the Christ Child has just It # In Holland, we have al­ 6LADI0LA W bite or Yellow left. ready noted that he be­ M, eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee M. The Christ Child is also came known as Sante Klaas, 5 DOLE ^ « I awaited in Switzerland, but and it wa^ under that there the representative of guise that he was intro­ Corn Bread Mix die Infant Jesus is drawn duced to America, by the through the streets in a Dutch setders in New Am­ J NO. 2 sleigh, by small deer. sterdam. But it was not until 1822 that the figure of D2L MONTE Swedish youngsters look Jno Brile Rice ' To^ 59* Santa Claus as we know Spiced Peaches NO. 2 1/2 JAR 89c forward to die gifts brought him today, really took form. by Jultomten, a somewhat Popcorn 'cl^ t^ 33( STUFFED gnomish figure. However, A professor of divinity, I 7 OZ. JAR # CtRALBAY BATH SIZE BARS Towie Olives 79' little elves called Julnissar Dr. Clement Clarke Moore, Llbby's Solid must be placated with por­ decided to write a poem Caress BAR SOAP 3for$1 Pumpkin No. 303 Can 3 for M I COCONUT ridge by the young Swedes. for his children as a Christ­ r.-^.J^ DISHWASHER EamUy t1 Tfl mas treat. The resulting KRAFT Si 00 ^ ASST. COLORS In Spain, little children The VisU of St. Nicholas VdSCaOe DETERGENT Size Box ^ |. 17 or. Size Miracle Whip must wait until the feast of presented us with an en­ Zee Napkins 3 for $11 die Epiphany, in January, gaging picture of "a litde # for their gifts. These are old driver, so lively and McCormick Holiday Spices # RAIN BARREL 48 OZ, SIZE brou^t by the Three Kings quidc," with twinkling eyes Christmas is the time to celebrate, the time for love, laughter and merriment. We 1 OZ. CAK RUBBED I OZ. CAN during the night, before Ae and merry dimples. "His feasti The youngsters put \ cheeks were like roses, his 4' < 39< Fabric Softener $1i9 out shoes on balconies or GR0U}» ' ^ C*" VANILLA nose luce a c^ierry, wrote 20Z.BTU window-sills, and fill them Nutmeg 65< Extract 59< Moore, "and the beard on ^ laKFHIf Kraft MARSHMALLOW with straw w barley for the his chin was as white as die Ivoutd like tir^xpfess a wish for a beautiful holiday season to all of our wonderful # Vllbnik 7 OZ. JAR 41' * ^ ^' ^^^ ^^- '•FAVORS camels of the Three Kings. snow." Moore described St. The Kings show their ap­ ^ KRAFT MINIATURE Nicholas as being "chubby I Pledge preciation by leaving gifts and plump — a ri^t jolly HI 10 OZ in retuTD. friends and patrons. We are happy to have so many fine friends and we look forward to QOC # TRASH BAGS . ^ J^ old elf," who busied him­ * Marshmallows PKG. In Syria, the camel that self filling die children t J Baggie$.ocou^99c ?°AN^59t carried one of the Wise stockings. No wonder this Men, brings gifts to chil­ description captured the doing business with you again in the future. * dren on New Year's Day. imagination of America's .% Reynolds kgeod goes, is that die Today, diai^ to Moon's camel, being the youngest classic poem and Thomas I DUNCAN NINES of die thriee that bore the Nast's illustrations during Wise Men, was exhausted the ISOQs, we see Santa as We hove a good supply of f ^Q i L by the journey to find the a joUy,generous old gent- KORN KING I Luncheon Meat B OZ.
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