Space, time, tradition Studies undertaken at the Doctoral School of the Budapest Liszt Academy Edited by Péter Bozó Tér, idő, hagyomány-ang-1.indd 1 2013.12.05. 20:02:56 Tereido_cover_final.indd 9 12/5/13 1:04 PM Tér, idő, hagyomány-ang-1.indd 400 2013.12.05. 20:05:27 Space, time, tradition Studies undertaken at the Doctoral School of the Budapest Liszt Academy Edited by Péter Bozó Tér, idő, hagyomány-ang-2.indd 3 2013.12.06. 13:35:05 Tereido_cover_final.indd 9 12/5/13 1:04 PM First published in Hungary in 2013 by Rózsavölgyi & Co (founded 1850) H–1052 Budapest, Szervita tér 5. Copyright © 2013 András Batta, Péter Bozó, Anna Dalos, Soma Dinyés, Gabriella Gilányi, Balázs Horváth, Nóra Keresztes, Andrea Kovács, Veronika Kusz, Judit Rajk, Anna Scholz, Ferenc János Szabó, Boglárka Várkonyiné Terray Edited by Péter Bozó The book was published with the support of European Union and with the co-financing of European Social Fund. The cover design is based on a page from a twelfth-century copy of Boethius’ treatise on music De musica. Managing editor: Gergely Fazekas Cover design: Ferenc Szabó Technical manager: Julianna Rácz Pre-press preparation: Cirmosné ISBN 978-615-5062-13-1 ISSN 2064-3780 All rights reserved. No part of this book shall be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted by any means – electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise – without written permission from the publisher.
[email protected] Printed in 2013 by Prime Rate Ltd. Managing director: Péter Tomcsányi Tér, idő, hagyomány-ang-1.indd 4 2013.12.05.