Denver Journal of International Law & Policy Volume 17 Number 2 Winter - Symposium Article 7 May 2020 The Whale War between Japan and the United States: Problems and Prospects Kazuo Sumi Follow this and additional works at: Recommended Citation Kazuo Sumi, The Whale War between Japan and the United States: Problems and Prospects, 17 Denv. J. Int'l L. & Pol'y 317 (1989). This Article is brought to you for free and open access by Digital Commons @ DU. It has been accepted for inclusion in Denver Journal of International Law & Policy by an authorized editor of Digital Commons @ DU. For more information, please contact
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[email protected]. The "Whale War" Between Japan and the United States: Problems and Prospects KAZUO SUMI* I. PREFACE Recently, the "whale war" between Japan and the United States has resurfaced over the Japanese research whaling issue. On January 13, 1988, sixteen major environmental groups in the United States filed a lawsuit against the U.S. government "in an attempt to force economic sanctions against Japan's fishing industry for its outlaw whaling."1 On January 27, Representative Don Bonker introduced a Congressional Resolution to the effect that "the United States should encourage other nations to impose broad economic sanctions against nations which continue to whale in defi- ance of the international moratorium." In submitting this Resolution to the House of Representatives, he condemned the Japanese and Icelandic research whaling and said as follows: "Under the guise of 'scientific re- search', these nations plan to hunt and kill over 400 whales per year.