November 26,1872

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November 26,1872 PORTLAND DAILY PRRKK — " ill ESTABLISHED JUNE 23, 1802. VOL. ■ 11 PORTLAND, UESDAY MORNiNG NOVEMBER 26, 1872 Tl'BWM ce (in urn ινντιιι τ ν a hit THF rOHTL.VM» DAILY PRESS TO LEI. WANTS, LOST, FOUND. publishe 1 every day (Sundays excepted) by the REAL ESTATE. MISCELLANEOUS. BUSINESS DIRECTORY THE Th<> Postmaster will rise merrily in the POBTLAND PlTBLI8HING To Let. PRESS, morn ami draw bis but be shel not lie CO., Girl Wanted. pay, half of double House No. 47 Pleasant street, Agency for Sewing Machines. one of us. At 109 Kxciianoe St, Portland. Amenricsn girl. Good references Geo. R. Darin & Co.'s ONEin good order, eleven rooms, gas and required." \V. ft. IK·. TUESDAY MORNING, NOV. The Assessor she! warble ez he furnace, to No. 55 UÏBB, 974 middle XI. AI 2β, 1872, pouches his Terms: Eight Dollars a Year in advance. Sebago water. Stable room for one horse and car- ANApply DANFORTH, CORNER o£ STATE ST. kiuds οί iVachinea for sale aid to lei pay, but we shel not for we shel riage. « nov2tf BULLETIN. warble, pay Nov. 22d 1872. draw not. THE MAINE STATE PRESS nov23 lw· Bepairing. Gos.slp and «leaning*. The Custom-lions.· officer sliel hev To Let· ! ! hor»e< Lost. $20,000 to Loan ! and and Γβ published every Thursday Morning at $2 58 a rent 7 Bakers. chariots, men servant*, but we shel I in PLEASANT of rooms, on Wilmot near be year; if pal advance, at $2 00 a THURSDAY We arc to loaa in suuia W. C. X·. H Pmrl hi and shel year. A Congress Street. For particulars call on Evening last, between the prepared money COBB, HI. Handy book-markers—Dirty finger». rags go on foot. nolCtf L. ONGrand Trunk Depot and Eastern Promenade, a amount on first A vision rises Rates of TAYLOR. from 9100 to any desired, before me. Advertising : One inch ot space, in bunch of key», the finder will be rewarded by leaving in Portland Cape Eliza- Booksellers aud Stationers. whose skin is length of Column, constitutes a "equare." them at thin office. close mortage· Lubbock, the color uv noo For Rem. de- noi'T, POOG Λ can U mo $150 per square daily iiret week; 75 cents per Portland Nov. 22d, 1872. no23d3t* beth, Westbrook, or Deeriag. Partiel· BRKED.Xo.VrÎliddlf Mediocrity talk ; but it is for genius a.sses.keei,, the Postoths at the Corners. week after; three or continu- FIRST Street· Pollock will be insertions, less, $1 00; CLASS residence, centrally located, con- sirous of ean also be accommoda observe.—IHtraeli. Assessor and will ν χ the ing oilier after first building every day week, 50 cents. taining 13 rooms, bath room, stable on Half A &c., everywhere to canvass for ted with loan». righteous. square, three insertions or less, 75 cents; one premises. Particularly suited for a WANTED—AGENTSthe of the Book Binders. week. SI physician. lliatory Great fire irf Bon· I shel go back with throat 00; 50 cents per week after. nov!3tf AppÎy to GEO. It. DAVIS & Col. Russell H. GEO. R. ©AVIS & CO,, It is not a which Douglas Jerrold définis as my parched, and Special ton, by Conwell, the graphic writer physic may give temporary relief Win. A. QUINCY, Room II, Frulrr'x dogmatism pup- without the Notices, one third additional. CO.^ and celebrated orator. The Broker*. to the sufterer for the first wherewith to an Under writer was an eye-wit- Real Estate and Mortgage few αο.es, but which, from N·. Ill pyism come to buy assuager. head of "Amusmkments," $2 00 per ness. This will be continued use Exchange, Exchange 8t. maturity. I shel to liascum and square Board. the onlv correct and complete ac- brings Piles an<l kindred diseases to go shel say, "Give week: three insertions or less sep24 ___ _tf per $1 50. count, and must sell aid iu the nor is it SMALL Ac Plum to in search of rooms and board can rapidly. weakening invalid, a doctored IHACKFOBD,N».3A me, I pray thee, driuk." Advertisements inserted in the "Maine State be ae- Β. B. under the liquor co umadated at 2U Stree. RUSSELL, Publisher, Boston, Mass. which, popular name of "Bitters" is so Street. Pancake festivals are now the in And Bascom shel his Press" (which bas a circulation in PARTIES by applying Free novl8 FOR SALE. rage Mich- harden heart and stif- large every part nol2tf extensively palmed οΰ on the public as rem- of the State) for $1 00 for iirst MRS. M. I). WOODARD. 2w sovereign fen his and sbel "Likicer per square insertion, edies, but it is a m os I powerful Tonic and igan. neck, say, Is cash." and 50 cents for each SECOND band Printing Press, card and Builders. per square subsequent inser- Haggles alterative, pronounced so the Carpenters His bottle* shel be Oiled with new tion. A Few Good and for sale Call or address. by leading medical -whiskey Rents Wauled. A circular, cheap. authorities of London and WHITNBV Λ J1KAXS, Prarl BROS., Paris, and has been Street, op- and old iJourbon shel be hev in his Address all communications to for at once. learn Boot or Vest HARRIS used the long Tennyson poetically speaks of a pug nose casks, but applied making. Will give time Me. by regular physicians of other countries with posite Park. POUT LAND PUBLISHING CO. while octtOdtf 13S Spring St., Portland, as I shel be IF MATTOCKS & FOX, TO learning, Address "A. B.," Press office wonderful remedial results. "tip-tilted like the petal of a flower." continually dry. nov5dtf 88 Middle street. Exchange street, Portland. novl4 Dentists. His bottles sbel gurgle,but the gnrgle there- Dr. Wells Extract of shel not be but for the To CHANDLER HOUSE, of Jurubeba PB. W. B. JOHNBOW, «Ter H. H. for4me, stranger BUSINESS CARDS. Lei, Partner Wanted. H»r'«. Sin in the soul iz like a slivver within bis retains all the medicinal virtues peculiar to the in the flesh ; gates. 140 Oxford near with all the $700 Capital. at the and plant Staeet, Elm, Enquire BETHEL HILL, ME., must be taken as a permanent curative mortlfikashun iz the natral tew Like the lime-kiln shel my throat be—like HOUSEmodern improvements ; Gas and Wa- WITH PRESS OFFICE. agent. Dye-House. way git rid Sebago Ia there want of the desert. J. H. ter. Enquire on the premises. oct30tt novl4 2w action in your Liver & F. SVIIOKDI, India SI. Velvet Clrak. ov it. great HOOPER, FOR Npleen? Unless relieved at the blood And _SALE. once, becomes dyed and finished. Pogram and Pennibacker, who aruz to Impure by deleterious secretions, producing scrof- STORE TO LET. STKAYEI) OR STOLEN. IS Honee will accommodate 75 Always ulous or skin FOSTER'S hev stood at the recvet nv customs, will hev UPHO guests. diseases, Blotches, Felons, Pustules, Dye House, 44 Union Street.* A great fault—That a man thinks himself LSTERER, 11H tilled with summer tourists during the season, Canker, Pimples, &c., &c. to go to work. the with a show of business travel the year.' more than he and esteems himself less brick store in pasture of Silas Russell, a Bay good during Take Jurubeba to Furniture—Wholesale and Retail. is, With their bands will hev to or Nos. 31 and 33 Free large the Rackleff Block, corner Cflll, The best location in situated at the head of cleanse, purify and restore they labor, St, of Middle FROMfour years old, with white hind feet and star in Bethel, the vitiated blood to than he ie worth. will hev A and Ceurch streets—basemeut and It well ventilated rooms in healthy action. WALTER COBBY * If·. they nought to eat. first the face. Any person finding the same will be suita- the Park. has 50 large CO., Arcade, MANUFACTURER OF floor, elegantlv finished and adapted to jobbing with stable and ico house. Will bo sold Have you a Stomach ? 18 Free Street. Life in Kemtucky will lie uv no for or other bly rewarded by returning the same to SILAS RUS- good repair, Dyspepetic unless avail, dry good8 similar trade. Furniture on the most favorable digestiou is aided SELL, West or ANDREW LEIGH- with or without the promptly the is debilitated GEORGE A. A man the monotony thereof will be a burden. Parlor Apply to ALLEN HAINES. Cumberland, is with loss of vital system WHITNEY, No. 50 Ex- young who keeps a collection of Suite, Lounges. Spring TON, corner of Milk and Market terms if applied for at once, as the subscriber go- force, poverty of the Blood, Dropsi- The streets, Portland, cal General change St. of all kind· niggers will vote in peace, and their Beds, Mattresses, ____ septlldtf M·, oelT&tfrwtf ing West. Apply to Tendency, Weakness or Lassitude. Upholstering hair of his lady friend* calls thein his hair- Take it to assist done to order. heads will we not dare to bust. ociedtf F. fil. CHANDLER, Prop'r. Digestion without reaction, it will To Let· impart youthful vigor to the breadth escapes. There will be factories at the McDonengh Patent Bed Lounge·, En· Boarders Wanted. weary stirterer. Comers, and house No. 80 Clark Have you Furniture and school houses ameled ('Unir·, Ac. sreet, containing 13 Sale. weakness of the Intestines? House Furnishing 4<ood*. will abound. BRICKrooms, with modern PLEASANT Parlor tc let with board in a For Ton are in of Chronic improvements. pri- «anger Diarrhoea or the dread- BEN J. cor. and Fed- Mrs. Father was a dele- There will lie school marins with of vate also rooms ΓΙΊΗΕ house on State the un- ful I η ADAMS, Exchange Hyacinthe Loyson Jgg^All kinds of dene.
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