FAIRWAY Dre Attended Yesterday Along with Ca Have Informed Their 286 Em- Chimpanzee C a 11 E D' Ham Today Plucked from the Sea by a Heli a Half Years
vC 1 ‘'I ' T ; -^' TUESDAY. JANUARY SI. 1961 Tht Weathtr ■ry-y'- Avtracfi Daily Nst Praw Ron FvrsessO sf U. S. Weutbsr 1 YACSTWSLTB Far the Week iM M d^nr^fstfir Stifttfng Dae. 81,1860 Fair, very 1 3 ,3 1 4 Low 8 to, U Two circles of the Community $2,000 in Drugs ersBitog etoeffineea, Oeottsoad < Baptist Church Women’s Soeiaty Skating Report Dimes Marcli;. ; jmber ^ the Audit m ih lO to 18.“ A lm u t T o w n win meet tomorrow at.8 pjn. Ike Bureau of Otfeulatles Mancheaimr^A City of Village Charm Estelle Carpenter Circle #01 meet Donated for Neody T o ^ h t ODUndl, Degree of a t the home of Mrs. RusseU A. will nwet tiHnoTrow at Turner, Main St, Talcottvina and "Operstlon -J.C. Doctor” an MANCHESTER, CONN., WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY. !, 1961 (Claaalfled Advertlsbig on Page 14) PRICE FIVE CENTS T:80 pjn, « t oad Fellowa Hall. the Reed-Eaton Circle will meet at nounces that mors than $3,000 in Mothers from Mandiaster aad VOL. LXXX, NO. lOS (SIXTEEN PAGES) mabtiag otticen win be named, the home of Mra Qoyd Christen drug samples have bean coUsetsd S3 towns in Hartford County wtU and there will be a aodal hour. sen, 67 Keeney St. In MandMStwr to be ahippsd to leave their .hemes tonight a t 7 in nesdy foreign medical faculties a last all-out effort to put the K. Stephen Harvey, aon of Iftr. The Manchester PharmadeuUcal oTsrsaas. IMI New Manar of Dimes Drive C(Ud weather continues and ao Ths projsct Invotvas the regu Hartford County over the t “ State News and Hm.
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