Mexicanisims This is a work in progress. I made an earnest effort to achieve accuracy, but I do not guarantee it to be error free. If you have any suggested changes, please forward them to me.
[email protected] Abarrotes.. (bodega) convenience store, grocery store(market) Bodega in Mexico is a warehouse Aborasarce.. to be greedy, to bite of more than you can chew no se la van acabar…they won't be able to handle it, they are not going to get away with it acabarsele el veinte. To run out of time, too late acanalado. Corrugated, flutted No se me achicopale. Don‘t be shy, cheer up, don‘t cry dry your eye, don‘t give up Don‘t look so glum, dicouraged ¡achis!, atishoo! (sneezing) acordar. To remember, to agree acurrocarse………….cuddle, snuggled up, curl up, to nestle acera/banqueta. sidewalk agarrar de botana. To make fun of someone agarrar en caliente. Strike while the iron is hot agarrar en curva to catch someone off-guard agarar la onda. Get the hang of it/ groove/ picture/ mojo/ get with it agarrón. Brawl (fight) arrancón.. Race (car) drag racing Agasajándose ”making out," "petting," "necking." , to get to second base acariciar sexualmente, sin llegar a la realización del acto sexual agasajar means to entertain/lavish/receive kindly/treat affectionately Agradar, simpatizar…. To like agripado-da. To have the flu agrura.. heartburn also sourness, tartness abusado/ achispado… watch out, also bright,sharp,smart aguas / echar aguas / tr- watch out / be on the look out , heads up ¡Mosca con ese carro!.