The Venus Alignment of 14th August 2019 at Lough Gur, Co. L imerick, Ireland

Aine - "Queen of Heaven?" Return of the Divine Feminine : Discovery of Venus Alignment in Ireland.

Diarmuid Mac Gearailt

Have you ever read the "De Vinci code"? It's a work of fiction right? It's not real life right? Well, if you've ever seen Scott Onstotts mind blowing documentary 'Secrets in plain sight', then maybe you would think again? In it he shows how many of the major cities across the globe are designed to a very specific geometry. A geometry that suggests that the architects and planners of these great cities throughout the ages conform to a particular belief system, one that amounts to a secret 'religion' existing in plain sight without much knowledge of the general population. In this piece we are going to explore this concept and perhaps surprisingly, it may bring us a little closer in our understanding of a goddess we know in Ireland as Aine, ‘Queen of the Fairies’. If my memory serves me correctly, the 'De Vinci Code' began in . Our journey begins here too. On a particular street. The most famous street in the world perhaps? The Axe Historique.

The Axe Historique in Paris, .

The Axe Historique is a five kilometer dead straight axis running through the heart of Paris. There are a couple of buildings and monuments to be found on this axis that you might have heard of! At the far eastern end we begin at the musee, world famous museum housing the Mona Lisa painted by the ''grand master'' himself, Leonardo De Vinci. Immediately we pass the Pyramide De Louvre on our journey eastward, said to be the home of the 'holy grail' in Dan Brown’s famous book. Continuing on eastward we pass through the Gardens, past the Luxor obelisk found in Pace de la Concorde, down the Champs Elysee, under the Arch de Triomphe found in Place de l'etoile (place of the star) and before we have broken a sweat we find ourselves standing at La at the western end of the axis. When we look back down the perfectly straight street its hard not to notice the Egyptian symbolism what with the Luxur Obelisk and the Pyramid playing such central roles. Luxor Obelisk, Paris - removed from the Luxor temple, Egypt and arrived in Paris on 21 december 1833. Im sure this fact did not escape researchers Hancock and Bauval either who went even further revealing the Egyptian symbolism encoded on the famous street. Hancock and Bauval claim that the Axe Historique itself is an astronomical alignment. They claim that the axis was designed to align with the rising of the brightest star in the night sky, Sirius.

This fact has been independently verified by a number of researchers and checking it out on easily available astronomy software, I would have to agree. Axe Historique aligned to a heading of 115 degrees Sirius rising on the horizon at the latitude of Paris at azimuth/heading of 115 degrees. Sirius rises at the same point on the horizon every day.

The Axe Historique aligned to a heading of 115 degrees

So, the Axe Historique is aligned to the rising of the star Sirius every day. You may or may not know that in the Egyptian Pantheon of gods, Sirius is associated with the goddess Isis, also known as the 'Queen of Heaven'.

Hancock and Bauval go even farther and claim that Paris is named for the goddess Isis in that the name comes from the melding together of Pharia-Isis : Pharia or Pharos in greek, was the island where one of the wonders of the ancient world, the Lighthouse of Alexandria, was located and a centre of Isis worship in antiquity. Interesting theory! At the western end of the Axe Historique is the aforementioned Grande Arche de la Defence. A modern monument whose unusual style is explained by a quick wikipedia search which states that it is 'a representation of a four dimensional cube'. A hypercube.It is supposed to represent another dimension! A hypercube is to a cube, what a cube is to a square if you follow. La Grande Arche is inviting us to think inter-dimensionally...... isn’t it? ...... And when we look at it, it looks like a door, or a “porte“ as the French would say!

The interdimensional portal that is La Grande Arche is curiously mis-aligned to the Axe Historique. It has been rotated slightly by 6.33 degrees so it is definitely not pointed towards the rising of Sirius. But what is it pointed at? If anything? Jim Alison stepped through this portal already, he drew a line on a map from La Grande Arche in the direction it is pointed and projected the line across the globe...... and that is exactly what we are going to do!

From Phar Isis to Egypt : Dendera Temple of Isis

We end up in the remote Dendera Temple complex in Egypt! Why in the world is La Grande Arche pointed at an obscure partially ruined temple in Egypt? Because the Dendera Temple is the birthplace of Isis, thats why! This is the holiest place in all of Isis worship. It was here that the heliacal rising of Sirius would have been observed by the ancient astronomers. The heliacal rising of a star is the first day a star becomes briefly visible (re- born) on the eastern horizon just before the sun rises. The heliacal (from helios meaning sun) rising of Sirius was considered so important by the Egyptian priests that its first sighting marked the beginning of the new year. The Dendera Temple itself then is pointed in the same way as the Axe Historique, to the point on the horizon marking the rising of the star Sirius. We know that the Dendera Temple was in the consciousness of at least some of the French population. It was 'discovered' after Napolean’s invasion of Egypt in 1798. In 1821 the celebrated ceiling (a depiction of the zodiac as seen through Egyptian eyes) was removed (stolen) from the adjacent Hathor temple and shipped back to Paris. The ceiling is now called the Dendera Zodiac and is suspended in the Louvre museum to this day. Dendera zodiac, suspended in the Louvre.

So a brief recap, La Grand Arche sits on the Axe Historique which in turn is pointed at the rising of Sirius/Isis everyday. La Grande Arche itself is pointed at the Dendera Temple, birthplace of Isis, which is also pointed to the rising of Sirius/Isis every day. And Paris, it is claimed, was named for Isis. Looks like a pattern to me! But we are not finished with La grande Arche just yet, it doesn’t just point in one direction, it points in the opposite direction too! Lets once again step through 'la porte' and see what happens.....

The line passes over Knockfennel (Fennel being Aine’s sister), which lies just beside the largest stone circle in Ireland, Lough Gur. Although close, it is not close enough to be satisfactory! But let’s keep at it, we could be on to something. After we realise that LaGrande Arche is just the device to help us find these sacred sites we can dispense of its services. La Grande Arche connects Dendera to Lough Gur but is not part of the alignment.

When we focus on the Lough Gur - Dendera Temple alignment something magical happens. Let’s have a look!

First of all, thanks to a tip off from Jim Alison, we are going to measure the angle of the line leaving the Dendera temple for Lough Gur. Using an east- west line as base zero the angle of the line leaving for Lough Gur is exactly 51.86 degrees. East - west base line in red is 0 degrees Draw a line to Lough Gur…

Measure the angle - 51.86 degrees 51.86 degrees! That’s an interesting number! The slope of the side of the Great Pyramid is 51.84 degrees. It’s just 0.02 degrees out. Now that‘s a lot more like the kind of precision we are looking for. Almost perfect! But what happens if we draw a line from the Isis 'Queen of Heaven' temple along the correct great Pyramid angle of 51.84 degrees? could that turn up anything interesting? Lets see.....

Our new ‘corrected’ heading of 51.84 degrees

Ard na Ri - High the King? (The High King)

Our new 'correct' heading passes just south of Lough Gur through a townland called Ard na Ri, the High King. Isis 'Queen of Heaven' connected via the great pyramid angle to the 'High King', just a kilometer south of the largest stone circle in Ireland. Isis and Osiris - King and Queen

The symbolism here needs a brief explanation. In the Egyptian pantheon, Osiris is the high king and consort of Isis. Theirs is one of the most important stories in all of Egyptian cosmology. Osiris , the king, is killed by his jealous brother Set. Set then dismembers the body and he scatters it across Egypt. Isis, heartbroken, gathers together all the pieces of Osiris and with magical incantations brings the body back to life. But only for enough time for them to make love before Osiris dies again to become Lord of the afterlife. Isis is left pregnant with their son Horus, who in turn is said to be a reincarnation of his father Osiris. Re-birth is a central theme to their story. Osiris is the constellation Orion. This is the real 'high king' and his belt stars point to the Queen, Isis.

It is very fitting that it is the angle of the slope of the great pyramid that we used to connect the King and the Queen. It is the Great Pyramid of Khufu that contains both the Kings Chamber and the queens chamber. It has been suggested that the so called 'air shafts' leading out of the king and queens chambers are not air shafts at all but were pointed at the celestial king and queen, Osiris and Isis at the time of the pyramids construction. King and Queens chamber in the great pyramid pointing to Isis and Osiris (Bauval and Gilbert)

The Cúchulainn Orion Connection

So what does the Egyptian god Osiris have to do with Ireland or Lough Gur? More than you think perhaps? The 'High king', the constellation Orion goes by different names in Ireland. In Anthony Murphy and Richard Moores incredible book 'Island of the setting sun', we learn that the 'High king' Orion is none other than the magical warrior CuChulain! I’m sure you know the story.... When Setanta was a young boy he travelled to the house of king Chulain. At his arrival he was set upon by the kings ferocious guard dog. Setanta had his hurly with him and struck a sliotar at the dog with such force that the sliotar entered the dogs mouth and out through his body thus killing the dog. King Chulain was furious that his dog was dead so Setanta agreed to be his guard dog instead. From that day forth Setanta became known as the 'hound of Chulain' or “Cú Chulainn“.

Here is that exact story happening in the sky…

Setanta hits the Sliotar/moon

The ball/Moon travels across the sky over the course of a number of days

Into the mouth of the hound (constellation Leo)

....and out through the ‘hounds’ stomach. Setanta slays the hound

Lough Gur and the High King: Cú Chulainn, Lugh and the Constellation Orion

So, Cú Chulainn is the High King, Orion. In the old myth 'Mesca Ulaid', 'the intoxification of the Ulstermen', we learn that it was none other than Cú Chulainn himself who erected the stones at Lough Gur. He was sheltering his horses from the snow on a 'drunken' raid down south.

Cú Chulainn‘s father is Lugh Lamhfada or Lugh of the silver hand. The festival of Lughnasadh is named after the talented god. This is the festival traditionally celebrated at Lough Gur as the circle is aligned to the rising of the sun on August 1st.

Lugh was a giant whose name means 'shining one' and is easily identified as Orion. Both Lugh and Orion do indeed have a 'long hand'. Orion‘s 'long hand' is also silver due to the fact that it is found in the 'silver river', the milky way!

What’s more, Cú Chulainn is said to be a reincarnation of his father Lugh which is exactly the same mythology as the Egyptian father son duo Osiris and Horus, re-birth again a central theme.

So, as you can see, Lough Gur has everything to do with the high king, they are inseparable! So, all that said, let’s take a look at Lough Gur!

When we draw a line connecting Dendera to Lough Gur we can see that, amazingly, the line passes right through the only discernible gap in the stones (from the air). Uncanny, but can‘t this just be a coincidence? Maybe, but upon further investigation, we see that our line passes through the gap in the stones in the direction of Dendera at the bearing of 114 degrees. Incredibly, there are 113 stones in the Lough Gur circle. The gap in the circle is where the 'missing' 114th stone would have been. In a circle there are 360 degrees, north corresponds to the bearing of 0 degrees, east is 90 degrees, south 180 degrees and west is 270 degrees. When we leave the circle at the bearing of 114 degrees we pass through the gap in the circle and the ‘missing’ 114th stone and we end up in the Dendera temple in Egypt, birth place of the ‘Queen of Heaven’, Isis. So in this way, not only do we have the 'Queen of Heaven', the Dendera temple, pointing towards Lough Gur via the Great Pyramid angle, but we also have the 'High King' cryptically ‘

pointing’ back at her!

So, we haven‘t mentioned Aine yet. Isn’t Lough Gur Aines domain? Yes it is. She is the goddess of the land here, Queen of the fairies and said to reside in the nearby hill of Knockainey and the adjacent lake from which the stone circle gets its name. Yes we are getting to Aine but the King and Queen had to come together first in what could be called a sacred union, a sacred marriage before the (re) birth. The next set of revelations are key. We now have a line intersecting the circle. The next trick is to find out when the sun rises and sets along this axis. The sun rises along this axis on 15th February and 26th October.

The sun sets along this axis on 1st May and 14th August.

14t h August 2019: A Divine Venus Alignment

As somebody who has been tracking the movements of the planet Venus for the last number of years, two dates immediately jump out at me. October 26 2018 was day of the Venus inferior conjunction. Meaning that Venus passed in front of the sun on this day and if you happened to be at Lough gur for sunrise you would have been present for Venus rising with the Sun from the direction of the Dendera temple! (Venus would not have been visible however as her light was drowned out by her proximity to the sun). Venus inferior conjunction is a transition moment for Venus, her cycle as evening star has ended (death) and her cycle of morning star is just about to begin (re-birth)!

As if that was not enough, unbelievably, the day of the Veus superior conjunction is the upcoming august 14 2019. This means that Venus will pass behind and set with the Sun along the Dendera temple axis this coming august 14. Again, this is a transition moment for Venus, this time her cycle as morning star has ended (death) and her period as evening star is just about to begin (re-birth). What are the odds of all this happening by chance alone? It is astounding! For starters, Venus does not just rise and set along the same axis on inferior and superior conjunction dates! This simply does not happen. But it is happening, what’s more it’s happening precisely along our newly discovered Lough Gur- Dendera axis. As coincidences go..... it’s a big one!

One thing that I can tell you is that due to the precise geometrical relationship Venus has with the Earth, the next time that Venus will rise and set with the sun along this axis on 26 October and 14 August will be the year 2261 A.D, yes almost 250 years. So what is going on with Venus and is Venus somehow connected with Aine?

For an answer to that we have to go to Mesopotamia and the ancient Sumerian empire where a goddess with a very similar name was worshipped, Inanna, the original 'Queen of Heaven'!

Meeting Inanna

Sumeria is considered the world‘s oldest known modern civilisation. It was here that writing began and we are here because it is in Sumeria that the oldest and most complete stories of the goddess Inanna exist. Her story was recorded on soft clay tablets in an early form of writing known as cuneiform. The soft clay tablets were then baked to preserve them. The story of Inanna was written 4500 years ago in the year 2501 B.C. We know this because with modern astronomy software we can recreate the skies that the Sumerian priests were looking at, and, with the correct perspective, get accurate dates for the movement of the celestial objects (gods and goddesses) as Clyde Hostetter did in his brilliant and informative book 'Inanna Dead?'.

Inanna was a love and fertility goddess and associated with the planet Venus. The 'wandering stars' were believed to be gods who controlled proceedings on Earth and it was the movements of Venus that the Sumerian priests were so dutifully observing and recording. It was their observations which produced the epic saga 'The Descent of Inanna'. In this epic the 'Queen of Heaven' descends into the underworld and is killed by her dark sister who rules there. This is a reference to Venus disappearing from view (dying) as the morning star and going behind the Sun. As Inanna/Venus comes out from behind the Sun she is 'reborn' as the evening star. For the next 7/8 months Venus gets farther and farther from the Sun and therefore climbs higher and higher in the evening sky getting brighter as she does so. At her farthest point from the sun (and therefore highest point in the evening sky) she is said to have regained her throne as 'Queen of Heaven'. The poetic description of this astronomical fact directly translated from the cuneiform tablets by world renowned expert in Sumerian language Dr Samuel Noah Kramer (1897-1990) states 'Inanna became radiant', and returned to her duties as 'Queen of Heaven'. A simple naked eye observation of Venus as she climbs higher in the evening sky shows her become more radiant as she does so. Inanna became radiant

The Inanna Áine Connection

Áine means 'radiant' and both Áine and Inanna are goddess of love and fertility. Both deities are also known for 'killing a king'. The similarities don‘t end there, both are very sexual goddesses and well connected to the moon. Even their names are very similar. Is Áine the same deity as the Sumerian Inanna, the planet Venus, which according to the belief system of the Sumerian priests will begin her re-birth process in on 14 August 2019?

Back to Sirius!

And what about Sirius and Isis? Where all of this began! Well, almost as an aside, 14 August is the first day that the star Sirius rises before the sun at the latitude of Lough Gur. She rises just one minute before the sun on this day and so will not be observable. This is not the aforementioned heliacal rising of Sirius which will occur approximately at this latitude on August 26, but the re-birth process truly begins on august 14. As we have said, Lough Gur cryptically points to the birthplace of Isis, the Dendera Temple in Egypt!

What Is going on?

So, what have I just told you? Well...... in a nutshell, it looks to me like a grand celestial ritual interacting in real time SPECIFICALLY with Lough Gur on and around the 14th August 2019. The alignment between Lough Gur and Dendera connects the King and the Queen whilst simultaneously the re-birth of not one but two celestial goddesses occur. Will the simultaneous birth of two goddesses, both known as the ‘Queen of Heaven’ produce the re-birth of a third goddess? Our very own ‘Queen of the Fairies’, Aine? Is it possible that we may be witnessing the re-birth of Aine, ‘Queen of Heaven’, at Lough Gur? Seems far-fetched right? Nevertheless...... I know a story I would like to share......

If you wish to contact Diarmuid : [email protected] Note from the editor : Simrit Kaur

In considering a “return of the Divine Feminine“, and to arrive at a sense of what that would be about - first it would appear valuable to note the characteristics of a world where such an “energy“ has been absent.

Balance between masculine and feminine on planet earth has long been lacking at the systemic level. This is evidenced in cultures of colonialism, in the dominant extractivist economic system, alienation from the natural environment and general growing materialism and alienation. In our conception and perceptions of the divine feminine we have, in Christian cultures, many saints and the person of the Virgin Mary – and yet to have an archetypal symbolic container for the dynamic feminine capacity for regeneration, for sustaining life and a fierceness of defending life – we encounter those qualities that we know as Adi Shakti – a primal force.

Here below we see the Venus of Willendorf – fecund, rotund and brimming with materiality and so well-endowed – her breasts full, her belly bulging, perhaps following many births. She has been dated to around 28,000 -25,000 BCE. Knowing ourselves as woman or men, those values that inhabit the realm of the feminine – in the polarity and the potentiality included by necessity a capacity to connect and collaborate, to share, to give life and nurture new life and through the special physical characteristics – bleeding, breast feeding, giving life : to resonate with the rhythm of the earth herself. There is abundance and there is harmony and that is encoded in this powerful life-force : Being rather than becoming – belonging rather than having – gratitude rather than greed. Joy and wonder as co-creators!