BELFAST, 2006 Daily Minutes 

MINUTES OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE General Assembly OF THE Presbyterian Church in Ireland Held at Belfast, June, 2006


Monday, 5th June, 2006 Seven o’clock. Evening Within Church House The Right Rev Dr R E H Uprichard, Moderator of the General Assembly, led in public worship and addressed those present before constituting the Assembly with prayer. The Memorial Roll of Ministers deceased was submitted by the Rev W T J Richardson and the Assembly paid their customary tribute. The Clerk announced that the names of 593 ministers being ex officio members and 487 elders on whose behalf commissions had been received, had been entered on the Roll of the Assembly together with 60 Assembly Elders, Conveners and nominees of the Business Board. 37 Deaconesses, 12 Irish Mission Workers, 62 Women’s representatives and 37 Youth representatives together with 21 Conveners and Missionaries who are not members of the court had been invited to sit and deliberate along with 19 Licentiates. There were also 18 Corresponding Members and Delegates from other Churches. The following Ministers and Ruling Elders were present at the Annual Meeting:-  Daily Minutes BELFAST, 2006 BELFAST, 2006 Daily Minutes   Daily Minutes BELFAST, 2006 BELFAST, 2006 Daily Minutes   Daily Minutes BELFAST, 2006 BELFAST, 2006 Daily Minutes   Daily Minutes BELFAST, 2006 BELFAST, 2006 Daily Minutes  10 Daily Minutes BELFAST, 2006 BELFAST, 2006 Daily Minutes 11 12 Daily Minutes BELFAST, 2006 BELFAST, 2006 Daily Minutes 13 14 Daily Minutes BELFAST, 2006 BELFAST, 2006 Daily Minutes 15 16 Daily Minutes BELFAST, 2006 BELFAST, 2006 Daily Minutes 17 18 Daily Minutes BELFAST, 2006 BELFAST, 2006 Daily Minutes 19 20 Daily Minutes BELFAST, 2006 The Moderator welcomed, on behalf of the Assembly, representatives of sister Churches, of Universities and Community Organisations, and other special guests present. The Moderator, having expressed thanks for the help he had received during the past year of office, asked the Assembly to proceed to the election and appointment of a successor to him in office for the ensuing year. The Clerk submitted the nominations of Presbyteries for the Moderatorship as follows:- The Rev David Clarke, LLB, BD ...... 14 votes The Rev W J Johnstone, MA, BD ...... 6 votes The Rev W J Orr, BA, BD, ThM ...... 1 vote

On the motion of the Rev W J Johnstone, seconded by the Rev W J Orr, the Rev Dr David Clarke was unanimously called to the Chair, welcomed by the retiring Moderator and commended to God in prayer. The Right Rev Dr David Clarke then addressed the House.

The sederunt came to a close at 8.35pm, the Moderator pronouncing the Benediction.


SECOND SESSION Tuesday, 6th June, 2006 Half past nine o’clock. Forenoon The Assembly convened, the Moderator leading in prayer.

Business The Report of the BUSINESS BOARD (Reports pp 100-107) was submitted BOARD by the Rev Dr D J Watts, together with the following Supplementary Report: BELFAST, 2006 Daily Minutes 21 BUSINESS BOARD - Supplementary Report DELEGATES TO OTHER CHURCHES The Church of General Assembly (2006) The Rt Rev Dr R E H Uprichard reports: The General Assembly of the met in Edinburgh from 20 to 26 May 2006. I was privileged to represent our Church along with my Chaplain, the Rev Joseph Andrews, and Mr George Ferguson, Executive Officer of the Belfast City Mission. We were accompanied by our wives, Maisie, Susan and Janie. We were warmly welcomed by our friends in the Church of Scotland and greatly appreciated their generous hospitality. The various receptions, and events, organised by both Church and State, afforded opportunity to make useful contact with delegates from a wider representation of Churches. This year a number of important issues were debated by the Assembly. Perhaps the most controversial was a proposed Declaratory Act regarding Civil Partnerships asking that the Assembly declare that: “A or deacon who conducts any service marking a civil partnership does not commit a disciplinary offence.” In the course of a lengthy, passionately argued, well conducted and informative debate, a counter motion stating that: “Whereas the Word of God contained in the Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments in all its parts teaches that all people are to engage in human sexual relations only within the relationship of marriage between one man and one woman…the General Assembly enact and ordain as follows: No minister or deacon shall conduct any service marking a civil partnership.” was defeated by 322 votes to 314. The original motion, having been accepted by the Assembly was referred to Presbyteries under the Barrier Act. In response to a petition claiming that: “There is a perception amongst many members of the Church that the introduction of recent administrative changes… has led to the concentration of power into a more centralised structure than ever before” and that: “Whereas the major central committees and boards were once representative of the whole Church through Presbytery rights of representation in their membership…the case now is such that Presbytery representation is severely limited…thus curtailing the ability of Presbyteries to contribute to the forming of policy and priorities…” the Assembly agreed to appoint a Commission to identify and report on the effect of the changes, seek the comments of Presbyteries and report to the General Assembly of 2008. In spite of expressions of concern regarding the possible over-provision of facilities for ministerial training, the General Assembly, by a large majority, agreed to recognise the Highland Theological College as a training facility for ministers of the Church of Scotland. An informative presentation on Stem Cell Research, followed by a robust debate resulted in the Assembly recognising the differences of view which exist within the Church on the moral status of the embryo and the acceptability of embryo research on stem cells, serious genetic diseases and infertility. While the Assembly recognised that surplus human embryos arising from in vitro fertilisation or per- implantation genetic diagnosis may be used in medical research, it did express its opposition to the deliberate creation of human embryos for such research, except into serious diseases and under exceptional circumstances, and the creation and use of human embryos as a source of stem cells in the treatment of diseases. 22 Daily Minutes BELFAST, 2006 The Assembly approved a Covenant between the Church of Scotland and the United Free Church of Scotland, which while recognising that: “Issues of principle…meant that not all of the United Free Church was able to enter the union with the Church of Scotland in 1929” recent developments have “Allowed us the opportunity of reassessing the way in which we relate to each other…and to resolve from here on to seek ever closer unity.” The two denominations affirm that: “As churches in the one family of Reformed Churches, linked by our Presbyterian heritage, the time has come for us to put the divisions of the past behind us and to seek to journey onwards as companions on the way to ever closer unity” and make a number of commitments to what is described as “Ever closer unity.” If agreed by the United Free Church’s General Assembly the Covenant will be signed in on 16th September. The Legal Questions Committee raised concerns about the Westminster Confession of Faith, arguing that: “It is not satisfactory that a document so hedged about with declarations and qualifications, and in language barely accessible to church members, should continue to be referred to as a “principal subordinate standard”, second only to the “supreme rule of faith and life” of “the Word of God contained in the Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments.” and seeking permission to consider the place of the Westminster Confession of Faith within the Church’s constitution and to report to the General Assembly of 2007. The Assembly rejected the Committee’s request by 188 votes to 116. During the week, due to the kind arrangements of Professor Herbert Kerrigan, Q.C., I was able to meet with five of our Forces Chaplains who were present at the Assembly. It was good to hear from these men of the work which they have been doing and to have the opportunity to pray with them and assure them of the prayerful support and interest of the wider Church. The new Moderator, the Rt Rev Alan McDonald, was installed at the opening meeting of the Assembly and conducted the business of the Court in a congenial and impressive manner, earning the respect and adulation of Commissioners for his efficiency and impartiality. The Presence of the Lord High Commissioner, His Grace, Lord MacKay of Clashfern, added a state emphasis to proceedings and underscored the national nature of the Church of Scotland. In his opening Address Lord Clashfern spoke words which encourage not merely the Church of Scotland, but the wider Christian Community in today’s world: “In a verse in Matthew's Gospel Jesus said, ‘I will build my church’. This momentous statement describes our Lord's programme for the future - to gather his people from all over the world and from every generation to himself. Through His Spirit Christ builds the kingdom often in ways that defy analysis and confound human expectations…There is a central question to which a wholly secular lifestyle does not provide the answer. What is the purpose of human life? When so much is in flux, when limitless amounts of information, much of it ephemeral, are instantly accessible on demand, there is a renewed hunger for that which endures and gives meaning. The Christian church can speak uniquely to that need, for at the heart of our faith stands the conviction that all people, irrespective of race, background or circumstances, can find lasting significance and purpose in the Gospel of Jesus Christ.” BELFAST, 2006 Daily Minutes 23 The General Synod of the Church of Ireland (2006) The Very Rev Dr K N E Newell reports: The ancient ecclesiastical capital of Ireland was the historical setting for the Synod of the Church of Ireland. I was delighted to represent our Church along with Mr Billy Scott of the Mall, Armagh. I found Billy’s knowledge of the history, culture and faith of the local area illuminating and informative. The other Churches represented included the Methodist Church, the Lutheran Church, the Roman , the Moravian Church, the Salvation Army, the Romanian Orthodox Church, the Episcopal Church of Scotland and the Anglican Church of Kenya. Throughout the duration of the Synod we were assigned a chaperone; ours was Dean John Bond of Broughshane. Like a skilled professional he guided us to the various venues where we had to eat as well as answered the dozens of questions we had about procedures and personalities. Hospitality for Church Guests was of a very high order. The PowerPoint presentation relating to the ’ Appeal Committee unpacked the impressive extent of the Church of Ireland’s involvement throughout the world in addressing the issues of Poverty, Aids, Development and Emergency Relief. Like our own Church, they work closely with the expertise of Christian Aid and Tearfund. But issues overseas were balanced with issues nearer home. The Hard Gospel Committee zoomed in on Sectarianism, Racism and Materialism in Ireland north and south. They challenged us to face the sad truth that even in our churches, just underneath the thin layer of religiosity, raw emotions and attitudes still swirl around untamed by the prejudice-reducing Gospel of Jesus Christ. The relevance of this report cannot be overstated. There had been speculation in the corridors of the Synod that Archbishop Robin Eames would announce his retirement. In due course the Primate confirmed the speculation. A shocked and saddened audience listened to the reasons he gave but understood the pressures of the calling and the quality of the commitment he has shown. Later I was given the opportunity to express to the Synod the appreciation of so many within our own Church of Archbishop Eames’ twenty years of Christian leadership. I spoke of his ministry as one of ‘practical compassion’ for those injured or bereaved during the Troubles, one of ‘genuine friendship’ that reached across the ancient barriers of religion and politics, one of ‘advocating justice’ in speaking up for those who felt forgotten in their silent suffering, and one of ‘persistent hope’ in a society more used to political failure than constructive partnership. When finally I left the excellent facilities of the Conference Centre at the City Hotel in Armagh and drove back to Belfast I pondered on the Christian significance of the City. Only once in the 164 years of the General Assembly have Presbyterians gathered there to celebrate their faith and discuss their business. The year was 1852! Wouldn’t it be timely and challenging to make a return visit in the not too distant future? 24 Daily Minutes BELFAST, 2006 Moved by the Rev Dr D J Watts, seconded by the Rev T C Morrison, and agreed: 1. That the Report be received. 2. That the recommended Order of Business be adopted. The Rev 3. That the Rev John McVeigh be enrolled as Minister Emeritus of Gilnahirk, John McVeigh with immediate effect. The Rev 4. That the Rev IF Smith be enrolled as Minister Emeritus of Orritor and I F Smith Claggan, with immediate effect. 5. That the professional amplification controller and the visual display operator be admitted to the private session. 6. That a grant of £18,000 be made from the Incidental Fund to the Arrangements Committee. 7. That the Business Board, with its associated working committee, for the ensuing year beginning 15 March 2007 be appointed in accordance with Par 275 of the Code.

Synods and The Report of the Synods and Presbyteries (Reports pp 91-99) was submitted Presbyteries by the Rev Dr D J Watts. Moved by the Rev Dr D J Watts, seconded by the Rev J H Robinson, and agreed: 1. That the Report be received.

Corresponding The Corresponding Members were received from the Church of Scotland. Members These were the Right Rev Alan McDonald, the Rev Dr Russell Barr and Mrs Alison Twaddle. The Moderator welcomed the Corresponding Members. The Right Rev Alan McDonald replied and conveyed greetings. The Moderator welcomed the Rev Dr David Peel and the Rev Dr David Cornick, Corresponding Members from the United Reformed Church of the , and the Rev Robert Bebb, a delegate from the Presbyterian Church of Wales. The Rev Dr David Peel replied and conveyed greetings. The Moderator welcomed the Rev Canon P F Patterson and Mr J D Johnston, delegates from the Church of Ireland; the Rev Dr W Brian Fletcher and Mrs Joan Parkinson, delegates from the Methodist Church in Ireland; and Mrs Gillian Kingston from the Irish Council of Churches. Mrs Gillian Kingston replied and conveyed greetings. The Moderator welcomed other delegates from: the Evangelical Christian Church in Halmahera, Indonesia, Pdt Leonard Duan, Pdt Mrs Sartje Papoeling- Puasa, Pdt Marthen Boediman; Church of Central Africa Presbyterian, Nkhoma Synod, Malawi, the Right Rev C E J Msangaambe; the Presbyterian Church of East Africa, the Rev Eric Njuru; the Presbyterian Church of Australia, the Rev Bob Thomas. Pdt Leonard Duan replied and conveyed greetings. BELFAST, 2006 Daily Minutes 25 The Report of the BOARD OF SOCIAL WITNESS (Reports pp 180-196) Board of social was submitted by the Rev R Vallely. witness Moved by the Rev R Vallely, seconded by Mr L Conway, OBE, and agreed: 1. That the Report be received. 2. That the General Assembly welcome the proposed plans for a vetting system, similar to that provided by the Protection of Children and Vulnerable Adults Scheme, to be available in the Republic of Ireland. 3. That the General Assembly commend the ongoing work of the “Journey Towards Healing” programme and thank the Office of the First Minister and Deputy First Minister for their ongoing support and encouragement. 4. That the General Assembly welcome the recent report of the Suicide Taskforce, and encourage the Church to take every opportunity to become involved in the support process. 5. That the General Assembly commend the Police Service of Northern Ireland for the setting up of a taskforce in response to the increasing number of attacks against the elderly and call upon everyone to be vigilant regarding the safety of elderly relatives, friends and neighbours. 6. That the area of work carried out by Students Services be placed under the Specialist Ministries Committee. 7. That all work in relation to disability be placed under the Family Services Committee. 8. That the customary grants made by the Board of Social Witness, up to a total of £3,000, be met from the Incidental Fund. 9. That the Board of Social Witness, with its associated working committees for the ensuring year, be appointed in accordance with Par 281 of the Code as follows: Rev R Vallely, Convener Director of Social Service, Secretary (a) The Moderator and Clerk of Assembly, Superintendent of Shankill Road Mission, Minister and Superintendent of Kinghan Mission, Board Convener, Director of Social Service, Residential Services Manager, Director of Youth and Children’s Ministry. (b) Revs WJA Sleith, HS Boyd; L Willoughby — Rev MM Stewart; J Smart, Mrs D Foster — Rev JR Hyndman; B Redhead, Mrs J Davidson — Dr D Patterson, R McCleary, Mrs A Magowan — Rev PD Thompson; Mrs M Hewitson, Mrs M Williams — Rev RJ Mattison; E McWilliams, Mrs C Stevenson. (c) Rev JA Beattie; J Todd, Mrs W Bristow — Rev MS Gault; Mrs L Graham, Mrs K Fisher — Rev J Coulter; Mrs L Livingston, Mrs L Conn — Revs Dr M Jones, Dr JA Thompson; Mrs K Fulton — Rev JL Tosh; DL Malcolm, Mrs J Robinson. (d) Revs JN Seawright, JK Doherty; Mrs S McCullough, — Revs J Braithwaite, JH Wilson; Miss M Cromie — Revs Dr RM Crooks, RD Maxwell; Mrs B Stewart. (e) Revs AJA Rosborough, JK McCormick; Mrs E Patterson — Revs DS Irwin, Miss H Lowry; Mrs V Miller — Rev GD Allen; H Alexander, Mrs M Good — Rev M Lindsay; R McKee, Mrs I Reid. 26 Daily Minutes BELFAST, 2006 (f) Mrs R Gibson, Mrs E Montgomery, Mrs J McKean — Rev Dr S Mawhinney; D Boyd, Mrs R Dawson — Rev SG Anketell; Miss F Fleming, W McConkey. (p) Mrs M Weir, Mrs D Marshall, Miss E Smyth, Mrs P Spence, Mrs W Moffett, Mrs A Harbinson, Mrs V Stewart.

A. SPECIALIST MINISTRIES COMMITTEE (5) Mrs Z Vallely, Convener (a) The Moderator and Clerk of Assembly, Board and Committee Conveners, Director of Social Service, Convener Kinghan Mission, Chaplains, Forces, Addiction Services, Student Services Panels, Minister and Superintendent Kinghan Mission. (x) Rev AJA Rosborough; J Luke, Mrs C Houston. (y) Revs JA Thompson, SJM Lindsay; Miss M Cromie, Mrs K Fisher, Mrs W Moffett.

B. OLDER PEOPLE SERVICES COMMITTEE (5) Rev J Noble, Convener (a) The Moderator and Clerk of Assembly, Board and Committee Conveners, Director of Social Service, Residential Services Manager. (x) Local Support Committee Representatives. (y) Revs MS Gault, JA Thompson, JN Seawright; Miss F Fleming.

C. FAMILY SERVICES COMMITTEE (5) Mrs L Graham, Convener (a) The Moderator and Clerk of Assembly, Deputy Clerk, Board and Committee Conveners, Director of Social Service, Conveners PCI Counselling, Taking Care, Disability, Deputy Director Board of Youth and Children’s Ministry. (x) Rev J Braithwaite; Dr Paul Gray, Mrs M McGuiggan, Mrs G Elwood. (y) Rev DS Irwin; Mrs E Montgomery, Miss M Cromie, Mrs W Moffett.

D. ADULT SERVICES COMMITTEE (4) Rev TJ Wilson, Convener (a) The Moderator and Clerk of Assembly, Board and Committee Conveners, Director of Social Service, Conveners Carlisle House and Thompson House, Residential Services Manager. (x) Revs R Thompson, LE Carroll; Dr L Calderwood. (y) Rev Dr RM Crooks; Dr D Patterson, Miss E Smyth.


Members of Assembly were joined by others to participate in the Sacrament of the Lord’s Supper, conducted by the Moderator, assisted by the Very Rev Dr R E H Uprichard and the Clerk.

The sederunt came to a close at .05pm, the Moderator pronouncing the Benediction. BELFAST, 2006 Daily Minutes 27 THIRD SESSION Tuesday, 6th June, 2006 Two o’clock. Afternoon

The Assembly again convened, the Moderator leading in prayer.

PRESBYTERIAN WOMEN’S ASSOCIATION presbyterian The Report of the (Reports women’s pp 176-179) was submitted by Mrs Caroline Hawthorne, General Secretary. Mrs association Maureen Weir, Central President, also addressed the Assembly. Moved by the Rev Dr D J Watts, seconded by the Rev J H Robinson, and agreed: 1. That the Report be received.

BOARD OF MISSION OVERSEAS BOARD OF The Report of the (Reports pp 118-145) MISSION was submitted by the Very Rev Dr S J Dixon. OVERSEAS Moved by the Very Rev Dr S J Dixon, seconded by the Rev W S Marrs, and agreed: 1. That the Report be received. 2. That the General Assembly approve the new structure for the Board of Mission Overseas as outlined in paragraphs 1 to 8 of the report. 3. That the General Assembly give thanks to God for the signing of the Project Agreement in November 2005 that opens the way for UMN to continue its work in Nepal, and continue to pray for the Nepali Church serving the people of Nepal in their search for a peaceful settlement between the King, democratic political parties and the Maoists. 4. That the General Assembly acknowledge the importance of supporting our partner Churches in minority Christian communities in Asia who often experience persecution, especially in India, Pakistan, Indonesia, China, Thailand and Myanmar. 5. That the General Assembly give thanks for new initiatives in Spain and Portugal, while continuing to develop existing relationships with partner Churches across the Continent of Europe. 6. That the General Assembly recognise the need to become more fully aware of the economic and political pressures and persecution suffered by Christians in the Near and Middle East and recommend that the Board works to encourage Christian witness in the region. 7. That the General Assembly continue to urge the Irish and British Governments to strive for real and lasting peace and reconciliation in Sudan and encourage our Church to support prayerfully and practically the Presbyterian Church of Sudan (PCOS) as it seeks to make basic provision for those returning to their homes in Southern Sudan. 8. That the General Assembly, recognising 2006 as the fortieth anniversary of our partnership with the Presbyterian Church of East Africa, give thanks to God for all that has been achieved in this and our other long-standing partnerships with the Church in Malawi and Sudan. 28 Daily Minutes BELFAST, 2006 9. That the General Assembly, giving thanks that we have opportunities to share in and learn from the outreach initiatives of the Presbyterian Church in Brazil (IPB) are ready to explore further what it means to pursue a policy of reciprocity in mission with the United Church in Jamaica and the Cayman Islands. 10. That the General Assembly give thanks for the continued generous support of the World Development Appeal and the development work it enables. 11. That the General Assembly give thanks for the generosity of members of our Church to the Special Appeal in response to the Pakistan Earthquake and the widespread food crisis in Africa and commend Christian Aid, Tearfund and our partner Churches for their efforts in meeting both the immediate and longer term needs of those affected. 12. That the General Assembly encourage the Board to continue its development of ‘mission engagement’ strategies and the provision of appropriate resources that will enable congregational leaders to encourage more of their members to be actively and effectively engaged in the task of mission overseas. 13. That the General Assembly recognise the ongoing work of the Board to develop its Pastoral Care Model, including the introduction of more effective screening, training, medical, and debriefing procedures for all its mission personnel. 14. That the resignations of the Conveners of the outgoing Assembly Committees – Rev John Hanna (Asia); Rev Stephen Richmond (Africa, Caribbean and Latin America); Mrs Maureen Patterson (Europe and Middle East – be accepted and that they be thanked for their services. 15. That the Rev Stephen Richmond be appointed as Convener of the Outreach Ministries Committee. 16. That the Rev Dr Gordon Campbell be appointed as Convener of the Leadership Development Committee. 17. That the Rev Peter Lyle be appointed as Convener of the Mission Involvement Committee. 18. That the Rev John Hanna be appointed Convener of the Board of Mission Overseas with effect from 8 June 2007. 19. That the Board of Mission Overseas, with its associated working committees, be appointed for the ensuing year in accordance with Par 279 of the Code as follows: Rev Dr SJ Dixon, Convener Rev WS Marrs, Secretary (a) The Moderator and Clerk of Assembly, Convener and Secretary of the Board, President, Overseas Vice-President and General Secretary and Treasurer of the PWA, Convener of Church Relations, Deputy Director of Youth and Children’s Ministry, Young Women’s Group representative, Board of Mission in Ireland representative, Board of Youth and Children’s Ministry representative, Personnel Officer (Overseas), Finance Officer (Overseas), Rev J Hanna; Mrs Maureen Patterson. (b) Revs WJP Bailie, PC Lyle; Mrs S Todd — Rev DR Byers; Miss J Allen, Mrs L Cargill — Revs M Stanfield, RI Abraham; Miss M McCombe — Rev RA McLernon; N McKinney, Miss W Norwood — Rev PD Thompson; Dr J Kyle, Mrs M McCammon — Revs D Rankin, BAH Wilson; Mrs G McCullough. BELFAST, 2006 Daily Minutes 29 (c) Rev NA Brown; N Rea, Mrs A Erwin — Mrs I Wallace, Miss D Savage, Miss M Kane — Rev Dr RN Gordon; G McIntyre, Mrs J Farlow — Revs NE Dorrans, KDW Crowe; Miss E McCaughan— Rev PE Dickinson; D Robinson, Mrs A Reid. (d) Revs JSB Drennan, GF McKeown; Mrs Margaret Patterson, — Revs TJ Wilson, V Sinclair; Mrs M Jackson— Revs WM Brown, J Scott; Miss R Taylor. (e) Revs GP Young, Dr LWH Hilditch; Miss K McConnell — Rev Dr C Glass; N Hunter, Mrs M Conn — Rev RD Cameron; Dr C McKibben, Mrs M McKibben — Rev JW Fleck; R Wallace, Mrs M McCreedy. (f) Rev SJ Richmond; A Speer, Mrs F Harris — Revs PG McDowell, J Mann; Mrs R Boal — Mrs P Martin, L Forster, E Martin. (p) Mrs S Fleck, Mrs V Stewart, Mrs S. Fell, Mrs G Hunter, Mrs E Greenlee, Mrs D Marshall, Mrs J Clarke.

A. LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE (6) Rev Dr WG Campbell, Convener Rev WS Marrs, Secretary (a) The Moderator and Clerk of Assembly, Board Convener and Secretary, Committee Convener; Mission Education Officer; 2 PWA representatives. (x) Revs Dr WP Addley, NAL Lockhart, C Meban, D Stanfield; Miss D Ford, Mrs I Porter. (y) Revs JW Fleck, Dr RN Gordon, J Mann; Mrs M Jackson, Mrs D Marshall, Miss R Taylor.

B. MISSION INVOLVEMENT COMMITTEE (6) Rev PC Lyle, Convener CN Eves, Secretary (a) The Moderator and Clerk of Assembly, Board Convener and Secretary, Committee Convener, Mission Education Officer, 2 PWA representatives. (x) Rev DJ Montgomery; Miss S Creighton, Miss D Ford, S Lynas, M McNicholl, Dr MJ Welsh. (y) Revs NA Brown, PE Dickinson, JSB Drennan, PG McDowell; N McKinney, Mrs I Wallace.

C. OUTREACH MINISTRIES COMMITTEE (6) Rev SJ Richmond, Convener Rev WS Marrs, Secretary (a) The Moderator and Clerk of Assembly, Board Convener and Secretary, Committee Convener, Mission Education Officer, 2 PWA representatives. (x) Revs G Aitcheson, TP Fleming, SJ Hanna, RA Moffett; Mrs V Tweedie, Dr H Williamson. (y) Revs KDW Crowe, PD Thompson; Mrs P Martin, Miss M McCombe, Mrs A Reid, Miss D Savage. 30 Daily Minutes BELFAST, 2006 D. WORLD DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE (5) Rev Dr MCA Gray, Convener Rev WS Marrs, Secretary (a) The Moderator and Clerk of Assembly, Board Convener and Secretary, Committee Convener, Mission Education Officer, Church Relations representative, Convener of Outreach Ministries Committee, PWA Representative. (x) Revs Dr S Hutchinson, JT Magowan; A McCreary, Mrs S Phillips, R Sheppard, Mrs F Watts. (y) Revs J Mann, J Scott; ______, Mrs M McCammon, G McIntyre, Mrs Margaret Patterson.

Overtures The Overtures anent Pars 61(c); 97(c); 115(1), (2) of the Code (Reports p anent Pars 61(c); 97(c); 145) were submitted by the Very Rev Dr S J Dixon. 115(1), (2) Moved by the Very Rev Dr S J Dixon, seconded by the Rev W S Marrs, and agreed: That the Overtures anent Par 61(c); 97(c); 115(1), (2) of the Code, having lain on the books for one year, be enacted as the law of the Church.

Overture anent The Overture anent Par 279(1) of the Code (Reports p 45) was Par 279(1) submitted by the Very Rev Dr S J Dixon. Moved by the Very Rev Dr S J Dixon, seconded by the Rev W S Marrs, and agreed: That the Overture anent Par 279(1) of the Code be received and that, under Par 111 of the Code, it be made the rule of the Church.


Board of The Report of the BOARD OF FINANCE AND PERSONNEL (Reports Finance and pp 236-270) was submitted by Mr John Millar, OBE, together with the following Personnel Supplementary Report:

BOARD OF FINANCE AND PERSONNEL – Supplementary Report Early Retirement The Pensions and Assessments Committee unanimously recommended that the application by Rev William Alastair Kennedy for permission to retire on or after his 63rd birthday be granted. A resolution to this effect is appended. Ministers’ Prolonged Disability Fund The Board considered the situation whereby an approved applicant to the Fund who qualified for Family Grants under Par 315 (4) of the Code prior to application would cease to qualify for these as he/she would no longer fit the definition of ‘qualified minister’ set out in Par 316 (1). BELFAST, 2006 Daily Minutes 31 The Board believes that provision should exist to provide some level of benefit where Family Grant would otherwise have been payable. To facilitate this, a resolution is appended proposing a change to the Rules of the Fund which would enable the Pensions and Assessments Committee, with the approval of the Board, to increase the benefits payable to recognise, to some extent, the loss of Family Grants due to prolonged sickness or disability. Also appended, is a resolution to amend the Rules to reflect the changes in Board and Committee structures in 2004.

Reports of Review of Property and Tyrone Memorial Resolutions are appended. Moved by Mr John Millar, OBE, seconded by Mr J H Martin, and agreed: 1. That the Report be received. 2. That the General Assembly request the Board of Finance and Personnel to bring detailed proposals for pensions to the General Assembly in 2007. 3. That in the 2006 assessment for the Incidental Fund, 1p in the £ of stipend be included in respect of the costs of production and implementation of proposals for pensions. 4. That Retired Ministers with pre 1978 service be paid, in the current year, a special grant (Code Par 315 (5)) of £15 per month from the Central Ministry Fund. 5. That the rate of assessment for the Incidental Fund for 2006 be 6p in the Incidental £ of stipend. Fund 6. That the rate of assessment for the Central Ministry Fund for 2006 be 15p Central in the £ of stipend. Ministry Fund 7. That the rate of assessment for the Retired Ministers’ Fund for 2006 be Retired 8.5p in the £ of stipend. Ministers’ Fund 8. That the rate of assessment for the Widows of Ministers’ Fund for 2006 Widows of Ministers’ Fund be 7p in the £ of stipend. 9. That the rate of assessment for the Ministers’ Prolonged Disability Fund for Ministers’ Prolonged 2006 be 0.75p in the £ of stipend for Ministers, Licentiates and College Professors Disability Fund and of Basic Ministerial Minimum for Ministers who are Missionaries. 10. That the rate of assessment for the Ministers’ Pension Scheme (1978) be Ministers’ Pension 22.5p in the £ of stipend as shown in the column, ‘Stipend paid to Minister’, or as Scheme (1978) fixed by the Union Commission in the case of a vacancy. 11. That the General Assembly encourage all Boards and Agencies to have Risk Assessment as a recurring item on Board Agendas, that once a year Boards and Agencies should submit a report to the Board of Finance and Personnel confirming that they are not aware of any factors which would cause one of the identified risks above to materialise, that in addition they should report on possible new risks or risks which have ceased during the past year. 12. That, under the provisions of the Code Par 223(3), the Rev William Alastair Permission to Kennedy (Trinity, Bangor) be given permission to retire on or after his 63rd birthday Retire and that his pension be in accordance with the Code and the Rules of the Ministers’ Pension Scheme (1978). 32 Daily Minutes BELFAST, 2006 Prolonged 13. That Rule 7 of the Rules of the Ministers’ Prolonged Disability Fund, Disability Fund approved by the General Assembly in June, 2003, be amended to read as follows: 7a. Incapacity Benefit Incapacity Benefit will be paid to approved applicants. The rate(s) of benefit shall be fixed each year by the Board on the recommendation of the Committee, but will not be related to the applicants’ previous PCI remuneration or other emoluments. 7b. Family Benefit Where approved applicants would, if they had not become eligible under Rule 6 above to apply for benefits, have qualified for Family Grants under Par 315 (4) of the Code, the Committee, with the approval of the Board, may pay a Family Benefit to such approved applicants. The rate(s) of benefit shall be fixed each year by the Board on the recommendation of the Committee and shall take account of Total Family Income. 14. That the Rules of the Ministers’ Prolonged Disability Fund, approved by the General Assembly in June, 2003, be amended by substituting ‘The Board of Finance and Personnel’ for ‘The Board of Ministry and Pensions’ in the Preamble and in Rule 19(a) and ‘The Pensions and Assessments Committee’ for ‘The Committee on Retirements and Pensions’ in the Preamble and in Rule 20(b). 15. That the recommendations outlined in the Report on Review of Property be approved. 16. That the operation of the Tyrone Memorial should continue to be reviewed on a triennial basis. 17. That the Board of Finance and Personnel, with its associated working committees for the ensuing year, be appointed in accordance with Par 286 of the Code as follows: J Millar, OBE Convener (a) The Moderator and Clerk of Assembly, Board Convener, Financial Secretary, Convener of Union Commission. (b) Rev NJ Linkens; Mrs J Mann — AG Sleator, N Greenlee — Rev JM Casement; R Courtenay — Rev J Brackenridge; WM McMaster — Rev SA Matthews; H Smyth — Rev DS Henry; M Agnew. (c) Rev WF Dickey; L Cubitt — Rev RJA Bell; F Picton — Rev R Kelly; B McCorriston — Rev KDW Crowe; J McMullan — FJ Hand, SJ Waugh. (d) Rev WA Abernethy; A Bridle — C Graham, M Fitch — JD McKibbin, NL Valentine. (e) Rev JT Williamson; A Fletcher — Rev JA Noble; RJ Boggs — N Morrison, RH Kidd — Rev IF Smith; E Carroll. (f) Rev B Brown; WC Patterson — Rev J Carson; J Gregg — Rev D Nesbitt; T Semple.

A. COMMITTEE ON FINANCE, LEGAL AND IT (3) M Fitch, Convener (a) The Moderator and Clerk of Assembly, Board and Committee Conveners, Financial Secretary. BELFAST, 2006 Daily Minutes 33 (x) R Power, T McQuoid, B McCluggage, WJ Miscampbell. (y) Rev D Nesbitt; A Bridle, FJ Hand, N Valentine.

B. PERSONNEL COMMITTEE (4) D Lamb, Convener (a) The Moderator and Clerk of Assembly; Board and Committee Conveners, Head of Personnel, Financial Secretary. (x) Rev Dr J Fell; B Phillips, I Moore, L Murray. (y) Revs JM Casement, IF Smith; T Semple, H Smyth.

C. ASSEMBLY BUILDINGS COMMITTEE (3) JH Martin, Convener J Kelly, Secretary (a) The Moderator and Clerk of Assembly, Board and Committee Conveners, Committee Secretary, Financial Secretary. (x) Rev RA McLernon; WJ Cairns, A McQuoid. (y) Revs JT Williamson, R Kelly; Mrs J Mann.

D. PENSIONS AND ASSESSMENTS COMMITTEE (4) D Crowe, Convener (a) The Moderator and Clerk of Assembly, Board and Committee Conveners, Financial Secretary. (x) Revs D Armstrong, JL Casement; J Hutcheson, I Johnston, D Munster, D Clements. (y) Revs RJA Bell, WA Abernethy, KDW Crowe; E Carroll, A Fletcher, N Morrison.

The Report of the BOARD OF COMMUNICATIONS (Reports pp 108- 117) was submitted by the Rev W A Kennedy. BOARD OF COMMUNI- Moved by the Rev W A Kennedy, seconded by Mr Stephen Lynas, and CATIONS agreed: 1. That the Report be received. Moved by the Rev W A Kennedy, seconded by the Rev Dr D J Watts, and agreed: 2. That the General Assembly commend the work of the Communications Department and express thanks to the Information Officer, the office staff and the Editor of the Presbyterian Herald. Moved by the Rev W A Kennedy, seconded by Mr Stephen Lynas, and agreed: 3. That the General Assembly encourage the Communications Board in the continuing implementation of the new strategy and programme to co-ordinate and service the communications of the Church as presented to the 2005 Assembly by the General Board and agreed. Moved by the Rev W A Kennedy, seconded by the Rev Dr D J Watts, and agreed: 4. That the Information Officer be henceforth known as the Communications and Press Secretary. 34 Daily Minutes BELFAST, 2006 Moved by the Rev W A Kennedy, seconded by Mr Stephen Lynas, and agreed: 5. That the guidelines for Churches on The Use of the Internet be adopted and circulated throughout PCI, as the standard for individual Congregations to draft their own internet policy governing website maintenance and internet access. 6. That a grant of £1,500 be paid from the Incidental Fund to the Church Architecture Committee. 7. That a grant of £14,700 be paid from the Incidental Fund to the Presbyterian Historical Society. 8. That the Board of Communications, together with its associated working committees, be appointed for the ensuing year in accordance with Par 277 of the Code as follows: Rev WA Kennedy, Convener S Lynas, Secretary (a) The Moderator and Clerk of Assembly; Editors of the Church Magazines, Board Convener and Secretary. (b) Rev CJC McMullan; Mrs Jean Mann — J MacQueen, M Gilmore — Rev TI Harte; R Fleming — Rev J Honeyford; K Irwin — Rev MN Davidson; I Christie — Rev SS Johnston; D Gordon. (c) Rev B McManus; T Montgomery — R Nelson, Mrs H Graham — Rev Dr J Frazer; Dr W Gilmore — Rev Dr CA Grant; K McAuley — Rev RL Brown; J Gowdy. (d) Rev TN Hamilton; B Hamill — Rev S Henning; G Houston — Rev JR Lambe; T Busby. (e) Rev Dr TR Buick; W Harvey — Rev SJ Gray; J Donaghey — Miss M Guy, JA Patterson — Rev JI Thompson; M McNicholl. (f) S Wasson, Mrs V Stewart — Rev R Cobain; G McCullagh — Rev GJ Mackarel; R Sharpe.

A. COMMUNICATIONS ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE (5) Revs Dr RA Russell, IF Smith, Co-Conveners (a) The Moderator and Clerk of Assembly, Board Convener and Secretary Committee Convener, Editor of Presbyterian Herald, Board Committee Conveners. (x) Rev Dr WE Davison; R Patton, M O’Neill, R Nelson. (y) Revs R Cobain, SJ Gray; J MacQueen, Mrs J Mann, T Busby, R Fleming, Mrs H Graham, G Houston.

B. COMMUNICATIONS DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE (7) Rev C Glover, Convener (a) The Moderator and Clerk of Assembly, Board Convener and Secretaty Committee Convener, Editors of Church Magazines, Director of Christian Training, Prof of Practical Theology, Religious Advisors to BBC, Downtown Radio, RTE and UTV, Rev Dr RS Tosh. (x) Revs PD Thompson, JM Wylie, C Meban, CWP Kennedy. (y) Revs JI Thompson, GJ Mackarel, RL Brown, S Henning, Dr J Frazer; R Sharpe, T Busby, Miss M Guy. BELFAST, 2006 Daily Minutes 35 C. CHURCH ARCHITECTURE COMMITTEE (4) Rev GD Simpson, Convener (a) The Moderator and Clerk of Assembly, Board Convener and Secretary Committee Convener. (x) Rev RE Boggs; B Knox, K Fleming, W Watt. (y) Revs JR Lambe, TI Harte; T Montgomery, JA Patterson.

The Memorial of the Kirk Session of Wellington Street, Ballymena (Reports Memorial of the Kirk Session p 88) was submitted by the Rev N A Brown. of Wellington Street, Moved by the Rev N A Brown, seconded by Mr J McKeown, and agreed: Ballymena That the Memorial be received and its prayer granted.

The sederunt came to a close at 5.15pm, the Moderator pronouncing the Benediction.


FOURTH SESSION Wednesday, 7th June, 2006 Half past nine o’clock. Forenoon The Assembly again convened, the Moderator leading in prayer.

The Report of the BOARD OF MISSION IN IRELAND (Reports pp BOARD OF MISSION IN 146-173) was submitted by the Rev Dr Graham Connor. IRELAND Moved by the Rev Dr Graham Connor, seconded by the Rev D J Montgomery: 1. That the Report be received. Moved as an amendment by the Very Rev Dr A W G Brown, seconded by the Rev Dr R F S Poots: That the report be received and that Appendices A-C, with resolutions 2-6, be sent down to Presbyteries for consideration and comment by 31 December, 2006. On being put, the amendment was declared passed. On being put as substantive motion, a further amendment was moved by the Rev Dr Graham Connor, seconded by the Rev D J Montgomery: That the report be received, that Appendices A-C be referred to Presbyteries for comment by 15 December, 2006 and that the Board of Mission in Ireland be given permission to pilot the Appendices with up to two Presbyteries and ten congregations willing to participate. 36 Daily Minutes BELFAST, 2006 On being put, the amendment was declared passed. On being put as substantive motion, was passed. By permission of the Assembly, Resolutions 2 – 6, as printed in the Assembly Reports, were withdrawn.

Moved by the Rev Dr Graham Connor, seconded by the Rev D J Montgomery, and agreed: Presbyterian 2. That the General Assembly congratulate the Directors of the Presbyterian Mutual Society Mutual Society on its continuing success and encourage Congregations and individuals to avail of its lending facilities. Nightlight 3. That the General Assembly note that the Nightlight Executive Committee has become a Panel under the Board of Mission in Ireland, normally reporting to it through the Board’s Urban Mission Panel. 4. That the General Assembly commend the valuable ministry of Nightlight, under its Director, Mr John Luke, and encourage volunteers to offer themselves for service. Churches’ 5. That the payment of £250 for each of the years 2004, 2005 and 2006 to Council on Healing the Churches’ Council on Healing be approved.

Moved by the Rev J H Robinson, seconded by the Rev D J Montgomery, and agreed: 6. That the resignation of the Rev Dr Graham Connor as Convener of the Board of Mission in Ireland be accepted, that he be thanked for his services and that the Rev Roy A Patton be appointed in his place.

Moved by the Rev Dr Graham Connor, seconded by the Rev D J Montgomery, and agreed: 7. That the resignation of the Rev Roy A Patton as Convener of the Home & Irish Mission Committee be accepted, that he be thanked for his services and that the Rev William J Henry be appointed in his place. Mission 8. That the General Assembly approve the constitution of the Mission Partnership Forum Partnership Forum (Appendix E, and formerly the Alternating Ministries Committee), and that the following be appointed to the Mission Partnership Forum for the ensuing year: Conveners of the Board of Mission in Ireland and Home & Irish Mission Committee, Deputy Clerk, Mrs C Poynton, the Rev S G Anketell. 9. That the Board of Mission in Ireland, with its associated working Committees for the ensuring year, be appointed in accordance with Par 280 of the Code as follows: Rev RA Patton, Convener Deputy Clerk, Secretary (a) The Moderator and Clerk of Assembly, Deputy Clerk, Board Convener, President, Home Vice-President, and General Secretary of PWA, Director for Personnel, Convener and Secretary of Social Witness Board, Conveners of Education, Studies and Christian Training, Youth & Children’s Ministry Boards, Union Commission BELFAST, 2006 Daily Minutes 37 and Pensions and Assessments Committee, Conveners of Finance, Personnel and Property Committees, Presbyterian Mutual Society Agent, 2 Young Women’s Group representatives, 2 Youth & Children’s Ministry Board representatives, two deaconess representatives, Board of Mission Overseas representative. (b) Revs J Gordon, D Bradley; Mrs J Richardson — Revs BA McDonald, SD Finlay, RIA Allely — Revs JM Casement, GR Stockdale; Mrs J Shields — Rev WJ Henry; I McCullagh, Mrs V Mawhinney — Revs WJM Parker, TJ Hagan; Mrs R McAuley — Revs DS Henry, BD Colvin; Mrs A McIntyre. (c) Revs SW Dickinson, JG Johnston; Miss H Nicholl — Revs RJ McCullough, B McMillen; Mrs L Stothers — Rev TJ McCormick; Dr JH Gillespie, Mrs D Lynn — Rev ST Carson, AC Rankin; Mrs H Morrison — Revs S Simpson, Dr WD Patton; Miss S Sutter. (d) Rev AW Boyd; B Gordon, Mrs L Gibson — Revs RN Agnew, KA Drury; Miss M Angus — Revs M Gibson, P Linkens; Mrs S Giffen. (e) Revs TD Hagan, DJ Hutchinson; Mrs M McCloskey — Revs JL Blair, T Mawhinney; Mrs M Docherty — Rev Dr JW Lockington; TR Reid, Miss J Patterson — Revs JJ Currie, PG McCrea; Mrs E Farr. (f) Revs J Lamont, WA McCully; Mrs A Lamont — Revs Dr S Mawhinney, SJ Lockington, L Kennedy-Ritchie— Rev N Cubitt; Mrs G Oliver; E. Latimer. (p) Mrs G Hunter, Mrs N Bradford, Mrs B Thompson, Mrs J Donald, Mrs V Miller, Mrs J Paul, Miss Z McAllister.

A. EDUCATION AND PROMOTION (5) Mrs C Poynton, Convener Executive Secretary for Education and Promotion, Secretary (a) The Moderator and Clerk of Assembly, Deputy Clerk, Board and Committee Conveners, Executive Secretary for Education & Promotion, Conveners of Home and Irish Mission, Congregational Life and Shankill Road Mission Committees, Information Officer. (x) Revs TW Gordon, J Scott; D Aicken, D Thompson, W Steele. (y) Revs BA McDonald, J Lamont, B McMillan, GR Stockdale, L Kennedy- Ritchie.

B. HOME AND IRISH MISSION COMMITTEE (7) Rev W J Henry, Convener Deputy Clerk, Secretary (a) The Moderator and Clerk of Assembly, Deputy Clerk, Board and Committee Conveners, PWA Central President, PWA Home Vice-President, Director for Personnel, Executive Secretary for Education & Promotion, Mrs C Poynton. (x) Revs Dr WP Addley, PG McCrea, BD Colvin, SS Johnston; DF Adair, Mrs Irene Younge. (y) Revs JM Casement, KA Drury, N Cubitt, WA McCully, Dr S Mawhinney; Mrs L Stothers. 38 Daily Minutes BELFAST, 2006 C. CONGREGATIONAL LIFE (6) Rev H Boyce, Convener Director for Congregational Life, Secretary (a) The Moderator and Clerk of Assembly, Deputy Clerk, Board and Committee Conveners, Director for Congregational Life, Convener of Committee on Resourcing Christians for Ministry, Director of Christian Training, Executive Secretary for Education & Promotion, Director for Personnel, Prof of Practical Theology, Divine Healing Agent. (x) Revs GE Best, RB Savage, IJ Patterson, WJ Parkes, D Bannerman. (y) Revs JM Casement, Dr WD Patton, RJ McCullough, JL Blair; Mrs B Thompson.

D. SHANKILL ROAD MISSION (5) Rev Dr I Hart, Convener Rev WMcB Campbell, Superintendent (a) The Moderator and Clerk of Assembly, Deputy Clerk, Board and Committee Conveners, Shankill Road Mission Superintendent, Clerk of Session of Shankill Road Mission Congregation, Executive Secretary for Education and Promotion. (x) Revs K McConnell, GF McKeown, AW Boyd; Miss D Pinkerton. (y) Revs J Gordon, M Gibson, Dr JW Lockington; Mrs L Stothers.


BOARD OF The Report of the BOARD OF YOUTH AND CHILDREN’S MINISTRY YOUTH AND CHILDREN’S (Reports pp 197-207) was submitted by the Rev E J Hyndman. MINISTRY Moved by the Rev E J Hyndman, seconded by the Rev G J Kennedy, and agreed: 1. That the Report be received. 2. That a grant of £8,240 be paid from the Incidental Fund to Youth Link NI. 3. That the General Assembly approve the Youth and Children’s Project 2006-7, to support the work of Ilona and Csaba Veres in Romania in the provision of accommodation in Cluj for young adults. 4. That the resignation of the Rev Desi Paul as Convener of the Ministry Opportunities Committee be accepted, that he be thanked for his services and that the Rev John Flaherty be appointed in his place. 5. That the Board of Youth and Children’s Ministry, with its associated working committees for the ensuing year, be appointed in accordance with par 283 of the code as follows: Rev EJ Hyndman, Convener Miss R , Secretary (a) The Moderator and Clerk of Assembly, Board Convener, Director and Deputy Director of Youth and Children’s Ministry, Director of Social Service, Conveners of Congregational Life, Resourcing Christians for Ministry, University Chaplains. (b) Revs AM Bates, GJ Kennedy — Rev SD Finlay; N McKee — Ms M McCauley, Miss C Hill — Rev DJ Bruce; ______— Revs JRI Harbinson, MN Davidson — M Peacock, Mrs E Maxwell. BELFAST, 2006 Daily Minutes 39 (c) Revs RM Murray, MJR Neilly — Rev J Moxen; M Wylie — Revs CJ Aitcheson, CWA Martin — Rev HW Mullan; J Surgenor — GA Barkley, Miss H Harrison. (d) Rev IK McDonald; A Howard — Rev R Love; Miss J Gwyn — Rev ME Taylor; Miss G Young. (e) Rev KA Jones; K McCrossan — Rev JG Jones; Wm Willis — Rev K Henderson; Miss M Guy — Revs JA Curry, DJ Irvine. (f) Rev SJ Richmond; J Cowan — Rev AJMcL Smith; Mrs G McCormick — Rev RI Carton; Miss P Patton. (g) Mrs C Murray, Mrs J Craig, Mrs M Emery, Mrs J Robinson, Mrs R McKnight, Miss A Houston, Mrs G Ditty, Mrs H Carey, Miss F Livingstone, Mrs G Graham, Mrs L Keys, Mrs D Johnston, I Ferris, A Ditty, D Pattison, T Bruce, D Laney, D McNeill, A Brown, Miss S Moore.

A. TRAINING COMMITTEE (5) Rev CD Mawhinney, Convener (a) The Moderator and Clerk of Assembly, Board and Committee Conveners, Director and Deputy Director of Youth and Children’s Ministry, Youth Development Officer, Children’s Development Officer, Regional Youth and Support Workers. (x) P Bowman, P Brown, Mrs J Robinson, Dr Alistair McCracken. (y) Revs DJ Bruce, ME Taylor, JG Jones, K Henderson.

B. RESEARCH AND EDUCATION COMMITTEE (4) Mrs H Lyle, Convener (a) The Moderator and Clerk of Assembly, Board and Committee Conveners, Director and Deputy Director of Youth and Children’s Ministry. (x) Miss L Gould, G Jordan, Mrs S Mawhinney, Ms B McIlwrath. (y) Revs SD Finlay, R Love, AM Bates; Miss C Hill.

C. RESOURCES COMMITTEE (5) Rev GJ Kennedy, Convener (a) The Moderator and Clerk of Assembly, Board and Committee Conveners, Director and Deputy Director of Youth and Children’s Ministry, Centres’ Director, Children’s Development Officer, Youth Development Officer, Regional Youth and Support Workers. (x) Revs DJ Montgomery, RL Brown, Dr SR Jones, J Peacock; Mrs L Rankin. (y) Revs RI Carton, JRI Harbinson, AM Bates, DJ Bruce; Miss M McCauley.

D. MINISTRY OPPORTUNITIES COMMITTEE (6) Rev JH Flaherty, Convener (a) The Moderator and Clerk of Assembly, Board and Committee Conveners, Director and Deputy Director of Youth and Children’s Ministry, Overseas Board representative, Board of Mission in Ireland representative, Volunteers’ Co-Ordinator, Centres Director, Rev DJ Paul. (x) Revs PD Thompson, C Meban; M Smith, Mrs M Trueman, M Welsh, M Moorhead. 40 Daily Minutes BELFAST, 2006 (y) Revs R Love, CWA Martin, MJR Neilly, MN Davidson, IK McDonald, JA Curry.

E. MINISTRY EVENTS COMMITTEE (4) Rev J Moxen, Convener (a) The Moderator and Clerk of Assembly, Board and Committee Conveners, Director and Deputy Director of Youth and Children’s Ministry. (x) Revs WJ Carlisle, JR Burnett; A Meban, M Hull, N Cooper. (y) Revs AJMcL Smith, H Mullan; M Wylie, Mrs G McCormick, Miss G Young.

Memorial of the Interim The Memorial of the Interim Kirk Session of Ballysally (Reports pp 174– Kirk Session of 175) was submitted by the Rev J Coulter. Ballysally Moved by the Rev J Coulter, seconded by the Rev S J Millar, and agreed: That the Memorial be received and its prayer granted.

Hymnal The Report of the Hymnal Committee (Reports pp 283-284) was submitted Committee by the Rev W T J Richardson. Moved by the Rev W T J Richardson, seconded by the Rev W J Murdock, and agreed: 1. That the Report be received. 2. That the Hymnal Committee be re-appointed for one further year as follows:- The Moderator and Clerk of Assembly; Committee Convener, Communications and Press Officer. Revs Prof WP Addley, WTJ Richardson, WJ Murdock, WA Kennedy, RL Brown, JH McIntyre, WH Sanderson, RD McDowell, M Spratt, R Hill, JF Murdoch, IF Smith, JR Dickinson, Dr AWG Brown; H Morrow, Mrs O Marshall, Miss M Guy, O McAuley, C Blake, Ms J Cowle, Mrs M Braithwaite, Ms D Holt, Mrs M Crooks.

Overture anent The Overture anent Par 300(4) of the Code (Reports p 173) was submitted Par 300(4) by the Rev J H Robinson. Moved by the Rev J H Robinson, seconded by the Rev D J Montgomery, and agreed: That the Overture anent Par 300(4) of the Code be received and that, under Par 111 of the Code, it be made the rule of the Church.

Overture anent The Overture anent Par 300(5) of the Code (Reports p 174) was submitted Par 300(5) by the Rev J H Robinson. Moved by the Rev J H Robinson, seconded by the Rev Dr Graham Connor, and agreed: That the Overture anent Par 300(5) of the Code be received and that, under Par 111 of the Code, it be made the rule of the Church. BELFAST, 2006 Daily Minutes 41 The Assembly engaged in worship conducted by the Moderator, assisted by the Rev A R Bill. At the request of the Moderator, the Rev R S McMullan addressed the Assembly.

The sederunt came to a close at .00pm, the Moderator pronouncing the Benediction.


FIFTH SESSION Wednesday, 7th June, 2006 Two o’clock. Afternoon The Assembly again convened, the Moderator leading in prayer.

The Report of the GENERAL BOARD (Reports pp 1-58) was submitted by GENERAL BOARD the Rev Dr D J Watts, together with the following Supplementary Report:

GENERAL BOARD – Supplementary Report Synods The Judicial Commission has considered the Overtures re the abolition of Synods and chosen those anent Pars 19, 86-92, 94-96 of the Code as test cases to send down to Presbyteries under the Barrier Act. The necessary overtures relating to the Basic Code, with the exception of Chapter X, are submitted this year. If they are agreed under the Barrier Act, overtures to change the Rules will be prepared for next year. In future it is proposed that to make appointments to the Judicial Commission, vacancies would be notified at a meeting of the General Board and suggestions sought but without any formal approach to the person concerned. An ad hoc Committee of the General Board would then consider the suggestions and recommend a list of fifteen. When the General Board has finalised its nominations, the Business Board, in consultation with the outgoing Judicial Commission, would add five further names having regard for balance of gender, profession and other relevant factors. In response to the resolution of the General Assembly, 2006, the General Board Special Assembly have appointed the Revs D J Montgomery and T C Morrison to Convene an ad Conference hoc Committee to consider a further Special Conference. It was reported that the cost to Congregations should not exceed 0.5p in the £ of stipend. Resolutions to test the mind of the Assembly and, if appropriate, to appoint an ad hoc Committee are appended. The Rev William Moore Boland BA, BD, MA, HDipEd, DD, died on 14 Memorial April, 2006 in the 91st year of his age and the 62nd of his Ministry. He was the son Record of a local Auctioneer and farmer from Ballina, Co Mayo. His home Congregation was Ballina. He was educated at Galway Grammar School, Trinity College, Dublin and what was then the Presbyterian College, Belfast. Before entering the ministry he was a teacher in the Avoca Grammar School, Dublin. He married Cora Jean Kathleen Byers, BA, LTCL, and they had two children Barbara Jane and Richard McKinley. Sadly Richard is now deceased. To his wife Cora and their daughter Barbara the sympathy of the General Assembly is directed at this time of grief 42 Daily Minutes BELFAST, 2006 and loss. William Boland had many interests among them boating, gardening and photography. Licenced by the Dublin Presbytery in 1943 he was ordained to the Congregations of 2nd and 3rd Ballynahinch in May 1944. These two Congregations then became what is now known as Edengrove where he remained until 1951. In that year he was called to the Congregations of Limerick and Ennis, where he remained until 1954 when he was called to the Congregation of Malone. Here he remained until retirement in September, 1980. His kind, gracious personality endeared him to the people of Malone and surrounding area and this matched with the thoughtful well prepared pulpit ministry all combined to make him one of the outstanding ministers of the General Assembly. Within the General Assembly he held many positions, for example from 1951-54 he was Convener of the Southern Education Board, from 1961-68 he was Convener of the College Committee, from 1970-73 he was Convener of the Residential Trust and from 1973-79 he convened the Reception of Ministers Committee. Outside the church he was Chaplain of Malone Training School from 1954-68 and for several years he was Chaplain to Stranmillis Training College. In addition to being a Governor in Ashleigh House School, he was for several years Hon Secretary of the Sabbath School Society. He will be lovingly remembered by all who had the privilege of knowing him and was a fine example of what it takes to be a Christian gentleman. Church House 1. At a special meeting of the General Board, held on 13 September, 2005 Panel the Clerk reported and the General Board agreed as follows: (1) The General Assembly, on 8 June, 2005, agreed the following resolution – “That the General Assembly instruct the Church House Panel to proceed with the sale of Church House and Fisherwick Buildings to the Thornton Trust, as outlined.” This followed a report presented and proposed by Mr. Hubert Martin and seconded by the Very Rev. Dr. John Dixon. (2) In presenting the report, Mr. Martin indicated the nature of the Thornton Trust as outlined in its Memorandum and Articles of Association and a letter to DTZ McCombe Pierce dated 3 May, 2005. He explained that “The Thornton Trust is a County Armagh based registered charity, created to realise the dream of the philanthropic Thornton family, who have long wanted to perpetuate the family’s contribution to the civic, commercial and cultural life of the province, support Christian work, medical research, architecture and heritage, education and the promotion of community relations.” (3) The letter also dealt with the experience of the Thornton Trust in redevelopment and refurbishment projects. It stated:- “Many of the property assets are being refurbished and in some cases re-developed; their first Heritage Restoration Project is a former Church and Manse in Thomas Street, Portadown, which is being refurbished to accommodate a traditional style tea room and food store.” (4) This experience was important to the Panel in making its recommendation. While the General Assembly in 2004 had concurred with the Panel that to impose restrictive covenants on the sale would not be appropriate, the Panel had noted the concerns of the Assembly and made clear both to the Estate Agent and through the Agent to those interested in bidding, that the intended future use of the buildings was important to the Church and would be considered in assessing the tenders. The invitation to submit tenders included the following:- “Interested BELFAST, 2006 Daily Minutes 43 parties are asked as part of the tender documentation to set out clearly the financial terms of their offer, to give full details of their proposals for the future use of the property, to set out their timescale in which if successful they would like to complete the purchase, to provide evidence of funding and to detail any other conditions that they wish to make in relation to the purchase. Interested parties should note that the Presbyterian Church in Ireland is not bound to accept the highest or any offer and reserves the right to enter into negotiation with one or more preferred bidders.” (5) In recommending the Thornton Trust bid to the General Assembly, the Panel were impressed by the proposed use of the buildings for a tea- room and possibly restaurant with a high-class food store. A significant art gallery was also being considered, while the Assembly Hall would remain as at present. As well as allowing the administration of the Church to continue on lease-back for three years, the Assembly Hall would be available to rent each June. These proposals influenced the Assembly in its decision. (6) Since the Assembly, the Panel has become concerned by the lack of progress made by the Trust in advancing its development schemes. Contrary to the letter mentioned earlier, the Heritage Restoration Project at the former Methodist Church and Manse in Thomas Street, Portadown, does not seem to have begun. The Panel has not been satisfied with the reassurances proffered by the representatives of the Trust. (7) The Panel wish to emphasise that its concerns are not a reflection upon the good intentions or community contribution of Mr R D Thornton and his sister the late Miss E M Thornton (who sadly died on 12 July 2005). The late Miss Thornton, in particular, was very excited about the possible renovation and restoration of Church House. (8) Having given this matter much thought and prayer over the summer, the Panel is now of the view that it cannot fulfil the General Assembly’s instruction, as the situation is very significantly different from that portrayed to the General Assembly in June. It therefore recommends to the General Board that no further steps are taken at present with regard to the sale of Church House and Fisherwick Buildings. 2. Resolutions agreed were: (1) That the report be received. (2) That the General Board accepts the view of the Church House Panel that the instruction given by the General Assembly in June “to proceed with the sale of Church House and Fisherwick Buildings to the Thornton Trust, as outlined,” cannot now be fulfilled. (3) That the Church House Panel be asked to prepare a further report for discussion by the General Board at its March 2006 meeting on the future sale of Church House and Fisherwick Buildings and to then submit a report to the General Assembly in June 2006. (4) That all costs incurred with regard to the proposed sale, up to the meeting of the General Assembly in June, be a charge on the Incidental Fund. 44 Daily Minutes BELFAST, 2006 3. The question of costs has naturally been a concern and the following costs (rounded figures) were outlined to the General Board: Marketing costs £5,500 Marketing Report £5,500 Estate Agents Fees £13,000 Legal Fees etc. £44,000 Consultation with QC £3,000 4. As agreed by the General Board, the Panel left time for a period of reflection and returned to the issue with a report to the General Board in April. This was outlined in the Annual Reports. The options were discussed by the General Board and it was clear that there was little enthusiasm for Option (iii). The consensus of the General Board was to remain with the original decision of the General Assembly in 2004 to sell both Church House and Fisherwick Buildings. The General Board also indicated that members did not believe further information was necessary on which to base an informed decision. There were reservations expressed, however, about the possible move to May Street. 5. The Panel subsequently met to reflect on the discussion at the General Board. It also considered a report from Alastair Coey, Architects, on possible future use of the Church House complex. After discussion it was agreed to confirm that the Church House and Fisherwick Buildings complex should be sold, without conditions attached, and with authority for the General Board to issue. 6. It was also recognised that at the time of meeting no planning application had been made for the May Street development. The Panel is actively looking at other possibilities in the central Belfast area. In the light of the General Board discussion, it is recognised that the new building must adequately meet the needs for office and staff accommodation, with some meeting rooms. The General Assembly and, if necessary, Committee and Board weeks will be held elsewhere. Centres Discussions continue as to the future use of the Lucan site. A resolution to Review Panel establish clearly that any disposal of funds will be at the discretion of the General Board is appended. Moved by the Rev Dr D J Watts, seconded by the Rev Principal J P Taylor, and agreed: 1. That the Report be received. Professor 2. That the Rev Andrew Gibson be appointed Professor of Practical of Practical Theology Theology. The Rev Andrew Gibson was duly informed by the Moderator of his election and, having subscribed the Westminster Confession of Faith, he was declared appointed, after which he thanked the Moderator and members of the Assembly.

SUBSCRIPTION to the Westminster Confession of Faith in terms of the General Assembly’s formula. I believe the Westminster Confession of Faith as described in the Code, Chapter 1, paragraphs 12-14, to be founded on and agreeable to the Word of God and as such I subscribe it as the confession of my faith. ANDREW GIBSON Certified by DONALD J WATTS Clerk of Assembly 7 June 2006 BELFAST, 2006 Daily Minutes 45 The Moderator, leading in prayer, commended the Rev Andrew Gibson to the care and guidance of God. 3. That the General Assembly encourage the Boards of the Church to focus Priorities on the five key areas of work outlined in the “Conclusions” section of the report Committee and consider ways in which these may be effectively developed. 4. That the General Board be instructed to set up a Panel to consider, in consultation with Presbyteries, ways in which both Manse families and Congregations may be given practical pastoral support at times of illness, or other stress, and to implement recommendations during the year. 5. That the Board of Studies and Christian Training be encouraged to review the present arrangements for Ministerial Development and In-Service Training with a view to greater participation and accountability. 6. That the Business Board be asked to consider ways to encourage the sharing of gifts and expertise by participation on Boards and Committees, especially of younger members. 7. That the General Board be encouraged to consider if new structures are necessary to adequately facilitate the work of Church and Society and Global Concerns. 8. That the General Board forms an ad hoc committee to explore and take Doctrine forward the recommendations contained in the paper on Ordination. Committee 9. That the Moderator’s Advisory Committee be encouraged to review the Moderator’s Advisory role and nomination of the Moderator of the General Assembly and report in Committee 2007. 10. That “Mission Africa” be approved as a recognised organisation in terms Recognised Ministries of the Code Par 200(5)(a). Committee 11. That the General Assembly adopt the recommendations of the Recognised Ministries Committee on Ministers without Charge. 12. That the General Assembly approve the holding of a Special Assembly Special Assembly Conference in 2010. Conference 13. That an ad hoc Committee to plan a special Assembly Conference be appointed as follows: Moderator and Clerk of Assembly, Revs DJ Montgomery, TC Morrison, JA Beattie, TJ Conway, RL Craig, MN Davidson, C Ebbinghaus, RS Hetherington, Lorraine Kennedy-Ritchie, FP Sellar, SJ Hanna; S McDowell, Mrs K Campbell, S Lynas, Mrs M Patterson, Miss B McDade, David Thomson, Miss J P Gamble, A Carroll, R Thompson, C Kennedy, G McCracken.


Moved by the Rev Dr D J Watts, seconded by the Very Rev Dr S J Dixon: 14. That the General Assembly confirm the 2004 decision to sell the Church Church House House complex, without conditions attached. Panel A ballot was taken and the Moderator announced the result as follows:

Voting: For ...... 227 votes Against . . . . . 256 votes The resolution was declared lost. 46 Daily Minutes BELFAST, 2006 Moved by the Very Rev Dr J Dunlop, seconded by the Very Rev Dr D J McGaughey, and agreed: 15. That the General Assembly accept notice of motion to rescind the decision of the 2004 General Assembly: “That the General Assembly agree that the Church House complex be sold and that a suitable alternative site and accommodation be acquired.” By permission of the Assembly, Resolutions 29c and 29d, as printed in the Supplementary Reports, were withdrawn. Business lapsed (See page 57)

The sederunt came to a close at 5.30pm, the Moderator pronouncing the Benediction.


On Wednesday evening, 7 June 2006, a Rally, conducted by the Moderator, took place at 7.45 pm. During worship, the Moderator welcomed Licentiates and expressed thanks to recently retired Ministers.

At the request of the Moderator, the Rev Hugh Palmer, Rector, All Souls, Langham Place, London, addressed the Assembly.

The sederunt came to a close at 9.25pm, the Moderator pronouncing the Benediction.


SIXTH SESSION Thursday, 8th June, 2006 Half past nine o’clock. Forenoon The Assembly again convened, the Moderator leading in prayer. BELFAST, 2006 Daily Minutes 47 GENERAL BOARD – Supplementary Report GENERAL BOARD APPENDIX 4: Church CHURCH AND SOCIETY COMMITTEE SUBMISSION TO and Society PARADES COMMISSION CONSULTATION, MAY 2006 Committee We are grateful for the opportunity to respond to the invitation to participate in the Parades Commission’s review of procedures under which it operates. The Presbyterian Church in Ireland’s Church and Society Committee represents Irish Presbyterians from across the Island of Ireland and includes ministers and elders. The Committee draws on the experience of past Moderators and senior figures within the denomination and takes representation from those who work at more local levels. We have four main concerns: 1. TRANSPARENCY In a modern democratic society it is simply not acceptable for a body such as the Parades Commission to hear formal evidence in private prior to a determination; for those presenting the evidence neither to know who else has presented evidence, nor what that evidence is. Thus there is no possibility for any public challenge to flawed evidence, nor any public understanding of the evidence presented. This culture of secrecy does great harm to the credibility of the Commission and its determinations. It is our clear view that all evidence, (including that of the PSNI) should be given in public – and only in the most exceptional circumstances should evidence be given behind closed doors. 2. COMMUNITY IMPACT ASSESSMENT There is no rationale at all for the community impact assessment to be the responsibility of the PSNI. They have expertise in public order, but no more than any other body in assessing the impact of a contested parade on community relations. This responsibility must be given to those with both the expertise and the credibility to do so – a new role potentially for the Community Relations Council. In addition, both the parade organiser and the protest organiser should be asked to include an assessment from their perspectives in their paperwork to the Commission. 3. MEDIATION We remain very concerned that the Commission will not be able to credibly mediate between parties against one of whom it may well have to make a limiting determination. We are far from convinced that these two roles can be combined in the one Commission, and there is little evidence that the Commission as a body has either the skills or the credibility to exercise a mediation role. Such work should be carried out for the Commission by those publicly qualified and trusted to do so. 4. PROTEST In practice there seems little sanction on those who break the terms of a determination on protest. The Commission needs to publicly clarify the consequences from its perspective of violations of such determinations. We offer our comments in the hope that they will be helpful as you go through the process of review and we assure you that we are willing to enter into conversation with you at any time. 48 Daily Minutes BELFAST, 2006 APPENDIX 5 CHURCH AND SOCIETY SUBMISSION TO THE WORKING GROUP ON DOMESTIC PARTNERSHIP ESTABLISHED BY THE MINISTER FOR JUSTICE, EQUALITY AND LAW REFORM 1. The Presbyterian Church in Ireland welcomes the opportunity, through its Church and Society Committee, to make a submission to the Working Group set up by the Minister on “Domestic Partnership.” 2. We welcome the report on the Family of the All Party Oireachtas Committee on the Constitution, published in January 2006, which proposed leaving the constitutional status of the Family unchanged. 3. As we stated in our written submission, and at our oral presentation to the Committee, we recognise that there will be those “who choose to live in a way which does not follow the Christian teaching we espouse. There may be, therefore, issues surrounding tax, inheritance, welfare benefits etc that could be re-examined by the government in relation to those who live in such relationships” (10th Progress Report, Dublin, 2006, page A235). It appears to be in line with such an approach that the current Working Group has been established. 4. The experience of the Presbyterian Church as an “all-Ireland” body has included the recent introduction of Civil Partnership legislation in the United Kingdom, under which the first ceremony took place in Belfast in December 2005. 5. Making a submission to those preparing the UK legislation, in March 2004, the Clerk of our General Assembly, Rev Dr Donald Watts, wrote on behalf of our Church: a. The Presbyterian Church considers that marriage has been ordained by God to offer lifelong companionship in a committed relationship of a man and a woman. This is the purpose for which God created male and female. While the Church would wish to be supportive and welcoming to people of all sexual orientations, it believes that the sexual act should be practised in a committed heterosexual relationship. That is what makes marriage unique. Offering civil partnership registration in a way which clearly mirrors the present marriage regulations is to challenge the uniqueness of marriage as a God-given ordinance. b. The Church recognises that there are issues to do with tenancy, inheritance, etc which affect any two people living in the same house. This also affects e.g. two unmarried sisters; a carer looking after a close friend. These issues could well be looked at, but creating the civil partnerships being suggested is not the answer. 6. Two years on, facing a similar question in this jurisdiction, the position of our Church remains the same. In fact, the introduction of Civil Partnership legislation in the UK, in a way which closely mirrors marriage so that it appears as marriage in all but name deeply concerns us. It clearly challenges and undermines the uniqueness of marriage. It is not, we believe, the model to adopt in Ireland when considering “domestic partnerships”. 7. We recognise that the adoption of this legislation in the UK, following that in a small number of other jurisdictions, does provide problems for our government in Ireland in terms of what legal recognition to afford such foreign partnerships. BELFAST, 2006 Daily Minutes 49 8. However using the analogies of where (i) certain marriages contracted outside the state i.e. involving a minor, would be regarded as illegal in Irish Law or (ii) where in certain circumstances a divorce granted outside the State may not be automatically recognised in Irish Law, the State should not feel compelled to recognise a partnership arrangement entered into abroad where this is in conflict with our own Constitution. 9. The most pressing question therefore is, which forms of domestic partnership may be given legal effect and recognition within our Constitutional provisions? 10. The Conclusions of the All Party Oireachtas Committee on the Constitution appear to point to a desire to create two forms of “domestic partnership”, one relating to cohabiting heterosexual couples and another for same-sex couples. 11. Such a distinction is probably not sustainable in the long term and is likely also to bring pressure to bear on the distinct position of the Constitutional position of the Family grounded in marriage. 12. It is important to ask, “What is the problem that needs to be addressed?” Is it merely to deal with issues of tax, inheritance, welfare etc between unmarried people, or is the real intention to establish that all unions between consenting adults may be treated as of equal status. 13. If the latter course is taken it will inevitably lead to the degrading of marriage within our society, which we believe to be a God-given institution for the well-ordering and well-being of human relationships. 14. If, however, the former course is adopted then it may prove possible to give legal assurances to those who, because of their domestic relationships, live in a dependant situation, but not a marital one. 15. Examples of this may be where elderly siblings live together, but are disadvantaged by current legal provisions in relation to tax, inheritance, welfare etc. This is an area completely ignored by UK Legislation. Concerns could also be raised about the situation of those who care for an elderly or sick person, but who may not have any of the above-mentioned rights in relation to them. 16. While the Church deals pastorally with individuals in many domestic relationships, and seeks to be compassionate whatever the circumstances, this does not mean that we believe that all can be regarded as helpful or right. 17. As a result, we are not in favour of creating a further category or categories of relationships which have had the effect in other jurisdictions of mirroring marriage. 18. However, recognising the responsibility of the government to legislate for all the circumstances existing within the State, we can foresee a situation whereby legal provisions in relation to tax, inheritance, welfare etc may be made, but would urge a modest approach, focusing simply on these small scale realities, otherwise the long term result will be an erosion of the stability which Marriage brings within the life of the State, which will be in the interest of none of us.

Moved by the Rev Dr D J Watts, seconded by the Rev L E Carroll, and agreed: 16. That the General Assembly note the ongoing and changing needs of Church and Society victims of the ‘Troubles’ and commend them to the prayers of the Church. Committee 50 Daily Minutes BELFAST, 2006 17. In expressing concern for the ongoing and changing needs of victims, the General Assembly call on all in civil society to make themselves aware of those needs, to respond practically and compassionately and to give room for victims to grieve, survive and recover. 18. That the General Assembly commend every attempt to reach accommodation on the matter of parading; encourage everyone who can to take courageous steps towards arrangements which enable peaceful parading; commend to the prayer of the Church work being done to achieve accommodation. 19. That the General Assembly express concern at the level of criminality across society and urge against complacency so that we do not exchange one set of problems for another. 20. That the General Assembly, while accepting the differentiation of Church and State, express concern regarding the increasing acceptance of homosexual unions, as we believe them to be contrary to the teaching of Scripture. 21. That the General Assembly affirm the broad agreement of the Church, as expressed at the 1979 General Assembly, regarding homosexual relationships and direct that ministers and licentiates shall not conduct Services of Blessing for couples involved in a Civil Partnership.

Moved by the Very Rev Dr K N E Newell, seconded by the Very Rev Dr H A Dunlop: 22. That the General Assembly, recognising homophobia within our Church and society, request the Social Issues Panel to prepare guidelines to help our Church develop more sensitive and effective pastoral care.

Moved as an amendment by the Rev J J Andrews, seconded by the Rev W D Weir: That the General Assembly, recognising homophobia within our Church and society, and understanding homophobia to mean an irrational fear or hatred of homosexual persons and recognising that such fear and hatred is unworthy of any Christian, request the Social Issues Panel to prepare guidelines to help our Church develop more sensitive and effective pastoral care. On being put, the amendment was declared lost. The original resolution, being put, was passed.

Moved by the Rev Dr D J Watts, seconded by the Rev L E Carroll, and agreed: 23. That the General Assembly affirm that society can only be strong and happy where the marriage bond is held in honour. 24. That the General Assembly urge the Irish Government to continue to support the Constitutional position of the family, based on marriage, and refrain from any legislation that would weaken this view. 25. That the General Assembly express concern regarding the dumping of asbestos in the Crumlin area, note the far-reaching effects this will have on the health and well-being of the residents of Northern Ireland and beyond, and ask the BELFAST, 2006 Daily Minutes 51 Minister, David Cairns MP, to pay particular attention to the concerns that have been brought to his attention and act accordingly for the good of all. 26. That the General Assembly urge the British and Irish Governments to continue to work together to progress the establishment of political institutions in Northern Ireland which can claim the support of all sections of the community. 27. That the General Assembly urge the Irish Government to take immediate action to grant leave to remain to the ‘aged-out minors’ as a matter of justice and grace. 28. That the contribution of our Church to the salary costs of the Rev Matthew Ross in his ministry at the Church and Society Commission in Brussels be extended for a further three years, at £11,000 per year and that the staff of the Church and Society Commission be commended to the prayers of the Church. 29. That grants of £2,000 for the general work of the Committee, and £10,000 for work in Brussels be made available as a charge on the Incidental Fund. 30. That the resignation of the Rev David Moore as Co-Convener of the Church and Society Committee be accepted, that he be thanked for his services, and that the Rev Alan Boal be appointed in his place. 31. That the General Assembly thank those at congregational and Presbytery Global Concerns Committee level who have accepted responsibility as Peace Agents and urge the wider Church to support and encourage them in responding to “the Church’s own proper calling to seek peace and the things that make for peace.” 32. That the General Assembly welcome Mrs Laura Coulter as Peacemaking Programme Officer and encourage the Church to support her with prayer and by providing opportunities for her to engage with members on issues of peacemaking.

Business lapsed under standing orders (see page 59) The Assembly engaged in worship conducted by the Moderator, assisted by Dr A Cooper. At the request of the Moderator, the Rev S J Millar addressed the Assembly.

The sederunt came to a close at 12.55pm, the Moderator pronouncing the Benediction.


SEVENTH SESSION Thursday, 8th June, 2006 Two o’clock. Afternoon

The Report of the BOARD OF EDUCATION (Reports pp 208 – 221) was BOARD OF submitted by the Rev R Herron. EDUCATION Moved by the Rev R Herron, seconded by the Rev Dr T R Buick, and agreed: 1. That the Report be received. 52 Daily Minutes BELFAST, 2006 2. That the General Assembly thank those members of the Church who have accepted the appointment, for a four year term, as Transferor Representatives to the Board of Governors of a Controlled School in Northern Ireland. 3. That the General Assembly thank those members of the Church who are serving as Patrons’ Representatives on the Board of Management of Presbyterian Schools in the Republic of Ireland. 4. That, recognising the many changes and pressures in education provision in Northern Ireland, the General Assembly acknowledge and thank the many people in the education system, including administrators, managers, teachers, and support staff, who work very hard to deliver a high quality education for our children and young people. 5. That the General Assembly note that for a second consecutive year all five Education and Library Boards have been put in the situation where they are required to make substantial savings on the services they are charged to deliver. 6. That the Rev C D McClure be appointed as Convener of the State Education Committee. 7. That the General Assembly authorise the transfer of all matters concerning university chaplaincy to the Board of Social Witness. 8. That the Board of Education, with its associated working committees for the ensuing year, be appointed in accordance with Par 284 of the Code as follows: Rev R Herron, Convener (a) The Moderator and Clerk of Assembly, Board Convener, Principal UTC, University Chaplains, Transferors’ Representatives on Area Boards. (b) Revs W Sinclair, WJ Carlisle — Revs JWP McConnell, TA McNeely — Rev AA Cole; WA Wilson — Dr J Davis, AJ Cochrane — Rev HSW Cubitt; M Patton — Revs BD Colvin, JKA McIntyre. (c) Rev KWJ Hanna; W McCartney — Rev GAJ Farquhar; E Crawford — Rev Dr RA Kane; N Lyttle — Rev JT Magowan; Mrs A McNie — T Nicholl, W Hoy. (d) Rev ID Neish; R Manson — Rev WI Hull; H Ruddell — Rev JH McIntyre; B Miskimmon. (e) Rev JM Cathcart; WA McIlwaine — Rev TV Mawhinney; R Graham — J Cochrane, Mrs C Trimble — Rev Alan S Thompson; Mrs E Farr. (f) Rev S Stewart; AO Buchanan — Rev GD Campbell; Dr M Carson — Rev RI Carton; J Bole. (g) Revs Prof LS Kirkpatrick, S Stewart; Dr TD Alexander, TJ Shaw, AS Kennedy.

A. STATE EDUCATION COMMITTEE (5) Rev CD McClure, Convener (a) The Moderator and Clerk of Assembly, Board and Committee Conveners, University Education Convener, Directors of Primary and Secondary Education in Republic. (x) TJ Shaw, W Steele, Mrs J Campbell, Mrs M Robinson, Dr M Hollinger, Mrs E Green. (y) Revs GD Campbell, GAJ Farquhar, WI Hull, W Sinclair; W McCartney, JH Ruddell. BELFAST, 2006 Daily Minutes 53 B. UNIVERSITY EDUCATION COMMITTEE (4) Rev Dr TR Buick, Convener (a) The Moderator and Clerk of Assembly, Board and Committee Conveners, Director of Youth and Children’s Ministry, Director of Social Service. (x) Rev Prof WP Addley; TJ Shaw, N Todd, Mrs CM Poots. (y) Revs Alan S Thompson, Dr RA Kane; Dr M Carson, N Lyttle, Mrs E Farr.

The Report of the UNION COMMISSION (Reports pp 66-86) was submitted UNION by the Rev T J Stothers, together with the following Supplementary Report: COMMISSION UNION COMMISSION – Supplementary Report The General Assembly will be aware that the dispensation on Ministers’ Ministers’ Expenses Expenses referred to in Pars 13-15 was not finally agreed and that the procedures referred to in Par 14 and in the Board of Finance and Personnel report, page 239 Par 9 were contingent on such agreement. HM Revenue and Customs has now indicated that it will revert to the procedures formerly used and that Pars 13-15 are no longer relevant, except that the Overture referred to will still usefully bring what the Church recognises as categories for expenses to more closely match what is allowed by HM Revenue and Customs. Moved by the Rev T J Stothers, seconded by the Rev Dr S A Matthews, and agreed: 1. That the Report be received. 2. That the General Assembly urge Congregations and Presbyteries to take seriously the Union Commission's call to prayer concerning the number of vacant Congregations that now exist (Par 6 of the report). 3. That the General Assembly recognise that for historical reasons there are more Church buildings, Congregations and Charges than are required in present circumstances and that the worship and mission of the Church are hindered by this. The Union Commission is therefore encouraged, in consultation with Presbyteries and the Board of Mission in Ireland, actively to address this issue. 4. That the General Assembly note that the CMF assessment rate on the salary of Associate Ministers is now normally 100%. 5. That the Union Commission be authorised to set, on a case by case basis, the proportion of an Associate Minister's Salary that each Congregation pays, along with an appropriate CMF assessment rate, at a level that allows the Congregation to make an appropriate contribution to CMF. 6. That the General Assembly approve the revised Guidelines on Eligibility of Assistants for Call, as outlined in Par 19 of the report and ask that Presbyteries and their Vacancy Commissions ensure that they are strictly observed. 7. That the General Assembly encourage Ministers without Charge to consider using their gifts at congregational level under the provision of the Code Par 81(3) and encourage Presbyteries and Kirk Sessions to consider inviting, where appropriate, those so employed, along with Stated Supplies and other part-time Ministers, to sit and deliberate. 8. That the Business Board be asked to consider whether criteria can be drawn up for inviting Ministers without Charge, Stated Supplies and other part- time Ministers to sit and deliberate at meetings of the General Assembly. 54 Daily Minutes BELFAST, 2006 9. That the CMF be authorised to pay grants towards expenses incurred by Ministers in Congregations, up to a limit of NI £5,200 or RI €7,800, within the terms of resolution 3, p 70, General Assembly Minutes, 1988. 10. That the Congregation of Second Rathfriland be amalgamated with the Congregation of Third Rathfriland on terms agreed by the Union Commission, on 1 July 2006 or other suitable date. 11. That the Union Commission be appointed for the ensuing year in accordance with Par 128 of the Code as follows: Rev TJ Stothers, Convener Rev Dr I Hart, Secretary (a) The Moderator and Clerk of Assembly, Deputy Clerk, Commission Convener and Secretary, Home and Irish Mission Convener, Representative of Central Ministry Fund. (b) Rev Dr DR Purce; M Spence — Rev EP Gamble; J Whittle — Rev R Mackay; N Jackson — Rev WJ Henry; WEC Ford — Rev TJ Hagan; JB McClean — Rev Dr MA Barry; W Grills. (c) Rev D Knowles; J Gregg — Rev TR Graham; N Carmichael — Rev WI Hunter; C Beck — Rev N McClean; J Kane — Rev Dr WD Patton; HL Todd. (d) Rev TD Gribben; D McCormick — Rev Dr I Hart; B Milligan — Rev AS Smyth; WF McConnell. (e) Rev Dr J Fell; A Craig — Rev G Jones; C Henderson — Rev JL Casement; TR Reid — Rev KO Patterson; Dr H McNeill. (f) Rev B Brown; N Watt — Rev W McLaren; Ms J Binnie — Rev M Burnside; K Walker. (g) Revs Dr JW Lockington, J Brackenridge, LH Eagleson, WT Cordner, A E Tolland; Mrs H Jess, AJ Giffen, Dr TJ Robinson.

Overture anent The Overture anent Par 82(4) of the Code (Reports p 86) was submitted Par 82(4) by the Rev T J Stothers. Moved by the Rev T J Stothers, seconded by the Rev Dr S A Matthews, and agreed: That the Overture anent Par 82(4) of the Code, having lain on the books for one year, be enacted as the law of the Church.

Overtures The amended Overtures anent Pars 193(4) and 237 of the Code were anent Pars 193(4) and 237 submitted by the Rev T J Stothers, as follows: Anent Par 193(4) of the Code It is hereby overtured to the General Assembly to enact that Par 193(4) of the Code be deleted and that the following be substituted in its place: “The following conditions shall apply to a Minister being called and inducted as an Associate Minister in a Congregation. The appointment shall be for a term of 3 years. This period of service may be extended by the Union Commission for up to 7 years, after consultation with the Minister, the Associate Minister, the Kirk Session and the Presbytery. In very exceptional circumstances, the period of service may be extended beyond 7 years, in terms of up to 3 years each, following a full review by the Union Commission in consultation with the above parties. BELFAST, 2006 Daily Minutes 55 An appointment as Associate Minister may, after twelve months service, be terminated by mutual agreement, or by two months notice given by the Presbytery or by the Minister of the Congregation, the Kirk Session or the Associate Minister, subject to the approval of the Presbytery.”

Anent Par 237 of the Code It is hereby overtured to the General Assembly to enact that Par 237(b) of the Code be deleted and that the following be substituted in its place: 237(b) “Payments for travel, communications, the lighting, heating and cleaning of the manse or the upkeep of manse grounds are among recognised ministerial expenses, along with other items as authorised by the Union Commission”; and that Par 237(c) of the Code be deleted and that Par 237(d) of the Code be renumbered as Par 237(c). Moved by the Rev T J Stothers, seconded by the Rev Dr S A Matthews, and agreed: That the amended Overtures anent Pars 193(4) and 237 of the Code be received and that, under Par 111 of the Code, they be made the rule of the Church.

The Overtures anent Pars 194(8); 195(3); 274(2) of the Code (Reports pp Overtures anent Pars 87-88) were submitted by the Rev T J Stothers. 194(8); 195(3); Moved by the Rev T J Stothers, seconded by the Rev Dr S A Matthews, and 274(2) agreed: That the Overtures anent Pars 194(8); 195(3); 274(2) of the Code be received and that, under Par 111 of the Code, they be made the rule of the Church.

The Memorial of the East Belfast Presbytery (Reports pp 88-89) was Memorial of the East Belfast submitted by the Very Rev Dr H A Dunlop. Presbytery Moved by the Very Rev Dr H A Dunlop, seconded by the Rev Dr J R Savage and agreed: That the Memorial be received and its prayer referred to the General Board.

The Memorial of the Kirk Session of Fortwilliam Park and Macrory Memorial of the Kirk Session of Memorial (Reports p 90) was submitted by the Rev L E Carroll. Fortwilliam Park and Macrory Moved by the Rev L E Carroll, seconded by Miss M Torrens, and agreed: Memorial That the Memorial be received and its prayer granted.


In Private 56 Daily Minutes BELFAST, 2006 JUDICIAL The Report of the JUDICIAL COMMISSION (Reports pp 60-65) was COMMISSION submitted by the Rev Dr D J Watts, together with the following Supplementary Report:

JUDICIAL COMMISSION – Supplementary Report Largy Reference At 31 May, 2006 the outstanding monies had not been paid as directed by the Judicial Commission. To ensure that the Judicial Commission has all necessary powers in dealing with the matter a resolution is appended. Second Reference From A Presbytery Regarding Complaints Against A Minister The Judicial Commission plans very shortly to conclude its preliminary investigation under Code Par 161. Membership The Rev Dr RWJ MacDermott has resigned from the Judicial Commission after many years of service. His clear mind and pastoral heart have greatly helped the Commission in its deliberations. The Synod of Dublin has nominated Mr Denis Poynton in his place. Moved by the Rev Dr D J Watts, seconded by Mr M A Morrow, QC, and agreed: 1. That the Report be received. 2. That in consideration and determination of the Largy reference, the General Assembly delegate to the Judicial Commission, as appropriate, any of the powers referred to in the Code Par 106. 3. That the resignation of the Rev Dr RWJ MacDermott from the membership of the Judicial Commission be accepted, that he be thanked for his services and Mr Denis Poynton appointed in his place.

Overture anent The Overture anent Par 163(2)(b) of the Code (Reports p 65) was submitted Par 163(2)(b) by Mr M A Morrow, QC. Moved by Mr M A Morrow, QC, seconded by the Rev Dr D J Watts: That the Overture anent Par 163(2)(b) of the Code, having lain on the books for one year, be enacted as the law of the Church.

A vote was taken and the Moderator announced the result as follows:

Voting: For ...... 146 votes Against . . . . . 189 votes

The Overture was declared lost. BELFAST, 2006 Daily Minutes 57 In Public

GENERAL BOARD – Debate resumed (see page 46) GENERAL BOARD Moved by the Rev Dr D J Watts, seconded by the Rev E P Gamble, and agreed: 33. That the Union Commission assume responsibility for overseeing the Manses Panel outworking of the recommendations in the Manses Panel report in the general terms outlined. 34. That the Church Architecture Committee be invited to reconsider the 1994 ‘Guidelines for New Manses’, since a less-demanding specification may now be more appropriate and could yield greater parity between Manse provision and home ownership, and report to the 2007 General Assembly. 35. That the Manses Panel be continued for a further year for consultation, if necessary.

Moved by the Rev Dr D J Watts, seconded by the Rev R L Brown, and agreed: Centres 36. That the General Assembly authorise the General Board to distribute any Review Panel proceeds from the sale or transfer of the Lucan Youth Centre.

Moved by the Rev Dr D J Watts, seconded by Mr S Lynas, and agreed: Mission Education, 37. That the roles and target readerships of the three publications – Presbyterian Promotion and Herald, ReachOut and Wider World – as differentiated in the report, be noted and Communications Panel adopted. 38. That the Communications Board be asked to set up an Editorial Panel as outlined. Business lapsed under standing orders (see page 59) Overtures anent Par 19(1), 19(2), Additional Overtures anent Par 19(1), 19(2), 43(1); 59(c); 65(1); 66(1), 43(1); 59(c); 66(2); 67(1), 67(4); 79(b), 79(c), 79(d); 86-92; 94-96; 93(1); 105(c); 106(a), 65(1); 66(1), 66(2); 67(1), 106(b); 109; 127(1), 127(2)(b) and 134(1) of the Code were submitted by the 67(4); 79(b), Rev Dr D J Watts, as follows: 79(c), 79(d); 86-92; 94-96; It is hereby overtured to the General Assembly to enact as follows: 93(1); 105(c); 106(a), 106(b); Par 19(1) 109; 127(1), 127(2)(b) and That the words “Presbyteries, Synods and” be deleted and the words 134(1) “Presbyteries and” substituted. Par 19(2) That the words “under the jurisdiction of the Synod and each Synod is similarly” be deleted. Par 43 (1) That the words “Presbytery, Synod” be deleted and the word “Presbytery” substituted. Par 59(c) That the words “the Assembly, the Synod” be deleted and the word “the Assembly” substituted. 58 Daily Minutes BELFAST, 2006 Par 65 (1) That the words “immediately preceding the annual meeting of Synod” be deleted and the words “in March” substituted. Par 66(1) That the words “the Clerks of Synod and Assembly” be deleted and the words “the Clerk of Assembly” substituted. Par 66(2) That the words “Synod or” be deleted. Par 67(1) That the words “Synod or Assembly” be deleted and the words “the Assembly” substituted. Par 67(4) That the words “or Synod” be deleted. Par 79(b) That the words “the Synod or” be deleted. Par 79(c) That Par 79(c) be deleted and the words “report annually to the Assembly and furnish returns on such matters as may be specified by the Assembly;” substituted. Par 79(d) That the words “nominations for the offices of Moderator of Synod and” be deleted and the words “a nomination for the office of Moderator” substituted. Pars 86-92 and 94-96 That Pars 86-92 and 94-96 be deleted. Par 93(1) That the words “In addition to the regular Synods of the Church, every” be deleted and the word “Every” substituted. Par 105(c) That the words “Synods, boards” be deleted and the word “boards” substituted. Par 106(a) That the words “Synods and” be deleted. Par 106(b) That the words “Presbyteries from one Synod to another, and” be deleted. Par 109 That Par 109 (a) be deleted and (b) to (f) be re-numbered as (a) to (e). Par 127(1) That the words “three to be nominated by each Synod” be deleted and the words “fifteen to be nominated by the General Board” substituted. BELFAST, 2006 Daily Minutes 59 Par 127(2)(b) That Par 127(2)(b) be deleted and the following substituted “Any vacancy which may occur in the Commission membership through death or other cause shall be filled by the Assembly on the nomination of the appropriate Board at the meeting immediately following the vacancy.” Par 134(1) That in Par 34(1) the sentence be deleted: “The Synod’s only power of discipline is over its own officers and members when acting as such.”

Moved by the Rev Dr D J Watts, seconded by the Rev J H Robinson, and agreed: 1. That the above-mentioned overtures be received and placed on the books, but that the Overtures anent Par 127(1) and Par 127(2)(b) be referred back to the Judicial Commission to consider Presbytery input into nominations to the Judicial Commission. 2. That the overtures anent Par 19 and the overtures anent Pars 86-92 and 94-96 be sent down to Presbyteries under the Barrier Act.

The Overtures anent Pars 25(1); 30(3); 50(2) of the Code (Reports p 59) Overtures anent Pars 25(1); was submitted by Rev Dr D J Watts. 30(3); 50(2) Moved by the Rev Dr D J Watts, seconded by the Rev J H Robinson; and agreed: That the Overture anent Par 25(1); 30(3); 50(2) of the Code, having lain on the books for one year, be enacted as the law of the Church.

The amended Overture anent Par 85(1) of the Code was submitted by the Overture anent Rev Dr D J Watts, as follows: Par 85(1) It is hereby overtured to the General Assembly to enact that in Par 85(1) of the Code after the words “minister without charge” there be inserted the words “or licentiate”. Moved by the Rev Dr D J Watts, seconded by the Rev J H Robinson, and agreed: That the Overture anent Par 85(1) of the Code be received and placed on the books. Moved by the Rev Dr D J Watts, seconded by the Rev J H Robinson, and agreed: That the Overture anent Par 85(1) of the Code be made an Interim Act.

GENERAL BOARD – Debate resumed (see page 51) GENERAL Moved by the Rev Dr D J Watts, seconded by the Rev L E Carroll, and BOARD agreed: 39. That the General Assembly encourage every congregation to be aware of migrant workers and other immigrants in its area and to ensure a welcome to them. 60 Daily Minutes BELFAST, 2006 40. That the General Assembly appoint: Appointments To the Irish Council of Churches: Revs J Brackenridge, Dr SJ Campbell, AD Davidson, GAJ Farquhar, TWA Greer, Dr S Hutchinson, L Kennedy-Ritchie, RC Kerr, CD McClure, MJR Neilly, D Nesbitt, Dr DJ Watts; J Bell, L Conway, OBE, Mrs M Irwin, Mrs G McCormick, Ms R Mitchell, JA Patterson, Ms Valerie Steele, Ms Ruth Strong. To the Irish Council of Churches Executive: Revs AD Davidson, Dr DJ Watts, L Kennedy-Ritchie, J Brackenridge. To the Irish Inter Church Committee: Revs AD Davidson, Dr DJ Watts, G A J Farquhar To the WARC European Area Council: Rev Dr DJ Watts. To the Community of Protestant Churches in Europe: Revs Dr Cecil McCullough, Dr WG Campbell. 41. That the following grants be made from the Incidental Fund: Irish Council of Churches £16,400 Irish Inter-Church Meeting £8,000 Conference of European Churches £5,000 ‘The Community of Protestant Churches in Europe’ £2,000 World Alliance of Reformed Churches £10,500 42. That the General Board, with its associated working committees for the ensuing year, be appointed in accordance with Par 272 of the Code as follows: The Clerk, Convener (a) Moderator, and Clerk of Assembly, preceding three Moderators and former Clerks of Assembly, Clerks of Synods and Assembly Conveners of Commissions and Boards. (b) Revs Dr RA Russell, J Gordon; J McIntyre, DF Adair — Revs CG Harris, AD Davidson; WJ Hamilton, T Savage — Revs NAL Cameron, RE Boggs; McL Gibson, Mrs I McBride — Revs JI Davey, R Lockhart; N Mawhinney, Miss E McConnell — Revs IJ Patterson, Dr RJ Greer; JB McClean, Dr TJ Robinson — Revs SA Finlay, WT Bingham; J Chestnutt, S Walker. (c) Revs JJ Andrews, WB Boyd; N Rea, S Wallace — Revs WJ Johnstone, GAJ Farquhar; E. Boal, J Armstrong — Revs WI Hunter, TP Fleming; I Smyth, G. McIntyre — Revs HB Wallace, HW Mullan; M Morrison, EC Redmond — Revs WD Weir, D Bannerman; RH Strange, Mrs A Bowden. (d) Revs TC Morrison, K McConnell; R Doggart, HA Groves — Revs RT Anderson, DJ Boden; Dr RM Nicholl, D McCleery — DC Cowan; Rev Dr JR Savage; P Taggart, CM Young. (e) Revs Dr J Fell, AJA Rosborough; JA Emery, Mrs Ruby Millar —Revs Dr SR Jones, J Noble; B Douglas, S Warnock — Revs R Herron, ES McDowell; J Cochrane, JA Patterson — Revs TJ Conway, Dr AN Kerr; R Stewart, N. Johnston. (f) Revs B Brown, J Lamont; AO Buchanan, M McKean — Revs CG Gamble, FP Sellar; A. Finlay, W Harper — Revs N Cubitt, SG Anketell; J Fairbairn, M Jackson. BELFAST, 2006 Daily Minutes 61 (g) Revs TD Gribben, IF Smith; Mrs G Irwin, Mrs K Mawhinney, Mrs M Patterson, Mrs Z Vallely, Miss E Drysdale, Mrs M Thompson, S McKinney, Mrs A Harbison, Mrs H Jess, D McCleery, WH Henry, D Bell, JH Martin, Mrs M Magowan, WJ Cairns, AS McQuoid, L Walker.

A. CHURCH AND SOCIETY COMMITTEE (6) Revs LE Carroll; AJ Boal, Co-Conveners (a) The Moderator, preceding Moderator, Clerk, former Clerks, and Deputy Clerk of Assembly, Moderator-Designate, Global Concerns Convener, Church and Society Conveners, Rev DT Moore. (x) Revs DR Baker, TN Hamilton, JA Kirkpatrick; TR Reid, Miss K Jardine, R McCarter. (y) Revs WT Bingham, Dr J Fell, JJ Andrews, TJ Conway, J Gordon; M McKean.

B. GLOBAL CONCERNS (5) Rev CJC McMullen, Convener (a) The Moderator and Clerk of Assembly, Committee Convener, Conveners of Environment, Peace and Peacemaking, Race Relations Panels, Representative of Overseas Board, Church Relations. (x) Revs CM Hunter, AC Rankin; Mrs F Watts, Dr J Gillespie. (y) Revs IJ Patterson, Dr RA Russell, FP Sellar; R Stewart, J Cochrane.

C. CHURCH RELATIONS (5) Rev AD Davidson, Convener (a) The Moderator and Clerk of Assembly, Committee Convener, Prof of Systematic Theology, Director of Youth and Children’s Ministry, Representative of Board of Mission in Ireland, Overseas Board and Global Concerns. (x) Revs J Brackenridge, KDW Crowe, SE Hughes, JC McCullough, L Kennedy- Ritchie; Mrs H McKinley. (y) Revs WB Boyd, GAJ Farquhar, SG Anketell, Dr JR Savage; W Harper, Dr TJ Robinson.

D. DOCTRINE COMMITTEE (5) Principal, UTC, Convener (a) The Moderator and Clerk of Assembly, General Assembly’s Theological Professors. (x) Revs C Meban, A Gibson, GJ Kennedy, SD Finlay; R Thompson. (y) Revs Dr J Fell, TP Fleming, FP Sellar, J Gordon, SA Finlay.

E. PRIORITIES COMMITTEE (7) The Clerk, Convener (a) The Moderator and Clerk of Assembly, Deputy Clerk, General Board Conveners. (x) Revs WA Kennedy, WS Marrs, RA Patton, R Herron, G Moore, TD Gribben; Miss R Stirling, L Conway, J Millar. (y) Revs TJ Conway, N Cubitt, B Brown, WD Weir, GAJ Farquhar, TP Fleming; DF Adair, P Taggart, DC Cowan. 62 Daily Minutes BELFAST, 2006 F. MODERATOR’S ADVISORY COMMITTEE (6) The Clerk, Convener (a) The Moderator, preceding three Moderators, Clerk, former Clerks, Deputy Clerk of Assembly, Clerks of Synods, Head of Personnel, Information Officer. (x) Rev D Montgomery; Mrs R Dunlop, N Chambers, MA Morrow, QC. (y) Revs. JJ Andrews, TJ Conway, IJ Patterson, WD Weir; Mrs A Bowden, Mrs R Millar.

G. RECOGNISED MINISTRIES COMMITTEE (4) The Clerk, Convener (a) The Moderator, Clerk of Assembly, Deputy Clerk, Conveners of Union Commission, Doctrine, Reception of Ministers and Licentiates. (x) Revs IT McKee, WS Marrs; Mrs M Myers, Miss R Stirling. (y) Revs JJ Andrews, TP Fleming, WJ Johnstone, R Lockhart, SG Anketell.

The sederunt came to a close at 6.10pm, the Moderator pronouncing the Benediction.


EIGHTH SESSION Friday, 9th June, 2006 Half past nine o’clock. Forenoon The Assembly again convened, the Moderator leading in prayer.

TRUSTEES The Report of the TRUSTEES (Reports pp 278-282) was submitted by Sir Eric McDowell, together with the following Supplementary Report:

TRUSTEES – Supplementary Report Rev W D F At the May meeting, the Chairman of the Executive Committee of the Trustees, Marshall the Rev W D F Marshall, indicated that he wished to resign from the Executive and the Trustees. His resignation was accepted with great regret. The Rev Fergie Marshall has been a Trustee since 1982 and a member of the Executive since 1987. His wide experience of many aspects of church and community life, his wise counsel and good humour made him an ideal choice as BELFAST, 2006 Daily Minutes 63 Chairman of the Trustees. In the role, he had the respect of his colleagues and the Church at large. Moved by Sir Eric McDowell, seconded by Mr George McCullagh, and agreed: 1. That the Report be received. 2. That the recommendation regarding the Mrs A M Davidson Trust be adopted. 3. That the recommendation regarding the Sir Wm V McCleery Trust be adopted. 4. That the recommendation regarding the Miss Irene Scott Trust be adopted. 5. That the recommendation regarding the Miss Ida Mary McGeown Trust be adopted. 6. That the recommendation regarding the Victor Morrow Trust be adopted.

Moved by the Rev T D Gribben, seconded by the Rev Dr Graham Connor, and agreed: 7. That the General Assembly accept notice of motion to rescind the decision of the General Assembly requesting the Trustees to “retain and invest the nett proceeds of the sale of Familybooks for a period of ten years against the contingency that the Church may decide at a future date to re-establish a Presbyterian bookshop”.

Moved by Sir Eric McDowell, seconded by Mr George McCullagh, and agreed: 8. That in accordance with the Will of the late John Getty the following be constituted as the Committee for the “direction and management of the application” of the income from the Getty Bequest: Very Rev Dr S Hutchinson, Revs Dr D J Watts, W D F Marshall, R J A Bell, W J Orr; Mr Wilson Ervin, CBE, Sir Eric McDowell, Mr David Bell, CB, Mr A T Ross, Mr John Millar, OBE. The Assembly proceeded to consider the appointment of a new Trustee. A nomination having been received from the Synod of Ballymena and Coleraine, it was moved by Sir Eric McDowell, seconded by Mr George McCullagh, and unanimously resolved: That Mr Robert Alexander Wilson be, and is hereby nominated and appointed by the General Assembly as a Trustee of the Presbyterian Church in Ireland in room of Mr J Ingram Bill, resigned, and of the due appointment of Mr Robert Alexander Wilson as a said Trustee attestation is made by the signature of the Moderator of the General Assembly and of the Clerk of the General Assembly in accordance with the provisions of the Irish Presbyterian Church Act, 1871. DAVID CLARKE Moderator of the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church in Ireland DONALD J WATTS Clerk of the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church In Ireland 9 June 2006 64 Daily Minutes BELFAST, 2006 COMMISSION The Report of the COMMISSION ON TRUSTS (Reports p 235) was ON TRUSTS submitted by Mr A J Rankin. Moved by Mr A J Rankin, seconded by the Rev Dr D J Watts, and agreed: 1. That the Report be received. 2. That the Commission on Trusts for the ensuing year be appointed in accordance with Par 130 of the Code as follows:- AJ Rankin, Convener (a) The Moderator and Clerk; AJ Rankin. (g) Revs Dr TJ Simpson, RJA Bell, D Chapman, WS Marrs, JH Robinson, JW Russell, L Walker, Mrs O Marshall.

BOARD OF The Report of the BOARD OF STUDIES AND CHRISTIAN TRAINING STUDIES AND CHRISTIAN (Reports pp 222-232) was submitted by the Rev George Moore. TRAINING Moved by the Rev George Moore, seconded by the Rev Dr R M Crooks, and agreed: 1. That the Report be received. 2. That the General Assembly note, with gratitude to God, the heartening number of those making application for ordained ministry and encourage Ministers and Kirk Sessions to identify suitably-gifted members so that this increase may be sustained. 3. The General Assembly express their appreciation of the Rev Professor Bill Addley for his work as Professor of Practical Theology and wish him a long and happy retirement.

The Minutes were taken and corrected.


Moved by the Rev George Moore, seconded by the Rev Dr D J Watts, and agreed: 4. That the resignation of the Rev Dr R M Crooks as Convener of the Resourcing Christians for Ministry Committee be accepted, that he be thanked for his services and that the Rev JS Carson be appointed in his place.

Moved by the Rev George Moore, seconded by the Rev Dr R M Crooks, and agreed: 5. The General Assembly note the impending retirement of the Rev Professor Cecil McCullough from 31 August, 2007 and ask the General Board to proceed towards the appointment of a successor. BELFAST, 2006 Daily Minutes 65 6. That the following candidates, their nominations having been sustained Candidates Accepted by the Board of Studies and Christian Training, be accepted as students for the Ordained Ministry and placed under the care of their Presbyteries: James Cochrane First Saintfield Down Nick R A Cooper Ballynure Carrickfergus Andrew Faulkner Ballydown Iveagh Stewart Glendinnng First Stewartstown Tyrone Bryan A Kee Albany Tyrone David Leach Dundonald East Belfast Michael McClenahan West Kirk South Belfast Graeme McConville Hamilton Road Ards Mark McKeown Ravenhill East Belfast Rodney Moody Ballyloughan Ballymena Liam Rutherford Strand East Belfast Ivan Steen Fisherwick South Belfast Kathryn Viner First Saintfield Down Lesley-Ann Wilson Fisherwick South Belfast Mark Wilson Knappagh Armagh 7. That the General Assembly note the Report on the Review of Ministerial Training. 8. That the General Assembly confirm the recommendations of the Qualifications Qualifications Committee as outlined. Committee 9. That the following grants be paid from the Incidental Fund: the expense of the Mini School & Interview £1,920 the expense of the Pre-Term College Retreat £3,250 the expense of the Applicants’ Study Day £320 the expense of Licentiate Courses £1,430 the expense of meetings for students and spouses £880 the expense of honoraria for Extern Examiners £300 teaching in Communication Skills for students outside Ireland £100 TOTAL £8,200

10. That the General Assembly welcome the production of Prepared to Serve and strongly encourage each Congregation to make use of this excellent resource. 11. That the Board of Studies and Christian Training, together with the appropriate working Committees, be appointed for the ensuing year in accordance with Par 285 of the Code, as follows: Rev G Moore, Convener (a) The Moderator and Clerk of Assembly, Board Convener, Professors in UTC, 2 student representatives, University Chaplains, Executive Director BMI, Director of Ministerial Studies. (b) Revs JNI McNeely, R Stirling — Revs WJA Moody, JS Carson — Revs B Small, TW Gordon — Rev A Shaw Thompson; Dr C Reid — Revs WL Orr, WJM Parker — Revs FJ Gibson, BAH Wilson. 66 Daily Minutes BELFAST, 2006 (c) Revs JD McGaughey, AAP Baxter — Revs SP Moore, RJ McCullough — Rev R McMullan; Dr JH Gillespie — Revs DIJ McNie, RJ Gilkinson — Revs JH MacConnell, WJ Sleith. (d) Rev JR Dickinson; T Long — Revs DJ McKelvey, RT Anderson — Revs RD Maxwell, C Burcombe. (e) Revs DW Reid, DJ Hutchinson — Revs Dr C Glass, SJ Gray — Rev WD Cupples; Miss M Guy — Revs TWA Greer, JH Flaherty. (f) Revs J Lamont, WA McCully — Revs Dr JG Millar, JG Faris, — Revs RI Carton, M Burnside. (g) Revs JG Kennedy, GAJ Farquhar, ATF Johnston, AV Stewart, GE Best, Dr W P Addley, SE Hughes, C Meban; RJ Magowan, R Thompson.

A. COMMITTEE ON MINISTERIAL STUDIES (5) Rev SP Moore, Convener (a) The Moderator and Clerk of Assembly, Board and Committee Conveners, Principal UTC, Conveners of Reception of Ministers and Licentiates, Students’ Bursary Fund, Director of Ministerial Studies. (x) Revs SS Johnston, Prof A Gibson, Prof LS Kirkpatrick, W Sinclair; Mrs J Wright, Mrs M Robinson. (y) Revs DJ Hutchinson, Dr JG Millar, JNI McNeely, JR Dickinson, WJM Parker; Dr JH Gillespie.

B. COLLEGE AND MAGEE MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE (4) Rev DW Brice, Convener (a) The Moderator and Clerk of Assembly, Principal UTC. (fac) Revs Prof JC McCullough, Prof A Gibson, Prof LS Kirkpatrick, WDF Marshall. (x) Revs G Moore, DW Brice, SP Moore; Dr TD Alexander, R Martin, L Grant.

C. COMMITTEE ON RESOURCING CHRISTIANS FOR MINISTRY (6) Rev JS Carson, Convener (a) The Moderator and Clerk of Assembly, Board and Committee Conveners, Professor of Practical Theology, Director and Deputy Director of Youth and Children’s Ministry, Directors of Christian Training, Ministerial Studies, Social Service and Congregational Life, Rev Dr RM Crooks. (x) Revs Dr IA McKay, G Aitcheson, J Coulter; C Millar. (y) Revs JD McGaughey, RJ Gilkinson, JNI McNeely, TWA Greer, WJM Parker, DJ Hutchinson; T Long, Dr J Gillespie.

D. RECEPTION OF MINISTERS AND LICENTIATES COMMITTEE (6) Rev RB Savage, Convener (a) The Moderator and Clerk of Assembly, Deputy Clerk, Board and Committee Conveners, Principal UTC, Convener of Committee on Ministerial Studies, Director of Ministerial Studies, Convener Church Relations. BELFAST, 2006 Daily Minutes 67 (x) Revs Dr DH Allen, SD Finlay, SS Johnston, WTJ Richardson; D McMullan, Miss A Taylor. (y) Revs JR Dickinson, J Lamont, Dr JG Millar, A Shaw Thompson, WJM Parker; Mrs M Robinson.

The Overtures anent Pars 193(1), 193(2)(b); 200(4); 219(5) of the Code Overtures anent Pars 193(1), (Reports pp 232-233) were submitted by the Rev George Moore. 193(2)(b); 200(4); Moved by the Rev George Moore, seconded by the Rev R B Savage, and 219(5) agreed: That the Overtures anent Pars 193(1); 193(2)(b); 200(4); 219(5) of the Code be received and that, under Par 111 of the Code, they be made the rule of the Church.

Overture anent Par 285(4) of the Code Overture aanent The amended was submitted by the Par 285(4) Rev George Moore, as follows: Anent Par 285(4) of the Code It is hereby overtured to the General Assembly to enact that in Par 285(4) of the Code all sentences following the word “thereon” be deleted and replaced by: “(4) The Board, directly or through a Committee on Reception, shall investigate all such applications and shall act thereon as follows:- (a) Ministers and licentiates of other branches of the Christian Church shall apply to the Convener of the Committee on the Reception of Ministers and Licentiates by 15 December in any year. (b) Each applicant shall be interviewed and a report brought to the spring meeting of the Committee which shall make a recommendation to the spring meeting of the Board which shall have power to issue and may approve or reject any application. (c) The names of those ministers and licentiates who have been approved by the Board and received as ministers or licentiates eligible for call subject to paragraph (d) below shall be reported to the General Assembly. (d) A minister or licentiate who has been received in this way shall not be eligible for call until he/she has completed any studies and/or assistantship required by the Board of Studies and Christian Training. (e) A successful applicant who has not begun his/her required course of study and/or assistantship by 1 October in the year following his/her reception by the General Assembly shall cease to be eligible. (f) In cases where the reception of a minister is being sought to facilitate the work of a Board of the General Assembly or where a vacancy commission seeks to approve the placing of a minister of another denomination on a list for hearing, the Committee on the Reception of Ministers and Licentiates may make special interview arrangements and the Board of Studies and Christian Training shall have power to issue or to refer the matter to the General Assembly. (g) Ministers and licentiates whose applications are rejected by the Board of Studies and Christian Training may appeal by memorial to the General Assembly.” 68 Daily Minutes BELFAST, 2006 Moved by the Rev George Moore, seconded by the Rev R B Savage, and agreed: That the Overture anent Par 285 (4) of the Code be received and that, under Par 111 of the Code, it be made the rule of the Church.

Memorial of The Memorial of the Presbytery of Armagh (Reports pp 233-234) was the Presbytery of Armagh submitted by the Rev W J A Moody. Moved by the Rev W J A Moody, seconded by the Rev C G Harris, and agreed: That the Memorial be received and its prayer granted.

UNITED APPEAL The Report of the UNITED APPEAL BOARD (Reports pp 271-277) was BOARD submitted by Mr M H Stewart. Moved by Mr M H Stewart, seconded by the Rev T D Gribben, and agreed: 1. That the Report be received. 2. That the United Appeal for 2007 be as set out in Schedules III and IV.

Moved by Rev Dr D J Watts, seconded by the Rev J H Robinson, and agreed: 3. That the resignation of Mr Hal Stewart as Convener of the United Appeal Board be accepted, that he be thanked for his services and that the Rev T D Gribben be appointed in his place.

Moved by Mr M H Stewart, seconded by the Rev T D Gribben, and agreed: 4. That the United Appeal Board for the ensuing year be appointed in accordance with Par 287 of the Code as follows: Rev TD Gribben, Convener The Clerk, Secretary (a) The Moderator and Clerk of Assembly; Board Convener, Mr MH Stewart. (b) Mrs J Mann — Rev CUR Bradley — S Cunningham — Rev DC Porter — G Macauley — J Peacock. (c) D Preston — G McKinley — Rev Dr SH Williamson — V McLean — Rev JH MacConnell. (d) Rev TC Wright — Miss H McMillan — Rev JR Lambe. (e) S Ramsey — Rev N Ward — Rev I McClean — O Gibson. (f) Rev J Lamont — Rev W Hayes — Rev M Burnside. (g) Revs R I A Allely, J Lamont; D Alexander, J Clarke, B McCormack, N Adams. BELFAST, 2006 Daily Minutes 69 The Final Report of the BUSINESS BOARD was submitted by the Clerk, the BUSINESS BOARD Rev Dr D J Watts, as follows: The Business Board met once during the week. It licensed additional business, three additional overtures and two resolutions.

Moved by the Rev Dr D J Watts, seconded by the Rev J H Robinson, and agreed: 1. That the Report be received. 2. That the following corresponding members be appointed: To the Church of Scotland 2007: The Right Rev Dr David Clarke The Rev A R Bill An Elder to be appointed by the Business Board 3. That the delegates to the United Reformed Church of the United Kingdom, 2007, the Presbyterian Church of Wales 2007, the General Synod of the Church of Ireland 2007 and the Methodist Conference 2007 be appointed by the Business Board. 4. That the Clerk be given authority to make corrections to the Daily Minutes as and when required. 5. That the next General Assembly be held in Church House, Belfast on Monday, 4 June, 2007.

The Assembly engaged in worship conducted by the Moderator, assisted by Dr P B Wilson. At the request of the Moderator, the Rev T P Fleming addressed the Assembly.

CLOSE OF ASSEMBLY The Moderator conducted a closing act of worship and thanked: the Clerk of Assembly and the Deputy Clerk; his Chaplains; Mrs Joyce Anderson and the staff of the General Secretary’s Office; Mr Stephen Lynas, the audio visual team and the media; the Church House staff, including Mr Harry Orr; the Rev T C Morrison and Mrs Claire Dixon; the organists; and those who acted as stewards and time-keepers. Thereafter he declared the Assembly to be dissolved and convened the next Stated General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church in Ireland to meet in Church House, Belfast, on Monday 4 June, 2007. The Moderator pronounced the Benediction.

The sederunt came to a close at 1.20pm. Attested by DONALD J WATTS Clerk of Assembly 70 Daily Minutes BELFAST, 2006 NOTES BELFAST, 2006 Daily Minutes 71 72 Daily Minutes BELFAST, 2006 NOTES BELFAST, 2006 Daily Minutes 73 CHANGES IN THE CODE 2006


The following changes have been made in the 1997 edition of the Code, which should be corrected accordingly. DONALD J. WATTS Clerk of Assembly

Par 25(1) After the word “congregation” insert the words “except that a ruling elder may be given permission by the Kirk Session not to carry out the duties of the eldership for a specified time” and after the word “vote” add the sentence: “Where a ruling elder has been temporarily released from the duties of the eldership in the Congregation for a specified time, that elder shall not act as a member of the Kirk Session and shall not be entitled to attend, speak or exercise a vote in the Kirk Session”. (2006).

Par 30(3) Add the words “but the Kirk Session may assign such other duties as it sees fit”, after the word “report”. (2006).

Par 50(2) Delete the word “being” and add the words “discussed and” in its place. (2006).

Pars 61(c), 97(c), 115(1), 115(2) Delete the words “Overseas Board” and substitute the words “Board of Mission Overseas” in their place. (2006).

Par 82(4) Delete the words “held for the benefit of the minister”; add the words “nor its proceeds used for any purpose” after the word “sold”; and after the word “obtained” add the sentence: “No capital funds created by a sale of a manse, glebe or manse farm prior to 31st December, 2005, shall be used for any purpose other than as previously agreed without permission of the Presbytery and the Union Commission.” (2006). 74 Daily Minutes BELFAST, 2006 Par 85(1) After the words “minister without charge” insert the words “or licentiate”. (I.A. 2006)

Par 193(1) Delete sub-paragraphs (b), (c) and (d) and substitute by: “(b) ministers of other churches, if previously received by the General Assembly, provided they have completed any course of study and/or period of assistantship required by the Board of Studies and Christian Training.” Re-number sub-paragraph (e) as (c). (2006)

Par 193(2)(b) Delete the words “sub-paragraphs (1)(c) and (d) above” and replace with “sub-paragraph (1)(b) above”. (2006)

Par 193(4) Delete and substitute the following: “The following conditions shall apply to a Minister being called and inducted as an Associate Minister in a Congregation. The appointment shall be for a term of 3 years. This period of service may be extended by the Union Commission up to 7 years, after consultation with the Minister, the Associate Minister, the Kirk Session and the Presbytery. In very exceptional circumstances, the period of service may be extended beyond 7 years, in terms of up to 3 years each, following a full review by the Union Commission in consultation with the above parties. An appointment as Associate Minister may, after twelve months service, be terminated by mutual agreement, or by two months notice given by the Presbytery or by the Minister of the Congregation, the Kirk Session, or the Associate Minister, subject to the approval of the Presbytery.” (2006)

Par 194(8) Add a new sub-paragraph (d) as follows: “(d) Notice to the Congregation of the commencement of the hearing of candidates shall be given on two consecutive Sundays prior to the commencement of hearing. Such notice may, when appropriate, be given concurrently with the process of selection and approval of candidates, in which case the names of those under consideration will not be disclosed.” (2006) BELFAST, 2006 Daily Minutes 75 Par 195(3) Delete the words “or to any other Minister of this or of a sister Church whom the Assembly has declared to be eligible, whether such Minister has been heard or they have been otherwise satisfied of his fitness”. (2006)

Par 200(4) Delete the words “from member Churches of the World Alliance of Reformed Churches” and replace by the words “of other Churches.” (2006)

Par 219(5) Delete Par 219(5) and re-number Par 219(6) as Par 219(5). (2006)

Par 237 Delete Par 237(b) and substitute by: 237(b) “Payments for travel, telecommunications expenses, towards the lighting, heating and cleaning of the manse or towards the upkeep of manse grounds are among recognised ministerial expenses, along with other items as authorised by the Union Commission.” Delete Par 237(c) of the Code and re-number Par 237(d) as Par 237(c). (2006)

Par 274(2) After the words 'refer a case to the Commission,' insert the words ' or the Commission itself deem it appropriate'. (2006)

Par 279(1) Delete and substitute the following: “The Board shall consist of the Moderator and Clerk of the Assembly, the Convener and Secretary of the Board, the Personnel Officer (Overseas), the Finance Officer (Overseas), four Presbyterian Women’s Association Office Bearers, the Convener of the Church Relations Committee, the Deputy Director of Youth and Children’s Ministry, one Board of Mission in Ireland representative, one Young Women’s Group representative, one Youth and Children’s Ministry Board representative, together with three persons, including at least one woman, nominated by each Presbytery, seven representative members of the PWA Executive Committee and the Assembly Conveners and members of working committees under the supervision of the Board.” (2006) 76 Daily Minutes BELFAST, 2006 Par 285(4) Delete all sentences following the word “thereon” and replace by: “(4) The Board, directly or through a Committee on Reception, shall investigate all such applications and shall act thereon as follows:- (a) Ministers and licentiates of other branches of the Christian Church shall apply to the Convener of the Committee on the Reception of Ministers and Licentiates by 15 December in any year. (b) Each applicant shall be interviewed and a report brought to the spring meeting of the Committee which shall make a recommendation to the spring meeting of the Board which shall have power to issue and may approve or reject any application. (c) The names of those ministers and licentiates who have been approved by the Board and received as ministers or licentiates eligible for call subject to paragraph (d) below shall be reported to the General Assembly. (d) A minister or licentiate who has been received in this way shall not be eligible for call until he/she has completed any studies and/or assistantship required by the Board of Studies and Christian Training. (e) A successful applicant who has not begun his/her required course of study and/or assistantship by 1 October in the year following his/her reception by the General Assembly shall cease to be eligible. (f) In cases where the reception of a minister is being sought to facilitate the work of a Board of the General Assembly or where a vacancy commission seeks to approve the placing of a minister of another denomination on a list for hearing, the Committee on the Reception of Ministers and Licentiates may make special interview arrangements and the Board of Studies and Christian Training shall have power to issue or to refer the matter to the General Assembly. (g) Ministers and licentiates whose applications are rejected by the Board of Studies and Christian Training may appeal by memorial to the General Assembly.” (2006)

Par 300(4) Delete the words “and is no longer required for the purpose it was intended to serve,”. (2006)

Par 300(5) Add a new sub-paragraph (5) as follows: “(5) No programmes of refurbishment, development or purchase, the total expenditure of which is greater than the prevailing Ministerial Minimum, or employment of additional personnel, may be undertaken by BELFAST, 2006 Daily Minutes 77 a Home Mission Congregation without the prior consent of the Board of Mission in Ireland.” Re-number the subsequent Pars 300 (6) and 300(7). (2006) 78 Daily Minutes BELFAST, 2006 BELFAST, 2006 Daily Minutes 79 80 Daily Minutes BELFAST, 2006 BELFAST, 2006 Daily Minutes 81 82 Daily Minutes BELFAST, 2006 BELFAST, 2006 Daily Minutes 83 84 Daily Minutes BELFAST, 2006 BELFAST, 2006 Daily Minutes 85 86 Daily Minutes BELFAST, 2006 BELFAST, 2006 Daily Minutes 87 88 Daily Minutes BELFAST, 2006 BELFAST, 2006 Daily Minutes 89 90 Daily Minutes BELFAST, 2006 BELFAST, 2006 Daily Minutes 91 92 Daily Minutes BELFAST, 2006 BELFAST, 2006 Daily Minutes 93 94 Daily Minutes BELFAST, 2006 BELFAST, 2006 Daily Minutes 95 96 Daily Minutes BELFAST, 2006 BELFAST, 2006 Daily Minutes 97 98 Daily Minutes BELFAST, 2006 BELFAST, 2006 Daily Minutes 99 100 Daily Minutes BELFAST, 2006 BELFAST, 2006 Daily Minutes 101 102 Daily Minutes BELFAST, 2006 BELFAST, 2006 Daily Minutes 103 104 Daily Minutes BELFAST, 2006 BELFAST, 2006 Daily Minutes 105 106 Daily Minutes BELFAST, 2006 BELFAST, 2006 Daily Minutes 107 108 Daily Minutes BELFAST, 2006 BELFAST, 2006 Daily Minutes 109 110 Daily Minutes BELFAST, 2006 BELFAST, 2006 Daily Minutes 111 112 Daily Minutes BELFAST, 2006 BELFAST, 2006 Daily Minutes 113 114 Daily Minutes BELFAST, 2006 BELFAST, 2006 Daily Minutes 115 116 Daily Minutes BELFAST, 2006 BELFAST, 2006 Daily Minutes 117 118 Daily Minutes BELFAST, 2006 BELFAST, 2006 Daily Minutes 119 120 Daily Minutes BELFAST, 2006 BELFAST, 2006 Daily Minutes 121 122 Daily Minutes BELFAST, 2006 BELFAST, 2006 Daily Minutes 123 124 Daily Minutes BELFAST, 2006 BELFAST, 2006 Daily Minutes 125 126 Daily Minutes BELFAST, 2006 BELFAST, 2006 Daily Minutes 127 128 Daily Minutes BELFAST, 2006 BELFAST, 2006 Daily Minutes 129 130 Daily Minutes BELFAST, 2006 BELFAST, 2006 Daily Minutes 131 132 Daily Minutes BELFAST, 2006 BELFAST, 2006 Daily Minutes 133 134 Daily Minutes BELFAST, 2006 BELFAST, 2006 Daily Minutes 135 136 Daily Minutes BELFAST, 2006 BELFAST, 2006 Daily Minutes 137 138 Daily Minutes BELFAST, 2006 BELFAST, 2006 Daily Minutes 139 140 Daily Minutes BELFAST, 2006 BELFAST, 2006 Daily Minutes 141 142 Daily Minutes BELFAST, 2006 BELFAST, 2006 Daily Minutes 143 144 Daily Minutes BELFAST, 2006 BELFAST, 2006 Daily Minutes 145 146 Daily Minutes BELFAST, 2006 BELFAST, 2006 Daily Minutes 147 148 Daily Minutes BELFAST, 2006 BELFAST, 2006 Daily Minutes 149 150 Daily Minutes BELFAST, 2006 BELFAST, 2006 Daily Minutes 151 152 Daily Minutes BELFAST, 2006 BELFAST, 2006 Daily Minutes 153 154 Daily Minutes BELFAST, 2006 BELFAST, 2006 Daily Minutes 155 156 Daily Minutes BELFAST, 2006 BELFAST, 2006 Daily Minutes 157 158 Daily Minutes BELFAST, 2006 BELFAST, 2006 Daily Minutes 159 160 Daily Minutes BELFAST, 2006 BELFAST, 2006 Daily Minutes 161 162 Daily Minutes BELFAST, 2006 BELFAST, 2006 Daily Minutes 163 164 Daily Minutes BELFAST, 2006 BELFAST, 2006 Daily Minutes 165 166 Daily Minutes BELFAST, 2006 BELFAST, 2006 Daily Minutes 167 168 Daily Minutes BELFAST, 2006 BELFAST, 2006 Daily Minutes 169 170 Daily Minutes BELFAST, 2006 BELFAST, 2006 Daily Minutes 171 172 Daily Minutes BELFAST, 2006 BELFAST, 2006 Daily Minutes 173 174 Daily Minutes BELFAST, 2006 BELFAST, 2006 Daily Minutes 175 176 Daily Minutes BELFAST, 2006 BELFAST, 2006 Daily Minutes 177 178 Daily Minutes BELFAST, 2006 BELFAST, 2006 Daily Minutes 179 180 Daily Minutes BELFAST, 2006 BELFAST, 2006 Daily Minutes 181 182 Daily Minutes BELFAST, 2006 BELFAST, 2006 Daily Minutes 183 184 Daily Minutes BELFAST, 2006 BELFAST, 2006 Daily Minutes 185 186 Daily Minutes BELFAST, 2006 BELFAST, 2006 Daily Minutes 187 188 Daily Minutes BELFAST, 2006 BELFAST, 2006 Daily Minutes 189 190 Daily Minutes BELFAST, 2006 BELFAST, 2006 Daily Minutes 191 192 Daily Minutes BELFAST, 2006 BOARDS AND COMMITTEES OF ASSEMBLY 193 BOARDS AND COMMITTEES OF ASSEMBLY 2006


Key to NOMINATIONS (cf Code Pars 126-130, 268-288) (a) Ex-Officio Members and Special Representatives (b) Presbyteries in Synod of Armagh and Down (Ards—Armagh—Down— Dromore—Iveagh—Newry) (c) Presbyteries in Synod of Ballymena and Coleraine (Ballymena— Carrickfergus—Coleraine—Route—Templepatrick) (d) Presbyteries in Synod of Belfast (North—South—East) (e) Presbyteries in Synod of Derry and Omagh (Derry and Strabane— Foyle—Omagh—Tyrone) (f) Presbyteries in Synod of Dublin (Donegal—Dublin and Munster— Monaghan) (syn) Synods (b*) Synod of Armagh and Down (c*) Synod of Ballymena and Coleraine (d*) Synod of Belfast (e*) Synod of Derry and Omagh (f*) Synod of Dublin (g) Business Board Nominations to Board (x) Business Board Nominations to Committee (y) Representatives from membership of supervising Board (Presbytery & Synod Nominations) (fac) Faculty representatives (p) PWA representatives (The figures in brackets indicate the number of members forming a quorum). 194 BOARDS AND COMMITTEES OF ASSEMBLY I.—GENERAL BOARD (47) The Clerk, Convener (a) Moderator, and Clerk of Assembly, preceding three Moderators and former Clerks of Assembly, Clerks of Synods and Assembly Conveners of Commissions and Boards. (b) Revs Dr RA Russell, J Gordon; J McIntyre, DF Adair — Revs CG Harris, AD Davidson; WJ Hamilton, T Savage — Revs NAL Cameron, RE Boggs; McL Gibson, Mrs I McBride — Revs JI Davey, R Lockhart; N Mawhinney, Miss E McConnell — Revs IJ Patterson, Dr RJ Greer; JB McClean, Dr TJ Robinson — Revs SA Finlay, WT Bingham; J Chestnutt, S Walker. (c) Revs JJ Andrews, WB Boyd; N Rea, S Wallace — Revs WJ Johnstone, GAJ Farquhar; E. Boal, J Armstrong — Revs WI Hunter, TP Fleming; I Smyth, G. McIntyre — Revs HB Wallace, HW Mullan; M Morrison, EC Redmond — Revs WD Weir, D Bannerman; RH Strange, Mrs A Bowden. (d) Revs TC Morrison, K McConnell; R Doggart, HA Groves — Revs RT Anderson, DJ Boden; Dr RM Nicholl, D McCleery — DC Cowan; Rev Dr JR Savage; P Taggart, CM Young. (e) Revs Dr J Fell, AJA Rosborough; JA Emery, Mrs Ruby Millar —Revs Dr SR Jones, J Noble; B Douglas, S Warnock — Revs R Herron, ES McDowell; J Cochrane, JA Patterson — Revs TJ Conway, Dr AN Kerr; R Stewart, N. Johnston. (f) Revs B Brown, J Lamont; AO Buchanan, M McKean — Revs CG Gamble, FP Sellar; A. Finlay, W Harper — Revs N Cubitt, SG Anketell; J Fairbairn, M Jackson. (g) Revs TD Gribben, IF Smith; Mrs G Irwin, Mrs K Mawhinney, Mrs M Patterson, Mrs Z Vallely, Miss E Drysdale, Mrs M Thompson, S McKinney, Mrs A Harbison, Mrs H Jess, D McCleery, WH Henry, D Bell, JH Martin, Mrs M Magowan, WJ Cairns, AS McQuoid, L Walker.

A. CHURCH AND SOCIETY COMMITTEE (6) Revs LE Carroll; AJ Boal, Co-Conveners (a) The Moderator, preceding Moderator, Clerk, former Clerks, and Deputy Clerk of Assembly, Moderator-Designate, Global Concerns Convener, Church and Society Conveners, Rev DT Moore. (x) Revs DR Baker, TN Hamilton, JA Kirkpatrick; TR Reid, Miss K Jardine, R McCarter. (y) Revs WT Bingham, Dr J Fell, JJ Andrews, TJ Conway, J Gordon; M McKean.

B. GLOBAL CONCERNS (5) Rev CJC McMullen, Convener (a) The Moderator and Clerk of Assembly, Committee Convener, Conveners of Environment, Peace and Peacemaking, Race Relations Panels, Representative of Overseas Board, Church Relations. (x) Revs CM Hunter, AC Rankin; Mrs F Watts, Dr J Gillespie. (y) Revs IJ Patterson, Dr RA Russell, FP Sellar; R Stewart, J Cochrane.

C. CHURCH RELATIONS (5) Rev AD Davidson, Convener (a) The Moderator and Clerk of Assembly, Committee Convener, Prof of Systematic Theology, Director of Youth and Children’s Ministry, Representative of Board of Mission in Ireland, Overseas Board and Global Concerns. BOARDS AND COMMITTEES OF ASSEMBLY 195 (x) Revs J Brackenridge, KDW Crowe, SE Hughes, JC McCullough, L Kennedy- Ritchie; Mrs H McKinley. (y) Revs WB Boyd, GAJ Farquhar, SG Anketell, Dr JR Savage; W Harper, Dr TJ Robinson.

D. DOCTRINE COMMITTEE (5) Principal, UTC, Convener (a) The Moderator and Clerk of Assembly, General Assembly’s Theological Professors. (x) Revs C Meban, A Gibson, GJ Kennedy, SD Finlay; R Thompson. (y) Revs Dr J Fell, TP Fleming, FP Sellar, J Gordon, SA Finlay.

E. PRIORITIES COMMITTEE (7) The Clerk, Convener (a) The Moderator and Clerk of Assembly, Deputy Clerk, General Board Conveners. (x) Revs WA Kennedy, WS Marrs, RA Patton, R Herron, G Moore, TD Gribben; Miss R Stirling, L Conway, J Millar. (y) Revs TJ Conway, N Cubitt, B Brown, WD Weir, GAJ Farquhar, TP Fleming; DF Adair, P Taggart, DC Cowan.

F. MODERATOR’S ADVISORY COMMITTEE (6) The Clerk, Convener (a) The Moderator, preceding three Moderators, Clerk, former Clerks, Deputy Clerk of Assembly, Clerks of Synods, Head of Personnel, Information Officer. (x) Rev D Montgomery; Mrs R Dunlop, N Chambers, MA Morrow, QC. (y) Revs. JJ Andrews, TJ Conway, IJ Patterson, WD Weir; Mrs A Bowden, Mrs R Millar.

G. RECOGNISED MINISTRIES COMMITTEE (4) The Clerk, Convener (a) The Moderator, Clerk of Assembly, Deputy Clerk, Conveners of Union Commission, Doctrine, Reception of Ministers and Licentiates. (x) Revs IT McKee, WS Marrs; Mrs M Myers, Miss R Stirling. (y) Revs JJ Andrews, TP Fleming, WJ Johnstone, R Lockhart, SG Anketell.

II.—JUDICIAL COMMISSION (7) The Clerk, Convener (a) The Moderator and Clerk of Assembly. (b*) Revs J Gordon, Dr WJ Patterson; Sir John Pringle. (c*) Revs Dr RFS Poots, Dr RVA Lynas; JS Tweed. (d*) Rev JP Taylor; MA Morrow, QC, Noel Valentine. (e*) Revs TJ Conway, Dr J Fell; ______. (f*) Revs Nancy Cubitt, Brian Brown; D Poynton. (g) Revs Dr TJ Simpson, Dr AR Rodgers, Dr S Hutchinson, M Stanfield; JW Russell. 196 BOARDS AND COMMITTEES OF ASSEMBLY III.—COMMISSION ON UNION OF CONGREGATIONS (9) Rev TJ Stothers, Convener Rev Dr I Hart, Secretary (a) The Moderator and Clerk of Assembly, Deputy Clerk, Commission Convener and Secretary, Home and Irish Mission Convener, Representative of Central Ministry Fund. (b) Rev Dr DR Purce; M Spence — Rev EP Gamble; J Whittle — Rev R Mackay; N Jackson — Rev WJ Henry; WEC Ford — Rev TJ Hagan; JB McClean — Rev Dr MA Barry; W Grills. (c) Rev D Knowles; J Gregg — Rev TR Graham; N Carmichael — Rev WI Hunter; C Beck — Rev N McClean; J Kane — Rev Dr WD Patton; HL Todd. (d) Rev TD Gribben; D McCormick — Rev Dr I Hart; B Milligan — Rev AS Smyth; WF McConnell. (e) Rev Dr J Fell; A Craig — Rev G Jones; C Henderson — Rev JL Casement; TR Reid — Rev KO Patterson; Dr H McNeill. (f) Rev B Brown; N Watt — Rev W McLaren; Ms J Binnie — Rev M Burnside; K Walker. (g) Revs Dr JW Lockington, J Brackenridge, LH Eagleson, WT Cordner, AE Tolland; Mrs H Jess, AJ Giffen, Dr TJ Robinson.

IV.—BUSINESS BOARD (19) The Clerk, Convener (a) The Moderator, Clerk and Deputy Clerk of Assembly, Moderator-Designate, former Clerks, preceding three Moderators, Conveners and Secretaries of Commissions and Boards. (b) Rev W Cordner; W Graham — Rev CG Harris; WJ Hamilton — Rev BCG Black; M Barbour — Rev DB Knox; J McDowell — Rev GE Best; E McCleary — Rev Dr MA Barry; Wm Grills. (c) Rev D Knowles; WG McDowell — Rev AE Tolland; N Carmichael — Rev D Clarke; T Gilliland — Rev RW Gaston; A Hanna — Rev D Bannerman; GJ Nutt. (d) Rev TV Patterson; Miss M Torrens — Rev JR Burnett; V Elliot — Rev JR Lambe; DC Cowan. (e) Rev Dr WJH McKee; Mrs R Millar — Rev Dr SR Jones; T Allen — Rev R Herron; J Cochrane — Rev H Ross; E. Carroll. (f) Rev S Stewart; N Watt — Rev GA Mitchell; W McIlreavy — Rev D Nesbitt; A McAdoo.

A. ARRANGEMENTS COMMITTEE (6) Rev TC Morrison, Convener (a) The Moderator and Clerk of Assembly, the Moderator-Designate, Deputy Clerk, Information Officer, Hospitality Secretary, Secretary Assembly Buildings Committee, Buildings Manager; Committee Convener. (x) Rev Alan S Thompson; D Crowe, M Fisher, Mrs J Anderson. (y) Revs JR Lambe, GE Best, W Cordner, AE Tolland, R Herron, D Bannerman; Miss M Torrens, WG McDowell. BOARDS AND COMMITTEES OF ASSEMBLY 197 V.—BOARD OF COMMUNICATIONS (18) Rev WA Kennedy, Convener S Lynas, Secretary (a) The Moderator and Clerk of Assembly; Editors of the Church Magazines, Board Convener and Secretary. (b) Rev CJC McMullan; Mrs Jean Mann — J MacQueen, M Gilmore — Rev TI Harte; R Fleming — Rev J Honeyford; K Irwin — Rev MN Davidson; I Christie — Rev SS Johnston; D Gordon. (c) Rev B McManus; T Montgomery — R Nelson, Mrs H Graham — Rev Dr J Frazer; Dr W Gilmore — Rev Dr CA Grant; K McAuley — Rev RL Brown; J Gowdy. (d) Rev TN Hamilton; B Hamill — Rev S Henning; G Houston — Rev JR Lambe; T Busby. (e) Rev Dr TR Buick; W Harvey — Rev SJ Gray; J Donaghey — Miss M Guy, JA Patterson — Rev JI Thompson; M McNicholl. (f) S Wasson, Mrs V Stewart — Rev R Cobain; G McCullagh — Rev GJ Mackarel; R Sharpe.

A. COMMUNICATIONS ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE (5) Revs Dr RA Russell, IF Smith, Co-Conveners (a) The Moderator and Clerk of Assembly, Board Convener, Information Officer, Editor of Presbyterian Herald, Board Committee Conveners. (x) Rev Dr WE Davison; R Patton, M O’Neill, R Nelson. (y) Revs R Cobain, SJ Gray; J MacQueen, Mrs J Mann, T Busby, R Fleming, Mrs H Graham, G Houston.

B. COMMUNICATIONS DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE (7) Rev C Glover, Convener (a) The Moderator and Clerk of Assembly, Board Convener, Committee Convener, Information Officer, Editors of Church Magazines, Director of Christian Training, Prof of Practical Theology, Religious Advisors to BBC, Downtown Radio, RTE and UTV, Rev Dr RS Tosh. (x) Revs PD Thompson, JM Wylie, C Meban, CWP Kennedy. (y) Revs JI Thompson, GJ Mackarel, RL Brown, S Henning, Dr J Frazer; R Sharpe, T Busby, Miss M Guy.

C. CHURCH ARCHITECTURE COMMITTEE (4) Rev GD Simpson, Convener (a) The Moderator and Clerk of Assembly, Board and Committee Conveners, Information Officer. (x) Rev RE Boggs; B Knox, K Fleming, W Watt. (y) Revs JR Lambe, TI Harte; T Montgomery, JA Patterson.

VI.—BOARD OF MISSION OVERSEAS (28) Rev Dr SJ Dixon, Convener Rev WS Marrs, Secretary (a) The Moderator and Clerk of Assembly, Convener and Secretary of the Board, President, Overseas Vice-President and General Secretary and Treasurer of the PWA, 198 BOARDS AND COMMITTEES OF ASSEMBLY Convener of Church Relations, Deputy Director of Youth and Children’s Ministry, Young Women’s Group representative, Board of Mission in Ireland representative, Board of Youth and Children’s Ministry representative, Personnel Officer (Overseas), Finance Officer (Overseas), Rev J Hanna; Mrs Maureen Patterson. (b) Revs WJP Bailie, PC Lyle; Mrs S Todd — Rev DR Byers; Miss J Allen, Mrs L Cargill — Revs M Stanfield, RI Abraham; Miss M McCombe — Rev RA McLernon; N McKinney, Miss W Norwood — Rev PD Thompson; Dr J Kyle, Mrs M McCammon — Revs D Rankin, BAH Wilson; Mrs G McCullough. (c) Rev NA Brown; N Rea, Mrs A Erwin — Mrs I Wallace, Miss D Savage, Miss M Kane — Rev Dr RN Gordon; G McIntyre, Mrs J Farlow — Revs NE Dorrans, KDW Crowe; Miss E McCaughan— Rev PE Dickinson; D Robinson, Mrs A Reid. (d) Revs JSB Drennan, GF McKeown; Mrs Margaret Patterson, — Revs TJ Wilson, V Sinclair; Mrs M Jackson— Revs WM Brown, J Scott; Miss R Taylor. (e) Revs GP Young, Dr LWH Hilditch; Miss K McConnell — Revs Dr C Glass, N Hunter; Mrs M Conn — Rev RD Cameron; Dr C McKibben, Mrs M McKibben — Rev JW Fleck; R Wallace, Mrs M McCreedy. (f) Rev SJ Richmond; A Speer, Mrs F Harris — Revs PG McDowell, J Mann; Mrs R Boal — Mrs P Martin, L Forster, E Martin. (p) Mrs S Fleck, Mrs V Stewart, Mrs S. Fell, Mrs G Hunter, Mrs E Greenlee, Mrs D Marshall, Mrs J Clarke.

A. LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE (6) Rev Dr WG Campbell, Convener Rev WS Marrs, Secretary (a) The Moderator and Clerk of Assembly, Board Convener and Secretary, Committee Convener; Mission Education Officer; 2 PWA representatives. (x) Revs Dr WP Addley, NAL Lockhart, C Meban, D Stanfield; Miss D Ford, Mrs I Porter. (y) Revs JW Fleck, Dr RN Gordon, J Mann; Mrs M Jackson, Mrs D Marshall, Miss R Taylor.

B. MISSION INVOLVEMENT COMMITTEE (6) Rev PC Lyle, Convener CN Eves, Secretary (a) The Moderator and Clerk of Assembly, Board Convener and Secretary, Committee Convener, Mission Education Officer, 2 PWA representatives. (x) Rev DJ Montgomery; Miss S Creighton, Miss D Ford, S Lynas, M McNicholl, Dr MJ Welsh. (y) Revs NA Brown, PE Dickinson, JSB Drennan, PG McDowell; N McKinney, Mrs I Wallace.

C. OUTREACH MINISTRIES COMMITTEE (6) Rev SJ Richmond, Convener Rev WS Marrs, Secretary (a) The Moderator and Clerk of Assembly, Board Convener and Secretary, Committee Convener, Mission Education Officer, 2 PWA representatives. (x) Revs G Aitcheson, TP Fleming, SJ Hanna, RA Moffett; Mrs V Tweedie, Dr H Williamson. (y) Revs KDW Crowe, PD Thompson; Mrs P Martin, Miss M McCombe, Mrs A Reid, Miss D Savage. BOARDS AND COMMITTEES OF ASSEMBLY 199 D. WORLD DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE (5) Rev Dr MCA Gray, Convener Rev WS Marrs, Secretary (a) The Moderator and Clerk of Assembly, Board Convener and Secretary, Committee Convener, Mission Education Officer, Church Relations representative, Convener of Outreach Ministries Committee, PWA Representative. (x) Revs Dr S Hutchinson, JT Magowan; A McCreary, Mrs S Phillips, R Sheppard, Mrs F Watts. (y) Revs J Mann, J Scott; ______, Mrs M McCammon, G McIntyre, Mrs Margaret Patterson.

VII.— BOARD OF MISSION IN IRELAND (BMI) (33) Rev RA Patton, Convener Deputy Clerk, Secretary (a) The Moderator and Clerk of Assembly, Deputy Clerk, Board Convener, President, Home Vice-President, and General Secretary of PWA, Director for Personnel, Convener and Secretary of Social Witness Board, Conveners of Education, Studies and Christian Training, Youth & Children’s Ministry Boards, Union Commission and Pensions and Assessments Committee, Conveners of Finance, Personnel and Property Committees, Presbyterian Mutual Society Agent, 2 Young Women’s Group representatives, 2 Youth & Children’s Ministry Board representatives, two deaconess representatives, Board of Mission Overseas representataive. (b) Revs J Gordon, D Bradley; Mrs J Richardson — Revs BA McDonald, SD Finlay, RIA Allely — Revs JM Casement, GR Stockdale; Mrs J Shields — Rev WJ Henry; I McCullagh, Mrs V Mawhinney — Revs WJM Parker, TJ Hagan; Mrs R McAuley — Revs DS Henry, BD Colvin; Mrs A McIntyre. (c) Revs SW Dickinson, JG Johnston; Miss H Nicholl — Revs RJ McCullough, B McMillen; Mrs L Stothers — Rev TJ McCormick; Dr JH Gillespie, Mrs D Lynn — Rev ST Carson, AC Rankin; Mrs H Morrison — Revs S Simpson, Dr WD Patton; Miss S Sutter. (d) Rev AW Boyd; B Gordon, Mrs L Gibson — Revs RN Agnew, KA Drury; Miss M Angus — Revs M Gibson, P Linkens; Mrs S Giffen. (e) Revs TD Hagan, DJ Hutchinson; Mrs M McCloskey — Revs JL Blair, T Mawhinney; Mrs M Docherty — Rev Dr JW Lockington; TR Reid, Miss J Patterson — Revs JJ Currie, PG McCrea; Mrs E Farr. (f) Revs J Lamont, WA McCully; Mrs A Lamont — Revs Dr S Mawhinney, SJ Lockington, L Kennedy-Ritchie— Rev N Cubitt; Mrs G Oliver; E. Latimer. (p) Mrs G Hunter, Mrs N Bradford, Mrs B Thompson, Mrs J Donald, Mrs V Miller, Mrs J Paul, Miss Z McAllister.

A. EDUCATION AND PROMOTION (5) Mrs C Poynton, Convener Executive Secretary for Education and Promotion, Secretary (a) The Moderator and Clerk of Assembly, Deputy Clerk, Board and Committee Conveners, Executive Secretary for Education & Promotion, Conveners of Home and Irish Mission, Congregational Life and Shankill Road Mission Committees, Information Officer. (x) Revs TW Gordon, J Scott; D Aicken, D Thompson, W Steele. (y) Revs BA McDonald, J Lamont, B McMillan, GR Stockdale, L Kennedy- Ritchie. 200 BOARDS AND COMMITTEES OF ASSEMBLY B. HOME AND IRISH MISSION COMMITTEE (7) ______, Convener Deputy Clerk, Secretary (a) The Moderator and Clerk of Assembly, Deputy Clerk, Board and Committee Conveners, PWA Central President, PWA Home Vice-President, Director for Personnel, Executive Secretary for Education & Promotion, Mrs C Poynton. (x) Revs Dr WP Addley, PG McCrea, BD Colvin, SS Johnston; DF Adair, Mrs Irene Young. (y) Revs JM Casement, KA Drury, N Cubitt, WA McCully, Dr S Mawhinney; Mrs L Stothers.

C. CONGREGATIONAL LIFE (6) Rev H Boyce, Convener Director for Congregational Life, Secretary (a) The Moderator and Clerk of Assembly, Deputy Clerk, Board and Committee Conveners, Director for Congregational Life, Convener of Committee on Resourcing Christians for Ministry, Director of Christian Training, Executive Secretary for Education & Promotion, Director for Personnel, Prof of Practical Theology, Divine Healing Agent. (x) Revs GE Best, RB Savage, IJ Patterson, WJ Parkes, D Bannerman. (y) Revs JM Casement, Dr WD Patton, RJ McCullough, JL Blair; Mrs B Thompson.

D. SHANKILL ROAD MISSION (5) Rev Dr I Hart, Convener Rev WMcB Campbell, Superintendent (a) The Moderator and Clerk of Assembly, Deputy Clerk, Board and Committee Conveners, Shankill Road Mission Superintendent, Clerk of Session of Shankill Road Mission Congregation, Executive Secretary for Education and Promotion. (x) Revs K McConnell, GF McKeown, AW Boyd; Miss D Pinkerton. (y) Revs J Gordon, M Gibson, Dr JW Lockington; Mrs L Stothers.

VIII.—SOCIAL WITNESS BOARD (28) Rev R Vallely, Convener Director of Social Service, Secretary (a) The Moderator and Clerk of Assembly, Superintendent of Shankill Road Mission, Minister and Superintendent of Kinghan Mission, Board Convener, Director of Social Service, Residential Services Manager, Director of Youth and Children’s Ministry. (b) Revs WJA Sleith, HS Boyd; L Willoughby — Rev MM Stewart; J Smart, Mrs D Foster — Rev JR Hyndman; B Redhead, Mrs J Davidson — Dr D Patterson, R McCleary, Mrs A Magowan — Rev PD Thompson; Mrs M Hewitson, Mrs M Williams — Rev RJ Mattison; E McWilliams, Mrs C Stevenson. (c) Rev JA Beattie; J Todd, Mrs W Bristow — Rev MS Gault; Mrs L Graham, Mrs K Fisher — Rev J Coulter; Mrs L Livingston, Mrs L Conn — Revs Dr M Jones, Dr JA Thompson; Mrs K Fulton — Rev JL Tosh; DL Malcolm, Mrs J Robinson. (d) Revs JN Seawright, JK Doherty; Mrs S McCullough, — Revs J Braithwaite, JH Wilson; Miss M Cromie — Revs Dr RM Crooks, RD Maxwell; Mrs B Stewart. BOARDS AND COMMITTEES OF ASSEMBLY 201 (e) Revs AJA Rosborough, JK McCormick; Mrs E Patterson — Revs DS Irwin, Miss H Lowry; Mrs V Miller — Rev GD Allen; H Alexander, Mrs M Good — Rev M Lindsay; R McKee, Mrs I Reid. (f) Mrs R Gibson, Mrs E Montgomery, Mrs J McKean — Rev Dr S Mawhinney; D Boyd, Mrs R Dawson — Rev SG Anketell; Miss F Fleming, W McConkey. (p) Mrs M Weir, Mrs D Marshall, Miss E Smyth, Mrs P Spence, Mrs W Moffett, Mrs A Harbinson, Mrs V Stewart.

A. SPECIALIST MINISTRIES COMMITTEE (5) Mrs Z Vallely, Convener (a) The Moderator and Clerk of Assembly, Board and Committee Conveners, Director of Social Service, Convener Kinghan Mission, Chaplains, Forces, Addiction Services, Student Services Panels, Minister and Superintendent Kinghan Mission. (x) Rev AJA Rosborough; J Luke, Mrs C Houston. (y) Revs JA Thompson, SJM Lindsay; Miss M Cromie, Mrs K Fisher, Mrs W Moffett.

B. OLDER PEOPLE SERVICES COMMITTEE (5) Rev J Noble, Convener (a) The Moderator and Clerk of Assembly, Board and Committee Conveners, Director of Social Service, Residential Services Manager. (x) Local Support Committee Representatives. (y) Revs MS Gault, JA Thompson, JN Seawright; Miss F Fleming.

C. FAMILY SERVICES COMMITTEE (5) Mrs L Graham, Convener (a) The Moderator and Clerk of Assembly, Deputy Clerk, Board and Committee Conveners, Director of Social Service, Conveners PCI Counselling, Taking Care, Disability, Deputy Director Board of Youth and Children’s Ministry. (x) Rev J Braithwaite; Dr Paul Gray, Mrs M McGuiggan, Mrs G Elwood. (y) Rev DS Irwin; Mrs E Montgomery, Miss M Cromie, Mrs W Moffett.

D. ADULT SERVICES COMMITTEE (4) Rev TJ Wilson, Convener (a) The Moderator and Clerk of Assembly, Board and Committee Conveners, Director of Social Service, Conveners Carlisle House and Thompson House, Residential Services Manager. (x) Revs R Thompson, LE Carroll; Dr L Calderwood. (y) Rev Dr RM Crooks; Dr D Patterson, Miss E Smyth.

IX.—BOARD OF YOUTH AND CHILDREN’S MINISTRY (28) Rev EJ Hyndman, Convener Miss R Stirling, Secretary (a) The Moderator and Clerk of Assembly, Board Convener, Director and Deputy Director of Youth and Children’s Ministry, Director of Social Service, Conveners of Congregational Life, Resourcing Christians for Ministry, University Chaplains. (b) Revs AM Bates, GJ Kennedy — Rev SD Finlay; N McKee — Ms M McCauley, Miss C Hill — Rev DJ Bruce; ______— Revs JRI Harbinson, MN Davidson — M Peacock, Mrs E Maxwell. 202 BOARDS AND COMMITTEES OF ASSEMBLY (c) Revs RM Murray, MJR Neilly — Rev J Moxen; M Wylie — Revs CJ Aitcheson, CWA Martin — Rev HW Mullan; J Surgenor — GA Barkley, Miss H Harrison. (d) Rev IK McDonald; A Howard — Rev R Love; Miss J Gwyn — Rev ME Taylor; Miss G Young. (e) Rev KA Jones; K McCrossan — Rev JG Jones; Wm Willis — Rev K Henderson; Miss M Guy — Revs JA Curry, DJ Irvine. (f) Rev SJ Richmond; J Cowan — Rev AJMcL Smith; Mrs G McCormick — Rev RI Carton; Miss P Patton. (g) Mrs C Murray, Mrs J Craig, Mrs M Emery, Mrs J Robinson, Mrs R McKnight, Miss A Houston, Mrs G Ditty, Mrs H Carey, Miss F Livingstone, Mrs G Graham, Mrs L Keys, Mrs D Johnston, I Ferris, A Ditty, D Pattison, T Bruce, D Laney, D McNeill, A Brown, Miss S Moore.

A. TRAINING COMMITTEE (5) Rev CD Mawhinney, Convener (a) The Moderator and Clerk of Assembly, Board and Committee Conveners, Director and Deputy Director of Youth and Children’s Ministry, Youth Development Officer, Children’s Development Officer, Regional Youth and Support Workers. (x) P Bowman, P Brown, Mrs J Robinson, Dr Alistair McCracken. (y) Revs DJ Bruce, ME Taylor, JG Jones, K Henderson.

B. RESEARCH AND EDUCATION COMMITTEE (4) Mrs H Lyle, Convener (a) The Moderator and Clerk of Assembly, Board and Committee Conveners, Director and Deputy Director of Youth and Children’s Ministry. (x) Miss L Gould, G Jordan, Mrs S Mawhinney, Ms B McIlwrath. (y) Revs SD Finlay, R Love, AM Bates; Miss C Hill.

C. RESOURCES COMMITTEE (5) Rev GJ Kennedy, Convener (a) The Moderator and Clerk of Assembly, Board and Committee Conveners, Director and Deputy Director of Youth and Children’s Ministry, Centres’ Director, Children’s Development Officer, Youth Development Officer, Regional Youth and Support Workers. (x) Revs DJ Montgomery, RL Brown, Dr SR Jones, J Peacock; Mrs L Rankin. (y) Revs RI Carton, JRI Harbinson, AM Bates, DJ Bruce; Miss M McCauley.

D. MINISTRY OPPORTUNITIES COMMITTEE (6) Rev JH Flaherty, Convener (a) The Moderator and Clerk of Assembly, Board and Committee Conveners, Director and Deputy Director of Youth and Children’s Ministry, Overseas Board representative, Board of Mission in Ireland representative, Volunteers’ Co-Ordinator, Centres Director, Rev DJ Paul. (x) Revs PD Thompson, C Meban; M Smith, Mrs M Trueman, M Welsh, M Moorhead. (y) Revs R Love, CWA Martin, MJR Neilly, MN Davidson, IK McDonald, JA Curry. BOARDS AND COMMITTEES OF ASSEMBLY 203 E. MINISTRY EVENTS COMMITTEE (4) Rev J Moxen, Convener (a) The Moderator and Clerk of Assembly, Board and Committee Conveners, Director and Deputy Director of Youth and Children’s Ministry. (x) Revs WJ Carlisle, JR Burnett; A Meban, M Hull, N Cooper. (y) Revs AJMcL Smith, H Mullan; M Wylie, Mrs G McCormick, Miss G Young.

X.—BOARD OF EDUCATION (22) Rev R Herron, Convener (a) The Moderator and Clerk of Assembly, Board Convener, Principal UTC, University Chaplains, Transferors’ Representatives on Area Boards. (b) Revs W Sinclair, WJ Carlisle — Revs JWP McConnell, TA McNeely — Rev AA Cole; WA Wilson — Dr J Davis, AJ Cochrane — Rev HSW Cubitt; M Patton — Revs BD Colvin, JKA McIntyre. (c) Rev KWJ Hanna; W McCartney — Rev GAJ Farquhar; E Crawford — Rev Dr RA Kane; N Lyttle — Rev JT Magowan; Mrs A McNie — T Nicholl, W Hoy. (d) Rev ID Neish; R Manson — Rev WI Hull; H Ruddell — Rev JH McIntyre; B Miskimmon. (e) Rev JM Cathcart; WA McIlwaine — Rev TV Mawhinney; R Graham — J Cochrane, Mrs C Trimble — Rev Alan S Thompson; Mrs E Farr. (f) Rev S Stewart; AO Buchanan — Rev GD Campbell; Dr M Carson — Rev RI Carton; J Bole. (g) Revs Prof LS Kirkpatrick, S Stewart; Dr TD Alexander, TJ Shaw, AS Kennedy.

A. STATE EDUCATION COMMITTEE (5) Rev CD McClure, Convener (a) The Moderator and Clerk of Assembly, Board and Committee Conveners, University Education Convener, Directors of Primary and Secondary Education in Republic. (x) TJ Shaw, W Steele, Mrs J Campbell, Mrs M Robinson, Dr M Hollinger, Mrs E Green. (y) Revs GD Campbell, GAJ Farquhar, WI Hull, W Sinclair; W McCartney, JH Ruddell.

B. UNIVERSITY EDUCATION COMMITTEE (4) Rev Dr TR Buick, Convener (a) The Moderator and Clerk of Assembly, Board and Committee Conveners, Director of Youth and Children’s Ministry, Director of Social Service. (x) Rev Prof WP Addley; TJ Shaw, N Todd, Mrs CM Poots. (y) Revs Alan S Thompson, Dr RA Kane; Dr M Carson, N Lyttle, Mrs E Farr.

XI.—BOARD OF STUDIES AND CHRISTIAN TRAINING (23) Rev G Moore, Convener (a) The Moderator and Clerk of Assembly, Board Convener, Professors in UTC, 2 student representatives, University Chaplains, Executive Director BMI, Director of Ministerial Studies. 204 BOARDS AND COMMITTEES OF ASSEMBLY (b) Revs JNI McNeely, R Stirling — Revs WJA Moody, JS Carson — Revs B Small, TW Gordon — Rev A Shaw Thompson; Dr C Reid, — Revs WL Orr, WJM Parker — Revs FJ Gibson, BAH Wilson. (c) Revs JD McGaughey, AAP Baxter — Revs SP Moore, RJ McCullough — Rev R McMullan; Dr JH Gillespie — Revs DIJ McNie, RJ Gilkinson — Revs JH MacConnell, WJ Sleith. (d) Rev JR Dickinson; T Long — Revs DJ McKelvey, RT Anderson — Revs RD Maxwell, C Burcombe. (e) Revs DW Reid, DJ Hutchinson — Revs Dr C Glass, SJ Gray — Rev WD Cupples; Miss M Guy — Revs TWA Greer, JH Flaherty. (f) Revs J Lamont, WA McCully — Revs Dr JG Millar, JG Faris, — Revs RI Carton, M Burnside. (g) Revs JG Kennedy, GAJ Farquhar, ATF Johnston, AV Stewart, GE Best, Dr WP Addley, SE Hughes, C Meban; RJ Magowan, R Thompson.

A. COMMITTEE ON MINISTERIAL STUDIES (5) Rev SP Moore, Convener (a) The Moderator and Clerk of Assembly, Board and Committee Conveners, Principal UTC, Conveners of Reception of Ministers and Licentiates, Students’ Bursary Fund, Director of Ministerial Studies. (x) Revs SS Johnston, Prof A Gibson, Prof LS Kirkpatrick, W Sinclair; Mrs J Wright, Mrs M Robinson. (y) Revs DJ Hutchinson, Dr JG Millar, JNI McNeely, JR Dickinson, WJM Parker; Dr JH Gillespie.

B. COLLEGE AND MAGEE MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE (4) Rev DW Brice, Convener (a) The Moderator and Clerk of Assembly, the Principal UTC. (fac) Revs Prof JC McCullough, Prof A Gibson, Prof LS Kirkpatrick, WDF Marshall. (x) Revs G Moore, DW Brice, SP Moore; Dr TD Alexander, R Martin, L Grant.

C. COMMITTEE ON RESOURCING CHRISTIANS FOR MINISTRY (6) Rev JS Carson, Convener (a) The Moderator and Clerk of Assembly Board and Committee Conveners, Professor of Practical Theology, Director and Deputy Director of Youth and Children’s Ministry, Directors of Christian Training, Social Service, Directors of Ministerial Studies and Congregational Life, Rev Dr RM Crooks. (x) Revs Dr IA McKay, G Aitcheson, J Coulter; C Millar. (y) Revs JD McGaughey, RJ Gilkinson, JNI McNeely, TWA Greer, WJM Parker, DJ Hutchinson; T Long, Dr J Gillespie.

D. RECEPTION OF MINISTERS AND LICENTIATES COMMITTEE (6) Rev RB Savage, Convener (a) The Moderator and Clerk of Assembly, Deputy Clerk, Board and Committee Conveners, Principal UTC, Convener and Director of Ministerial Studies, Convener Church Relations. BOARDS AND COMMITTEES OF ASSEMBLY 205 (x) Revs Dr DH Allen, SD Finlay, SS Johnston, WTJ Richardson; D McMullan, Miss A Taylor. (y) Revs JR Dickinson, J Lamont, Dr JG Millar, A Shaw Thompson, WJM Parker; Mrs M Robinson.

XII.—COMMISSION ON TRUSTS (3) AJ Rankin, Convener (a) The Moderator and Clerk; AJ Rankin. (g) Revs D Clarke, Dr TJ Simpson, RJA Bell, D Chapman, WS Marrs, JH Robinson, JW Russell, L Walker, Mrs O Marshall.

XIII.—BOARD OF FINANCE AND PERSONNEL (17) J Millar, Convener (a) The Moderator and Clerk of Assembly, Board Convener, Financial Secretary, Convener of Union Commission. (b) Rev NJ Linkens; Mrs J Mann — AG Sleator, N Greenlee — Rev JM Casement; R Courtenay — Rev J Brackenridge; WM McMaster — Rev SA Matthews; H Smyth — Rev DS Henry; M Agnew. (c) Rev WF Dickey; L Cubitt — Rev RJA Bell; F Picton — Rev R Kelly; B McCorriston — Rev KDW Crowe; J McMullan — FJ Hand, SJ Waugh. (d) Rev WA Abernethy; A Bridle — C Graham, M Fitch — JD McKibbin, NL Valentine. (e) Rev JT Williamson; A Fletcher — Rev JA Noble; RJ Boggs — N Morrison, RH Kidd — Rev IF Smith; E Carroll. (f) Rev B Brown; WC Patterson — Rev J Carson; J Gregg — Rev D Nesbitt; T Semple.

A. COMMITTEE ON FINANCE, LEGAL AND IT (3) M Fitch, Convener (a) The Moderator and Clerk of Assembly, Board and Committee Conveners, Financial Secretary. (x) R Power, T McQuoid, B McCluggage, WJ Miscampbell. (y) Revs D Nesbitt; A Bridle, FJ Hand, N Valentine.

B. PERSONNEL COMMITTEE (4) D Lamb, Convener (a) The Moderator and Clerk of Assembly; Board and Committee Conveners, Head of Personnel, Financial Secretary. (x) Revs Dr J Fell; B Phillips,I Moore, L Murray. (y) Revs JM Casement, IF Smith; T Semple, H Smyth.

C. ASSEMBLY BUILDINGS COMMITTEE (3) JH Martin, Convener J Kelly, Secretary (a) The Moderator and Clerk of Assembly, Board and Committee Conveners, Committee Secretary, Financial Secretary. (x) Rev RA McLernon; WJ Cairns, A McQuoid. (y) Revs JT Williamson, R Kelly; Mrs J Mann. 206 BOARDS AND COMMITTEES OF ASSEMBLY D. PENSIONS AND ASSESSMENTS COMMITTEE (4) D Crowe, Convener (a) The Moderator and Clerk of Assembly, Board and Committee Conveners, Financial Secretary. (x) Rev D Armstrong, JL Casement; J Hutcheson, I Johnston, D Munster, D Clements. (y) Revs RJA Bell, WA Abernethy, KDW Crowe; E Carroll, A Fletcher, N Morrison

XIV.—UNITED APPEAL BOARD (8) Rev TD Gribben, Convener The Clerk, Secretary (a) The Moderator and Clerk of Assembly; Board Convener, Mr MH Stewart. (b) Mrs J Mann — Rev CUR Bradley — S Cunningham — Rev DC Porter — G Macauley — J Peacock. (c) D Preston — G McKinley — Rev Dr SH Williamson — V McLean — Rev JH MacConnell. (d) Rev TC Wright — Miss H McMillan — Rev JR Lambe. (e) S Ramsey — Rev N Ward — Rev I McClean — O Gibson. (f) Rev J Lamont — Rev W Hayes — Rev M Burnside. (g) Revs D Clarke, RIA Allely, J Lamont; D Alexander, J Clarke, B McCormack, N Adams.

XV. — HYMNAL COMMITTEE (7) Rev WTJ Richardson, Convener The Moderator and Clerk of Assembly; Committee Convener, Information Officer. Revs Prof WP Addley, WTJ Richardson, WJ Murdock, WA Kennedy, RL Brown, JH McIntyre, WH Sanderson, RD McDowell, M Spratt, R Hill, JF Murdoch, IF Smith, JR Dickinson, Dr AWG Brown; H Morrow, Mrs O Marshall, Miss M Guy, O McAuley, C Blake, Ms J Cowle, Mrs M Braithwaite, Ms D Holt, Mrs M Crooks.

XVI. — SPECIAL ASSEMBLY CONFERENCE COMMITTEE (6) Revs DJ Montgomery, TC Morrison, Co-Conveners The Moderator and Clerk of Assembly; Committee Conveners. Revs AJ Beattie, TJ Conway, RL Craig, MN Davidson, C Ebbinghaus, RS Hetherington, C Kennedy, L Kennedy-Ritchie, FP Sellar, SJ Hanna; S McDowell, Mrs K Campbell, S Lynas, Mrs M Patterson, Miss B McDade, David Thomson, Miss JP Gamble, A Carroll, R Thompson, G McCracken. BOARDS AND COMMITTEES OF ASSEMBLY 207 208 Daily Minutes BELFAST, 2006 BELFAST, 2006 Daily Minutes 209 210 Daily Minutes BELFAST, 2006 BELFAST, 2006 Daily Minutes 211 212 Daily Minutes BELFAST, 2006 BELFAST, 2006 Daily Minutes 213 214 Daily Minutes BELFAST, 2006 BELFAST, 2006 Daily Minutes 215 216 Daily Minutes BELFAST, 2006 BELFAST, 2006 Daily Minutes 217 218 Daily Minutes BELFAST, 2006 BELFAST, 2006 Daily Minutes 219 220 Daily Minutes BELFAST, 2006 BELFAST, 2006 Daily Minutes 221 222 Daily Minutes BELFAST, 2006 BELFAST, 2006 Daily Minutes 223 224 Daily Minutes BELFAST, 2006