
The Third Sunday before Lent Racial Justice Sunday

Information and Notices for the week beginning 9 February 2020

Welcome to Birmingham Cathedral

In the name of Jesus Christ, we offer Following the 11am Eucharist you a very warm welcome to this act of tea and coffee are served at the back of worship. God’s greatest gift to the world the cathedral. Do join us if you are able, is fullness of life in Christ, and it is our particularly if you are new to the hope and prayer that you will experience congregation or visiting us for the first something of God’s love through this time. We would encourage you to bring a service. If you are a visitor or newcomer, re-usable cup to support our continued please do introduce yourself to one of the efforts to strive for sustainability and clergy or wardens. decrease our environmental impact.

Communicant members of all Planned Giving denominations are welcome to receive If you give by bank standing order, please Communion; please come forward as pick up a yellow offertory card at the back directed by the stewards. If you do not of the cathedral when you arrive for the wish to receive Communion but would service. Putting these in the offertory bag like a blessing, you are warmly invited to helps to prevent embarrassment on the come forward; please bring a service part of the planned giver and is customary booklet with you. Gluten-free wafers are practice for those who choose to give in available on request. this way. Anyone wanting information about how to join the Planned Giving Children’s Church meets during the Scheme should speak to Canon Dr Terry 11am Eucharist in the undercroft from the Slater (he has a badge). Gloria until the Peace. All children are welcome and they are asked to join the Gift Aid envelopes are available in the leaders at the back of church during the back of seats for use by UK tax payers. Gloria. Parents of children under four This enables us to increase your donation years of age are required to bring them by a further 25% at no cost to you. Thank down to the undercroft and if they are you. preschool to stay with their child for at least their first few visits. Once a Please look after your belongings at preschool child is willing to stay on their all times. Regrettably, like any public own we ask parents to come and collect building, we experience occasional thefts. them at the Peace.

Recordings of recent sermons are available on our website.

Today’s services

9am Holy Communion President: The Reverend Canon Dr Josephine Houghton, Canon Precentor

11am Choral Eucharist Readings: Isaiah 58.1-9a; I Corinthians 2.1-12; Matthew 5.13-20 President: The Reverend Douglas Machiridza, Vicar of St Andrew, Handsworth, Priest-in-charge of St James, Handsworth, and Area Dean Designate of Handsworth and Central Deanery Preacher: The Reverend Canon Dr Josephine Houghton, Canon Precentor

3.30pm Choral Evensong Officiant and Preacher: The Very Reverend Matt Thompson, Dean of Birmingham


Palm crosses Canon Josephine is planning to burn last year’s palm crosses to create the ash that will be used at the Eucharists on Ash Wednesday. If you have crosses from previous years that you would like to be included, please would you bring them to the cathedral next Sunday 16 February. Many thanks.

Choir tour Members of the Cathedral (Girls, Boys, and Lower Voices) will be going on tour to 14 – 18 February, giving concerts at Cathedral, St ’s Church, Edinburgh; and St Giles’ Cathedral, Edinburgh; and singing for a service at Dunfermline Abbey.

Mass in honour of Saint Patrick The congregation of St Alban’s Church, Highgate, are inviting people to join them for a Eucharist in honour of their secondary patron Saint Patrick, on Saturday 21 March at 11am. This will be followed by a light lunch. St Alban’s would welcome an indication of numbers for catering purposes; if you plan to attend, please would you email [email protected] by 12 March and we will collate responses.

Have your say on plans to revamp public spaces near the cathedral Birmingham businesses, citizens and visitors are being encouraged to take part in a public consultation over plans for a £25m regeneration of the city centre, which closes on Thursday 20 February 2020. This consultation seeks views on the proposed City Centre Public Realm Improvements. The consultation plan and illustrations of the proposed scheme can be viewed at

For your prayers

Those for whom prayer has been requested: Geoffrey Wilsher, Mary Partridge, Irene Lakin, Tony Stephenson, Shirley Knott, Margaret Phillips, Mary Spooner, Charlie Beattie, Stephen Wilcox, Jean Stevens, Beverley Hallahan, Vicky McGrath, Mary Lee, Eugene McGlynn, Omar Ferraro, Pam Jones, Carol Currier, Cheryl Harvey, Jenny Hone, Heidi Ellis, Andrew Lancaster, Danny Long, Frances Buchanan, Marion Phillips, Christine Whiteman, John Warren, Alec Paris, Janet Knox, Rodney Whiteman, Derek Owen, Jennifer Owen, Priscilla White, Vanico James, Fred Jesson, Nader Farahnak, Margaret Boggis, Brian Larkins, Peter Tod, Lorys Davies, Sara Packer, Barbara Wakelin, Roy Marshall.

Anniversaries in the coming week: Patrick McGill (2009), Bonnie Shullenberger (2009), Gill Dingley (2018), Colette Bouckley (2018), Eunice Bevan (2004), Janet Marshall (2015), Mary Graham (2005).

Keeping in touch

Colmore Row, Birmingham, B3 2QB  0121 262 1840  [email protected]  @bham.cathedral @BhamCathedral ‘Birmingham Cathedral’ to find our podcasts bham_cathedral


Sunday 9 9.00am Holy Communion 3rd Sunday before Lent 11.00am Choral Eucharist Boys and Lower Voices Racial Justice Sunday Preacher: The Reverend Canon Dr Josephine Houghton

3.30pm Choral Evensong Girls and Lower Voices Preacher: The Very Reverend Matt Thompson

Monday 10 8.00am Morning Prayer and Holy Communion Scholastica, abbess, c.543 12.30pm Free Guided Tour (meet at main door) 5.45pm Evening Prayer

Tuesday 11 8.00am Morning Prayer and Holy Communion 5.45pm Shorter Choral Evensong Lower Voices

Wednesday 12 8.00am Morning Prayer and Holy Communion 1.10pm Choral Communion St Philip’s Singers 5.45pm Shorter Choral Evensong Boys’ Voices

Thursday 13 8.00am Morning Prayer and Holy Communion 1.10pm Wholeness and Healing Service 2.15pm Bible Study Group Candlemas Room, One Colmore Row 5.45pm Evening Prayer

Friday 14 8.00am Morning Prayer and Holy Communion Cyril and Methodius, 5.45pm Evening Prayer missionaries, 869 and 885 Saturday 15 9.00am Morning Prayer and Holy Communion Sigfrid, , 1045; 3.30pm Evening Prayer Thomas Bray, priest, founder of

SPCK andSunday SPG, 1730 16 9.00am Holy Communion 2nd Sunday before Lent 11.00am Sung Eucharist

Preacher: The Reverend Elaine King 3.30pm Evening Prayer

The cathedral diary and events can be found online at The deadline for the next issue of the notice sheet is noon on Thursday. Please send items to [email protected]