2010 JOHN CARROLL UNIVERSITY FOOTBALL THE 2010 JCU FOOTBALL MEDIA GUIDE The 2010 John Carroll University Football Media Guide has been designed by the JCU Sports Information office in an effort to provide relevant information regarding the Blue Streak football team to all interested parties. The information contained within this booklet was known to be accurate as of July 31, 2010. All subsequent updates regarding John Carroll football will be made on the official website of JCU Athletics, www.jcusports.com. Other noteworthy information regarding media coverage of John Carroll Football is as follows: Media credentials are available by writing Chris Wenzler, Sports Information Director, John Carroll, University Heights, Ohio 44118 or calling the Sports Information Office at (216) 397-4676. You can also email at
[email protected]. Credentials can be picked up at the JCU Sports Information Office until the Friday before a home game, and at the Ticket Kiosk on the day of a game. A school’s official campus radio station may use the visiting phone line on a reciprocal basis or pay $50. Stations must restrict themselves to two persons in the press box and one on the field. Commercial stations must pay $50 and pay for activation of a phone line. All reservations must be made through the JCU Sports Information Office. Please plan in advance (48-72 hours notice recommended). Parking is available in the lot across Belvoir Boulevard from Shula Stadium, adjacent to the Tony DeCarlo Varsity Center. Limited reserved parking will be available for members of the media who request credentials prior to 5:00 p.m.