REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL Number RFP #17-20 Issued: October 3, 2017 BUS PROCUREMENT Deadline for Questions: October 12th, 2017 10:00 a.m. CST Responses to Questions posted October 16th, 2017 5:00 p.m. CST Sealed Qualifications Due: October 24 th , 2017 10:00 a.m. CST Pre-Bid Conference: Not Applicable BJCTA Procurement Contact Procurement Officer: Darryl Grayson,
[email protected] All questions must be submitted via email Response to questions will be posted on Parcel Delivery & Hand-Delivery - Physical Address Mailing Address ATTN: PROCUREMENT DEPT. ATTN: PROCUREMENT DEPT. Birmingham Jefferson County Transit Authority Birmingham Jefferson County Transit Authority 2121 Abraham Woods Jr., Blvd, Suite 500 2121 Abraham Woods Jr., Blvd, Suite 500 Birmingham, AL 35203 Birmingham, AL 35203 The lower left corner of the address label should include: The lower left corner of the address label should include: RFP # 17-20 BUS PROCUREMENT RFP # 17-20 BUS PROCUREMENT It is important to use the correct address for the delivery of sealed responses to BJCTA solicitations. Proposals delivered to the BJCTA Post Office Box, faxed, emailed, or received after 10:00 a.m. CST, will be considered non-responsive and will be rejected. Unless written authorization is provided by the BJCTA Procurement Manager, no other official or employee may speak for the BJCTA regarding this solicitation until the award decisions are complete. Any Proposer seeking information, clarification, or interpretations from any other official or employee uses such information at their own risk, and BJCTA is not bound by such information. Following the submittal deadline, and until a contract is fully executed, Proposers shall continue to direct communications to only the BJCTA Procurement Director identified above.