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Ia ^LSS ot 'r r-' ^OOIM^S EELOSttCm PlJisLiC Li vHAr^ii-C. irtieio 426< The MOEEHEAD JNDEPENEEirf “ONE OF KENTUCKY’S GKEATER WEEKLIES” MOREHEAD, KENTUCKY.'THURSrt^Y, FEBRUARY 3. 1938. 15,000 For Fight For Senate fnronment5oars Federal Officers President Are Held Eagles Weaken In Post Held Likefer To 6U At State Active; Eight Are Incomplete. retorm from 15.000 First Half Falling aalebrations of President Roose- Teachers College Nabbed In Elliott veirs fifty-sixth Urtbday indicat- Before Western i By State Leaders tional rbnirmftw of* Morehead Rallies Bat Invad Bitter Words Flow At W*sh- PrcsUcBt Wdi Satisfied With PnsIcY Howard b Captured campaign, that "all records were shattered-' ers Take 38-20 KIAC ingloD Fonowmg Visit For Second Tiinc In Less He said, reports of contributions Deciskn Of ChsndW Than Month to the new national foundation for Western was red hot for eight DemocraUc Leader Barkley in federal Revenue Agents were infantile paralysis Aowed New vited a re-election battle with minutes in the first half of its 'kead StaM Teaehm CWleie busy in this section during the York. Waddngton. Boston. Baltu Governor A. B. Chandler of Ken ore and CHucsgo. as well as oth- basketball game here last night today ftoad at 111, wWdi la last four days, making 9 arrests with Morehead .Teachers CoUege tucky Monday night, declaring he rciUes, w»e "far over the top,” and confiscating large quantities and ran up a 21 to 7 lead, but was unwilling to enter into a "con toat at tke sum pertod to but that it «as too early to hazard spiracy'' to give Senator Logan of of lUegal liquor, the HiUtoppers did not emerge 1«7. PreaidMt H. A. Babb - guess as to the total amount of Kentucky a judgeship and thus Presley Howard, of Dewdrop money collected. with a final 38 to 30 KIAC victory Mtd lUt tamlatM that the create Q Senate vacafih*^ for the The proceeds of the thousands until It had some anxious mo rcstotrattoa la very srattfytoc. EUiott County, was arrested for Governor. — of birthday parties will be com ments. All claaea to the new depart, the second time within three Informed of Senator Barkley's bined in the campaign fund. Mur- Fifteen hundred fans saw one neat of eoamerec aad toul- weeks Monday when agents found charge. Chandler said: gan ssaid a number of addtUonal of the most precise shooting ex »Ma have beea fUled. Many a 150 gallon still. 10 gallons of hibitions ever witnessed here dur "He'il have an oppcneiit—nal ether eearaea have been filled whiskeyisaey anduiiu 200&vu gallonssaij of mash celebrations would be- held opposition in his race this time.’’ ing Western's hot streak. The vis to near capacity. r on tiu place. PreviouslyPr< they next few days. He declined to identify the “opp^ itors made five consecutive field It to peeaible that ■’the recto- 1 captu?^ a 500 gallon cop- baskets without missing a shot said he would make trattoa may reach 1M kefere ' still, allegedly. ily lbelonging to in a period of two minutes with a statement on his return to Ken the final date ter rettotrattod him. He executed $50 bond be Dry Leaders Want Harry Saddler, Somerset player, tucky. en Fehnary 22. A auiber of fore Commissioner J. W. Riley for accountmg for three of them. The Senate Leader’s statement raral aefaoeto to aereral Eaa- appearance in Catlettsburg Western*, apparently couldn't Dan Parker, of Morehead. Tui and Chandler's retort were issued Icra Kentocky ceontlea hare Federal Court. Change In Rum Bill miss as It ran up what proved to day took a position as patrolman at the close of a day in whudi mt dtaatoMd which to beld- Cecil Dawson and Dan 5den be the winning points. for the Kentucky Highway Patrol. several callers had carried tn toe faw bach a amber et prea> were arrested and charged with Ask That Lift A proud Morehead boast also Mr Parker will worit m this dis. White House the hot political po peettoe ■iadenta possession Both trict with headquarters at Ash tato developed in Kentucky. - The teat day to reftoter to from Soldier, allegedly threw four outscore land. His position was obtained, Governor Chandler, who for carry a fall lead to aext Haa- gallons of moonshine from their through Representative Z. T. some time has been reported about Federal officers chased Six dergymen of the State presU day. -MG JOHN- W1GGER8 Young, . ... for Barkley’s Senate sect, them. A half gallon of it tailed dent of the Women’s ChrisUan in the lead with his remark, visited the White House and left to break. In the above picture S3ito John- iperance Cnioo suggested a able shots from tbe side when ........................ bis inteotkms. Asa Pennington, of Dewdrop. of changes to the pending n. Coach of Morehead C>>Uege's Moreheart's last half rally threat Two other Kentuckians, John Bmidmg Program EUiott County, executed a 9500 football and basketball team, Alcohol Control Bill at a publ ened the invaders. No Change Is Made Young Brown and Thos. S. Rhea. bond on a charge of possession. hearing held at Frankfort Moi shows haw much taller is."Big Carter ep8tied the scoring with anti-Chandler men, .visited tbe A warrant for him was issued day night by the House Commi*- Will Be Increased John*' Wigge*. sophomore center, a tree throw. Dudgeon slipped Chief Executive and emerged with after Charles Patrick and Charles Alcohol Control In Insurance Plan from New York City. Wiggers U m for a enp shot and McCrocklin word that Mr. Roosevelt............... expected to make a high scoring Whitt, both of whom bad been D. T. Macklack. doubt be GoTcniBieBt WiQ Allow U>w dropped in a free throw to put player lor Ufb Cagles in years irrested for potaessioa turned Wtndiester. chairman at the Employee-EmpIoTer Contriba- re-election. lateral Aad Long Western ahead. 3 to 1, Carter bed come. state evidence and named Pen mittee, presided at the hearing, tioq Rate Remains Sane. formal statement Barkley Terms Oh Loans with a one-handed shot nington as the man from whom first of three meetings at which Vaoghan States told reporters: they secured the whiskey. Tbe play was then cautious for AdnimtotratUm leaders. beaUng off persons niterested in tbe various five minutes with Western ahead “There js no charge in the “For months I have been threat Pierce PaWck, Wendel -Lewis angles of the biU will be heard. ened from Praaktort with opposi- a Seiate rebellion by the close 158 War Orphans and Watt Whitt, aU charged with at the end of that time. 7 ployee-cmpioyer contribution rate vote of 42 to 40. yesterday passed The clergymen complained It was at this point that the Hill- for old-age insurance under the in in my race for re-election possessing two gaUons of moon about the license provisions in the Senate unless I entoed into cit’s bUl designed shine were piaced. under $100 sodal security act" it was said vast the pending bill, suggesting that conspiracy which would have to sttoiutote Are Killed In Spain bonds for their appearance in „ their offensive today by M. E. Vaughan, manag- the tee for retailers be increased involved Senator Logan, tbe Presi lag boom. Federal cotufL to 7 advantage. of the Lexington field office Bip. Boosevelt is expected from 925 tO'9100 and the tee for dent of the United States and me. Air Raid Resalb la Death Of Frank Oibion, who lives near Morehead rallied to hold its own of.■ this lederaitederai government agency. sign the bUl quickly. tilewci'S from1 91.000 to Vt,K to find some way to eliminate Over 300. Report the Rodbum CCC camp was ar for the remainder of the first baU. “Recently many inquiries have Overriding the strident critU that /penalties i ime to our office as to the 1830 Senator Logan from the Senate Dedara rested after ofEcees aUegedly whiiA ended 23 to 10. dsn of a Woe that Included Sou contribuUon rate under the old- by appointing him to something touDd two gaUons of started hitting else in order to avoid c thern and Western Demoerata as More than 300 persons, ISO of at bis house. He filled a $600 sccond half and gradually whittled age insurance plan." Mr. Vau^m veU as Republicans, the Aibninto- cal option territory be protected them war orphan children, i ipearance bond. Western’s lead. Tbe closest the said. "In some instances in Region tration succeeded to keeping out against any beverage containing V. of which this social security kilted Sunday to two tosurgcBt Aleck Wallace was ^aced under more than one per cent of alcttool TjigW ram» was when the score honor that I would not gladly of the biU the “prevailing wage" office is a part, it has been re air raids on BaroioBa. Spaotofa 91.000 bond on diargea oC poe- was 25 to 20 with five minutes help him obtain. Senator Logan MBiag and —tiing- Wallaa ported that to play. If Carter bad bBna^te^ knows this and has so stoted to K iMT Saaate- ihgmfO tn- loekea on. When they a- stixy tor toe Bbardiead-ace,missed confirmed reports declared an- of their custon^ that toe Uqaor t MoBdsy that he would peered ................toe acene he all^to^ five during tbe closing min “Tils is in eror as tbe contri- '' ere klUed in a flooded traffic bear part of the coat of serve out Ms present t _ ____ _ redenl Houstog i drew a gun which bution rate remains at one Its backers mid that wUbout It, .