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05 A brand new dimension Full TFWA World Exhibition Conference report

18 Sunglasses feature Back to the future

35 Exhibition news Comprehensive coverage from the exhibition floor

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TFWA WORLD EXHIBITION tuesday 23 october 2012 welcome message

Introduction A growing family New: Beach Village TFWA Membership remains Asia Pacific Conference and Exhibition, This year’s TFWA World Exhibition is the biggest and strong each year. TFWA Members, will offer participants a series of prear- currently numbering 420, are all ranged meetings between brands and busiest ever. TFWA has established a new exhibition area suppliers of prestige products and airport authorities and retailers. in response to the high demand for additional space from brands to the Duty Free and Travel ‘China’s Century - The Fast Pace of Change existing exhibitors, as well as to accommodate as many Retail industry, and represent all in China Duty Free & Travel Retail’ will new exhibitors as possible. product sectors. We’re delighted to give TFWA members (and other industry have welcomed 13 new members stakeholders of course) the perfect oppor- The new Beach Village increases total exhibition space to this year. tunity to better understand the incredible more than 21,000sqm. Located on Riviera Beach, next to potential of both the duty free and duty the Palais des Festivals, the large outdoor structure houses Why should you join TFWA as a member? paid retail sectors in the vast Chinese Philip Morris, and features the new Beach Restaurant. First and foremost, it allows you to have market. And, in true TFWA style, the personal input into the direction of our chosen venue brings together the best in Meanwhile, The Scene is relocated to a stylish new home main events, such as TFWA World Exhibi- oriental tradition and luxury, supported by in the Gare Maritime on the other side of the Palais des tion and TFWA Asia Pacific, and as a some spectacular evening entertainment Festivals. consequence help us to shape the best and networking opportunities. possible business platform for travel retail. Back to this week and two very important And your opinion is valued - we do listen to events are taking place. On Wednesday our members and act accordingly. Our first morning from 0830 at the TFWA Offices, China event next year is a perfect example all members are asked to vote for the of this. A survey among TFWA members representatives on the Management The Beach Restaurant showed us just how important China is to Committee. The MC represents all product your business. Therefore we felt the time sectors within the industry: fragrances & was right to launch a China conference cosmetics, wine & spirits, fashion & acces- New this year and, indeed, it has been on the Association sories, jewellery, gifts, confectionery and (Beach Village) agenda to do so for a number of years. The fine foods, and tobacco. Then on Thursday project has been enthusiastically welcomed there is the Annual General Meeting and Enjoy the relaxed surroundings of this fabulous new restaurant located in the by our members and the broader industry. Extraordinary General Meeting at 0900 Beach Village. Boasting an enviable setting with sea views, it offers a varied and ‘China’s Century - The Fast Pace of in Auditorium K, Level 4. Please join us reasonably priced menu, providing an ideal lunch venue throughout the week. Change in China Duty Free & Travel Retail’ to hear the official report on all we have is being organised in partnership with achieved over the past year. Asia’s regional trade association, APTRA, In short, TFWA membership brings your and will take place on 5-7 March 2013 company strategic and pragmatic added at the Beijing Hotel, situated next to the value at an reasonable annual cost. Your historic landmark, The Forbidden City membership helps us to ensure that we and the central Tiananmen Square. The represent the interest of the duty free and content rich conference promises a rich travel retail industry more comprehen- and extensive coverage of all aspects of sively. As a key industry player it makes A SMART WAY TO MAKE the Chinese market, with valuable insights lots of sense to become a TFWA Member. from a broad range of stakeholders. And, So if you are not already, then contact THE MOST OF in order to ensure companies of every Sabine Parmentier (s.parmentier@tfwa. size will reap the benefits offered by the com) and find out more. TFWA WORLD EXHIBITION vast Chinese Market, TFWA’s signature One2One networking programme which Alessandra Visconti the association launched with great Vice-President Download the app from tfwa.com success several years ago at the TFWA Corporate, TFWA

Members of the TFWA Corporate Management Committee: Philip Geeraert, Neuhaus; Priscilla Beaulieu, Kaloo, Clayeux Kokeshi by Millennium Fragrances; Matthijs Kramer, Campari; Alessandra Visconti, Non contractual visuals Vice-President; and Christian Vonthron, Oettinger Davidoff Group.

www.tfwa.com Bric's Show DailyNews TFWA def.indd 1 10/09/12 10.34 TFWA WORLD EXHIBITION tuesday 23 october 2012 conference

Dr Albright was the first female US Secretary of State, and serving under President Bill Clinton, was the most powerful woman in A brand new America, and arguably the world. During her tenure, she particularly influenced US foreign policy in the Balkans and the Middle East. Dr dimension Albright was also previously US Ambassador to the United Nations. Dr Madeleine Albright, former US Secretary of State and Chair, Albright Stonebridge Group, delivered a truly engaging address at yesterday’s TFWA World Exhibition Conference. As someone who has travelled the world spreading a gospel of freedom and democracy, she offered an informed perspective on geo- political and macro-economic issues.

The Albright Stonebridge Group special- a million miles, and have continued ever ises in consulting services to businesses since,” commented Dr Albright. Known for that want to expand internationally, and her trademark brooches, she added: “I love She described herself as the ideal person the jewellery you can find at the airport to address the TFWA World Exhibition and on the plane. I am the world’s perfect Conference, confessing a love of shopping duty free shopper, as I spend so much in and, particularly, duty free shopping. airports. It is a terrific industry and there is “When I was Secretary of State I flew over more and more variety in the shops.”

www.tfwa.com TFWA DAILY – 5 Addressing the topic of globalisation, Dr airport, there are perils that are hard to Albright explained that we live in a global detect. Our highest priority must be to society – something that is particularly prevent this, primarily through tough- Dr Albright: evident in an airport environment. “We minded diplomacy.” “I am the world’s perfect duty can see how globalisation is good for the Dr Albright explained that there is a travel retail business. There are more worldwide demand for better govern- free shopper, as I spend so much and more emerging markets coming into ment. “I’m an optimist who worries a lot. in airports. It is a terrific industry play,” she commented. Democratic ideas are universal – they Dr Albright explained that when she affirm the principles of liberty attached and there is more and more was in government, she often turned to to responsibility. If we’re to act with variety in the shops.” business leaders for advice when making confidence in an era of uncertainty, we decision on foreign policy, as there are must invest our faith in governments, similarities in having to operate in a businesses and services,” she explained. global environment. “You have to be able Commenting on China, she added that the to predict the future. Neither business country is creating a consuming middle nor political leaders can afford to be class, which will ultimately want input into surprised,” she said. “Globalisation is the political system. “They are about to not new, what different now is the pace have a major shift in their political leader- of globalisation. Leaders must meet the ship, which they thought was going to be expectations of an impatient public.” smooth, but have been some difficulties,” Dr Albright also pointed towards the said Dr Albright. power of emerging markets, highlighting With US elections a matter of weeks away, Brazil, Russia, China and Tunisia. This, she asserted that she does not buy into she explained, has a ripple effect in terms the decline of the United States. “What I of demand for natural resources, and think is that there are now more powers in changes in economic leverage. “Instead the world. The US is looking for partners of the old system where a small group and sees partnerships as force multipli- of countries decided most of the rules, ers. President Obama is rebalancing our we’re operating in a less centralised policy, as we’re an Atlantic as well as a environment in which the rules less Pacific power.” clearly defined. There is a widening gap Returning to the central theme of globali- between the pace of events and the ability sation, Dr Albright concluded: “The thing of leaders to respond,” said Dr Albright. that has surprised most ordinary people She continued: “Another reality we face is how what happens in one place quickly is the evolution of security threats. As rebounds in another, which shows how we are reminded whenever we enter an closely linked we all are.”

6 – TFWA DAILY www.tfwa.com conference TFWA WORLD EXHIBITION tuesday 23 october 2012

A central theme of Erik Juul- Mortensen’s address was the increasing pace of technological development. “Technology needs to become a defining feature of the travel retail experience for a new generation of technology-enabled consumers,” explained Juul- Mortensen. “We need to embrace technology and its advantages in communicating with and selling to travellers.”

He also outlined some key figures. In 2011, global travel retail sales totalled US$46 billion. There was growth in all categories, with luxury goods leading the way. “Asia Pacific was the engine pulling the travel retail industry forward,” commented Juul-Mortensen. “There is an increasing shift in sales to the airport channel, which now accounts for 60% of sales.” In China, duty free and tax free sales grew by 42.4%, in Russia by 35.1%, in by 27.5%, in Turkey by 23.1%, and in Brazil by 18.3%. Juul-Mortensen said: “Travel retail today has an increasing dependence on key nationalities, such as Chinese, Russians and Brazilians, who are begin- ning to travel more. We have noted the interest in these markets for our members.” It is for this reason that TFWA is hosting a workshop tomorrow morning entitled ‘China, Russia & Brazil Market Watch’. TFWA is also hosting its inaugural China Conference in Beijing in March 2013, which is being organised in partnership Embracing with APTRA. In the first half of 2012, global travel retail sales reached US$24.4 billion, which is up by 10% year-on-year. “If technological we maintain this direction, we are on course to achieve sales of over US$50 billion this year – an impressive landmark in the history of the industry,” explained innovation Juul-Mortensen. “The forecasts are that global travel retail sales will hit US$60 billion by 2015. We will see yet more terminals and airports opening in Asia, TFWA President Erik Juul-Mortensen opened the conference with his traditional state of the industry address. This was preceded by an innovative 3D representation of the industry, and a fantastic 3D presentation from Juul-Mortensen, which delegates viewed through 3D glasses.

the Middle East and the Americas.” received on handheld devices.” intelligence and research for the benefit Airports Council International (ACI) Research by Amadeus shows that a of its members. It is also continuing its forecasts that global passenger high proportion of passengers prefer to Corporate Social Responsibility work, and numbers will remain strong. Interna- research airports on their mobile phone. maintains close, constructive cooperation tional passenger numbers will grow by Meanwhile, London Gatwick Airport with all stakeholders. 4.5% to 5% this year – potential extra has entered into a partnership with UK “Our industry is faced with an unprec- consumers for the travel retail industry. supermarket Tesco, whereby passengers edented series of challenges. The influx Meanwhile, the World Tourism Organiza- can pre-order their grocery shopping of new wealthy customers from Brazil, tion forecasts annual growth in tourist by using touch screens in the departure Russia and China is increasingly an numbers of 3.3% this year. lounge. “Its very presence signals that influence. Also, there is new technology Further commenting on technology, Gatwick Airport understands that passen- putting more control and decision-making Juul-Mortensen said: “Technology has gers expect to find the latest technology in the hands of consumers. We must the ability to transform the way we in airports. Augmented reality is taking embrace technology, and we have to interact with and connect with consum- salesmanship to a new dimension,” respond to the demands of the powerful ers. 65% of smartphone users are open commented Juul-Mortensen. new consumers that we are faced with,” to receiving and reacting to promotions TFWA continues to invest in market concluded Juul-Mortensen.

8 – TFWA DAILY www.tfwa.com Sans titre-1 2 19/10/12 10:20

conference TFWA WORLD EXHIBITION tuesday 23 october 2012

Jean-Charles’ started the JCDecaux company in 1964. It has now grown into a global business operating in 54 countries. Decaux highlighted the importance of this pioneering spirit, which enabled his father to build the business from scratch. Building

“A key driver has been moving from pioneering to expertise, with an emphasis on always bringing good products to the industry. We’ve been able to expand our brand globally. This business model has brand value enabled us to develop expertise built on Jean-Charles Decaux, Chairman of the Executive Board and co-CEO innovation,” explained Decaux. JCDecaux’s impressive brand presence of JCDecaux, delivered a compelling presentation. In it he offered his now spans four continents and 175 airports worldwide. Its daily audience is perspective on the industry from an entrepreneurial standpoint. He more than 400 million people. Decaux emphasised the importance of building brand value across the globe, also stressed the importance of partner- ship. “How can we embrace a partner- and of creating a unique environment for consumers. ship approach and create a different experience for our partners? We’re here to provide a brand experience for you,” aspects of our everyday lives. Decaux addition, there are one billion smartphones He added that there is an interest- he said. “Quality and high standards are explained how consumer behaviour is in use today, and there will be two billion ing media challenge, with consumers key in our industry – we represent 1,000 changing – people are more connected by 2015. “The increase in digital media increasingly multi-tasking. He gave an brands, providing innovative communica- than ever before; there are 2.3 billion gives consumers immediate access to example from a JCDecaux survey, which tions solutions.” mobile phones in world, and 80% of the US information. Consumers are informed and found that 46% of people in multi- Digital technology is now impacting all population is connected to the internet. In empowered, and they understand brand task while watching the TV. communication,” commented Decaux. “Our vision for the future is more impact, The next evolution is that of the relation- more differentiation, more engagement, ship between the consumer and the and more interaction. The two drivers for retailer. Decaux said that there will be the future are digital media and interactiv- a new type of customer experience – a ity. Digital media is the new dimension – it convergence of the virtual and the real. is real time and immersive. Interactivity “Brands can be accessed any time, is a growing expectation, as it is a way to anywhere. In 10 years time, E-commerce create a brand experience. Interactivity is will exceed offline commerce – mobile about strengthening consumer engage- phones are the natural answer to this ment,” said Decaux. “Smartphones are need,” he explained. “Another striking certainly part of this new experience. evolution is the blurring of the distinction Brands need to offer exclusive and exciting between online and offline. Traditional content to consumers. The creativity in our shops are becoming connected and industry is the partnership between the virtual retailers are opening physical airports and the brands. Digital media is a shops. Ebay opened a flagship store in new layer in the advertising experience for New York, for example.” brands – it is becoming very important.”

12 – TFWA DAILY www.tfwa.com TFWA WORLD EXHIBITION tuesday 23 october 2012 advertorial feature

Mimmo Mariottini, Global Sales Director and Silvia Salvioni Onofri, Managing Director Global Travel Retail.

The beautiful Chateau Diter in Pegomas, where Bally held its cocktail party last night. Bally’s ‘Swiss Made’ quality

Bally has been crafting Bally is presenting Bally Brogues for exquisite luxury leather goods for Him and Her. The new range proves over 160 years and is globally recog- that men aren’t the only ones demand- nised for its ‘Swiss Made’ quality and ing impeccably classic shoes and the contemporary style. Driven by the perfect partnership includes original pioneering spirit of founder the elegant Emyli Oxford brogue for her Carl Franz Bally, the company has and the iconic Scribe Albino derby remained an innovative force in shoe for him. design, construction and production Adhering to the Swiss luxury brand’s since 1851. rich legacy of cratftsmanship excel- lence and sumptuous leathers, both the In 1976, Bally extended its modern shoe beautifully crafted Emyli for women and collections to include handbags, leather the Albino for men showcase Bally’s accessories and ready-to-wear, with every iconic brogue detail and pay homage to product testament to Bally’s passion for the brand’s flawless design aesthetic. perfection: the punctuation of a brogue; Chicly boy-meets-girl, the Emyli makes the soft touch of a bag’s leather; the the perfect style statement balanced classic silhouette of a sartorial jacket; the between femininity and cool comfort, elegant contour of a Bally heel. matched only by the Albino’s sartorial flair The new range being presented Now owned by LABELUX Group, Bally which embodies luxe style and profes- in Cannes comprises the elegant Switzerland is one of the world’s most sional polish. enduring luxury brands. With ever Emyli Oxford brogue for her increasing global operations and a robust Visit the Bally stand at and the iconic Scribe Albino eCommerce business, Bally continues to go from strength-to-strength every year. TFWA World Exhibition derby for him. At this year’s TFWA World Exhibition, – Riviera Village RC6

www.tfwa.com TFWA DAILY – 13 conference TFWA WORLD EXHIBITION tuesday 23 october 2012

Rethinking strategies

Kjell A Nordstrom, Economist & Author, closed the conference with a memorable address, highlighting how businesses need to rethink their business models and strategies in the face of global societal shift.

Nordstrom touched on a variety of sustainability is an important factor. While issues, focusing first on capital- it may not be a competitive advantage to ism, describing it as the matrix be sustainable, it is absolutely necessary, where we all live. “There are two he contended. forces at work – globalisation He also highlighted the importance of and information technology. They increasing interaction, explaining that have, over the last 25-30 years by 2020 there will be 5.5 billion people transformed business, health connected to the internet – either via a care, education, and indeed all computer or mobile device. human activity,” he said. Nordstrom commented on China, saying the country will be “big and important”, Nordstrom believes that globalisation and that it will shift the world economy, will continue, but maybe at a slower along with a number of other emerging idea that everything can be copied. “And Nordstrom described ideas as “tempo- pace. “Technology will continue to grow, markets. However, some things will be we do copy each other more than ever,” he rary monopolies – a moment in time as technology is basically packaged difficult in China, such as innovation. said. “Practically speaking, this means that when you’re perceived to be different”. knowledge,” he added. “Knowledge grows Nordstrom explained that innovation is the concept of a company is redefined. For He concluded: “I’m an optimist; I worry exponentially, so in years to come, the difficult in a country that is not open, around 150 years, we created companies a little, just like Dr Albright, but I’m pace will pick-up. The pace will go from liberal and democratic, and that does by creating an idea and slowly exploit that optimistic. The development of knowl- high to almost warp speed.” not have a free press. idea. Most firms are outright exploitation edge and technology promise a lot, Against a backdrop of continued He has written a book called ‘Karaoke machines – we’re good at it, we have 150 and can solve many of the globalisation, Nordstrom explained that Capitalism’ – this, he explained, is the years of it behind us.” world’s problems.”

Immediately following yesterday morning’s conference, Mayor of Cannes Bernard Brochand cut the ribbon to officially open this year’s TFWA World Exhibition. He was joined by the conference speakers and the TFWA Board.

WiT meeting today, 17:30

A reminder that the WiT (Women in Lotus Flower project for disadvantaged through sales of tickets for a prize draw, Travel) meeting takes place today from children in India. The school in rural India with products being donated by partici- 17:30 to 19:00 in the Foyer of the Grand is being built for 50 children with severe pants at TFWA World Exhibition. Prizes Auditorium of the Palais des Festivals. challenges ranging from blindness to should be delivered to Furla (Bay Village, Funds are being raised to complete the leprosy. As usual funds will be raised B15) by 15:00 today.

14 – TFWA DAILY www.tfwa.com TFWA WORLD EXHIBITION tuesday 23 october 2012 cocktails

Feminine fragrance Mercedes-Benz and INCC Parfums hosted a glamorous cocktail party at the Majestic Hotel to launch the new Mercedes-Benz fragrance for women.

Following last year’s hugely successful launch of the Mercedes-Benz EDT for men, last night’s party celebrated the launch of the first feminine fragrance from the world famous brand.

Rémy Deslandes, President, INCC Parfums, said: “Mercedes-Benz will be known forever as the first car brand to successfully launch a fragrance for women. INCC Parfums will win the race together with Mercedes-Benz! “As we launch the first feminine thank the Mercedes-Benz team for luxury lifestyle market.” floral accord – will be launched into fragrance, we believe, of course, we’re coming here from Stuttgart, as they The new Mercedes-Benz fragrance for domestic markets in April, before its up to the challenge. We would like to continue their expansion into the women – which boasts a fresh, powdery entrance into travel retail by end-2013. cocktails TFWA WORLD EXHIBITION tuesday 23 october 2012

Half-century celebration

The Longchamp brand marked the 50th anniversary of its entry into travel retail last night. International Director Stéphan Beraud said: “We were one of the Orhan Sevket, Director, Simex, with BAT’s Martin Hughes, Head of Operating Marketing; Stefano Mariotti, General Manager; Darren Eaton, Head of Trade; very first brands in travel retail and Peter Boström, Inflight Service Marketing Manager. when we opened our first store at Orly Airport in Paris.” Latest Success story launch British American Tobacco Pernod Ricard Travel Retail (BAT) drank a toast with yesterday held a cocktail guests at its annual reception at New York New cocktail party yesterday York in Cannes to promote The evening. General Manager Chivas Brothers’ Blend and Stefano Mariotti said: “It’s Absolut Exposure. Pictured are an opportunity to celebrate Stéphan Beraud, International Director, Longchamp; Caroline Sevin, Chivas Regal’s James Slack, International Division Area Manager, Northern and Eastern Europe, our success with our travel Longchamp; Longchamp’s Carole Gabriel; Jean Cassegrain, Director Global Brand Director, and General, Longchamp; Jean-Marc Gaucher, President Director General, retail partners.” Repetto; and Imelda Chandra, Buyer for Aelia. Colin Scott, Master Blender.

Celebrating SPOILT FOR 25 years CHOICE

Mavive hosted its 25th Habanos is launching the Petit Anniversary event last night at Robustos Selection - pairs S.P.I’s Andreas Ioannides, Regional Director-Europe; Jean-Philippe Aucher, the Marriott Hotel. Speeches and Global Duty Free and Travel Retail Director; Val Mendeleev, Chief Executive of its famous brands, Cohiba, dinner commemorated the birth Officer; and Larissa Vasilopoulou, Trade Marketing Manager. Montecristo, Partagas, Romeo of the Venice-based perfume Y Julieta and H. Upmann - in house a quarter of a century ago. Stoli a travel retail exclusive box. Pictured are the Mavive family: Celebration “We will launch the selection Alessia Vidal and Lorenzo Vidal, next month and are pleased to Marketing Director; Francesca S.P.I Spirits celebrated 50 years welcome guests to our annual Vidal and Massimo Vidal, CPO; of original Stoli Vodka at the Villa Cannes dinner.” said Javier and Sylvia Vidal and Marco Vidal, Stephanie yesterday evening, Terrés, Development Vice Commercial Director for Italy. with exciting cocktails mixed President of Habanos. from its super premium Elit brand and newly labelled pepper and honey vodkas renamed Hot and Sticki. Stolichnaya was the original pioneer of the pepper and honey varieties. Guests loved the onsite photo booth.

16 – TFWA DAILY www.tfwa.com sunglasses feature TFWA WORLD EXHIBITION tuesday 23 october 2012

Candelaria M. Pourtalé, Marketing & Regional Sales Manager for Travel Retail, B+D: “This year the buyers will get a new refreshing impression of the brand as a whole. We think they will be surprised with the new proposals and image of the brand. The new umbrella concept – under the ‘B+D, Design applied to everyday life’ slogan – gives way to additional opportunities to come.” Back to the Future Jessica Harvey describes the ‘new classic’ trend emerging in the sunglasses category.

The trend for classic, vintage, arms, are also on-trend. According aviator-style and urbanite eyewear to Marangoni, these models combine is evident this year. There are also a masculinity and character with discreet Cerruti 1881 is exhibiting few notable additions to the line-up and fashionable details, and are created sunglasses in a neo vintage style, too, each playing their part in in four colours. “One colour is glazed with being on-trend. polarised lenses for more comfort, while with discreet fashionable details the others can be fitted with corrective such as engraved herringbone Whitehouse Travel Retail (Green Village sunglass lenses,” she added. L37) welcomes popular Brit-brand Also with an impressive line-up, first glass arms. Superdry to its sunglasses portfolio. “With time exhibitor Mondottica (Red Village its signature long bar over the top of the K30) is showcasing its new S/S 2013 sunglass frame, Superdry’s sunglass sunglasses collections from Anna Sui, average price point is £100 and appeals Christian Lacroix, Converse, Hackett, to the style-conscious traveller,” said Lulu Guinness, Pepe Jeans and Ted Whitehouse Travel Retail (WTR) Managing Baker. Bang on-trend, a new line by Ted Director Geoff Hutley. Baker named Squintessential is being Superdry joins an already-strong WTR launched at the show. “Squintessential sunglasses brand portfolio, which is a collection of classic vintage eyewear includes McLaren, Caterpillar, Animal designed with a contemporary twist,” and Speedo, so will certainly be in good commented Julie Hawkins, Mondottica company. Sales Manager. “Aimed at the confident, Over at Cerruti 1881 (Bay Village Bay fashion-conscious, urbanite customer, the 14), Spokesperson Cristina Marangoni Squintessential line is perfect for those quality cellulose acetate and hand- the line gives a true vintage feeling.” explained that sunglasses in neo vintage who appreciate a combination of timeless finished with the finest details. With rich Luxottica (Riviera Village RG8) also carries style, with discreet fashionable details vintage qualities and a modern twist. colours that are reminiscent of the 1950s a strong, well-balanced brand portfolio, such as engraved herringbone glass Every frame is made from the highest and 60s, and a German 7-pin barrel hinge, with house brands including Ray-Ban,

18 – TFWA DAILY www.tfwa.com Oakley, Vogue, Persol, Oliver Peoples, Village A21), presentation is also impor- and image of the brand. The new umbrella buyers,” added Pourtalé, showing B+D has Arnette and REVO, and licensed brands tant. “This year the buyers will get a new concept – under the ‘B+D, Design applied an ambitious travel retail strategy. including Bvlgari, Burberry, Coach, Dolce refreshing impression of the brand as to everyday life’ slogan – gives way to Not missing a trick, The Zoobug Travel & Gabbana, Donna Karan, Polo Ralph a whole,” said Candelaria M. Pourtalé, additional opportunities to come.” Collection (Green Village K68), with Lauren, Prada, Tiffany and Versace. Marketing & Regional Sales Manager B+D is also presenting a new sunglasses sunglasses for children aged between 3 and “All will be exhibited at TFWA World for Travel Retail at B+D. “We think they line – Origins – that “promises to deliver 12, also evokes vintage styles. Julie Diem Exhibition this year,” confirmed Francis will be surprised with the new proposals and hopefully exceed the expectations of Le, Director of Zoobug, explained that the Gros, Group Travel Retail Director at styles include new colours for its bestsell- Luxottica. “Our brands tend to launch ing Aviator and Wayfarer models. She new collections two, three or even four added that the children’s eyewear brand times a year, often in conjunction with is presenting its Zoobug Mini Sunglass the fashion cycles and seasonal trends. collection, designed for infants and toddlers The ever-evolving offer gives travel retail and featuring a new detachable headband. customers new reasons to shop, with the With children’s styles, there is a lot more chance to see what’s new.” that goes into the way they are worn, but Gros also explained that 2012 is the with adult styles there’s still an element of first year that Luxottica is exhibiting its sunglasses being needed to do the required Coach license, which has been doing job of protecting eyes from the sun’s rays. phenomenally well in travel retail since Silhouette (Riviera Village RE9) is exhibit- the opening collections were launched ing adidas eyewear. Commenting on earlier this year. the adidas lightweight adizero tempo, Fabio d’Angelantonio, Chief Marketing Ben Ashlin, Head of Marketing at adidas Officer at Luxottica Group, who also heads eyewear, said: “A wide range of robust, up the Retail, Luxury & Sun Business scratch-resistant LST filters ensures [including Sunglass Hut], added: “For the optimal vision in all weather conditions third year at TFWA World Exhibition, we’ll Silhouette is exhibiting adidas and 100% UV protection.” be showcasing our concept by recreating eyewear. adidas Originals eyewear Ashlin added that the brand has a few the actual store environment, so visitors other features, like “an integrated sweat to our stand can really see, touch and feel has taken the style of the 50s, blocker” which protects the eyes from the essence of Sunglass Hut.” This gives 60s and 70s, and brought it right perspiration and can also be fitted with an rise to the idea that if a retail environment optical insert if necessary. is replicated at the show, buyers can up-to-date. The design uses At Maui Jim (Green Village M59), the envision the brand selling and see exactly complimentary contrasts and brand is showcasing its expanded collec- how impactful travel retail stores and tion of Maui Gradient lens technology. displays can be. textures to create a unique look. Giles Marks, Director of Duty Free Sales at Over at Buch + Deichmann (B+D) (Yellow Maui Jim, commented: “We are constantly

www.tfwa.com TFWA DAILY – 19 sunglasses feature TFWA WORLD EXHIBITION tuesday 23 october 2012

This is the first year that Mondottica is exhibiting an on- Luxottica is exhibiting its Coach trend new line by Ted Baker license, which has been doing named Squintessential, which is a phenomenally well in travel retail collection of classic vintage since the opening collections eyewear designed with a were launched earlier this year. contemporary twist.

challenging our in-house design depart- weight of the sunglasses and the materials “There is a mixture of art and science,” ment for new innovation in both frame used, have all evolved. In style indeed, the stated Gros. “The science comes from our shapes, and new patented polarised lens sunglasses category it seems is being travel retail-specific category management technology. Our recent introduction of the dominated by the ‘new classic’. An old approach to sunglasses that has helped classic aviator, ‘Mavericks’, is a perfect school cool look, with the under-workings almost double the size of the category in example of simplicity and performance.” of modern nouse. Are they innovative? travel retail inside four years. It’s about But if you thought this had all been done Definitely. Sunglass brand owners are injecting innovation into every aspect before, look again, because the technol- savvier, the retail and marketing side of of retailing the category to travelling ogy is so advanced. The polarisation, the things is much more slick. consumers – from the retail environment and marketing, to range management and customer service. The art is more about the product itself. Our category’s success can help others also. We are a penetration driver, and by bringing more passengers into travel retail stores, we give each other category a chance to work on conversion and basket spend.”

Zoobug is showcasing a range of sunglasses for children aged between 3 and 12. The Zoobug Mini Sunglass collection, designed for infants and toddlers, features a detachable headband.

‘Lunettes San Frontieres’ Eyewear Without Borders Maui Jim is showcasing its RED VILLAGE BOOTH K30 expanded collection of Maui Gradient lens technology. Mondottica Ltd. +44(0)1159 677912 www.mondottica.com Proud to be exhibiting at Cannes 2012 www.mondottica.com


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Thursday 25 October, 19:30 Palm Beach

Le Premium Evening is always social scene a particular highlight of the The social programme at TFWA World Exhibition week. It will provide a fittingly glamorous finale to a busy provides many of the highlights of the week. week of business. This year sees a gala dinner featuring This year, The Scene is in a new location – Gare spectacular entertainment. Maritime. Meanwhile, Le Premium Evening once • Dress code: Black tie • Entrance by invitation only again takes place at the spectacular Palm Beach. • Part of the Full Delegate package • A shuttle service will be available from all major Tuesday 23 to Thursday official hotels 25 October, 22:00-02:00 Gare Maritime – NEW LOCATION THIS YEAR

The Scene is established as the focal point for after-hours ��th Frontier Awards socialising. This year, it moves to a new location – Gare Wednesday 24 October, for a night of celebration aiming Maritime – just a short walk 18:30-22:30 to recognise outstanding from the Palais des Festivals. Hôtel Martinez examples of marketing, innova- It is the perfect place to tion and retail excellence. unwind, offering opportunities More than 450 key industry to network, relax and party. professionals will attend the • Dress code: Black tie awards dinner and ceremony • Ticket holders only

www.tfwa.com TFWA DAILY – 23 electronics TFWA WORLD EXHIBITION tuesday 23 october 2012 Exclusive & innovative electronics

Offering products that are exclusive to the travel retail channel is a proven and dependable way to encourage passengers to impulsively purchase electronic products. This year in Cannes, a number of exhibitors are showcasing new and exclusive products, packaging and display concepts, as Ryan Ghee reports.

The competitive nature of the “In-store presentation as the ‘first electronics category tends to moment of truth’ is very important to generate a great deal of innovation us,” explained Kathrin Mellin, Manager as companies invest in creating Marketing, PR & Training, Braun Travel a brand that stands out in the Retail (Mediterranean Village P15). crowded marketplace. At this year’s “Braun uses a holistic approach that The new Series 5 shaver line-up is TFWA World Exhibition, a number of comprises packaging, product presenta- among the range of products being such examples can be found tion and training of sales staff.” presented on the Braun stand. on display. This approach is designed to complement

the latest innovations in the Braun portfo- electronics area where Braun products lio. Among them is the Series 7 – 799cc, are normally displayed.” the company’s most premium shaver, At this year’s show, Sea & Sky Supply which comes with a Clean & Renew (Blue Village G31) and Capi Trading (Blue system and a premium leather travel Village A11), two partners within the B&S case. Also being presented is the Series 7 Group, are also presenting their electron- Premium beard trimmer, the entirely new ics portfolio. Capi Trading has a focused Series 5 shaver line-up, as well as several brand portfolio of leading A-brands such new additions to the selection of classic as Apple, Sony and Canon, niche brands and digital clocks and watches. such as Dr. Dre and Hugo Boss, and its The products aren’t just targeted at own brand, MiTone. Sea & Sky Supply is a male consumer, however, and to focusing on its ‘Cloudz’ travel comfort further the appeal of the brand in airport accessories in combination with electronic locations, Mellin explained that Braun is accessories with brands such as A-Solar, thinking outside the box. “We are discuss- Caselogic, Dr. Dre, Philips, Elecom, ing with various airport operators to have Krusell, Belkin, Kensington and Wowee a Braun display included in the perfum- Speaker. Personal care products from ery, cosmetics and fashion areas in order Philips and Braun are also offered. to display the Satin Hair Brush as well as To help promote the vast range of various hair stylers and epilators,” she products, travel retail exclusivity is a stated. “That way, we hope to attract more technique used by Capi. Its own brand, attention from women who don’t enter the MiTone, is specially developed for

Sea & Sky Supply and Capi Trading, two partners within the B&S Group, are presenting their electronics portfolio. As well as products from the likes of Apple, Sony and Canon, Capi is also presenting its own brand, MiTone.

www.tfwa.com electronics TFWA WORLD EXHIBITION tuesday 23 october 2012

travellers, exclusively sold in the travel Free Lost and Found service that is and duty free market and focused on offered with all purchases. Each product customers who are looking for a high carries a unique ID code that can be quality product in a competitive price registered online, so if a customer loses range. A new concept called ‘Travel a product and someone finds it, they can Stories’ also adds to the appeal. On each report it by using that number on the product, space has been allocated to database. Travel Blue can then contact the display part of someone’s travel experi- person who lost the item and put them in ence, and customers are invited to submit touch with the person who found it. a travel story to be in with a chance of “The Free Lost and Found service was winning a Bluetooth Speaker if their story launched two years ago,” Smith explained. is printed on the packaging. “It is a very simple offer. Anyone who Exclusivity is also vital to the Pasco takes the trouble to find the product and (Marine Village R1) and Lifetrons Switzer- contact us will get a thank you gift. It is a land (Blue Village G7) offerings. “As very good marketing tool for us and it is much as possible, we have tried to come unique to travel accessories.” up with products which are exclusive to Among the products being highlighted travel retail, both in terms of content this year in Cannes by Travel Blue are and packaging, in order to make them adaptors, chargers, earphones, pocket unique,” explained Robert Suter, Pasco’s torches, mini fans and an LED light General Manager. A selection of innovative for reading. products are being displayed this week on the Pasco stand, including new launches Working together from the likes of Bang & Olufsen, Mophie, With ambitious development plans for 2013 in place, Travel Retail Innovations Philips and Libratone. (Yellow Village B27/C29) is focusing on As for Lifetrons, among the new lines collaboration to increase sales. “We MINOX is highlighting the new ACX are the Brumbass BT Wireless Speaker, believe in an open, three-way dialogue 100 HD Action Camera, as well as High Tech Multi Tools Adaptor and iPhone between us, the suppliers and the 5 accessories. “Lifetrons products have retailers so that we can negotiate excel- the DCC Digital Classic Camera been travel retail exclusives for many lent displays, on-trend stock to please Colour Edition and the NV 351 – years,” explained Simon Wong, Business travellers, and fast stock rotation,” Development. The company’s innovation explained Travel Retail Innovations’ Pascal night vision device. has been recognised in recent months Lammers. The company is showcasing with the award of the IF Gold a range of new electronic products this Award 2012 and red dot product award week, including premium Sennheiser 2012, which was awarded to the Lifetrons Momentum headphones, the Sony Alpha High Tech Multi Tools Adaptor. NEX-7K compact interchangeable-lens TRAVEL camera, and the AM406 Solar Power Dock Creating brand loyalty from A-Solar. POUCH For Travel Blue (Red Village M24), as for EYE CARE & MAKE-UP explained by Jonathan Smith, Director of Travel Retail, to encourage brand loyalty, customer service is one of the priorities. “In terms of general sales philosophy, we believe that service is criti- cal to maintaining and growing our business in the market place,” he said. To support the company’s presence in the region, a new regional office was recently opened in Shanghai, while in the past two years, Travel Blue has also opened offices in Mumbai and Miami. Travel Blue also prides itself on the

Robert Suter, Pasco’s General Manager: “As much as possible, we have tried to come up with products which are exclusive to travel retail, both in terms of CARE AND BEAUTY BY content and packaging, in order to make them unique.”

Riviera RG 16 www.tfwa.com

ann TFWA Cannes 2011.indd 3 25.12.08 10:22

TFWA WORLD EXHIBITION tuesday 23 october 2012

The AM406 Solar Power Dock from A-Solar is one of many new products being showcased by Travel Retail Innovations at this year’s TFWA World Exhibition.

“We can supply complete display units, filled with the customer’s choice of products, which are designed to be contemporary, eye-catching and effective,” Lammers said. “And we and our brands innovate constantly so that when a new iPhone is launched, we have the accessories on tap; when Ferrari teams up with Logic3 to supply audio equipment, we have the products ready for listing; when Innergie comes up with an impos- sibly small light charger, we can ship it out to retailers almost instantly.” Once again exhibiting in Cannes, MINOX’s (Mediterranean Village N13) attentions are centred on developing its inflight business. New Among the products being presented by Lifetrons products being showcased include the Switzerland is the Lifetrons High Tech Multi Tools MINOX DCC Digital Classic Camera Adaptor – winner of the red dot product award 2012.

Colour Edition, ACX 100 HD Action Camera and the NV 351 – night vision device. “For more than 75 years, MINOX has been a synonym for quality, precision and reliability in a small format with extraor- dinary design,” said Sabine Krombach, Travel Retail Sales Manager. “These characteristics are the basis for every new MINOX product and will be the basis for all future product creations.” Widely regarded as the most innovative category within the travel retail sector, this year’s Electronics exhibitors are certainly adding weight to that theory. Ranging from exclusive products and inventive packaging designs, to creative display solutions and post-purchase

Jonathan Smith, Director of Travel Retail, Travel Blue: consumer support, this dedication to “In terms of general sales philosophy, we believe innovation is continuing to drive growth that service is critical to maintaining and growing our in the most competitive of environments. business in the market place.”


Th e Industry Conference on China




BEIJING 5-7 March 2013


Christine Martin, Managing Director of TRT (Inflight Retail training specialists and organisers of ISPY), has for the last six months been developing the ‘Travel Retail Academy’ – a project focused on bespoke travel retail industry training and even qualifications. Travel Retail Academy

Christine Martin, Managing Director of Within this framework, the menu of TRT (Inflight Retail training specialists modules will reflect the needs of all travel and organisers of ISPY), has for the last retail stakeholders, including airport six months been developing a project authorities, airport retailers, airlines, focused on bespoke travel retail industry cruise ship and ferries, border stores and training and even qualifications. She is downtown duty free, suppliers and other now ready to present the project, and interested parties. receive feedback and support for the The training delivery will be via webcasts ‘Travel Retail Academy’ (TRA). and if there is significant demand, can be The TRA will team up with the world translated into any language, as will the renowned Chartered Management Insti- learning support and training materials. tute (CMI) as its educational and regula- Learning evidence can be achieved by a tory body partner. The TRA is currently variety of methods: recruiting industry experts as ‘Advisors’ to work closely with the CMI to ensure that • Observation training content is relevant and meets the • Q & A unique needs of the Travel Retail industry. • Product evidence The TRA will be set up as a ‘not for profit’ • Witness testimony company. It will need investment from • Simulation the industry for programme development • Personal statement and running costs, until course fees • Professional discussion start coming in. To raise the money the • Project or assignment TRA will present a share capital issue. Thus, making sure the TRA is owned by Martin believes that these qualifications the industry and remains completely will drive management standards and independent. ensure future industry leaders have the The first set of qualifications to be specific knowledge, attitude and skills launched will be ‘Travel Retail Business to meet the demands of future global Studies’. These can be studied at three economic challenges. different levels: award, certificate and Erik Juul-Mortensen, TFWA President, diploma. The award would on average commented: “This is an excellent and take six months to complete, the certifi- much welcomed initiative and I congratu- cate 6-12 months and the diploma 18-24 late Christine on her achievements. months. The qualification framework Training, and as here training tailor made would include: for our channel of distribution, is of paramount importance for the continued • An introduction to Travel Retail positive development of our industry. In • Travel Retail Marketing addition, the training will be web-based, • Travel Retail Finance which makes it flexible, easily accessible, • Travel Retail Sustainability and very relevant. I am confident that • Travel Retail Human Resources this will be met with the huge interest • Travel Retail Sales and Logistics it deserves.”


TFWA WORLD EXHIBITION tuesday 23 october 2012 dubai duty free Dubai Duty Free: strong sales and exciting plans for Concourse A

Dubai Duty Free has reported a strong sales performance for the year to date, and forecasts annual sales of US$1.6 billion for 2012. Colm McLoughlin, Executive Vice Chairman, Dubai Duty Free, outlined developments to Ross Falconer, including the operator’s plans for Concourse A at Dubai International Airport.

Dubai Duty Free’s sales were up Free with an additional 8,000sqm of retail +10% for the first nine months of space. “From a retail point of view, the the year to US$1.14 billion. The overall fit out of our operation will feature operator has undertaken many the latest in retail design and we are successful promotions throughout looking at an elegant and spacious design 2012 and works closely with its which allows for easy flow of customers,” suppliers to feature travel retail commented McLoughlin. “We are in the exclusives and, where possible, to process of finalising our product catego- be the launch market for ries, which will be in line with the passen- new products. ger mix. We will introduce some new fashion brands, with greater emphasis “We find increasingly that our customers on the high-end luxury sector, as per the respond to and appreciate these specials, demand from passengers. The opening of which result in increased and incremental Concourse A is very exciting and a great sales,” explained McLoughlin. “One good next step in the airport’s development.” example was the introduction of Crème Arrival sales are also very important to de la Mer’s ‘The Essence’, which was a Dubai Duty Free, and it has concentrated travel retail exclusive for Dubai Duty Free on increasing arrival spend in recent in April 2012. A ‘By Invitation Only’ offer years. Year-to-date, Arrivals currently was communicated to global travellers account for almost 10% of our overall to purchase ‘The Essence’, retailing at sales, which up to the end of September Gold was the third rated category for Dubai Duty Free in the first nine months of 2012, with sales of US$114 million. around US$2,700 per bottle. This was a totals US$108 million, which is +14% up huge hit and our allocation of 20 bottles on the Arrivals spend for the same period of the Foundation under the auspices decision to make as there are plans to was snatched up in less than a month.” in 2011. of H.H. Sheikh Ahmed bin Saeed Al expand the border facilities at the Hatta The opening of Concourse A, formerly Maktoum, Chairman of Dubai Duty Free, Border in the coming year,” commented Concourse 3, in early 2013 will provide Charitable initiatives it has a board of which McLoughlin is McLoughlin. “The shop has been very well a tremendous opportunity for Dubai Dubai Duty Free has been supporting the chair. “Supporting industry-initiated received and although it is a small unit Duty Free to drive footfall and increase both local and international charities charities, such as helping rebuild the at present, the opportunity to be in situ spend within its brand new retail offer. for many years; indeed, long before the village of Palliywatta in Sri Lanka, as the operation area expands is a key Dedicated to the Emirates A380 fleet, the launch of the Dubai Duty Free Foundation following the Tsunami, the Smile Train advantage for Dubai Duty Free.” new concourse will provide Dubai Duty in 2004. However, with the establishment for which we donated US$1.5 million and the Hand in Hand for Haiti charity, Sports sponsorships for which we contributed US$500,000 to Dubai Duty Free is noted for its sports build a purpose-built Sports Centre, are sponsorships and this year’s highlights absolutely in keeping with our criteria as a include the prestigious Dubai Duty Free Foundation,” said McLoughlin. Tennis Championships, which celebrated its 20th anniversary this year. The Jumeirah Creekside hotel Dubai Duty Free Irish Derby is another The Dubai Duty Free-owned 5 star example of how the operator takes Jumeirah Creekside Hotel opened in July. on a sponsorship and works with the It is the first hotel owned by Dubai Duty organisers to build up the event in order Free and sits very well within its Leisure to maximise attendance and media Division, which includes the Aviation Club, exposure. From the duty free point of The Irish Village, the Century Village and view, the annual Dubai Duty Free Golf the Dubai Tennis Stadium. It will also World Cup celebrating its 20th this year be the official hotel for the forthcoming (28 – 29 November), takes place in Dubai MEDFA Conference. directly after the MEDFA Conference. “Looking ahead to next year, we are Hatta Border Shop continually approached to review other Also officially inaugurated in July was sponsorships but we are more focused the Hatta Border Shop. “We held discus- on consolidating our existing events The Hatta Border Shop was officially inaugurated in July. McLoughlin commented: “The shop has been very well sions with the Immigration department and in maximising exposure for these,” received and although it is a small unit at present, the opportunity to be in situ as the operation area expands is a key and Customs, and it was quite an easy explained McLoughlin. advantage for Dubai Duty Free.”

www.tfwa.com TFWA DAILY – 33 buyer feedback TFWA WORLD EXHIBITION tuesday 23 october 2012

Buyer feedback

Derek O. Newbold, Business Development Manager, The Grand Bahama Port Authority: “Representing a large duty free zone in the Bahamas we’re looking to promote logistics and supply management, jurisdiction and free trade opportunities.”

Hossein Malaek, Commercial Advisor, Farajam Airport Business Services, Imam Khomeini Hassan Rahimian, Persian Duty Free: “I’m International Airport: “We’re here looking for perfumes, electronics and confectionery, so it’s responsible for tobacco categories and I’ve got quite a broad focus. We have lots of meeting lined up throughout the week so it will be interesting meetings scheduled this week with new brands to see the new products.” who we aren’t working with currently.”

Primoz Kramar, Brand Manager, Kompas MTS; Milena Skubic Leben, General Manager, Kompas MTS; Lidija Vidmar, Brand Manager, Kompas MTS and Danila Brezovnik, Regional Manager, Kompas MTS. Milena Skubic Leben said: “We’re looking for cosmetics, bags, sweets and alcohol, and have attended TFWA World Exhibition for several years.”

Almaz Bolotbek Uulu, Adeco International: British Airways’ Talia Eagle Merrett and Nicky Faux. Faux: “The “I’m here looking for liquor and in bigger cosmetic brands such as L’Occitane, who are really big at the particular the well-known brands moment are important. We already work with L’Oreal so I’m looking including Bacardi and Martini.” at Coty Prestige products in particular this week.”

34 – TFWA DAILY www.tfwa.com TFWA WORLD EXHIBITION tuesday 23 october 2012 exhibition news

full-time sales staff 24-hours a Blueprint day and feature everything from laptop bags to accessories. to Travel Blue MD Dr Avi Levin said: “It’s expand really important to show the world that after the revolution in Egypt people are interested in investing Travel Blue has announced a new deal in this market. This is the blueprint to open its first ever accessories brand for Travel Blue to open more shops shop in Cairo Airport in partnership with in the Middle East and Asia.” IDF and Gebr Heinemann. Travel Blue’s Founder and CEO Avi Levin Travel Blue executives discussed the said: “This is a far-sighted approach by deal at a meeting on their stand with Heinemann to invest in Egypt – it shows IDF’s Business Development Manager they are really going for the long-term.” Unique Sherif Toulan. The store will be manned by Red Village M24 appeal

On the Camus Cognac stand, a big focus is being placed on a new Canadian premium ALD International portfolio, taking the total gin, which is called ‘Ungava’ and has New number of eyewear brands on display this enjoyed great success in the Canadian year on the company’s stand to 12. domestic market since its launch. brands Sunglasses from Carolina Herrera, Furla, “Ungava was launched in Canada about a year Tous and Loewe are the latest additions ago and it’s been a huge success,” explained for ALD to the strong line-up, which already Charles Crawford of Domaine Pinnacle, which includes the likes of Givenchy, Chopard is the company behind the new gin. “We’re and Escada. very lucky to be working with Camus to launch Jerome Bihet, International Sales this globally outside of Canada. We presented ALD International is a specialist distribu- Loewe, Tous eyewear brands; TWC / L’amy Manager, ALD International, said: “For it at TFWA Asia-Pacific earlier this year and tion company, with a dedicated focus on Group – Balmain, Kenzo, Sonia Rykiel Carolina Herrera and Tous in particular, it received great feedback, so we’re hoping to international travel retail markets. Repre- eyewear brands (Bay Village Bay 11B); we are expecting them to do very well in work together to build on that.” senting international groups of fashion Oxygen Paris watches (Ambassadeurs the Iberian and Latin American markets Crawford explained that the story behind and accessories brands, ALD International Village U8) and Diesel fashion brand as the brands are very popular there. Ungava is attracting a lot of attention. promotes and develops: De Rigo Vison ALD International is this year unveiling “Furla is really strong in Europe and Asia, The gin is infused with Nordic Juniper, SPA – Carolina Herrera, Chopard, Escada, MALO – a refinedI talian cashmere concept. so we’re targeting those customers with Wild Rose Hips, Cloudberry, Crowberry, Ermenegildo Zegna, Givenchy, Lanvin, Four new brands have been added to the this brand.” Arctic Blend and Labrador Tea, all from The range of fashion brands that ALD Inter- the Ungava region in northern Quebec and national offers is what Bihet says sets the which give it a unique yellow colour. distributor apart in a competitive market- “The product is really distinctive and it’s top-end place. “We have a very competitive fashion in terms of quality,” Crawford explained. brand portfolio and we’re able to compete Ungava has already been well received in by proposing an assortment of key brands duty free and travel retail in Singapore, for each region. The portfolio includes high- Ghana, Thailand and the Philippines end and also entry level prices.” among other locations, and the aim now Bihet also outlined the company’s three is to use TFWA World Exhibition as a main aims for the next few days and further launch pad for the product in Europe. ahead: to achieve some new contacts and Crawford added: “The super premium gin listings; to consolidate its position in Asia market has enjoyed really strong growth and Europe; and build on the listings in in the last few years and the reaction to Latin and Central America. Ungava has already been really great.” Bay Village Bay 11B Blue Village F11

www.tfwa.com TFWA DAILY – 35 come and visit the new lacoste flight case retail concept at riviera village rh15

Put your business card in the famous Cathy bag on the desk to have the chance to win it.

22-25 October 2012

DANCE & LOUNGE Gare Maritime, 22.00-02.00 TFWA WORLD EXHIBITION tuesday 23 october 2012 exhibition news

Vilebrequin to be ‘uncontested’ number 1

French male swimwear brand Vilebre- quin is aiming to be the “uncontested number 1” for men’s bathing suits in the world, according to Roland Herlory, CEO, Vilebrequin. The brand, which was created in the 1970s and inspired by the elegance of St Tropez, is expected to grow its travel retail business to 10% of the total company within the next 3-5 years, which will support its aim to be for a multi-faceted necklace, featuring top of the men’s swimwear market. 600 tiny stones, which is the signature “We now have 20 point of sales in travel Bouton piece of the collection. The addition of retail and want to reach 150 in this this number of tiny stones “brings it all to timescale,” Herlory revealed. launch life”, said Katherine Lavender, Sales and Vilebrequin’s focus is on Europe and Marketing, Bouton Jewellery. the US. “But we really want to develop for The range features a small silver Asia,” Herlory said. Its aims should button wherever possible, “which we be achieved as it prepares to develop Buckley are hoping will become the emblem of travel retail exclusives in the near the brand,” she said. future, from special displays and year, each comprising 12 designs but A key piece to look out for is the yellow furniture to the product offer, which one constant factor is the Father and British jewellery company Buckley has cubic zirconia line, which Lavender “shouldn’t be the same as that offered Son concept, where miniature versions launched its latest brand, Bouton, this revealed is designed to emulate a on the domestic market,” he said, “as of the branded swim shorts are created week. Bouton is French for button and is flawless yellow diamond. The large ring people aren’t buying the same way from age 2 upwards. the first fine jewellery range from Buckley. retails at $100. when they travel.” It features hallmarked sterling silver and The brand produces two collections per Blue Village AA4 prices range from $95 for a ring to $750 Red Village H4 exhibition news TFWA WORLD EXHIBITION tuesday 23 october 2012

“Our watches are young, affordable and Despite flat sales in the domestic market, Breo aims fun,” said Alison Fishwick, Global Travel the Italian wine and grappa manufactur- Retail Sales Manager. “We’re keen to put Crest ers have benefitted from a burgeoning to expand across the message that we offer something export market in the East. different.” The watches on show this week of a “In Asia, Italian wines were not so well in-store range from the Drop watch, which can be known, but now people are becoming ‘slapped’ on to the wrist, to the Classic Pop wave interested in them,” said Rene Lorenzet, range, which makes use of imagery based Distilleria Bottega’s Asia Export Manager. presence on the likes of Marilyn Monroe. “There has been a 50 per cent rise in Breo’s watches are already available in demand from China.” a variety of airport locations, such as Distilleria Bottega is celebrating a new London Southend, Sharjah and Nairobi, deal with Hong Kong duty free, which will and Paul Widdop, Travel Retail Account see some of their products available in the Manager, explained that the reaction has international airport – they will also unveil been “very positive” in all locations. a new line of beverages here in Cannes. “The price point of the products is also “We have many new products that we are very important as our watches are very launching here,” said Consuelo Donetto, affordable,” he added. Export Manager for Northern Europe. While further developing the relations that “I Love Italy grappa was so successful in Breo already has with airlines is a key aim Distilleria Bottega arrives in the Cote d’ 2011 that we have produced an I Love Italy for the week, the company is also hoping Azure on a wave of strong sales, with a 24 limoncina, which we are launching here.” to make inroads with new airport clients. per cent rise in demand for their products Developing a strong presence in airports “Our plan is start with airports in Europe over the last year. Yellow Village A16 is among the key aims of Breo, which is as they’re on our doorstep, but the exhibiting in Cannes for the first time. The watches definitely have a global appeal,” company’s timepieces are already present Fishwick concluded. on 80-plus airlines, but it now aims to achieve new airport listings. Blue Village H1 Big announcement for Brown-Forman MosquitNo will also use this exhibition to creating introduce prototypes of new lines, includ- the drinks giant reported strong sales ing anti-insect place mats and an electric of the recently launched Jack Daniel’s a buzz fly swat, which comes complete with a Tennessee Honey. “kill counter.” “We have launched it in a select number “I went wine tasting yesterday and there of international airports and it is perform- were bugs all over the food,” said Erwin, ing extremely well,” says Tim Young, Seven months after opening its first border swatting an imaginary fly. “Our bug mats Marketing Director of Brown-Forman shop, MosquitNo is hoping to boost its will keep tables free of insects.” Global Travel Retail. “What we have found travel retail presence in Cannes with a raft is that Tennessee Honey has helped bring of new bug repellent products. Green Village H56 in female consumers.” “This is a very important exhibition for us; Brown-Forman will host a news conference Brown-Forman has opened a bar at this we have meetings with a lot of potential at 09:30 this morning, hinting to the Daily year’s TFWA World Exhibition, which is customers from South America, South that it will be making a big announcement. similar to the one they trialled at Heath- Africa and the Middle East,” said Erwin “I have been coming here for 15 years, we row earlier this year. Wijnen, Marketing Manager at MosquitNo. have done events all over the world but “It was extremely successful so we will be Its anti-mosquito polo shirts are new to we have never done a news conference rolling it out to other locations soon,” said the show this year, while the insect repel- so this is of some significance,” said Rick Young. “We can see a lot of growth ahead of lent bracelets, from which the business Bubenhofer, Director of Public Relations us; passenger numbers are growing so this began, remain a key product in its line at Brown-Forman. is an exciting time to be in travel retail.” – when offered Erwin claims it is the best Although the company remained tight selling products after fragrances. lipped about what might be announced, Green Village M70

Red Village M24 www.travel-blue.com

40 – TFWA DAILY www.tfwa.com TFWA WORLD EXHIBITION tuesday 23 october 2012 exhibition news

manufactured by Colorful Licenses and Oilily to open pop up are made of butter soft leather. Rena Rena Lange, which is an independent luxury store at Amsterdam brand, uses around 15-20 suppliers per Lange brand and features a real attention to detail on the interior as well as exterior. Colorful Licenses, the licensee for Oilily, enters Its creative director is Melissa Lloyd revealed to TFWA Daily that it will be Maish who has ten years under her belt as opening a pop up store at Amsterdam travel creative director at Bally. Schiphol airport on November 2nd. Elke Ranging from €500-1700, the bags are Oldenburg-de Boer told TFWA Daily that the retail available in a range of deluxe materials airport approached the company directly. including leather, lambskin and calfskin. Located on the corner of B/C Pier in German fashion brand Rena Lange has “We are looking at selective distribution,” Terminal 1, the 87sq m pop up store will made its travel retail debut at the show revealed international sales director offer a mix of bags, shawls and cosmet- this week with its own sleek stand. The Marco van Eersel, “and are looking at ics from the fall/winter 2012 collection. brand’s handbags and accessories are airports that are well-known for housing The concept has taken hold at other new range of cute children’s bags that are luxury brands.” airports since the news quietly spread in perfect for stashing toys on the move. Van Eersel said that while the brand was the industry, according to Oldenburg-de International sales manager Daniel Strob- making its travel retail debut, it is well known Boer, who reveals that at least two other ino said that Asia and the Americas were in many domestic markets with 22 stores airports have contacted Colorful Licenses important markets to expand as the brand in various capital cities around the world. with a view to opening pop up shops. “is already strong in Europe.” Central and Meetings this week on the Rena Lange stand This week Oilily is showcasing its latest south America are new areas for Oilily to are taking place with buyers from Japanese, line of rolling luggage in various sizes, expand in travel retail. German and Middle East airports. starting at Eu129. iPad cases and laptop bags are also available in addition to a Blue Village F26 Blue Village F23

by 2020. The company’s CEO, Atul Ahuja, that is what we are.” Flemingo was joined by Madeleine Albright, former ‘Welcome to the next frontier’ is another US Secretary of State and Chair, Albright strapline now closely associated with the Stonebridge Group, as well as the brand image, while the logo itself lends an on the rise management team and shareholders at emphasis to the word ‘go’ in Flemingo; this is the unveiling of the plans. designed to be a call to action to shoppers. Flemingo currently has 118 outlets in 26 The ambitious strategy is built upon the countries, ranging from India to Africa company’s staggering growth of late. to Eastern Europe. This includes duty “We’ve grown on average at 80% per year free in airports, borders, sea ports and in the last eight years,” Topping explained. downtown; diplomatic and UN stores; and Madeleine Albright also leant her support Madeleine Albright, former US Secretary of State inflight services, to name just a handful. to the Flemingo vision. Referring to the and Chair, Albright Stonebridge Group, leant her support to the new Flemingo International Limited A new logo and strapline have been notion that Flemingo’s business is almost vision. “Flemingo is a company on the go and I’m very unveiled as part of the company’s detailed entirely based in developing markets, she interested to hear about these plans as they’re very strategy. “We knew we wanted to keep the said: “There is naturally a major inter- forward-thinking.” name, but the brand was reviewed and est in emerging markets because of the we made some changes,” explained Paul opportunities there, but for any company Atul Ahuja, the company’s CEO, Flemingo International Limited’s Atul Ahuja, CEO – Global, and Paul Topping, Director – Global, presented Topping, Director – Global, Flemingo. “The to be successful they have to take a concluded: “There are four pillars to our the new brand identity. new icon is the globe and the bird, and we local view. This concept of ‘go’ speaks strength.” These, he said, are: people, want this icon to be as well known as the to peoples’ desire to be mobile and have partnerships, the emerging market focus, Duty Free operator Flemingo International Nike tick in the future! international connectivity. and the de-risking strategy that is in Limited yesterday presented its new “We thought long and hard about the “Flemingo is a company on the go and I’m place. The latter is based on the variety of brand identity and outlined an ambitious strapline that we would use and came up very interested to hear about these plans markets and regions that the company is vision to achieve turnover of $2 billion with the ‘The Duty Free People’ because as they’re very forward-thinking.” focused on.

Red Village M24 www.travel-blue.com

www.tfwa.com TFWA DAILY – 41 exhibition news TFWA WORLD EXHIBITION tuesday 23 october 2012

Ajmal is hoping to expand its market selling really well there, and we’re doing Spicy reach this year after its star product, even better in Asia.” Unveil, proved popular following The Australian jewellery company is hoping Scents its launch with British Airways in Precious to capture more interest from the European September, where it quickly became market at this year’s exhibition, and is looking the third most popular ladies Jewels forward to announcing some major in-flight fragrance on their long haul flights. developments at the end of the week. The in-flight exclusive 10ml perfume Toscow is showcasing the newly designed Also new to Toscow’s travel retail range is the concentrate in hand-crafted crystal third generation of its signature jewellery Supernova collection – an array of luminous, and carat gold bottle is being collection Glitter Glamour, featuring six multidimensional pieces centering around showcased this year at the TFWA unique cubic zirconia pendants exclusive a striking crystal pendant that can also be World Exhibition, and alongside it the to the travel market. worn as a brooch or handbag charm. Dubai based fragrance company is Consistently increasing sales of the brightly Mark Rooney, Toscow’s newly appointed highlighting men’s Taaj Al Raas – the coloured, heavily jeweled pieces have seen Account Manager for the Middle East & exotic, woody smelling travel retail returning customers eagerly awaiting fresh Europe said, “Madeleine Albright said that exclusive designed to put eastern pieces from the eponymous range. she was looking for a brooch, and I think fragrances on the international scent General Manager Francis Ng said, “Trade one of these would be just perfect – if I map. has been even better than we expected. see her I shall give her one”. Salwa Khoriaty, Head of Travel Retail People still say how badly the economy said, “Arabic scents are becoming is doing in Europe, but our products are Blue Village D9 increasingly popular. Taaj Al Raas might be an oriental fragrance, but it is intended for men all over the world. It will be a really big hit”. It is hoped that the new eau de parfum will attract new buyers from Europe, Australia and the US, while ladies’ scent, Bling - a fresh, spicy eau de parfum with a musky base – in being introduced to travel retail for the first time after its success in the domestic market. Red Village H18 exhibition news TFWA WORLD EXHIBITION tuesday 23 october 2012

A new line of children’s toys was unveiled Mixing in Cannes yesterday. Historic Toy town Schäfer unveiled a new line of micro it up building bricks called Brixies, which deal at they hope will prove as success- ful as the other products they have placed on more than 50 airlines. TFWA Botran Aged Rum is making a first appear- “We have a range of animals, vehicles and ance at the show and showcasing its new buildings of the world, including the Eiffel limited edition Reserva Blanca range. Tower, Brandenburg Gate and the Burj Botran’s Luis Archila said: “We are Al Arab,” says Chris Winstanley, Sales launching this in both the domestic and Director at Schäfer Duty Free. travel retail markets and we hope it will “Unlike some of our competitors, with appeal to mixologists and people who these micro blocks of ours, a nice margin like a traditional rum cocktail – but with a is achievable for sellers.” good quality rum.” Schäfer will also be promoting their Botran’s Reserva is its top performer in popular range of Mic o Mic educational duty free – accounting for 60 per cent of its toys and teddies, which are already being sales. “We are strong in South America and sold on carriers such as Lufthansa, Sun enjoy a healthy market in Europe in Italy, Express, Turkish Airlines, Emirates, KLM, Imperial Tobacco has signed its very first Spain, and France. But we believe Reserva Korean Air and Air Berlin. in-flight agreement forD avidoff iD at TFWA. will particularly appeal to the UK market, After 26 years, KLM has decided to re-list because a city like London is one of the Ambassadeurs Village cigarettes on-board and agreed to sell the most important markets for cocktails.” Office 45 new premium cigarette from Davidoff from Archila said Botran had a busy 1 January 2013. schedule of meetings lined up at KLM will list both the iD Touch Orange Cannes: “We are seeing many new (full flavour) and Blue (lights) on all clients, but also developing existing non-European flights and flights going business with our existing clients.” to Norway. They will also be available for Quality pre-ordering on the KLM retail website by Yellow Village G45 passengers and crew. on the go “This is a very exciting agreement for us; a win-win situation really,” said Gotje Rogall, Imperial Tobacco’s Davidoff Brand Agio the premium tobacco company is Manager GDF. debuting its new range of Short Corona “KLM’s buyer, Frank Hoogma, first Balmoral cigars at the show. Export approached us last year when the airline manager Gertrude Stormink said: “If you was considering the reintroduction of have a short time to smoke when you cigarettes to the in-flight portfolio. We are are travelling then you want that to be a absolutely delighted that he has chosen to quality experience.” She said the range, list Davidoff iD.” which are available in a slide box of five, The new cigarettes will arrive in innova- and a wooden box of 25 cigars, in its tive “touch” packets, which slide open Balmoral Dominican Selection, offered the Middle East, Africa, Asia, and Europe. But with a flick of the finger. perfect solution for busy consumers on we are very keen to increase our showing “Inside each pack is a piece of art,” says the move. in the Americas,” said Stormink. The Anja Gerbig, Trade Marketing Manager for Agio also has a new look for its top Panther range comes in a variety of packs Europe and America. “Artists from across performing Panther range of cigarillos including Desssert, Mignon, and Vanilla. the globe have created pieces of art for us;

Isabel Medina, Brand Ambassador, Botran, and with a distinctive sun burst logo. it’s about discovering new every time.” Lic. Roberto Garcia Botran, President, Botran. “As a company we are doing well in the Yellow Village H57 KLM has not sold cigarettes onboard since 1986. “We decided to reintroduce them, following a six month trial carried out earlier this year,” says Frank Hoogma, Retail Buyer at KLM. Export manager Bo Keller said: “We were looking not just for brand leaders “We are really, really good at but brands that were innovative and differ- The way what we do – which is making ent; it’s very important for us to be different cookies in decorative tins. We are from other airlines; Davidoff iD meets this the not competing with perfume or need perfectly. alcohol – we are offering stores a “We are very pleased to be working with cookie supplement to those products.” Imperial Tobacco on this project and signing Jacobsens’ top performer in travel the agreement here in Cannes, which is, of crumbles retail is its exclusive 150 gram Tivoli course, the showcase platform for all brands.” tins, of cookies with pieces of real fruit, which retail for around €4. Golden Village GO6 “In Asia there’s a deep tradition to bring Jacobsens’ small size cookie tins have home gifts when you travel. It is a really proven to be a big success with travelers easy sale and in terms of space alloca- in China, Hong Kong, the Philippines, tion in stores it presents a great add-on and Thailand – following the company’s to existing ranges.” recent expansion into travel retail. The Keller said: “We are building our company is optimistic about continuing to infrastructure step by step – but we are see double-digit growth opportunities in a unique product in travel retail.” the region since its move into the duty free business two years ago. Red Village J19

44 – TFWA DAILY www.tfwa.com

Mediterranean Village P8 www.scorpioworldwide.com TFWA WORLD EXHIBITION tuesday 23 october 2012 exhibition news

Rich portfolio

Philip Morris International is keen to show exhibitors the richness of its portfolio – including the depth to its iconic flagship Marlboro brand. Philip Morris’ Jennifer Black said: “Marlboro is the only truly global cigarette in the world. But we really are all about innovation – and there’s something to find out in each of the brand families.” Black said Philip Morris had show great innovation in its in-shop merchandising units to help adult smokers find the products they are looking for. Point of sale architecture in the Marlboro brand include the Gold Beyond with its Iceball capsule which gives smokers an on with garments around the $60 range, the Finishing off the offering is the Refined demand high-cooling sensation. collections feature the Retro Grandeur mix Duality collection of garments inspired by of pearls, chains and beads alongside the avant-garde, space odyssey styling. The Beach Village Beach 03 Time native earth range of bracelets, scarves and company is also using the exhibition this shawls in tribal and animal print colours. week to meet with existing customers in travel Another addition, the female surplus collec- Europe and Latin America, with a particu- tion, is perhaps the most eyecatching: lar focus on exploring new opportunities A voyage through the ages is the pioneering “It’s about war, rebellion and indepen- to open corner or full boutique Adixion theme for Bijoux Ternier at Cannes this dence-for women it’s an expression of stores. More than twenty meetings have week. Already reporting strong feedback individualism,” explained Irah Morgan, already been lined up alongside discus- from customers through its Adixion store Asia-Pacific Sales Director. sions with Aldeasa, Aelia, Dufri and three concept, the company is now launching four “It’s an androgynous style. It doesn’t appointments to discuss new BT stores. new lines for winter with a historical twist. define a women, it blends together and Continuing its ethos of affordable pricing, leads them to being more independent.’ Blue Village C8 exhibition news TFWA WORLD EXHIBITION tuesday 23 october 2012

presence in the cruise ships sector, the Royal business has meetings lined-up this week with the likes of Dubai Duty Free, Gold Abu Dhabi Duty Free as well Korean Air and Air France alongside listings with JAL at the end of the year. Commenting on opportunities for the A recent trip to England’s tower of London week ahead, Butler added: “It’s our to visit the famed Crown jewels at the biggest Cannes by far. We’ve never had tower of London has provided Welsh this many appointments and we really Jewelers Clogau with the impetus to want to get our message across in the expand its business within the airline airport business. sector. Famed for supplying handcrafted gold and silver jewellery to British royalty Yellow Village D35 for over 100 years, (alongside its connec- tions with the Historical Royal Palaces capacity to hold 60-80 pieces at a time. Charity) Clogau is utilising its rich herit- “It’s practical, chic and classy,” added Collis, age to great effect. An interactive I-pad who revealed the strong essence of present- concept illustrates the rich heritage of Displaying ing an idea epitomizing the mainstays of a the product design process, detailing Rotary Watch such as it’s waterproof qualities creative processes behind many collec- the way and lifetime guarantee. A new airline range tions, including the Royal Roses yellow features automatic and mechanical watches, and rose gold pendants and Kensington Already well established in both duty free with affordable pricing points of around rings and earrings inspired by the 19th and domestic markets globally, Swiss $100-$200, while the new Jura range of Century palace gates. Growth is also watch maestro Rotary Watches is using skeleton watches blends authentic design being bolstered by the presence of famous the TFWA World Exhibition to showcase its with Rotary for the first time taking control of harpist Claire Jones who has been active new island unit display units. the proprietary movement of their watch lines. in promoting the Heartstrings collection. “It’s designed to showcase our products “It’s a landmark for our company, providing “The great thing about Clogau is our while maximizing space,” commented our own movement as well as the product,” story,’ said David Butler, Head of Inter- Rohanne Collis, Europe/Russia/Israel concluded Collis. With a growth in presence national Sales, Clogau, who sees the Sales Manager. in up to 30 airports this year, the company’s expansion of selected product lines to The free standing display concept on priority is now on markets in the in the US, the Asian Pacific markets and airports display in airports features an innovatively Far East and Europe. in the Middle East as important in the carved cut glass in the design of the Swiss near future. Already holding a strong flag with collections for display having the Yellow Village AA17

Naturally nourishing skincare

Ahava are relaunching its popular Sales said “We expect our products Extreme line of anti-aging skincare with to do well in duty free sales but we two new products at the TFWA World were quite surprised at just how Exhibition this year; Extreme Firming well received the Extreme range Eye Cream and the Extreme Radiance was, particularly in Europe”. Lifting Mask. The range of facial creams proved successful last year in Green Village M62 the travel retail and domestic markets, marking Ahava as a serious competitor in nourishing products for the face as well as the body. The Israeli cosmetics company, who take ingredients from the furthest extremes of the world for its restorative products - from Himalayan mud to Dead Sea salt - is hoping to develop relationships in the European market this year. This follows popularity in travel retail at Cyprian duty free spots Larnaca - where the Extreme line was named the number one selling skincare product in July - and its newly opened venture in Pathos. In the past year it has opened seven new markets in Cyprus, Italy, Switzer- land, Poland, Denmark, Korea and Cambodia. Michal Rom, VP of International

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Champagne Cognac delights. A tantalising to a male market segment whereas the chocolate stick line is also being displayed. truffles are for a more feminine segment,” “We want exclusive, refined products. The added Ferrat. Liquor production of the sticks is complicated, Other lines include the chocolate club but we wanted to boost the liquor line and range with unique designer location sleeves and Gold Goldkenn has an emphasis on novelty this that has received good feedback from Fusing liquor with chocolate may not be year,” said Stephanie Ferrat, Marketing clients. The focus now for the company is an entirely new concept, but Goldkenn has Manager, Goldkenn. to maximise networking opportunities with identified demand for a luxury twist. More With its gold bars well established world- liquor brands such as Cointreau and The than 85% of its business is conducted in wide, enhancing distribution channels is also Famous Grouse. duty free and a new liquor line specifi- important for Goldkenn, particulary in Asia, cally introduces chocolates filled with the ‘We design products especially for Asia. The Riviera Village RC7 Fragrant likes of Jack Daniel’s and Remy Martin liquor with its strong scent is directed more scents

A presence in Cannes since 2000, Weruska & Joel is showcasing two new fragrances at this year’s exhibition. The Cesare Paciotti Oriental Supreme fragrance is an ode to the orient, expressing sensuality and distinct scents with fragrances for both men and women. Also on offer is the Lancetti Celebration fragrance available in four different scents to celebrate the elegance of the male and female form. The Sweet years fragrances offer up two male and three female fragrances which are accordingly stylish and focused at younger cultures. Based in Italy, the business is a major distributor for a number of respected brands, including Capucci, Lotto, Parah and Enrico Coveri. Red Village L35 Exhibition news TFWA WORLD EXHIBITION tuesday 23 october 2012

Underberg RosÉ Bric’s celebrates

60th anniversary Underberg, renowned for its herbal company and Hubertine Underberg- digestive drink, is showcasing a wide Ruder, President of the Board told the portfolio of drinks at TFWA World Exhibi- TFWA Daily: “The market wants a low tion, including a new wine, launching alcoholic alternative to many products.” this week. Rosé Secco is the newest Also launching this week is a praline addition to its Schlumberger sparkling liqueur version of Asbach German brandy. wine line-up and follows on the back of The product, which is lactose-free, has last year’s travel retail exclusive White already won the World Spirits Gold Award Secco Grand Rèserve, which came and the World Spirits World Class Distill- complete with a white fur coat bottle ery Award, and Jürgen Scholz, Vice Export chiller. Schlumberger, which launched Director said that the product is so new in 1842, is the only wine product for that it had picked up its first customer at Underberg, which is showcasing a the show yesterday. range of aperitifs and liqueurs at 15% volume. This is a new move for the Red Village K19

Italian luggage brand Bric’s is celebrating its Two of the most important areas for the 60th anniversary this year with a giant white company are South Korea and the US, which leather tiered ‘cake’ on display at its stand. is the company’s second market after Italy. Brand Manager Michele Maccapani told the But it is Hong Kong which takes centre TFWA Daily that over the past 60 years the stage for Bric’s next month when it opens brand has reached many milestones with two corners on 27 November at Hong the last six years of its travel retail business Kong International Airport’s Terminal 1. being of particular importance. Its latest collection of polycarbonate “Business is continually increasing in travel rolling luggage is on display on the stand, retail,” he said, revealing that the business has starting at €115, with its leather range grown 20% since last year, now comprising retailing at around €295. 15% of the overall Bric’s global business. “We are very much a global company,” he added. Riviera Village RA7

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MCM-Retail-2012-016-TFWA-Daily-AW12.indd 1 26.09.12 18:56 exhibition news TFWA WORLD EXHIBITION tuesday 23 october 2012

boutiques and shops. The Middle East is an important focal point for business but Europe strong is hot on the heels with stores opening in Luxembourg and Geneva. Frankfurt will be growth opening through Heinemann and the company TAX FREE WORLD is partnering with Aelia this month to open a ASSOCIATION 63, Rue de la boétie new 22sqm shop-in-shop in Geneva. 75008 Paris France Luxury accessories brand Furla is predicting “Europe remains a very important region a 70% increase in travel retail turnover for for Furla – after all Italy is the home of the Tel : +33 1 40 74 09 86 the next three years-underlying the growing Brand – so we’re delighted to be building Fax : +33 1 40 74 09 85 importance of the sector to the company. our presence here,” commented Gerry Reporting a 30% increase in travel retail Munday, Head of Travel Retail. Alain Maingreaud turnover for 2012 already, Furla is now Managing Director a.maingreaud tfwa.com present in 31 countries, through a variety of Bay Village Bay 15 @ Cécile Lamotte Marketing Director [email protected] Director Steven Candries said: “We have lined-up this week are talks with tempting started the pouches in Hong Kong, the European ferry company Color Line. Produced by: in our own Belgian Sky Shops in treat Brussels, and two weeks ago with Mediterranean Gebr Heinemann in Frankfurt – and Village P13 they have been very well received. The idea is to get our brand more Guylian Chocolaterie has launched into the sharing segment, because a new range of Temptations sharing we have been into gifting. It is Ian Hill Publisher pouches at the show. The 537gram bringing our iconic sea horses [email protected] pouches retail for around €15 and alive in another category.” contain 50 pieces, while the 131gram He added: “We are also keen to Paul Hogan Managing Director pouch contains 12 pieces and retails improve our visibility in airport stories [email protected] for around €6. with our moveable displays.” Guylian Export and Travel Retail Among the potential deals Guylian Ross Falconer Editor [email protected] Ryan Ghee TFWA Lounge Assistant Editor [email protected] (Golden Village, Level 1) On-site services for Dan Hogan Assistant Editor For TFWA members and buyers with full TFWA members delegate status only. Luke Barras-Hill Professional photos/ Recruitment service Assistant Editor A dedicated space where you can comfort- video film of your stand (Mediterranean Village, Level 0) Amy Hanna ably access tools that allow you to easily Assistant Editor conduct business and increase your Benefit from a 20% discount on this Find quality candidates through our productivity. Services include internet, on-site video & photo service to help recruitment partners BeThe1. Lorna Strickland-Cook Assistant Editor concierge, international press, massage publicise your presence at TFWA World Please contact François Bouyer, and complimentary refreshments. Exhibition and keep a record of your stand. T: +33 6 12 38 80 61 or [email protected] Gavin Haines Contact: [email protected] for the video Assistant Editor Kindly supported by: films or [email protected] for the Jenny Rayner photo service. Sales Director [email protected] Richard Jende Hairdressing service Head Designer New this year [email protected] Victoria Wilkinson Enjoy a wash and blow dry for only €20. Salon Dessange 3 rue Macé, 06400 Cannes Designer By reservation only at: +33 (0) 4 93 38 38 38. Please present your badge and business card. [email protected] Grant Pritchard Photographer A part of the exhibition & business services [email protected]

(Level 1, open to all delegates) PPS PUBLICATIONS LTD 3a Gatwick Metro Centre Balcombe Road, Horley, Surrey RH6 9GA, United Kingdom Well-Being Lounge (Level 1) Nail bar New this year Service Desks Tel: +44 1293 783 851 • Hotel Fax: +44 1293 782 959 Kindly supported by: Kindly supported by: post pps-publications.com • The Scene @ • Le Premium Evening © PPS Publications Ltd 2012

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