Top pick nails clutch shot Iowa junior-to-be Kachine Alexander’s game-winning shot lifts Coralville Hy-Vee to a thrilling 90-88 win in the Game Time on Tuesday. 10 Playing in the big leagues Former Iowa softball players Brittany Weil and Stacy May are among those playing softball professionally. 10 NEWS Full-time job Monique DiCarlo steps down as director of the Women’s Resource and Action Center to be the UI’s full-time AMY ANDREWS/THE DAILY IOWAN sexual-misconduct response Iowa City resident Josh Grinolds pets his pooch Fern and other dogs at the Thornberry Off-Leash Dog Park on Monday. Fern is a 2-year-old rat terrier mix. coordinator. She used to hold the title as a part-time, interim position. 2 Very early prevention Area to get 2nd dog park Scientists at the UI Children’s Hospital study the link between low birth weight and increased pooch playground. risk for developing certain Pups get another A group of dog owners diseases later in life. 2 place to mark as and friends formed the Johnson County Dog Park ARTS & CULTURE their own. Action Committee in November 2002 to promote The good, the , By MICHELLE BORYCA areas in which dogs can play and the [email protected] without disturbing the com- Jackson Eight dogs romped at munity. Thornberry Off-Leash Dog And in 2006, they suc- DI Arts staffers memorialize Park, on Canton Street near ceeded when the 11-acre with the Foster Road, on a cloudy Thornberry park opened — star’s monumental moments, Tuesday afternoon. But on a “real draw for the city,” money troubles, and a vast any given Sunday, as many said Diana Harris, the presi- amount of plastic surgery that as 50 dogs crowd the area, dent of the Johnson Country gave the King of Pop a said Iowa City dog owner Dog Park Action Committee. AMY ANDREWS/THE DAILY IOWAN painfully memorable Andy Marks while watching Thornberry attracts most- A dog takes a moment to cool off in Lily’s Pond at the Thornberry appearance. 5 his Australian shepherd, ly Iowa City, Coralville, and Off-Leash Dog Park on Monday. The dog park is a community-based A common cup Dewey, play. North Liberty residents, organization. It is open from dawn to dusk. That’s why the four- Harris said. She estimates The upcoming anniversary of legged buddies will soon between 1,800 and 2,200 Jack and Scout to Thornber- Rita’s Ranch will be a Ernest Hemingway’s suicide is have another place to permit tags are sold or ry several times a week. more condensed — only one reminder that many authors scratch and sniff. renewed each year. “It’s like a sixth sense,” three acres — but it will ON THE WEB don’t just write dark books, but On July 25, Rita’s Ranch Marks finds times to Jorgensen said about his 2- share the same purpose: a also live dark lives filled with Log on to — bordered by Scott Boule- bring Dewey to the park year-old border collie’s place for dogs and owners to for video from the dog depression, alcoholism, and vard, Court Street, and daily, even in the snow,while excitement when he hears exercise and socialize. park, along with a emotional struggles. 5 Muscatine Avenue — will UI students Emi McClaflin the words “dog” and “park” multimedia slide show with more photos of man’s best friends. OPINIONS become Iowa City’s second and Andy Jorgensen bring in the same sentence. SEE DOG PARK, 3 Building a new home Construction will begin today on a new Shelter House Going phishing at UI facility, bringing a long New plan struggle to an end. 4 WEB BONUS Scammers are spending their summers phishing, and some UI students are taking the bait. • Footage from both of aims at debt Tuesday’s Game Time contests • Video of the Iowa City dog By ABE TEKIPPE [email protected] park and a multimedia slide A new federal program could lighten show of its regulars Many UI students have the load on debt from student loans. left campus for the sum- ON THE RECORD mer. But that hasn’t By TYLER LYON this new initiative is that stopped scammers. [email protected] it’s available to more stu- Insights and information from While scams at the uni- dents than its predecessor, inside today’s The Daily Iowan. versity are more common Some students strug- officials said. “John Mayer once said, ‘I’m a gling with federal loans during the fall and spring “The [original program] big believer in a different Jimi could soon lower their semesters, they are not protects less income and Hendrix from most people.’ I monthly payments or elim- unheard of during the sum- takes a higher percent of think I’m a big believer of a inate them altogether. mer months, said Robert what’s left,” said Edie different Michael Jackson from Vinson, a senior security Under the Income-Based many people.” Repayment Irons, the communications analyst with Information director for the national • Read more on Jackson’s Technology Services. plan, avail- Project on Student Debt. legacy. 5 And though ITS employ- able starting The new payment plan is ees always respond to com- today, college similar to the existing WEATHER plaints they receive, they graduates said, there is only so much can cut their Income-Contingent Repay- they can do to address the monthly ment program at the UI, 72 57 overall issue of scamming. payments the only plan of its kind “We can’t track every down to a until now. Both plans allow 22C 14C Irons phishing attempt that rate tailored students to make their comes through with a to their description monthly loan payments Partly sunny, turning cloudy, high degree of effective- Internet crime, it can be dif- could earn $300 to $550 income and based on their income. quite windy. family size. “Those who participated ness,” Vinson said. “It’s ficult to track down scam- per week by filling out hard to determine the The initiative was start- in the indirect loans mers because they can be point of origin.” online surveys. ed by the Project on Stu- already had that option,” INDEX Statistics on complaints in another state or country. Last week, scammers dent Debt, a nonprofit said Mark Warner, the UI received by ITS were not Earlier this year, an once again targeted UI organization funded by the director of Student Finan- Arts 5 Opinions 4 immediately available. estimated 21,000 UI stu- national Institute for Col- Classifieds 8 Sports 10 students. cial Aid. UI and Iowa City police dents received a fraudu- lege Access & Success. Crossword 6 agree when it comes to lent e-mail claiming they SEE SCAMS, 3 The biggest difference in SEE LOANS, 3

2 - The Daily Iowan - Iowa City, Iowa - Wednesday, July 1, 2009 News for more news

UI connecting early The Daily Iowan Volume 141 Issue 18 BREAKING NEWS STAFF Phone: (319) 335-6063 Publisher: E-mail: [email protected] William Casey...... 335-5788 Editor: Fax: 335-6297 Kelsey Beltramea...... 335-6030 events, later disease CORRECTIONS Managing Editor: Call: 335-6030 Bryce Bauer...... 335-5855 Policy: The Daily Iowan strives for Metro Editors: Zhi Xiong...... 335-6063 accuracy and fairness in the report- UI researchers say diet and stress Regina Zilbermints...... 335-6063 ing of news. If a report is wrong or Opinions Editor: may be two main factors. misleading, a request for a correc- Adam Sullivan...... 335-5863 tion or a clarification may be made. Sports Editor: By ALINA RUBEZHOVA “It’s the first intrauterine PUBLISHING INFO Brendan Stiles...... 335-5848 [email protected] environment that results in The Daily Iowan (USPS 143.360) is Arts Editor: low birth weight, somehow published by Student Publications Rachael Lander...... 335-5851 A low birth-weight baby affecting the health of the Inc., E131 Adler Journalism Building, Copy Chief: and a 60-year-old’s heart Iowa City, Iowa 52242-2004, daily Beau Elliot...... 335-6063 offspring later in life,” Graphics Editor: attack — UI researchers except Saturdays, Sundays, legal and he said. Dan Ambrisco...... 335-6063 believe these could be relat- Scientists found dietary university holidays, and university Design Editors: ed, and diet and stress patterns and stress in preg- vacations. Periodicals postage paid Kurt Cunningham...... 335-6063 could be the links. at the Iowa City Post Office under the Photo Editor: nant mothers are two ele- Act of Congress of March 2, 1879. On campus, researchers ments that result in low Amy Andrews...... 335-5852 SUBSCRIPTIONS Web Editor: are working to find out how. birth weight, along with The Program in Develop- Call: Pete Recker at 335-5783 Tony Phan...... 335-5829 health complications as the Business Manager: mental Origins — devel- CHRISTY AUMER/THE DAILY IOWAN E-mail: [email protected] individual ages. UI research scientist Kenneth Volk feeds smooth muscle cells in Debra Plath...... 335-5786 oped four years ago by sev- “You can actually change Subscription rates: Classified Ads Manager: eral scientists in the pedi- preparation for purifying genetic material at the Carver Biomedical Iowa City and Coralville: $20 for one Juli Krause...... 335-5784 the diet in pregnant moth- semester, $40 for two semesters, $10 atrics department in the UI ers and thus change the way Research Center on Tuesday. Advertising Manager: Children’s Hospital — for summer se ssion, $50 for full year. Cathy Witt...... 335-5794 the children were affected Out of town: $40 for one semester, focuses on the connection Segar said low birth weight oping complications, Circulation Manager: by the environment,” said $80 for two semesters, $15 for Pete Recker...... 335-5783 between early events in life Kenneth Volk, the lab direc- should not be confused with Segar said. summer session, $95 all year. Day Production Manager: and development of dis- tor of the program. premature birth. The Program in Develop- Send address changes to: The Daily Heidi Owen...... 335-5789 eases later on. For example, providing a According to the March mental Origins has Iowan, 100 Adler Journalism Building, Night Production Manager: Numerous clinical stud- diet high in fat and carbo- of Dimes, about one in 12 received funding from the Iowa City, Iowa 52242-2004. Bob Foley...... 335-5789 ies conducted globally have hydrates but low in protein babies are low birth pediatrics department and found newborns who have results in offspring with an weight, and approxi- the Carver College of Med- low birth weights tend to increased risk of develop- mately 67 percent of icine, as well as National TOP STORIES those are premature. suffer an earlier onset of ing diseases such as hyper- Institutes of Health. Most-read stories on for Tuesday, June 30 cardiovascular disease tension, atherosclerosis, Women with underlying The research could help as adults. and diabetes, Volk said. health conditions during scientists develop thera- 1. Chopper training flies into Iowa City Professor Jeffrey Segar, pregnancy, such as dia- pies for women during This is also known as fetal 2. City Council places city manager search on hold one of the primary investiga- programming. The detri- betes, hypertension — their pregnancies and the tors involved in the UI pro- mental diet in the womb which can result from interventions could help 3. Freshman Payne hot in Prime Time loss gram, said low birth weight causes the offspring to stress — and other condi- those who are likely to 4. Moore keys Prime Time win may not be the only culprit expect that sort of diet into tions that prevent blood deliver infants with an 5. Tweet, Tweet, Tweet — it’s what’s going on in the adulthood, which will cause flow to the uterus, put the increased risk for develop- womb during development. problems down the road. offspring at risk for devel- ing diseases. METRO Man pleads not attack left an Iowa City man with 5-inch-deep stab wounds and a guilty in stabbing broken rib, police records show. Adam Dinero Albert Burkart, Burkart is also charged with DiCarlo set for new job 19, who is accused of stabbing a willful injury, a Class C felony. man earlier this month, plead- His arraignment is scheduled ed not guilty to attempted mur- for July 9. Handling student-on-student cases of sexual misconduct, stalking, and der Tuesday. If convicted of both charges, domestic-violence cases is now a full-time job at the UI. Burkart was charged along Burkart could be fined to $10,000 with Harry Rayton, 22 — who also and spend 35 years in prison. By KATIE SIMS by and directed at students. they receive appropriate DiCarlo said she wants pleaded not guilty — after an — by Scott Raynor [email protected] Linda Kroon will serve and responsive care. to give potential victims as interim WRAC director. “When I learn of an alle- the opportunity to work College freshmen and “I can tell you from having gation of sexual miscon- with advocates and learn sophomores are at the high- watched [DiCarlo] do it on duct, I want to make sure their options for reporting est risk of being sexually an interim basis and work- the university has had a those cases. assaulted, according to the ing at WRAC that it needed prompt response to that The Rape Victim Advo- U.S. Department of Justice. to be a full-time position,” allegation,” she said. cacy Program in Iowa City And now Monique DiCarlo, Kroon said. “There is a lot of DiCarlo wants to make the UI sexual-misconduct provides confidential vic- work to be done.” sure offenders are held tim advocates that are response The UI has faced its share accountable. This could coordinator, experts at providing safety of negative publicity for such include getting the offender and support during the will work issues. Notably, former counseling so the behavior full-time victim’s reporting process. Hawkeye football players Abe isn’t repeated or imple- “Monique has an advo- trying to pre- Satterfield and Cedric Ever- menting consequences for vent the cacy background,” said son have yet to stand trial on the behavior. Karla Miller, the RVAP assaults. charges of sexual assault “We want to create a cam- executive director. “Her DiCarlo DiCarlo stemming from an alleged pus climate that deters the abilities to understand the stepped incident in Hillcrest. The uni- use of violence and sends a coordinator issues are superior, and down as the versity’s initial response was message that it’s not accept- director of deemed inadequate and an able,” DiCarlo said. she’s a good resource for the Women’s Resource and investigation resulted in two The UI has adopted some people to call if they have Action Center on Monday to top administrators’ firings. measures to address the questions.” focus on the job. She former- As the full-time coordi- issue. In order to register Miller said DiCarlo’s new ly headed both organiza- nator for sexual-miscon- for spring semester courses, appointment is a positive tions, working part-time as duct response, DiCarlo’s incoming UI freshmen are step in responding to cases the interim sexual-miscon- responsibilities include required to score at least 80 that happen on campus. duct response coordinator. myriad aspects of reporting percent on a sexual-miscon- Kroon said WRAC is Along with Tom Rocklin, and responding to such duct test. Resident assis- preparing to search for the interim vice president for issues as stalking and tants are also required to be DiCarlo’s replacement. Student Services, DiCarlo domestic violence involving trained in the school’s sexu- Officials at the facility will now handle cases of sex- students.She is also a contact al-misconduct policy and hope to have a new director ual misconduct instigated point for victims ensuring how to respond to incidents. in approximately a year.


Man charged with shots 20 minutes earlier. Police helicopter hangar at the Iowa one more than the current facili- reported he smelled strongly of City Municipal Airport, the Iowa ty on the Oakdale Campus. third OWI alcohol, and he failed several City City Council decided Tuesday “We’re hoping the contractor Coralville police arrested a breath tests. evening. [for the project] will keep its man for allegedly driving drunk Third-offense OWI is a Class D City officials agreed to sell the lot Midwest backup helicopter there,” after police reportedly observed felony punishable by up to five to UIHC for $225,000 — the city’s said UI spokesman Tom Moore, and him driving over the curb two years in prison and a maximum asking price — by a vote of 6-0. UIHC AirCare could use the backup times. fine of $9,375. Councilor Amy Correia was absent. when both of its primary helicop- Imaedeen Hamed, 42, — by Abe Tekippe “The circumstances are ters need maintenance or repair. Coralville was charged Tuesday unique,” Councilor Matt Hayek Last year, more than 1,300 with third-offense OWI. UIHC to get new said at the meeting. “It provides people received lifesaving care After Hamed was pulled over, a general benefit for the commu- from UIHC AirCare and Mobile he moved to the front passenger helicopter hangar nity and for the county.” Critical Care Service. seat, reports show. The UI Hospitals and Clinic’s Located in the North Aviation Moore said officials hope the Hamed reportedly told author- emergency transport system, Commerce Park, the new hangar will hangar will constructed by 2011. ities he had consumed three UIHC AirCare, will have a new have space for three helicopters — — by Chris Clark


Christina Armstrong, 27, Amana, Shamrock Place, was charged Court, was charged Monday with Hills, Ill., was charged June 27 with OWI. was charged Sunday with OWI. Monday with obstructing emer- second-degree theft. Travarus Robbins, 22, 629 S. Patrick Bigsby, 22, Plainfield, gency communication, domestic Meghan McClary, 20, Cedar Rapids, Johnson St. Apt. 12, was charged Ill., was charged Monday with OWI. abuse, and theft. was charged June 27 with PAULA. Sunday with simple assault. Bethany Birney, 22, Solon, was Allison Flaherty, 19, 4000 Oak Scott Muttilainen, 19, 221 E. Kari Scribner, 48, Waterloo, was charged Monday with fifth- Valley Drive, was charged June Church St. Apt. 6, was charged charged June 27 with violating a degree theft. 27 with PAULA. Sunday with public intoxication. protective order. Dennis Bull, 27, Davenport, was Brandy Fulton, 25, address Cameron Olson, 19, Radcliffe, Tiffany Stevens, 26, 427 S. First charged Sunday with OWI. unknown, was charged Sunday Iowa, was charged June 26 with Ave., was charged April 17 with pos- Troy Burkey, 36, Kalona, was with possession of an open alco- interference with official acts session of a controlled substance. charged June 27 with OWI. hol container in public. and public intoxication. Prateek Tiwari, 20, 650 S. Roanld Cooley, 47, address Jeffrey Kent, 24, Valparaiso, Rohan Patel, 21, 120 N. Clinton St. Johnson St. Apt. 7, was charged unknown, was charged Aug. 26, Ind., was charged Monday with Apt. 21, was charged June 27 with June 27 with public intoxication, 2008, with delivery of a controlled interference with official acts public intoxication and unlawful unlawful possession of a traffic substance and driving while barred. and public intoxication. possession of a traffic device. device, and unlawful use of Kenneth Elders, 26, 3552 Daniel Lovetinsky, 57, 13 Video Christopher Peeples, 19, Country Club another’s driver’s license/ID.

The Daily Iowan - Iowa City, Iowa - Wednesday, July 1, 2009 - 3 for more news News Loan aid coming Pooch park 2 near

LOANS gent Repayment plan but Stafford loans is down CONTINUED FROM 1 they will qualify for the from 6 percent to 5 per- new program. cent for all new loans and “This plan is very broad, the maximum amount for According to the new and it does apply to a lot of the Pell Grant award has program, students pay 15 people,” Irons said. also increased from percent of the portion of This is a major change, $4,731 to $5,350. their income that is she said, because more above the federal poverty students take out loans Irons said this is the line, Irons said. Some indirectly from federal result of a bill Congress don’t have to pay at all. funds rather than directly. passed in 2007 to progres- Graduates whose income But there are restrictions. sively lower interests is less than 150 percent While the program rates every year. of the federal poverty does help a larger por- But these changes may level are exempt. tion of students, “it does- not be perceivable to the The original initiative n’t help every single per- students they are intend- only applies to students son who might need ed to help. UI senior Lind- who receive loans through help,” Irons said. say Whitson said she has the Federal Direct Stu- For example, the new just begun to go over her dent Loan Program, which plan doesn’t apply to those loans with her parents. is offered by the UI. with state, private, or the “I don’t know anything Irons said students who Federal Direct PLUS (Par- receive money through ent) Loan, which are given about my loans,” said Whit- the Federal Family Edu- to parents who plan to son, who plans to graduate AMY ANDREWS/THE DAILY IOWAN cation Loan Program, pay for their child’s higher at the end of July. She said Stephen Lovely plays with a dog ball launcher while Miranda Meyer watches at the Thornberry Off-Leash which provides indirect education. she is “definitely interest- Dog Park, spread over 11 acres of land, on Monday. federal loans, don’t qualify Also starting today, the ed,” in the new income- for the Income-Contin- fixed interest rate for new based program. DOG PARK park is important during the CONTINUED FROM 1 training process, keeping the U.S Pet dogs socialized and less like- Ownership ly to attack people. “People meet each other,” But Kathy Evans, owner Statistics Students find phishy e-mail Harris said. “Anything that of K9s with Class obedience The American Pet creates connections in our training, has mixed feelings Products Manufacturers environment, I think, is a about the dog-park phenom- Association 2007-08 Pet SCAMS mail address. concerned about scams, good thing.” enon. She said she is wary of Owners Survey: CONTINUED FROM 1 But those can only do especially those that use Pat Wood, who recently the distinction between • There are approximately so much. “” accounts to received an M.A. from the human and dog-designated 74.8 million owned dogs in If the scammer asked the obtain personal informa- UI, said he would definitely the U.S On June 23, ITS received recreational areas. victim to submit personal tion. bring his two dogs — whose • 39 percent of U.S households numerous reports of a “What I’m concerned information via a website — “I think it’s a problem. photos he posted on Face- own at least one dog fraudulent e-mail — seem- about with dog parks is as with the June 23 scam — The university is so large, book — to Rita’s Ranch. At • 63 percent of owners only ing to come from a labeling things, [implying] blocks are ineffective. it’s hard to determine present, Wood takes his 6- own one dog “” account — that dogs can’t go to regular In the event that the what’s what,” UI gradu- month-old Staffordshire • 10 percent of owned dogs a scammer sent out to some parks,” Evans said, and the scammer succeeds in ate student Kelly Ruth bull terrier, Kaya, and 1- were adopted from an UI students. The e-mails trend could be indicative of obtaining personal informa- Winter said, and incom- year-old cavalier King animal shelter instructed them to click on a pet owners losing places tion, ITS employees tem- ing students may be more Charles spaniel, Wrigley, to where dogs are permitted. • On average, $219 is spent link to validate their porarily shut down the infil- “at risk” than students Thornberry park at least City officials also mulled annually by dog owners on account and increase their trated account until the who have been at the UI twice a week. issues that came with Scott veterinary visits account quota, which had password has been reset. for a while because they Source: Humane Society of the United “It’s a nice way for them Park’s transformation into supposedly been exceeded. But aside from taking aren’t familiar with the States website to burn off energy, and the a dog-park. Maintenance Whenever ITS employees these steps and — in the environment. dogs really enjoy it,” Wood and upkeep are shared by receive numerous reports of case of larger scams that But Tim Staub — a UI said. “It keeps them social- Iowa City and Johnson In the end, many are just a scam, they go through a target numerous universi- junior who has received ized as well.” County Dog Park Action rolling over for the dog series of routine steps to ties — contacting UI police, questionable e-mails in the park’s opening at the end of address the issue, Vinson Wood began taking Kaya, Committee. The Iowa City Vinson said there isn’t much past — is relatively the month. said, including posting a the brindled black and City Council voted Tues- more ITS can do. unfazed by it all. He said “Well-exercised dogs are notice on the ITS site. If the Bill Searls, an associate he believes taking a closer brown terrier, to the park day evening to keep the happier,” Harris said. “And scammer asked the victim director of the UI police, said look at e-mail senders’ when she was still a puppy. split in maintenance costs to submit personal informa- officers will work with state names and links can go a He said he believes the dog and revenue constant. [in turn] owners are happier.” tion — such as a Hawk ID and federal agencies and long way. and password —via e-mail, occasionally send out mass “I haven’t really wor- ITS employees set up blocks e-mails to the UI communi- ried about [e-mail that prevent anyone in the ty if a particular scam war- scams],” he said. “I hope UI community from sending rants it. I’d be able to decipher the e-mails to the scammer’s e- Some UI students are real from the fake.”

4 - The Daily Iowan - Iowa City, Iowa - Wednesday, July 1, 2009 HAPPY CANADA DAY A mediocre day for a mediocre country. E-mail us at: Opinions [email protected]

ADAM SULLIVAN Opinions Editor • REGINA ZILBERMINTS Metro Editor • MICHAEL DAVIS, COLIN GILBERT, JUSTIN SUGG Editorial writers EDITORIALS reflect the majority opinion of the DI Editorial Board and not the opinion of the Publisher, Student Publications Inc., or the Distortions University of Iowa. GUEST OPINIONS, COMMENTARIES, and COLUMNS reflect the opinions of the authors and are not necessarily those of the Editorial Board.

Editorial and contests craves whatever pleas- ure-center cigarettes tickled before; don’t smoke for 30 days, and New homeless shelter is the lifestyle is gone, you’ve begun to operate COLIN GILBERT your days without this [email protected] harmful element per- an important step for IC vading them. I haven’t I started smoking tried this method, but it because it fit me. I was Today is a turning point in a long struggle for children, often fleeing abusive homes. Additionally, worked for him when he in my junior year of Shelter House. Today, the organization — which most criminal citations to the shelter’s inhabitants quit years ago. high school, and anyone provides support to eastern Iowa’s homeless popu- are for alcohol-related infractions rather than vio- Then life got strange holding a cigarette lation — will break ground on its new facility at lent crimes. for my friend, in that looked undeniably cool. 429 Southgate Ave. This new facility will be bigger Alcohol and other substance abuse are problems way life can, where And now I’m trying to and better equipped to properly care for Iowa City’s for approximately one-third of Shelter House’s res- friendships and oppor- quit. Sigh. homeless population. Its location will also allow idents, Canganelli said. That is one key reason the tunities have fallen to The thing with ciga- people with addiction easier access to treatment. new location is a good idea. The future shelter’s distortions and contests. rettes that I really love The services the new facility will provide will assist proximity to both MECCA — a substance-abuse Remembering the is the culture grown up people in becoming better citizens. treatment center — and a Head Start program will refuge cigarettes provid- around them. Picture Ultimately, this new facility will benefit the peo- benefit two of the largest groups in the Shelter ed, those short minutes them: there’s the won- ple of Shelter House as well the rest of Iowa City’s House: people with substance-abuse problems and of performing one derful disdain of wine- population. The people working for the shelter women with small children. People with addictions whole-attention action guzzling French artistes should be proud of their achievement. may attend MECCA while staying at Shelter that could tickle that languishing on café Construction of the new facility has not been an House, and women may leave their small children pleasure-center like it patios; the arch dis- easy undertaking for the nonprofit. Plans to devel- at Head Start while they are also at Shelter House. once did, he slipped and missal of teenage op a larger and better-equipped facility started bought a pack of Camel That relationship benefits both the people need- greasers with a pack around seven years ago. It took Shelter House two Lights while refueling ing these programs as well as the rest of the com- wound into the sleeves years to find a suitable location, because of both his car. And not just the munity. People receiving treatment at MECCA of their white T-shirts; budget constraints and the zoning regulations the memory of past enjoy- can better function in society, and women can find the relaxed and nebu- facility must abide by. ments indulged but the a job knowing their child is receiving a proper lously dangerous cow- Legal hurdles by various groups opposed to somewhat who-gives-a- education and other benefits at Head Start. Both boys puffing their Shelter House’s new location have acted as a barri- shit gesture they pro- of these options could eventually make the people Marlboros around the er to the project’s moving forward. Residents from a vide. When life screws self-sufficient and no longer in need of Shelter fire before turning in; trailer park near the new site argued having a you over, and it will, House’s services. the ruined old ladies homeless shelter so close would lower their proper- reader, it will, you just The Shelter House’s new facility itself provides propped on their front ty values. The lawsuits by potential neighbors want to find a way to much more benefit to its residents and the city porches glaring at the reached the Iowa Court of Appeals. Fortunately, say “fuck you” to life. than the older house. Perhaps the most surpris- neighborhood kids voices of reason prevailed, and the court allowed Falling back on bad ing aspect of the new location is that it will be across the street, a Shelter House to go through with construction. habits like smoking is more environmentally friendly. The new location scowl, perhaps a line of But as soon as the group successfully hopped fantastic in this capaci- will use geo-thermal power instead of a gas furnace drool, a rumbling hack. over legal hurdles, we were in the midst of an his- ty, and anyway, you get Then the quieter, more toric recession, and fundraising became a much for heat, reducing both power use and Iowa City’s to look composed and personal rituals, the more difficult task. Shelter House Director Crissy carbon footprint. The new location will also main- kinda cocky instead of first smoke of the day Canganelli said donors had wished to give larger tain separate floors for residents and people in gen- broken and alone. with coffee that, if I amounts but refrained from doing so because of eral use of the facility. Thanks to the smok- hadn’t smoked the day increasing economic hardship. Shelter House has had to fight an uphill battle so ing ban this loneliness before, leaves me slight- It is understandable that some people might that it may adequately provide services to the peo- is banished quite literal- ly dizzy. Or the last have reservations. Some homeless people have ple who need it the most. It has won that battle, ly. Smoking holds people before sleep, reclined problems ranging from mental-health issues to and for now, a long struggle has come to an end. together, like knitting or and tired on my room- criminal behavior, but not all homeless people are This ending however, also begins a new chapter for blogging, an activity to mates’ living room dangerous transients. Canganelli said that roughly both Shelter House and Iowa City. Both should take be enjoyed with others. couch and twisting the half of Shelter House’s population are women with full advantage of that. Like any group effort, filter into the ashtray I then, quitting has to be keep hidden beneath it. a democratic undertak- Turning a lucky to save ing. The group activity LETTERS TO THE EDITOR may be sent via e-mail to [email protected] (as text, not as attachment). Each letter it for last, a friend of becomes not smoking. must be signed and include an address and phone number for verification. Letters should not exceed 300 words. The DI mine turns two in case Community and reserves the right to edit for length and clarity. The DI will publish only one letter per author per month. Letters will be he finds himself Solidarity. So why are chosen for publication by the editors according to space considerations. No advertisements or mass mailings, please. amorously indisposed. I we diving off the band- GUEST OPINIONS that exceed 300 words in length must be arranged with the Opinions editor at least three days prior usually give someone a wagon en masse? I’ve to the desired date of publication. Guest opinions are selected in accordance with word length, subject relevance, and cigarette if asked for space considerations. cut my consumption, one and so feel OK bum- but not ripped out the ming from others: I call roots, you see. None of this Smokers’ Karma. us have. Maybe we It’s a little bit of com- never really wanted to munity and solidarity, quit but simply gave in which crops up again to our enthusiasm for when my friends and I vacate the bar en masse the effort. It’s almost to stand in circles on become a joke, another the sidewalk. This is group interaction based part of why it’s so diffi- neither on vice nor cult to quit. virtue but guilt. Maybe. Another in our band But I think that’s just of (failingly) reforming another reflection of miscreants has this the- that fundamental ory: Don’t smoke for 24 human drive: When life hours, and the half-life sucks in one way, enjoy of nicotine is spent, your it in another. body free of the active Distortions and contests agent of addiction; don’t everywhere, from smoke for three days, friends to politics to and the distress of with- religion. I haven’t yet drawal has passed, and finished today’s pack of your body no longer Reds, but I might.

Guest opinion How an action-oriented attitude backfires on U.S. GREGORY RODRIGUEZ “Nothing astonishes men have a grasp of this fact or Death of Why?,” Batista acknowledges the uptick in only we can find the right Los Angeles Times so much as common sense the other. Having flat- Schlesinger — until youth political involvement solution and the right per- and plain dealing.” That’s tened the world of news recently, the executive in the Obama era — they son to implement.” With apologies to Nike, so American. and knowledge, the director of the Drum voted, gave money, sent e- This overwhelming pref- if the United States were a OK, I’m not about to younger generations, in Major Institute for Public mails. She nonetheless erence for outcome over for-profit venture, its slo- repeat the hackneyed lib- particular, have trillions of Policy in New York — questions young people’s process is part of what has gan would be “Just do it.” eral charge that we are a facts at their fingertips. makes a passionate case depth of engagement in the led to the ideological Few would dispute the nation of unthinking “Search” has made us all for inquiry qua inquiry. political process. She sug- polarization of the country. notion that we are an dolts or H.L. Mencken’s drive-by scholars. She links the future of the gests that it’s not enough to The desire for certainty — action-oriented people. famous dictum about This, according to lib- American Experiment to mobilize people to advocate hard facts, quick answers From an early age, Ameri- “the booboisie.” I think eral think-tanker Andrea the extent to which we for this or that position. — in an uncertain world cans are bombarded with our orientation toward Batista Schlesinger, has teach our children how to What’s more important is leads people to take refuge the message that actions action has a lot to do only heightened our col- ask questions. cultivating long-term in political or religious ide- speak louder than words with the fact that our lective “obsession with Even as society more patient “skills of inquiry, ology. Ideological solutions and that talk is cheap. country was founded on answers.” The problem, and more limits its defini- problem solving, and cre- — whether from the left or To the extent that we do and built around some she says, is that we’re tion of civic engagement to ative thinking.” As Batista the right — generally offer value thinking, it’s usually rather lofty ideas: free- less and less likely to be results-oriented activism, Schlesinger puts it, “We us simple answers to com- as a means to action. We’re dom, equality, liberty. engaged in the questions. Batista Schlesinger have the mistaken belief plex problems. taught to want solutions, The reality is, we don’t Quick access to facts has defines it as teaching that even the most press- Gregory Rodriguez, a columnist for find answers, get to the see a big dichotomy made us too impatient to Americans to discuss prob- ing challenges facing our the Los Angeles Times’ opinion pages, bottom of things. We pride between action and knowl- engage in lengthy lems and giving them the country — climate change, is director of the Fellows ourselves in our pragma- edge. Knowledge gets us deliberation, “deep intellectual skills to navi- globalization, health care, Program at the New America tism. As Ralph Waldo where we want to go. In inquiry,” or discernment. gate our democracy. poverty — are problems to Foundation. This commentary Emerson once put it, fact, Americans seem to In her new book, “The For example, she be ‘fixed’ once and for all, if appeared in Tuesday’s Times.

The Daily Iowan - Iowa City, Iowa - Wednesday, July 1, 2009 - 5 for more arts and culture Arts&Culture Pen not mightier Michael, Michael, Michael than the drink Michael Jackson’s career was full of positive memories that will go Ernest Hemingway is one of many down in history, but for younger generations, his successes may be authors who fell into depression overshadowed by his failures. and took to drinking. By DI ARTS STAFF , and spontaneously jet-setted around the world. He supposedly earned Michael Jackson: $700 million from the 1980s to The Good the present but sank most of it Michael Jackson, a man of in his Neverland Ranch, in extremes, was never simply court, lawyer, and settlement good. When he was low, he fees for various child- sunk way low, but when he was molestation cases, and in his “good,” he was the all-out escape from the United States blazing King of Pop. His to the Middle East after his achievements in the musical 2005 acquittal. industry are too lengthy to Neverland Ranch, located in list, but a quick search on California, housed its own YouTube reveals thousands of and zoo and awe-inspiring moments in the required titanic amounts of spectacular life of Jackson — money to maintain as well as unveiling a small portion of to pay the nearly 150 the enormous effect he had on employees. When Jackson his business and his fans. PUBLICITY PHOTO defaulted on a $24.5 million He was a natural-born per- Ernest Hemingway suffered from alcoholism and depression, which loan in 2008, he almost lost former. In , as ultimately led to his death on July 2, 1961. early as age 8, he fronted the his precious retreat. band with his amazing vocal Soon, Jackson would have ability, his stupendous stage gone on tour — something sure presence, and his feet that to help revive his tanking grew increasingly invulnerable finances. Obviously, the tour to the laws of friction. He was can’t happen, and the impervious to failure, and in concert promoter is looking at Pink slips, rejection let- ERIC ANDERSEN 1982, he cemented his spot in losses of almost $100 ters, and monetary strug- pop music history with the million through pre-show [email protected] gles are all part of life for release of the record-breaking investments and ticket creative minds. This could Thursday marks the album, . The album con- refunds, among other expens- make even the most opti- anniversary of acclaimed tained such songs as the es. Of course, that depends on DOUG PIZAC/ASSOCIATED PRESS writer Ernest Heming- mistic of writers crave a demandingly danceable “Billie few drinks. what kind of insurance claim Michael Jackson performs with his brothers at Dodger Stadium as way’s death in 1961. The Jean,” “Beat It,” and the title can be filed based on cause-of- part of their Victory Tour concert, on Dec. 3 1984. Jackson, the author committed suicide Both known and track, “Thriller,” all of which death. sensationally gifted child star who rose to become the “King of by laying a Boss & Co. unknown writers have a produced a caliber of music In death, he is estimated as shotgun at an angle on the tendency to hit the bottle video that had never been Pop” died June 25. being $500 million in debt. ground, leaning his face hard. In addition to seen before. Hemingway, James Joyce, over the barrels, and Aside from releasing the That, folks, is definitely bad. apparent vitiligo. It seems as if Jackson used Edgar Allen Poe, and plastic surgery as a way to pulling both triggers. The world’s best-selling album in — by Ellen Harris The nation can excuse a William Faulkner all skin disease, but when it cover alleged deep-seated brutal death was a shock- history and forging the art of suffered from alcoholism. comes to his thinning — and emotional issues — something ing way to go — perma- the music video, Jackson con- Even here at the UI, ultimately disappearing — of which he should never be nently marking his leg- tinued to blaze trails and blow Michael Jackson: endary status. there are spots known as nose, there is little room left judged. “writer’s bars” where the minds in his later career. His The Ugly to be kind. The numerous sur- While he may be idolized by It’s no secret that Hem- live performances, such as ingway suffered from scholarly go to socialize Some say America is the geries he received on his nose earlier generations as the stud with fellow authors and 1995’s MTV Video Music became so frequent and over- who had all of the confidence alcoholism and a severe Awards, ensured that he would only country where a young drink for hours on black boy can evolve with age done that it began to almost in the world, many 20-some- case of depression. A not be forgotten as the King of end — talking about the into a white woman. Michael deteriorate — leaving behind things will forever remember large number of authors, Pop and one of the most gifted including Virginia Woolf, novels they hope to pub- Jackson may be the only refer- an exposed nasal cavity that him as a celebrity who was, performers to ever grace the Sylvia Plath, and Hunter lish someday. ence to that cliché. he allegedly covered up with unfortunately, painfully ugly. world’s stages. S. Thompson, all The writing field can In his later years, he was surgical masks. — by Kristen Peters — by Ryan Fosmark committed suicide, and also be a lonely one. Peo- known for the frequent even more suffered from ple who spend lots of time altering of his appearance. mental illness. dedicated to writing usu- Michael Jackson: The two most recognized It may seem strange ally do so behind closed shifts in his look were, of that writers get so doors in an isolated room The Bad course, his skin and nose. depressed; after all, they with only a computer or The best financial move The skin — spontaneously get to sit around and do pen and paper as compa- Michael Jackson ever made lightened during the ’80s — what they love for hours ny. It can be easy for them was when he paid $47.5 mil- garnered more reaction on end. Sometimes, to get caught up in their lion in 1985 to purchase the than his 1987 album Bad, though, the creative own world and forget that Beatles’ catalogue. and with it came a plethora process has its downsides. life exists beyond writing. His more private money of excuses. Most widely Many authors write Writing may be a problems weren’t nearly as speculated was that about bleak topics. Hem- depressing medium, but savvy — he spent millions of Jackson had been bleaching ingway wrote several nov- it is also has a lot of dollars on various paintings, his skin. It is, however most els that focused on war merit. Readers tend to purchased a chimp named aptly explained by his and death including the use stories as a means for acclaimed Farewell to escaping the real world or Arms, a novel that dis- dealing with difficult cusses the consequences issues. It’s just too bad of war. Frequently, writ- that many writers have ing about such topics is trouble taking on their likely to leave an image own problems. that will haunt an Hemingway is one of author’s mind long after the most highly regarded the story is done. authors of the 20th centu- Some writers frequent- ry, yet he lived a life full of ly deal with failure torment and misery. throughout their entire Despite this, readers will lives. Even successful remember the author for authors such as Stephen his great contributions to King admit it’s a struggle literature rather than his to launch their careers. unfortunate life.

FROM THE BLOG ON THE WEB To read the rest of Meryn Fluker’s tribute to MJ, click to dailyiowa- MERYN FLUKER True story: While all the little [email protected] girls in my third-grade class were drawing pictures of fairies Let me start by acknowledg- and princesses or whatever lit- ing I am no more qualified to tle 7- and 8-year-old girls draw eulogize Michael Jackson than during free time, I wrote out anyone else. That’s exactly why the entire track list on the he is a legend: because we all then-new Michael Jackson have a strand of memory tied HIStory boxed set. And I’ll never to Michael Jackson. Whether forget when my “friend” (or so I you had a friend who could thought) Allison Tisack saw , or your first love what I was doing and said, wore only one glove, or the “You’re so weird.” It only solidi- first fright of your life came fied my imagined bond with the courtesy of the “Thriller” video. King of Pop. That happened in John Mayer once said, “I’m a the early to mid-90s, when big believer in a different Jimi Jackson’s inarguable legacy Hendrix from most people.” I had already been tainted by think I’m a big believer of a dif- tabloids and tarnished by his ferent Michael Jackson from transgressions. Yet I had no many people. shame. All I knew was that he When I was a kid, I was made the greatest music my obsessed, OBSESSED, with single-digit-aged ears had ever Michael Jackson. I just found heard. It was funky, it was my VHS of Michael Jackson: infectious, but it had SOUL. And in my garage last man, could he dance. week. I was more than a fan. — by Meryn Fluker

6 - The Daily Iowan - Iowa City, Iowa - Wednesday, July 1, 2009 I had an epiphany a few years ago when I was at a celebrity party, and it suddenly dawned on me that I had yet to meet a “celebrity who is as smart and interesting as any of my friends. Daily Break — Moby ” CAN’T GET ENOUGH SUDOKU? the ledge DISC-GO CHECK OUT DAILYIOWAN.COM FOR MORE PUZZLES This column reflects the opinion of the author and not the DI Editorial Board, the Publisher, Student Publications Inc., or the University of Iowa.

ANDREW R. JUHL [email protected]

Midyear’s resolutions • I resolve not to fly to New Zealand for a two-month vacation unless I win a con- test in which the prize is a two-month vacation to New WHITNEY WRIGHT/THE DAILY IOWAN Zealand. Jason Hootton shoots at the 11th hole at Turkey Creek disc-golf course on Tuesday. Hootton and friends Sharlotte Uteg and Kyle McCauley played the first nine holes on • I resolve not to accept free Campus channel 4, or discounted meat from Monday and returned to finish the course Tuesday. Log on to for a slide UITV schedule cable channel 17 German truck drivers. show on disc golf. Anymore. 11:30 am. Newscast from Russia (in Russian) 7 Black Athlete Conference, Michael Oriad, • I resolve to stop using my 12:30 p.m. News from Québec (in French) “The System Works Against the Athlete” 1“Prairie Lights” Archive, Francine Prose 8 Cellulosic Biofuels, Bruce Dale, Michi- considerable influence in 2 Newscast from Germany (in German) gan State 3 Black Athlete Conference, Michael Oriad, 9 Grabbing the Globe lecture, Wind exchange for under-the-table “The System Works Against the Athlete” Power, Randy Swisher, bribes. 4 Flood Commemoration 2009, President Sally 9:50 Mauricio Lasansky, Documentary on the Mason hosts an event marking one year since Printmaker, UI Center for Media Production • I resolve to start using my the flood 10:30 Order of Eagles Partnership Celebration, considerable influence in 5 The Future of Humanity, student panel October 2008 discuss the future, 1/28/2009 11:05 Black Athlete Conference, Michael Oriad, exchange for under-the-table 6 College of Education, “Negotiations” “The System Works Against the Athlete” brides. • I resolve to finish what I sta— Wednesday, July 1 • I resolve to stop making horoscopes — by Eugenia Last “That’s what she said” jokes. It’s childish and small. ARIES March 21-April 19 A partnership will bring you greater incentive to fol- • I reslve 2 use < txt spk. low through with your plans. You can make some noteworthy changes at • I resolve to be more home that will make it easier for you to get your chores out of the way, assertive, if that’s OK with leaving more time for the projects and pastimes you enjoy most. you; and if it’s not, then I can TAURUS April 20-May 20 Spend more time taking care of the people and projects that mean the most to you. Otherwise, you will feel weighed down be less assertive, too. by the growing obligations that face you. A romantic gesture will help you • I resolve to finish writing get something you want in return. my first novel before GEMINI May 21-June 20 A change regarding your position will be beneficial, Christmas. personally and financially. You can expect to get a good response from com- • If I keep the previous reso- municating what’s in your heart. You can make travel plans, but remember to budget. lution, then I also resolve to CANCER June 21-July 22 You can prove a point to someone who has been bring Satan a blanket to questioning your motives. An interesting relationship with someone you keep him warm. meet at a conference, event, or while volunteering will develop quickly. • I resolve to Resolve® more. Don’t let anyone take advantage of your kind and generous nature. • I resolve to stop making LEO July 23-Aug. 22 Don’t allow someone’s emotional whims to cause you to miss out endorsements in the Ledge on something you want to attend. You must be kind but firm regarding your intentions. without first performing a You shouldn’t feel that you have to buy someone’s adoration or approval. thorough background check VIRGO Aug. 23-Sept. 22 Take any opportunity you get to be around others. on the company hiring me. You need to broaden your horizons and check out ways to update or revamp And to perform those back- your look. The change will do you good and will attract some interesting ground checks I will use attention. Intelius® Verification LIBRA Sept. 23-Oct. 22 You will mesmerize everyone with your unique outlook. You should spread the word around about something you Services. Intelius: Live in the are doing and gather interest and support. This is an ideal time to Know.TM promote, present, and pursue a creative venue. • I resolve to learn a foreign SCORPIO Oct. 23-Nov. 21 Don’t let your emotions get the better of you. language other than Klingon Someone may play with your heart, but if you are prepared to walk away, or Mon Calamari. you will send a message that will put you back in control and able to make • I resolve to shave my beard a beneficial, responsible move. more often (pending her SAGITTARIUS Nov. 22-Dec. 21 An old partnership can be re-established. approval, of course). There are benefits to working alongside someone who complements your style and skills. Avoid situations with bureaucrats if you are traveling or — Andrew R. Juhl resolves to keep it clean, dealing with foreigners or institutions. make sure it’s long enough, and get it in on CAPRICORN Dec. 22-Jan. 19 Do what you can to fix up your digs or update your look. Getting involved in something you enjoy will also promote a part- time. (That’s what she said.) nership that will help you out personally and professionally. A change of plans will be in your favor. AQUARIUS Jan. 20-Feb. 18 Don’t be fooled by what someone tells you or by the advances being made or the signals sent. Read between the lines if you Think you’re pretty funny? Prove it. want to avoid being led astray. You should be able to catch someone in her The Daily Iowan is looking for Ledge writers. You can submit a Ledge at or his own trap. [email protected]. PISCES Feb. 19-March 20 Use your experience to see your way through any If we think it’s good, we’ll run it — and doubt about your capabilities. You can show everyone your unique and maybe contact you for more. effective qualities. Be ready to sign on for a proposal coming your way.

Want to see your super special event today’s events appear here? Simply e-mail the name, time, date, and location information to: [email protected] 0520 • Preschool Story Time, • Diet and Health Session 2: 10 a.m., North Liberty Communi- Food as Medicine, Dr. Terry ty Library, 520 W. Cherry Wahls, 6:30 p.m., New Pioneer • Iowa City Public Library’s Co-op, 1101 Second St., Coralville Stories in the Park, 10:30 a.m., • Sita Sings the Blues, 7 and Willow Creek Park 9 p.m., Bijou • Iowa Summer Writing • Travelogues with Patrick Festival Elevenses Literary Nefzger, 7 p.m., Senior Center Hour, 11 a.m., 101 Biology Build- • Unknown Component, ing East 7 p.m., T Spoons Coffee Cafe, • Teen Tech Zone, 1 p.m., 301 E. Market Iowa City Public Library, • Iowa Summer Rep, Dead 123 S. Linn Man’s Cell Phone, 8 p.m., The- • Stars & Stripes Forever, atre Building Theatre B celebrating the Fourth of July • Karaoke Wednesday, with story and song, 1:30 p.m., 8 p.m.-midnight, Charlie’s, Senior Center, 28 S. Linn 450 First Ave., Coralville • Transcendental Medita- • Riverside Theatre Shake- tion for Children and speare Festival, Richard III, Parents, 2 p.m., Iowa City Public 8 p.m., Riverside Festival Stage, Library Lower City Park • Children’s Gaming Event, • Comedy Night, 9 p.m., Wii Gaming for Grades 4-6, Summit, 10 S. Clinton 2 p.m., Iowa City Public Library • Prussia, Molly Ringwald, • Open Studio, 4-8 p.m., Random Candy, 9 p.m., Mill, Dawn’s Hide & Bead Away, 120 E. Burlington 220 E. Washington • Farmers’ Market Music, ONGOING Ron Hillis, 5-7 p.m., Chauncey • Life, Promise, Hope, and Swan parking ramp Joy, Kimberlee Rocca, Chait Gal- • Farmers’ Market, leries Downtown 5:30-7:30 p.m., Chauncey Swan • Local Photography, Julie parking ramp Staub, Kelsey Cater, Michael • PJ Story Time, 6 p.m., Goedken, and Garth Conley, T North Liberty Community Spoons Coffee Cafe, 301 Library E. Market • Wednesday Night Bicy- • MetalArt: Miriam Vakul- clists of Iowa City Ride, 6 p.m., skas and Inae Choi, M.C. Gins- West Branch Park Square berg, 110 E. Washington

The Daily Iowan - Iowa City, Iowa - Wednesday, July 1, 2009 - 7 for more sports Sports SPORTS ’N’ STUFF Pistons Pirates trade 5. Jose Reyes, Mets, 851,001 NATIONAL LEAGUE Catcher East Division W L Pct GB 1. Yadier Molina, Cardinals, 1,846,629 Philadelphia 39 35 .527 — 2. Brian McCann, Braves, 1,458,909 1 Florida 40 39 .506 1 ⁄2 3. Ivan Rodriguez, Astros, 1,236,476 2nd outfielder New York 37 39 .487 3 4. Jason Kendall, Brewers, 1,175,566 Atlanta 36 40 .474 4 5. Bengie Molina, Giants, 1,167,336 1 By ALAN ROBINSON month. “It’s tough for the Washington 22 53 .293 17 ⁄2 Outfield Central Division W L Pct GB 1. Raul Ibanez, Phillies, 2,970,139 fire Curry Associated Press guys who’ve been here Milwaukee 42 35 .545 — 2. Ryan Braun, Brewers, 2,654,061 St. Louis 41 38 .519 2 3. Carlos Beltran, Mets, 2,085,028 and have seen these Cincinnati 37 38 .493 4 4. Alfonso Soriano, Cubs, 1,916,598 PITTSBURGH — The 1 5. Shane Victorino, Phillies, 1,642,248 trades happen and Chicago 36 38 .486 4 ⁄2 By DAVID N. GOODMAN conference finals appear- Houston 36 39 .480 5 6. Mike Cameron, Brewers, 1,345,763 Pittsburgh Pirates, swap- absolutely do nothing. I’ve Pittsburgh 36 41 .468 6 7. Manny Ramirez, Dodgers, 1,343,011 Associated Press ances. Dumars said after ping outfielders at a rapid West Division W L Pct GB 8. Rick Ankiel, Cardinals, 1,216,858 seen these trades two or Los Angeles 49 29 .628 — 9. Jayson Werth, Phillies, 1,201,864 that series that Curry rate for the second succes- San Francisco 42 34 .553 6 10. Corey Hart, Brewers, 1,135,038 DETROIT — All or three times a year, and we 1 11. Ryan Ludwick, Cardinals, 1,128,447 would return, but he sive season, sent starting Colorado 41 36 .532 7 ⁄2 still haven’t had a win- San Diego 34 42 .447 14 12. Adam Dunn, Nationals, 866,296 nothing seems to be the changed his mind 1 13. Matt Kemp, Dodgers, 817,970 left fielder Nyjer Morgan Arizona 31 46 .403 17 ⁄2 formula for coaching the ning season.” Tuesday’s Games 14. Andre Ethier, Dodgers, 768,457 by Tuesday. to the Washington Pittsburgh 3, Chicago Cubs 0 15. Justin Upton, Diamondbacks, 742,585. Detroit Pistons. Bring Morgan, who will turn “This was a difficult Nationals in a four-player Arizona 6, Cincinnati 2 American League home an NBA champi- 29 on Thursday, was trad- Atlanta 5, Philadelphia 4, 10 innings Released: Tuesday, June 30 decision to make,” deal involving outfielder Florida 7, Washington 5, 7 innings First Base onship or hit the road. ed less than halfway Milwaukee 6, N.Y. Mets 3 1. Kevin Youkilis, Red Sox, 1,915,303. Dumars said in a state- Lastings Milledge and San Francisco 6, St. Louis 3 2. Mark Teixeira, Yankees, 1,875,256. First-year coach through a promising first 3. Justin Morneau, Twins, 1,560,530. ment. “I want to thank also shipped backup Eric San Diego 4, Houston 3 Mi c h a e l Curry became season as a starter. He is Colorado 3, L.A. Dodgers 0 4. Miguel Cabrera, Tigers, 1,139,804. Michael for his hard work Hinske to the Yankees on Today’s Games 5. Carlos Pena, Rays, 767,088. the latest Piston coach to hitting .277 with two Washington (Zimmermann 3-3) at Florida Second Base and dedication to the Tuesday. (Jo.Johnson 7-1), 11:10 a.m. 1. Ian Kinsler, Rangers, 2,170,100. get the ax — President homers and 27 RBIs, only 2. Dustin Pedroia, Red Sox, 2,163,270. organization. However, at The Pirates, spurred to N.Y. Mets (Pelfrey 5-3) at Milwaukee for Basketball Opera- (Gallardo 8-4), 1:05 p.m. 3. Robinson Cano, Yankees, 1,245,065. this time, I have decided trade because their farm four fewer than No. 3 hit- Colorado (Hammel 5-3) at L.A. Dodgers 4. Aaron Hill, Blue Jays, 892,006. tions Joe Dumars fired (Kershaw 5-5), 2:10 p.m. 5. Placido Polanco, Tigers, 809,976. to make a change.” system has been unpro- ter Freddy Sanchez, and Chicago Cubs (R.Wells 2-3) at Pittsburgh Third Base him Tuesday after he has 18 steals, although 1. Evan Longoria, Rays, 2,988,363. Pistons spokesman ductive, acquired Milledge (V.Vasquez 1-0), 6:05 p.m. watching his team stum- Arizona (Garland 4-7) at Cincinnati (Cueto 7- 2. Alex Rodriguez, Yankees, 1,354,319. Kevin Grigg said the and reliever Joel Hanra- he has been thrown out 4), 6:10 p.m. 3. Mike Lowell, Red Sox, 1,136,723. ble to a sub-.500 record Philadelphia (Hamels 4-4) at Atlanta 4. Michael Young, Rangers, 1,134,921. timetable for naming a han from the Nationals 10 times. (Jurrjens 5-6), 6:10 p.m. 5. Brandon Inge, Tigers, 667,331. and an embarrassing new coach was up in for the fleet Morgan and “We see him as a speed- San Francisco (Cain 9-2) at St. Louis Shortstop first-round exit from the (Wainwright 8-5), 7:15 p.m. 1. Derek Jeter, Yankees, 3,046,813. the air. left-handed reliever Sean type of player who can Houston (Moehler 4-4) at San Diego 2. Jason Bartlett, Rays, 1,419,499. playoffs. (W.Silva 0-1), 9:05 p.m. 3. Elvis Andrus, Rangers, 1,028,157. “Obviously with the Burnett, a former first- play above-average 4. Marco Scutaro, Blue Jays, 807,199. But 5. Jed Lowrie, Red Sox, 576,629. free agency period start- round draft pick. defense for us in center AMERICAN LEAGUE Catcher winning ing [today], we don’t 1. Joe Mauer, Twins, 2,851,819. Hinske, the 2002 AL field, give us a top-of-the- East Division W L Pct GB playoff 2. Jason Varitek, Red Sox, 1,399,946. know quite the speed of Boston 47 30 .610 — Rookie of the Year, went lineup bat that can create 1 3. Jorge Posada, Yankees, 1,095,219. games New York 44 32 .579 2 ⁄2 4. Jarrod Saltalamacchia, Rangers, it,” Grigg said. to the Yankees for minor Tampa Bay 44 35 .557 4 a little havoc on the base 1,002,391. hasn’t Toronto 41 38 .519 7 Another ex-Piston 5. Victor Martinez, Indians, 867,613. league right-hander paths and get you a stolen Baltimore 35 42 .455 12 been Outfield player and former Central Division W L Pct GB Casey Erickson and out- 1. Jason Bay, Red Sox, 2,609,913. base when you need it,” Detroit 43 34 .558 — enough to 2. Ichiro Suzuki, Mariners, 1,802,826. Dumars teammate, Bill fielder Eric Fryer. The Minnesota 40 39 .506 4 Curry National general manag- 3. Josh Hamilton, Rangers, 1,635,781. keep Pis- Chicago 39 38 .506 4 Laimbeer, stepped down Yankees also get around 1 4. Torii Hunter, Angels, 1,490,800. ex-coach er Mike Rizzo said. “It Kansas City 33 43 .434 9 ⁄2 tons man- 5. Carl Crawford, Rays, 1,442,175. in June as coach of the Cleveland 31 48 .392 13 $400,000 to help pay the 6. Jacoby Ellsbury, Red Sox, 1,355,133. gives us the defensive West Division W L Pct GB agement 7. Ken Griffey Jr., Mariners, 1,204,863. WNBA’s Detroit Shock, remainder of Hinske’s Los Angeles 42 33 .560 — center fielder we’ve been 1 8. Johnny Damon, Yankees, 1,175,539. happy. Just ask Flip Texas 41 35 .539 1 ⁄2 saying he wanted a shot $1.5 million salary. 1 9. Nelson Cruz, Rangers, 1,171,354. Seattle 39 37 .513 3 ⁄2 Saunders. missing here.” 1 10. J.D. Drew, Red Sox, 1,050,112. at coaching in the NBA. Oakland 32 44 .421 10 ⁄2 Just as they did last 11. Adam Jones, Orioles, 1,022,041. Milledge, a former top Tuesday’s Games Dumars fired Saunders 12. Nick Markakis, Orioles, 850,150. An e-mail message was season by dealing Jason Chicago White Sox 11, Cleveland 4, 7 13. Curtis Granderson, Tigers, 798,786. last season after he led Mets prospect, hit .167 in innings left for Laimbeer seeking 14. Bobby Abreu, Angels, 733,329. Bay and Xavier Nady, the N.Y. Yankees 8, Seattle 5 the team to the Eastern only seven games before 15. Grady Sizemore, Indians, 714,902. comment Tuesday. Pirates traded two of Baltimore 11, Boston 10 Conference finals in each being sent to the minors, Tampa Bay 4, Toronto 1 The Pistons began the their three starting out- Texas 9, L.A. Angels 5 WIMBLEDON AT A GLANCE of is three seasons. Curry and he has spent much of Minnesota 2, Kansas City 1 season with big hopes but fielders before Aug. 1. Detroit 5, Oakland 3 WIMBLEDON, England (AP) — A look at was an assistant under couldn’t recover from the They sent former NL All- the season rehabilitating Today’s Games Wimbledon on Tuesday: Saunders for one season. Tampa Bay (J.Shields 6-5) at Toronto Women’s Quarterfinals: No. 1 Dinara loss of All-Star point guard Star center fielder Nate a broken right ring finger (R.Romero 5-3), 12:07 p.m. Safina defeated Sabine Lisicki 6-7 (5), 6-4, In 2005, the Pistons Boston (Beckett 9-3) at Baltimore (Bergesen 6-1, No. 2 Serena Williams beat No. 8 Chauncey Billups in a McLouth to Atlanta on that required surgery in 5-2), 12:35 p.m. Victoria Azarenka 6-2, 6-3, No. 3 Venus parted ways with Hall of November trade to Den- June 4 for pitcher Charlie May. He is expected to Minnesota (Perkins 3-4) at Kansas City Williams defeated No. 11 Agnieszka Fame coach Larry Brown (Meche 4-7), 1:10 p.m. Radwanska 6-1, 6-2, No. 4 Elena ver for Allen Iverson — a Morton and two other join Triple-A Indianapolis Detroit (Verlander 8-3) at Oakland (Braden Dementieva beat Francesca Schiavone 6-2, after he helped them win 5-7), 2:35 p.m. 6-2. move intended to feature prospects. within a week to 10 days. Chicago White Sox (Contreras 2-7) at Stat of the Day: 15 — double-faults by a title and almost repeat Iverson’s creativity and Like the McLouth Cleveland (Sowers 2-5), 6:05 p.m. Safina in her victory. during his two years with Seattle (Washburn 4-5) at N.Y. Yankees Quote of the Day: “We still, I think, are defi- create time for emerging trade, these deals (Pettitte 7-3), 6:05 p.m. nitely the front-runners in tennis as far as, the team. And Rick L.A. Angels (Jer.Weaver 8-3) at Texas you know, being some of the best players guard Rodney Stuckey. weren’t popular with (Millwood 8-5), 7:05 p.m out there.” — Venus Williams, talking about Carlisle was fired after Instead, the Pistons fell players who have seen herself and younger sister Serena. two years with the Pistons On Court Today: No. 2 Roger Federer vs. apart. They won just three regular after regular MLB ALL-STAR FAN VOTING No. 22 Ivo Karlovic, No. 3 Andy Murray vs. following a conference Juan Carlos Ferrero, No. 4 Novak Djokovic games in February and To Be Held: Tuesday, July 14 traded — Aramis vs. No. 24 Tommy Haas, No. 6 Andy At Busch Stadium, St. Louis finals appearance in 2003 three in April, plummet- Roddick vs. Lleyton Hewitt in the men’s Ramirez, Brian Giles, National League quarterfinals. in his second season and Released Monday, June 28 ing to the final spot in the Today’s TV: ESPN2, 6-9 a.m. CDT and 12-4 Jason Kendall, Bay, First Base NBA Coach of the Year p.m. CDT; NBC, 10 a.m. to 1 p.m., all time Eastern Conference play- 1. Albert Pujols, Cardinals, 3,602,765 Nady — since 2004 with zones. 2. Ryan Howard, Phillies, 1,644,971 honors in his first. off seeding and a no-win On the Web: the Pirates getting little 3. Prince Fielder, Brewers, 1,383,563 Curry and Dumars matchup with LeBron 4. Adrian Gonzalez, Padres, 1,105,396 in return. The Pirates 5. Lance Berkman, Astros, 623,783 shared playing days GAME TIME LEAGUE STANDINGS James and the Cavs. are on a pace for a Second Base together with Detroit. 1. Chase Utley, Phillies, 3,510,082 Coralville Hy-Vee 4 1 The playoff series loss major-league-record 2. Orlando Hudson, Dodgers, 1,277,348 Active Endeavors/McCurrys 3 2 That may have helped ended a dominant run: 3. Rickie Weeks, Brewers, 970,229 Goodfellow /Imprinted Sportswear 2 3 17th-consecutive losing 4. Skip Schumaker, Cardinals, 898,929 L.L. Pelling/Cullen Painting 1 4 Curry land the coaching The Pistons and the season. 5. Dan Uggla, Marlins, 604,661 Tuesday’s Games job last year, but it wasn’t Magic Johnson-led Los Third Base Goodfellow Printing/Imprinted Sportswear “What’s so shocking is 1. David Wright, Mets, 2,049,487 76, L.L. Pelling/Cullen Painting 65 enough to keep him in it. Angeles Lakers are the 2. Chipper Jones, Braves, 1,351,455 Coralville Hy-Vee 90, Active we’re [six] games out, 3. Ryan Zimmerman, Nationals, 1,301,577 Endeavors/McCurrys 88 The Pistons went 39- only franchises to play in and we’ve lost three of 4. Pedro Feliz, Phillies, 1,132,441 Thursday’s Games 43 in 2008-09 and were six straight conference 5. Bill Hall, Brewers, 991,583 L.L. Pelling/Cullen Painting vs. Active our everyday players,” Shortstop Endeavors/McCurrys, 6 p.m. Old gym swept in the postseason finals since 1970-71, 1. Hanley Ramirez, Marlins, 2,026,174 Coralville Hy-Vee vs. Goodfellow said shortstop Jack Wil- 2. Jimmy Rollins, Phillies, 1,771,917 Printing/Imprinted Sportswear, 6 p.m. New in four lopsided losses to when teams had to win son, a nine-year veteran 3. J.J. Hardy, Brewers, 1,239,195 gym the Cleveland Cavaliers two series to advance 4. Miguel Tejada, Astros, 1,020,895 who could be traded this after six-straight that far. Williams sisters reach semis

By HOWARD FENDRICH final at the All England Associated Press Club and fourth overall. It also would be the WIMBLEDON, England eighth all-Williams Grand — Her 19th-consecutive Slam championship match; victory at the All England Serena leads 5-2. Club already wrapped up, “I would love it to be a Venus Williams grabbed a Williams final,” Venus said. seat and watched younger “And so would she.” sister Serena Williams win They are competitors, of easily to reach the semifi- course, but also form a nals, too. team in many ways: The Afterward, Venus and sisters are sharing a house Mom, Oracene Price, during this tournament, strolled out of Centre Court practice with each other, arm-in-arm, chatting and and have reached the laughing. women’s doubles quarterfi- Sure is fun to be a nals together. Williams at Wimbledon. “We’ve got it all figured Five-time champion out at this point,” Venus Venus beat No. 11-seeded said. Agnieszka Radwanska of She is trying to become Poland (6-1, 6-2) before the first woman since Steffi two-time champion Serena Graf in 1991-93 to win defeated No. 8 Victoria three-consecutive Wimble- Azarenka of Belarus (6-2, don titles; Serena wants to 6-3), a pair of overwhelm- add to the trophies she ing performances Tuesday earned in 2002-03 by beat- that moved the siblings ing her sister in the finals. closer to another all-in-the- At least one person has family final at Wimbledon. no doubt there will be a “They are both playing rematch Saturday. super-well. They’re playing “It will be. I’ll go home the ‘Williams Way,’ ” their because I can’t watch,” father, Richard Williams, their father said. “I think said. “And when you’re they both definitely make it playing the ‘Williams Way,’ to the final.” ANJA NIEDRINGHAUS/ASSOCIATED PRESS it’s very difficult for anyone First things first. If the Serena Williams acknowledges the crowd after defeating Victoria to touch you.” 19-year-old Azarenka and Azarenka in their quarterfinal match at Wimbledon on Tuesday. Particularly at the grass- 20-year-old Radwanska court Grand Slam tourna- represented up-and-coming the Williams sisters are, of 4, 6-1. Dementieva, twice ment, where a Williams opponents with little expe- course: Serena owns 10 a runner-up at major has won seven of the past rience on the sport’s grand- major titles, Venus seven; championships and a sin- nine championships. est stages — neither has Safina and Dementieva gles gold medalist at last If No. 3 Venus gets by No. reached a Grand Slam have zero. year’s Beijing Olympics, 1 Dinara Safina of Russia semifinal — Safina and Safina, who lost in the was never challenged by in Thursday’s semifinals, Dementieva are far more final at three of the previ- 43rd-ranked Francesca and No. 2 Serena elimi- accustomed to playing sig- ous five Grand Slam Schiavone of Italy and nates No. 4 Elena Demen- nificant matches. events, overcame 15 dou- won their quarterfinal tieva of Russia, the siblings On the other hand, ble-faults and wore down (6-2, 6-2.) would meet Saturday in they’re not nearly as accus- 41st-ranked Sabine Lisic- AP freelance writer Sandra Harwitt their second consecutive tomed to winning them as ki of Germany (6-7 (5), 6- contributed to this report.

8 - The Daily Iowan - Iowa City, Iowa - Wednesday, July 1, 2009 Sports for more sports No keeping up with Jones Alexander JONES Kelly Krei slipped into the Despite Krei’s 7-0 run, when the game came CONTINUED FROM 10 lane for an easy lay-up Pelling/Cullen’s hopes down to the wire.” before hitting a 3-pointer were doused by former Larson thought the on Pelling/ Cullen’s follow- Hawkeye Kristi Smith. youth of his team may have Even after a solid indi- ing possession. Smith, who played her also contributed to loss. is the Great vidual game, Jones And the Iowa City senior year at Iowa last “We’re so young. I don’t would only comment on native was not done. season, drilled two 15- think we have a player her team’s play. Pelling/Cullen forced a foot jumpers in a row — that has ever started a ALEXANDER ‘[I was] real happy; we “We distributed the turnover during Goodfel- her only points of the sec- Divison-I game, we are CONTINUED FROM 10 ball, scored evenly, and low/Imprinted’s ensuing ond half — to give Good- had some reserves who played smart,” she said. just learning as we go,” possession and was able fellow/Imprinted a 62-57 he said. “But the effort is “[I was] real happy; we came in and played Goodfellow/Imprinted to feed Krei the ball. She lead it didn’t relinquish. always there, the team- had some reserves who exploded in the second nailed a nifty, spin-move The Thornton, Colo., really well. We were work is always there, and came in and played really half after closing a back lay-up to pull her team native, who filled a spot well. We were missing a and forth first half ahead within 58-57 with 7:38 vacated by sophomore they are very unselfish.” missing a couple, so we Other Hawkeyes play- couple, so we had to go 39-37. Jones and company remaining. Kamille Wahlin, finished with Kachine and Cermak ing for Pelling/Cullen had to go with Kachine were able to jump to an “I was thinking don’t the game with 13 points. pretty much the whole were sophomore-to-be eight-point lead at 52-44 get tired at that point,” “I thought we did a game,” he said. “I was real- and Cermak pretty with 12:30 remaining in said Krei, who finished pretty good job on Smith Hannah Draxten, who ly pleased; it was a fun much the whole game.’ regulation — the team’s the game with 15 points. for a while; she was just finished with 10 points game to watch. We just largest to that point. “My teammates do a nice letting the game come to and three rebounds, and made a few plays down the incoming freshman — Mike Stoermer, But Pelling/Cullen job of getting me the ball, her,” Larson said. “But stretch that allowed us Hy-Vee coach wasn’t going to go down but it was just a little she hurt us eventually Trisha Nesbitt, who tal- to win.” without a fight. Trailing streak that happened, so when she started being a lied two points and four Most notably absent 58-50, Iowa sophomore it was nice.” little more aggressive assists in the defeat. from the Hy-Vee line-up ning shot. was Iowa freshman Mor- Hy-Vee’s next game will gan Johnson. “[Because of the Johnson be Thursday against Good- absence] we suffered a lit- fellow Printing/Imprinted Ex-Hawks play in pro softball tle defensively. Hamlin was Sportswear. Active big tonight,” Stoermer said. Endeavors/McCurry’s will “So we had a little tough SOFTBALL The league, in which who’ve been around since cial Development Part- time defending the post, also play Thursday evening CONTINUED FROM 10 each team plays 50 games the league started, but ner” in continuation of and that kind of hurt us a against L.L. Pelling Com- a year, is suffering finan- many only play for a year its efforts to connect with little bit.” pany/Cullen Painting. Both cially, forcing the six-team or so,” May said. “At some Stoermer said Alexander “The U.S. teams would female athletes and fans. contests are slated for 6 beat [international league to be cut to five venues, you feel like a pro- was “the best player in the As far as Weil’s softball p.m. at the North Liberty teams] by 10 runs, killing when the New England fessional, but at some that league,” and he praised her Riptide went under. The don’t draw, you don’t.” future is concerned, a the teams. We [the Chica- for making the game-win- Community Center. lack of stability and the May wouldn’t comment better understanding of go Bandits] are on par inability to sign long-term on her salary but did say pitcher-batter psychology talent-wise with the deals (save for big-name her 2009 contract would will be key to her experi- Cubs,” May said. “But we stars such as Finch) leads reflect her success in 2008. aren’t able to outdraw encing sustained success. to many softball careers The shaky future of “I have to pay attention the Schaumburg Flyers to be more part-time the league may have or the Kane County diversion and less lifelong found some support in a to batters,” she said. “I have Cougars. Triple A, Dou- commitment. juggernaut. Major to understand batters, ble A, Single A — they all “It’s not a full-time League Baseball has their tendencies. I have to outdraw us.” career. We have people made the league an “Offi- learn to pitch to them.”

Pirates trip Cubs, 3-0 HELP WANTED HELP WANTED CUBS/PIRATES plate. Lilly drew an time this season. 2007. Their June swoon CONTINUED FROM 10 error for mishandling “I think we’ve forgot- included Piniella’s Soto’s throw. ten how to hit, especial- blowup with Milton Sanchez, hitting .315, ly with men on base,” Bradley, seven extra- Sanchez singled to had a run-scoring single said manager Lou inning games, Bradley start the fourth against an inning later and dou- Piniella, whose team forgetting how many Ted Lilly (7-6) and bled following Steve was 0-for-5 with run- outs there were and moved up on Andy Pearce’s double in ners in scoring position. throwing the ball into LaRoche’s two-out sin- the seventh. “The problem is basical- the stands and Soto’s gle. Brandon Moss “I came up in some big ly what it’s been all apology for failing a struck out swinging, but situations [Monday] and year, putting runs on drug test. the ball bounced into didn’t get the job done, the board. Until that “I hope that every- the dirt and away from so it felt kind of good to gets solved, it’s a thing happened now, it’s catcher Geovany Soto. go out and get the job huge struggle.” in the first half and in Sanchez never stopped done,” Sanchez said. The Cubs finished 11- the second half every- running from second The Cubs were shut 14 during a forgettable body’s laughing and and scored when Lilly out for the second time June, their first losing playing better,” Alfonso Advertise for potential was late covering the in three days and eighth month since August Soriano said. employees in The Daily Iowan

(319)335-5784 The Daily Iowan - Iowa City, Iowa - Wednesday, July 1, 2009 - 9 HELP WANTED STORAGE APARTMENT THREE / FOUR REAL ESTATE ATTENTION UI MINI-STORAGE STUDENTS! Located 809 Hwy 1 Iowa City GREAT RESUME- BUILDER Sizes available: FOR RENT BEDROOM PROFESSIONALS GREAT JOB! 5x10, 10x20 Be a key to the University's (319)354-2550, (319)354-1639 future! Join THE UNIVERSITY OF IOWA U STORE ALL Self Storage FOUNDATION TELEFUND Individual units from up to $9.50 per hour!!! 5’x10’ to 20’x20’. CALL NOW! Concrete buildings, steel doors. (319)335-3442, ext.417 Visit us online: Leave name, phone number, and best time to call. (319)337-3506. BARTENDING! $300/ day po- MOVING tential. No experience neces- MOVING, hauling, delivery, ROOM FOR RENT APARTMENT TWO BEDROOM THREE / FOUR sary. Training provided. large moving van. 14 N.JOHNSON, UNITS 2, 3, 5 #1124. Two bedroom, westside, 800-965-6520 ext. 111. Rent $75/ day, local. Rooms available in large co-op internet, $590, water paid. We move (150 mile radius- house. Separate bedrooms. FOR RENT (319)354-0386. BEDROOM Customer sales/ svc Iowa City) SUMMER WORK Common kitchen, laundry, and (319)631-1447, (319)936-6385. 1108 OAKCREST- $14 Base-Appt. bathroom. Heat, electric, water included. On-site laundry. $350- Westside QUIET two bedroom, Immed. FT/PT openings, MOVING?? SELL UNWANTED $445/ month. Available now. one bath, close to UIHC and no exp nec., conditions apply, FURNITURE IN THE DAILY Law. $615, H/W paid. RCPM all ages 17+. (319)892-3343. IOWAN CLASSIFIEDS. (319)354-7262. (319)887-2187. FUN- rewarding work- 14 N.JOHNSON, UNIT 1 no experience necessary/ 1415 LANGENBERG AVE. Two bedroom apartment in training provided. Positive work USED Bedroom/ bathroom, share large co-op house. Heat, elec- environment engaging in activi- kitchen/ living room/ laundry/ tric, water included. W/D, dish- ties with children and adults FURNITURE garage. $500/ month. Available washer. $750/ month. Available with disabilities in their homes, HAWKEYE JIM’S now. (319)331-7598. now. community or workplace. Flexi- We pick up furniture. ble schedule- excellent hourly New boxsprings/mattresses and 424 S.LUCAS ST. (319)354-7262. pay. much used furniture available. Male graduate student rooms Mail resume: 99 1st St., Riverside, IA. available in large co-op house. 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, 2 Attn: Nancy (319)648-3307. 1, 2 & 4 bedrooms, THE ONLY Separate bedrooms. Common balconies, 2 walk-in closets, 14 N.JOHNSON, UNIT 6 CONDO HOUSE BUILDING IN DOWNTOWN/ The Arc of Southeast Iowa kitchen, laundry, and bath- THE ONLY BLDG IN DOWN- Four bedroom apartment in CAMPUS LOCATION WITH AN 2620 Muscatine Ave. rooms. Parking. All utilities, ca- TOWN/ CAMPUS LOCATION large co-op house. Heat, elec- Iowa City, IA 52240 HOUSEHOLD ble, internet included. $345- OVERLOOKING SWIMMING FOR RENT FOR RENT WITH AN OVERLOOKING tric, water included. On-site BENTON MANOR CONDOS- FOUR bedroom and efficien- or email to: $425/ month. Available 8/1/09. POOL, very nice apartments, SWIMMING POOL, free garage laundry. $1260/ month. Avail- One and two bedroom, one cies, close-in, pets negotiable. [email protected] free parking, great landlord. ITEMS parking, great landlord, laundry, able now. bath, busline, dishwasher, laun- (319)338-7047. NEW mattress set, still in (319)354-7262. elevator, all appliances. OPTEMETRIC ASSISTANT dry, W/D or hookup, small pet plastic, factory warranty, $89. Call (319)621-6750. Part-time, will train. (319)354-7262. negotiable. $515/ $595-$650, (319)325-3699. 942 IOWA AVE. Call (319)621-6750. FOUR bedroom, two bath Monday- Friday 3-7pm, Female graduate student rooms 502 N.DODGE- water paid. house, 900 N.Dodge. Saturday 10-5, Sunday 11-4. WANT A SOFA? Desk? Table? available in large co-op house. Two bedroom, one bath, close 3455 E.COURT/ 41 LINCOLN AVE. $1080 plus RCPM (319)887-2187. W/D hook-ups, large backyard, (319)466-0644. Rocker? Visit HOUSEWORKS. Historic former sorority house. to downtown area, busline, 411 PETERSON- utilities, one block from UIHC, off-street parking, $1200/ month MEADOWLARK CONDOS- We've got a store full of clean Separate bedrooms. Common on-site laundry. $625, water Two bedroom, one bath, on-site off-street parking available. No plus utilities. PARTICIPATE in psychology Eastside- two bedroom, one used furniture plus dishes, kitchen, laundry, and bath- paid. RCPM (319)887-2187. laundry, convenient location to pets. (319)321-2239. Westwinds (319)354-3792. experiments! Pay is $8/ hour for bath, secure building, carport, drapes, lamps and other house- rooms. Parking. All utilities, ca- I-80. $585/ $605, tenant pays intermittent work, not steady AD#209. Efficiency, one, and storage, W/D hookup plus hold items. All at reasonable ble, internet included. $410- electric. RCPM (319)887-2187. 419 S.GOVERNOR- LARGE, contemporary five bed- employment. To apply, email two bedrooms in Coralville. on-site laundry. Small pet nego- prices. Now accepting new con- $420/ month. Available 8/1/09. Three bedroom, 1-1/2 bath, room, three bath house in So- coglabs- Quiet area, parking, some with 421 BOWERY ST.- tiable. $550/ $600 plus utilities. signments. dishwasher, deck, W/D hook- lon, IA. 10 minutes from Iowa [email protected] deck, water paid. W/D facilities. Two bedroom, one bath, close RCPM (319)887-2187. HOUSEWORKS (319)354-7262. ups, no pets. $960. City. Golf course view. $2200/ Possible flexible lease. Call M-F to downtown, W/D. $725 plus STUDENTPAYOUTS.COM 111 Stevens Dr. RCPM (319)887-2187. month plus deposit. One year 9-5pm, (319)351-2178. utilities. RCPM (319)887-2187. TWO bedroom by Coral Ridge Paid survey takers needed in (319)338-4357 AUGUST 2009. Near Carver/ Mall and golf course. Fireplace, lease. Call (319)330-4074. DAILY IOWAN CLASSIFIEDS Iowa City. 100% FREE to join! dental school. ALWAYS ONLINE 430 S. VanBuren St. -Two bed- deck, garage, W/D, security, 335-5784; 335-5785 Click on surveys. rooms, walk to campus. August $700. (319)631-6100. NICE two bedroom, quiet, new (319)325-4156. e-mail: carpet downstairs, hardwood WANTED: 29 Serious People PROFESSIONAL 1. Parking. $690, H/W paid. No AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY. daily-iowan- floors in upstairs. Near campus, to pets. (319)855-9463. PRIVATE room on busline with IOWA CITY: [email protected] on busline. No pets, no smok- Work From Home using a Computer HOUSE SERVICE shared bathroom and kitchen. 1- 2 bedroom apartments, 612 S.DODGE ST.- ing. $875/ month plus utilities. Up to $1500 - $5000 PT/ FT TWO UI students detailing Free parking, on-site laundry, $450- $600. Two bedroom, one bath, close FOUR bedroom house on Linn 1020 Carroll St. (319)354-9088. autos. Prices extremely com- utilities, cable. Less than one Three bedroom house, east- to downtown. H/W paid, on-site St. available 8/1/09. Garage, FOR RENT petitive. For more info visit mile from campus. $275/ month. side, $850. laundry, no pets. $595. off-street parking, W/D. $1740 #1 best deal in I.C. Large. Less THREE bedroom house, Iowa Call (319)337-8665. OXFORD, IA: four bedroom RCPM (319)887-2187. plus utilities. Contact Janene than $100/ month gas, electric. City, pets negotiable. CHILD CARE house, $750. (319)331-1290. 2000 sq.ft. $1150/ month. (319)338-4774. QUIET, non-smoking female. 614 E.JEFFERSON. Large two (319)621-6213. (319)936-2184. bedroom, 800 sq.ft. Refrigera- HEALTH & $325 includes W/D, utilities. GREAT 3- 4 bedroom apart- PROVIDERS tor, microwave, two A/C’s, THREE bedroom, 1-1/2 bath, OPENINGS in my westside (319)330-4341. THE LODGE ment with plenty of free parking. $800. (319)358-2903. close-in, on busline, off-street home, BA Elementary Educa- FITNESS The Finest in Student Living $1200- $1500 obo. parking, W/D provided. No pets. tion, 17 years experience. Moy Yat Ving Tsun Kung Fu. SLEEPING room, independent, OPEN DAILY! AUGUST 1. Close-in 4-plex, (319)321-7099. Grads preferred. August 15. Fenced yard, play equipment, (319)339-1251 share floor with females. Walk 2 & 4 Bedroom Apartments $820 includes heat, internet, 417 Grant St. $850/ month. not on bus route. to campus. No smoking. $290, (319)358-3500 parking. 429 S.VanBuren. No LARGE three bedroom on (319)330-0220, (319)354-5631. PAIN RELIEF. (319)338-9562. all utilities paid. (319)855-9463. pets, no smoking. References. S.Dodge. Available 8/1/09. Massage & treatment. (319)331-3523, (319)351-8098. Clean, close-in, on free bus THREE or four bedroom, 518 $20. route. Free parking, H/W. $975. E.Davenport, 2-1/2 bath, W/D, (319)337-4994. CORALVILLE two bedroom, EDUCATION ROOMMATE EFFICIENCY / Call Jim (319)321-3822. dishwasher, A/C, parking, one bath, new paint/ carpet, PRESCHOOL TEACHER August free. Teach in a diverse, NAEYC ac- cats ok, one month free rent. RENT SPECIAL! credited preschool classroom WANTED ONE BEDROOM 1800 sq.ft., energy efficient four GARAGE / ONE bedroom in six bedroom CLOSE TO CAMPUS (319)471-3723. and build a love of learning and #612. One bedroom, close to (319)339-4783. bedroom, 1-1/2 bath. All appli- co-ed house. Close-in, W/D, Three- four bedrooms, two bath, promote school readiness. Can- downtown, internet, $560, H/W ances, parking. Reasonably dishwasher, parking, cable, DAILY IOWAN CLASSIFIEDS laundry room, free internet, WHITE HOUSE OR didate will have BA in Early PARKING paid. priced. No pets. 8/1/09. OUTSIDE parking. 429 S.Van- hardwood floors, fireplace, $350 335-5784; 335-5785 within walking distance to cam- BRICK HOUSE Childhood Education. Full-time, (319)354-0386. (319)683-2324. Buren St., $40/ month. plus utilities. (319)400-7335. e-mail: pus. Available 8/1/09. $955- Three bedroom, three bath- $25,000-$27,500 plus benefits. (319)331-3523, (319)351-8098. $575 plus utilities. One bed- daily-iowan- $1215/ month plus utilities. 2401 Friendship St., Iowa City. room, Muscatine Ave. Wood Send resume and cover letter room, off-street parking, west- [email protected] Westwinds (319)354-3792. Five bedroom, two bath, no floors, laundry, fireplace, C/A, by June 30 to: APARTMENT side, convenient to UIHC and pets, $1300/ month. buslines, off-street parking. Pet Neighborhood Centers of DOWNTOWN apartment, two AUTO DOMESTIC westside campus. Available THREE bedroom apartment Call (319)331-9030. deposit. $1000 OR $1200/ Johnson County, 2001 Pontiac Sunfire, red, bedroom, one bath, off-street 8/1/09. Call Wally, Don Gray near UIHC, dental school. Avail- month plus utilities. PO Box 2491, 2-door, 116K, 2.3L, 5-speed, FOR RENT parking, on busline, walk to 403 N.LINN ST.- Realtors, (319)338-0870. able 7/31/09. $1050 plus under- (319)338-3071. Iowa City, IA 52244 good condition, $2600. campus. $750. (319)631-3268. Five bedroom, two bath, close ground parking. (319)936-6797. or fax (319)358-0484. (319)338-9562. to downtown, basement, porch. $1875 plus utilities. RCPM BUYING USED CARS FALL LEASING THREE bedroom apartment. On (319)887-2187. CONDO MEDICAL We will tow. Two bedroom, one bathroom. busline. 961 Miller Ave. Avail- NURSING ASSISTANT (319)688-2747 Close to UIHC, law. able 8/1/09. $745/ month, H/W AVAILABLE AUGUST 1 FOR SALE Crestview Nursing and Rehab Parking, laundry, on busline. paid. (319)337-2685. 8-10 Bedrooms: EXCELLENT, clean two bed- Center, West Branch, is accept- CASH for Cars, Trucks -808 Oakcrest, $675, H/W paid -17 S.Governor $3475 room, Oakwood Village. Really ing applications for a full-time Berg Auto -415 Woodside Dr., $675, H/W THREE bedroom, 1-1/2 bath, -909 E.Burlington $4399 nice. $62,000. Crane Realtors nursing assistant. Certified ap- 4165 Alyssa Ct. paid three blocks from downtown, (319)354-8331 (319)354-4100. plicants or people currently en- 319-338-6688 (319)430-9232 behind Lou Henri Restaurant, rolled in the class are encour- C/A, $900 plus utilities. two bedroom in Coral- COTTAGE aged to apply. We have a lot to LARGE (319)330-2503. HOUSE One bedroom, full bathroom, offer including competitive AUTO PARTS ville. Available August. Heat in- cluded. No smoking, no pets. fireplace, laundry, garage. wages, good benefit package, PROMPT JUNK CAR WESTSIDE DR. Beautiful three On busline. Call (319)351-8901 Muscatine Ave. Buslines, pet FOR SALE friendly work environment and REMOVAL. Call bedroom, two bath, laundry in or (319)330-1480. deposit. $600/ month plus DOWNTOWN income property much more. (319)338-7828. unit, large master with walk-in utilities. (319)338-3071. for sale. Tenants pay all utilities, For additional information, call LARGE two bedroom on closet, deck, built-in microwave, off-street parking, rented thru Crestview at (319)643-2551. AUTO SERVICE S.Johnson. Available 8/1/09. $1200. (319)377-0967, FIVE bedroom, W/D, garage, July 2010. (319)341-9385. EXPERT low cost solutions to Clean, close-in, on free bus (319)431-3361. parking, fenced yard with deck, your car problems. Visa and route. Free parking, H/W. $720. bus stop, no pets, $1400 plus RESTAURANT Call Jim (319)321-3822. MOBILE HOME DAY bartender, five days/ Mastercard accepted. utilities. Erin (319)331-5955. McNiel Auto Repair. DUPLEX week, wage negotiable. Apply in TWO bedrooms: (319)351-7130. person: Rick’s Grille & Spirits, Finkbine Ln. $605/ month and FOR SALE CLOSE-IN one bedroom, 618 16X80, three bedrooms, two 1705 S.1st Ave., Iowa City or S.VanBuren. Off-street parking, Aber Ave. $570/ month. FOR RENT NICE one bedroom, off-street Classifieds bathrooms, deck, carport, A/C, call (319)337-9047 ask for Bob. laundry, no pets. $510/ month, H/W paid. No pets. ROOM FOR RENT parking, residential, busline, $16,000. (319)351-0551. 121 N. VAN BUREN H/W paid. (319)321-2239. 8/1/09 leasing. W/D, non-smoker, $500/ month. Rooms for rent in large house. Call (319)631-2461. 319-335-5784 (319)330-4341. PETS Share kitchen/ bath/ laundry. All CLOSE-IN. #019A. One bed- TWO bedroom, on busline, LEASE JULIA’S FARM KENNELS utilities paid including cable. room, $525, water and INTER- $550. Available July 1, August 1 319-335-5785 LOUNGE FOR LEASE Schnauzer puppies. Boarding, Rents $350- $450/ month. NET included. August 1. Park- NICE three bedroom, one bath, and September 1. Close to in Coralville. (319)621-8212. grooming. (319)351-3562. RCPM (319)887-2187. ing. No smoking, no pets. garage, deck. Quiet, non-smok- (319)855-9463. downtown. (319)248-2648 or ing. No pets. $800 plus utilities. 14 N.JOHNSON, UNIT 4 (319)930-0102 (cell). (319)330-4341. EFFICIENCY near UIHC/ Law. Room available in large co-op bedroom, three blocks FOR SALE H/W paid, no pets, off-street TWO house. Separate bedroom. Pri- from downtown, behind Lou NICE two bedroom with office/ parking. vate garage/ loft. Common Henri Restaurant. $550- $750. study room, W/D. Quiet, BY OWNER kitchen, laundry, and bathroom. (319)330-2503. non-smoking. No pets. $600 Heat, electric, water included. (319)338-5900. plus utilities. (319)330-4341. ALWAYS ONLINE On-site laundry. $490/ month. ALWAYS ONLINE Available now. ONE bedroom duplex with basement, attached garage, (319)354-7262. LARGE apartment close to W/D, new kitchen, hardwood Pentacrest. $410, all utilities THREE / FOUR floors, busline, close-in, $780 paid. (319)338-9100. BEDROOM plus electricity. (319)400-7335. ONE bedroom available now. THREE bedroom, College $596/ month through July. Green area, $895 plus utilities $674/ month starting 8/1/09. and deposit. No pets. Large, newly remodeled, great (319)321-2239. location. Dishwasher, micro- wave, C/A, laundry on-site. No pets. (319)338-7058. CONDO ONE bedroom near UIHC/ Law. FOR RENT H/W paid, no pets, off-street BEAUTIFUL two bedroom, two parking. bath condo located in the Idyll- wild community, this 1800 sq.ft. (319)338-5900. condo is a must see!! Separate dining room, fireplace, eat-in ONE bedroom, close-in, $480/ kitchen, laundry room and one month, 1/2 utilities. Available car garage. Walking distance to 7/5/09. (319)688-0679. UIOWA and located on the bus ONE bedroom, no smoking or route. Available for immediate pets. $475, utilities and cable in- move in. $1350 per month. cluded. (319)351-2198 or Please contact (319)331-7487 (319)335-6411. for a viewing.

QUIET, clean efficiencies and one bedrooms, H/W paid, laun- dry, busline, Coralville. FOR SALE No smoking/ pets. NEED TO SELL (319)337-9376. BY OWNER MOVING?? SELL UNWANTED YOUR FURNITURE IN THE DAILY IOWAN CLASSIFIEDS 335-5784 PROPERTY? TWO BEDROOM Call The Daily Iowan to find out more about our special offer.

(319)335-5784 Fax: (319)335-6297 [email protected]

SCOREBOARD WNBA Texas 9, L.A. Angels 5 TENNIS Minnesota 91, Atlanta 85 Minnesota 2, Kansas City 1 Chicago 74, Sacramento 72 Pittsburgh 3, Chicago Cubs 0 The top four seeds in the women’s Washington 84, San Antonio 82 Florida 7, Washington 5 Atlanta 5, Philadelphia 4 (10) bracket all advanced on Tuesday MLB Milwaukee 6, N.Y. Mets 3 Sports to the semifinals at Wimbledon. 7 Baltimore 11, Boston 10 San Francisco 6, St. Louis 3 White Sox 11, Cleveland 4 (7) Arizona 6, Cincinnati 2 N.Y. Yankees 8, Seattle 5 Colorado 3, L.A. Dodgers 0 Tampa Bay 4, Toronto 1 San Diego 4, Houston 3

WEDNESDAY, JULY 1, 2009 Alexander, Hamlin shoot it out Kachine Alexander comes Ed Thomas through in the Jones FOOTBALL clutch for Thomas featured in Coralville Sports Illustrated Hy-Vee. goes Ed Thomas, the Aplington- By ZACH CHRISWELL Parkersburg head football [email protected] coach killed last week, will be featured on the cover of Kachine Alexander and the July 6 edition of Sports JoAnn Hamlin went back off Illustrated. and forth all game long. Before his untimely death, Each took her team’s By CLARK CAHILL Thomas had been the football last shot. Alexander hit [email protected] coach at that small high hers, Hamlin missed at the If her last two Game Time school, around 120 miles buzzer, and Alexander’s performances are any indi- from Iowa City, for the past Coralville Hy-Vee squad emerged with a 90-88 win cation, sophomore Shante 34 years. He was also the Jones will not only earn school’s athletics director. over Hamlin and Active Endeavors/McCurry’s on some serious playing time Thomas had four players in the who went on to careers in Tuesday in the North Lib- erty Community Center. upcoming the NFL, three of whom season, she played at Iowa. Alexander, who will be a junior for the Hawkeyes will be a key The SI article is written by component Lee Jenkins, and chronicles this coming season, fin- ished the Game Time for the 2009- both Thomas’ role in helping 10 Iowa the town of Parkersburg deal game with 30 points, 11 rebounds, and four assists. Hawkeyes. with the devastating effects After scor- Jones from an F5 tornado last year, With 14 minutes left in the game, she went up for ing 30 points sophomore and how Thomas is being on June 25, remembered in the a lay-up, was fouled, and hit the ground hard. She the Dayton, Ohio, native Aplington-Parkersburg com- tallied 20 points to lead munity following his death. left the game with an apparent neck injury, but Goodfellow/Imprinted to a This issue of Sports 76-65 victory over L.L. came back 90 seconds Illustrated hits newsstands Pelling/Cullen Painting on later. Those were her only nationwide today. Tuesday night in moments on the bench. — by Brendan Stiles North Liberty. In a losing effort, Jones, who shot 10-for-13 Hamlin posted a game- from the field and pulled MLB high 34 points on 15-of- down four rebounds, 21 shooting. The Hawk- White Sox pour seemed to be able to score eye senior had snared at will — pulling up for 15- it on seven rebounds. foot jumpers or slashing CLEVELAND (AP) — The rainy Alexander got beat up into the lane for lay-ups weather stopped the game throughout the course of while being fouled. prematurely. The Chicago the contest but kept her “She’s a pull-up, pop shoot- head up and continued White Sox ended Cliff Lee’s JOE SCOTT/THE DAILY IOWAN er. There aren’t a lot of those night soon after it started. knocking down shots. anymore in the college “I think, overall, I did Iowa junior Kachine Alexander goes for a lay-up during Hy-Vee’s Game Time contest against Active Paul Konerko and Jermaine Endeavors/McCurry’s in the North Liberty Community Center on Tuesday. Alexander scored 30 points game,” Pelling/Cullen coach well; my shots were falling Randy Larson said. “People Dye drove in two runs apiece and hauled in 11 rebounds for Hy-Vee in its 90-88 win. Tuesday as the White Sox tonight,” she said. “And I can shoot the 3 or they can chased Lee in the fourth kept taking the shots drive, but to pull up and when I was open. I wasn’t inning and pounded the miser- “And probably a little bet- In the losing cause, Iowa ON THE WEB shoot that little in-between able Indians, 11-4, in a game afraid to take them. So I jumper is a thing that not think I did pretty well.” ter job rebounding. But as freshman-to-be Jaime Go to called in the seventh to move for footage from everybody has.” Hamlin had a modest far as a team, we played Printy had 10 points to go above .500 for the first time very well tonight.” with 10 assists and six Tuesday’s Game Time opinion about her 34-point contest between SEE JONES, 8 since May 2. Also stepping up for Hy- rebounds. Kirkwood Com- Konerko hit a two-run performance and noted Coralville Hy-Vee and Active ON THE WEB that a better defensive Vee was Iowa junior munity College’s Kalli Endeavors/McCurry’s. homer in the first off Lee (4- Kelsey Cermak and Coe Hansen also had a big Go to for 7), who had worked past the effort would have helped. footage from Tuesday’s College’s Kayla Lincoln. game with 22 points and fifth in 47 consecutive starts “I guess I played all with the way his Game Time contest Cermak had 17 points to seven rebounds. before being battered for right; I probably could team played. between have done a little better go with 10 rebounds, and Hy-Vee coach Mike Sto- Goodfellow/Imprinted and seven runs and 11 hits in three- job on defense,” she said. Lincoln also scored 17. ermer said he was pleased SEE ALEXANDER, 8 Pelling/Cullen. plus innings. “It was a bad day,” the reigning AL Cy Young Award win- Thin Pirates bounce Cubs ner said. Softball players “That’s not By ALAN ROBINSON in my job Konerko Associated Press description. first baseman PITTSBURGH — Their I’m supposed find next level bench was thin, their to go deep into games and minds admittedly jumbled give up fewer runs. It seemed Former Hawkeyes continue their a few hours after watching like they knew what was com- careers in a young pro league. three more teammates ing with every pitch. One of leave. The Pirates had those games.” By SEAN MORGAN said Finch, who was a high- every reason to expect to Gordon Beckham and Josh [email protected] ly decorated collegiate pitch- lose to the Cubs after Fields also homered for the er at Arizona. “Each country management effectively White Sox, who have won four Brittany Weil left the has its own style, but this is Iowa softball program as told them they’re not straight, 11 of 15 and have a consistent. You can have a ready yet to win. winning record for the first one of the greatest pitchers five-game series. You could in school history. The All- Ross Ohlendorf and time since they were 12-11. pitch back-to-back-to-back.” Freddy Sanchez made cer- Clayton Richard (3-1), American racked up 339 Weil is the newest Iowa strikeouts and sported an tain it wouldn’t happen. moved into Chicago’s rotation alum on an league roster Ohlendorf pitched in May, won for the first time ERA of only this summer, but she isn’t 1.10. seven innings, and in six June starts. He allowed the only one. While she Sanchez got the depleted But that dominated the mound at four runs and four hits and Pirates going by scoring was college. Iowa, the top Hawkeye at was credited with his first from second on a ball that GENE J. PUSKAR/ASSOCIATED PRESS Now she this level is Stacy May, the complete game, staying in fol- bounded only a few feet Pittsburgh Pirates’ Freddy Sanchez (12) scores as the throw from laces up for leadoff hitter for the 2008 lowing a 30-minute rain delay from home plate during catcher Geovany Soto gets away from Chicago Cub pitcher Ted Lilly the Akron league champion Chicago in the fourth. Racers of the the fourth inning, helping at home plate on a fourth-inning wild pitch in Pittsburgh on The left-hander is 5-0 with Bandits and the league’s National Pro reigning Player of the Year. Pittsburgh beat the Cubs, Tuesday. a 2.37 ERA in six career starts Weil Fastpitch A 2006 Iowa graduate, 3-0, on Tuesday night. of at least six innings. ex-Hawkeye players in uniform. The within 1 1/2 games of the League. May batted .361 while Sanchez, coming off deals weren’t popular in a fourth-place Cubs in the “At this hitting 13 home runs and probably his worst game of TV TODAY level, everyone can hit the finishing with a league- the season, went 3-for-3, clubhouse in which several jumbled NL Central. ball over the fence,” said high 61 hits and .686 reached base four times, players, still unhappy with “We’ve got to keep playing MLB Weil. “Even people on the slugging percentage. May, and drove in two runs as the earlier trade of Nate no matter what happens.” • Chicago Cubs at Pittsburgh, bench can contribute. I’m who is a teammate of the Cubs lost for only the McLouth, prominently dis- Sanchez played as if he 6 p.m., CSN looking to get more starts.” Finch in Chicago, agrees sixth time in 26 games played pictures of Morgan wanted to make up for • San Francisco at St. Louis, Internationally known gold the league is the pinnacle in Pittsburgh. in their lockers. going 0-for-4, grounding 7 p.m., ESPN medalist and fellow pitcher of softball competition, The victory came a few “We lost [some] great into a double play and TENNIS Jennie Finch has seen the and she understands the hours after the Pirates guys on the field and in stranding six runners dur- • Wimbledon, men’s best the world has to offer and reality of playing for a dealt outfielders Nyjer the clubhouse. That’s the ing a 3-1 loss to Chicago quarterfinals, at London, described the level of competi- struggling organization. Morgan, Eric Hinske, and business of baseball,” on Monday. 6 a.m., ESPN2; 9 a.m., NBC; tion facing Weil in the league. reliever Sean Burnett, Sanchez said after the 12 p.m., ESPN “It’s an all-star league,” SEE SOFTBALL, 8 leaving them with only 23 last-place Pirates pulled SEE CUBS/PIRATES, 8