WEDNESDAY, JULY 1, 2009 SPORTS Top pick nails clutch shot Iowa junior-to-be Kachine Alexander’s game-winning shot lifts Coralville Hy-Vee to a thrilling 90-88 win in the Game Time on Tuesday. 10 Playing in the big leagues Former Iowa softball players Brittany Weil and Stacy May are among those playing softball professionally. 10 NEWS Full-time job Monique DiCarlo steps down as director of the Women’s Resource and Action Center to be the UI’s full-time AMY ANDREWS/THE DAILY IOWAN sexual-misconduct response Iowa City resident Josh Grinolds pets his pooch Fern and other dogs at the Thornberry Off-Leash Dog Park on Monday. Fern is a 2-year-old rat terrier mix. coordinator. She used to hold the title as a part-time, interim position. 2 Very early prevention Area to get 2nd dog park Scientists at the UI Children’s Hospital study the link between low birth weight and increased pooch playground. risk for developing certain Pups get another A group of dog owners diseases later in life. 2 place to mark as and friends formed the Johnson County Dog Park ARTS & CULTURE their own. Action Committee in November 2002 to promote The good, the bad, By MICHELLE BORYCA areas in which dogs can play and the Michael [email protected] without disturbing the com- Jackson Eight dogs romped at munity. Thornberry Off-Leash Dog And in 2006, they suc- DI Arts staffers memorialize Park, on Canton Street near ceeded when the 11-acre Michael Jackson with the Foster Road, on a cloudy Thornberry park opened — star’s monumental moments, Tuesday afternoon. But on a “real draw for the city,” money troubles, and a vast any given Sunday, as many said Diana Harris, the presi- amount of plastic surgery that as 50 dogs crowd the area, dent of the Johnson Country gave the King of Pop a said Iowa City dog owner Dog Park Action Committee. AMY ANDREWS/THE DAILY IOWAN painfully memorable Andy Marks while watching Thornberry attracts most- A dog takes a moment to cool off in Lily’s Pond at the Thornberry appearance. 5 his Australian shepherd, ly Iowa City, Coralville, and Off-Leash Dog Park on Monday. The dog park is a community-based A common cup Dewey, play. North Liberty residents, organization. It is open from dawn to dusk. That’s why the four- Harris said. She estimates The upcoming anniversary of legged buddies will soon between 1,800 and 2,200 Jack and Scout to Thornber- Rita’s Ranch will be a Ernest Hemingway’s suicide is have another place to permit tags are sold or ry several times a week. more condensed — only one reminder that many authors scratch and sniff. renewed each year. “It’s like a sixth sense,” three acres — but it will ON THE WEB don’t just write dark books, but On July 25, Rita’s Ranch Marks finds times to Jorgensen said about his 2- share the same purpose: a also live dark lives filled with Log on to dailyiowan.com — bordered by Scott Boule- bring Dewey to the park year-old border collie’s place for dogs and owners to for video from the dog depression, alcoholism, and vard, Court Street, and daily, even in the snow,while excitement when he hears exercise and socialize. park, along with a emotional struggles. 5 Muscatine Avenue — will UI students Emi McClaflin the words “dog” and “park” multimedia slide show with more photos of man’s best friends. OPINIONS become Iowa City’s second and Andy Jorgensen bring in the same sentence. SEE DOG PARK, 3 Building a new home Construction will begin today on a new Shelter House Going phishing at UI facility, bringing a long New plan struggle to an end. 4 WEB BONUS Scammers are spending their summers phishing, and some UI students are taking the bait. • Footage from both of aims at debt Tuesday’s Game Time contests • Video of the Iowa City dog By ABE TEKIPPE [email protected] park and a multimedia slide A new federal program could lighten show of its regulars Many UI students have the load on debt from student loans. left campus for the sum- ON THE RECORD mer. But that hasn’t By TYLER LYON this new initiative is that stopped scammers. [email protected] it’s available to more stu- Insights and information from While scams at the uni- dents than its predecessor, inside today’s The Daily Iowan. versity are more common Some students strug- officials said. “John Mayer once said, ‘I’m a gling with federal loans during the fall and spring “The [original program] big believer in a different Jimi could soon lower their semesters, they are not protects less income and Hendrix from most people.’ I monthly payments or elim- unheard of during the sum- takes a higher percent of think I’m a big believer of a inate them altogether. mer months, said Robert what’s left,” said Edie different Michael Jackson from Vinson, a senior security Under the Income-Based many people.” Repayment Irons, the communications analyst with Information director for the national • Read more on Jackson’s Technology Services. plan, avail- Project on Student Debt. legacy. 5 And though ITS employ- able starting The new payment plan is ees always respond to com- today, college similar to the existing WEATHER plaints they receive, they graduates said, there is only so much can cut their Income-Contingent Repay- they can do to address the monthly ment program at the UI, 72 57 overall issue of scamming. payments the only plan of its kind “We can’t track every down to a until now. Both plans allow 22C 14C Irons phishing attempt that rate tailored students to make their comes through with a to their description monthly loan payments Partly sunny, turning cloudy, high degree of effective- Internet crime, it can be dif- could earn $300 to $550 income and based on their income. quite windy. family size. “Those who participated ness,” Vinson said. “It’s ficult to track down scam- per week by filling out hard to determine the The initiative was start- in the indirect loans mers because they can be point of origin.” online surveys. ed by the Project on Stu- already had that option,” INDEX Statistics on complaints in another state or country. Last week, scammers dent Debt, a nonprofit said Mark Warner, the UI received by ITS were not Earlier this year, an once again targeted UI organization funded by the director of Student Finan- Arts 5 Opinions 4 immediately available. estimated 21,000 UI stu- national Institute for Col- Classifieds 8 Sports 10 students. cial Aid. UI and Iowa City police dents received a fraudu- lege Access & Success. Crossword 6 agree when it comes to lent e-mail claiming they SEE SCAMS, 3 The biggest difference in SEE LOANS, 3 2 - The Daily Iowan - Iowa City, Iowa - Wednesday, July 1, 2009 News dailyiowan.com for more news UI connecting early The Daily Iowan Volume 141 Issue 18 BREAKING NEWS STAFF Phone: (319) 335-6063 Publisher: E-mail: [email protected] William Casey. 335-5788 Editor: Fax: 335-6297 Kelsey Beltramea. 335-6030 events, later disease CORRECTIONS Managing Editor: Call: 335-6030 Bryce Bauer. 335-5855 Policy: The Daily Iowan strives for Metro Editors: Zhi Xiong. 335-6063 accuracy and fairness in the report- UI researchers say diet and stress Regina Zilbermints. 335-6063 ing of news. If a report is wrong or Opinions Editor: may be two main factors. misleading, a request for a correc- Adam Sullivan. 335-5863 tion or a clarification may be made. Sports Editor: By ALINA RUBEZHOVA “It’s the first intrauterine PUBLISHING INFO Brendan Stiles. 335-5848 [email protected] environment that results in The Daily Iowan (USPS 143.360) is Arts Editor: low birth weight, somehow published by Student Publications Rachael Lander. 335-5851 A low birth-weight baby affecting the health of the Inc., E131 Adler Journalism Building, Copy Chief: and a 60-year-old’s heart Iowa City, Iowa 52242-2004, daily Beau Elliot. 335-6063 offspring later in life,” Graphics Editor: attack — UI researchers except Saturdays, Sundays, legal and he said. Dan Ambrisco. 335-6063 believe these could be relat- Scientists found dietary university holidays, and university Design Editors: ed, and diet and stress patterns and stress in preg- vacations. Periodicals postage paid Kurt Cunningham. 335-6063 could be the links. at the Iowa City Post Office under the Photo Editor: nant mothers are two ele- Act of Congress of March 2, 1879. On campus, researchers ments that result in low Amy Andrews. 335-5852 SUBSCRIPTIONS Web Editor: are working to find out how. birth weight, along with The Program in Develop- Call: Pete Recker at 335-5783 Tony Phan. 335-5829 health complications as the Business Manager: mental Origins — devel- CHRISTY AUMER/THE DAILY IOWAN E-mail: [email protected] individual ages. UI research scientist Kenneth Volk feeds smooth muscle cells in Debra Plath. 335-5786 oped four years ago by sev- “You can actually change Subscription rates: Classified Ads Manager: eral scientists in the pedi- preparation for purifying genetic material at the Carver Biomedical Iowa City and Coralville: $20 for one Juli Krause. 335-5784 the diet in pregnant moth- semester, $40 for two semesters, $10 atrics department in the UI ers and thus change the way Research Center on Tuesday. Advertising Manager: Children’s Hospital — for summer se ssion, $50 for full year. Cathy Witt. .335-5794 the children were affected Out of town: $40 for one semester, focuses on the connection Segar said low birth weight oping complications, Circulation Manager: by the environment,” said $80 for two semesters, $15 for Pete Recker.
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