Michigan Agricultural College Association 111 Publishers a East Lansing Vol
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A. C. Library, sit Leasing, Mich. ^= I fe BF,^: T X Michigan Agricultural College Association 111 Publishers a East Lansing Vol. XXVII Oct. 14, 1921 No. 3 THE M. A. C. RECORD Berrien County. T President—Charles Richards, '16, Benton Harbor, R. R. Fair Plains. <¥Joe JVt ArC Secretary—Kittie Handy, Sodus. Treasurer—Willard Sanborn, w '13, Sodus. Calhoun County. Pres.—Harold King '19, 47 Elizabeth St., Battle Creek. ESTABLISHED IN 1896 Sec'y—Nenna Dunlap '19, 58 Grant St., Battle M. A. C. Cannot Live on Her Past—What Creek. Treas.—Don Stillson '11, 75 Central St., Battle Will You Do for Her Future? Creek. Entered as second-class matter October 30, 1916, Clinton County Ass'n at the post office at East Lansing, Michigan, Pres.—H. V. Kittle '16, St. Johns. tinder the Act of March 3, 187Q. Sec'y-Treas.—Glenn Osgood '17, St. Johns. tonia Cot'"*v Published every Friday during the College Year Pres.—C. S. Langdon '11, Hubbardston, Mich. by the Michigan Agricultural College Sec'y-Treas.—H. J. Wheater '13, Belding, Mich. Association. Lenawee County. * Pres.—Oliver Cleveland *io, Adrian E. W. Ranney '00, Greenville ... Pres. Sec'y-Treas.—Mrs. Maude Bennett Steger '11, H. C. Pratt '09, Lansing - - - Vice Pres. Hudson. W. K. Prudden '78, Lansing ... Treas. Northwest Michigan. C. W. McKibbin, 'n, East Lansing - President—H. A. Danville, '83, Manistee. Sec'y and Editor St lo<io~H O ..n»v Members of Executive Committee. Pres.—Leslie R. Slote '09, Three Rivers, Mich. Elected at Large: Sec'y—S. C. Hagenbuch '10, Elm Terrace Farm, C. S. Langdon, 'n, Hubbardston. Three Rivers, Mich. A. C. Anderson, '06, Flint. Washtenaw Club Mrs. Helen Esselstyn Wood, '09, Lansing. Pres.—Harold A. Furlong '18, 300 N. Ing'alls St., Ann Arbor. MEMBERSHIP IN THE M. A. C. ASSOCIATION Sec'y-Treas—Dr. Geo. A. Waterman '91, Meadow- land Farm, Ann Arbor. which includes subscription to the Chicago. Record, $2.50 PER YEAR. President—Clem Ford, '05, 2 So. Catherine Ave., Make Remittances payable to the M. A. C. LaGrange, 111. Association. Sec.-Treas.—H. P. Henry, '15, 4916 Glenwood Ave., Unless members request a discontinuance it will be Chicago. New York City. assumed that a renewal of membership is desired. President—John J. Bush, '84, 616 W. 137th St. New York City, N. Y. M. A. C. ASSOCIATIONS. Secretary—O. S. Shields, '16, 719 Hancock St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Central Michigan. Northern Ohio. Pres.—Leslie H. Belknap '09, Highway Dept., President—L. L. Appleyard, '00, 14529 Lake Ave., Lansing. Lakewood, Ohio. Sec'y—Merritt Reeves, '20, East Lansing. Secretary—H. G. Smith, '17, 625 National City Detroit Club. Bldg., Cleveland. Pres.—G. V. Branch '12, 9184 Livernois Avenue. Treasurer—Helen Canfield, '05, 5808 Clinton Ave., Sec.-Treas.—S. B. Lee '17 8230 Lawton Avenue. Cleveland. Milwaukee, Wis. Grand Rapids. >,Pres"~^Wm- L- Davidson, '13, Scout Executive, 84 President—Roswell G. Carr '08, Association of Mason St. Commerce Building. Sec'y-Treas.—Luie Ball '13, 100 Madison Ave. S. E. Sec'y—Geo. B. Wells, '00, Schroeder Lumber Co. Western Pennsylvania Ass'n Flint Club. Pres.—B. F. Bain 'g^, 1212. Western Ave. Pitts President—H. L. Froelich, '18, 139 W. Dayton St. burg, Pa. Secretary—Mrs. P. B. Pierce '05, 200 Josehine St. T ,S ec'y"T!frea,s-^W- -M- Hallock w'15, 436 Oliver Treasurer—A. C. Anderson, '06, 1640 Euclid Ave. Bldg.5 J , Pittsburg, Pa. Owosso. President—R. S. Linton, '16, 329 W. Oliver St. Portland, Oregon, Association. Secretary—H. E. Dennison, '11, 305 Miner Bldg. Pres.—Roy G. Scofield, w'07, 1061 E. 6th St. N Jackson County. Sec.-Treas.—A. F. Douglass, w'08 896 E. Yamhill Pres.—G. A. Sanford '11, 109 Third St., Jackson. Minneapolis Club. Secretary—Harry E. Williamson '04, 108 Winthrop Secretary—C. C. Cavanagh, '09, Hopkins, Minn. Ave., Jackson. Washington, D. C. Kalamazoo Club. Pres.—R. C. Potts *o6, 3106 19th St. N. W President—Jason Woodman, '81, Paw Paw. Sec.-Treas-Mrs. H. S. Skeels, 210 Holly Ave., Saginaw Ass'n. lakoma Park. Pres.—O. H. Frederick '16, 551 S. Weadock Ave. Western New York. Sec'y—Treas.—Daniel H. Ellis '07, 616 Owen St. Pres.—D. J Crosby '93, Ithaca, 303 Cornell St. Bay City Ass'n. Secretary-Treasurer-D. A. Brice '13, Rochester, Pres.—A. C. MacKinnon, '95, 1214 Center Ave. 301 Laburnum Crescent. Sec'y-Treas.—J. Harry Nelson, 'io, 1302 Webster. Southern California. Pres.—H. E. Truax '12, 129 Jfe Mariposa St., Los South Haven. Angeles. Pres.—Lloyd A. Spencer '20, Kibbie. Sec'y-Treas.-Eric E. Nies '08, 5215 DeLongpre Sec'y—Virginia Flory '20, South Haven. Ave., Los Angeles. I 'op«r Peninsula A^'oHaHon. Northern California. Pres.—P. G. Lundin '20, 520 Oak St., Manistique, Vice-President-E. C. Bank, '84, 1972 Marin Ave., Mich. lierkeley, Calif. Secretary—Helen Pratt, '16, Sault Ste. Marie. Secretary-G. H. Freear, 'io, 120 Jessie St., San Livingston County. francisco. ' President—G. P. Burkhart, '10, Fowlerville. Seattle. Secretary—F. S. Dunks, '05, Court House, Howell. Vice-President-Capt. Wm. D. Frazer, '09, 4730 Barry County 17th N. E., Seattle. ' ™ v^ Pres.—R. M. Bates '85, Hastings. Sec'y-Treas.—Emma B. Barrett, '03, 4001 Whitman Sec'y—Leta Hyde Keller '09, Hastings. Treas.—Milton Townsend '20, Hastings. New England. st* aSBSTjii.Sevey' '°3, S7 Worthin*ton THE M. A. C. RECORD IF YOU WOULD HAVE REAL SERVICE - LET M. A. C. MEN SERVE YOU EDWARD N. PAGELSEN, '89 VIRGIL T. BOGUE, '11 Patents, Patent Law, Trademarks Landscape Architect and Nurseryman 1108-9 Detroit Savings Bank Bldg. Your grounds planted with our extra grown Detroit, Michigan. shrubs and specimen trees and evergreens will give you immediate results. A. M. EMERY, '83 Geneva, Ashtabula Co., Ohio., 223 Washington Ave. N. "MAPLEHOME SHORTHORNS" H. C. Pratt, '09, in charge of Office Supply Herd Sire, Wedding Goods 742959, A Scotch-topped Department. Whitehall descedent; herd of 20 females, estab Books, Fine Stationery, Engraved Calling Cards, lished 1899; young sires for sale, terms rea Fountain Pens, Pictures, Frames, Filing sonable; one white, one red, and one roan on Cabinets and General Office Supplies. hand now. - J. H. READ & SON, L. W. READ, '14. SMITH POULTRY & EGG CO. Proprietors. Copemish. Mich. Commission Merchants Solicit consignments in MAYER & VALENTINE Poultry Veal Eggs Consulting Engineers Guy H. Smith, 'n Power Plants Electric Wiring Western Market, Detroit. Heating Plumbing Ventilation Refrigeration DR. E. D. BROOKS, '76 Plans, specifications, supervision Diseases of the F. H. VALENTINE, 'OS EYE, EAR, NOSE, AND THROAT 621 Bangor Bldg. Cleveland, Ohio. Glasses Fitted LOUIS BECK CO. Suite 704, Hanselman Building, Kalamazoo, Mich. 112 Wash. Ave. N. Office hours q to 12, 1 to 5. Sam Beck, with '12, Sec'y and Treas. Best in Clothes for Men, Young Men and Boys. THE CORYELL NURSERY Royal Tailored Garments to order. R. J. Coryell, '84; Ralph I. Coryell, '14 FRY BROKERAGE CO., INC. Growers and Planters of Shade and Fruit Trees, Shrubs, Evergreens and Vines. Shipper's Agents Landscape Beautification Service, Car-lot Distributors of Fruits and Vegetables 192 N. Clark St. Birmingham, Mich. M. Fry, President; H. P. Henry, '15, Vice President and Treasurer; V. C. Taggart, THE EDWARDS LABORATORY '16, Secretary. Lansing, Michigan Oldest Brokerage House in Chicago. S. F. Edwards, '99 Anti-Hog Cholera Serum and Other Biological O. C. Howe, '83. Manager Products. Legume Bacteria Cultures LANSING INVESTMENT CO. for Seed Inoculation. Stocks—Bonds LANDSCAPES WITHOUT WAITING Capital National Bank Bldg., Lansing, Mich. Plans by Graduate Landscape Architects BREEDER OF HOLSTEIN CATTLE AND F. A. Carlson, '16 HAMPSHIRE SHEEP 508 Mathews Bldg., Milwaukee, Wisconsin C. I. Brunger, '02 GOODELL, 2ELIN C. Grand Ledge. Michigan. (Forestry, M. A. C, '11) SHERIDAN CREAMERY CO. Insurance and Bonds of Every Kind. Sheridan, Wyoming. If you haven't insured your salary, better see or' CHAS. J. OVIATT, '09 write Goodell about a good proposition. Lansing Insurance Agency, Inc. The best butter, ice cream and eggs in this neck 208-212 Capital National Bank Bldg. of the woods—we admit this freely AMERICAN EXTENSION UNIVERSITY KEITH BROS. NURSERY, Correspondent Courses—20,000 Students B. W. Keith, '11 A. C. Burnham, B. S., LL. B. (M. A. C, '93), Strawberries, Raspberries, Blackberries, Orna Pres., 433 Stimson Bldg., Los Angeles: mental Shrubs, etc. Everyone should have Suite 507, 30 N. Michigan Ave., Chicago. a fruit garden and attractive home grounds. Suite 17, 729 6th Ave., New York. Special Offers to M. A. C. People. Unusual opportunities for M. A. C. Men as Address Box 11, Sawyer, Mich. Specialty Salesmen. FARGO ENGINEERING CO. WALDO ROHNERT, '89 Consulting Engineers, Jackson Michigan Wholesale Seed Grower, Hydro-Electric and Steam Power Plants, Gilroy, Calif. Difficult Dam Foundations. J, H. LARRABEE Horace S. Hunt, '85. 325 S. Washington Ave. Sport Shop—Athletic Goods of all Kinds. FRED M. WILSON, '17 310 Rogers Bldg., Jackson, Michigan Finest of Michigan HONEY produced at District Manager Clover He Apiary, Grosse He, Mich. The Equitable Life Assurance Society BASIL T. KNIGHT '20 of the United States. Attractive prices to M. A. C. folks. Life Insurance Group Insurance Shipped anywhere, delivered in Detroit. Non Cancellable Health and Accident. The Readers of the Record Own It. That's Why They Patronize Its Advertisers THE M. A. C. RECORD —IF YOU WOULD HAVE REAL SERVICE-LET M. A. C. MEN SERVE YOU— CLUNY STOCK FARM Trees, Shrubs, and Hardy Plants. Landscape Registered Holstein Friesian Cattle Plans and Plantings. Can furnish young sires of splendid individuality WILLIAM J. ATCHISON '16 and breeding backed by large short time and Landscape Gardener and Nurseryman yearly records.