Iethia puUa•eatuv democracy?

FOR THE SAKE OF ...... STABILITY? Facing the general election with jus*- in mind • Is this p.Jiamentary democracy? ...6; Eleetioa W...-Dr M•s fmlet ...9; Letten... ll; Prayen from 41ift'ennt tractitioDS ••. I9; The may faeel of potaq ..lO.IIofhas (of Sri Laab) speM. out!...23; Solidarity for justice and peace ... l4; ReJaious double IIUMards? ... 25; Corruption... l7; Piliban raya umum alwl dataJ18 ••• 30; Cummt conc:enas .• .34; CREDIBIUI'Y - amuat for commonwealth ~en-t=r team ••• 37; Established studards of election-watdaiaa allllllt.. .39 FORTHE SAKE OF STABILITY ?

Facing the general election with justice in mind

tability is going to be the A just government rather than SQUABBLES 's campaign a dominant one should be the theme in the coming general What is equally disturbing is that goal of every voter in the relations between and among BN election. In order to maintain sta­ coming election. bility, the BN wants an overwhelm­ parties are not as harmonious as ing majority in Parliament and the they should be. Let us not forget State Assemblies. BN chairman, that it was mainly because of the Datuk Seri Dr Some of the other BN parties . ugly communal squabble between would prefer nothing less than the are also tormented by factional sections of the MCA and groups massive four-fifths majority he politics. lo the Gerakan in Penang. within UMNO in 1987 that the obtained in the 1986 parliamentary there are the ethnic temperature in the country election. loyalists, as opposed to the Lim shot up just before the October There are two questions that Chong Eu faithfuls. ll was a clampdown. ln fact, the differen- emerge from the Barisan's desire tussle for Influence and authority to obtain a huge electoral mandate between the pre~dent and deputy for the sake of political and econo­ pre~dent of the Parti Bersatu ling Uong Sik and Samy Velu head mic stability. One, is the BN Sabah (PBS) which led to the major S.risan component panies really capable of maintaining sta­ birth of a splinter party called Akar rife with factional politics: Stability bility? Two, even if it is, does the under Mark Koding. nevenheless7 BN deserVe another gigantic endorsement from the rakyat?

CRISES AND FACTIONS One wonders how the BN will be able to maintain the sort of sta­ bility that Dr Mahathir always brags about, when almost everyone of its component parties has experienced some form of crisis wltich invaria­ bly creates instability within the organization concerned. The MCA, for instance, is now going through a serious leadership crisis which threatens to divide the party into two contending factions. Factional politics is as rife as ever within the MIC. It is an open secret that within UMNO there is intense political rivalry among a few leaders who are playing for big stakes. As a result, cliques and factions have emerged around these leaders, both at State and Federal levels.

2 be wrong to as~umc that M.1hathir '~ Barisan is as capable as Tun Razak's or Tun Hu\Sein's Bansan of con­ tnbuting towards stab1hty. For Mahatlur's Barisan is different from tus predecessors' BariSan. The late Tun RaLak gave the Barisan a real role. be provided the Barisan with a genuine pre­ sence. in Malaysian politics. The Barisan Supreme Council met often and discussed issues. Tun Hussein continued wJth that pracuce. In­ deed, Tun Hussein was deeply committed to the Barisan as an mstitutJOn. He used the Barisan as a mechanism for resolving some senous ethruc controvemes over education and the Uke.

SELF-INTE REST Dr Mahathu. on the other hand, ignores the BN - except when u Tun Razak and Tun Hussein were deeply committed to the Barisan suits his convenience. There are no as an institution for resolving some serious ethnic issues. regular, frequent Barisan meetings. In major political cnses, hke the ces between UMNO and the MCA was hardly any consultation within Constituuon cnsis of 1983 or on ethnic iSSues in particular have the Coalition. The Coalition seldom Operation Lallang of 1987, Dr become more and more apparent met as an entity. There were no Mahathir has not bothered to bnng in the last few years. Look at the discussions on policy matter~. When together the component parties of way they quarrelled over the a maJOr controversy broke out or the BN. The only time when he Selangor Islam1c enactment contro· when a crisis occured, the Barisan hastily convened a Bansan Council versy a few months ago! Nasional Council was not called meeting was m the midst of the Likewise, the MCA and Gerakan into session. UMNO de-registration cnsts in are not on the best of terms - to It was partly because of the 1988 The Barisan was used to say the least - in Penang. In farcical state of afffairs withm Jegjtim1ze the birth of UMNO Sabah, the PBS and Lhe United the BN . that the MCA president Baru and to validate his position Sabah National OrganiL.ation hunself. Datu!. Sen Dr Ltng U ong as prestdent of the new party and {USXO), also a Barisan partner, Sik, registered h1s quiet protest as chairman of the Coalition. It are political adversaries. In Sara­ lil late November 1988 b} gomg was a blatant example of crude wale, the Parti Ban!>a Dayak Sara­ away on leave for SIX weeks. He self-interest overnding everything wak (PBDS). though a Barisan too hmted that there were no else. consultations wnhin the Bansan on mem~er at the Federal level, is very much opposed to the Parti irnportJnt nattonaltssues. Bur.uipo,rtTa Bersatu (PBB), the How can such a Coalitton which Sar:M"ak National Party (SNAP) does not practise consultation, and other Barisan components of wh.tch lacks the spmt of genume the S:u •ak State government. cooperation, ensure national ~ta­ It must also be noted that in the btltty? Of course. Dr Mahathir will last four years, three Bansan parttes argue that m spue of everything, have quit the Coaliuon - Berjaya the Bansan, and before that, the (from S.ibah), Hamtm and Berja~ Alliance, have brought about peace (from Peninsular ). This and stability. There tS no reason does not speak well of the Bari­ why it cannot continue to guaran­ san leadership at all. tee poli ucal and econormc stabill ty. A number of factors - and no t CONSULTATIONS JUst the presence of the Alliance or the Barisan - explain Malaysia's I n fact, when Harnim and Ber­ stability. Nonetheless, even if we jasa left the Bansan to JOin Se­ acknowledge that the ruling Coah­ mangat 46, they alleged that there tton is one of the factors, 1t would Mahathir: No consultation.

3 or course, just before elections, acknowledge that our economic try in the West and Japan. Our the Barisan comes alive. It is a recovery since the middle of electronic products found their convenient vehicle for prescrvmg 1987 has been fuelled to a great place in the world market. The the power of certain individuals extent by developments in the upturn in Ute prices of our primary and groups. ln between elections. region and in the international commodities in 1988 - rubber, it is a small clique with Dr Mahalhlr economy. There has been a tremen­ palm-oil, tin and petroleum - was Mohamad at the helm which runs dous flow of investments into the also a contributing factor. the country. country primarily from Truwart, Though there has been an econo­ Dr Mahathir's auitudc to the flung Kong and Singapore, but also mic recovery, marty serious econo­ Barisan is one of the main causes of from South Korea and Japan. mic problems remain. Unemploy­ its decline as an effective Coali­ This investment tlow is only ment has been reduced only sligh tJy tion of different ethnic. regional partly due to the sort of incentives in the last two years. There is still and group interests. It is this we offer foreign investors and to some graduate unemployment. Coalition which he has rendered our O\\n economic management. A lnilation has still not been brought impotent that Dr Mahathir is now much more Important factor is the under control. The ringgit is still trotting out as a force for stability. dynamism or those export-oriented weak compared to the Singapore H ow can a Coalition comprising econonues whose rate of capital doHar and various o[her inter­ faction-ridden parties bring about accumulation has been so rapid that national currencies. Our total ex­ political stability? How can a Ulelf money just has to find exter­ leiillll debts are still quite high, Coalition consisting of parties nal outlets. although our repayment rate is which are often at loggerheads Malaysia was also helped by the quite good. Nonetheless debt servic­ with one another, ensure national time!) recovery, and subsequent ing swallows up 21 sen of every cohesion and national solidarity? expansion of U1e electroni.:s indus- ringgit spent. A BIG VOTE'? More. important, even if one concedes that the Barisan is still ..- c necessary as a Coalition govern­ ·- ment, does it follow that it should be given a big vote in the coming polls? This is an important ques­ tion which each and every Malay­ sian voter should ponder upon. Before one votes. one should ask: what has the Barisan govern­ ment done with the four-fifths majority it obtained ln the 1986 election'! What has been its track­ record in the last four years'! We are not talking of Alliance and Barisar. 1ule in the last 33 years. Based on its performance in the last four years. dues Lhe BN ueserve another four-fifths or even a two­ thirds majority?

ECONOMY If we started w1tb !he economy, it is true that the BN government has played a role in taking the nation out of the tunnel of reces­ sion. It cut back on public sector expemlilUre, it de-regulated the economy, it gave various incentives for the export sector, it helped to make our manufactured products more competitive in the inter­ national market. ere. But at the same time, we must Four years of misrule.

4 These specific problems aside, tives of the mass swoop was to there is a lot of evidence to show stifle the growth of democratic links among themselves. that food production, rural indus­ dissent. The almost simultaneous But even these opposition trialization and even rural infra­ suspension of three of the least parties have not been able to force structure development have not servile dailies also revealed the real the Barisan leadership to be more received the attention they deserve intention of that ISA operation. accountable. This is why the in the last few years. The gap A series of amendments since government has been able to between the haves and have-nots October 1987 to the Publications camouflage all sorts of scandals m the rural economy is becoming Act, the Police Act and the Socie­ involving the political elites. The more visible. Indeed, in the econo­ ties Act have placed more curbs cover-up in the 'Viji-AG' videotape scandal is still fresh in the memory my as a whole, 20 per cent of the and controls upon the freedom of of the rakyat. population at the upper echelons expression, the freedom of assem­ of the economy control 5 I per bly and the freedom of association. SOME QUESTIONS cent of the nation's income, while These curbs and controls have 40 per cent of the population at enhanced the powers of an already Should we continue to aUow an the lower echelons of the economy dominant executive. The Constitu­ overwhelmingly powerful executive control only 13.8 per cent of the tion has also been amended a - which is the inevitable conse­ nation's income. couple of times in the last two quence of a massive vote for the While we give credit to the years to ensure that executive Barisan - to cover up financial Barisan government for some of dominance cannot be challenged and sex scandals? Should we its achievements in the economy, by other institutions of a demo­ allow corruption and greed among we should not overlook its many cratic state, notably the judiciary. the elites to reach an incurable shortcomings. As voters, we should Indeed, the emasculation of the stage? Should we allow public deduct a few points from its score­ judiciary is one of the saddest accountability to decline further? sheet. trends in the nation's public life Should we allow fundamental free­ since the last general election. doms to be curbed and controUed SCANDALS The unjust dismissal of Lord to such an extent that they become Many more points should be President Tun Salleh Abas and two meaningless? Should we allow Par­ deducted for the BN's handling of Supreme Court judges, Tan Sri Wan liament to remain a mere 'rubber­ certain financial scandals. Who can Suleirnan and Datuk George Seah stamp' okaying all the decisions of forget its cover-up of the UEM­ showed the extent to which the the executive without a second Nonh-South Highway scandal? Or executive would go in order to thought? Should we .allow the its mishandling of the CCB scandal? perpetuate its dominant power. judiciary to become an impotent What about the strengthening of The dominant power of the tool of the executive? Should we private lottery operations in the executive was also effectively utili­ allow the executive to dominate country and the role of individuals zed to legitimize the destruction Malaysian society to such a degree Unked to the Barisan elites in of the original UMNO and the that every other institution is these lotteries? And what about establishment of a new UM NO. dwarfed into insignificance? Should Renong, that reverse purchase of The manner in which it was done we allow the prejudices and UMNO-linked companies which was a reflection of growing politi­ passions of one individual to VIolated both law and ethics? cal authoritarianism. become the policies and pro­ For the Malaysian voter, it is grammes of a whole nation? POLITICS AND this authoritarianism, so apparent ADMINISTRATION since 1986, which is a matter of CHECKING EXCESSES great concern. As a result, there is When we rum from economics There is no doubt that electing less democratic space today than in a stronger opposition will help to and finance to politics and adminis­ the pre-August 1986 period. For tration. the Bari&an 's performance check some of these trends and one thing, institutions which help tendencies in our body politic. raises even more quesuons. A few to create and sustain democratic months after the 1986 genera! By asking . the people to streng­ space like the Judiciary are a lot then the opposition we are not election, the Official Secrets Act weaker today than in the recent (OSA) was amended to further endorsing all their policies and past. Some of the informal institu­ stances. We are aware of the weak­ restrict the flow of information. It tions of a democratic society like was yet another blow to public nesses and shortcomings of each public interest societies and trade of the opposition parties and of accountability. unions are also fmding it more Then, in October 1987, parlia­ the opposition as a whole. None­ difficult to function effectively. It theless, a numerically stronger mentary democracy suffered yet is only opposition political parties another setback when 106 people opposition will not only be able to which have become stronger partly curb the excesses of the govern­ were detamed without trial under because of the split within the the infamous Internal Security Act ment but will also force it to original UMNO and partly because {ISA). One of the hidden objec- modify and even change some of of their own endeavour to forge its present policies. 5

• positive changes in the lives of the tice. What we need in the Malaysia INSTABILITY? people. Malaysians know from their of lbc nineties is a government Will a stronger opposition and experience of the last four years with a strong sense of justice and that huge majority can lead to therefore a not-so-donunant govem­ a compassion. A just government arrogance and haughtiness, to the ment lead to political mstability? rather than a dominant govern­ abuse of power and the misuse of It will not. If the ruling Coalition ment, should be the goal of every authonty. They know that a huge capture!. a I 00 or 110 seats, it"ll voter in the coming election. majority can lead to the growth still have a workable majority. Once we have a just govern­ of corruption and the decline of There are many, many governments ment, there is every likelihood liberty. They know U1at a huge in parliamentary democracies aU that we will also enjoy political and majority can lead to the spread of over the world which lunctJUn economic stability. On the other cliques and fact10ns among those quite well with small but workable hand, we may have stability but who wield power and control majoritil!s. ln fnd1a today, the with very little justice or compas­ wealth and to the loss of idealism, sion. Stability w1thout justice will, ruling party does not even have a of a sense of purpose, among those majorit) in parliament but u halt in the long run, lead to inStability. who have been entrusted with the This is why we must first seek already introuuccd some ret om1s in welfare of the people. the field o1 public adrmrustraUon. justice. Indeed, justice is so important Tlus lS why the rakyat should JUSTICE not be duped by the argument that that if the rakyat feels that justice the government needs a huge four­ More important than a ruling is no longer possible under the fifths or two-thirds majority to Coalition with a huge majority is present leadership, then it is their ensure stability and to bring about a government with a sense of jus- duty to elect a new government. 0 IS THIS PARLIAMENTARY DEMOCRACY?

r. Mabathir Mohamad JS domg merely performing official duties as or President of UMNO Baru from it again. He ts gmng around Prime Minister and coincidentally his position as Prime Minister for D the country, carnprugnmg for had to speak at certain functions in an obvious reason - so that he can the coming general election, with· his capacity as Chairman of the use aU the privileges of State out announcmg the electJOn date. Barisan. power for his own partisan pur­ He has launched a full-scale cam­ This is the cunningness of the poses. paign through television. His elec­ man. This is the craftiness of Compare this with what the tion speeches are televised for a few Mahathir Mohamad. He abuses go­ Tunku did in 1959. In order to minutes almost every other day. vernment facilities for party pur· strengthen the Alliance for the And yet, officially, he ts not poses and yet pretends that it bas parliamentary elections in that campaigning as Chairman of the nothing to do Wllh elections. year, he quit as Prime Minister. Barisan Nasional. He is merely Apart from his misuse of Televi­ For three months Tun Abdul performing his official duties as sion Malaysia, in all his trips to the R.azak was the Prime Minister. Prime Minister. This is wll:t on different states, government depart· The Tunk.u felt that since he was every occasion -whether it J.S Pasir ments like KEMAS, government going on a full-scale election tour Mas or Bagan Serru or Jelebu - officials, school teachers and others of the country, he should step he perfonns some official duty who are part of the state bUieau­ down as Prime Minister so that it and then makes an election speech cracy, are mobilised to the hilt! would be clear to the rakyat that in which he lambasts his political Dato Seri Dr. Mahathir Moha­ he was doing so as Chairman of opponents. mad more than any other Prime the Alliance and President of This is Mahathir's way of camou­ Minister before him has merged the UMNO. He did not want to mix up flaging what is, in fact, an election party machinery and the govern­ Jus role as Prime Minister with his campaign tour. This way he cannot ment bureaucracy in such a way other role as leader of the Alliance. be accused of misusing govern that there is no distinction between Indeed, in many other ways, ment facilities for party purposes. them. He does not want to separate the Tunku, whatever his faults, His defence would be that he was his role as Chairman of tbe Barisan was much, much more sincere

6 about parliamentary democ.racy publu: ralites. TOP: than Mahathu \1ohamad. The Rallies \'.ere fm.t banned m tl1e The CPM surrenders: Mahathir still Tunku allowed opposition parties 1978 general electwn. The reason does not see fit to end the ban on air-time over Radio Malaya (later given by th e then Milll~tet of Home election rallies. Radio Maluysta) There y,as equit· Affairs was that the Mala} an able sharing of election broad· Communist Part) (M(P) \\ hkh BELOW: casts m the four languages among \'.US gotng to observe the 30th Tun Salleh Abas' sacking was all the poliucal parttes m all the anmver~ar} of its upn:.tng would totally frivolous. Can Mahathir lay three general electton~ under the cause troubk at clectton rallies claim to parliamentary democracy Tunku - m 1959, 1964 and 1969. The MC'P's armed upristn~ ..:ame to when he has struck down a pillar of There were even telcvtsmn clip) an end in December la:.t }Car. b the system? of opposition ralhes. ~hown dunn~ there an) JUstiJicauon now lor the news buUetin~ in bOlh the the 'onunued b:111 upon clc..:non 1964 and 1969 general elections. rallies'! Here agam, Dt . Mahatlm Look at the si tuation tod.ty ha:. ~hown lumself to be a ver) The Opposition has no acces~ at undemocra tl' leader lie has all to Radto and 1 elevlliion. There refused to allow pubh~ rallie:.. are no election radto hroad,asts though tht! Election Commisston If the muck of an opposmon pnh itself suggested some ume ago llctan 1s shown on the TV screen that the g11Vl!rnment shoulJ consJ· during elections 11 1s only to dis­ der hftmg the ban. credit him. Radio and TelevisiOn ~lahathtr Mohamad ~lands m are dominated by Barisan polill· starb. contrast to the Tunku 1n cians. starting with Mahathir Moha· yet another respect . Tile Tunl-.u mad . It is as II they own the allowed the ma\.tmum of fivl! electronic medt.a . weeks lor l..'ampaigmng - that 1s. During the Tunku 's prune llli· t1ve weeb.s from nominauon day to nistership public ralites were also poUmg da}. He adhered to this allowed. In 19 59. in spite of a rule even during the 19t>-l general state of emergetKY. all pohllcal election. held in the mitht of parties and election 'andidates had lnd one~lan (onfrontattnn. the full freedom to hold ralites. In the 1982 and 19~6 genewl In the 1964 clccuon, in splle ol ciCdlOOS - the tWO e(ectl0115 held Indonesian C'onfrontatton. there under Mahathu - the campaign were public rallies all over the coun· penud wa:. :.hurtcned w JUSt mne try. In the 1969 general electton. days. Th~y were tllc shortest cam­ the Opposiuon made full use of p:ugn pcrioil~ in our hi,tory. It is

7 rumoureu that Mahathir may short· when one has struck down a most that he d1d wh:n he did to an inno­ en further the ramp• .ugn period important pillar of that :>ystem., cent human betng. It is because ot in the coming electton He IS Dr. Mahathir's predecessors what­ his lack of re~tramt that he was pre­ deternuned to make it as dtiTiwl! ever their sbortconnngs would pared to ui\ ide IJr<.! '0. to dcst roy as poss1blc for hts opponents to not have sacked the head of the the ongmal L \"0 and create a perform welL Judiciary on totally fnvolous. ntp­ new UMr-..0 o\er which lie can IS It only too apparent that pant charges wluch are an msult exerctse total control. II IS th1s Mahathu Mohamad cares httle for to basic human mtelligcnce. This Jack of rel>tramt on llli part whtch established rules of electoral com­ is not because the Tunku. Tun t~ the primar}' cause lor the sub­ peUilon or for accepted pnnc1ples Razak and Tun Hussem were verswn of the electoral pmce:.:> of parliamentary practice. Demo­ Prime Ministers of extraordinary today. cratic standards and values mean virtue. It is because, as leaders. In a parliamentary democracy , noth1ng to him. What is important they had some sense of restramt. a ~ense of restramt tn the cxerctse to lum is winning the contest for They had a sense of shame. There of power is a crucial quality of power, whatever the Co)tS. What were certain things they just leadership. Without that qualu}. is in1portan1 to him is remaining wouldn't do. a leader wiLl be tempted to accu­ in power whatever the con­ It is largely because Or . M~hathir mulate power, to be dictatonal and sequences. Mohamad. hjs other good points nuthoritanan JJor people like him. the end notwithstanding. Jacks a sense of M alt~ysians do not have to look justil1es the means. Or. Mahathir restraint in the use of power far for an example of this. 0 has been quite explicit about this aspect ot IU:> personal credo. fn many of his mecttngs with UMNO offic1als m the various states, he has told them that it docs not r mauer how one wins; what 1s ~' important ts winning. 0:\ ~ ;/~ (J ) } ~ Secunng, and remaining in, I \ ~~ ~\ ~ / - , -& , ~~~ power whatever the means and methods employed, has become \~~,~p Man 1~ ~~ such an obsession w11h the man that he w1ll not tolerate any mdi­ \ \ ~-, Aga1nst t1r. v.J vidual or instttution which stands in his way. What better proof of i ~11'\l::\1 the State ltfr - ~ rhis altitude than h1s sacking of t-:~ I h lf ~-~ Tun Salleh Abas, the rormcr Lord .·1 --1 )"':.:a ~ I \ President which in tum led to the ~'ti 1 ~ '-7.., I dismissal of two other Supreme ~') ( Can there not be a government ' I Court JUdges! l11c 'Salleh plus two· 1- .l iJ1 which majorities do not ·~ episode shows beyond the shadow ~ ~ virtually decide right and ~-,:S ~ wrong. but conscience? - in t.Y') of a doubt that Dr. Mahathir will I 1 1 not hes1tatc to destroy any mstitu­ which majorities decide only J tion - however VItal tt may be to J 1 j those questions to which the I a parliamentary demoaacy - in rule of expediency is I order to preserve and perpetuate appJjcable? Must the citizen l Jus power. In this mstancc. hls ever for a moment, or in the assault upon the mdependence of least degree. resign his } the JUdu.:lary has crippled that conscience to the legislator? mstttutton for a whole generation. Why hal> every man a Would any leader who genuinely conscience, then? cares for the mtegrity of the judi­ Henry Thoreau Ciary, for the separation of powers. n for the rule of law, for all tho~c n . r,' ff, values and pnnctple~ whtdl p1ake ~~ parltamentary democracy such a I ~:herished poltucal system, resort to such an unscrupulous. unethical I ( move. simply be~,;ause or !>elf­ \ lnterest? Isn't it the height of I vm"\ ; t hypocrisy to pretend that one \ Ill \C I respects parliamentary democracy / 8 Election Watch - Dr M'sTarget

ver ~ince irs bnth on J6 February 1990, Election E Watch hn~ become one or rhe Prime Mu u:.tcJ 's fovmnue target) of attack. He alleged. at that ttllJC. that it was an e>.lemion of the Oppo~JtJOn. th.Jt 11 wa' btaseJ towards the OppoSition Now he has gone one step fur­ ther. He IS suAAe~11ng that the formation of l le~uon \\atch could be pJrt or :l plot W <.all~e trouble in the commg gencml elccrion. "1f the Oppo~ttton h1~t." Elec­ tion \\.atdl. he allc:ge,. may Je­ mg tn diiferent place~ tn the dCl' to· tn cbre that there was cheatinJ! r:JI rolls. It \\35 aJ,o J.llegcd that tn the clcctillll JnJ rh1s ma) lead to some tn~tan.:es th•m~a11d~ lll name) nob. Tim '' "hy he has uwiteJ uf v0ters had Jll~t ,·:umhcd 1rum the Commonweahh Ill send uh· the rolb TOP LEFT: servers to the ele.:11on. ~o that Elc..:· It ts l>lgrtiltcant that 1111c da} tion Watch will not dare to make Tun Sutf1an. Election Watch was formed before Ucctwn \\lah.:h was laun .. h because of widespread allegations of such an all ega twn . cd. the Scw!tar) nf the l::lel.l1nn elector•l malpractices. Is there

9 so angry with Election Watch. it is not diHkull to understand. To put it m a nutshell, wants to win the coming generaJ election with a huge maJority - t.f possible, he would hke to repeat his 1986 performance. However. he is afraid that he is going to lose a lot of seats in and Terengga­ nu. Even in Kedah and Perlis, he may lose quite a bit or support. If there is a Significant erosion of support in these Malay-majority states, Mahatlur's credibility as a Malay leader will be a1Tected. 1-tis position as UMNO Baru Pre· sident wiU become shaky. There is an even greater danger. Re may Jose his two-thirds majority in

JB by~lection : This and other by· Parliament - somethmg that has elections showed that UMNO Baru not happened to any UMNO or By-elections apart. the negative had lost considerable support Alliance or Barisan leader before. reaction towards UMNO Baru among the Malay electorate. There ~~ ~:ven a possibility that the amongst substantial segmcnb of the Barisan ttself may lose the election. voter~ in Kelantan and Tercngganu. Conner Lord President and his Dr. Maltathir Mohamad wants to in particulJT. began to worry the colleagues, had blown the whi!)tlc be absolutely certain that none of UMNO Baru leadersh1p. Titc anti· on the masSJve electoral fraud these thmgs will happen. He must pathy towards UM 0 Baru con· that was taking place. They had win and win convincingly. It trasted wtth a ground-swell of cried 'foul' not because they had should be only too apparent to support for Semangat 46 and PAS any Jove for the Opposition but everyone b)' now that he'll resort in the two states. A number of because of their concern lor fau· to any trtck. however unscrupl.!­ local factors further l>trengthened play and h o nest~ They realized lou:.. emplo} any method, however the Semangat-PAS opposition. As that tf these electoraJ ..,alpract1ccs unethical. to ensure his triumph. UMNO Baru leaders began to read were left un c be~:ked . a lnt of Some of t.hc electoral tricks we 'the writing on the walr, they people would refuse to ac ... "' mentioned earlier are part of his decided that they must do some­ the outcome of the next general weaponry. Dr. Mahailir would have thing to prevent the very real elecuun. hk~ ~ to accompHsh hls mission, posstbility of u Barisan defeat in In trying tu resolve the~e m - Election Watch appears on the ll if> no coinddcnce, Lhercfore. ha~ decided to work with the horiLon. It expresses concern about that the bulk of complaints about f:Jectton Commission Election alleged electoral maJpractices. It electoral fraud have come from Watch has stated many nmes that wants to watch over what is hap­ Kelantan and Terengganu. It is only it continues to have faith m the pening. It wants everyone to be too obvtOus who or which gronp integrity UJ1d independence of the vigilant. is belund the mass tra11Sfer of top ofli.ciaJs of the Commtssion. Dr. Mahathir will not have it. voters' nutnes. vanisl1mg names, the This is why in It!> postcard calli· He's afraid he'll be exposed. For he ~ame identity carJ numbers and ~o paign. Election Wat~:h has request· knows that if Election Watch, on UMNO Baru pol!ticians in ed Malays~ans to commend the (giVCO the LTedJb.ility Of itS mem­ Kelantan and TerenggaJlll are using l.lection Commission on its efforts bers) tells the public that this is every trick in the trade tu ensure to pwduce a clean electoral roll for wrong or that IS right. people will that Bansan candidates win in the tl1e forthcoming general election. believe the group. Even if he election:.. It b hard to believe On the whole, Election Watch succeeds in blocking out Election that top leaders 111 the party are has played a very low-key role so Watch from the local media, the nnt aware of the dirty tri.:k.J. that far. It has organized very few international media will give a are being manura~· tured in the acti' from ame to hearing 10 Election Watch mem­ two ~tates After all, these are time. in a mild manner. to the bers. If Flection Watch alleges that lt!aders whll want to win at all viciou~. f"erociou~ attacks oi the there has been chealing in the .:1hlS Prime Min~rcr and some of Ius election. people outside wiiJ sit up By formmg Electiun Wat~:h . Tun mim ons. and listen. Mohd. Suffian bin Ha!>hllll. the Why Dr. Mahathu Mohamad is Dr. Mahathir does not want this

10 that it is Dr. Mahathir who is up to Committee of lnquiiY, who wanted some mischief. How is that possi­ to make their report public, became ble? Hasn't Dr. Mahathir said that villains in the eyes of the Prime it is the Opposition and Election Minister. On the other hand, some Watch who are plotting to cause of those who were responsible for trouble? the BMF scandal are still enjoymg Plain common sense will tell us the perks of power and privilege. tJ1at in any political system those Likewise, those who tried to who exercise authority, who wield expose the UEM highway scandal power are in a better position than ended up in jail while those who those who have neither authority benefitted by that highway con­ nor power, to manipulate electoral tract have gone on to accumulate rolls, to transfer voters from one more riches. And now, we are constituency to another, to elimi­ beginning to witness a situation nate voters' names from electoral where those who have a genuine registers and the like. We have al­ commitment to fair and honest ready shown this to be true in our elections are criticised and con­ own case. Almost all the reports on demned, while those who manipu­ elections, in recent years, in coun­ late electoral rolls, are allowed to tries like Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, carry on with their dirty work. South Korea and the Philippines Travesties of justice of this reveal that electoral fraud, more sort express themselves in other often than not, is committed by ways too. Even when it is crystal· those in power. clear that a certain wrongdoing is When those in power cheat at due to the government, Dr. the polls, opposition parties are Mallathir Mohamad often tries to forced to react. This is because transfer responsibility for it to they may feel that they have been someone else. He is trying this deprived of the victory which is trick with the coming election. legitimately theirs. They protest, Though most alleged electoral mal­ they demonstrate, they give vent to practices are linked to UMNO their frustrations. Those in power Baru and certain Bansan parties, then exploit the tense situation he is now trying to convince brought about by opposition pro­ society that they are the work of tests to foment trouble, to create the Opposition. He is transferring Tan Sri Ahmad Noordin and Chooi chaos, to instigate riots. This is his sin on to his opponents. what happened in Bangladesh a few Mun Sou of the BMF CommittM of 'Sin transfer' is part of the years ago after its National Assem­ Inquiry: Hero becomes villain in a politics of the Mahathir govern­ typical Malaysian cate of 'sin bly elections. ment. lt was Dr. Mallathir who transfer'. In Malaysia, as in some other destroyed the original UMNO countries, when trouble of this sort and created UMNO Baru, in order breaks out, the people in power to purge the party of his oppo­ to happen. So what does he do? are quick to put the blanle on nents. And yet, he has transferred He decides to invite observers from their opponents. The root cause of responsibility for the destruction of the Commonwealth. through the the problem is often buried in the UMNO to his opponents who are Commonwealth Secretariat, to look heap of government propaganda. If, now with Semangat 46. Similarly, at the conduct of the election. He let us say, the Opposition in Malay­ it was because he feared the inde­ is hoping that the Commonwealth sia protests against widespread penderl't judgment of a Supreme observer team will legitimize his cheating in the polls, it is those Court panel headed by Tun Salleh '

11 that very independence was smothered LEI I ERS in a few minutes on the morning of 27 May 1988, and certainly not by the Bar W. Welcome lettlf'l fTom rudeR. letters can be either in Ehglish or Bah.. Council. The Bar Council only tried to Mal8ysia. 1'lMM letters may be edited for pw.,_ of spece and c18rity. The rekindle that flame, but alas, the viftwl mey not be thwe of the Aliren Monthly. Pleudoftylnl are acc:epeM but ambers were angrily and quietly extin· •t lett8n should include the writer's rwme 811d edd,... letters should guished by the setting up of the second ,...... Y be tv.-writt.n with double-spacing; if hand-written they should tribunal. be 1-.lbl•. Where, oh where, in Islam, the offi· Letter~ should be adclr..-d to the Editor, Aliran Monthly, P.O. Box 1049, cial religion of the country, can I find 10930 Penent. Meteysie. justification for the assault on the lnde· pendence of the Judiciary by the Executive?

RA ~ 7/VDER SINGH SurrKti Petanr

DR. M's SERMON ON proven beyond a reasonable doubt before tJ1e accused is sentenced. Of JUDICIAL INDEPENDENCE! ooune, the Executive claims that the Tribunal got to the bottom of things before recommending Ton Salleh's ELECTION WATCH be 8.00 pm TV 1 news on 26 May removal. But was it the true bottom or AND DR.M 1990 ahowed IX. Mall2thir talking a false bottom? Can the Executive T to reporters surrounding him. explain in plain language why the rules Replying to their questions about the of evidence applicable in trying the man t is amuing how .ri.~ oJdinary indivi· ACA's nid on the residence of Univeni· in the street were completely put aside duals - rwo of them retired, three ty of · Malaya Vice-Chancellor, Prof. when it came to trying the head of the self-employed and one unemployed Syed Hussein Alatas, he suddenly I- without politica1 links, without independent Judiciary? Was this act of launched into a sermon on the indepen· changing the rule of the game in acoor· holding influential positions in govern· dence of the ACA and the Judiciary. dance with the law? ment, w;tJIOut heading any mass-bated The gist of the two-minute sermon on Does ldam, the official relision of organizations, simply ~ themtelves TV was: this country: Election Watch could rattle a govern· • The ACA and the Judiciary are • condone double standards in trying ment enjoying four-l'&fth majority! independent bodies. different accused persons? Or. the PM, never tiles or • The government cannot interfeJe in • put the Executive above the laws of heaping st.orn on them or ridiculing them at every opportunity. their actions even if they were not the land and of Islam itself'l The one-sided attacks on ElectiOn always apolitical. • give the Executive the prerogative to • No one ahou1d be angry with their put aside principles of justice enun­ Watch is prommently featured in the actions as they are independent ciated in Islam itself so as to remove newsp.apers. televuion and ndio. The things said of EJection Watch are so bodies and therefoJe free to act 'obstacles' in its path? ludicrous that one wooden how is it without restiictioru. • give the Executive divine rWht to possible for sane and rational huiiWI • He questioned the Bar Council's destroy others so that those in power beqs to become utterly insane and motive in wanting to commit the may remain in power at aU costs? Lord President to prison. foolish. • He castiaJted the Bar Council for I am afnid it is rather late In the day Why is Dr. M so upset? Election accusing the government of inter· (on 26 May 1990) for Dr. Mahathir to Wat ch had not attacked the govern­ fering whenever the government give a public sermon on the indepen· ment nor accused the Election Commis· toot action accoJding to the law. dence of the Judiciary fm the flame of sion of cheating m the elections. ln • He blamed the Bar Council for having fact, they ~ve even admitted that cauaed the independent Judicwy to elections so far had been relatively free feel "terkongkong" (embed) to some and lair and hope tbal the next election extent in carrying out its duties. will a1Jo be an honest affair. Why should this rattle Dr. M? Of all people, Dr. Mahathir himself Whatever lillie that Election Watch should know best why the once inde· had said so {u is either distorted or pendent Judiciary feels "terkongkong" totally ignored by the media. Why is the today. What an irony that be should be government so scared of their viewa that giving this public sermon on tJie tnd.e­ the governmentntrolled media dare pendence of the J ud.iciary almost two not cany them' years since that same independence was It is non-Islamic to lie yet so many snuffed out in his office on the morning lies have been told about Election of 27 May 1988. Watch. Its members have been accused On that infamous 27 May, why was of going overseas and belittliiJ.a Malaysia someone so angry with the independence but we are not told who th~ indivi· of the Juditiary? In what way was the duals are or what they have said, or action of the Executive in removing the where 0 1 when. Yet there is JO much then Lord President YAA Tun Mohamed froth and fo~ about things that have Salleh Abas, with such unholy haste, in not been reported! accordance with the law? IC Or. M is so sure ol his facts, if he The law, as the man in the street is aU that brave as he is portrayed to be, knows, clearly states that an accused then he should meet Election Watch must be &iven a fair trial - fair in the DR M gave a sermon on the man·to-man over 1V in a liCe pro­ sense that aU accusations must be independence of the judiciary I gramme. Let him present his "facts" 12 and let the nation ,ee Election Watch Perhaps one should applaud the children some freedom of expreaion and demolish him and his "facts". MCCBCilS for merely stating "We do to make their decisions sometimes. It not want the Shariah imposed on us" will go a long way towards making them 11'0,\DER-STR~CK instead of "We do not want the Shariah independent aud responsible people who Jldoko imposed on Malaysians". IMtead of will not be bullied by anyone who ays "Why MCCBCHS rejects the application be is right just bec:auae he is in c:haqe! of the Shariah on non·Mustims" they could have abo come up with an adver· WA MAHENDRAN saria1 line Ute "Why the MCCBCBS AlorSetar rejects the application of the Shariah on Malaysians". OSA, ISA, LAMA-LAMA Actually, one should start by asking BANYAK SUSAH! why the MCCBCHS acted so drastically. Would they have acted the same way if the law had been called 10mething else re:m ember attending a forum orp· other than 'Shariah'? The people in ABOUT THE CPF AND THE niUd by the DAP at the PJ Hilton MCCBCHS ue only human and may EPF ... I bact in August 1986. l11e panel was have felt intimidated by such labelling. impressive and it was 1 very enJi8htening The MCCBCHS's valiant effort may and absorbing experience. I remember have turned sour but, at least, it did wish to respond to the letter by one speaker well. It was Tan Sri AJ1mad catch the attention of the Prime Minis­ T~ of Pe1W18 (AM, VollO No.3) Noordin, the former Auditor-General. ter. It does not matter now whether concerning the withdrawal of CPF He said, "First, we have the IS.SAH things would have turned out the same contributions by Malaysians ln Stnppote. (ISA), now we have the O.SAH (OSA), way had the MCCBCHS adopted another It iJ very disconcerting to note that lama·lama banya.k SU.SAH!" course of action, but the fact that the 'TAK n.iJed the issue of the difference All of us there could not help laugh· ampa1g11 was stopped after the 'rebuke' in interest ratea offered by the CPF ing at that remark, but looting bact it by the Prime Minister proves that and the EPF. would have sent a chill down our spine if MCCBCHS was sincere. The 3% offered by the CPF is pegged only we knew bow ominous and true lf the 'belligerent' and 'adversuial' to the prime interest rates of the major Ius "'ords rang even though it was half tone of the MCCBCHS is not helpful banks in Sinppore. Hence, there is a spoken tn jdt. towards the promotion of inter-religious realistic correlation between the actual Since lhen, r.uhathir and his gang of dialogue, then the imposition of one current value of lo~eon raerves, happy parliamentarians have been merri· man's beUefs on another doe! not help which is what a provident fund is, ly giving out nuts to a country which has either. The MCCBCHS should not be and the state of the economy. no teeth anymore, with the Judiciary the only party to be asked to see the TAK did not point out in his Jetter being the latest victim in our society to positive values of truth, love and justice that in Singapore, the contribution suffer the indignity of having its tl.-eth in all faiths; nor should it be the only rate is 21 per cent of groSJ salary by the nmo~ed. The solution to all this u to one which has to di.scem very seriously employee and 12 per cent by the vote the present government out. The before acting. employer. This, in real terms, amounts opportunity u just uound the corner. to a considerable sum, especially when But it wiU not be that easy. The Opposi· MAlT compared to the rates or 9 per cent and tion has not been ~trong enough (in Baru Kurou , 11 per cent respectively in Malaylia. electJoM) to send the lilces of Mahathir Hence, it is not at all surprisiQs when into oblivion. Malaysians, especiaOy those without Until that 1s done, Mahathir and his long·tenn plans to work or Jive in kind will always be there dishing out Sinppore, are anxious to withdraw nuts and changing the rules to suit them· what, to them, may amount to consider­ selves, with dteir sycophantic media able sums of money. feeding us stuff we normally step on in WIPE OUT THIS TAK's remuk that the Sinppore the garden or street. 'TIDAK APA' ATIITUDE! government is llowly phaJins out the "Lama-lama banyak susah" not for CPF requirement for MalaysiaJU is, Mahathir, but for decent people lite to my k.nowJed&e, a'*>lutely untrue. Ahmad, Chandra, Lim, Mohd, Wan, et me try and explain the seem· Certain categories of skilled and George and many others. ingly 'tidat apa' attitude or many unskilled workers earning below S$ Malaysians towards the govern· 1,500 come under a Work Permit OBSERI'ER L ment's corrupt and authoritarian rule. In Scheme, which requires employers to Perth, Ausrrolw spite of all that has happened, most of us pay a levy. This is to discourqe the are hesitant about going ahead md import of certain categories of voting for the Opposition, come election worker&, so that the coaaequent 10Cia1 time. and economic impticatioru can be The reason probably has its roots in minimized. By imposi• a varying levy the days of our childhood when any· on these workers, the aovemment VALIANT EFFORT NOT thing our parents sald was fi&ht - j111t here can monitor and control the influx of such workers. The bottom tine, it TOTALLY WASTED because they said so. We were not allowed to argue even if we thought appears, is that no fore~en sbou)d their decisions were unfair, so most of be paid less for a job that a citizen hile the criticism about the us grew up believing that authority is could do. All other woden, local and MCCBCHS's signature cam· always right. The Asian way of bringing foreisn, pay the CPF contributions. pa.ign (AM, Vol. 10 No. 3) up children to always obey and be res­ My aecond concern is that · aawnina W pectful or theu elders has produced a that TAX's (igures ue correct · if only make:. sense, it ought to be pointed out too that the MCCBCHS could have been generation of adults who ue not able to 13% of contributors to the EPF have merely trying to mike itself heard in a &land up for their rights even when they more than M$10,000 in tl!eii accounta, way n thought fit. Dialogue sometimes see those rights being slowly eroded. the country is in dire straits Indeed. falls on deaf and stubborn ears. So, watch out, parents - allow your As a provident fund's basic aim iJ to

13 ensure that every working adult will For them, like many poverty-stricken Air chairman and a leader in the have enough to subsist on alter Mu.slim families, the new moon of Kadaz4n Duson Cultural Association. retirement, the sum of M$10,000 Syawal did not bring the joy and the He is also a member of the NECC. does not make sense. festivity it was meant to. A news report Do you think that these men may J estimate that a retired person which carried the plight of these have sold confidential .reports to another wouJd requiie at least M$200 to live on 'beggers' was more judgmental than sym­ country? What else could they have each month. If the life expectancy of pathetic. An opportunistic plot to done to have prejudiced the security an anrage Malaysian is 65, that gives neece generous Malaysians, especially of the nation except for speaking up him 10 years of retiied life if he during the fasting month, was how the on important issues? If the government retiies at 55. At M$1,000 per annum Ieporter chose to see it. Call me naive u sincere, they shouJd be tried in an (M$10,000 divided by 10 years) that but I still believe in the sanctity of noen co11rt of law. Otherwise, free them person wouJd have less than M$90 per motherly Jove and so, imd it bard to unconditionally. Opposition parties month to live on. Does this mean that accept that any mother would want shouJd abo include the abolition or the 87% of the EPF contributors will live to see her young child beg on Hari Raya. ISA in theii manifestos. below the poverty tine when they retire? Ollr beloved Prime Minister in his In many developed countries, the official speech spoke of a victory KARUPPAN provident f11nd is administered by em­ (kemenangan) for all Muslims, but for Johor Bohru ployers directly. This u especially so for the poor and hungry children at Pudu laJ:ge corporations. The many schemes Raya, there was no victory, no joy. available in the free market go beyond Only a continuous battle, a struggle fm the legislated benefits offered in both daily sustenance. l, personally, wish Malaysia and Singapore. to have no part in thU victory. Sure, Singapore has iinproved on its the statisticians and the economists provident fund legislation by making em pull out the reports and the graphs DON'T "CIVILIZE" THE the fund a more dynamic asset that and claim that, with a consistent 5- PENANS! can be used. for medical care, insurance yeu upward trend in the national and homtH>wnership PllrPOses. A 3% economy, we are winning; that Malay­ hat a joy it was reading interest rate is indeed paltry, but it sians on the whole have nothing to Aliran Monthly (yet again). is based upon excellent economic complain about, that poverty as a Thanks for the article on the fundamentals. Given the fact that social problem in Malaysia is not as W Penans (AM Vol 10 No. 2). fd like to the fund's reserves in Singapore are acute as in other Asian countries. But take the argument further. enormous, low interest rates mean as long as there is even one h~ngry "Civiluot ion" is a word that has easier access to funds for industries child in Ollr midst, all of us are losers­ always had racist and exploitative which in turn means a healthier no matter what the figures say. overtones. ln ancient Rome, the economy all round. This also preserves If in the blind jubilation of victory "barbarians" were kept u slaves for the the reaJ value of one's provident fund lor :a few, we do not see the struggle savings. If the attitude of some of civilized RoJDJ.JU. The Romans looked of the rest, we are truly a poor and down on any alien culture. my fellow Malaysians, like TAK is in sorry lot. lt is time that we pay more Then there W2S the trans • Atlantic any way symptomatic of the whole, attention to the children · be they from export or millions of Africans for then I must state that as a nation we tlte rural areas of Kelantan or the estates slavery, using the racist argument thst are a short-sighted, greedy and self· of Selangor · for they are the children the blacks were sub·human, and were centred lot. of Malaysia. Let's ttuJy practise the too stupid to know any better. There It is obvious that if the money spirit of Syawal with a caring heart and a was no regard wbatsover for the African that T AK has in the CPF is a small loving spirit which does not judge but culture. sum, then it would not be an issue to only wishes to share the bounty of God; The British Empire was built by him at aiL If Malaysians • who are a heart that wishes to see the tight of coloniafuts casting themselves as father· concerned about their own future, victory shine in the eyes of every ligures to protect the poor, ignorant and that of their country · want their mother's child. money out of the CPF, may I suggest (and uncivilized, of course) natives. Indeed, the British considered it their that they take that money and place CHRISTIAN FRANCIS moral duty to impose their civilized it Immediately into theii EPF acoounts, to be used only for refuemenl PllrPOse5. culture on the natives. Jn South Africa too, the whites EMMANUEL DANIEL sneer at the rnoal customs of the native Singapore blacks, who they consider violent, lazy and difficuJt. "We're mote civilized'' the argument goes. SABAH ISA DETENTIONS: Even Hitler's idea of the "master race" and the superiority of the Aryans ANOTHER BLOW FOR over the Jews and others ran along the DEMOCRACY s:une tines. He detested the Jews and THE SUFFERING also the way they lived - their culture, CHILDREN OF MALAYSIA theii history, and their civilization. iberal thinkers. people who .criti· Throughout history, the word cize, and those who speak up for "civilization" carries the implication that be sprawling gardens and the L the truth are today branded some cuJtures are better than others. ])Otished marble interior of Seri as 'subversive' activists threatening the It is a vtiy subjective word. Perdana were a starlt and bitter security of the nation. The ISA bas AJ for the Penam, they are consider· T become a source of mental torture contrast to the noon~y heat and ed to have a ·•primitive" mentality, the suffocating smog at Pudu Raya for peace-loving Malaysians who are just h"ke the Australian Aborigines on the first day of Syawal. While the true believers of Democracy. Malaysians once were. Yet listen to anthropologist Prime Minister and his wife played were &hocked again when they read Peter Filth's description of them: the perfect hosts to thousand$, young in the press of three more anests uncler "AU5tralian tribes ... know the habits, mothers and their tearful little ones the ISA in Kota Kinabalu on Monday, marldnis, breeding grounds and seasonal carried on with a prolonged Ramadan. 28 May. Benedict Topin, is the Sabah nuctuations of all the edible animals,

14 fish and bir