February 17,1882

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February 17,1882 PORTLAND Γ> Α Π Λ' FRKSft ESTABLISHED JUNE 23. 1862—VOL. 22. POKTLAND, THURSDAY MORNING, JANUARY 15, 1885. clI"5îL£m8at-?î£I PRICE THREE CENTS, «FECIAL NOTICES. THE PORTLAND DALLÏ PRESS, FROM AUGUSTA. that the return* of deaths made to the sup- THE OLD WORLD. struck by two of the intruders. The crew then BAIIAVAY MATTER* The Isle of Guernsey. Published every day (Sundays exoepted) by the erintendent of burials shall be made the. legal came to hie assistance and for fifteen minutes returns of there was a deadly struggle with handspikes A· Important Conference. PORTLA-Nl> PUBLISHING COMPANY, deaths for the city of Portland. A Remarkable Cane of Rettueciiaiiou—Ke~ A Session of the and marlinàpikes. The fight continued until À despatch from New York eaye that rail- Busy Legislature. The of 8aco boom want their uaiuder* of Ike At 97 Exchakqe proprietors the men fell from the effects of their wound* Day· of William the Cor« Stbket. Portland. Mr. News by Cable from Different road men are looking forward with great inter- charter amended by striking out "for each and exhaustion, and the deck was covered queror—Belie· of the Feudal lyatem-A PORTLAND PUBLISHING CO. est and some anxiety to the conference of the mart live for miil one and in- Countries. with blood. The second officer is believed to I'opulatioa of Primitive Taete· and llab- a Year. To mail subscrib- Several Matters Introduced of Interest cents, leg cent," TsBMB:ElghtDollaro be fatallv injured and one or two sailors may president! of the trank line· and the Chieago its. ers, Seven Hollars a Year, 11 in advance. serting instead "for each thousand feet of paid to loge die from their wounds. Rates of Advertising: One incb of space, the Portland People. road·, to be held on Friday in that city. The two cents. (Hon. Neal Dow.) length of oolumn, or twelve lines nonpareil consti- remit of their will haye A was Great Distress Caused Floods In proceeding· probably tutes a "square." petition presented asking for the re- by Dr. Collennet Is dead. He was an emi- ALABAMA'S CYCLONE. an influence on the en- $1.60 per square, dally first week: 76 cents per of the lobster law to close time. important existing week Bill for Establishment of an Ex- peal relating Borne. nent of the Island of after; three insertions or lets, $1.00, continu- of the line·. It U feared physician Guernsey In otber after first A bill was to amend sec. n Few real tanglement warring ing every day week, 60 cents. presented Hi, chap. nu; People Ban, Fatally—Ο the British near Half perimental Station. that another collision will occur between the Channel, the coast of Nor- square, three Insertions or less, 76 oents; one 132 of B. S., relating to appeals from magis- Deslructl·· »f Properly. week, $1.00: $50 cents per week after. Socialists at Frankfort-on-the- Grand Trunk of Canada and the American mandy. His reputation In connection with Special Notices, one-third additional. trates. Chattanooga, Tern., Jan. 14.—A special Under from fuller details of line·. The New York Central is his profession was not confined to his native head of "Amusements" and "Auction Other Hatters of More or Less Interest. Mr. Hale presented the petition of New Main Assassinate a Police Collinsville, Ala., gives exceedingly Bales," $2.00 per square per week; three insertion· the terrible cyclone in Alabama on Sunday restless under the loss of traffic taken from it Island, but was widely knowu in Europe. or less, $1.60. England Telephone and Telegraph Co., asking Commissioner. night. The residence of Noble Gilreatb,about the West and the Erie is irri- Some I was his He 5 cent of Sew for authority to construct and maintain its lines four miles west of wiih I by Shore, feeling years ago guest. lived The leading Cigar Eng- THE to 111* Collinsville, together MAINE STATE PRESS. (Special Press.) table tt its oiru An effort will be In an ancient land. Ask jour dealer for this brand. In the State. all his farm bouees, was completely demolish- «offerings. chateau named the "Plaidoi- Published Thcesday at ed. His child was «. W. 8ΙΜ0ΛΓ0Ν & CO., 444 to ©very Morning, $2.50 a Adqusta, Jan. 14. Several More Outrages Committed Irish youngest instantly killed by made probably to induce the Grand Trunk to in the of La the Agents, year: if in a petitions were presented asking for by rie," neighborhood Pierre, paid advance, $2.00 year. The bill flying timbers, its body being terribly mangled. 448 Fore St. in introduced by Senator Catler today, suspend the through facilities it now extends Advertisements inserted the "Maine State the opening of a road from Mills in A : ancient of the which remains maylS entf Shirley Tenants. young man living with the family vas prob- capital Island, Press (which has a large circulation in every part requires voters at elections to announce to the West and a similar coercion audibly to the Forks in Somerset ably fatally wounded. Great to other Shore, of almost as was In the of the State) for $1.00 per square for first insertion Piscataquis county damage exactly it time of Wil- their names before a in order in the is the Nickel Plate as the Lackawanna and 50 cents per square for each subsequent casting ballot, oounty. property neighborhood reported. ; regards »iaeu{ Three otf liam the Conqueror, to whom it belonged as tion. that the presiding officer the vot- Flood* ia Rome. miles farther two other residences be At one of the of may identify A was for the re- may attempted. meetings Address ail communications to petition presented asking were completely blown away. One of them Duke of Normandy. FOSTER'S er II presiding officers do net with Home, Jan. 14.—1The floods are subsiding the presidents last year the roads them comply peal of chap. 260 of the laws of 1883 as contained 13 occupants, all of whom were more pledged the regards elowly. Ghetto, the Jews' quarter, ig flooded, Soon after my arrival at the house a littie provisions of the bill a penalty i· imposed. or less but none to the selfba to the enforcement of this the taking of emeus in Bagaduce river in Han- and the inhabitants have spent the night in injured, fatally. Owing penalty MAINE. It defioes high water it is to obtain accurate boy of six or seven years came Into the municipal officers to include board cock removing their furniture into the streets. impossible against recalcitrant lines. The cutting of rate* county. information as to the extent of the but of aldermen, and assetsors of Corso to the of St. is cyclone, the West Shore and it is room and was introduced to me as "the lit- FOREST CITY DYE selectman, plan- The managers and members of the bridge Angelo impass- has been it by Lackawanna, HOUSE. GOT. KOBIK'S COUNCIL. advisory enough ascertained to make certain tations. able. The Applo Theatre was obliged to close claimed tle drowned father board of the that, while it was it was in behalf of the othe/ lines, has boy"—his looking loving- temporary home tor women and on account of high water, and the entire works fearfully disastrous, 13 PREBLE STREET. The report of the Governor and Council on by no means such a terrible scourge as the cy- proceeded so far that their western connections ly upon the little children in Deering ask for au of above the Tiber embankment are him, repealed, "Ye*, deoi) eneodtf C.mmiitee· Appointed at lu Scaiien Yes- appropriation submerged. clone which Cherokee and the enlargement of the State was trans- are crowded with passed through must cut them off or tk· roads will b« com- drowned of Is House, SI,000 for the year. Bridges spectators watching pool boy," whom this the story. terday. ensuing the Calhoun counties last spring. During all of : mitted to the and referred to the foaming flood carrying trunks of trbes and in self defence to undertake further re- Legislature Mr. Hale the of W. W. and the of last a pelled The doctor said: presented petition various debris down the river. The water has yesterday greater part night committee on public tremendous rain the low ductions in tariff On the other buildmgs. Thomas and 500 others in favor of a reforma- entered the Pantheon floated the ttmbeis heavy fell, flooding figures. hand, "When he was about two years old hit Augusta, Jan. 14.—Tbe Executive Council and lands and The petition from S. C. Strout and other making it almost impossible to trav- the Grand Trunk has not its ac- WILBOKS OOMPOTOD 07 tchool for women. with which it was Intended to build a yet signified boune took him out one as usual in were in session this forenoon anil the following tory requiem el or gain further information. The cloud day. fine members of the Cumberland Bar, to altar. ceptance of Judge recent award in the committees were relating The stockholders of the Eastern Maine Bail- which accompanied the wind was seen from Coolej'a appointed: the of The waters of the river Tiber and its trib- enlarging powers Portland constables, ask for of this place, and it looked terrible indeed. There Chicago e&it-bound freight pool, and Its rejec- IPÏÏRE COD LIVERî Warrants—Messrs. Hatch, Fernald and Bix- way company £200,000 reduction utaries are receding. Humbert and the her mother's bouse, cot far and left wants them to serve writ* with King was a continuous Bound like distant tion of away, authority given their stock.
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