February 5, 1974 To: Senior Administrators From: Robert E
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OHIO UNIVERSITY ATHENS, OHIO 45701 BOARD OF TRUSTEES February 5, 1974 To: Senior Administrators From: Robert E. Mahn, Secretary, Board of Trustees Re: Draft of January 21 Minutes Please review the text and report errors and recom- mend changes by February 8. You need not return the copy. .Attachments are omitted. You had these with the Agenda. REM ed enc. % \ I a OHIO UNIVERSITY ATHENS, OHIO 45701 BOARD OF TRUSTEES February 12, 1974 To: Those Listed Below From: Robert E. Mahn, Secretary, Board of Trustees Re: January 21, 1974 Minutes Enclosed for your file is a copy of the minutes of the January 21, 1974 meeting. This draft, which has been approved by President Sowle and the senior administrators, will be presented for approval by the Board at the March 11, 1974 meeting. Notice of approval will be sent soon after that date. If approval is with changes, the changes will be sent for incorporation in your copy. REM ed enc. Chairman and Members of Board Mr. Hodes President Sowle Mr. Mahn Senior Administrators Archivist Resident Auditor MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF OHIO UNIVERSITY 9:00 A. M., Monday, January 21, 1974 The Ohio University Inn Athens, Ohio I. OPENING PRAYER James Bollman, freshman and member of Fellowship of Christian Athletes, offered the opening prayer. II, ROLL CALL Mrs. Johns, due to illness, was the only member unable to attend. In attendance were Charles E. Holzer, Jr., Fred H. Johnson, Edwin L. Kennedy, William L. Kircher, Robert B. McAlister, William R. Morris, Mrs. J. Wallace Phillips and C. Paul Stocker. This constituted a quorum. Also present were President Claude R. Sowle and Secretary Robert E. Mahn. Wallace Hodes, President of the Ohio University Alumni Association, was unable to attend the meeting. Executive Vice President and Dean of Faculties Taylor Culbert, Vice President and Treasurer John F. Milar, Vice President for Administrative Services W. Charles Culp, and Vice President for Regional Higher Education Beaumont Davison were present to present reports or business for Board consideration. Sixty visitors were present for ' the meeting. III. ACTION ON MINUTES OF NOVEMBER 19, 1973 (Previously distributed) No corrections were offered for the minutes. Mr. Kennedy moved approval. Mrs. Phillips seconded the motion, which was unanimously approved. IV. COMMUNICATIONS, PETITIONS AND MEMORIALS The Secretary reported that nothing had been received for presentation under this category. V. REPORTS OF PRESIDENT AND ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICERS President Sowle reported that there were no reports beyond those sent previously. VI. REPORTS OF BOARD COMMITTEES AND OFFICERS 1. Report on Approval of Implementation of Revised Ph.D. in Curriculum and Instruction In the absence of Chairman Johns of the Educational Policies Com- mittee, Dr. Culbert reported a determination by Mrs. Johns and Mr. Morris that the revision had been found not to involve significant policy matters, and therefore was not a matter for consideration by the full Board. The letter confirming this appears as Attachment 1. VII. UNFINISHED BUSINESS 1. Honorary Degree Recommendation In accordance with Board policy not to publish names of persons approved for honorary degrees until the time the degree is conferred, the following resolution is now entered for record: Resolution 1974 - 95 BE IT RESOLVED that the Ohio University Board of Trustees does hereby approve Cornelius J. Ryan for the honorary degree Doctor of Humane Letters. Board members unanimously approved this recommendation of the University Committee on Honorary Degrees on November 18, 1973. The degree was conferred on January 22, 1974. Materials pertaining to this action appear as Attachment 2. VIII. NEW BUSINESS 1. Executive Vice President and Dean of Faculties Culbert A. CONSIDERATION FOR CONFIRMATION OF THE ACTION OF DECEMBER 18, 1973, OF THE EDUCATIONAL POLICIES COM- MITTEE APPROVING RECOMMENDED PROFESSIONAL LEAVES AND THE SEGREGATION OF FUNDS FROM OTHER THAN APPRO- PRIATED FUNDS FOR THE SUPPORT OF THOSE LEAVES Dr. Culbert reviewed the actions of the Board of November 19, 1973 and December 18, 1973 (Attachment 3), and explained the need for the following resolution: Resolution 1974 - 96 WHEREAS, on November 19, 1973, the Board of Trustees approved the Professional Leave Program for faculty members of Ohio University, and WHEREAS, at the same time this Board empowered the Educational Policies Committee of the Board to approve such professional leaves for the 1973-74 academic year as were recommended by the President, and to direct the segre- gation of all funds associated with those leaves from other than appropriated funds, subject to final confirmation by the full Board, and WHEREAS, the President recommended to the Educa- tional Policies Committee fourteen professional leaves for the 1973-74 academic year with associated funds in the amount of $101, 628 , and WHEREAS, the Educational Policies Committee met in Columbus on Tuesday, December 18, .1973, considered and approved the recommended leaves and directed the Vice President and Treasurer to segregate funds from other than appropriated funds in the amount of $101,628 for the support of those leaves, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that this Board of Trustees hereby confirms those actions of the Educational Policies Committee. Mr. Johnson moved approval of the resolution, which Mrs. Phillips seconded. President Sowle explained that, in response to a suggestion made at the last meeting, an opinion from the Universitys special counsel had been obtained on the legality of segregating funds from other than appropriated funds. The opinion was that this was consistent with the laws of the State of Ohio. The vote to approve the motion was unanimous. B. CONSIDERATION OF PART-TIME FACULTY PROPOSAL Dr. Culbert explained that the Proposal, which follows, benefited both the University and the individuals falling under its provisions: • OHIO UNIVERSITY PART-TIME FACULTY PROPOSAL October 15, 1973 Except for exceptions noted below, - I. All persons holding faculty appointments, both full-time and parr-time in Croup I (as defined below) shall enjoy faculty rank and status. Furthermore, part-time faculty in Groups II and TIT. (see below), along with full-time and Group I part-time faculty, will have rights and benefits as specified in this statement. This document supplements and does not replace the current Faculty Handbook (with the except1ml of C.3.e., p. 5, which shall be deleted). The phrase "part-Lime faculty" as used in this document does not include in its reference undergraduata• or graduate student assistants, teaching assistants, researeh assistants, teaching or research fellows or associates, or post-doctoral fellows. Persons whose responsibilities are defined as more than 50% administrative within the university and who teach part-time will fall into Group:: II or III unless they have attained Group I status through faculty service prior to their assumption of administrative duties. An administrative officer of the university who is thus in Group I retains faculty rank but not faculty status as defined in section II.C.3. of the Faculty Handbook. II. All personnel holding faculty rank shall be classified according to the following groups: A. Group I Group I consists of persons on full-time or part-time appointments specifically designated as Group I faculty who, except when oil unpaid leave granted at their request are employed in at le:e(t 3 quarters of a fiscal year, and who are so employed from the date of receiving an appointment in the Group I category onti that appointment terminates. A person may not change to Croup or III categories once the initial appointment in Group 1 i made. Persons holding part-time appointments must have qualification:. equal to those currently used by departments or regional campuses as criteria for full-ttme appointments. Depending on their qualifications and experience persons holding . part-time appointments in Group I may he appointed as Part-Time Professors, Part-Time Associate Professors, Part-Time Asqlstant Professors, Part-Time Instructors, and Part-Time Lecturers. All appointments to Group I will be reviewed according to the usual procedure by the dean and vice-president. o_f • PART-TIME FACULTY PROPOSAL October 15, 1973 Page Two 1. All faculty in Croup T shall be employed, in 'terms of their work assignments, according to the following guidelines: a. Faculty members may be employed on the basis of fuli-time or part-time appointments. b. Faculty members of a given department or regional campus may negotiate a shift from a full-time to a part-Lime appointment, or from part-time to a full-dine appointment. c. A faculty member on a part-time appointment desiring, temporarily, to shift to a full-time appointment may seek a colleague holding such an appoi ntment who wishes, temporarily, to shift to part-time employment and, with . the departments or the regional campus approval, such an exchange of appointments may be arranged. d. The intention of a faculty member to seek change in the character of his appointment (full-time to part-time, or part-time to full-time) shall be discussed with his chairman or regional campus director one year in advance. e. No person holding a regular full-time appointment shalt he shifted to a part-time appointment without his written consent. A person who is awarded tenure as a full-time faeutty mom- ber does not lose tenure by accepting a part-time appoint- ment. He or she reverts to full-time status when the agreed upon term of part-time service is completed. .2. All faculty in Croup I and holding full-time appointmeni:; shall enjoy allrights and benefits currently accorded full-time faculty members. 3. All faculty in Croup I and holding part-time appointments shall he subject to the following conditions of appointment and to the rights and benefits associated with such appoimtments: a.