regular differential fares westward from Buffalo Calvin R. Loucks, guardian, to Win. {OFFICIAL.* were awarded to this line, after considerable op- A. Reading, part of the east half of BUSINESS DIRECTORY. RAILWAY NEWS of section THE DAY’S position on the part of the ’rank lines. It wss tile northeast quarter 7, STATEMENT THE CONDITION decided to establish a rule that hereafter second- township 15, rouge 4—containing© INDI A.N A.POL.IS. OF class passengers will be restricted to smokiug- acre 400.00 apd C., H. & I. Be- and not- be afforded the same facilities as F. M. Churchmanet. al. to Julius F. abstracts oh title OF TUB SThe Nickel-Plate csrs. Bybee, Aggressive. passengers. Pratt and Addison lot 12 iu come first-class Van Blariciinj’s aubdi vision of out- Greenfield After the C., W. A M. Road. lot 14, in the city of Indianapolis... 1,500.00 ELLIOTT ± BUTLER, Special to the Inuianapolls Journal. Cbas. A. Wolfram to Chat. W. Gor- euch, L>ckwood A Mc- NO. 3 .gTNA Manager Malott Gettiuj; Down to Business Ghkknfield, July very large en- lot 49 iu BUrLPrNG. 26.—A aod Clain’* tho Pesnsylvauis held southeast addition to FIRE INSURANCE Service on the thusiastic meeting of our citizens was to- HARTFORD COMPANY —Civil city of Indianapolis 150.00 ATTORN E Y-AT - LAW. Road. night to take some steps to secure the building George W. Johnston and wife to Ju- of the Cincinnati, Wabash A Michigan railroad lia H. Goodhart, lot 38 and part of On the 30th Day of June, ISB3. lot 37 iu Edwards’s subdivision of & to this city and to Bhe!byville. and a live coin- lot 19 of Joiinsou’a heirs’ addition SIiZPARD, ELAM MARTINDALE, tee was the Located at No. street, Hartford, SEEM MS' EARNEST. mit appointed U confer with officers to thecity of Indianapolis 4,000.00 53 Trumbull