■■ ■ ‘ - ' ■ ■KSriV ahad - ^ ■w'V- '';'; -I; 'i V.-'...t'-f-*‘',^ - i’~: ------*■■''=(«" F l i g h t I , I H t

■r /.> f V V raata a f ------— 9,465 Tka waiitWy i m m • '" ^ • ‘ SSS.'SSS BTchbleki Join* fleor. Coat la aat at ^ lea(« oC Diraaton of tba fa irinfa Tha pavadt la a rarity th «a dhya. >aba AbontTown, ■M k oC Maachaatar, a rta jo a j S taff at SehaUer’a th e local haa ahadrt an divaniat flaa athloto ttaa la ecaflaad to atagla M a u M m ^ A Cky of VOtogs < S M r p . lanawlNC aoqnalntaiya !■ twa ^ chaatof'n r r r Ha eama hata f» r the f r o a r t i * d aa oooaalaaal apartaiaBt------f r . i t t w ^ S ? 0.1X 25^. >a akaant '-i Waltar Byeholahl aC IW • * • « » (TWELVE PAGtB) PEICB fO tm OfcNIt M M n a C th a M M Ida brotbaftn-law, Wchard Itoha, 5fmttiy 5 : 1 * puflidt * ’ITJSLIIT^SIL iMWdMt It ftotum K ta ,^goM UlM («(«r^ Taaatloa. ___ which wan bald jraaUc d y . atraat haa JolMd tha aalaa dtaft at ah t i « b M ) tha Maachaatar Motor dalao it h f^ ^ S w or the bmiyg ia- Y 0 L,.LXVIIL. NO. M l _____ « ( dMtr *W S 5 **; Dr A. B. FHand. who wUh Mra. ■ today by D uplex D w elling apaetar. aad thaca haa haro i » ■ y^ ld to M ia n ^ tha aammar in Mra. K, Ltaoota » mlth oUiar activity la thia typa of haild- 5 2 u w 2 T 2 S tba hut this yaar. lir»ycholaki. a natira of Man. Perm it It Ittoed PlckcU Driven Back hy Police K ^ < J I L 2 S kaa baan 'y f " ’^'£*SJr^a32 for that pUca today, aecorapamad ehaatar. haa baan ptoead in charge Ta daUk pnapeettva ewaaashava 200 Die foirad that tha return on p . More Than by her father KaaklH MUtTuaadCarUM uMo v « SvutBMat Ha Denfeld Indicates a had axtanaiaa aapartaaca ia A parinlt for a duBlaa dwalUaf family hoaac lavoatmont haa aa| Sub-Teens have a roUicldnff time in jr55bi?o5w ^^ hetn attraotlva ancugh to make Union aarvicaa for goath M y o * thia Uaa having baaa artth on loU 40 and 41 Undala atraat Motcra In Baat Hartford waa laaoad today ca a p a O c a tic ^ the veature wortharhUc, hut adth a IOh Dorathy W. Fwaa. mlnliUr S ^ ta a S if. Thay flaw ovar and diat and Oantar Oongregatiooai ontmmim>_A__ ^ atructura w ill ba of one and one* fiw aiay again open. of Sharp I diureh. !• ^ ____ South Mathodlat church. ^ " ■■ In Series h'a vtcatloB • ! Ooncotd Mia N#w HMnpAlT*. Mia OOMi PMfc. MHiia. tha LuthMajTchui^^ *jj"* .; On Pact Defenses o’clock innUad of I rtm KwantoOub wO majt a t ^ Kto In clisrtw of ®trt MOwttn Of i ’Quakes Ecuador llaacbMUr amntry CSub, n « Cambrldga a t r ^ ■^u'S^tha ^ Cnllo Talka Moat Sno- ]p «u isjt«u ia oan»g« |J»fc wUi 2 * •ala College, who ■“ PPj|J« Weddings Battle on Cut MttMnt to ton ol -Chalr- m to too tired woolen mMiufactuiw. ana iM tie pact defenaaa should too track (right) wMch thay aold later Also Realistic View Waskingtoa, A af; 6:— •aaat fahrles syallshla . . . in Um waah-hH|^ S aifariM of too fl,4M,000,000 arata-for-Bu- homes in Ambsto, Eensdor, Ccodf Guaranteed annual picnic. Tuesday, Auguat IS, chiafS o f otaB with Franeh, about atopplng tha advanca of yeeterday, the Eenadorean ter Fire District that a Board of that coitfoTHi to YOU and. in ala- ) waaas ^ h a ^ Y a t A Dotoh and Fortuguaoa rapa program. Europe Unity at CMiter Springs par^ from Relief meeting will to told ta the Cardinal Issues New Communism In Asia. embassy said it was In­ lo tan o’clock, rain or ■rbina, at toe Ipuit BBdar-atatastaat, look ao parfact titorjr loodiVE. raoad by growing doaiando for Board of AanienTa Ottlee, at A t tha ooafaronoa with Danfald a 00 par eont alaoh in too p n ja et Tha Stata departmant’a Whlta formed in an official boBetin USED CARS lodge. The flraplaea and other fa- Town Han, Friday evoatag. A ^ at aay haor af tha day. *'*'*^^^*1 *3 Paper explaining why Chlang Kai- dUtlas have baan reeerved a ^ a w an Oaa. Omar Bradlay, Army: Koa aaid ba atav urga toa com­ Seen as Goal from its government today. • *48 OMs * ** Sedan (T a n ) gust lA IMS, from T to S o’doek. aad Qaa^Royt Vaateatorg, Air mittaa to okay too program oa It Shak’a govarnmant fallad to keep 68 hot dog and hamhnrg roaat wUl to D. A T , for too purpoae o f hear­ Statement on Stand tha Communlata from gobbling up Tha VMvanol Match Oavp. hi St. •njoySL Marabart who to r o r e e T ^ ataada ao too iaouo can to fought h»47 Olds “M " Sddan ing any aad an eemplalnto ra-1 out from oeratoh oa toa Houoo moat of China waa graatad on Cap­ Laole, Ma„ said it nealvad a Quito, Ecuador, Ang. 6.— attend and have not already baan i For Meeting! itol hm by a voU^ of critlciam goery from a Senate aabeemmit- eontactad. ahould tdaphoae Mra. gardlng tha tax Hat flOOFa (A*)— Rescue parties reported ABdrow AnaaMl, D obH Biiaa thk haportant-fer-fall ’ partSa>’b nrinta^'* d^S^Maa Letter Called ‘Fair and a B • from lawmakera who callad It a coacaniag tha earporottoa’a muSTHL *76** Sadan Shirley Smith, 3-0J88. or Mra Oommittaa RopubUeaBO aad 1 to^y that more than 200 Jack Oorden, Blao atiaadad. ^ g J L l d b l t S l American failure al- deoliag with Jamea V. Hont, a (B h M ) Irene Vincak. Othara on the com^ eoDaetloe. O h m hi today. Daafaid dmeribif aa *toioat auo- Damoerata allka a n Sghtiag for a Just* by Mrs. Roose­ 0 persons were killed in a ss- Oaorga W. C. Hunt oBMlIor program. Thay ba'va Leading Statesmen c priodpal Sgure In the Senate 'Ib- • *46 Olds *76** Sadan mlttaa are Mrs. Hiael Fahay and Oommieelcaara. y I $5-98 •aanCuT tha talka of tba Amari- It was defended, on tha other ries of sharp earthquakes otrong iupport ia both toa Houto velt W ho Talked W ith Called Frosi W ires vearigatioB af Washlagtoa’a "Ova- ((a re a n ) Mm HatUa lUatey. ana oSloan with waatarn Buro- Western Europe I (/P) hand, aa a raaliatic revlaw of a par oaateea." It waa roveoled that shatter^ at least a paaa m inury laadarn tMa waak. and tha Sonata. situation which Just about every­ •*«6 Olds * 66** an b Sedsn **BomcIi Boo4 AlMOd** Assemble’ Mondsy i Spellman Over Phone that the match company provided dozen populous mountain Ha amphaMaad that tha talka body hare agrees is bad. Rant with tSOO matekbooka. like (Maroon) _ ^ iaaa l2 to 20--16H to 22V) f | warn aondnad to aa awchanga of "Unloao toa MBonat lo oub- Moacow radio broadcaat heard In cities and towns yesterday 8 First Council Session I ’Trlaata, Free Tarritory, oalla far SomethlBg Bboald Be Dona this oaa, laacribed "Swiped from • *4JLBakk Sadan (Tan) vlaara *to gat id w oa mtUtaiy or- atantiaOy eat tliora’o aa awfully New York, Aug. 6,— <^P)— Among tha members o f Con- aftern oon . rough rood ahaad“ for too bin, llquidatiea of Tugoalav Premier Harry S. Treman.* ____ • *41 Stodebakdr 2 -Dr. ~ PRE-TEEN AND TEEN ganlaatton^’ aad aaid ao docialono Francis Cardinal SpeHmab gran there was a meeting of R epm see Dead la O w Otty aaid XUproaoaUtlvo Voiyo (fU Paris, Aug. e — on — Leading Marihal Tito . . . Huge Kew Vork minds on ona point — aomnhing (B la c k ) Ohio) a laadlag ItapubUeaa on toa haa iuued a new stetement latanational airport, that Ambato, a provinelal capital ml • *88 Olds 2-Dr. (BUck) *What wo did wao to got lafor- atataamn of waatarn Bunpa wm ou^t to to done to keep all of 50,000 population SS mUea aaotli Sale of Shoes •Mtloa 00 that art oould both ad- oonunlttao. on Federal aid to education gone begging for businaas aver CMna from being ovemm by aup- [ $g.98 to $14-^8 lUpraooatatlva lUebarda (D-8C) aaaambla at Straaboorg Monday •inca It'opanad. gata ready for new Auto Concern of ()uito, reported 300 dead ia tha BUM Cars Folly Eqnlpped vioa our oam govornmonto aad and Mra. Franklin D. Rooie- porters of the Rad banner, who DRESSES raakrag Domocratic mambar mi to oonoidor propooalo daoignod to boom in air traffic . . . Atom toie dty. Brottered reports from aioko up our own mtndo on too might then threaten CSilna’a neigh' other areas cut off ^ wroOkad A L L C A B S boat nUhtary organUatlon” undor tha group, ograad. glvo eoocrata oxpraaoloa to too Plaids, tona-on-tons cottons and stripos. A ll oaw *T atlli think It ahould to cut I canturlaa old droam of Buropaan the chtmh leaderis stand, ^ japan four years ago but slnca ». Quickly Aided bridges and telephone Uaea l a ^ MODERATELY PBICED Diseoniinued Line of too Attontle p o ^ Danfald oaid of But there was no agreement on cated toe death toU would rtas fall shadsa. Pro tean. 10 to H 10 ^ ^0 teans. too Buropaaa trip. down," ha told nawaman. " I doubt term ed th e m essage c la r ify - I tha atomic oga began, says tba Na-1 ^ program, tha wladom of eommlttlng our-1 This inaugural soosloa Of tot much higher. Atood wbat sort o f Idoao w on ing and fair,” Thcf gtate-[uonal safe couiwU aoeidenU have h^tor Brldgaa (R., N. H.) C x m tr a c t SHOP IN OUR AIR- aolvts to apond tola much wlmn Ooimea ^ wm give lU^ cauawl 400,000 deatto In U. S. long-time criUc of tha admlnla- Q e a r s n e e on Centurlee-old cathedral towors MANCHESTER oxnhangod, to oold *1 piafor not ments foUowed a talapbona call were abakan down, a military bqr- to go Into that* wa know they can’t uaa it ah be- tenUo* to practical pnbtama hav- from the eanilnal to the wife of Ma). Oaa. Maxwell D. Taylor, traUon’a poUclaa toward Asia, S p e e d e d After White CONDITIONED SECOND offered a three point program: racks coUapaed on conacripto u d $ to $ *? ; Idaoa Vary Vtoid 12a i2;u again." 'SS.*iid*a2Sla too lata prasldant. Tba cardinal wartlmo paratropp leader, official- in one area a train waa deraUad. MOTOR SALES Bates Oxfords 5.98 8 8 Tha quaatlon of coat also waa said ha acted to clear up "many )y la namad to command Amaricaa “1. Pat tha NaUonalist govern­ H o u s e Appointm ent FLOOR Aakod about a auparamo mili­ Maav eC Dead CbJidiu Opan Erwlnts ragrattabla mlauadarstaadlngs'’ mlUtaiy government and Anny ment on the back Instead of kick for Men tary oouneli fo r too U-natlon ol- tag it in tha face; X Give aasur- A a eye-witnaaa broadcaatiag 112 C sn U r 8L nanoo,nanoa, DonfoMoamaH aaidobm a lotwe ofaa oug-•« Mich), top SMiata lUpubUcaa in Buropaan pamport. oonoarnlBg tba' pcoitloa of tha foroaa in Berlin . . . Italian naws Washlngten, Ang. 4—(ff)—Sen­ from Ambato said maav oC- toa - - Tha foraign aBalra outtara. **5*£*5jJ Roman OhtooSa chwch on the in- aganey ta Triastau Fraa ’Farrttoty, anoa *ba4 tola ooontry daaan’t ta' 4184 TAKE THE ELEVATOR gaattoas had bean reoatvad. T 1 tfi^'tb'rocotnUii tMi Coimhnaist ator Mandt'(R-SD) said today jf- dead were children who wara wbola thlag "la v o n auid.r ha Tha adadnlatrattoa terdav na aiyb*fllie''OAE£ilfiItC '^gumfiaiam Bowaa’a-laaeara-that torOo- govarament of China; I. Furnito ficlals of a Detroit auto parts firms atudytaf their eatechtom in toS oaMrSod m w r'« 0'MBtieaMy. a ciaicaa taken wm eonstituta a rise-1 in Mo otatamant, iaauad aimul* have dadda4 to appeal to U. N. to cathedral when toe quake kneelmd Reg. $12.00 Corduroy Jumperp small arms and ammunition to tha teotlfled they received quick clear­ J tt up- « 4) able advance toward a distant goal tanaoualy laOt'night with one byj halt war la Oraaca . . . n ig h t of aati-Communist ferets still willing ever the etone atructure. A toOdauartart far toa pact la Mra. Rooaevatt, tha New Tork{ two alx-weak cocker spaniel pup- ance on a 4240,000 Army contract ‘The Quito obaarvatory aaid.toa V a lu e s N o w $7.95 \r Gray, eoppar, rad. Slsa 10 to 16 —a real United States of Europe to flgbt.” _ ____ a mattor that ia “ atm antlraly slmUar to America’a federal aya- arch blah op aaid hla church pioa in Dayton, O., bora witaoto Mach Oaa Ba Daaa afU r John Maragon got them a eaithquaka’s dastnietton w u eu - opan“ aad a matter fo r poUtioal tam of government. pubUo funds aolaly for ‘’auxiliary | front feat, ia being aolvad by roUar torad about SO milas aeutlr Zf9C Groan Btasipa Givaa W ith Caah Salao Senator Magnusoo (D.. WThlte Houaa appointment. el diocuiolna, too admiral ooid. Aid BUI Set American dollars already bavo •arricaa" of parochial schools. •katas. Mundt said the Detroiten wore <^to, high in tlia Andes broken the ground for tha building a mambar of tha Arm te Servlcaji Ulna. Guayaquil, oa the coaat, i $ _ $ Would a a u p r«M oouneli to oot . Don’t A te Snppart Mlaalaaippi’s Choctaw Indians committee, aaid a great d a a ljm the low bidders and were entitled l ' 7.98 8.98 up by too and of too yoar, oa ho of contlnantai unity. * For more' "Wa are not asking for gonor- aay Uaela Sam hoodwinked thair to the contract. He said they ro­ ported the first toock coma at f For Passage Ithan a yaar toa Organisation for can to dona to keep waatarn C9iina p. ra. (a. a t.) aad a aaobad ona DieeonUnued Line of In T •1 anpport of raUglouo ochoola," anoestors in land grants and want aut of Communist nsnds. uted that they simply wanted to The .MC HALC COM ———— “ Won. that waa Juot a data X European Eoonomlc Cooperation ha aaid. about f4e,(W0,000 to make things ■peed up final government ap- foUowed at 2:0S p. m .' - * (CMEBO), an admlnistrativa agon- Hs su f gastsd that if soma of the M A N C H i m i l C o n n * . AIR-CONDITIONED ptekad up out a f tba air,* Danfald Mrs. Rooaavalt, whom tha car­ right . . . Throe taetoriaa wm to parsonaliUss could to onminatsd provaL •aid, “ Mit I don’t aaa ahy raaaon fin d Senate Vote ^ dinal had called “antl-CatooUc’' moved to interior at China, aays Maragon to a former Kanaaa Although reports from otoor tos Nationalist govonimant areas were atUl vague, Ambato SP- GIRLS* DEPARTMENT—SECOND FLOOR " why It ahould not to doeo.* for her oppoaltion to Federal aid pro - Communist newspaper in . it could aorva ao a framowortc to City bootblack with an entree to Dorothy Dodd, Modort Portnguaoo Gob. Jooo FoUpo “ o n d . 7 , to sectarian achotria, aaid tha car- Shanghai . . . Official of---- nitaois . *-i,t against ths Commu- ths Whits----- _ Houaa. quee- peered to to hardest ML Iha Am- TAKE THE ELEYATOB B am a Rodrlguoa waa aakod toto ^ onod htr and 1 pubnc Aid oommlattkm 1$. — to ---- Ittonad thro# days last week by bato hroadcaator aaM a third oC tha .whatoor Ua oonitry ia atm praaa- O n e O bstacle Remains||Mjtwaaa W OEBC and toe Ooun-j **$«k$d me to fo over a atatement | put hla family of aix on I daatroyad. (OBottMHd oa Paga T M ) Senate invoatlgatora looking into Preaidaataat GOalo w nP la n Laaao W t which ba would like to raleaaa. food bodgat ordered for roUhfars| toe scUvitiea of " fiva per eantars' iW T Grooa Steaipa G irts With Cash Saks laaPBgal r) Wariiinaton. Aug. e .- ((n - A | (ODnttoiiad aa Page B ^ht) fo r Ambato to taka paaaonal Pumps and Oxfords « “I have read it,’’ aba added, by IPAC. ■parsons who ebarga a fee for charge of reacue work. Troopo I muia-bmioB dollar foreign aid] ‘and think it a clarifying and fair Dr. Babert Cl Battodga, Jr- ia helping othara gat government In White, Black and Brown were mohillaed to gtvo old aad to bill was oat today tor swift paa- r a n 1 A • 1 T atatement." achadulad to to aantanoad M o i^ y Qiinese Study oontrsetk put down lootiiig that WM tegoitad aaga attar running a M > C l l O O l A l C l 1 8 Both statamenta wars released in Oadar Rapida, la., ' court on The inquiry to being handled by in Head sharp Sonata dabaU foe days. Tha r M X U x o at tha Chancery office of tha New ■pecial Senate jubconunlttaie The JW HAL^com Shot charga of slaying bio wife’s badia- (C Snal voto la axpaetad Monday. York wrchdiocaaa. trying to find ont whether any Reg. $9.95 lor admirer . . Alexei, patrtardi of Yankee Stand M ANCNISTIA tOMN* ’The only obstacle aUU oonfront- They, came two -----, days .Moacowafter May- and all Rua^ aaya^la comintoalon men have attempted to While on Duly StUl Tied Up ! Influence government offleiato, aa V a ln e a N o w a a 0 a a a $4-49 ling tha money bill—and not a I or WUliam O’Dwyor had express newspaper atatement toai no oon- vary Mg ®o*—>> *»> aMondinaBt i od hope tba two couldId mlgat togath ' fuct ~ oMsts botwaon loyalty to s_ o - i f i i l l - l j R e a c t io n o n haa been alleged. > _ . . - — inby r nanarnrSonator nam Korn tn..(IL. Mo.>,ato.,. va to barw ■ n - i war »to rvooncuvraooncUa umtheir r diffediffaranoaa. vist stats and loya l^ to Ruasisn *-*5 *® *** ^ No Irregnlarittea Sera FbrittOr fl” "Hffud o f Po*Iracovary aid to aay natten ia tha PresidciXt S Request tol Tha cardinal aaid the CathoHc Orthodox church . . . Gonoraliastmo I W h i t e P a p e r W U l W o t A House committee which has l4<'fK4 XPtSm I . fUturo which nattanaliaaa a baate I J „ M a in a n r i»r * “ ' ^ wpmet. nor aak Chisng Ksi-Shek arrives at South' — n conducting a similar proto F la sh e s! U S B D C A f t > 7/o 7Va itiitCi 7^ Cl cod U o e m a n * 6 W i f e ! • industry. a p e e u u p m e s s u r e i .^hooi oonatruc- Korean port of CMnhao for oorios Be Ready for Days 1 M. S 4 in (O o a tla ^ mm Paga Four) S o u g h t la S la vd a rl Tha move la aimed particularly I lo r n o r e d b v H o U S e l^ ® " ’ maintenance aad teaching of . conforoncoa with ^rosidont **^*^i-E WHteie’a aoclalixatliia OTO-1 ^ I aarvtcaa. Byngman Rhoo 'on Padflo pact Canton. Aug. •—<0 —The Chi- I gram. ShoiSd Sharo With Puhlie agahist .Omneenlsto. Soatosmpton. K. T., Aug. e—(ffi Washington, Aug. S—(P) -> Da- naao Foreign Olfioe todw togu IHa Dto fim i M ia autod Oot a f Orteir But bs paid parochial aehool Texas cowboy', charged ' with ■ 11 inte^va study of tto U. B ilRHOUSESSON POLIO ^ 5,000 ipogcomsn waa ahot with puMic West Berlin New York, Aug; slaytog two men to rodeo areiw, Wblto Paper whioh-wtttoo « « 4he I N B . : funds for trans- Nsiionaltst government aa a fan- | addiUoaal dutha Ufif' V < n lfllt Ab b# iCood In n lUtchon of n I ts* w r m r rulod j s out Jife o f oi^ I p$nod $tui Epponrodippesred in itoro | Ywtrtntim achool lun la in JsU waiting until his attor­ futito poralyria ' W E GIVE dwe GREEN STAlIPl h ^ hm preparing to go teak jfo, ««& „v-r.i.i ».«... I Po*teUon. .school lunlunchas, health ney ' can raloo 420,000 bond..... ure in the war with Chlna’a Com- SAVE!' SAVE! SAVE! today for too eontrovoralal Fodor- mo 'and non-rollgleus text- Loan Urged Iportoff (affay te tha City Group o f boys uncover 2,0(>0,400 mnnlsta. . on patrol duty. It contained poUcy-making law in al ald-to-oducation bill. departmiat. " * ENTIRE EAMILY roHeo ooie too victim, Harold Houso loadoro Indleatod that asT' throe coat otainae In Bronx A epokeoman oald tto t i ^ m violatloo of-SonaU fulsa. ' ', "W a do not think,’’ he added, "it lot, aad Secret Bervlca m «i link I of tha 1.054-pega >•"«*> r f the $400.00 Discount On Brand Now and SUghtfy ^ Winton, about 44, was Msahig hia Ktm appoalod' too dodaton by nothing win . to d4no tolo yoar .on should to Istt to each state to do- T h r e e 0>mmandants|teM2tteMt«£3toto4g.; wtfo o f toraa wooka goed-byo whan too ^-h ot Uouo. find) to Jittery fake money ring White Paper. Ohlna'a o t t ^ . buOol oraMtad through a winSow Sonator Tydinga (D„ Md.), who eido fdr itself whotbor or not to g y r iu government communi-1 action could not to axpectaa ror Usod Crosfeys. Thirty-Fivo Milos Or Bottor wao prooieiag. toit laadtn srs ‘Tno presidont’s roquoot foi dtstributo Fodoral funds in a dla% Recommend Action to ______. andn4 (ita ii^ Mm in too naad. proMpt action was (Ivon to Ssnata quo eaya booEb thrown by naldw-1 aeveral days, IW • An elann was pot out for too confident they can boat this movs. criminatory way. tiffed pofOU caueed undetermined I B v u oa be apoke, evu ta ta iM Ones past that hurdls. tha Son- and Rouss Isadora at a Whits "And above all, wo ask that Prevent Chaos There [ ^ ^ 7 2 tod^^MmriMdi**i£it‘ISh Por Gallon'Of Gas! srrw tj^ toa wifa’B formsr hus- Houss eonfaranca ysstsrday. number of easualUas in Damascua ffald served to underUije ^ p ^ t nia^ u Iff V 7 w 'is , m nT DAY aaionsf KW f**** Moman, M m t 44. oflato is oxpoctad to approvo too Opngrsis guarantss the usp of Hep. Hogb D. Scott. Jr, of in the Ymte ^a^ N. T „ a noariv Long moasuro which has boon tiod up ‘Thoy told nswsmsn. attorward F od a n l.fm d s. for bsalth and - mu Ibomu B.|Uoiiallat Armies :.4W.«»tJ»ave to Berlin. Aug. 6—tha many ragrot- g e u w h u Gen. C hu Mtog-Jen, vUlege aad town force hara for I t Houm. taUa mtaunderatudinga u d mis- Fordham uhlvarrity Mlsmograph S eu ty commander on that front. mlUtary governon th ru ago oar. (4 ) 41.074,000,000 to pay to r roeerda two v io lu t earth treoaers 1946 Ford Snpiw DeLuxe 2-Door Sedan lari' yotex jua otopp^ IMo hto u^o’o ^ oporatkma during last April. Bocka OosflMtod BIO Intorpratatlou. ovar Federal aid went ^ over to- —toe - Reds------with!*»■ poo- 1*—* hu notjret beu acted upon, l—m OacridHoyt h M o for a cup of coffoo whllo bo I A House Labor u d Education to odiieatioiie*' abqut 7,300 miles west o f New ribly 80.000 o f hia 40.000 troops. Beguile Lu g-Term Credlta ■F a < 1942 Chevrolet 4-Dr. Sedan was on duty. Ho w u preparing to (4 ) 4400,000,000------fo r Army oc- ■ubcommIttoM h u reoonuiudod Ho aaid he felt it Ms "duty to York laat night ... Japu to key *niet handed o v er'to the Reds Tha com m uduta ara raportod loava whu hit by a .33 caliber re- a bUl which oppononU claim dto- ■tato ^in simple terms______tha_ poaitton______to u tire F u .B a sten i situatloa,in r h ? tee fortreM of Chugsha, W raUM to have aaid tba waat Berlin in- I F e carry a complete line of Hardware Sup­ 1942 Hudson Com m odore **6'* Sedan cupatim ooots in Qormany, Aus­ 1 lat. Mtoo M 7}fad ^fu>! dpLt-:catcoK T veivor bullet.. tria. Japu and toe Ryukyu Is- criminatoa agataat C|/lhaUc u d l CSthoUca togetoer with many oaya LL G u . Robort L. “ *»•**• north of Cuton, diutriea, which lost SO per cut P^tea aaM lla m u rscutly told | other noa-pulwc ochoola. | ______borior, wu-tlnw commudar of Official dIapatchM said that Of thoir tools u d aquipmant dur­ •rot* Img haul plies to meet all your demands. 1941 Nadli Ambusaador *‘8** Convertible Coiip ' K aad too ffri ‘te n t e ^ t hd4|daued to t m the (4 ) 148,000.000 la aid for Tur­ Ibiown u the Bardu blU be- fOoUteaoff u Pago Foot) Bl^th Army. more t o u 160,000 Red troope vmro ing tha war, requlrM Inunadlato amt got Offl M T O t T H E A L L E N 1N9. A g e n c y , UvearoaoTwii pi Wintoro, • hla ex-wife and causa Raprasmtative Bardu (D- long-term credlta if they are to to tatorvaBS. 1940 Packard *a iO ’* 4-Dr. Sedan key and Groooo. massing aouth o f Changsha. Thay • a* Ootov atretl, nhaOH ‘ himself. N O headed the subcommlttoo, tha I predicted a W f hattto aom. survive. Zlomu wmp told to have roemt- (4 ) 4444,000 (or a Oongraoetonal The aourcM arid toa amount BrimAajpIFn GARDEN and LAWN SUPPLIES f falMByOMli hnafaaMM Watchdog oemmlttoo staff to Houm mauura is doadlockad la O u . Pal r*M whether rioaun by too H*^tejtopai^mt dafoetod with Chu had da-1- r . U toteor o f a . * Perenniol Seede _____ S.Arayaaapplyrnafari yeatorday ovar tha lack o f oppooi- nt.y>te«n T.erfe«kt (D-Mloh) of IM utey to detormiu — -n— by Oov. tagfSM M. ■triiok I v u antomobUo while too Labor aad Bducation eomaUt they ore buboale ptagvo victims. thM. i^ e r a l torim lciau hava lao- him aad returned to toe n Individval Fancy and atteeWna I5.Q0 fw 2 yaaw t croestag Main atraat to maet hla tlm to a propooal daaignad to halt latod plagoo-baaring Sou from O f waat Bartln73!M0,000.popa- Q Noiily NBqf aad owadiliif $iOAO far 2 y4>ar»t tha diotruettm or dhnuatUag of too. Watoolf ff CathoUe, aaid ho oou A PubUe Ranlto aarviea official goveraraent foM. O u o f hto dl them b aa aUlirMei, . . motoor. The child, am o f Mr. and wild rodmto at smroral prints la vlrional oonmandors w u reported latloa. 304.000 woekaro agp r.4*«l Mrs. Kauoth Unigran, w u taken 845 Industrial ptanto In Oanaany. ao pwffpoct for action m toa od- ■aid'Dr. Varam B. lin k w u aak- drawing fuU or partial uaouployr idrte^ * * * * * * ^ H %HU lAVE YOU MONIV ‘Iha S u gto approved by voloo ucatlitim bUI tola year..' New Moxioo. . . . ^ kidnaped by loyol troopo and taken Dated. -16- to a MiddlatowB hupltal whora ho NO Aeriunuiud •d to dlagneu toa New Maxloo The PubUo Health aorvioa oSl< to Hoagyang for trial. awat roliof. Couatlag ta ffqpaad w U raportod in fa ir eondltlon with voto u amandmut whlrii ta af- m u . this Johtou Moo totols 48A- fact dlraoto BCA Chief Paul Hoff- HOUM Majority Loador MoOor- baeauM "bubonlo plagua to claUi oold both oqutrrria- ROPOTU aaid one raaam for w posnhiy fraotund'okuU and a gophors had beta found to carry Chon*o defocUm a grudgslpersoao. LARSEN’S m u to n

MANCHBSTEE EVEHING HERALD/MANCHESTER. CONN^ SATURDAY. AUGUST 6. 1949 IIANCHESTM *VENWQ HBBALD. MANCHESTia. OOKW^ SATtlKPAY. AUGUST >. Ii4» J Heart Oeavaat Watarbury; a i m . A bulk af the •lay WMk by and |fiM,000.000 gt “eounlyy tebaeee assn sad agricultural offi­ Ti4-i-nibepp! ] Long Voyage iMUtf uatU Ula wMk. graaAduagbter; and a eistsr, Mrs. Raisers Form Home Exhibits POLIO bMUte**' Hose Egan of Wllllmantle. Fwar- cials was dens ta Hartford. LASl W 0()D Rockville "It la net antlelpated that mar- B a n k Reserve Aa _ bvalnaaainaB______ahlad awajr The ardor will radueo ‘ the ra- al servloso wlU bo held Monday at Now at End INSURANCE mliramanu tm Uam depoatu (aav- kat oondltleaB la the valkw will As a Feature ^ .rv 1 J boTTowtot 8:18 at Burks’s Funeral Heene and Tobacco Unit TmS. T. J. CROCKETT Inga aeoountal Croa • to 5 par at f a. m. from St Bemard’e nsoosaltate a pries support to r to­ Churches cent, on Aug. 16 at country banks Ask State Aid church. Burial will ba In S t Ber­ bacco,” ths vies presldsnt ef the •TtkalMiM M lt Cut Ordered nocvjiroflt organlaatien. WllUam Schooner Smiled . from •oucht____a.A athar «MW«ways 9toa tovaatInVMRt thAirthalr and on Aug. 11 at all other banks. nard's cemetery. GMiperalive OrgaMUed Dreas Rerue, Home- Smay. One liault was haa^r On demand deposits (checking la Bndio BaHas A. Ifotton, Somers, said. at. lawwf j . g gmask Boston to BeRver, Pr., •lyMbasaa of govarnmant aacurl* accounts), requlraaents arUl tor " For Schools RabM Paul R. Stegal wlU oon- To Be Ready for Any *9ut growers fee) that a eteadby Rev. Oatl H. ■av. Jokri F. aM M a. Paater making and Honring ^•Mnunent M*y Be las from other Inveatora. * ' laduced as follows: i duct a radio eerlaa each nenilng organlaaUon aheuld be avalleble, ) W. WNHw. o rgawar Rev. Oeerge P. Wagtea 6,000-Mile Trip Fbianclal axparta hata think tlm At Mow Tork and Chicago Price Support Need capable of admUilatering a prioo aa« Otelr Dlreeter Rav.Rebortf. Weed To Be Attpaedons • •■•••••••a <>Uf Gainer from T . I next weak. Aug. • tie 18 aver Bta- support If It heeomsa noceasary in DANCE- Miller’ s H hO ■ama thinir will occur thla tln»a. ai- h«nif from 24 to 22 per cant over Half MiUion Dollarfl " Uon WDRC In Hartford. The pro­ Beaver, Ps.. Aug. 8— Frank tEaay Credit’ Move theufh buatnaaa borrowing—hav- the period from Aug. 11 to Sept. gram will start at 8:58 a. m. an8 future yeere." TeBaiM ftiriteUM Bunday, August 7. Eighth Bun- ■unday Maaeaa: Storra, Aug. 8 — State Dress • New Rnd Used tnjrtoaUy taken Its first mild up- Efitimiated Cost o f Two Hartford, Aug. 4— — For­ Fbv aklte: 7. fi, 6, 10, 11 witt Potter has snded his long voysgt 1, at other larger city banka, 'from the subject to be featured will be day After Trinity. Itovuo, haraamaklng axhlMte, aad ^n_^oU Id continue to climb un- 20 to 18 per cent over tha same Proposed Structures "How to Get the Most Out el mation of a Havana seed and i;48-6:00 a. m., CatUloalc bell tore amaaea at 8 aad 10, oae la home—8,000 mllas by sea and river • Homes o f tNSWiittwi. Au«. ^ N ^ m b a r whlM. broadleaf co-operapve, the Conn- tbe mala auditorium at 8 for a panel dlscuaslen on bousing are In a two-masted 48-(oot schooner. . . ‘ giim naiwt ultfeh this waak aa* period. At country banka, from 14 Ufe.” Shower Party Evary SalusSay NlgbU- adults aad ona far ebUdran at 8 buiUI up taventoiy f«r th* f»n aim to IS per cent immediately, then rteale Teday \Mmmm Tobscco Co-operativS Inc., 6:00 a. m.. Divine Worship. amoag tha features ef tho homo- It was 11 months ago that Pot- * O lltM lR Iining V r Ih M ChrlstniM BeMon, RockviUo. Aug. 6—AppUcaUon SiSS to ISiSk r. M. Prelude—rfeludo aad Fugue la G in tbs basement. Two masses at « ma bwiaanag t® wait lU « - to 12 per cent on Aug. 16. , The Slatethood of B’nai Israel is today svaa announce oy Clifford makers* program fior -Farm and ter saw the schooner tied up st a ' ' t saaMA aiay ba tha chlaf galMr TR® gov«nitn«ttt, on the other U being made by FlrM Seloetman For Miss Wold ^■^-filtnov ,...... Bach 10 o'clock fer adults, one In tha ta vmrtaas saattaus at MAM- holding a plcnle today at tha Uob- L. Bolden, North HaUleld. Maes., oeartory—"Andante” ...... main church aad eaa la the baee- Homo Wosk at the iTniversity of Long Island dock, a “for sale” sign aawaat “aaay rr*«Ht hand. U Just getting Ernest A. Schlndlor to ths Oon- man pool la ElUngton with swtai- preeldoat CHF-STER. offOTrt hy JAR. borrowing to make “ P ^*** . * ^ nscUcut Public School Building meat. OonnoctleuL August 8 to 10, hanging amidships. VIA Tao smroty •> ’ m w by tha r«ol- or Investment an e x tra 4®®®*®®®'' Card Party Ju^e B. B. Heery’s City court.. PRINCESS SOhdsy after Labdr Day. of using ascorbic acid en fruits chester and Salem teams, once week with Mr. snd Mrs. Arthur L. Today they sailed for Pittsburgh ' tered ths Woman’s Army Corps In They were about to send a 7l* The co-operative wee hailed by 10:00 a. m.. Nursery departnaent Denning of New York. to officially end their trip snd then 1 000 at banka In those dtlao, 9fi* Fabruary, 1644. and has been in ‘The first card game of a new growers end farm leaJere as the Main St» At Ptari The Eighth Bimday After Trln and fish. Columbia members of the Inter-County USED /VlUUPHtXIRTANK 000.000 at other larger d ^ banka. series eponeored by the Building year-old defendant to tha cooler In the Pariah House during church Ity. In ths Armory, throe kitchen League. These, it is expected, will Mr. and Mrs. Reginald I.«wis at­ they sail back up the Ohio t o ! continuous service since that time. yesterday for drunkenness. Then first marketing cooperstl. for tended the outing of the State The sergeant haa served in aeversi Committee of the Vernon Metho­ sUtas service. Ihe service for the Transfigura­ mixing unite will be set up—on# s Tho list of building permits ho played in Columbia if plans art Beaver and put the "Seven Seas” | IN eUHMER^lDOx the police happened to aey they outdoor growers both sU 10:00 a. m.. Divine. Worship. Veterinarians Association held at up for sale Army Hoepltals throughout the dist church will he held In the aUice enactment the act in Noonday Spedak tion of Christ will be used at both stock-built mstal teMnst another sppiicante. as releaaod by completed and proceeds will bene­ t o r WATER. MOrr- amellad bey nun en him. Tsxt: Luka 11:L Thems: “Lord, servloee. a custom-built metal cabinet, and * Ferry Tavern In Old Lyme. ’"That'a the hardest part of all," ' FORD church basement this evening st That did it Tsacb Us ‘To Pray!” Judge Clayton F. Hunt, agent for fit the league treasury. Wednesday afternoon. Dr. end tiuctprimtohou / Sergeant Knowles is the daugh­ eight o'clock. There will hs prises 50c 8:00 a. m.. Holy Communion. the third a custom-built wood Potter said. Judge Heery told the jury to Zion Lutheran is a church of tbe Rev. Wilfrid L. Greenwood, cele­ the coning commission, would indi­ Invitations hsve been issued to ' Mrs Frank Ferrigno of Wllliiiisn- "But." he added, "dreams have ter of Mrs. Mathah B. Richards, and refreshments. caMnst. Also in the Armory will the wedding of Miss .Sylvia Arlene of 28S7 Main street, Glsatonbury. acquit the man at once. ' International Lutheran How beard brant. be exhibits of convenient storage cate considsrabis activity in that tic went with them. They also en- lometime and now we ex- Textile rnloB Bay mm. he explained, is not Dliuwn Strved over 1,100 stations In 35 Ism 10:00 a. m.. Holy Communion. Wliltehouse. daughter of Hr. and joyed a cruise up the Connecticut ] ,,„y , TRUCK The August meeting of Local 58 and In 47 territories and foi for other parts of ths house, piss field for this little town. Mr. Hunt Mrs. Earl Whiteliouse, of Mans- an intoxicating Iiqu->r In the Marie Sea. “ nCUTXB aaVADSOX” S P. M. To • P. M. Rot. Wilfrid L. Greenwood, cele­ _ D w II home and I'll have to hunt a job." Textile Workers Union of America Georgia law. llierefore, ha said. countries, locally over WONS brant; with address by Allen P. tlc counter tops, bullt-ln stovsA j Monday that the following Held Center and 'Thomss Lugrand Herman T. Brown. Sr., haa sold > ______1937 Model WiU be held on Sunday at 2:80 p. Pies "BiCara TO PABADtafi" paints and paint Drufnee, ena . . . . ^ - i e.t______*«_ t_.a _____ a «> * D 0 ir i Local Resident It la not possible to get legally every Sunday afternoon at 12:80. Bray m , lay asriatant had bsen given to him: Permit for' Sharpe, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. R. an acre plot of land on Lake road. ^ I’nder Die Japanese system of m., at the Union HaU on Union drunk on it llusieal outline of this aervlco: lightning rods. to Adolph Good Mechanical At 8:80 en Tuesday. August 8. a 60x80 foot building to house a ' Shan*' of Stonycroft. The cere-1 adjoining "Overlook.” I computing ages, a system which •VV PEMAQUn) Wins Promotion street . ^ Bay rum generally Is used aa a Processional—”0 Wondrous Type! TO...... • e ...... I.. mony will take place in the Storra I Hinrichs of New Rochelle. N. T. Condition Fearth District 8UN..MON.-TUE8. Christlaa artenee Society in the Armory, the State Dress Mr. Hinrichs told Philip Isham.,I win be discarded the end of 1049. men’s toilet preparation. Maaeale Temple O Vision Pair.” A. and Charles Pskulls to Bro.J«- [ fongregslionsl church. 2®- bnbv is considered to be one The August mseUng of the Ssqusnco "Where Cross the Revus sriU bs held. Twenty-eight local realtor who handled the j * ...... OfLyloH C. Wslr, of 810 Wood­ Fourth District American Le­ - Air Conditioned girls and aix boys from (Connecti­ lyn. Tbe men have kiresdy etaited j' W’’- bSr%. Archie Berkowlt* transaction, that he had been com- No Reationablo (OorUght Savimr Mam) Sunday service, 11:00 a. m. Oowdad Ways of Ufa.” land atrsst, Manehsstsr, has bean gion and AuxUiary wlU be held Offsrtory—“God Is A Spirit." cut’s eight counties will bo pre­ construction of the building on '■’■ill hold open house at their home ing to Columbia summers for more : sdded to its sge on the first day Offer Rcfnaed rAIEKGeedlardmr af Isaao aaly) promoted to euperviaor. Industrial on Sunday afUmoon at 8 ^ m. at DUBALDO BROTHERS Sunday schooL 11:00 a. m. Oommunlon Hymn—"Let All Mor­ sented by Miss Katherine A. Ting- propeity formerly part of the,*" Oieatnut Hill today from than 20 years, staying at ‘The Pas- j -A the following .Taniisry. WEBIDATB sacuritlaa of ths OonnscUcut Mu­ Tolland Wadneaday meeting, 8:00 9. m. Frank Potter sstete on Route 6.' » • P ">• Th* occasion tiires.” Mrs. Hinrichs is s cousin the Ellington Town HaU. ReporU THE BAND WITH PERSONALITY ITte public la cordially Invited. tal Plash K ^ ailonca.” toy. Extension specialist in cloth­ See HOO am way tlSO B. T. tual Ufa Insurance Company, ac­ of ths recent department conven­ Recoaakmal—"Rejoice, Te Pure In ing at the Unverslty. Contestants just west of the WilllmanUc river. 1 " ill be In honor of their son Sam­ ! of the late Misa Edith Sawyer, well cording to an announcement by Grange Lecturers' (jonference "Spirit” Witt be the subtet of my. who will be confirmed at cere­ I known miniature portrait painter SUMDATS S BOUDATS . tion wUl be presenUd at this ume the Lesson-Sermon for Sunday, Heart." will model their garments to music Permit to Theodore Preza who will SL50 oaa way 1 3 ^ B. T. President Peter M. Fraser. BattlaFsed will be held August 15 to IS, at Try A Sixxler This (hurCh U open dsUy on the stage and on a runway. A i bidld s four or five room bouse on monies in C?heatriit Hill Syna­ j whose family develojied the sum- Mr. Weir has been a securities Rhode Island State Ck>Uege. Tol­ August 7. throughout tbs year for prayer and Pine street near the corner of Dou- gogue ill the morning, which is I mer resort. Mr. Hinrichs. who is KnarF's Stand BENSON’ S Spedel R i: te saeaw C r a ^ Walter Thorp of the Tolland Ths Golden Text la from Psalms mural made for the occasion by s ‘^[DflLtOI snalj^ for the company since County Production and Marketing land Orange Lecturer Mrs. Helen meditation. Summsr Session art class wlU bledsy road. Permit to (Theater aiao his thirteenth birthday. I a civil engineer with business . U i’ S i p VIC! iK deye (aaeepi haHdaya) lUO 1940, having joined ths Connecti­ Wilcox is expecting to attend. lll8:l, 7. “O Lord, thou hast Administration reporU that appU- form ths stage background. Gudmundaon of Wllllmantie to Alfred German, aon of Mrs. Julia i oIBcea in New York, plans te re^ CANNING PEARS FLUNITURE CO. -I , f ^ acquired prop- Opp. Manrhcater Green School 6. a Iw UV — M . fC w S ta S4B I surplus potatoes to feed their w n x i E ’ i Litchfield County; Ruaaell Ander­ Hill. Mr.fl Gudmundaon's property, to the inveatment department. In Unlonvllle, Conn. presence?” Bov. Lelaad O. Moat, Mlalater Mr. Weir attended Glastonbury cstUe. The first shipment has Mrs.. Hilda F. Tuntr of Spring- son. associate county agrlcultuml port of X parcel of land sold rie- among the yotmg people was one ; *rty. • rived end been diitrtbuted. Ae iw Selections from ths Bible Include cently by A. H. Benton is ons- of s party of four young men who | ------schools. field, Mass., was s recent guest of $5 JACK POT ths fcdlowlng: "My speech and Sunday, August 7. agent, Hartford 0)unty; Evelyn the past the potatoes for eat Us are Mrs. Charlotte B. Wood. my preaching waa not with entic­ Hartley, aaeiataat home demon- third In Andover and- two-thiids, left here last September to make dyed. Dairymen are required to 8:80 a-m., Momlng Worship. in Columbia, but hla house will l>e a trip to California by motorcycle, Prlaec Has Train Ride Mrs Lucy Usher has had sa re­ ing words of man’s wisdom, but In Prsludo— etratlon agent, Fairfield Ooimty; take at least fifty 100 pound b ^ ». cant guests, Mr. and Mrs. Marritt You May Be The Lucky On# demonstration of ths Spirit and of end Marlon L. Fry. professor of in (Tolumbla only. Mscht Brothers.' Frank Soiokollt from Columbia THE NEW and the cost la 50 cents a hundred "FantalMa In E" ...... Dubois local building contractors who will i and two WilUmantic boys were the London, Aug. 6 — — Prince Usher of South Willington. The Place W'hcre Cveryone’a Going power." (X Oer. 8:4). Offsrtory Solo— clothing, Rhode Island State Col­ ROAD Charles, who v1ll be nine months pounds Orders wlU be group^ so Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Phlstncr lege, KlnRston. build acrosa the afreet from Sol' other three. They did not atsy Sat a carload can be received at a Oorrelativa passages from the "Tho Tstonty-Thlrd P s a lm .” Starr's home In tha (Thcrry Valley long in the we.st but returned home PROVEN old August 14. got his first train have returned from two weeks’ va­ Christlaa Science textbortc. "Set- Malotto. EUxabeth Lambert, ao- Points on which the costumes MERCURY rids today. His mother, Princess i«ilroad siding most convenient to cation St Ssybrook, Conn. Air Conditioned for Your Comfort will be judged Include; suitability section, where they have built be-1 within a few weeks. "Pud” how- enoe and Health with Key to the prana EUxabeth. Is taking the prince on tha fai-m. Oidtra will be received Mr. and Mrs. Walter Anderson of material and trimming to the fora, were given permits for two ; ever, got work out there snd at the office in the Profetelonal Sertpturea.” by Mary Baker Rddy, aermdn: "Lifa Is the Sacra- stayed on .until now. Ke came ths royal family's visit to Bal­ have returned from Misquamlcut Include the following (p. 481): design and purpose of the gar-i houses. Myron B.srkowitz obtained "Our home is growing with our fam ily. ^0-1 ‘t f k DELIVERED IN moral castle, Scotland. King Building. With some farmers re­ Beach, R. L, where they enjoyed menL” Rov. Clifford O. Simpoon of I s permit for a 300-foot two story back by motorcycle too. stopping | ‘‘Material aenao never helps mor­ Center Church. ment; workmaiubtp; the cost rsc-1 off in (Chicago to vl.er 6 at 8 o’clock at Grange hall and suitability of undergarments house and Farage on his 30 acre (Hair L. Robinson attended a aseaad tha raqidrad down payaanU Charlie.” tatoes. and tha L.acturer’a hour will be de­ CRarok af ths MaearsM plot on Old WilUmantic road east meeting of the New England Milk HOMB IMPROVEMENT LOAN!" Pariah Outing voted to Ritualistic work. ENDS TODAV < No Minimum Nightly Osvsuant-Ooagrtgatlsasl dnircb and acesaaoriea. Th# posture, poise Jaaaa R. BaU, Mlatotor and grooming of the girl modeling of the Old Hop River Village Producers Association in Provi­ IMMEDIATE DELIVERY ‘The members of St. Bernerd’e Mr. and kire. Eugena W’ineb and "SOREOWFUL JONES” 48 Spsuoa Street school four comers. dence early in the week. Mr. Rob­ church WlU hold e parish outing family of the River District, Ea*l the costume also wrill be consider­ PLUS: "I Shot Jesse Jamee” AIR CONDITIONED FOR YOUR Carl M. Hsit erssa, Bflsdster 8:80 a. m. Sunday Sebort for all Bsaeball for the high school age inson, who has a large dairy farm on Sunday at the Rockville Fish Tolland (P. O. West Willington) ed. on Post Hill, is a director of the KnarF's Stand and Game Club, sponsored by the are spending s month st Groton Paal Paige, Orgaalst ages. Tsanyson McFall, superin­ "Houses for Family Living” will boys went under s new system be­ DINING AND DANCING PLEASURE tendent In charge. ginning this week. Sponsored by association aa well as resident qf Men's Club of the parish. Thomae Long Point. ! ba the subject of panel diacusaioim this district. E. Regsn is chairmen of the com­ Mr. and Mrs. Albert (Tarter andj 10:00 a. m., Sunday, Sacred 10:46 a. m. Momlng Worship. at 10 and 11 o'clock on Monday. Oolumtas Recreation council which MeINTOSH APPLES mittee with various activities be­ Mrs. Eva Pearson of Hartford i Woeahlp. The paetor’a text: Luka Msasago by Rov. C. F. Austin. Augxiat 8 in the Home Ekx>nomlcs furnishes leaders and equipment, Mr. snd Mrs. Charles Perkins, 18:8-8 The topic: "FeUage Or 8:80 p. m. Toung Poopto’s moot­ Building. Paul Putnam, professor the boya will undergo a practice former residents here, now living ing delegated to the foUowlng were guests Wednesday at (tie | in Littleton, Mass., are vacation­ MAMCMSSTM....—WUrMOWt SISS membere. FrancU King. FrancU home of Mr. and Mrs. John H. IE OAK GRILL Fnflt?" ing. Marion Janes, president, in of farm nmnsgement at the Uni­ period each week in addition to Opp. Mgacbaater Green School Emaet Johnson, assistant organ­ chsige. having outside gamro which are ing st the home of Mr. and 3frs. Pog^e, Paul Buckley, Francis Steele and Mrs. Lslla S. HaU and versity, will toad the discusaiona William Ody, Mrs. Perkins par­ Nolan, James Torso, Carlton Mll- daughter, Miss Bernice HslL Manchester's Center o f Happiness ist, at ths organ. 7:80 p. m. Evening service. Rev. Panel members will be: Georse being arranged. Dick Molt snd Muale by a man's trio. C. F. Austin will speak. Roy Ferguson liave joined Walt ents at Leona rtfs Bridge. aneie, FVancls Ashllne. John Ashe, The Tolland fireman held a busi­ Stebbina of Simsbury, s rural Bety Bemitt entertainsd four­ Bernard Loehr, Harry Ertel, ness meeting st the firehouse ‘n>s observance of Holy Com­ TIm Week banksr; Stanlsy Oute of tbe Card snd Harvey Oerter aa in­ THE BEST IN FOODS AND LIQUORS AT munion will follow the aervtce. 7:80 p. m., Wadneaday. Mid­ structors and Monday night the teen young people with a hot-dog Bernard Fahy and the officers of 'Ihursdsy evening st 8 o’clock. Lustron Corpomtlon; a builder roast at her fioma Mohday night. the club. MODERATE PRICES The Covenant League church week prayer meeting. from the Home Builders’ Aaaocis- boys had a thorough going over on Mrs. Maud Meacham of Hart­ infield snd outfield practice. In The party was in celebration of The acUvities wiU start after 12 ford spent the week-end with ‘Tol­ picnic, which had been planned for tlon of Hartford: Fay Moeller, Ex­ Betty’s twelfth birthday which noon and v/lH Include various thia «'ay, all boys attending can land friends. VAGABOND FORTET Point O’ Woods directly foUowlng 8L John’s Polish NattoMsl tension specialist In family life at occurred on July 29. types of races, evenU for boys the University: and Mr. and Mra put in s workout each Monday Mrs. Mary Edgerton Baksr ra- the Sunday morning eervlee. Is Choick night and will not be benched Miss Katherine (Thristhlif. who and girls, dsrt games softbsU for turned to Hartford Saturday, so OAK STREET PHONE SIM caaoslled In accordancs with ths 22 Galway Street Edwin Smith, a jroung couple from both men and women. There wlU reals* Ses.! "LITE OT BUEV" Hebron who plim to remodel or while a few play the game. Mon­ Has summered in Coluntaia for the after two weeks sptnt with Tol­ requaat of ths Msmeheater Board Rot. a. 8. Stryjewald, Pastor day night at 6:30 on Hiitciiina past twenty yearA left hero Mon­ be pony rides for the chUdren. land friends. rise "AS810NXD lO DAMGEa” of Hsalth. build a home In the near future. Those attending wUl carry their Mlaa Clara Sktabaea, Orgaalst field for all boys interested. Dr. day to take up permanent reai- Mrs. Mabls Splcsr la a guest of 7:80 p. m., Wednesday, Bible Ralph Wolmer. chairman of the dence In a amall home the has own lunches and cold drinks will friends In StaffordviUs. Conn. atkiy and Prayer. Text: PhU. bs avsilslde. 8:80 m. m.. Moss. program committee of the council purchased in Ashville. N. C. She Mrs. Harold Wslgold and two J:27 • 2:18. 10:80 a. m., Maxa. said there had been 35 bo.ya at­ will stop off to visit friends in Guest Preacher daughters of Dstrolt, Michigan, Negro Ku Kluxers 'Rev. Leonard Stryker of Tolland Vacation Church achool In the tending. Baltimore enroute. Her home wlU preach Sunday. August T at have bean gusata of rslatlvsa In, TO. I, Th. eri Church hall, Wednesdays and Frl here, "Rose Cottage.” has been LOAN USBDCAIP Tolland for tevsral days and. Ualoa Borvlesa days at 6:00 a. m., and Saiturdsy at Giveu Jail Terms Mrs. Howard Rice, who a-ill TYPICAL IMPROVEMENT 10 a.m. at St. John’s Episcopal hsve charge of the arrangement AOld to Mr. snd Mrs. Wilbur Smith friends and rolatlvos In WlUington. i Oeater Osxgrogattooal aad 10:00 m., for children of all who are now winterizing and re­ Araouat Amount Term Mauthly church. Hr. and Mrs. Alvah (Hough of | SorthMethodtot ages. of flowers in Columbia 0>nrregs- to of Paymmta Meeting Postponed Oaark, Ala.. Aug. -6—iJC)—Two decorating It, in preparation to Meriden, Conn., made a surprise | BY L0V E...BY4JFE...BV YOU! At South Methodist Church tional church Sunday, in observ- occupancy in the near future. Finance Note The regular meeting of the C2iU- Rov. Lelaad O. Hunt, Preaching snee of Garden Sunday, has asked dren of Mary of St. Benmrd’i visit to the John Oough (Jenes- self-styled Negro Ku Klux Klans- Miss Emma Wilton, who has . -T'a.Ni 8500 8528J2 12 months 84SA8 lo^cal Society Annual reunion The Salvation A m y if anyone with flowers of any da- 500 550.81 24 moatha 2248 chuqjh scheduled for tomorrow 881 Mata Btraat men ware aentenced to jail after been a guest of Misa Katherine Ink and outing at Swostheart Laka in 8:00 aad 10:80 a. m. acription which they will give for for the past three weeks, left for 500 574.90 88 nMatho 18.62 has been postponed until August *Ono out of o ^ tjriftCf iloM born In tho Unttod PTalude—"Recit de ‘nerce en Captain Blcharfi D. Atwell pleading guilty yesterday to the floral displsy, will please bring 21, the meeUng to follow the 8:80 Tolland, July 81. and was able to charges of violating Alabama'a her home in Sliver Springs. Mary­ These montkiy pajmeata repay SAVE! SA VE!. SAVE! prove that Alvah CTough was of ‘rattle"...... Nicholas de Gi igny them to tbe church this aft­ land Monday. She took Mias a. m. maes. both Intemt ■ad prtaclpal. the third generation Is a direct mo, olmoBt oil Sola (at the early service) by Misa Stmday. 8:80 a. m., Sunday new anti-masking law. ernoon. The church will be open (Jhriathlif with her. Vnlea Sonloee Stotol fi born out of Jeannette Scrable, soprano. school. Special program follow­ Union services of the Baptist, descendant who saUed from Eng­ They are the first to be charged after 3 o'clock. Anyone who has The (XXaS plan to hold their an­ $400.00 Discount On Brand New and Slightly ___ m Anthem—"Turn Ye Even To Me' ing leaaon period. Oongregatlonal and Methodist land in 1685. mlldorod snd convicted under the statute, a gift for arranging flowers who nual plcnle Saturday at Mitquam- oro born to girl* ml , , r ...... P. Marker 10:46 a. m., Momlng Holiness would like to Help with this work, Icut Beach In Rhode Island. churches wUl bs hsid on Sunday at Quartet: Jeannette Scrable, mseting. which became law five weeks ago. Used Crosleys. Thirty-Five Miles Or Better 10:45 a. m. at the RockviUe Meth­ Traaaaa To Open Party • A third Negro, Raymond Mc­ haa been Invited to join Mrs. Rice, Mrs. Erneat Lyman, a patient at Haa your growing family set you to thinking mro oro pribao; Mary Stewart, alto; Ueorge 2:00 p. m., Sunday school at 811- also today. Since gardens Windham Convalescent Home, odist church, with the pastor, Rev . . ofrold. About VlBSA tenor; James ElUott, Jr., vtr Lana. ' Clendon, 20. is scheduled for trial about finishing an unused space on your second Albert Jackson, preaching. HoUywood. Aug. 8—(P)—Bttri this afternoon. in this ares hsve almost complete­ spent the early part of the week Per Gallon Of Gas! 7:15 p. m.. Sart-ice In the Park. ly dried up during the drought, one with her daughter and son-ln-Iaw. Mrs. Annie SalUvan Barrymore will Mt a real sondoff m »olvo§ on: "The Yoke of Oirlst,’’ The Week Those convicted yesterday are floor. . . about building a playroom in the base* oa her 70th birthday annlvsrsa^. from ton to ninot • f t ' wonders just what will be donated Mr. and Mra. (Jhauncey M. Mrs. Annie SuUiven. 61. of 29 M * Rev. nvv. Leland V.O. Hunt Tuesday,,4:00 p. m., (Thorus re­ Tommie Johnson, 16. snd Robert ,au ^ street, widow of'William President Truman wlU give the E. Lee Miller, 21. They testified for this display, which normally Mr. and Mra. Herman T. Broun. ment. . . perhaps even building an extra room on of 4|cond Congregational Church hearsal. Sr., are vacationing with Mr. and iulUvan died unexpectedly Friday opening address on a special broad- tho vitfibm ond 8:00 p. m,,* Junior Band ra- they formed their own Klsn with should be outstandingly beautiful. castAugust 15 honoring the famed Ppjtludo—‘‘Donsn Toccata" . . . . . Mrs. Rice said flowers of any aiza Mra. George Brown, friends from yonr house? For ahsolulcly the lowett pricei that quality permitM, check night She was bom In RockvlUs ..J. 8. Bach haarsal. McClendon and th ra other Ne­ Rocky Hill. r ' February 6. 1888, and lived here actreas^lrthday. and her 60 y e w tho Wadnaaday. 7:80 p. m.. Toting groes. The defendailta said they and description will be worked into moat of her life. She U survived by on the sUge. The pwffr»m unhoiglg the whole. Herman T. B.rown, Jr., Midship­ this lUt! , be Hred over ABC. The Acade­ Pemto’B aarvlca. donned white ahaete to frighten man aecond data, and a atudent Come in and talk over your expansion plans 1. a eon. George Beyer of ROckvUle; Gospel HaU Thursday, 7:80 p. m., Opan Air two Negro girls whom they sc- Albert Lyman, manager of the at Cdumbta Univeraity under the a daughter. Sister Ann Joseph of my of Motion Picture Arts and ; o Btory BB bold 415 Ceater Street local Baseball team said following with us. We’ ll try to help you speed the day 1947 Hudson Commodore “ 6” Sedan I Sciences la arranging the show. service. cused of misconduct. NROTC program, has returned the Sisters c t Mercy, Sacred Mayor Douglas Browm aentenced a recent meeting of the officials of home after a aix weeka’ training Sunday— the Inter-(k>unty League, that this when you ran start your needed project. We’ ll ,1946 Hudson Super “ 8” Sedan a drama aa Tsloottvllto CsngTegattoaal Johnaon to alx months In jail and period in Penaacola where he had 90 tbo \ 10:80 a. m„ Breaking of Bread. Miller to 60 days. Ihe antl-maak- week Sunday ends the season’s ’ 12:15 p. m., Sunday school. Chora amphibious and airplane atiuly. He arrange a financing plan that gives you the most 1946 Ford Super DeLuxe 2*Door Sedan Rav. Ernaat Gardan, Mlalater Ing taw. anactad after widespread schadulad games. An all star-team will spend the remainder of the ■ 7:80 p. m.. Gospel meeting. flogglnfa and other violence by vrill be picked to play the champ­ summer vacation here and will for your money, and that also deals kindly writh ^ 1942 Chevrolet 4*Dr. Sedan The Week Mra. W arra Woad, Orgaatot hooded hoodlupos. provldei for a ion team of the league. Mr. Lyman hava Sa hla guest. Bob Jagal of 't^eadsy- 7:45 p. m„ Prayer Wllfrad Kant. Chair Director ■aid the men had planned to try to New York. your budget. 1942 Hudson Commodore *^6'* Sedan THE REP RICHMAN TRIO craihim meeting, f > fine of up to 8500 or 12 months In rt- lAl arrange a series of four games Mra. Leola Beck, local poatmaa- 1941 Nash Ambassador, “8” Convertible Coup ’ -• ■ A * 10:00 a. m., Sunday momlng Featorinff Lovaly movlagoing axparlanca} BbHob OpSgrejatloBal CRuirti worahlp aorvloo. Louis H. Riley 1940 Packard “ 110” 4-Dr. Sedan of Hartford will occupy the pulpit Open Thursday Eveninff* r KT a M r J. Rmchy, Mlatotor on tha first three Sundays In 6:30 to 8:00 P. M. ALDEA BRENNEN Jrtneo MeRay. Orgaalst August. ' aad^^Mr INieetor FOR YOUR ’41 Qievrolet 2-Dr- Sedan $295-00 2 L e r v i| b wUI bs hsld at thla Super h* DANCING AND LISTENING PLEASURE chuiei through August or Sunday, Ssptember 4. 'EK i Specials! ’38 Plymouth 4-Dr. Sedan $163.00 IDA Iv 4* iMSrOld Th e Manchester 1 'lOWEST PRICES *35 Ford V-8 2-Door Sedan $55.00 Concordia Lutharaa Churek 1Ri- LUPINO firedwdisa vie DR. G. A. CAILLOUETTE IN TOWN! , preaeH terden .aadMVbiter Stroota Model “ A” Ford Sedan .... $79.63 Rev. KarI.RIchter, Paster CHIROPRACTOR CAVEY’S lleary U HttSard, Orgaalst T rust Co. SALLY FORREST • KEEFE BRASSELLE • LEO PENN PALMER GRADUATE B:00 a. ni„ Momlng Worship. Manehealer, Conneetieut SPECIALIZING , The sermon will be deUvered by fre4v«ed by IDt lUPINO INSON BOND-.^., [IMER Cl(riON MANCHESTER OFFICTI ‘ Pastor Karl Richter, a Member Federal Deposit Inauranct Corporation IN DELICIOUS U t CENTER STREET IND HIT a “SEARCH FOR DANGER With ALBERT DEKKBB North Metkedlet CRureh PHONE 8688 ■■ ••• aad NORTH iN D Table 4'Hote DINNERS Second Coagregattsasl Church WARNER s t a r t s FOR ONE ^ United ta Worehlp PHARMACY FteaeripWau apeeMlete IN A DELICHTFUL AinM raERE BROS. TOMORROW ENTIRE WEEK At second Coagresstloual Church CIRCLE Through August aad September ' I Denot Sq. ‘AiL 8846 Ulty Iv tia Dettvarr ■NDS TODAY e "BgAUTIFUL BLONDE PROM RASlirUL BBND’* e.ALSO # "fCJIHO. 8i^ 378 MAIN Stj, COR. STRANT ST. TEL. 2-9442 Sunday eorvlcea, 8:80 a. m. f/.


las s n drssBM Fence Vocally ODOiMctleut motorists must bs Cmtodian Carries Crutches Progress Made tv T lC — 1*88 PlnjTB Role o f Unwed Mother I Ui^es Teaching trs csrofnl white drivtag saywhan FENDER AND SleaU to Get Funds Return Body News Tidbits n o p m - i ICallfl F lood B efore V o le nssr schools or chlldrsn, sspsetally Units For Studying Ptdnting On Hospital CaBad Fraai (ff) Wins WOOC— 1 Today*s Radio W T H T-48 80 Traffic Safety during those early days when vsry BODY WORK /ft City Hall Conpision w pno—i Boss Nudist ig children a n ^ o r t Icaratag O f Lennon go to ‘ WON*-I w n A »-*i* I Bn9 WOBfc Im » Totals Given . nttsburgh. Aiff. — Bovlrt sooa authsttttea In Oar- Renther ReJecU lAst* rMulvlhine 9S4 Jmtar i m s l Tba ogulpnMot o f the oontrollsr’a landing Committee I* many docllna to supply stthar Parents Advised to Ae* Aa asUaiatcd 374.777 pupils sro Twanty-ona - y o w ^ ^ 9 y * * Costodtena Minnie Ford Ofer |Says Most People Do Saticar. chargod with fohfcory. Remain* to B« Recehred this offloa is going to g)S Into tba for- Bnsy ComplelftDg ' w avidamsa tea Osrmnn i i diu . ____ aiBiss— •xpsetod to sater grade and high Into tha im t water dspartmsnt gus^sra. trial of nss Koeh, famtar.-quasn W n c-G ra n d Old Opey. qnaint Children ‘ With ■cfioala throughout OonaeeUeut told offloara ha state to got Here' Next Week, Fam- momttw To Rednce Proposal ;i..B ITirr—Troemiry Baud Bbow. Not Reeliae Yon DonH this autumn, according to flgurse funds to study painting aM ^ pair o f oruteb- mmkjt the wslfaro dapartsaant Is to fnlla for Addition of Bucbanwald”asawaia oonoentratlononwwiwauaB w n c —TO be aMMUBced. lliS B - AfMr AdjMtmott Rol- taka over the eontroDarte an-dn- ra Bavarian psssssutor’s Newe on aU atotlenA Rnles o f Road given to Commlaaloner Mmvlhill ha proinlaad Jfaglstrata W. H. fly T o ld ____ M. Ha had them under Ida arms, oampt says d t lA - Become Nndl*t Qnidk aaaln. Tbs water dspartmant than oCos Trttoo on right ana to Potrolt, Aug. * (*>■■■• R®®* llilB — by the State Departmeat of Bdu- LEARN TO DRIYI A n M f M t d K. kcDtarmld: M be wasn’t -wearing" nsm. If MeetlngB of tho huUdlng oem- WKNB—News; Saerebeord Va- NewA Hartford, Aug. *—(Special)— catlofi. “ ■ona day going to p y you know what we mean. win move to tbs second tieor ehia that Isada to arrort In Maw Motor Oa and ths CIO United Au­ rirttee. WDRC—World 'IbntaM; Denvsr, Aug, *,—.* w n o - B peeial Report te take uatun ta tko raw. The auggeetlon waa made hers and clothing of at laaat M am- body la among tha 4*1 a b o ^ tM around that w ill eenalderebly rs* iRtal near complstloa. Ths multl- 800 smployte at f W s Rouga and wno-r today by Btata Motor Vahiclaa eighth grades and 57,405 ta the to dOWtttOWtt offics Paper Just issued on United States l l t * ^ * John Gorrteon. predMwit nlath through twelfth gradsA An- Om Martlofd aroS «n *M t Incross Army Transport Private Jos R arrange offloao. Mds o f ooropUcatsd details nscss Lincoln pteats will sltbor approve 4 i*B - WONS—Donee Bond.' Commlsaianer Comellua F. Mul- buUdtoga m wtH m M from H—tings. ward to this oOart rations with China la primarily W THT—Te bo onnounced. tbo National Suubathen’ aaw (fthcr estimated 33,600 children m tnm lAmnorda' poUtlona and ro> ■ary to ths buUdtng of a bomHtal aa attempt to justify ths B ^ or dlaappreve a strlkA Thsy r t tHT — Woothor; Telegram Uon, aoyt moot o f ths pcopte don t vihlll. who urged that such parents poor *bo* of 'fttolty Coth#- was raoalvad this weak by bla require the building committee vote Monday through Wodnsaddy. I g r t - teach traffic aafety rules to young will enter klndergartena thte fall. f y A j 10 taaaata for oiarehaisM UntdfU to W rite; dspartmsnts ^ c ^ akss ^^JtoAnr DanelM Party, reaUse that "you don’t bscomo a Total enrollments will be about wifa, Mrs. V a r^ c a Mllao Lnnnon and arehltsets, to conmilt o ^ This Is ths last teirt obstacte to WDRC—Old Record Shop. w n c —Dance MuslA children sntering school next I M tlM iM on landlords’ P*U* hald for court. Stand Brings WKNB—Mows: Requert MaU- nudist ovemlghA" ,000 more than the eetlmated o f West Hartford, hla sootl y , Guilty of Forgory with tha rtair doctora, ths a fuD-scate walkout. A pparently It Invohree much mouth. - Mraiilfi* tha first rotuma on Mra. Carl A. Johnson of SM tor of aurslag, and ths dietitian tasUns rtanetess F i a n ^ psrson- iB ta A -- Approximately 86i)00 children 367,060 Connecticut school children If It Ma fair not opstmtln* o d ju ^ j^ al’atundaau dsny crop of rumore Ford has aanounesd a slight w n c —N cm ; Musta. more than twiddling n fsw hutp released for eummer vaestkms last in ordar that ths needs of s ^ easing of Its nravloos proposal W H AT—Rldcte of tho Purple F ru ssnry MediriatleH will be earolted in Mndergarten ">*ixlrusn as sat fortli unrtar Uia Term in Jail dspartmsnt can bs planned In da- that dsvolopad whUs bo eras on va- tORB. and first grades throughout Con­ JiuiA CUnmisslonsr MulvihlU aaiw^Hwalag and fUnt A ^ Miami, Fte„ Aug. B - A caUon-Uma Ashing trip • - that wagaa ha Impt aa they a n W D B O -5 m B8.7 MC "Before yon eon Joto ony nudirt ■sld. Taxation lists W-year-oM Negro vbo aaya ho for 18 montliA Tho company WOffs^Bonda for BondA WFHA— 1*8.7 88C. necticut when ecboole open after RUNS tkat tour tnontli parted, l,Md Mandieatsr Memorial hospital P»e« law to provlds Bnanrial ate WTHT—Tea and Cnimpete. group your port te pretty DJ®^ Labor Day. Many of these young- ial untU raoalvad incraaaoa to- cannot read or write la seirlng for thousands of psrtons parsscut- now suggests a It-month wags WTHT—FM >88'2.J"£l . Sughly checked." the poTUy Gor- ProtesU Over Imprb- a prison term for forgery. waa buUt as a memorial to thoac frsesA . . W n c -M ln d Tour Manners. W n o —T N 48J MO 8BA MC. ■tera, about 37,666 of them, will Cac l«.38# par mooUu A p p r ^ Are Completed •4 by Nasto Is approvsd by Amsr- riaon sayA " It ’a a long p r o o ^ be going to school for the flrat ■ a » y <0 par oant of aU iondiorda ^ Negro, Lewis Wsst, was who served In World War 1 UAW Prsaldsnt Walter R sM lr BilB— WDKC—F M ^ toe air 1 pJA- onment of Gold Star tcan MlUtary govsmmsnt. an- ■ WONS—Horae Race. Wo don’t want any crach-pote. time,” Commlaeioner Mulviblll T o O iir' MUtMOB raoatvad at tha local Rant ssntsnosd to one year and U waa dsdleatod on ArmlaUce Day rejected this Idea aa hs had.rs- llt e * psn. You must bs passed by a com­ PRESCRIPTIONS montba in Fodoral prison yos- 1880. Tho monument to ths sol- nounca Osrman authorities in *liS B - stated. Oti.ee waaaaapprorod for rant a ^ Mother Monntitif jsctsd ths previous proposal. game m WDRC. mittee. All Ready for New Urday by Federal Judge John dlsrs, now in an Inconaplenoos Stuttgart ' •>____ " I f you wore serious about hav­ WDRC—Old Record Shop. WFHA— PJA The etate official recommandad CAU-ED FOR WOOC—News; Big Brother BIU "O f course we reolixe thrt eomo that parents or other adults taka Iboroaaad on tha avaraya 30. W. Holland. Ha pleaded guilty place oa tha lawn of the hoapital ing the union conatdsr your pro­ 8:00-Baaeball OamA ^ of tbe phone caUs we’ve gotten In DOOR Listing* on October 1, Balt Lake City, Aug. %-Wh- to forging sndorssmonts on four wUl be moved to a more proml- M O f p u b U o ,WHAT—U. B. Navy Band. 4:15—News; Beoreboard Varta- tha children beck and forth along AND g w oant arhich la aDg hUy h if har Protests over impitoonmsnt of a not apply to tha u posal, you would have sobiritted the post fsw days sro from jok- ovsmmsnt chocks totaL'ng nant poslUon and landscaped. funds for "auxiliary sarvlota’’ af It and discussed It with us at tha .ifO NS—Ooaet Guard Annlver- the routes to school several times than tha National avarage of IS A**e*sor Report* gM star mothM ara starting to tiaa. •r>. But others sro staesre. 1 before school opens to acquaint i'.e DELIVERED par oant, thO Director stated, f100. Ths bronM, World War 1 memo­ church schools. bargaining masting sebsdutod for ■ary. Ah OaadltleMd pite up In tho govomor’s offioo. WnO-FreaeuUng Larry C3ot- youngsters with all traffic croaa- We Will Pay 'x h a major grounda for these Tho woman, Mrs. Nsttls W. Bscret service sgfnto said rial plaques, now located in ths Hs rafsrrsd to' nunurous states this morning, which you canMUed ■port*'- ,0^ umt sunahtas rssUy does bring I f anehsstar’s tan lists have bean W M t sim ply m arksd sn ”X ’* vaatlhuls of the main entrance that provlds funds for various without advance notlcA” Rsuther . ton. tage and haxarda along the way. aaabtnaasM W a: Capps, .Bountiful, Utah, want to Children should be trained to PINE liytb» making 01 a major cap- compllad and brought up to data. all rathar than to obey a court on ths becks of ths chseks will ba placed In a new main lob­ strvloss to parochial schoote, and said. ' Bt4$— w hich h i told them hs obtained by of ths hospital to carry out to ths Fsdsral school lunA pr^ Ths union, ta turn, chargod. ths W H AT—Bporte. 7 : w = o J S irtlroom Rmdsw. ^ follow the same routes each day, fial Improvement to tha property. Assessor Henry Mutrla reported order aba beliavad unjust. Sally ta a froai -Nst WaatoF’, feadwa Stae carefully noting and obeying all PHARMACY (g ) Xp incraaae In the servlcM from a m all box at ths address more fully the fact that the hos­ gram whlA has bssn avallaWs to oompanv with attaapta at tho W n c -H o ra o Race 7:86—Rural Nelghboro. about 88 milro ------, this morning, thus completing a *ha was ssntoncsd to iO days 8:00—Anything Goro; N ^ , «« • whMi atarta at tka CSrsla tlMrtar toMrrew aad alwwlag far aM sw traffic etgnalA crosswalk lines and 6B4 Ontar Strart fu nitw o. for contempt of court when aha re- w here be lived. pital la a war memorial. Doth public and parochial o c ^ ls . bargaining table to weaken ths BiSB— H e then persuaded nelgli- Plans ara now In process for H# t|itn prMtlotfl bed been 1*48-48 contract. WOCC-Sporte. WTHT—FM oa tho rtr B pm.- j odgrt drifts ^ other safety reguIationA the com T a l t-B R H »500 fnasd to comply with a court order borhood m erchants to cash ths group wear shoes and soms use mlasioner aalA !Tol?’^.S lir 1 to " f ttlng ready for to turn over to a trust fund m onsy regrading ths grounds and build­ unhsld by tha Buprsms court Reuther said Ford nsgoUatora ■un-vlsorA Ths only thing re­ In communities having patrol­ (g ) Inotaasad occupancy of tha f^ , October 1, the data of tha legal checks for him by tolling them ing a large parking space, to the "W s furthsr bsUsvs,’’ ths car­ had proposed ehangas ta elauaes Bams H WTHT. tag of deUdoua lee cold wrtei^ Or Mort from sn Insurancs policy of hsr he w as unabls to rssd or w rite, w n c —FM ao Um air 8:81 ajm- motely rMNmbUng a brseeh clout Lila Leeds Guilty . melon. The next Grange meeting men atatlosed at school crosaingA hoostoc UDita . I RfMMintnt. •on. Jacob U CappA who waa cast of the WkUiig. for the ac­ dinal said, "that Oongroas should dealing with seniority, holiday pay wnc—kowa te ownsd by aa slderiy Canadian chll^rr . should be Instructed to " (4) Inanultabla rente or books up to data as of ths sgsnto sold. commodations of the public, the guarantss, as It did la ths school and farmod-out w oA —aB Aangss W H AT—Newt. 1 Am . ____ w ill be held on August 15. Worthy klU sd In ths* Battle of the Bulge. Same ea w n C . who,travelled 1,666 miles to at­ Lecturer Margaret K. Yeomans obey the officers without question Trada-ln Oa A lower Umntha average coropar- the only additional work con- The m oney w aa to be placed In a doctora and the employees of the “unch a ct that aU children of that would w eAen ths woAsrs* WCCC—HIU A t Six. In Drinking Case whatever race, creed or color, no WTHT—Ball Scorei; Mimic At Telsvlelon tend the camp. Hs brought hla w ill attend Lecturer'a Oonference at all timsA Commissioner Mul- 194B P k ck aH Sttyar o r In m^ * " g such corrections fund for her aon’a thrM sm all ebU- b O R p l t A l e position. oallo with him and wears a pad vlhlll declared. (ft) Landlord’s •“ rosnipa or « 1 cw iges as may appear bat- The MW addiUoM to the hoapl- matter what echools thsy attend, Six. WNHC—TV---- FJL in Kingston, R. I. ■licive uou . . Soper Dahua dten, now livin g w ith hla divorced Attsmpttag to InBnoaoo Vote 8:15—Tstetunmi Program I on hla atemacb to keep the cello Oommtesloner MulvihlU reported la ir net operating tocoma foriiaU^ furaan now and October 1. Jooaph Leonoa, Jr. ta) w ill Include a four story wing wUl A are allks la ths ' a ^ l ^ Earllsr. John 8. BugSA Fofd In­ W ON*—News Beverly HHls. CaUf.. Aug. •-< F » Mrs. John Phelps and Infant w ife and har now huaband at Boa Obituary urns. Whan the nudists attend camp daughter, Charlotte Marai, came that automobile accidents killed Ihcrassed oast fa e tm Aisata«r Mutrla said that tha to ths west and a one story wing asrvlcso’ for w hlA tbaoo Fodoral dustrial relations mansgsr, claim­ W DRC-Newa. .Lila Leeds, convicted with Actor four achooI children in Omnectl Adams strsst, and his father, side. Calie, • WKNB—News; Sports; Easy 8 :86—Red Barber’s ClnbhousA movies at night they wear clothing from Hartford hospital on Mon­ lata compilation of tha lists t ^ year Is Intssveutlou Bought to the north of the present build­ funds era spent In the statsA" ed Rsuther was m A tag such ta deferancs to ths chill mountain Robert MItchum recently on a cut shortly after schools opened FORGOTTEN adjustmante, Mr. hulUvan autaa ^ behind tha regular Joseph Lennon of PteSsant stioot. Rhythm. 8:45—Lucky Pup. day. Mr. and Mrs. Phelps have Totegrama continued to arrive ing. Tho west wing wlU provide Hs added that eu A laglateUon charges In an attempt to InBusncs 7:15—Movie ShorU. braescA "And of course there's no marijuana chargA pieadsd guilty test autumn. ■ To Jidy » . ®v* ^ schedule, due to tha fact that soma Sergeant Lennon was a gra<^ space for a complete new radlo- would In no way undermine the the strike vote. He called them SilB— two other chlldrea, Sandra and Similar accldente Injured 176 uato of Manebsstsr High school, at tho office o f Oov. J. Bracken w n c —Bob Stoete. Strictly 7:86—Hollywood Screen Test ■un at night," they expUta. in City court'yesterday to a charge Robert. lairty petitions under tha fair net I jjjjja were la tha Inglslalnra, tha Lee, aaklng the governor to Inter­ De«th* l<«lcal department, a new path­ “ traditional Amoriean principle sf "Absolutely fates." S:06— ths Plcturs. Only rebel ta the camp la a part child pedestrians and 57 child bl anasatlag return formula v^sj* *•* | naaaagi of which would have vary and before being shipped overeeaa. ological laboratory, a new oper­ separatton of church and state. Sports; Weather, of beltig drunk In an automobile. Sandra Lee, daughter of Mr. cycllate In the state during the ntaiTTW vene and frM tho woman. — Rsuther offered to dsbata ths 8:66—TV Teen Chib. Oallfirala .miSA She was given a suspended ten- .nalvad at the looal...—I Rantw «.t offioo, 1 S u ^ a lta re d tha usual printed he trained at Fort Jackson, B. C. ating suite, and approximately 40 "W s do not want- Congress, for matter at a mass masting In w c a tc —Rscord Album. and Mra. Paul Krai waa baptised same short period, the commte- Fort Bin, Okie., Bhraveport, La., Serious doubts sxiaUd as to OariM ftunlM WONS—TroplesnA 16:00—Nmwm. She waa quoted ta an Interview day jail eentencA fined $96 end thiB num ber, m ware p ^ form on which tha local beds and IS bassinets. Ths new ths first tlmA" hs said, “to adopt Briggs stadium. with Rocky Mountain Newa re­ in the Oongregatlonal church on ■ioner aald. and Camp Pickett, Va Ha aarvad whether ths govsrnor has power to Carlos RugglM disd lets last W H AT—Supper Serenade. placed oa probation for a year. to a ccnclustoo. Rant to- drawn, ■everal dianges had bean reprieve a persoa aentenced for north wing wlU include a com­ a discriminatory policy In tha Ths preliminary Alrmlahlng porter aa aaytag: Sunday afternoon with the pas­ "These tragic dcatha and Injur- •(aaass were granted to 47 la^j; propoaad In regard to personal in tha 77th Dlvialon. attached to svenlng at his sumumr horns In Bt8l The aCtrese had been scheduled tor. Malcolm Crook officiating civil contomptl ' Bolton. Bom In Hartford, Octo­ pletely new kltAen, cafeteriA flald of education.'’ gave IndlcsUoni of a hot, election. 'T don't mind stripping to take for a jury trial next Monday after Pvhape T— have pta sB-loe tetM nmte** the T s lr net formula p ro p ^ y aaoassments, but none of the Technical ArtlUary Battalion. dining room and an all purpose On these points, Mrs. Roosevelt T—Si Postpones Action assisted by Deacon Frank Hamil­ loag-lhc parebase of a ■ On Chlrstmaa day of 1044 be was A n attom ptod reprieve by the ber M, IBM, hs had resided in The Importance of the vote Ues In WKNB—Wcrthcr. a aim bath. But the folks here pleading Innocent to the charge. Saa Erala Saiitk er •ffactlng U * housing unltn these ware tifactad. govti ir laat A pril Jn a civil con­ room. This room wlU bs used by said: the fact that the Rouge plant te oonatetent. They Insist ton. as sMriur far year !•*< Than are approxlnaatriy 17,000 awarded the Bronse Star and tha Springfield. Mdss., moet of hls life, •Ths cardinal's statement * te »— She told the court yesterday she tem pt case w aa hSld Invalid by the doctors, the Women's Auxll- the heart o f the Ford empire. Theater. On Forced Labor without wsa leaving for a theatrical en­ THE OFFICE OF “ sr js-s.’sjsi'K Uste la Manchester now. Silver Star poathumoualy for mer­ where he waa president of the lum­ iary o f the hpspltal, for clinics, the print that the Supreme w n o—University T NawislhsliaMlepayywwdaheeo | Ckat Bnuwer atate Buprsm s court Justlcsa. The ber company, that bears hls nams. I f Rouge workers did not ap­ WDRC—Red Barber. Utslr clothes ta order to gat gagement ta Seattle and wanted to Prison Owud Seataaoed itorious earvlca and gallantry board meetlngA and other confer­ court has declared It conatlUiUcsi- healthy—or to stay healthy. DR. RICHARD C. ths ■ m s y af ihoM wha i action. Bgt. Lennon mat Juatlcea w ere sM ted as Board of Hs teavss two sons, Carlos, Jr. prove a strike, union offlclato could WKNB—*40 Club. OenavA SwltaertenA Aug. 8.— clear up the charge hero Pardons m sm bsrs, ences. al for etates to uae staU or Fed­ not call It legally. Michigan law "Okay, why don’t they quit " I hope thte lE tho cIOEtng Muehlhausen—0P>—The Inmatea assnebtoyrebotareaelMget I C 3 2 n m lto affsotad by this nsw death attempting to aid his patrdi of Longmeadow, Mass., and Calvin eral funda for ‘auxiliary ssrvlcos. WONS—Answer Man. on—The United Nations Econom­ ALTON A t ■nw Vatsrana administration Since 1030 there have been rsqulnr memberAlp approval. WCOC-^News; Concert Hour, smoking 7 And why don’t they eat chapter In a book you're going to of tbe Muehlhauacn prison, in 8o- hen. May wa krtp yw* ia ffiB Si gbtmula. Tbs nvsings rental pw About Town leader who had been mortally of WUbraham, Mass., thres grand- over 60,000 people admitted to Th ors has bssn a fssUng among ic and Sodsl council yesterday wounded during an advance on an said In Washington It had stoppsd chlldrsn and ona grM t grandchild. Any walkout which did not include WTHT—News; Weather. postponed action on a U. S. pro- r^ht? Moat of them are eaUng throw away,” Judge Charles J. 'viet-occupled ThuringlA bad a yosr cbolea e f a Seleet le iliiij M|lt BRC before toCTMM Insurance benefit paymentt to ths hospital. Tbs average censtw many citlasna that ths uae of Fed­ out of cans and the food in the good time 'when Sergeant W. CHIROPRACnC enemy stronghold. Mr. Rugglaa was an honorary the Rouge plant would lose aBUch 8:45— u poaal to Investigate forced labor Griffin told her. Bsire r-aaha wmoiw-wtT Brigadier CUffotd Brindley, Mra. Capps from tho policy isft by In 1830 was 84 paUtnte par day, eral funds for 'auxiliary aorvlcss WTHT—Rsndesvous With Mu kitchens Isn't so hot, either." Plntemagel waa In charge. He In­ His body will arrive on the Pa- trustee of Wsalsy Methodist might lead to a change In ths In­ of Ite eftacUveneaa. In tbe world. PHYSICIAN Mr. •ulltvan stated that tha pw- Salvation A rm y divisional officer her son. Mrs. Capps Instructed the laat year It was IM per day. In­ Btats police will be on hand Meantime, she has not indicated vited them for parties ta hla santaga <04------the--- grants------under^ ^ , at Hartford. wlU ba tM spMtel clflo coaat this week and w ill be church. Springfield. terpretation of ths constitution. The postponement vrae voted Veterans administration to atop Funeral aervloes w ill be held at cluding the Annex admIsslonA when voting aUrte. The State W H A T-K eynotes With Carte. ■ha w ill cut short her stay at the apartment, let two ao-called eco­ Soporiti | B R U M m R *S Calr net operating provision spsskar at the meeting of the locw sent here with a military honor the paymenta. w hlA Is a 400 per cent Increase "Ths cardinal's atatsmsnt Is after Russia protested that Brit WILL B E CLOSED guiml for burial. Complete de- his horns in Bolton, Monday at Labor MediaUon board aald they WONS—Mel Allan. camp. Andover nomic saboteurs escape to Western 858 Caat Caatar S t isalistilT laeraaas to a oonsldsr- 1 q q | ~ tomorrow evening at 7:1B in census since the hospital clear on this ooosUtuUonal point.' WDRC—Larry Laacuar. ata and the United States Germany anturwl ths top prlis at ths year. Many times ths hoapital has "Again I repeat that firmly W H AY—Symphony ■ona ta the Soviet Union had been Ride on Monday night. The com­ and a half years. COMPARE aad SAVE annual Ksnsy P a A Woman’s club « , « OuickLy Aided I ^ 1 1 be Sunday from three to eight believe In and shall ever uphold hava been negotiating alnca June ■entsneed to forced labor for va- been so drowded that there have 3 on UAW demanda for 8100 WKNB—Cryrtal Ballroom Ra mittee had planned and served a ^ » ■ I o'clock. ths American right of froa spsscb vlaw. rloua offcnacA The funeral of 13na Klhbe Tuttle deticloua supper under the shelter C.HTSvSSSVS-TSllDenlcld Indicates been patients In the corridors, monthly paaalona, haalth beneBU waa held from Ladd Funeral Home bid. tbs patttlons w ars dsaM demonstrating the desperate need which not only permits but sn- W THT—Hero'a HoUywood. Tha eouncU voted 10 to 8 to of trees on the town hall grounds. la tha daugh*»v of Ateo Blmpaon, (Coatlaasd frota Page Oae) BUse Jeante O. Evaaa and a coat-ot-Uvtag w u * defer acUoa oa the tavesUgatlon yeaterday afternoon with servlecs further proem stng. M r. for buUdliis* ooursges dlffsrsnoes of opinion. WDRC—Green Lama. Ths ride proved to he a myatery ^ ______i formally pro at tha Oountry Onb Conferees Concur Miss Jennie O. Bvans, 74, of 183 Bsvsral public figures had de­ Little progreaa haa been reported. t r t » - ^____ proposal until the next meeting In the Ellington (kmgregatlonal to. all except the committee mem . into Army uniform purchases re- Prortiect street, RockvlUe. died Raymond Ooslce, bead o f the The UAW conducted a atrlke church at 3 o'clock with MnMta mMjustmanta appear Jus^ | imt,, ud a «»^b«r «f b u lld ^ committee, expects that fended Mra Rooorifslt including WTHT—Bart AndrewA early ta 1900. U.N. SecreUry- here untH thw destination was tfud < m ^ baste of tbs tendloidg ,^^11 Lodge. N a M . Daughters of this morning at the Rockville City former Nsw York Oov. Herbert H vota among Ita 106.000 Ford mem­ 1 tS»— Ocnaral Trygve lie waa Instruct­ burial ta the DUngton Center iflad 01 On Pact Defense* Irregulail' hospltaL She was bom on Sep­ the plans and speclflcations will reached.' This was due largely to *3|VSA additional. Auiionai tteMtime | SootUu M rs. Slbtey pMtod a Iw be sent out for bid by contractors I,^.hman. H i bad Said hs wss bers across tha nation laat month WDRO—Vaughn Monroe. ed to ask Ruaria sad other dta- cemetery. Mra. Tuttle died Tues­ the indirect route by which the to glva.tonante the . . gross over a field of B7 competi- ties involved In such contracts. tember 88. 1874, at Newtown. "Aocksd’’ ^ ths cardinal’s 1st and reported 7-1 approval. The W KNB—Rural Naighbor. ■anting countrlea whether they day night In the St. Francis hospi­ 'ffir e d Tba Senate group plans to start Wales, British Isles, and had been next week. In three or four tour was led. Finally the proces­ to • Juvtew ■ —tha------^tltloas p s tlO w and^ I ti,s , with score of 40, 41, 81 (Coattnued frem Fags O ae) ter, and aaid Individuals should staU^o^uctad election, of course, W THT—Listen To Music. would change their atanda and tal where she had been a patient sion of cars arrived at the en­ I pubUo hearings Monday. In prsp- a resident of RockvlUe for 80 weeks, when all the bids are In, WONS—Trus or FsteA for the past nine weeks. 'fite responsss I t oaa ns —t^ t o d ^ was awarded the Class the trustees w ill announce a pub­ not be "vimfted’’ for expressing appliea only to employes In Michi­ agree to a UM. Inquiry. trance to the American Screw 1ns fo r Spain's admission to the araUon for those asaslona ths sub- years. . gan. I t la a sort of doubla check w n c —Vie Damons. Henry Seften, Jr., Joseph Curtis pilaa. Funeral servlcea w ill be held lic hearing open to contractors tbslr -vlswA Tha portponemsnt was pro­ plant ta WiUlmanuc. Here, recep­ taewdlng petltloos wUl be grMtsd. Atfantle pact "W e didn’t die- committss has been questioning by the govamment. WCX3C—Sports; Showtime. posed by Denmark, Brasil and In­ and Andy Curtis are attending the cuss th a L "ta said. “It is a po- witnscasa behind clossd doors. Monday afternoon at 3:30 at the and all others Interested In the A H jimlor short course at the Unl- tion was unquestionable and as •TBBtecal Dlreotor added that r^ Mrs. Robert MeOomb sad sons. Luther A. White Funeral Homa project. dia Their delegates argued there arranged, officiala escorted tbe llbsralteaUooB of o t ^ »d- Rlritsrd and Robert, have rstumed qwsUon.’’ I • private meeting yesterday WDRC—Gene Autry, would be no point In Investigating verelty of Connecticut. More Than 200 w n c —Saturday Danes Date. Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Loetecher of Grangers through the factory. w m tiT t provtekms have not yet to thfir boms, 118 Wsst strsst, sf- Qaaeral Bradley, in a rep forced labor If Russia refused to Eiveryoae declared It an eveqlng to ba fully reftectsd In tor siwndiu ths pmrt monta r t Ruling Is Issued WONS—Twenty QuesUonA Main street have returned from Cardinal Issues VVTHT—Buss Adlam'e Flay- cooperato. their summer cottage at Diamond well spent and of "educational S a report rsteassd today. CrssoMtt Bsaeb. Mr. MeOonb Die in ^Quakes value" as was ite purpose. Upon A landterd of a buUdlng spent ths wssksnda and hla vacs-1 and that ’Tha western European Detroit company which produces cemetery. ’Ihe J*®*"? On Cigaret Taxes tinim Lake where they have been spend­ ^ i X l n . montte. to U t o parto. ^ e y appear^ in re- ® W H AY—Mualc ta WondartenA ing several dayA returning to the hall, the party soijSwsr four or tower dwelling tlM with hla family. New Statement appreciated the finale of the eve- ^ i o a n qualify for aa increaM sreA out what they need, so that sponss to subpoenas. ‘ t«mcrrow aftomoon. ICenthnad trsm Fags Out Lauds Teen-Age The combined meeting of the — ^ ^ hours tetsr Mundt, a Tax Oommlsalonar Dennla P. WONS—Take a Number. American Legion and Ladies n l^ a entertainment by partak- la raat under ths The son bora yesterday in Hart-1 they have prstty weU woAed up ing thooms” provision If it to fo u ^ j hospital to MrMr. and Mrs. AI- thstr sstlmatoa" mamhar of ths subcommlttss, told Oonttaoad from Page Ons going on ta ths ruins of stone and O’Ctonnor today announert that WDRC—Showcase of the Btaia. Driving Record A uxlllu y ta the 4th dtetrict will under the provtelona of Public Act tart rttor paying tha bort B. Horwathwth of 14 Harvard Taa other AtlanUc pact coun rspoctors: homsA _ W HAT—Muatc Room. meet Sunday, August 7 at 8 p.m. *nM y toattfisd they got in touch Sianehesier Ameiioana o f, other religious ThMiasnds ta ths area w an 211 any written advertisement In WTHT—Two BUllon Strong. In the E lU n ^ n Town Hall -with gnsratliigimerettrg tha propartyp rop a ^ xor a ««»• 1 « « I ' |»a•»“ bean*>•*» named“ “ Jay Albert tries, he added, had not ^ Ume tort parhrt he has a They have a four-ysarrtd daugh- j to do so. Francs, B r it^ . B e l^ u ^ with Marsgtm to see wtasthsr bs Uefs are upholding." panic stricksn. Many aprot the this stats for the sale of unstamp­ Hartford, Aug. 8—88- > w t tfa fto r paying hls strests. Patrolman Bruno By<*pl- .ji,, intuaUon In Asia has not friend of Vaughan. Club annual Joint outing — VUte reported ahnoet destroyed with en quoted above. ^ . WDRO—Tales of Fatima. than that of their fatherA the 50- Loutea. ly on quutlona Of public In teru t" undetermined number of dead and The commissioner explained that 54 yean old group." aMMtlnw exDenaes the amoUSt of ski investigated. Both vehicles |„og dlacusasd. he added, b e ca w "Thsy ■aid." Mundt coUttausd, "The controverey between the WONB-rOuy Lombardo, __ : * la iMt than 30 were proceeding east « C e n ^ ^ “ beyond the sphere of the that thsy discussed the* contract Thnnday. Ostebav 8 tajursd. this provlalon was snacted bscauu w n c —Dangerous Assignment The department reviewed the lual laeoms len ■ ^ | aocordlng to poMee. when I . . . tT. Annual flair. Women’s AuxUtary cardinal abd Mta Roosevalt flared A report from Guayaquil aald of radio and newspaper advarUse- recorda of 10,000 drivers who were 1 M r oant of the groM tocom a. In Atlantic pact with this Army officer, and that up two weeks ago whan the car­ t t l f A NEW OPTIONAL Pattereon atopped suddenly to Admiral Denfeld u id U.S. ideas ths whole thing had bun clsand of Manchester Memorial hoapital one eomtaof • passenger train w u m ute in tha aUU of unstamped WONS—SportA Involved ta accidents or traffic notice ^ 1. esM A tho landlord w ould ra- dinal assailed her for vlewa she : vlotetlona during ths part year. It avoid hitting another car w d on organlutlon had. been sub­ up and ths contract relsassd by ta Masonic TamplA ovarturaed naar L uUa « clgarsttsA Listenera and readers i oalvs aa taeraaae w hich w ould glvo Jonee struck the rear of the flrat expressed ta her daUy newspaper A govemmant announcement W tO *- reported that the teen-age grow ' M m 88 par osnt of ths annual tn- mitted, u well u those from other ths time thsy get back te Dstrrit," Cmttmn* did not know they were subject to WDRC—Stag It Again. countries. Issued at GuayaquU said 40 per- tba payment of the u u tax. and. from la to 30, represented only 3.S AMESITE SPECIALIST f ^ t m e tfo n the building after pay- ThsTha luDoommiuatsubcommlttss quuuonaoquutlonsd ^ He said tha widow of tha lats WTHT—News; Telegram Danc­ of tha total. Only drivara In the SAVINGS PLAN In reply to a quutlon whether ■oitA moaUy eoUUetA were kUled In a number o f InatanesA pereone OFFERS LOW COST DRIVEWAYS Nlcholu K. rSaehoA daacribedby 5 JraffeS M lS S m S preaidant w u guilty of "antl-Ca- ing Farty. v 55-58 group, and thoee over 60 had Thomas O. Harris. 81, of 150 a defense line had been fixed In thoUctem . . . unworthy of an when a mlUtary barracks for con­ not famlUar with tbs law , have WONS—Chicago Theater of the Bissau street, haa been arrested Senator Hoey (D-NC), the eub- _ _ . 1 ui»u-i«u . . . — ------— — scripts ci^pasd at Ambato. a ^ t t e r record. from A p A 1 to July 38, U u local Europe, Denfeld said the matter committee chairman, u “ tha moat r m m U O C U m C n t American mother,’’ and artd her been required to pay accumulated NO MONEY DOWN In response to public demand we are now offering this profitable and con­ by local police on a charge of non­ hadn't been dlacussed at all — nor A radio report from Ambato Air- ^ Bant O nies secured tha voluntary support. He w u released on 1200 Important mambet- of tha 'Detroit | x v g a a stand could stem only from 'mle- taxsA w n c —Richard Diamond, Pri­ isfund of 88.818 to tanante of 78 had tha quutlon of using Oerman firm ; Edgar Rogar Snyder, vloe | ------Information, Igiioranco or praju ■aid at least 11 parsons wars killed The commtaaloner atatod that vate Detectlva. 90 DAYS CASH venient savings plan. bond and will be presented In,Town troops, or the adequacy of funds In the nearby towiM of La Merced he appreciated the cooperation the Decree Protects 1 rental unite 8er overchargae Court on Monday. preaidant and genaral artes manag- York. Aug. 8—(FI — Flva dice.’’LV* ^ * EVERY DRIVEWAY GUARANTEED through tha aetlvlty of the com - now being asked of Cohgresa to Replying, Mi a Roosevelt denied and Ban Franctaeo, where church dapsrtmcnt h u recelvad from dlvlaton after tanante' arm Europe. blsA declared that pubUc-aup- towers wars toppled. The account newapapera which refiwe^ adver- Faith of Poles Wc Have The Proper Equipment and Know How He added that he did ribt know Hoey estd “there te no evldenca mmt » « « Introducedtttroauoeo severafssvwm waaka | of rellglous-conireltglous-controusd schools ■aid aU ths bulldtage ta the vll- tteemmU of thte type prtrt to the rrPTi«i»»« had been ncalved and DONT DELAY • CALL TODAY ' A b little as One ($ 1 ) Dollar opens an account, and fliere- Hospital Notes whether tha chiefs of staff would r t Marrtron w u paid anything" j ago by tha govamawiit at tha Rad had always provad an •‘unhappy’ ’ tege of Salcedo were knocked enactment of tba law. senfarannaa held w ith the land- be called to testify before Con­ that HOBBYING Iscd rt the local R ant O ttlee. by tha Datroltarra who obtataad j emuplraey trtnl, • Mteaouri Cem- arrangement and aald she would down. . . . Every once in a whila wa Rome, Aug..,*.— The Ital-, after depoBits m ade, gressional committees. continue to epeak out for what she Many dead wero rsportoS ta in ANY AMOUNT may be and with­ havB a apall when-the tele­ lea news agency Artra said today Pattento Today ...... • • • • •; "We always go, when 'we're thought righLihV LbtaeungA a Mty of 36,000 popu Poland haa reapondad to the re­ THOMAS D; COLLA drawals in ANY AMOUNT may also be made at ANY Admitted yuterday: Misa Eliza­ called." he uld. A t teaua ta tha dtaputo te a MU latlon ateut 88 m llu south of phone will ring a doxen times beth Trimble, Hartford: Mrs. ^ f a c ^ ’’^ M v *a rti "tha evl- .MhnawlU. of St. U®**- cent papal excommunication or­ Coventry Lake The American defenu. chiefs denoa tadlcrtaa ha w u not paid aald ths mlaalng .pagu dealt with KMUorwl by Rap. Graham ^ r - Quito. Other cR lu whsrs dam- KnarF't Stond a-'dit* The party will inquire der against Gommuntets with a TIME. Busan Oraff, 14 taiolen atradt. conferred this morning with top 1 (D., N. C.) I t would provlds age w8a rsportad Included Ate' 2 - 9 2 1 9 ^ S p ^ u T V e ' X t e how ths Oommuntet PO^y to Tomatoes 80c Bsiitet w ^ h er or not we hgve a cer­ decree “ protecting liberty of Cottagers Elect Discharged yesterday: Mlea De- military man from Belgium, Por­ achlavq aoclallsm ta $800,000,000 Fsdsrol aid for gsn denu and PujilL loru Magretti. YMCA: Mlsa Eltea- tugal and the Netherlanda for an thlngwu on abairta of friend-' "**•*• aoclallsm ta Aaeerica •ral sxpsBsss « f public sehools. tain plane, motor or motor conacience and rehgloua faith." peoesful lussni (A aUght tremor w u reported ■ a n d n p Savings Accounts opened not later than the Stb of any bath 'Trimble. Hartford; Mrs. Hat­ hour each. Admiral Denfeld u ld ship." with private and church schools at 8:50 p.m, (A A 't . ) at LimA part and our answer ia most­ The dispatch came from War- tie Bpeneer. Rockville. these were “very fine mutlngA’’ Tha OatroltsrA Hoey said, ware Ih s dicumsnt. a study ,ouUlna ■aw, AatrA whjek mcnitora east A t • recent m eeting of the Belle­ axcludM. . Peru, 800 in liu south Quito.) Opp. Manchoeter Oroan Bebool ly “ye*.” Then they will say, month earn dividends from the 1st o f that month. (Cur- vue AasoolaUon, Coventry. A rthur TMsebarged today; Mrs. Scott Tha American delegation w u boat “cleuly entitled to the contract” tesusd byvy tba emou party’s------natloort Edu-__ ^ j THRTha DUI. Mil, BUIl atUl IWlr net nwibw a c M . 48|rv«,upon European radio braadcaate, said be added: cation commlttoo, w u produuo j pr^da no funds for haalth, "HfHir do 1 get to GriswoM the decree was approved by the rent rate 3 per cent per annum.) Seym our waa elected president LevesquA 1 Sites road. later at a luncheon for aU three Aetreas Bfetbar sf Bob a n d M t a H ssel Klthy trssaurm r Births Yesterday; A daughter to groupA plus the French chiefs of "They BubmitUd the low ut Ud. ta the trial by Thuaae ^ Y ^ g -| jyjjjj, or othar auxiliary programs atroot?” ..., Polish cabinet yesterday. Details M tS ssjarstary. Ths sasoclatlon Mr. and Mrs. Thurston Msndelin, staff, whom they u w yuterday. The only bidders war# Oensrail lovA a It. Louis FBI taformant elthoi' for public or parochial .• a • of the order were not given. TalcottvUte; a aon to Mr. and Mra. Motora and thU company, and ■ehoote. Santa MobIc a CbUf., Aug. i Aetra aald the oontrollrt BUY Is oonnosed of a num ber of cot- The dafenro tatroducad Ite own (F>—A SOB was bom today to Npw you good people who All savings accounts with us are Federally Insured np to togs dwnere on ths take and la Christian Abom. Ellington; a son this company’s bid w u consider copy of tho outline. Including thd Another bUI already passed by MANCHESTER preee had ennounoed the te Mr. and Mra. Walter Neff, the Senate would leave Uie diatri- Estbsr WlUlama, swimmsr and have lived here awhile know Polish government’s dectetoa “ not $5,000. . farm sd for tha puipoaa of Im- H flllv w n n fl D n illlts I undar General Motors’.” flve pages. . fllm actrasa and wife of Radio ftovlng tha roads and general Rockville. n u u ^ b v u u u l . J U l U l i a | dlacloasd that State de­ Manewite, member o f the bution of Federal funds up to ths a SALEH BOAO ust whore Griswold street la, to egjgravato thq situation pro­ Births today: A daughter to Mr. partment lecorda on Maragm party's Missouri stats board, Ma- ststwi* Actor B« i Gags. Ths baby, wslgb- imi the newcomcie who have duced by the^ exconununlcatlon eollditaans suiroiindtag ths cot tag 7 poundA 8H ouness, arrived HERE IS A REAL BUY MEMORIALS i ; togSA ‘n is aaaoelM lon Is m odi and Mra. Robert Btevlne, Rock- Bergman Quitting wars eubpoenud by tbe sub­ puted Younglove’a teatlmoiiy that Last June, Cardtasl Spellman de- jm t' bought 'new home* or arc order eo ee not to Impede nation­ vllte; a eon to Mr. and Mra. Edwin committee last Thursday. He eald ■cribad the Barden Mil aa ’’mi- at lt;48 A m. at Santa Monica al reconetructloa.” ' up iB lgsly of M snehaster pooplA U. 8. Oommunlste would saboUge ■ntl-CathoUc tegtela> new to our fair city will And We strongly recommend this plan and invite all that desire to start aam Hoffman, Rockville. the recorda art from tha depart- Amertean war effort in svsnt ®I boopttaL' Mias wmiams entered $ 9 ,2 5 0 T in taotUng w u bold rt BanU /s Hollywood, Aug. 6—(F) — Thtel and accused Garden af tbe hoepltat tart night. It is ths us on the third street on the OF PROVEN cynical flbn capiUI wll) bellevs mant'a Office s f Foreign liquida­ a conflict with Russia I B room Capo Cod wHh ler ios- Ings’ accounts, or change their present accounts with us to this plan tn dtale Bshsduls tion, which handled dleplowl of flrat ehild for the couple, married right peat the railroad undor- T* Mendav—Tua»sr,at 10. Appoint. Ihglld Bergman'a retiring from| ^ 'n ’cSuctetag Mrs. Roosevelt, the In 1*45. They named hm Benjamin od poreh. fw l toealattoo, etorm stop in, write, or *^hone'* for full information. aettag If and when It eeu it. gsvemment surplus ' property cardtasl said aha had allgnsd her­ •MB sad enresBe. vsBettan p M itoing from Manchester Tha kail it alway* tho mant enly. abroad. SUtatoB Oaga. Test Tube Baby Wedneaday—WeU Baby rt T. 1 The announcement that ahe will No New Polio self ta support of tha Barden MU. Mtads. Bootir teyort krtureo towaids Hartford. bartkayi divorce Dr. Peter Lindstrsm wag Hcoy *Mld maraly that the In her newspaper columnA Mta ■eodora kMchca. Hvtag room SUPERIORITY to 4. records were subpoenaed "for • • • . Thutadav—Pro-Natal rt 8. taken In atride; It had been pre­ Roosevelt said she had refrataad with Bwylooo. dca wllb book- > You will And the largest ae- Goes to Mother dicted for months. examination." He declined to elab­ Gitet in Town from supporting any particular csees, 8 iRi) bedrooma and mod- Corraetljr dcaliiicd monuments art prodqicts o f eareful, Friday—WeU Baby, 8 to 4. Notice lection of Model Airplanes, But as tor giving up her carur, orate. , bill, but aald that ahe believed pri­ •m brtta Lot *8 X 188 atmloiwd intelUxent atudy. They have hulaiiW, dMlnetion and Hollywood oburvers doubt that It te known that the aubcom vate and parochial achoola ahould Motors., and.. Aeccaaorioa, Oklahoma a ty . Aug. No addiUonal cases of polio with feocr. Immaculate Interior, maanint: they have beauty that will eo^ru. yaar battle centered around she can stay away from her flrat mittee questlonsd. Maragon exten-1 receive "no Ux funda of any kind." Invitation to Bid ertaetor receutly Mb*ted. Down Model Boots, Cara and aome Public Records love, aettag. One Insider put it: aively teat) week as to whethar h e' ware reported here over night. The cardinal, ta hie statement Call today lot yaur Q j K c l u c i t e A t e T > __ ; tubs’’ baby ended bappUy There have been eoiile examlim- pajnaant about B8,B88, oompMe ToyA Stop in and look over (raa kaafisf wrvay.' CuttlBK Oon« la Our Own Shea Prom Th i' "She te aettag like a poker play­ ever attempted to negotiate any test night, said that New York’* Bested Mds addrsBeed to aecre monthly' payawata abart 887, SAVINGS d v . a O A N ASSO C IATIO N . INC. fler Mta JuBe Btraad ta Dtetriot er who. wants to get out of the deals for surplus property. He tlona o f persona who, taken lU, state constitution, and the constl- our atoek. Plenty of parking Roqfh StMM Yo H m n alfliM Mmuorfal wart ban ysstsidsy. Marriage lleeewe wtehed to be auro they were not tary of tba Ooiventry Board o f Sd- How ean y a « go wrong or do b' gmne and have time to count hla tesUfled thrt be onee took two men tuUmis o f most other stotoA m - uaaUoB to fursMi iaOona boMorf B a p te u ^ eoenpaaoy. apace. ------ORCANIZED APRIL Ic .'R ----- .'■•dqs CtariMMS Mills granted Broear Maxwell Derry o f AH- chip* and 8U how tha oarda gr* vtstlmA but gensrally. up to now hlMts tbo uso of pubUo fun^ Jof Ik.'. Btnud, 88. custody of •!«• who gaught hl8 *14 to tbe N*N wMe ar )*M of Ntanbar 8 fus) oil Btaa. llbsA. and Artend Vlrglrta t*rk oArt of tbe War AssaU ad- •ad fOr the part tbr*d d*yA tba general support of ssetaHaB ona Happy Landing V ild Antotartto ta nrMttag XoWatsr of 88 HelUater street, ro ^ t criticalI flC|p* (A r A picture haw been Improving. for the sebool term of 184*-dO mlniatratlon. schools. .. ■ wUI bs received until 4 p. m., Offieo hours 9 to S Monday, Tuesday and Friday; 9 to 12 WeA^stidsVs bar a filial divens doorso from A ir wadding September 8 by Rev. of Triumph and Joan of A rc) ado- The Suprenie 0>urt of the Unit­ RIC H ARD B . MOORE • 'a i f f U l m AAanchester Memorial Maragon aal<\ the bought 830,- With the polio sea eon now at Esstera Doyilsht Tliile. en Aff- BEALTOa S T A N D i^ D ||taa StiMd. Nsfv York, Clifford 0, Slmnaon. ■d to hsr emotional turmoil. turtnoll, u y 000 worth of machinery and later Ite height, however, medical gu- ed SUte A has inteipreted the Fed­ A H. AIMBTTL jPif^ and 9 to 8 Thursdays, d o s e d Satmnhys*^ ■si'gdd erualty.- J Frank Joseph Zaremba o f 8tn ■oiMA But she can stilt get 8200.- guet 8, 184A Olaatonbury 8-8584 ■old It at a *10,000 losA He aald he thoritiee adrise all strict preven­ eral conatltutlon in the same PLUMBING CO. HARRISON 81RE|rr-.M A^BS1V * ^ h o fight ovar tba child began North Mata, street - and Betty 000 per picture from imy studio tive measures should be con­ eenee,” he added.' 1^ Signed; . • Opeu Sunday—8-8 F. M. In town. So they u k : ^ o w long did' not get a cant put of the [ -.Ooventry Beard of Edu^tloa. HOBBY SHOPPE E-aa* Itata lUrort Irt. BB84 OPP. BA8T CEMETERY PRONE 9207 OR 7787 Nbw York and w u earrted to Joyce Brown of 634r North Main tinued. But he Astd this prohlMUoa doe* [■treat, wedding date net yet set lean ahe Bad(^ that up? -transactlea. Blv.CrirlBwold At., Phono 82U Tdl. w it I ■ . MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN, SATURDAY, AUGUST •, 1049 P A o i n f a i |lA^UHE8'rER BVKNINO HERALD. MANCHESTER. OQNN, SATURDAY, AUGUST 6, 1949

iMglnnlac to mardi alon*alda the M octodiy wMta tiM allmiaaUoa Road Markings Merchanto’ Day f i t r r ■tMpMNiola hokllne tho (oldan ««aniBiiMUorr tf*a* p«®- at laat? Or la It that More American Dollars Held Vital UMS M tiM P » t a( tlM othor oapturad mm. In tha drat Home Mortgage Loans Being Chang^ Next Wednesday IrraUi ■tatM, m i tlw i wMinf Hon e< ,«Uow loaToo on tha buttamut? To Remedy Briiain*s Money Woes MANCHESTER DIRECTORY ■al trad* nUUoaa katwaMi m a Or la It maraly In tha haart of tmo eoaatrtaa. with • ft.000.* I f y m art bhiMtaff e t bajriitff h D(Bable LinM at Morehanta* Day win ba 000,000 Amarlean loan halptag man. who aaoa thaaa thln«a, and hofiia, lat M t«n yoB fiboot tha obaorved hara all day naxt rajotoaa la both tha fullnaan and that tisda alone. vkriow tyfM of Inaiicliiff that grt HBEErdouB Spots) Pro- Wodnaaday, Augnat 10. tho d/parturo thay IndleataT o'... Bran tho loan »o rt o ( thla la 1 • . •vfilfaibla Tfide Unlformitjr Tha o(»aaioD ia tha annual K OF BUSINESS SERVICES Where would poor old nature be not aa ImpoaalMa oa It aounda. closing of all storea axeapt , r s i without man to appredata hart •nMfo la no raaaon, provldlnf wa Bnftford. Anguot • — Oouble, aoma of tha chain food aro oohvmcad o< dalUaad Kuaalan Pot t tha have a aoul of her own, THE MANCHESTER TRUST CO. oolMBnaa of wSlto potat hove b y •toraa, tor ao$ day: tor ovary month? Or la that goa to rsptooo tlw old famlliarl iirnoM BA1 hahnvlor In tho arecM, why wa MANCHESTER. CONN. A lilt of moat of tha man'a gift? atagle white line at eritleaUy daa- storoB that will ratnaln See Maloney j ibould not antand to Buarta. tha g^ouB no-paaetag eotwe on sUto Connectictit Tobacco Gets Sprayed opan w ill ba publlahad naxt Kolor-Treel Shampoo S ' S S k ir paatcat auSarar of all tha arar Mcfi)btr Padtnl DapoaH liw. Corp> h ^ w a y a Thaae Unas and otiwr eoontrlaa, aoma portion of that maridng ekangee are pert of a Tuoaday. On Television poot'^war aid aro haro axtondad to pregraai to provide uatformlty — I A WONDERFUL TREATMENT FOR Open'ThundRy 6x30 to 8 p. m. aesoaa the country, guto Highway our othor alUaa. Connecticut rrnmaiUrtnntr a Albort HW said Any new invention or Innovation SUN BLEACHED HAIR ■o, whlla aoma of tha roportad eaems to be to for a certain - . S S S S ^ ^ today. The new marklnga on the •Tka^SMaMaa Aaaa «a •aelaatvoto •taUa pointa aro almoat auto­ ’ I state highway pavementa oooform I Hebron amount of eyebrow lifting or ad- m SSU^tTlblbM of 2* matically allmlnatad from praa- Yankee to eUnderda agreed upon by the verae comment, and ao It to with ent eonalderatioa, othera ara not Anwttoan Aaeodatioa of gtate tetovlalaa. Osrtatoly there to no By A. H. O. M Ska t ils —dw Brttlah peaple Wglnray OffletaM, the InetRuto of Mil. Della Porter Hilla la ob- gagad to the sooMWlwt arduous denying that tetovtolon to here to 99 Baat Cantor Street I n SgM against baakfnptcy. Tyaffto ngttw ors aad the Netloa- tosh of looking up names aad stay end e wonderful thing it Is. 4 ff.tIiy b w U i^ w a '*2 > ^ ^ Baarlnc In mind tha fact that. ' al'OaofOieaoe e f fitraet end High­ ■airesstt of fonnar school teach­ untU Staltn, If ha la aakod, eon- We have been msasurlng Gov­ Glessmaii Madune Shop way fiafaty operaUni with a Joint Reception to good. It to fair. It to “ Pun awvlaa db»m of H. » a. Son- being taxed out of existence. The 1 ers to Hebron, to order that cards poor. Just as It is with regular ______flrma thla United Natlona World ernor Chester Bowles Indirectly to _ Nstot ffUglsgd, him) thought little a eqmmlttoe. Tho three egenclee' may ba sent them Inviting their by • fiussrlsl erMo. the Russian peivlo. In the B w ^t .standard of Uving of the work-1 the course of our sumsaary view ot '^ers—on whose behalf the have brought about agreement be­ ettandence at Hebron’s Old Home radio reception. Man has made BILL'S TIRE "ruamain yr****“****'” • I m a true rapraaentatlon the IMS session. We are about to rbig for tbs first goa- “experlmenC the ordinary Ivim tween a number of states end era grant atridee to overcoming the to fsur ysam. beeama.a tiny acrew to • ^ Government is courting aU U»U Day, Attgurt fO. fihe recently Steam and attempt an Interim measurement trouble—has not declined. But it Open For Business aettvely promoting a change-over aent out e Hat of aurti neases as aha elements, but still they can upart AND Tori. more timn what might be called of the man himself to the role of N1EA*fi totalitarian machne. But Britain by the remainder. was and remalna ona of tha moot also has not Improved much over | oould get hold of, asking for In­ the best told plans. I f you ere In­ iiy**rd4i .ftptODlT bOhna ImUablo hear aay. It doea have Governor. But before we do, we the wartime austerity leveL ' ^ *'* The work new under way to formation shoot them, end REPAIR SHOP Hof Water owe both him and our readers • l a d t b t e '^ democratio states of our ttow. • • • OMnectlcut. Oommlaaloaer HUl terested In tetovtolon, FM radio or I aoma potential Importanoa. It at s e e We do air kinds o f machine shop work. , ' hea already reeeived eddreeeea. Wm. H. Green, Prop. candid admission that wo ars Ever since the arrival to Bu-I sold, win eventually provide the present names, ote„ of 11 of the AM radio—and wbo Is not—the n« I can be done in own shop or at your place. Allen, who tai^t at Hsbna Repairs Service For Oil or Coal may bo a very unfair thing. Wa dollar aM, and, laefikleacy ' don and Paris, that the State De- * The old familiar broken Una will dio In beck of him, he speeka from impoaalbU, aa It la almoat oartaln tha too-quIeUy aatlaaaiised belt-tightening, are jtoysleally and Green, 1804-fi; Juneo H. Ctoric, Acceaeorlca ■•turday, Augmd • have not used tha conduct and roe- p a i^ e n t Is about to abandon Ite eonttoue to todlcete the center ot Oantor, 1908; Mm. Carrie Orangor, these years of axperience end hla to do la aoma Important raapacta, ord of other Governors In office morally tired. im ^ r t of the "non-Oommunlst ' V5V specialiae in building special equipment work shows the result of such ra­ the rood as heretotom It will be Center, 1888; Alleo filate,’. Amston, 180 Spmee Street It would naverthalaao be latereat- aa our standard for measuring The top labor leaders are tired, Left." aa represented uood alone on etrelgbt seetlone 1808; Leona CotVm, tho Gull dio experience. V A N CAM P'S By too. The casualty list among SMHb ’ s *T«*es Tfrai* _Ing _ and _____ vahiabla to have It made Governor Bowles. Quite frankly, NBA Special Correopeadent Labor Government and Henri o f rood or on alight eurvoe with School, 1900; Mabel C. Bartlett. A t Mr. Maloney’s radio ehop you Phone 2-0659 10 New m an S t. TaL 1244 although wo can see that It might them is extremsly high. U ttle Queullle’s middle of the road co­ RESIDENCE, 84 GROVE STREET Lord School. 1808; Oertrudo V wUl find a full Une of redloe, AM. An artida publlahad in "United imowa what our own “ paaoa London — (N B A ) — Even in new blood has been Injected Into aarpto eight dletance. ba Just to do so, ws cannot muster alition to France. On hlDo. oa eharper enrvee aad Reyden, Lord fichMl. 1811; C. J. FM and television seta to Admiral, MOtlona World," whldi, daaplta tarma" ara. I f that la what Sta­ tho view of tho moot arA.mt the Labor Party during the past Motorola and GE. You are mles- much interest for that proceaa. supporters o f Labor, it Is already four years. Bhould the present These rumors are partly at-1 ROCKVILLE, TEL. 1533 at totoroeettoiw a broken Itaa end ■traad. Cantor. 1811; ffelln L. tta title, la a private and non-ofll» lin wanta, what do wa want? Instead, wre have been aseae- tributed to a sUtement made by seUd line eemblnatiea, or a pair Bonoe. CHIaed. 1811; Sarah ever a fioM o f shade grown tabneee h ing reel entertainment If jrou ere too late to remedy tho British leadership be forced to retire, ftoen the rotor feroiag the dnrt tbongh Bate oovertog the tehnoce. The passing up the possibtlltlea of tele­ SERVICE S l m^ga-hTp-PorU to carry Shouldn’t wa. In aay caaa, have nrlng Governor Bowlee against situation without additional U. B. there would be none to replace It. Henri Reynaud, former French o f eoUd Itoea wHI be umd Drowman, Burrowa Hill, 1811; J. R. Broitfiwoite the Idcela many Cenneeticut Premier, following hla return Mary J. McNIemy, Center, 18U; ore eight fart above the greond, oovertog the tebacee to provide tempemtnN and bamldlty vialon becauee someone hea de­ 4rtaao of Prandar ■talln’a “paaoa coma to tha point where wo aid. ' Wiser heads, like Herbert Mor­ The atonderd proridas that aeee need ns wrappers or enter fievertnge fm ctgem Here, aide nets are clared It Imprecticel. It opens up voters expected him to repre- HIs Majesty’s Government may from Washington some weeks I when tho broken One aad aoUd Emma Bbewiheveky. OUoad, 1818; reaelr ei fee. the leaf M m mo have 3 Keya Made, Ikieka Rapalrai platform." Tha artlela la baaed on able to UU tha world what we do rison. Labor’s brilliant Parlia­ tlw dmt betiw Mown tbroogh tiw top net. The bolleanter filee abeot five fart above the e wonderful vista to tbs anterteln- neevtee Franfea at seat, against his own bast poo- ■oon have to go a third time to ago. Una appear tagotkar voklOleo on Maude Blakeman. White ortwol, ...... ede tobaeee eeep le valned et 840,088^80. mentary whip, and Foreign f e ­ 1813; Carrie L. Thome, Lord at a e f 98 to 38 milea per hoar. Oenneetient’e i mant flald and tho whole fanUly Toola Groond ■etaa made by an American bud-1 want? ■ibUMtee, against Ms epportw- Washington to ask for more dol­ retory Brheet Bevln, foresaw the According to Reynaud. the days tha aide of the broken Itoe may will find keen enjoyment to the mmaman and ebntebman, who Mttes. Ib s te Is a ktod at pate- lars. of the Queullle government are paea to aoeordanee with good drtv- Rehool. 1813. tafocmatioa i dangers of rapid over-nationalisa­ telephoned or aant to M ri. HUIs programs. Of course, the sport. tul flattery for him Involved Win tho American pooplo. It Is tion. But they were too weak to numbSced because Congress la now tag praetiea The solid tow todl- with tbelr oxen are: Claude W. Ing fan la in hla alemsnt when • STATION OPEN DAT Lawnmowera Sharpanai JlL"S S Laiw l Last Years Of Radio to oar admlaaleB that we have naked here, give and give again? on the warpath against state w a ­ cataa that vrtilolas oa that elda of or to Mrs. Everett B. Porter, mall- Jones and Walter BL Wrigbt. From y^atar Dullaa, after oonveraauona resist tha pressure of the Har­ tog addreen Andover R ID 3. No Need To Drive on Tires television ect to to the living room, A N D N IG H T never measured any other Are they ready to embark upon old i.«shte and the other "Marx­ ning and the nationalisation of to- j “TiLBSMOBIi-t nawcNttTte tho eontar nwy not pees, Commie- other towns the following oompeti- for fights, beaebeU games, wres­ Blectrical UUUtlaa with ftoaaU’a Andkal Oromyko aoUlc things Staltn ^u ch comes over and through In order to achieve a mythical profits, however restricted and promised unique event for Hebron, appear. Uttle finger toward any of the sev­ diminished. The middle class Is In a position to fill. £ S K t t o u e to a potat on Urea that are on the doubtful The electric welding machine teU you honestly Just whet you la aiippoaad to want witl not hap-1 ^ ^ « raSection of how eral deals which might have given aodallam, Lenin (and Btalln after and other entries ere expected. can expect from a televialon set. DON W ILLIS 'S a longer eight dtotonoe onoa M m Morris Goldstein, Mm side 00 far ea safety to conoamed? that to used at the Campbell Auto pan. I wen S m nation's talenU have him the gubernatorial nomination. work and were especially Interest- pemUto passing under reeooiwhle £ Of course. It Is e matter of poor Supply Company does e fine Job, Another point to remember la Aa a Sist paint, Stalin la ro- ^ | ], the additional opportu In 1948, despite some disquieting mean of course where Robin Hood Body and Fender . . .lit. fwiint Hi. bmk-1 Intpwtent part It has taken to the Roger Rowley end Mrs. WllUem _ ____ one that haa given absolute setle- that the instellatlon of a television GARAGE ed In Bolton Center Congregation­ oondlUona A t thU point tlw brok hot lunch program, the financing Owen ere e committee to work economy to drive on tires thet ars GARAGE portad to want a formal treaty im,j the additional reatrlc- stoops In the course of his cam­ encountered and was bested by Bolton al church taking part In adminis­ an Itoe wm begin, indicating that with local teachers on the coni' noVel^luU llr safe, but many peo- faction. One feature of thU elec- set is a Job for a trained person paign, It was stUl possible to ot the ortealan weU, the providing trie welding machine is that It does and Is not Juat e matter of stick­ batwoan tha Uhltad SUteo and too, of tha transmission ot Little John, and aa I hurried there trative work, the church school paeelng is once more porattted. btaed 4-H end adxxil fair to take pto felt thet the money neceeeery 18 Main St. Phone 2-45S1 Judge him to be the dUinterestod. figures were balanced perilously, Doris Mohr D*ltalla o f en electric stove for the Mteban, to Invert to new tiree was too not heat the eidewelto of the tires, ing the eerlel oa the house, so M two nations a lo n a l^ ^ ^ aa sound. Perhaps and various affiliated clubs. They { Vehleleo eppronehlng nwjor ta- as waO as many other Itema. The j4aea to Beptember. A eocond* clean, dedicated evangel of aU which proved to be barefooted TeL Manchester fifi'.S have two children, Lee and to to W ork terooeUeae wm be wanwd agetoet greet an Investment. Now thet thus causing thorn to dry and depend upon Maloney*a for tele­ Hebron FTA bae earned a fine meeting to make plana wee held cnck. Why not play safe and vision. Whether your diolce of SpedaliziBg b tta Yalta and. Pots-t,, n mors honaat antertaln- those ideals so many voters are al­ Brownies on a log trying to pre­ paartng tor the preeenee of n eoUd Thursday ovanlng. good recapping le being done, ways waiting for In the realm of Both Protestant churches In Bol­ reputation through the state by more and more people ere turning have your tiraa recapped end Insure radio be e portable en AM, JM and translating I m «it, laaa ataraotyped, with vent *ls ducking. Gets Video 1,300 MUee Away b w on tlw ride of the approach TTm Infant oon of Mr. and Mrs. poUtics. Elected he was to be the As the sun aras sinking, a group ton are closed for the month of Its way of getting things started to e recapping Job dons by the safe driving on good tires? combination or a television set. see BRAKE SERVICE Into fittw a pol-1 props, and aoma ronpact for ^ Expert refinUhing, painting, lane. Where oroeo roads exist, at aad desw. Victor H. Bahnke, ot tha Basket The Campbell Auto Supply Com­ JMm Maloney before making e clean liberal experiment, a rare of girls with crimson sashes low­ August In accordance with aimual St. aoud, Fla. — Iff) — Rsy I OMjor totenactlona. . pormtttad Shop on Jagger road. Is recover­ CempbeU Auto Supply Oompeny of ley. This oannot b^ipan, Srat, b^ I talents of thoaa It pra­ ered the colors In solemn cere­ custom. Services w ill be re­ FTA members hops that tha 29 BlaseU street end with tiree re­ pany stock ell Undo of automobile flrial choice. type come to power. Charleston, radio engineer, doesn’t poeeliig wm be Indicated by a tmiwerlpUaa may ba reeordad ao ing from a recent lUneas. Friends parte end instead of sending away Front End Alippiinent wn wm not mako aay sudi And It was partly his fault, mo mony, and It came to my mind sumed at both the Congregational worry about a lack of televialon body and fender repairing. boken Urw on the aide e f traffic are vary glad to ■hear thet the Uttle capped by them driving with utter that these girls, too, left the “for­ tlw t it can be heard at the next eefety. tor spare parts when a car needs bOatanl traaty w^h lf««kt«g baek ever radio, that think, not entirely the wishful and the Methodist church on Sep­ sending sUtions In the south. He loavtag the totorooetlea. mart tog to tho feU. fellow to batter.bett repairing, mechanics, garage men General Rapnir Work m t thtnving Of those wbo voted for est” richer by their contacts and tember llth. The coot of e good recapping Job IMMabSt dying youngster, wa ara impraaa- gets Just about any kind of re­ I * M u h tagi for atop Itoea aad Mr. and M m RoOaad K. Malocha Blusbsrrtos or huckleberries as done hy the Ctempbell Auto Sup­ and service stations —P a i^ A U G U S T 22 3196 be pr«dne«< aaSer tta FOR AUTO PARTS tween tha three weatem powers well ho Is Just another human to- 10th birthday Thunidey, end the Vd?//eed/o^//ojo/ aoOem . eSietoat owtboda a rt its natural beat only in those mo­ Lembert, 38, of San Paulo. BrasU, event wee observed by a family almost an serious as the conflicts Ing having what people usually was locked up the county Jail h w AND ACCESSORIES menta when It has stepped out have when they try to be Govern­ dinner.' and -ViUo9«®l«*a between Bast and West. So we after he had faUed to raise $8,000 I Tta SIgs o# e Retotlvea from day to day ere a iMa •« eiee naee weje OapeadaMo Qnalltv — Servtoe! 1 side its own code. It has. In its or of Connecticut, vrhlch la a tough ball demanded pending his hearing ENTIRE FAMILY ELECTTRIC WELDED can agree with Stalin that there own techniques and methoijs of WORTHY SERViCe vlslUng Mrs. Anne C. GUbert who ••eeeeetife Ixtiwiwtaw WI1J.1AM H. 8CHIEI-0vsr Polio poUcy oodotoninm to return homo. AUTO SUPPLY other service rendered tad nsse. RADIO you how it can be dona. Germany. sterility which has made many O p e n F o ru m agents. The agents said he had Town by Amertes’s No. 1 Accidmi a .SId im &• A Withdey event In - which the represented himself as a BrasUlu by the Jsrvis organixa- Mrthdeys of Mre.. Carroll W. ymTS 4mI hi o $sm New and Deed Tiraa As a third peace point, Stgllh think it deserved to die. sursact Compsny. It psys pollo-lnsuied ea- 'toiiJ " it wIS to dwleo 845 Main SL hfandiaatar consular official In attempting to tion. If yon are interest­ Hutchinson end her grandchild. Home AppUancet 8a BtoosB BL. iM. a ii7 Ot Biaa | reportedly wanta the West to be We have a hope that the mere visit to M*rrlo-Wood borrow money While traveling Advertisement pemet (or esib penon while in ANY boipiisl Betty Hyatt, were observed, took t, omi moto |m* generous in the matter of Ger­ fact that sight will enter In will Editor, The Herald: __ ed in placing fi new mort­ , . . metlKsl utsimem by ANY liccaied phy yav. tech M m " * ■taLEff. fiBBVICB about the country. •tot oS-l* iMtof ' man reparations to Russia. The more or leas dictate that tele­ Merrie-wpod! That name had gage or eecuring addi­ , Notice U hereby given thet, In tie W OMcopsdi or physioihrtspift, inciuding aad IMffTAULATIONfi held a fascination for me stance Kenoy irrsinwnis i( svsilsbtt . < . rcatsl M vhrMi - on4 is ' vision abandon half the props by Standards F ist German Stats tional cash by increasing accordance with the prorielone of Weat’a lack of generosity and fail­ reading "Robin Hood"; so 1 de iron lung, tpecisi spptfsms, brscet, tie ., • • PDBUO AODMCm BTafrEMS KRAUSE'S HIGH G R A D E ure to curry out the Potsdam which radio seems to live. Ameri­ jronr present mortgage Section 3, of the Subdivision Reg Booyfihil Lawns ond Grounds FOB B B r r elded to find out what the Kiel, Germany—(ffV-:The cltl- uletions for the Town of Men traotporuiioa sad smbulsnce istvke. No one Agreement schedule of repwa- a.*,ca, weww Imagine, Aii45tabmight laugh vsavvonce i VCFflOA WOUld WV881 88 * 88v "OUV we feel well qnalifled to GREENHOUSES sens of the west German sUte of cheater, adopted May 7th, 1948, can afford not lo hsvt this low cost pcoisctioa do not Jost happtn thoy aro Made Oaatnatoid Bepair Uorvlea PRINTING tlons stems from the general ‘ un- at the Bob Hope nose joke or the for the Olrt Bcout eamp* earty Uua S ch lesw ig -H o lstein complained serve you, lor 3 years sgsioM aunUad’s fiwK.dffadsd 831 Marttord Road. Manebeotet the Board of Dlrectore and the ' Wonderful improvementa have been made within the Oa all Makes aad Modato JOB AND OOMMBHCIAL tienaantn rapartedly wants Immediate oaa- bers of the band eager-eyed for rite all deputies.who live more I WOODRIDGE ADDITION NO, ORenta A ’ W. Ban A a LHma aS4 Ceatsr Street ne Osater attest, MuMhsstsr, Coen fhsae BMfi By Mre, Anne Oabet aation of Amerlcan-Brltiah , sup­ The soul of August, where Is the s l^ that would mean Journ­ inodestly than I for a bottle of To), 4113, 7378 er MANCHESTER, CONN. ey’s end. Aa for me, 1 enjdyed tha ALEXANDER JARVIS, figplicaHaa fat Paliaifyslita latwaato ta CentliwMri Catwdty (fia v « T ■ v 8ne Bnraett The dvKerent ways to which Oat Flowan Oar Sato * " T t a Bbsdl port of “subveralva Fasdat and It? Is It In the sullen and brack wine In my oncrand-a-half-room Eatorpriee 8860 • Here’8 a handaoroa daytime draea JOHN S. WOLCOTT & SON surrounding fields and gardens apartment,*^•( he said.uM beas. and • wise counselling Occupation?.8 ...... ■ "ii ■ ■ ' ' ■ ■ ' 14, short aleeve, I 3-4 yards of 38- stitehas and entaantlng oelor*. Dry C lfo n M TUESDAY. AUGUST 16, IN » Oueet towrts. Itogerio, stocking Trfiea and planUnn ara important to all fine and'at- surely small offandara in tha busl- these things sosm August, and hearkened to as of yore, a bruat of at EIGHT P, U. 9 . Hove you or any mambori o f your family had PoUemyolHt toeb. Prices Paid song Issued forth. Thea, dancing AMESItE DRIVEWAY and handkerchief cases ere par- tn ^ va homea. To keep the treea and ptantinga aafa ^ Mas of InfUtratlon compared with alia* , A ll persons Interested ere here­ For this pattern, sand 38 cente, 92 W dli M nU such as graced the patooe halls Aleo *nirvla and Asphalt and 90R within lha tail 90 doyt?. . n...... — to coins, your name, eddrese, elae ttoularly handeetno when eet-eff froBi Inaeeta und diaaaaa they ahonid be oprayed. For ' F O R R A C S, ; ^ efforts of tha Ruaala-Unksd Is It to the chsertul funeral by notified to appear at the above by thaee ’year round btoenome. was «Uoyed, whereupon the band p ru a m -X !REASONABI.B — WOSS 9 . Are you opplyifig fori desfrsd. end tha Pattern . HUmher prompt and efficient apraying oerviM eall I W w w I l N Oommunlsta tha urorld over. But masebes of tho night it«eo|^ who was dispersed for the da^s work. time end show cause, If any they Pattern No. 6008 eonsists of hot- SCRAP METALS, Etc. GUAKANTBED — FREE BSTIMATBS individual Policy and aHachlng $5.00 for 2 yoort? te Bus Burnett, The Menchoster t I wa might taka this aa an open- predict death, but ae g ^ y ? Or is Tea, 1 was surely to tHurwood, I have, why eeld plan shell not" be Bvnntog Herald, tlBO Ave. Amori- iron tramtfar tor five deatgiw, color Moathly Paymeets U OeeUed I approved. family NIley and attaching $10.00 h r 2 yoort? and stitch charts and materials for our own dasnand, part of It to the notes of the earty mom- as tbs girls performed their teaks B caa New York If, K. Y. CARTER TREE EXPERT CO. CfiO or W rfte with gay camaradarle and.Jrined [ Dated at Maacbestor. Oonaeeti- The Fall and W toter Foahton to refolrements. Export Dry ilg y real uadaratandlsf tog birds, who sing as freshly as In tho many aetlritiea, toterrapted cut, this 4th day of August, 1949. Ootod , -19- a oomplete. guide in plenntag a Send 30o in Opine, jrour name, TEL, 7888 that Ruaala oidl off 4ta own It they Tememhsrod spring, seek­ only by feasting on—oould It be DEMAIO BROS. John H. Leppen, waeaable fall wardrobe. N e w - address and tbs ^ t t e m Number F.S,—Fmalag. toedtaf, remevel aad other phases ot fret oaltnre Johnson Point Co. Wme Otfrinsky kb ootuaw war around'tha ing, tike humans, present happi­ venston? Ah no. the lesriv Secreteiy o f the Board of D1 Slgnohira. exciting—toformetlve. Free pat­ to Anne Cabot. 171$ Manchester 699 MAIN STREET MANCHESTER Claaning njoyed. SINCE 1920 , 1 TELEPHONE 7«9i Evening Herald, 1100 Ave. Ameri- are also oxpertly handled. 182 Hiasell S t T t i 5179 ness to memories of times past? dog, but as much en. rectors of the Town of Man tern printed Inside the book. 36 sure. s Chester, (?onh. cants. ^ ices. Now York 18, N. Y. ■ p fifth ,paacs point, Ytalin ^ it to the goldenrod which Is A sign “*io the Brook" must . \ • • I- w 1 MANCHESTBt BVENINO HEIALD. MANCHEVnBB. OOHM« SATURDAY. AUGUST t. IM f

MAWeHBgTBB BVKNmC HgRALD. BIAWCHISTBI. COHN, SATURDAY. AUGUSt S. W m Decide Community Pit^nic Banks’ Hit Gives Moriarty’s 4-3 Win Over M artarty K inglssue Ttpo^ M w M T m m fo r Gs s m In Deadlock Weddings . Baby’s Fate Opens Celebration " G e l i n F i ^ t OOadi Vic ^*afanl of Morl- More Homers THI Aces Receive ,rty Brothoro « d irt • SsU tk-R ics lacsbucd-CsrlssH F a t h e r U Accused of Nqske Goes The Route Morobook handy J lJ ■uUneg peculiar to these parts. iGiights Top Motors, tho O ral In fact, Vic dldnt Belgium Faces Threat Selling Older Sister Stonington Recipient Let the MoU or the gratlnn faU HERALD ANGLE Bristol Nine M in i* - Hi^tThis Year f m A : D « f a u e have any paper. Ho Of Parliament Break­ Of Greetings from where they may, they are a& aow Bv Into hi* pocket and pulled out In Adoption Deal p«ut of history.” Giving Up lliree Hits O S k OR A r m y Rockettes Triumph EARL W. TOST Earl Levesque to Hurl nine omall whlU taga and up, General Elections World Leaders' on Ih s Atlantic oosan ties tha pao- Max Um icr, Cards Ace, Bock Govomment marked down the hatting o^ Bassenwr, Ala„ Aug. 6—(JR—A pls ot Britain and of Stontngton dtr— *• Belgium—hep three chief poUtIcal clda tbs future of atgI>I‘>no9i^ n a a a a t Tomorrow Aft^noon Tobbi ta Easton Loagat M t t r r a y P m o b A l t t k i i allpa over to League Scorer Stonington, Aug. 6.—(P>—This the sea, Franks added. . . IR NstloMa ToorasHidRt Tighter, Goes Faster Said eoach, dsvslopsd S14 Luck- k’s 4«f«na* portico deadlocked ovop whether old Sandra Lm Edwards, whoaa "Itaperienee has taught lie. ha 7 to 4 W in Over Twl j The Infant Jnator Athletle Hal Turkington and the l*ttw man, Frankto Albert and Bob Wifh Throe B in|^| copied the pUyero’ nameo Into exiled King Leopold ahould rogatn fathar la aocuaed of aalling Sandra eastern Oennectlcut fishing town’s saM, tha Atlantic la a Mgh Oommlttea, tow than ana year old, w im an eye on eixm place, TO Ths KanchasUr Guards win gilM Ml tlM Amy to- Lae's slator In an adopUoa deal. Softball Champhms; i Bobby LaFraacto of Maa- Maw Tork—(MBA)—Tha ptteli Waterflsid into star *T” perform­ the acorc book. hia throne—today faced the UirMt tercentennial celebration opened road rather than a barrier, ntere- chester was eliminated by Don era ery now aad than that than to to already ampplng out plana for ers. The Tanks will operate from a •Ilk City A. C. baseball nine plays again ba reprsasntsd la tha Bujak Snffen Loot te liMk tfe* CMunmnlat g" Wall street. At this ses. ^rveri have aald a popular refer- gladioli, delphiniums and dahlias prepared. He eald he first refused which was founded la 1837 by a Mangnim, who works tor Tam, run when ba ww asked what dlf-1 gtsrted this fall wtm all boys in day against Ansonla; tomorrow San Francisco—Lloyd MarshsU. Bockvllk Takes Lead teea oome Into weeUm* hands. lion, aleo, the new offlcere will be ^ndum might be the eolutlon to the Ufa” and ‘The Lord’s Prayer.’ want to congratulate me commu­ colony from Stonington. the etxth, econd tane Umu to technicolor movie, "Yee Sir, That’s Noske gave up a walk to Ralph T bi hla addreae In Slovakia, Gladioli will predominate In the decorated me altar. money, then decided to take It be­ nity upon Its determination to go but shoots Uke he owns It, yester­ fsrence tas aoteJ ta ths toagus on i Manchester eligible to take part. ha’II be out to avenge tor me 169, Sacramsnto, outpointed Bob elected for the coming year. WU- problem. ■ka out a clou one-run decision. day whacked aa eight-uader-par My Baby". Jim Thorps, possibly locals early season lots te ths Dunlap, 178, Oakland, CsUf., 10. Schumay In ms statth and ttmt gitliiiili told troopa their "grMt floral decorations. Given In marriage by her famer. cauae of hie family’s need. forward with progress. Tbs gaam w u hard fought all TO hto return tbarsto. A first Claes basebell school next the greatest footbaU player of all liam Cadleux U In charge of re- accepting In principle a 84 u urns 200 pro, aaiateur aad Tha ball goes faster aad fur­ summer le now being arranged as sLong Elites. Long Beach, N. Y.—Tony Pel- was foUowsd by a slash off ms bat ■umrT— the Ruaalan Army freshments for August. I popular referendum on hie return. Given- In marriage by her fa­ the bride was attended by Miss "Great and profound have been aray aad w u sajoyed by ths fans, time, portrays an assistant college of BUI Fotsy. Jack RaUoraa than Whoae aide we bad the honor ther. the bride wiU be attended by Carol Anne Colbert as maid of the diangea wroujflJt In Stoning­ femlhlM golfen touched off the ther,” aald Max. T t’a tighter well as a tennis courae for begln- Whitney, Williams Ga.-'.yan. Salt Lake City—Reno PoUdori. iSarthm ataitad to nee aoma of er of me bride, and Jamee Smith had a sheer yoke with off-me- (CeatUoed frem Page Ope) saults of the Brltlih In me War ■Ifieselre style of ptoy. Margie tor In Manchester last summer. whlto Lefty Gomes and Bill Dick­ Mike Zwick’s hit to left. That tM r laat legal poalUons to ruin of WUlliigton. I shoulder effect. The long pointed submitted a new WM dropping the P lu^r ooUectod two bits and women—wlU shove off 1a me sec cinch,” quom Caaey. Dick Chspmsn, Johnny Utke, snd 170, Salt Lake City, outpointed Ued It up again. Murray cottoctad CoaHtloa Rule Seen Doomed of WllUmantlc, bromer of the of me Revolution and again In oad 18-hols round. Shots Here aad There ey will be me Yankees’ battery... Angel SotUlo, 200, San Joee. Calif., UaiB'Md aad . ... . triad to atop our auc-auc-1 Set-back piisa ivlnnera at tha ■leevea and bustle were of the lace the War of 1812. It flourished m much-criUclxed provision giving drova la two rune. "But think of mto, too. What Daily football drills of me Pste Vodarski are me top etlckerz hla third hit to start tha last In­ fliaffnlkaSnl raaeaatructloii.reoaaatructloa. Coventry Orange Community An stUmpt of Social Christlaq bridegroom. and the full, gamered aklrt, termi­ cil of Europe. Thle may be done Msridu Kaighte (7) Mustachioed Mangrum, who dlfferenoa do you think that 14 Stock car racing to listed Sunday in the Bristol lineup. 10. The bride’s gown of white ny­ after me councU geU organized me days of the Sealing and whal­ President Truman discretion to Brooklyn-New Tork Yankee en­ evening at PlainvUle Stadium.. ning. Art Patton saertfload him ‘ **We couldeouM not watch Inactively g«rvica Committee aponaored sponsored I Premier-Designate _ Gaston Eya- nated In a long train. Her finger­ send American arms to practically AB R HPO A E traito tta rt behind Snead and feet they took off EbbeU Field In try in the AQ-Amarica Football to second, and when mird waa toft tte ir dWarslofiiat activity even Tuesday evening at the■ ■hall ■ kens to form a three-party • ■ goveigovetn- lon slipper aaUn haa an over­ tip veil of illusion was edged wim next week. ing Induatriea. Waek, o f ...... 4 2 2 2 0 0 Middlecoff ta the uasoa’e cash- left makes to many a hltterT ...H arry "Snirffy" Brnim of i untended, Murray kept going, but dress of white ChanUUy lace. Her Members of me Council of Eu­ "Great though lU past haa been. any nation he wished. , ooUectlng demonstrated yesterday Conference at Cheshire Academy Rochester and George Dunn of ■riMD tiMT triad to cloak It under I «oUow* Women’s 1st, Miss Doro- ment seemed doomed to failure. French lace and attached to a rope are; BriUin, France, Bel­ Vanden'-erg told reporters that W. Ckwtyto, u . 2 0 0 2 2 1 Plenty. In Pittsburgh practical­ are from 9 a. m. to noon and from a nice l a ^ throw from HaUoran to R.. e -goiae' . of rallgloa.” ha ealA thy Wolfe: 2nd. Mrs. r . Rusch- The BoclalleU are eg^nst enter- flngerUp veil of llluelon wiU be tiara of seed pearla She carried It le gratifying to know that the LoMk, lb ...... 2 0 0 10 0 X that he b u lu t none of me gold­ ly every bail that faUa in the Gar­ Hartford eolUde h> the 10-roiind ] Bill Foley nailed Murray on tha d ra ^ from a cap of the lace and gium, Denmark, Ireland, Italy, tercentennial celebration la to be move leaves me program’s else ss en touch that gave him eoate $22,. 3:30 to 8 p. m., Monday mrough star bout Tuesday evening at the i Handsome Jack Kramer ?Vla, Sent want to fight . agalnat , m im of WllUmanUc: 3rd. Mnu lng a »°vernment which ^ a crescent bouquet with white Luxembourg, 'the NeOierlande, one of me principal rem dnlw Jaakowricl, 2b . 2 1 2 l 8 0 dena would be an out before they Saturday, and from 10 a. m. to 12 base psm. Chomlck followed wim TMIflnn' km. hot but wa muet must unmaak unmask the Richardson. Men’s 1st, propose a popular referendum on she will carry a cascade bouquet roses, gardenias and white orchid pointed to tho future wim em- Rogen, 2b .... 8 1 1 1 I 5 000 la tost yaar’a Tam O’Shanter put up the wire fenoe.” Hartford Outdoor Auditorium. { a single, setUng the stage tor Norway and Sweden. Greece and phaala on me need of higher edu­ problems. Another, he said, is free-loading expedition. noon on Sunday. Practice sessions Srnim won a hair-line decision sev- i Mw origla ocigtai a t the plota and the pumey; 2nd, Elmer a a rk ; the royal quesUon. of white rosea wim white orchid center. Turkey will be admitted aoon. whemer me administration Is Bogaea, I f ...... 2 X X 2 0 0 PitUburgh and Brooklyn ta laft, Banks' lusty blow m at decided me ftuaagmnda hatched abroad under | cation for the young people of mo His staccato ahooUng of taro a n open to me general public ... eral weeks ago and oddly, both i contest. ^ ...... 8r^ PlnMy tte’^^ve^ment « the So- center. „ . The honor attendant wpre dusty In addition me OEEC haa Aus­ community. Only wim leaders planning only a stop-gap plan or A. Ooetyla. c ...2 X 2 2 X 0 and ClnclnnaU and Boaton In Coach J. O. Christian has releas- Bolsters Red Sox Staff Sw Wb of reSgkm.’’ri The honor attendant will be rose taffeta, wim picture hat and H. Ooetyla, if , 4 X X X 0 0 eaglM and five tdrdlu in a 82-32 right, are parks which have been fighters demanded to be rematch- i Morlarty's (4) tria, Iceland, Portugal. Switzer­ carefully trained and dleclpUnod a subsUtute for me mutual de- round over Tam’a par 80-36—72 ed me 1940 varsity University of: «<] Matchmsker Lou Vlec\iei ob- AB R H O A B ♦ gowned In peacock blue faille, and colonial bouquet of roaea and land, Blzonla, the French sone of fenas plan under me North AUan- MUtor, p ...... 2 0 0 0 0 0 slimmed down. her cascade bouquet will be of achlllea. The brideamalda were can we hope to safeguard and per­ ooiuae waa only one stroke behind Bill Veock’s fence In Cleveland's Connsctlcut football schsduls. Ths ; aad a full house to expected ! m so only SIX runs in their last seven , Murray, ss . yellow roaea. Miss Brnim will Germany and me Britlah-U. 8. petuate me institutions of democ' Uc treaty. , . the record 88 he fired tost year. UOonns open wim Yale at New , to be on band when me bell sounds ; R e t u n i S tO 1 9 4 o Form Patton, 2b . similarly gowned In Nile g w n Despite mounting criticism of Totals ...... 27 7 2 2X XO Municipal Stadium to the only "im- Haven SepL 24, then meet Ameri-' games. wear dusty rose faille and Mlaa racy." _____Btraet hloten (4) Tbs Jaunty Purple Heart war rovemant" ta tha AL, but Clark for rotmd one...Bucky Walters, Dodgsn Win Chomlck, lb /^nth CoYentry »»••• ^“ere the party De Renne. fuchalA They will wear Connecticut’s acting governor, the program’s cost, Kee said he Is hero defending champion, not only can International Oct. 1 at Storrs. Cnnclnnatt Red manager, was a ; With Six-Hit Shutout Brooklyn remalnsd a half game Banks, c ... director at National FountouM ^ majority, and sheer yokes. They wore e OEEC anyhow, there William T. Carrdl, conm tulated McCurry, u X X 0 0 0 SIrtffim la Washington did tlnkar Other games Include Oct. t Spring- member of elx National League : U ttle colonial style gowns and carry optimistic. ^ _ Bolduc. If ...... 4 0 X 8 0 ta the AU-Ameriean which pays of wim temporary toft-field btoachars Over Tigers; Yanks behind the Red Birds with a 6-4 Zwick, 3b .. MM SSS5-W1 ! for InfantUa ParalyalA The only aolutlon aeemed me town In a statement last night He sdded that he «peeto tte $3,333 to me prinner, but also la field, away; Oct. IS Maine, away; AU Star tesme. Five times Walters I edge over Cincinnati, their sixth Psgsni. s .. Thursday due to Incraaaed number ^^„y obaervere to be dissolution colonial bouquets. "Stonlngton’e colorful history committee to approve the Wll ^ Oovay, 2b, p . . . 4 0 0 0 3 until me vtoltore got me range. Oct. 22 Newport Naval Training waa named se a pitcher and this | The rnomer of me bride will ture rosea. Switzerland might hold back be- O. PhUUps, 8b . 4 0 0 8 0 me $32,200 "World Championship Wim Jet-propulsion baseballs Take 2 from Browns straight. A mree-run outburst In Solomonson, if Tka sUhtaMth Coventry queeUons being naked r M w ^ g present Parliament and new wear navy blue polka dot crepe mroughout lU 800 years,’’ mo next Thursday wtm the requested of Goff" which moves onto me Station, home; Oct. 29 State., yaar w-as one of Manager Billy ; _____ the fifth broke s 2-2 tie snd frac­ Frey, rf . .. I polio l^ rM W , * electlona within 40 days. The rnomer of me bride wore a ^ tradlUonal pollUcal sUtement said, “la In part me his­ MUewsM, Xb, 3b 3 0 0 X 2 and vanishing fields maybe me away; Nov. 6 Rhode Island, home; i ^umworth'a coaches...A crowd i , , j with corsage of pink aweemeart amount Intact Jarvis, e ...... * 0 0 7 0 Tam scene next Thursday sad has pitchera are entitled to a crying tured CSncinnsti’s four-game win- Thomas, cf . tSSS;i*!^S2T:2h!Suw|5^^«*»tlon 1. in no poMUon Decllacs AS BeaponalbUlty dreu of blue neutrality. Portugal might be un- tory of all Connecticut. It le the But, he emphasized, we still a top $10,000 Individual jackpot. Nov. 12, New Hampshire, home; I of 23.000 is expected for me Ez-' ning string. Jackie Robinson s | Xoske. p rosea, and Mra. Brnim, navy blue bridegr<»m’e rnomer, acceptable to some western Eu- story of bold adventurous pioneers Rostek, cf . jag now and man. zard C b a r ^ -Q x is Lemevich | (Associated Press Sports Witter) Leopold’s message decUned all crepe with white rose coraage. can’t teU how strong opposition Mangrum, who bad only one The Braves %vere dubbed "one­ and Nov. 19 Ohlo-Wesleyan. away. i double drove home two big runs ! r>q—ii» Ooamiunlty House at We have never . . I reaponelblllty for the cabinet w ^ Sartv at 2 «>P«a" governments which claaalfy who came to settle where they Capatka, p, Xb. putt over tor bto five birdies fta' Last year me UOonne «'on three | heavyweight title bout Wednes- ! Jack Kramer’s return to 1948 They will aaalst me bridal party to me amount la going to be. ■Vltmsr, rf time” champs even last year Just off Howie Fox. He scored the Totals ...... 27 4 9 kl 8 X Mctth***“ Osvontry. Agricultural the American p^le what d^ton ^^^‘‘ep'S^n^n me BriU^h^m^rican ^ ^ r t u g u e a e gegime a . undemo- could find Independence of spirit Most membere of Kee’a com­ tohed two strokes ahead of Chick gamee, and dropped five ... >day evening at Yankee Stadium. form with a six-hit ehutout for third. KockviUe (8) axhlblta bv 4-H o' '*'>*•* hospitals they should us^ „jj p,rttes cannot agree on In receiving at a reception for era tic. and mode of life. It le a story of after mey took the flag, and it Boston may be the most important 160 guests In me Federation room CTub at 3:30 for 128 guesta. mittee agree that an ...28 4 4 2X 8 0 Harbert of Detroit and Jim Turn seems now ss if m at dope was ^ Sbortetop Granny Hammer's er­ R. Foley. 3b will ba on disptey miring nor do we feel that we can UU ^ rolutlon to the royal problem. ” OEEC’s Job la economic. The close ties to the sea, of ships and gram should be approved prompt­ *routo of BriarcUff. N. Y^ who fash­ development In the American ror, permitting Ralph Kiner to M ^ n c nr«- them what kind of Insurance they "Parliament should take of Center church, which la also For*■'" an unannounced-----.h .rk l weddingI council Council or Europe of 8 Europe’s juu u Job U mainly i geafarere who circles me globe and MSridsn ....0 0 0 0 X 0 6—7 right League race since Joe DlMaggio | ^j„y, Owens, cf ... ■ftamoon and avenlng pr«- I decorated with gladioli. ly to bulwark western Europe ___ 0 00000 4—4 ioned 68'a Knotted at 87 were Only a harculean effort oould Bchumey, if , WL Tbs auppar committee an' should carry. Mr. Bebert furtlwr j y,* decision, and thia decision fcouFbt back w„ne of the culture, against Communist aggression. Motors Jimmy CTlark of Independence, rejoined me New York YMKees^ shied Pittsburgh to squeeza past accepted. The bride haa chosen a suit of skin suit, navy I doubtediy will take up economic I ^ilea'im'and wisdom of me world IUto M te d la: W. Ooatyla, Jan­ lift Boston above bom Brooklyn Local Sport Chatter Failure of Handaome Jack to B. Foley, es . navy blue faille for an unan­ Of me large number—possibly Kan., and big Johnny BuUa of and S t Louto. Philadelphia, 1-0, in a tight duel HaUoran, lb _ _ MwiMata Mra. Qlltert H I Such are all matters of personal i continued: cWd corsage. They win Both organizations | ,„rich our heritage. It la. kowski, Rogers, A. Ooetyla. H. Verona, Pa. tneazure up to hla brilliant 18-5 between Bill Werle and Schoolboy nounced wedding trip. On their their home In Hartforf and r 1 strictly limited powers, but throughout, a Story of Industry, a majority—who believe that the Oostyto, Bolduc 2, Oovay; Two One to boat, mkybe with luck. Bobby LaFranctot reoently» Wednesday wriU be "Manchester Bujak. p __ M Vlanv Mra. ptorogatlve. he stated the Nation- -if j f*ei by resuming my duties COM can be cu t emne would w Four Strokea Off Pace record of laat year almost ruined Rowe. Each allowed five hits. LaPolnte. 2b i T W i r ‘MT»Albert V sl FoundsUon for Infantile Paral- j could not serve my country. I return me couple will live on bare hits: Bolduc; Three b s u bite, Two to beat, awful tough. Not to crowned Country (Tlub champion. Day" st Fenway Park in Boston the Red Sox in early aeason. m d u a t ^ from •"“Y '*''**' **** *^. **** •*"**’ ability. Independence and breadth It by direct reduction, others by Fred Haas, Jr., of New Orleans, mention me pack howling at me The Boston Braves, grsdjally Puts, rf .... an j 1 vale will continue to pay hospital would abdicate In favor of my son, Pleasant street, WllUmantlc, and h«t!.r HiJh ShTOl ^ m the ment for European union grows. qualities which have W uk; Sacrificu, W. Oostyto; Pete Oboper of Ponte Vedra Beach, is a product of oos of TO better when me Red Sox play boat to me Kramer lost six in a row until he drifting out of me Nat tonal League B g? ind medical coata for aU polio pa- the heir Prince (Baudouln). receive melr friends after Sep­ m the The Conucll of Europe ■ com- [ stonington a town to re- curtolUng me lengm of me p r^ Doubto plays: W. Ckrstyto, Louk; heels of me Braves. known golfing famiUea in M an-' New York Yankees. Nearly 800 finally broke me atreak wim re- Green, rt . . . IR i. Marrtam. A Mmmlt- | p ^ ..j not Intend to Impose my- 1948 class and is employed In me 1 gram and considering arme alo Via., and unheralded Bob Frettond It's not difficult to figure why race, were given anomer shove by Kulo, e ...... tember 8. mittee of ministers will meet In member and a cherished section of Left on baass, hlsriden 8, Motors 6; of Duluth, Minn., ware tour e^ter. Brother Malcolm to a j pandatand reserved seats have Uef help. July 24. me last-place Chicago (Jubs who taa assatiag to complete plana for After graduating from Man­ payroll department of Nlles-»- again when Congress begins a Manager BUIy Soumworm Isn’t In McfJSrmy, c A daughter was bom August 1 sell ">y country, when I awend- ment-Pont Division of the United the Strasbourg City haU Monday. Connecticut." B asu oa balls: MUtor 0. Oovay 7, strokes off me pace wim 8S’a pretty fair golfer, while Bob’a i been purchased by Manchester When Kramer cooled off me battered Warren Spahn and three tMt fklr wtU ba held Monday, Aug. to Mr and Mra Henry Qlesecke of ed the throne. I promised Bel^um chester High school, me bride at­ This group consists of the foreign From J. B. Montlnl, sub-secre­ new aeseion In January, Zapatka X; StrikeouU: MUlsr X, me running. mother. Mra. Cora Anderson ranks reaidenU for mis gams. 'A ^ g p. m. at the home of GU- I Aircraft Corporation. Some members feel too that In all, 27 opening day ahooters For pitching, he bad Vein Bick­ Tigera, 9-0. he became TO sixm si'xceasbrs for IS hits and an 8-3 Totals ...... 24 3 3 20x . T 2 Boutt S^mTry rrM ^eaterl^ tended me University of Ver­ ministers of each member coun- tary of me papal state came thle Covey 4; HiU off: Oovay 8 tor 7 were under par, arhlcb Indicated among me top five women golfers , ------atraight Bofcton atarter to go the ba«t R. Stom, chairman. not forgotten this promise. The bridegroom graduated from th en should be a firm guarantee ford to back up Sain and Spahn. edge. Hank Sauer's 23rd homer Rockville...... 000 OOS 0—8 Memorial hoapitaL mont and me E. C. Goodwin William Hall High school. W ^ message: ruM In 8 2-8 innings; Zapatka 0 that promoter George 8. May’s at me club. Step-famer Ricky An- | (Jharlie Robbins placed third in i route. Manager Joe Mcfjarthy waa included In me oarrage. Jeff / Tl>a town crew on Thursday be- Brother Now Regeat school In New Britain, and Is em­ * 1 t win consider what the 87 "In reply to your request for a of mutual cooperation by western tor 0 runs la X-S Inning; Hit by But Sain hasn’t bad hto 1948 M o rto rty 's...... t . XXO OOX 1—8 n n . tha peagram of armor coat­ Second Oongregatlonal Church Hartford. He served three years European nations as a condition "toughening" of Tam mrougb ■pork. derson. a former profssalonsl. to , the 10-mlle toad rrce In Salem now has gone through his entire Hearn hit a two-run homer aa the Runs batted In: Murray. Ckora- Leopold haa not lived In Bel­ ployed at me Windham Commu­ delegatee to the consultative as- message from the Holy Father on pitcher^ by MUtor. Zapstkl; WUd construction of several - new greens tops among me Country Club Mau., yesterday out won second regular ateff of Maurice McDer­ Braves knocked out Doyle Lade ingroads tai' aoeordanoe with Stata Vacation School will aU rt for a gium since the war. The king had the occasion of me mird cen­ to providing me rearmament aid. pitobsa: Oovay 4, Zapatka 2; TO ahore up that woeful out­ Ick, Banka. Zwlck. HaUoran (2); a m Fonda available to the Town two-weeka’ schedule on Monday at nity Memorial hospital. and teas fsU somewhat flat. members. time prise. Bob Bray was 22nd mott, Mel Parnell, (^luck Stobhs, in me first Inning. surrendered the Belgian forces to The bridegroom, a graduate of tennial of tho founding of Ston' The rewritten WU sent to 06«- Kaanl balls: Jarvis; Losing pitch- field, Soumworm counted heavily Two-baas hits: Murray, Banka (2). Ooventry. ’This work Is being » a. m. The theme will be "Find .-sss by the admlnietratlon yes­ Elven tha amateurs, paced by on Pete Reiser, who haa perform­ and bromer Al Bray 23rd. The Ellla Kinder. Joe Dobaon and Owens; Three baas hits: HaUoraa: the Invading Nazis In May, IWO. Windham Regional Technical "'‘¥ J ^ e ^ e ’?1 lf t to inald of have b e e / chosen from the 10 Ington,______Conn.,______It gives me great ar: Oovay; U m plru: Stevenson, nifty 67's fired by Julius Boros, Army and Navy Club won fourth Kramer wimout calling «ir me ‘Today's Gamea t M under the supervlalon of the I God Through Nature." Parenta and became a war prisoner. Alter terday epelle out epeclflcally what ed spottUy and hasn’t been a fac­ Clifford “Pop" Gleaaon and Earl Stolen bsssa: Chomlck (2), school, served eighteen monms In honor Was a necklace with match- member countries, roughly on the j pteunire to Inform you that Hie Bralnard; HaM: 1:80. 29-year-old accountant from Wast Tost have been accepted Into place In team comncXitlon. Wee- bullpen. In fact he haa relieved Eastern .pteta Highway department, ac- having fruit Julcaa, crackers or Belgium was liberated by me the U. 8. Army, part of the time in» earrlnm and to the brides- baris of populaUon. Jfost of Holiness has suthoriied me to con- countries should bo eligible fw tor. Saeilfieas: Patton; Doublahto^jdayi! Sfjfw g to the provision, the office I cookies for pre-school children to Hartford, 0>nn., aad ettudy John Add to m at me lose of Jeff membership In me National Asso­ uesday Robbins, me Bray bromera, In only two of the isat 12 games. Albany at Hartford (8 p.m.l Solomonson- Ctaomlek; Allies In 1944, wim the king then In Germany with me Ism Mech­ oiaMa she save gold earringe. The them are members of their coun- I ^ y his cordial felicitations and aid under the plan—me Atlantle Bocketts (8) (Pick) Wagner, of Chicago Larry Soma, Adolph Grimm and Just as DlMagglo’s returr bol­ tCitawn aalaetmen advised Friday, donate may send them to tha In Germany, Parliament elected as hriderroom gave • walleU to his tries’ parliaments. I prayerful good wishes to mil par- pact nations, Greece, Turkey, HPO A E Heath and Rarl Torgeson, ma dea- ciation of Baseball Umpires. Utica at Binghamton. bases: RockvUto 4, S io rla rt^ 7; R i.M ay 26 voters at a special school Monday to be used for a anized Cavalry. He la an automo­ AB R weren’t puzxled by the 6,910-yaiid Howard Hlghtoy will compete In stered me league-leading Yanks In Only games scheduled. Bases on balls: Noske 4,.Bigidt 2; regent hla brother. Prince Charles. bile salesman for Alfred R. Cook h « t Sum and ushers. The main partle# In each of the j tidpaUng In the commemoraUve Iran, Korea, and tbs'- PhlUppW^ Thtosen, c — . 2 2 1 6 1 0 peraUon trade of Phil MasL ra- Conaactleut AAU track and late June, Kramer could make the toPM BMtUiig voted that the Board mld-momlng lunch. In 1948 me Chamber of Depu­ It alao provldea apeciBc layout placed by talented but Inexperienc- Oldest active baaebaU umpire ta me Americaa I Strike-outs: Noaks 1. Bnjafca S; of WllUmantlc. “ ' countries will be well repreeented festivities” B. Sylvsoter, 1 lb 3 1 1 1 8 0 Al. Bessellnk, one of me Chicago field gamea ta New Haven. The lo­ difference between a pennant and Detroit at Boaton — Trucks Salaetmen Should take advan- "Hl-Growera" 4-H Garden Club ties voted 96 to 6 to continue the except the Communists, who term | g|r Oliver FVanke. Britain’s am amounte for each arear—61/180,- 2 1 1 1 ed Del OandaU, and it’s quite a mere parts IS Jimmy O’Lsary. The I WBd pitches; Bujak-Noafeat * TJas- .a t tha state aid fund avall- regency and to bar Leopold’s re­ The bride’s gift to the bride­ Flueker, u ... . 2 0 area’s outstanding simon-purea, tale ef woe. cal am ietea' will take part in me an atoo ran to me R ^ Sox. Dom (13-7) vs McDermott (8-2). ; pirea: lacabuccl- Lovatt. ’ win meet at 2:80 p. m.‘Monday at groom was a pen and pencil act, the Council of Europe a plot baeasdor to the United SUtes. re- 080.000 for me treaty countrlee; RoUlek, p . 4 0 0 1 3 0 was a stroke behind arim 68, while East tad# veteran to now rounding one mile and two mile events. DlMaggio contributed hit bit w"lth to Coventry amounting to Second Congregational church par­ turn to hla throne without Parlia­ Chinese Study 3211.870.000 for Greec g|»d Tur­ out his 38m season of calling balls Cleveland at Philadelphia — X—2 out when wtaalag n a and hU gift to me bride was - agalnst me Soviet union. It Is I ferred Indirectly to the resistance Luason, ef — . 2 0 0 1 0 0 s tourm eub-par amateur round a double, hitting In hto 32nd Lemon (X3-8) or Benton (3-3) vs ^ 1,962.49. Boada to be armor- sonage. ment's consent. estimated that the largest dele- <,f stonington residents to the Brit- key, and $27,640,000 for Iran. 1 0 sad strikes. scored. Swfteil. selected by aelectmen have diamond studded wrist watch. J. Sylvester, 1 tb 3 0 0 0 wae the 70 posted by me defeat­ • .. — Frits Della F tra defeated Dr. Al atraight game. Vein Stephens Fowler (XO-8). .nnMmyi w i th . state hleh- I Mr. and Mra. Michael Sloboda of Yankee Stand] gatlons win be made up of repre- I Uh In two ware and cited the cotn- Korea, and me Philippines. ' Ooodrioh, U . . 8 1 1 '0 0 0 ing AU-AnMrtcan Champion and Yules, 8-4, 7-8, In a town tennis baahed hia 26m homer. CHiicago at Washington—Kuxa- m k , m £ 2 2 2 o S r“ ^ ’Ihe^ Wall etreet and Mr. and Mra. J«>- sentatlvea of the Socialist and ths I mon sea heritage of Stonington In sddlUon. $60,000,000 \ already J. Rughu, rf . 3 0 0 0 0 0 former British Amateur (^mp, Johnny Hedlund played four singles tournament match. Roeario Yaake Take Twin-Bill vt (7-2) vs Scarborough (8-8.) I aenh Llska of Waterfront park CamoUc p ^ e a of the member residents and me Britiah. Said Sir haa been authorised for Greece 0 1 11 0 years of baseball at Manchester mailt en tem into provides m et | n,rold- . (C^ttawei tress Fags 0»s) S. fttacenl, 11 2 9 Frank StrSnahan of Toledo. Sapiensa and Lee Urbanetti won Arrival of the St. Louis Browns St. Louto at New York—Embree commissioner 1 In v l^ Ellington I countries. I Oliver: and Turkey, raiataig the total cost B< Hughu, If . 1 1 1 0 0 0 Ranking contender In today’s High, two seasons wim ^oach WU- from Marsh Warren and Ralph proved to. be juat me tonic the (8-X3) vs Reynolds (XX-2). / Informants said subjects to be I "... by this celebration Ston of the program to $1,460,000,000. fred Clarke’s baaketbsU team and as Sieplngkal, Manchurto I amateur array arts Bill Campbell By The Aisodfitod. Press Axinger In doubles play by default. faltering Yanks needed. Casey Nattonal / SSiiSi.TJa’i. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest M. How' For Passage considered Include a general die- ington la dUpUylng for all to aee Amounte for Individual countries Totals . .27 8 7 21 11 4 of Huntington, W. Va., who holds but one game wim me gridiron Ray aad Frits Leila Fera defeated Stengel’s gang broke loose wim sU renowned fight against euealon of the purposes of the her proper pride In the accumujat- American League eleven. An Injury cut short John­ Brooklyn at Cincinnati — Hat- C S T s t S e * ^ ^ n n e rtl^ ^ * M te Mrs. Sloboda have twoi Jr., of Hetheway avenue, are are not dteclosed. Travelcia (4) me course record of 88 and to de­ Batting — DlMaggio, Boston, Stan Titus and Harley LoveU. 6-1, melr roughest hatting attacks In ten (8-8) or Branca (X2-S) va p y .S ^ o n 1488 1" .the Mr jm d the parents of a son born at S t Reds mere. ^ . CouncU at Europe, a joint Euro- ed treasure of her three-hundred Vlttner, 2b, u . 4 1 X fending ’’World’* amateur cham­ ny’s pigskin days. 6-2, in another doubles match. weeks, sweeping a doubleheader, sSliiiRn y S i n n t n ^ atnt boys. Between now and me end of Francis hoeplUl, Wednesday. Aug- Contisaed from Page One 218 Miles From C a « ^ Dean patent system, a unified pol- years’ history, some of which plays .844; WilUame, Boston, A40. Wahmelsr (8-4). R«v^ the Strt ^ ^ additional of mess u ,t 8. The maternal grandparents The Communism are m min am Caimatolto, lb . 4 0 0 pion at Tam. Rune— WllUama, Boston, XOX; XO-2 aad XO-5. PhlladsliJria at Pittsburgh — IK?: on security, creation of a part In the story of our common Srnim. 2b ...... 4 X 0 Defending AlI-AaMricsa women's Ptoy In m s BoftbaU TwUlght They backed up Ed Lopat’s ef­ a. fcT^S^fv f ^ chll^^ will have spent two or are the late George B. Hathevrey ate Appropriations committee,’’ miles of Canton on the "®™waeL •n International European paae-' heritage. Joost, Philadelphia, 98. ITha talk City A. C. footbaU Simmons (S-XO) vs Bonham (8-S). h must be paid to quauiy lor ___ a to -1 and m ™. rien m B. Hathewav. The The Natlooallete say the R w Boudtos. cf, If . 2 X X champion. Babe ZahartoS, and Runs Batted In—Stephans, Bos­ Leaffua wlU be resumed next week. team will praettre Sunday morning ficient pitching with a X8-hit out­ Boston at Chicago — Bickford more weeks In local homea A to- *nd Mra. George B. Hatheway. The Bridgw (R.. N. Dort and the encouragement of I ”. . . T w hare In yow posM^ KnorF's Sttind Danlril. If 2 0 0 Hardy Patty Berg headed me Three more weeks remslh tai me burst that included homers by Hartford 11. Albany 4.,; ? SIA tal of 21 have been Invited this I paternal grandparents are Mr. and mat once ^aln tWs ^M em right wing on thla front now iw I ton, 109; Williams, Boston, X07. at 10 o’clock at Memorial Field. (12-1) va DublM (3-7). Btaghamtmi 7, ITttea V Harold E. Panona will ^ o i /I nave ww Howard. Sr., of Bol- would be reviewed. It c e r ^ y b M chedied 80 miles from the Tomatoes 80c Basket Oole. 2 b ...... X 0 0 day’i feminine fled, but mey , had Hits— DlMsgpo, Boston, 181; regular scheduto. The plaj-offs will An Important meeting of me Silk Tonuny Henrich and Joe DlMaggio Naw Tork at St. Louto —(night) IHls^ss his adult sermon toplo; McOrsth. Ct . . . 3 0 X aorneming to shoot at In me 72 follow Immediately after. in me opener. It was Tx>pat's lOm wmiarnsport 8, Blmira 4. »*“ • . w „ » _ 1 ton 1 would be my hope... mat the ad- border of Kwangtung province,™ -r..- of I yp'ln- B««,h. .m. b,n. I.J Peaky, Boston, X29. City A. C. to listed Monday night —Hartung (9-9) va Lmiler (0-2). Scranton Vt, WjUtea-Bam (M. S i? ' IMIilqn Magic, Law, or CovMtry Junior b w b ^ te M I County Women’s Club 1 mlnlstrator would Immeilately re- which Canton also la the caplUl.| C .a n d u p Morran, ...... 0 0 0 notched yreterday by Louisa Doublsa—WllUams, Boston, 22; at 8 at me VFW Home. vlotory. UyvsT” duriw..J0:4B a. m. aerv- f" * dovlTTn uT. North-^astera Thursday...... August 11. at' view ' this t whole situation and (That would appear to be at ths righto with t ^ ^ ^ anTongst BriUsh people Kaname, p .... 1 0 0 Suggs, ths Georgia Sweet Swinger. Kell, Detroit snd Majeekl, Phila­ Champions of m# Softball Twi­ Rookie Duane PiUette flnaUy . Ipsa Sunday, Aug^ 7. at First Con- to Andover ^ hv a * P- Tolland Town halU 1 would aee whemer at this partlcu- n ^ t point of ^ Red advance.) ®«ropean that the compliment was repaid a Opp. Maacheater Oreea - SdhodI Breen, p ...... X 0 0 Miss Suggs' 88-37 was four un­ light loagua for ma past m ro hung up hia first big league vic­ Cleveland 8, PbUadatpIria t. der women’s per 76 and only one delphia, 37. Hank MeOann and Ty HoUand, tory wim rsUef help from Joe Chicago 4, Washington L ■isgatlonal church." ^Children’s Connecticut------I’inere B ateb win ^ oe an ^ opennrd There■ucci.iiib will bei lar an time open some meeting of meseat lar plants. tin While many q u a e re believe the 1 toSSJl'!!; C c S 1 thouemulfold by a cerUto type of J. Boaadles, rf. 2 0 0 Triples—Mitchell, (Cleveland, XB; seasons, m# Broad Street Motor raprarenting Hore Oomany No. X Sports Scheilale story will he "Lorenzo Dow and 8:80 p. m., wim Representative | might be ealvag^. NaUonaHito will be dismayed by w®**" Wltaon. If ..... 1 0 X ■troke behind Mrs. Zahartoe’ Tam Sales have yet to vrin m slr opan- Page who pitched me laat tour in­ Boston t, Detroit 0. DllUnger, I t Louto, XO. of the S2IFD, today hurled a chal- nings of me second game. The New Tork 10-10. Bt. Louto 8-6. the ' Thlevea.” Mrs. Keriheth of 11 wine, thrre I*'® Harold Cloitgh of Tolland as guest "Such a step will In me end help the pubUcatlon of me White Paper, projects i McCurry. 2b .. . 1 O B reoord of 71. The former Brttleh Home Runs — WUUams and Ing gams and during all “ tt** Snatey. Angwrt 7 bFen wUl be In charge of Nur-i-^per locals 10 wins, mf*® speaker. I to take Germany and me German beat opinion In Canton la m at mere under me EnglUte channel and TO Champion and twice a atom win toqge at any two mambera of ths attack Included Charley Keller’s Natteuni Baker, c f ...... 2 0 0 Stephans, Boston, 28. campalgna tbs Motors ware totesp PoUca Dapartment to a doubto tan- talk C l^ va. BrtotoL 3 p. m. claas s t the parsonags on | loShk^manager, Marshu F. Mer-1 belonging to MU# MU- people off our backs and help will S no formal protest ^ Proveaclal, o". X 1 0 ner of me' Weatern Open and to stags a recood half drive to urln second homer snd Yogi Berra’s St. Louto 1, New York 0. riam aihdreB. Wednesday’s local i Ryder wae run over by a | them become aelf-eustalnlng.” Frequent forecasts of the con-1 Blanc In me French Alps, also wui | CESSPOOLS AND SEPTIC TANKS Amateur, finished elx atrokee Stolan Baare — .DUllngaf, St. nto match. MeOann and HoUand 14m, wim me bases loaded. OvaL Pittsburgh. X, Philadelphia 6. wlQr^'* .... - Louto, 8; Valo, PbUadslphla. 2. the ehamploBShlP' . altuatton are quite dtoturticd at a statement Aimough Cleveland whipped Msaday, Angnat 2 C b ie i^ 8, Boaton 2. . Mfiry Orlfflth of Mason game wiur^^sancheater I passing motorist Jate Thursday I A committee named by Hotf- tents of me White Paper acted as be dlecueeed. Totals ...^.28 4 4 12 2 2 ahead of runnsrs-up Dot Klslty of haa basn repeated again thto y ^ North Btads va Nlchols-BristoL haa returned home after waa------called due'^t^w et grounda. - I ^jgiit and waa so badly Injured that I xaan succeeded lest year In saving a shock absorber. I Rockatiss . , . , ’..1 0 0 0 1 8 X—8 Long Baseb. Chllf., Patricia. Me Pitching—Reynolds, Naw York, made by PoUce Chief Herman Philadelphia, 3-2, in a night game, Brooklyn 8, CIndtanaU 8. POWER CLEANED XX-3, .846; Wynn, Cleveland, 9-8, —axoept tor winning me flag. The Schendel recently m at "hto men 2 a. m.—Robertson. Bg tnro weeks at the Girl I Scheduled games fWlqw Suntey,■” It waa necessary to shoot the dog' 189— plante from being deatroyed ' X special courier brought three 1 _ - i A • J T rav q p i^___.0 X 0 0 2 X 0—4 Phee of Chicago, and Betty Mae Motors droppad melr first two me Tiilm dropped back three full .818. (poUcc) could beat tha firemen In games behind the Yanks. Boston Soum Methodist va. Temple, ' camp at Franklin. August 7, 2:80 p.ns., '^m to end his suffering. or dlamanUed. This agreement unbound copies of me WhlU Paper 9 C |l O O l A lC l 1 8 ' I n ^1 (lilt lir^lrt anil f iiinits Runs batted In: Jane Bonadiu, Kinnon of THcarkans, Tex., who gamta and man proceeded to cap­ 8;S0—Memorial. n T otm win take action at I Andover, here; Tuesday, Augj The Community Service commlt- was reached with the British and to Canton yesterday. . i Breen, Thtaeon, Plucker 2; Stolen had 78’a. Strikeouts — Trucks, Detroit, everything. Including tiddly- to SH off me pace. W L F nt GBL of Ellington Orange wUl spon- X08; Nowhoueor, Detroit, 94. ture thgjr next ten starts. winks.” 'Ris Oops hold aoftbcU, The Indiana caahad ta four infield Tnaaday, Aagnsl • Albany ...... 70 20 .tOBJ* elal town SMstlng Saturday, | p. m., with TalcottvlUe, tai French, iiin w 111 \M) I i’l i< I \M n iN'i \i I I i> haeu: Vltmar, Kaname, Denleto, Kaoeys va. Italians, 2 p. sa , I p. m.. at the Church I Thursday. Aug. 11, 6 p. m. Man-1 p/stK., ■ p«publicihllc auction Thursday, But Bridges told me Senate StUlTiedUp ; CBnaaysUo. 'Phu^er; Left General NattoMl LeagM baskothaU and bowltag triumphs errors for two unaanisd runs sa Scranton...... 82 47 JSO IT 8, at 8 p. m., In Elling­ Batting — Robliieon, Brooklyn, lUv. George Hughes to co acl^ ever m# Fireman. HoUand and Mc­ Mika Garcia wim halp from Al Robertson. WilkaaBarra . . 8S 8T B9B |7 H House, North Coven-1 cheeter Clowns, hare; Aug. 14, ^:8<) | ^ptem ber there are 886 plants remaining Smog Sufferers ‘IVaFflen 7, Rockettes 8; WedaasBsy, Angrat 19 . mi a feeasmendaUon of tho I p. m., with Storrs. hare. L o w ton Town''halL AUS' pproceeds r o c e ^ wUlwlH ^u ld be kkept.In Germany raas Faga Oaa) balls) Breen 2, Kaname Chicago—Uoyd Mangrum shot .880; S la i^ te r, IL Louto, .2U. me St. James’ church entry In the Cann ask, “Lst’a amt how soon me Benton bested Alex Kellner. Blnghamten .. Sl 81 JOO 29 be used for the .^ t^ U^tlng ^tj,out upsetting McKinney bro s. Rune—lueee, Brooklyn, *i Midget BaeehaU League. F a m v chief can round up two men to ac­ Mickey Haefner, fired by Wash- Bt. JsmsB’ va Zton, 8:30—Me- HaAord ..... 47 81 488 28 , -jf waati at Fliisaoo tor sa additional I games will be played at Plains the recovery ef- 6, Roqilek 5; Strikeouts: Kaname an 8-under-par 84 ta opentaf round mortal. 6fjs»»|iilslhiii Ilf finnn fm tli» m r I niiiliilln flnll , equipment at the nebAConeolldated - ^ any „ jjuropEuropean nation, Get Clothespin Ion which the House muet act ba-j SI.W \M. HI I’O- \ l , ( U of Tam O'ShanUr AIl-Amertean Robiaeon, Brooklyn, U . Hugtiee atoo guided me Salntr cept our dtollango.” ington for "Indifferent perfor­ WnUaasapevt . . 48 88 471’88 1 school. E. M. Granger, auctioneer! at... a.^ .. 1, Roinok 8: HIU' off; Breen 1 tor ■oftbaU entry tn me Grammar BMday. Aagnrt IB kSRt 1846-46 sdioel budgst. uus to repairs being m ^ Thomnsonviite U The State department la report­ _____ fora adjournment, but didn't men- j 1. run ta 2 innings; Ksnams 7 tor Pro Mon’s Ctolf Tournsmont. Rune Batted In — Rebtasen, mance” a monm- ago, raturned Utica ...... 40 89 4M'88tt l.’iO I’r.iri M. 1' I. M.iiuln -lcr .'i.’iO U Brooklyn, 88; Hodfos, Brooklyn, Seheel SoftbaU League during me BUIy Brown, local pro boxer, wim ma Chicago l ^ t e Box to North Methodist v a Osagos, Etantra ...... 48 ft J8B-82 ed to be none too happy about the Los Angeles, Aug. 8—(O— The tlon educatlmi. McOjrmack also to 4 runs ta I innings: Losing alteh< Soum Orango, N. J. — Armur 8:80—MemortoL of re-opahlng the plant er: Kaums: Umnlru; Bralnard Larson, San Francisco, gatasd 83. past daaaen. dropped a lO-rouhd doetoion te whip me Senatore, 4-1, hto first ci^^r/Sudeir M r"«d wim France and Oer city of rc F hm paid tribute to a C a l ^ ^ tha'way tha Bar-I Hite—Robtatoon, Brooklyn, 143 Johnny Dunroo of Tampa last win ta hto new uniform. The little Motora va Ftoon. 7:20—Robart- • t L suto...... 88 ths d ty of noses. Stsvenaoa; ‘IlnM: 1:40. final of Eastora Grass Court Tsn , 1 ^ *■ ” MUo E. Hayes, chainnan, aaslated opposition developed den bill has spUt me House mem- nis championships by defeating Thomeon, Now York, 136. Barney Smim of Hartford, driv- night at 'Tampa, Fla. Brown lefty went aU me way. aUowIng BreoMya .••••• 81 *1 A* ***.^"2??**^ I aona stated ’Ihuraday. 1Mahlonb y l Chapman, ^ e re d me amend' Portland, which prides Itself on PINE PHARMACY PINE PHARMACY Doubloe—Thomeon, Naw York Ing B un^ Oerich’B stock car. cap­ woigbod 17X to Dupre’o 170. only eeven hits. Luke Appling, Sox Rockville va Twi League AH Now Tort V —W. J. New Haven,, Aug. 8—888400 If8s88« Kasr Task IB a Cmago aponaored here next Friday to answer a leal Seminary of Hartford wUl be] street. Soum Norwalk, has been suffering Angalenea,” rafarring to tha prindple of eeparatlon of Is Sufidoy E -n Sept. 28 ft Folo Orounds in Stataa track and flsld ntott Amar- Ohlosge. 28. BueUaiKL Two MUs Faes aa Grand Orautt Nataat; M aa Rabarta a t guaat speaker at the CongregO' chsrgrt in Federal court here with ehurch and state and dou net dto- •-W York. leans wea sovan of 11 avsnta. Btolan Bssoa—RoWnson. Breek< pate. tn the Nattonal L eaj^ lead wim Charge that h e ' ohetructed the six counts of making false stote- ma extra-acrid odors which hit Pr88 DeHv8ry For AB Your Dmc Natda g a 1-0 vardiet ovar Leo Duroeber’e pragram, aetthig wurtd nosed af 8 *8 a*•« 8 ' rnm m ti Mra. Walter Car* rimtMi of the Mystic river. An Uoaai church Sundoy morning, ths dty two days ago. It waa, aat criaOnato against OamoUes. London British version of Oesanport. N. J.—Johnny QU- lyn, fO; Room, Brooklyn, 16. Frankie VMnkr plaeed third la 4:ie 4-8. g ir t. Mia. Tumor wUl oossi- tnents to obtain benefits under ms The praunt likelihood to that a § bort rode tour winners at Mon­ Pitching — SeweU, Pittsburgh, the 100-meter freestyle event on ^ Herald Sports Editor Earl Tost Gtoata. Marty Marlon drova heme tnformatkm filed by U. 8. Attomw Ths Ellington Fire departmmt urally, a gastura from oaa C9iam- world hosvywolght tltto fight bo- Sthn Mnelal with the only run off Saratoga Springs, N. T.—Lady MMOhm •••••# rf- - J Hi Wmtt Qmtial F obmbo Adrian W.W.Jiaher Msber yesterday af- wiU hold Its^ u a l lawn PJ^V. servieemen’a readjustments act. corapromtos will be worked out tureen Bruce Woodcock and Lao mouth Psrk--jriirf. $18.86: Super 8-1 .833; Branca, Brooklyn, 12-8, the Connecticut AAU Men’s out- win .be vacationing next week and An Information filed by U. 8. At ber at Ommsrca to anotoar. 1 door swimming championships at [ Hal 'Piirklngton will move Into the Monte Kennedy in the sixm. It Borimar and TeU Waada ran ana, artaasni'llro. O. Raymoad Itged mat Townstnd, doing busi-1 Thursday, Friday ^ Flrts to usa toe giant clomaspla later—mat will permit some ot toe I PINE PHARMACY Ota ."avoid." scheduled for Seiit. 6, was Salesman; $23.80; Prophets .800 two in Test Stakes, pbytag $10.80, £ Olyjnplo Pool, Oceana Beach last Reports department of The Herald Was Staley’s seventh victory. Gtenc rtU i laat namea 8S*^7'T«w TO «id^^M i^r-1 MpUnTOr 1, 2 and 8, at Eliliigtoti I tornay Adrian W. blal^ a^d the WU U. 8. Weather Forecaster Federal funde to he ueed by e U tu 6ft4 CENTER STREET TEI.. 2-W14 postponed because of Woodcock’s 'rhumb, $4.20, and Flying Weam- fitrikaoijts—Spahn, Boston, 22; 11140 aad 18.70. ?■Cs SMW r "8 88 "88 8 ••H f'J !■ ^ aoaapetlttve .“co'rU two llete^nelceV TO sr, $11.20. Branca. Brooklyn. 83. , ^ I Bight. to handto me page. [pitching has yislds^ a total af tatlen John Aldrich. , to pay transportation chargu of Injurtos.^ S ' sunken craft la m e Myatte river usual booths and gamee. i April, - . , pupila' attending nob - publje PINE PHARMACY PINE PHARMACY seeds are fbr mebanefit of , me da- |toto aapmar p t. In court to enter plea "'Sao use,"'he gsspe.', ’’Still channel wMch were obattuctlng ■mall I t ” adioota. ■;.i7 S S S i a t othar yisaalai partaupt t - laaict Friday at 11 ajiw / MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN„ SATURDAY, AUGUST I, 1942 FAGR RLBVIN *•* BVBIflWO HBKALD, BlANUHESTEHIt CONN m SATURDAT. AUGUST 6. 1S49 Under tbe spreading m^He trea Wife (rasdlngl-'-It says ths man He who is without ebUgatlous la M 72 Saharkaa far Sals 71 II.I.K HM.KN ttvRV Tv»r.»mr.g, FONTAINE ry FUI the village smithy Uea; rss shot by hla wife at close unworthy of reeponribUltlas. 41 i l Waatdi to Rdst No one has a boras to shoe, so aU 1 4A ON ROUTE Na. 44. Oavaai^. W utod Aat*»— I WANTED—S badroom uafuralaKad Sense and N onsense he ahooa Is fllaa.—GrlL iusband—Yea, there must have Customer—WhaVs good tor my b o x e r Pupa Oreot Dane poga. WHO WANTS PURNITORB W E O F F E R brand aaw 4-ioom homeloma e^brtek effbi |TH3 IpONKRYlULC PuMP SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA een powder marks on the body, • M otoftydM v t l S rBATUIU-40 Oasraatood noCa CHEAP? at la Manrheatar or vldalty ooastruetlaB. 800* froot an; high­ And on the other hand moati Ths hiObniy brought hla over­ wife's fallen arches 7 • •ad aapert ropoUb * ■ « “ “ Time paymanta Buy direct from ky tranafarrad aalaa migtnaar. Toung Man—Marry me and HI Wife—Yes. thst's why she shot Shoe Merchant—Rubber beelA Great' Dane and Boxar Parka at I JUat teoelvad a aaaaaOaUon ■tagla atx root built 1640, way. Two-atory elndar ^ glrla have a akin they love ta re-1 grown son Into a country school him. C h u i f i e d WAIRCD— mtter and eooduetor work. Try ' g ROOMS o r BRAND Wrlta B n V. BaralA St ths beginning o f the term and treat you like an angel. : CuetomsT—With what 7 to ’41. M w t *• VamoB. Telepboaa RockelUa m .600. b lu in g Ideal tor dog kanael, uouch. I Sweet Toung Thing—No, I went; ^ r ’’Local Roofar.- Call Oai«li- NEW nmmTORE Four roomer, |T,S00. wood working shop, otc. Prompt said to ths teacher: uid origtnol. d i l 6500. Ua 7704» 1P91-JS. I WORimra OODPUB. no chlldran. HtUbilly Father-Thla here boy's to eat and have a car. Mr. New Rich i touring In his The ocean (s a large body at waa aald ca^Juna Slat and It w Wappmg—4 rooRU alagla m a oeeupanoy. Bus aarvloo by the A Scotchman applied for a raiae i new carl—Where'ara we newt plnoad In our warabouao paadlng daalri S ar i^eon rant Phoaa after learning. What's your bill water siuToiinded by trouble. ROOrXNO — gpectellalni ta r^, A. tC. C BaauUfuny marbad Blua dOtt attar A setting of beautiful maplaa ?JS now . Prioad far qulto sale la salary saying he was about to | Chauffeur — Halfway between 8 m ^ w «* Orr*r*tf IX Marta d ^ a a Dam Ganaat Blua daltvary. A frw daya age tha yooag Single em rooaaa, steam get married. He waa a steady i o ' fare? It la sometimes claimed that CLASHinSD ADVT. pairing roofa at ml klnda, alao heat at •18.760. Rohort J. SnUt^ to e , Teacher—I teach arithmetic. Al- people today are "softer"' then Pena end Merseilles, sir. The girl had Juet'sald ’’yea.” Bella, atre Paplar by Storm. Alao c o u p to w h o m ir e h a ^ lt.o a s w a M {;^ B n :^ t^ Xbout to ba aaarrtad oU burner, |I8,0()0. 658 Mam straat MaanhaaUr. worker aad tha Increase toi salary! Mr. Naw Rich—Don't bother me DEPT. HOtJRS: DB-LONO’t refrlferotlon eerrtce. new rdbfa. Outter work. O t l ^ jT^ra, geometry, end trtgonome- their forebeara This could be the He - Do your parents know that n«yt clMUMd an4 rtpftirtd. 36 Id montha old trt femala. 506 tha ordar. Thwaa S urgantly aawla A S or 4 room Oban. waa granted. with niggling littia details. What 11 write poetry T •iM A. M. 1*4:44 P. *1. jtopoirs on nil mnken. cominer- ’Waattnghouaa'* Elaetrla Ra- A t A month later be met the man­ result of tiding on rubber. Kitch­ yMun* •xptri®DC€. ssttmstSB. Kaanay atraot Phoaa M 7a npartamat turaiahad or unfnra- ARTHUR A. KNOFLA HUlMUy Father That last one ener- Waterloo, Ont. Can., Rec­ country are we In? j i'ihe Not yet. dear. I've told dni and donceeUc. ft-bour eerv- frtgarator. a nattonaSy h lahad. Phoaa 48S4. TALOOTTVIUX-Lovaiy Old ► ager, who aeked: GUI Howtey. Manchester M61. ComMaatlon Range, in additlaa ta RBALTOB Manager—WeU. I suppose you re wUI do. I»e d him down with ord. I them about your drinking aad Ice. Phone 1-1707. _____ DRAW ITS weakly agalnat com - room atefla. large front l m i : I gambling, but I couldn’t tau theta mlaaloa aad aamll tokoa auoU a Baaottful Bsdroeas Suita, a Oor> FIVE 6 counting service and taa work. Excluatva territory. Mlalmum IP INTBRBSTBD. PHONB Propsrty fsr Sals 79 15 Foraat straat Call 76» TrefBc Ofllccr Hey, what are phone call to tbe right woman. PLUMBING nnd heating, apadal- •upervlataa. Hema avaty M ght Boom Bouaa. Braaaaway. garage. stopped thtnktng 'about getting Toung Man—That television la used car you just liought ? olcht more by Ceptember llreU CaU a-8329. _____ Islng In repalra, remodeling, oep- HARTPORD S-OSSS lot I00al45. Noar sdioMs and appomtawnt married oo soon ao 1 get the ralee. ruining my eyaa. Son - Dad, that car ain't no mod­ you doing there? MMem home; IreA Bnjoy own hualaaaa. W rtU: A-7, ASK POR MR. ALBERT OAB STATION dolag a vary good ahoppmg oaatsr. Vwraaa. builder el - It's e horrible example. Woman Driver isw eetly)—Just Officer—Now tell me, what la UNOUCUM - Aaphalt tllA w ^ per water piping, new coaatroo- Boa ITdA aevalaad. (Brie. ta n . US per week. HorUord •- Uon. aatlmataa glvea, time pay- bualneaa WUIlng to aon stoek aad aacrlScmg. new 6-Room Heusa. The foUowlng lettov wao ra- parking my car. It seems such a ! your idee of strategy? Locks covering. Done by reUable, weU- A-L-B-E-R-T-S hualaeai. Alao has wrackor. For Happy Birtkda.v, OM Bey! x good automobile can pull a good place. The sign says "Safe­ Rookie-- It's when you are out at 4A1S. Brenlnfi Wlndeor manta arranged. Rdwatd John­ DOO POODS, aup^laa aaid two aeroa of land, trout brook, >celved hy tha Oomnumity Cfliaet tn tralned men. All Jobe guaranteed 41 ALLTN ST. RARTTORD dotalls caU East Hartford S-8758. two springs. Move right In. Give me the beet that's' on the ■ loaded freight car, because of Its ty Zone.” And my husband told ammunition, but keep right au ItSSJS. son. Phone 667f or 766S.______aeclaa. Hand pluchtag. ha WE HAVE cashI boyars ra ^ to Gieenaboro, North Carolina: ’ me plainly to play safe while drlv- Hall Linoleum Oo.. SS Okh etreeL Oiilhead voiy low. Maneheatar. Fiva-Room House, prwwrty.f. Wo wUl Gentlemen — Enrioaqd 6ad my shelf. axeetslve horsepower. A man firing. Phone 2-4022. evenings 6166. d l p i ^ aad eUppiag a( «oga. BUTINO FnnUtuN, houaahoM purehasa your No price can make my eyebrows I log. j EPPICIENT Plumbing aad haa^ 3 : aaoallaat eoadttlon. •8,500. Have •ppraiaa•ppraiao youryoui ,propo^ _ . y fr m e f chock for 610. You’U pardon im needs to study hard all the time, |*tr*oiiaia Plugged drama machlaa K auM Supply BtoR ••• goods, rofrigoratoTa, aecnmula- other listings. <3aU Maneheatar lift; building up his mental horsepower, ^ Compassion will cure more alna MATTRESSEt Re-made and aUr-l tag. •traaL TelapiKma 6 4STA tlons, any quantity, beat Pilcoa charge. Phone our offico bofoio for aot algning IL but I want to than condemnation. H. W. Beeeha cleaasd.d. Owl J. Nygm. Phoaa f a n a a s b 4 L bb S far Sals 71 77S8. remain anonymous. — A Woman For what I buy Is to be a rift for he cannot tell when great de­ A I'sed Car Is .Not Whet It Used PK08PECT HILL echool. for lllaed.*llke n-w. We for quality marehandlaa. Phoao you aan. Quick aala guaranteed. For myself. —Lee J. Builurks. mands will be made upon him. 1 To Be. er. Toung children, reopens Monday, deliver anywhere. Prank Palk, 411 6467. ZIMMERMAM’ S KENNELS. Lnka 3-8154. COLUMBIA, 85 acres o f land ea MAIN STREET near Cambridge— OaaUr Realty Co., 4*1 Mam FrienA ic p t IL 1040. Mondays through South Main street Colchester, j ■traat Pbona 6»7. Doga boarded Bouta d, 1800 down paymaat. A 10-room Sat located on a largo ■traat Maaohaater. Photo 8- Growing Up! LANK I.KONARO Priday. •;00-n:46. LeU Tybur. Conn. Phone Ctolcheeter 400. by day: alao cUppad and waahad. REDUCED. Comploto otoch of Balance $15.61 ,t u paid. AUca 4276 daySL > MICKEY FINN MIUBMT^DrssssMktot 19 Small Croaa Bread Pup aad Eng- lot ovor I0(r front 4-«ar garago, director. 4167 ______wood cabiaot sinks aad cnhlnata. Clampat 648 Mam straat Fhoae • mparata haatlag ualta Down­ THOSE FELLOWS ST4NPIN6 HE'S PR06ABLY VENETIAN BLI.'fDS. All types Uah Setter. CUSTOM Made clothes to St m- Oabmata consist o f waU, co n e r 4668 or2-088a stair ^Mirtmeat available with 8ELL1NO OK OVER 7HEKE ARE ON THE g^TMANKSj GONE TO AMOVE WAJWMIP_Ride to Tra^^ler’s made to ordar, alao recondlUoa- aad Soor types. Alao S4” aad dd' Phone dividual Wm work from printsd purchase. Robert J. Smith, Ihe., 2d^waoaal aarrtca Alice CUm- TEA M -TH EY MAY KNOW from Cambridge street. ma. Best quality. PindsU Manu-| wood cabmet slakA Any at thaaa TRACT OF APPROXnCATBLY 688 Mam street Maneheatar, pattara or will orlglnata. Dreaaaa, PUPPIES. 110. SO Lancn 10 ACRES WTTH BROOK. 150 p«t Real BsUU and Insamnca WICYE HE 16/ 1-17M.______facturing CO.. 48t Mlddls Turn­ aults, coats, gowns and play- Itema can now ba bought fo r 15% Oonn. pike East CaU 4865^______Can 8-6288. foot on SUto Highway. 81.100. MS Mnm atraat Phoaa 46S8 ar g c w in u Machines espertly r^ elothea. Fhona 2-8606. off our low regular prloas. C ^ h a m s t e r s — (Syrian Golden) 5101 today or coma m aad ask MadeUna Smith, Realtor. TaL NEAR RUSSELL straat A d- pa rad or adjusted. Beasonable PETTO W. PANTALUK electrical 1-1S48 or 4676. room hooM on alee lot 00 x ISO. n u o Work guaranteed. Call conUactor. maintenance and wir­ These (toy bears) make an Ideal tor Mr. Young who can give you LIST TOUR raal tsUU with ua II ot! s »—T n K H n f— pat for )Uda 6 to 60. For Informa­ details on aay of tha a b ^ man- Rocraation room aad play room 5171, or evenings 1-P410. ing for Ught and powar. 40 Poa-1 m baaamant Modem kltchaa. m- for aatlsfactoey tion enn 7584. Uonad Items. AO can ha bought far Sal* 72 w—ttwr Son. FIioim 3*3760. m m iS TOPHER ROBIN Pre-Kln- ter street Phone 3308. S to r s c * SO on Ward'a aaonUily paymont Be sulatlon, storm wmdows, etc. plan. Montgomery Ward, 824-888 Prompt occupancy. Fun prlca HAVE You a single or 2-'T 001460 UiOdM., 1S48 BUICK OONV. COUPE ELECTRIC oacinatlng fan. smaU gallon tank. TeL 8828. PfTUNIA\ WR 60T SWWX a * ranges, waabara, ato. AU erork Macrt. Pboae 4588. 4 antyw back kitchen chain, TUBNBULL ROAD —An attrac- Cod. Steam oU beat acraeaa^ O n China l^eds .TOLPIMR K CARROT#/ H K AOAIN/ VOOdL OR. CAT 1S4S BinCK SEDANETTE guaranteed. Metro Sarvlca Co. maple, eoffea Ubie with aerring MAGIC CHEF gaa atova aBcallant tiva 6-room homt with 8 rooms storm arlndowa eemblnatlon TO 0 # T / ' ' i 50% *. Ml OOTl TeL Manchester 8-0883. LAVELL’S Bapreaa light trueklag doors ahlngled axtarler. flraplaca and deUvary. Weakly or aaonthly tray, piano )>encli. Phone 8-1888. condition, uaed one year, now m unflnishad built o f pra-war ma- Oentlasad Page 0 *a 1645 BUICK SEDAN tarlala Brick and slant front, Fully Inaumtad. Largo kltchaa RADIO — Electrical AppUaoca rubbish routes mvitad. Maa- storaga Make an offer. <^U Wil- ROTAL PorUble typewriten end Umantlc 1868WL automatic heat Sreplaca, com­ Vary Urge well landscaped comer 1646 PLYMOUTH SEDAN Servloa. rapalia picked up a ^ chaatar 8-8260. L Deed typewrit- lot. ImmedllsU occupancy. Thelma niata Thera waa no doubt ha was adding maehrnee. plete Insulation, gamga with suggesting that Chlang Kal-BheH delivered promptly 80 years’ an and addmg machmes sold or MARK-DOWN Bala on aU new amealte drive. EveeUent comer Jeffries E scott A gant TeL 8683. e 0 164S OU>8MOBILE SEDAN experience. John Maloney. Phone UGHT TRUCKING. Half-ton —eevoraly crlticlaad m tha Stato pick-up truck. No ashes, no mntad. Rapaln on aU makes. floor enmplea Wood nnd chrome lot 75 X 170. Prompt occupancy. department wport-^nake hto ^ t 1S4I SlUDEBAKER SEDAN 2-1046. 1 Wamut street breakfast aet 8-piece Lawson NORTH ELM Street—Delightful O n 9.0 rubblah. Phone 6-1875 or 886S. Marlow’A Quick anle price, $12,800. Robert Mctlon of town. Attractive 5 Senator Knowland l^^*!*^* partor aet 8-plece Lawson eec- J. Smith, Inc„ 653 Mam street, 0 o 9 l 1S4I OLD8MOBIUB SEDAN OLANDER’S Machine Shop. Re-1 A-1 BLACK Loam. 4 yarda 8]^ rooms on flrst floor. Upstairs par- scolded the department tor, what he RUBBISH and aahas removed. In- tlonal davenport mapla ma­ Manchester, Oonn. Mid was an affort atratchlng *ver pair — production — waldlng. elnerators cleanse. Sand, graval Quarry wall atone, 4 yardA 820. UsUy f^lshed, flreplace. tUa tath 1S40 BUICK SEDAN Steel for sale Open from 8 A m. I hogany and blond, badroom seta burner. ] a period of yaaia to force Cnlsoiang'a and cmdera Van service and Flat held atone, 4 yarda, 816. end Ublea coffee tnblea atep EAST SIDE—A now 4-Room Cape hot water heat oU to 7 p. m. 68 MUl etreet TaLj «=r-na. attached gamge. Lwg. | 1S40 CBEVKOUrr SEDAN local movrng. Phone H. M. Jonea. Alao Bolton bulldmg atone and tabica mattreaaea and box Cod with S-car garaga Vernon Senator McCarran (D-N#v) said 2-4410. 8-1868, 2-3072.______SagatoaA Bolton Notch Quarry. aprtnga Admiral electric ranges street new 4-Room House. Right lot with treaa, 812.500. Tarma. BY V.T. BAM U N 16SS BUICK SEDAN Wm. Ooodchlld. Sr., offlca 15 that If the White Paper poUclee ALLEY OUP Hello, Luna! f l o o r Problemt solved with I Phone 8-0617. SUalay Pntnode. and refrigeratora Chambera off tha Center, two 2-Family are continued “it wlU bp only a ll^niMim, aaphalt tUa counter. I Warehouaa Sales 801 Middle Homes T. J. Oockett Broker. Forest atreat. CaU 7926 for ap­ 3 tn PLYMOUTH SEDAN LIGHT Trucking. Reasonable WHITNEY Steeromatlc baby car­ short time unOl aU Asla,lsjmder SMpert workmanship, free astl- 'Turnpike E ast Hours S a m. to TeL 4516. pointment * (toimnunlst control, whick wlB ex­ ISST BTUDEBAKER SEDAN ratea. CMU 2-3642 anytime. riage. Good condition. Oombma' Open evenlnga Joaee’ tlon electric broiler. OaU 2-1076, 6 p. m., 7 p. m. to 8:30 p. m. daUy. HOLLISTER Street—A 8-year old tend to Japan aad the PWIlpplnee.” Furniture, Oak street Phone] six-room home of colonial design. Lota for Sale 78 Effort to ScutUs Nattonaltoto 8-1041. PsInttsB— 21 2M X 8)4 SEMI-Pro Sun Ray en Machinery snA Tools 52 Flraplace, Uvatory and bath, Bridges charged that the White larger •wlth’ lena aad acceeaoriea. LARGE Bulldmg lot off Keeney Paper “is a complete effort of the GORMAN MOTORS a n t iq u e s ReSnlabed. Repairing I large living room, modem kitch­ OUTSIDE and hiBlda pamUng. Phone 8387. GARDTO ’Tractom, lawn mowers en, 8 nice bedruoma. Handy to street. High and dry. Oty waUr. State department to scuttle tha SIS Mnla Street done on any furniture. Hemenn. paperhangmy floors aanded and ______electric. Near achool. Over an 189 South Mam street Phone | Johnson outboards air cooled en- naw Princeton street achool. Tlie Nationalist govsmment and anti­ reflniahed. General carpenUr] b a BY Carriage, bathmetU. 2 year acre, $1,100. Phone 2-0549. communist forces in China, add­ OPEN 5648. gmea electric hedge trimmers. property offered for tale at bar­ work. OeiUnga reflnlahad. CaU| crib, plny-pen, kitchen cupboard. Dlsston chain enwa PorUr cable gain prioe of $14,700. Immedlata ing: Mao., Wad. aad Prt Evenings pam n aaiJMi aad Servleel At 4208. QUhert Flckett______Rsaapnable. Phone 2-9882. IDEAL Building lo t 65’ x 145’ , “It is clear to anyone who has and Sat Aftamoons guUd saw s etc. Capitol Equip­ occupancy. Kobert J. Smith, lnc„ shade treea near Princeton etreet last we have a low overhead elec­ ment 88 Main street. 958 Mam ' street, Manchester, followed tha situation that the j - Phonf 7880 trical appliance aton m town. At I INTERIOR and BxUrior pamtmg n e w Wicker stroller, has hood, schooL AU utlUUes. Attractive (Jhlnsse war was lost in Washing* and paperhanging Get my free leather toed. 815. Play-pen. 12. Oonn. neighborhood. Priced tor quick U8i CHEVROLET ooupe. Good aavlnga to you, wa npatr radloa. FERGUSON Tractors and equip­ ton and not In China.” waalUng machmaa, vacuum clean- eatlninta on your work. Rajrmond 89 Spruce street. ______ment Used Cletrae with buU- McKEE STREET—Sm rooms 8 x sale. Phone 3877. Even Senator Dullea (R-NY), ooadltlon. rubber excellent OaU en , refiigeraton, tele'vlalMi. Flaks 8-9287.______a-4167. 10* DOUBLE Duty Vogel meat dozer. Terms arranged. DubUo 3, hat water heat Enclosed GREEN ROAD, Lakewood Circle. who cooperates with the adminis­ "Thd winndrt!** Open evenlnga until 9:00. Radio Tractor CO., North WUdham porches. Excellent condition. 2- tration on bipartisan forslgn poli­ Cimic, 110 Spruce etreet Phone] CHARBONNEAU House paint­ display case with Servsl com­ Center street (business sone), and 1641 PLYMOUTH 2-door aedan, ing, mterio;, axtertor. Paper pressor, 1 year old, exceUent con­ Road, Willlmantlc. « car garage. Price $10,500. James (m FreijcS Road m Bolton. T. J. cies, looked upon the White Paper BIDE GLANCES BY GALBRAITH radm aad banter. Very good oon 6079. haagmg, floor sanding and refln- J. Rohan A Son. Raaltor, 517 as “sn attempt to explain and ex­ CARNIVAL BY DICK TURNER Try The Sidewalk BY MERRILL C. BL088EB dition. CaU 5054. C rockett Broker. Phone 541A cuse past faitureo. FRECKLES AND HIS FRIENDS dttma. Original owner. 2-1838 taMng CaU 8-6575 or 7-2805. Hartford Road. Phone 7488. Z Z C T b j - . hetW m 8 and 7. $550. Mnaicsl InstmiBenls 68 FOH SAI-E or exchange BulKtog “The American people are not iWBX.ReMeans* SfiMf- HoBSoHold Sdirlcds OUTSIDE, INSIDE Pamtlng and] HEDSTROM baby carriage, grey, MANCHESTER — 6-room house lots at tha Green. Wm. Kanchl. interested in that,” ha said. “They HEY". MAce BLSe! leAWN I 1687 CHEVROLET buamaaa coupe, Offend 1XA HIGH Quality upright piano, baau- completely finished, with attach­ want future succeas In stopping pur OOO&H IM A JUkS . paperhangmg. Free aetlmatea. Uke new. CaU 6397 after 6 p. m. tlful walnut caat, In flna condi­ Builder, 819 O n le i street Phone fiOK. 1 1MANT Hff HOMeV* radio and baatar, good condition, Prompt aervlca. Reasonable | ed garage. BuUt In 1940. Wood Communism In Asia. Fortunately, HIT IT.' J ^ •165. Phoaa 8-8428. CALL ROT and Gordon. Experta SECOND-Hand M H. P. Jet pump tion. Moderate repalra and tun­ altogle and brick aiding. Hot 777A the State department is seeking a vMOIRM.f for rug and upholstery shnmpoo- prices. Phone 7680. D. E. ing win make U a flrst claaa m- A 11! Frechette.______with 110’ of pipe, 825. MUton E. water heat, 4U, shed dormer, fire­ VOTS OF LOTS at lota of prices. new policy and I very much hope 1641 PACKARD club coupe de­ mx. Complete home and office Flah. Phone 2-2871. strumant Phona 7075. place, aet tube, screens and Madeline Smith, Realtor. 2-1642 It succeeds. cleanmg. AU kmds of odd Joba. luxe, radio and heater, aeat in t e r i o r a n d Caterlor pam^l storm wmdowa Nice condition. or 4679. Rep. John Davis Lodgs (R., eovara, very clean. Private own­ Phone 2-9087 or Manchester 2- tag. peperiLinglng. oeUinga, ra-| Lot 60 X 150. 80-day occupancy, Oonn.) said It Is “a sad and bitter AfAAWA/4 NEV£lt er. 8775. CaU 7966. 4840. flnlanad. FuUy Insured. Expert I Boats and Accessories 461 Roosas Without Board 55 owner transferred. Full price BEAUTIFUL building lot m rural fact that China would probably be CdM£ • area, fronting on hifd road near work. Now 1949 wallpaper nooks. | JOHNSON outboards, sold, rent­ PLEASANT doubts or single room, 811,900. AUce aam pet. M8 better off today bad aba been our 1641 BUICK a u b Ooupe, very FLAT FINISH. HoUaad wmdow WUbur Cross Highway, exUnslve enemy.” clean, m best of repalra, price re­ ■hadee made to measure. AU Edward R Price. Phone 8-1008. ed, repaired, exchanged. Head­ two rnmutee from Post Offlca V mIw Phone 4968 or 2-0880. Phone 8888. views, about five minutes from Prsilaca State Department duced tor fast sale. Phone 5416. metal Venetian bUnda at a naw SPECIAL Price for July and quarters for naw or uaad out­ SPECIAL! CflMoaa your own color center of town. Phone Manches- On the other side. Senator John­ low prlCA Keys made whUe you A ugust Save on painting, tnalde boards, gaa cans, ahear pins, fun­ NICE PLEASANT room for re- scheme for this unusual Cape Cod son (D. Oolo.) said hs uwited to w ait Marloar’a. nels, safety chains oil. grease, Ur 7306. 1688 PLYMOUTH aedan. Good and outside. OeU l^ and paper- UaUe couple or two glrla Kltch-| with ahed dormer. Price righ t make the most of one of the few haagmg. Workmanship guaran­ carrying pouches etc. Capitol en privllegea Ueferenees requir­ location right and you’ll do right l o t o n Otle street, 85’ x 125’. 3 opportunities ha has had to cheer oondiUon. 88 CUnton atreet. 8179. WEAVING of buma, moth holes Equipment 38 Main atreet ntoutea from Mam street Man- and tom clothing, hosiery rune, teed. Free esUmates. (^1 Burk. ed. Phone 2-1154. to buy It! MadeUne Smith, Real' for State department foreign pol­ 1640 CHEVROLET SEDAN—1940 5846. tor. 2-1642 or 4679. hcester 2-1104. icy decislona. handbaga repairad, alpper ra- I COZY ROOM m private home. Oa ftM u n h tu Sedan, 1938 Oldaroo- placement umbrallas repairad, Disnoflds—Watches— “To Intervene in the civil war PRISCILLA'S POP Left Him In Stitches BY AL VBRMEI Mam street Reesonable. Phone m a in s t r e e t — 8 tenement hUa Sedan, 1937 Oievrolet Tudor. men’s shirt coUara reveraed and Rovairfiig 28| Jtwcinr 48 In China would be reckless beyond 50 YDOUt FROM THEaTY/J Piload rtiht guaranteed. Ctole repUced. Marlow’ s LitUa Mandlng 2-1798.______housa and single 6 roonm. Good description,” he declared. “The Motors. TeL 4164. Open eve­ revenue. No Information over Mandly, Gerardi 1 U5E0 TO LIV/E »4 Shop. ___ FURNTTURB kapalred, reflnlab- LEONARD W. TOST, Jeweler Re-1 NICELY Furnished ."oom on bus State department In this instance THE nings. ad. Cbnlra resented E C. Naan. pairs and adjusts watches expert­ phone. Shown by appomtment Is licing realistic and sensible." Una. Near stores. (Continuous hot only. Charlea Lsaperancow Phone Representative Cannon ( D., IM9 MERCURY convertible, aU Boa 8S. 714 North Mam etreet ly at reasonable prices. Open watar. Nice porch and yard. TeL Reach Final Round Building—Contracting 14 Thursday evenmga. 12S Spruce | 8630. Mo.) said the report indicated aqnipped. Just like new, only 5, 2-4442. American aid to the Nationalists 800 miles. Price 12,350. Seen at MATTRESSES. Your old mat­ straeL Phone 2-4387.______ALTERA’TIONS, kitchen cabmata tress sterlllMd and ramadt Uke NORTH MAIN Street On the bus Portland, Me.. Aug. 6.—(P)— hsd besn wasted. 88 Rldgs street Phone 6654. f u r n i s h e d r o o m for rant n*nr| line'la thla fetching Cape Cod and remodeling, garages com­ new. CnU Jones Pumltura and Mam street for one gentlesnn. Two Connecticut club-ewlngera— Chairman IVdings (D., Md.) of pleted or partiaUy built with n Floor (tovaring. 86 Oak. TeL 2- Garden—Farm—Dairy with many extraa, garage and. 2 one seasoned tournament compet­ the Senate Armed Services com­ CLEARAN (^ Sale on panels and 9 Hasel street. TeL 2-2170.* lota. Madstos Smith, Realtor. pickups, dumps, etc. ’36 to ’46, substantial aavlng by finishing 1041.______Products itor and the other a young sur­ mittee called the report “realis­ . $175 up. Champs, Route 30, yourself. Phone 2-2576. I TO RENT—Fumlslied room on 1642 or 4079. prise finalist—meet m a 36-hole tically aimed in the right direc­ NATTVE Tomatoe-. 3 Iba 25c: M»iw ptreet Private famUy. For match today for the New Eng tion." RockvlUe 899 or 2082. CONCRETE Contractor, mason Prtvsto lustmctlowB 28 CENTER STREET -Two-family Cucumbers, 6 for 26c; Peppers, couple or gentleman. Phone 6858. 8 -5 flat Steam beat, enclosed land Amateur golf championship. As s gesture of fiiendlinesa to CWm ntntJET Ooupe 1982, in good work and landscaping. V. Bal- j 15c lb. 57 Florence atreet Ernie Gerardi of Wethersfleld the Nationsliata, Knowland got A l l a r d ’S Drivmg schooL porch, 2-car garaga Also 4-r«om ninning condition. Price $50. Can luccl. Phone 2-1601 or 5042. A ROOM, suitable for gentleman. ho; os to pick up the champion' the Senate to agree yesterday to advantage of our exjMrience md | cu(7UMBER8 for sale. Robotto's Inquire 111 HoU street Phone smgls, steam heat nicely land­ he seen at Gram MtU, 10 Apel GENERAL CARPENTRY, Altera-1 ship oowl he Just missed m 1946 earmark 84,000,000 in t|^e foreign fins reputation. A.AA. certified Farm," Birch Mountain Road, 25c 7971.______scaped. Near schooL shopping John Mandly of Weat Hartford aid money bill to pay eopsnses of Plaet, befora 5 p. m. I tloni, additions and new construe- | Instructor, dual controUed cara, basket Bring your own contam- Cantor. Priced to seU. Oiaries tlon. Dormers, porches and ga­ alms to restore the trophy to his about 4,000 Chinese: students COME TO Cnarke Motor Salea llcsnse m'cluded. Phone 8-2245. era. (^kOl after 6 p. m. l a r g e ^toom with twin bed tor Lespetanca Fhona 8020. family mantel. His elder brother, studying In this coun^. rages at reasonable prices. Work-1 one gentleman. Near buses. 116 BY MH HALl O MAI.LEV AND RALPH LANM Broad atreet Manchester, this manshlp guaranteed. Free eatl-1 H. H. ’’Holljr” Mandly won the lAJ ■ sw T .a.ssau.ato,iw . VIC FU N ] ______Chang* Of H e*rt week for real bargalnt. 1941 Ford BLACKBERRIES — Pick your °N7ri^ school .trea t Phone H O p « 8.T o o m - mates. R. M. Alexander. TeL | Mosicst—PrssMtlc 28 own, bring containers. A. R. Tsi- New England crown twice. <(VUSS SIAD6 9AVS V v o u a FATMiR S 7 ISN’T 'YEAH, B U T ^ WHY. JU9T club convertible, radio and heat- 3716. . and old. AU locatlona Reasonably The two Nutmeggera are the Reda'Say WhUe Paper “ Now 4*n’t •mbfirrMS your unola by grriokinK' while he's U« CAN SE FSIEN05, IWOUION'T LIKE IE HERE COMES A yesterday mou ar. 1949 OldamobUe club con- PIANO ’rUNWO. repalra, recon- cott, Vernon. Phone Rockville last of 127 contenders who start- around—-I don't want to hoar that laoturs 'again about “Of eeuraa I’ll need four wooka to get married—I’ve got , CROWD OF PEOPLE PMArfiOMORE 28-J8. Apartnents, Flats, priced. T ^ Suburban Realty Co, TACKY. SO LONG A* / LUCY. BU T! verOble. clean. 1949, Plymouth CARPENTER Work of aU kmda, dltlonmg, eta John Oockerham, CaU •d the tournament on the 6,838- Camouftagea I / . S. .^ im d to find a man!'' TO RUIN IT ■ pec^ le a r o u n d . T en em en ts 63 R otors, 46 Perkins street. '' haw to eontr*l wild chlldran!'' SUt'9 AROUND V 6UES9 HE WON'T NOW 100 WANT two-door sedan. Price $595. 1937 Bulldmg contractors. Attica fin­ 28 Bigelow atreet Phone 4819. yard Portland Country <31ub ?0 VWDCH. iUVilD KNOW. I^Soto 4-door sedan, $265. ished, cabinet work, alteratlona 8215. Hong Kong, Aug. 6—vP) — An MAJOR nOOPLB 10 BE ALONE HouschoM Goads r e n t s e e k e r s —Wo are aga course. • . OU'I UUB w a y BY J. a WILLIAMS OUR BOARDING HOUSE witb WITH M E. Tour old car wlU make n down Darling A Davis, 8 and 10 Wad-| PIANO Instructions tor children, I PORTER STREET Section— Ex The flrst 18-hols round was official (tommunist newatopar said age 6 to 10, 750 a leseon. CaU 2- for a Umltad ttoia only acceptli today the United States WTdte Pa­ HAN* M.y#BLP? lO A O , •NU«PV>*^ HUM.'tfirrdiR payment Two years to pay the dell toad. Phone 2^)294 or 2-8406. BARGAINS IN chests, breakfast appUcatlona to find you a rant ceUent 6-room single end aun scheduled for 6 a. m. (ea.t.) and NRVER U#B STACY IN TH* balanee. 14 older cars 'will be 4267,______seta sto-ves, extension tables, odd per on China is designed to con­ TMBM-THnrRE DON’T e* ABSURD/ I’M D»Vl#lN* we do our utmost to place you room. Priced at 814,000. Immedi­ the second for 1 p. m. (e.s.L). ceal the "American part” In the A SIMPLR 6NARR,TH 8 KIND '*>m SHAD*TDDAN,/HA20Ri c sold at no flnance charges. Don’t NEW HOMES built to your plans chalra Ths Woodshed, 11 Main m a desirable rent aa soon as pos- ate occupancy. Near Hollister Gerardi took the difficult course GUM T TOViKLft. and speclfl’ atlons. Alteratlona, projected Pacific alliance against AM NOT fO WIPE US60 TD CAPTUR8 diANT LIZARDS THAT SON WILL forgst Eddie’s- sUU at CUarke Business OpportuniUes 82 street slbla Invastigate our servlca atreet schooL older type home, in stride ae he eliminated eeml- Communism. -*1 Motor Salas. BeUmg them to flt additions remodeling, roofing Rental Service Bureau. 641 Mam KID#’ DIRXV IN SOM ALILAND/’**' WITH TH IS q FIVE-PIECE kitchen aet with por- 6% rooms, steam beat, oil burn­ flnaliat Bobby Knowles of Brook­ Hwa Shiang Pao said the White your pocketbook. Come m. Open nnd aiding; or let ua glvs you POOL ROOM tor sale, 6 Ublea strM t Manchester. Phone Man­ er, a good buy at 810.500. Near line, Mass., one up, yesterday. The n a c R * / our estlmnte for that new garago I oelam top table. Reasonable. Paper’s purpose “is to create the ^ 6 p. m. dally or call 2-2012. clean place, good opportunity chester 2-4876 days Alao open | Princeton street school, -6-rbom Wethersfleld llnksman’s putUng illusion American imperiatlsta have Ask for Eddie. you’vs been needing. QuaUty ma- tor right party. Apply on Phone 2-1679. Thursdny evenmga 7-6 p. m. tsrials used. Workmanship gunr- smgls. 2 unfinlsbsd, flreplace, hot paid off, and haxards didn't seem been so disappointed by Chlang premlsea 88 Oak street Man­ WE BUY and tell good used fund-1 water heat oU burner. A very to fret him. He whacked one trap­ Kai-Shek’a raacnonarles that they OHBVROLBT. 1947 FleatmasUr antssd. 10% down — balsnos m chester. ped baU onto the aerventh grew 4-4oor sedan, heater and' eUp monthly payments. Vsneour Con­ tura Oombmatloa ranges, gaa I Bosiness Locstisna for good buy at $10,600. 2-famlly (Americans) could have had no ranges and neeters. Joaet F u ^ -| flat, near Mam street. 4 • 4 large from a stance m four mebes at part In tbe antt>^mmuniBt Pariflo •ovara. ” ’ery good condition. TeL struction Co.. 172 Hlghlsndl Rent______M rooms. One apartment nvailnble S448. 666 Keeney street atreet Phone 4886 or 8835. Help WauMd-^Penale 25 tura Stora 88 Oak. Phona 8-1041. | water. , union being promoted Jtagf, Chlang,' 4 CONNECTED Rooms on second on sale. Other 2. 8 and 4 famlUes Mandly Showed Iron steadmess (Philippine President..) Elpidio) WA.«^H l i HNK AIom BY kBSUB TUMNEB IMS OROSLET Station wagon, c a r p e n t e r work of en klnda WELL Groomed woman can CRIBS, Factory seconds. 814.95; floor m business section. Suitable on our listings. For appointment m setting down Art Butler, Uni­ ()ulrlno and (Korean pyealdenti ladio, hsater, defroster, fo| R oofs sldlnga, eddiUons nnd el- average 815 to 120 dally. No de- IMnny Bear crib mattresses. for beauty aalon, tailor shop, phone Howard R. H astes, Real versity of New Hampshire. 2 and Byngman Rhee.” Bghta, back-up light, i sacellenl tsm tiona aIm now construction. | I Uvery, ooUecUhg. or canvaastog. •9 95. BIU J o rrits e /a 457 Park dressmaking establishment or Estate Specialist, Odd Fellows 1. Butler lost an early lead at the (U. 8. Secretary of State Ache- oonditloa. 14J74 mUaa. Price Steffert Phone 2-0258. No experience required. Car ea- I street Hartford. 2-8582. professional offices. Apply Ed­ BuUdmg, at the Center. Phone 2- nth hole, regained It at the 18th son has declared American aloof'* 1760. CaU 2-1120. sentlaL Write Mrs. Jessie Dope, ward J. HoU, 1009 Mam street 1107. but loet 'lt fat good urhen Mandly ness from any Pacific counterpart BREAKFAST SETS, etovea mla- blrdled the 14th and then went of the Atlantic alliance,' However, Kenmore Hotel, Boston, Mass eallaneous uaed furniture. Rail­ Phone 5117 or 5118.. ISiS dUCVBOUiT suburban, car- Fiorlita— Nnatrlas 16 SUMMIT STWOer— Four rooms ahepd. he has told the Aaiatk ntatlons m H body, Isatbsr ssata, good RECEPTIONIST m professional road salvaga 167 Middle Tum- end two unflnlahed. Brass plumb- they should go ahead with the pact^ M todlaa OrtvA GLADIOLL ftoeb eat bouquets, office. Must be ablr to take short! plke Bast Monday through Fri­ Hammer Home* for Rent 67 mg. Fireplace. BuUt m 1642, M- on thrir own if they choose)., 81 nnd 81A0. Woodland Gardena, hand and type. CaU 2-1667. Be-i day 6-9, Saturday 6-6. Midget at Avon Oblna Aware of Scbeiaes John J. Zapadka, 166 Woodland. tarsen 2 aad C o'clock, i ^STAL LAKE-Water front| Reiatorsi The Hong Kang Red paper went BATK TUB, 60" sink with set The'regular eltht event midget on to say the Cflilnese people al­ Phone S47A tuba 860 Ui. home safe, 6al2 Uv- auto raring meet wUI bo presented ready are tolly aware of Ameri­ 10 Help Wnnted—"Male 26 ^mg room rug, sawmg eebtnst 1816. I MANCMtSTK|L-6-room ^ ■undny evening nt Cheny Pafk ca’s “daatnicQve ■ehamea” and are 12 curtam atretchera, dregser with 5 acres land. Bungalow •tyM. oU Speedway. Track Manager Buddy powerful enough to dafekt Umui. •87.50-^PAT for two weeks on mirror. Call 2-8482. Btaam heat, two-car garige. New Ryan aald the necessary repairs Hwa Bhlang Pao’a vlawa-toers OAWUUI Ear Kant *t IT tpraea WaRt«d t* Rtnt ■titot. O to t-M 6«. WE SPECIALIZE m cooflng and Oapa Ood. Ood, I81J5 an hour end over] 66 combination storm windows end h; ve been made to tbe track, and shared aortiewhat by Ta.lCUng>Pno, for 2 hours every Monday night CORSET Ba c k Victorian aide a formerly independent paper aldlag. Hlgheet quality materiala WANTED—8 or 4 room rent. screena. FronUge 220’. Price the events would be staged. Earlier 'woriunanaalp guaranteed. A. A.' Enlist m ths National Guard. chair. Newly reflnlaheU and up­ this week it Waa announced the which* lately has been extremely holstered m red velvet Price 140. Working couple. No children or ] 812.500. Phone Manchester. 7728 T>« ffTlFP FRONT# Dloa, iBCn 296 Autumn atreet Young man 17 tc 35. Apply, at er 6378. Brae-Eui:^ show would be poetponed. ;pro-Red* TeL 466(L / State^ Armory. S g t Tkbof. Phone 7446. • petA CaU 7716 attar A

:■.'» ■I J -L. I A i.

8 ATU 1 DAT, AUOIW %» U # V if e i W .V -

ilBanrll»at»r I at■tJ.-Si’ Bain [Auedon Mart tboao Finds Land Ownership INSjjJlRE 9 , 4 6 5 Abo^TowD ply ghould he MdUNNBT BM rnnVi Heard Along Main Street ahould not pay fbr w bht w« Ojleii Sunday BOtwe. ftopi* abouM gto over Honthubm M Cky of yfOogo hL •taw Amd on Somo o f Manehootot^t SIdo Stfoti$, Too IBrtr JaakiiiOT and miad their own Big Change in England B0 | U b 1& T s i s h bualnaaa aad Bv* ^ Irt Summer Season Offer* " ^ ( t w b l v b ; f a g e 8 ) PRICB FOUR C llffE !! Ah In to North Bndet^ ings to Bo Made at m Ihns U> ■ ^Vt __jg * Raymond —. Puararanmuch of a Job dlggto it What High Taxation on In­ VOL. LXVIIL, NO. 262 te v * kwt hla hooch to t ^ would h* doT ____ _ nawapapar ha^ Ita f ^ Charier Oak Grounds tom of poBtleal avanda, but Im "They waa only on* ttoff ta fid eouatry cerraapendanta—toon heritance Foreea Hetra could do to gat la labor bada H* ■iS^pS&s haa gained to proattg* aa a nlo* paopla who aavar forgrt to T V BtPodmdiiMt Fgtfier.SiM Girlil J l , Mw lawBlit wlw >> dacldod to aoU th* thing. So h* lat ua know whan th* Saeond Bap- To Dispose of* Family Manchaafar’a suetlen HUDSON r t o M n N IB orfMi of hla handUng of th* o ^ ^ did. Sold it to m*. Of ooura* th* market,______coaductad______to toe — Man------mm Sews Tidbits put* altuatlOB her*. Probably the ttat ehurrti la going to have Ita Esutes, E. J. Hon Says DsNvan^Hsn fMIr Grtndle Says Hunt •I tho W*tm 5i* «r Choir well wouldn’t do me no good up on naxt bean auppaf. W * "h o u ^ t ebeotor Pnilt aad V^gatobl* Vegel Fro- H. J. judge would not claim to have dooer'a aaaoolaHoB, will epaa for toraaean a vlctary by the «P P ^ * on hla land, and my farm a mil* I n i^ at aom* of thair oontrlbu* vf» away, ao I dacldod to move to* ttona, baeaun avarythlag thay Dy mroM B. IhaklBgtaa toe *umm«vend *a***a Sunday at tion. but ha could dearly aae th* S pjB. at th* Chartwr Oak *tn*t mat Dorothy Moyt > l» t » oholcaa open to bUn. turn in la with th* baat of latan* Exceptionally high taaaa and nSchaada. la a two **Tou &on*i nyr* w « exdalmsd. ground*. It wa* announoed today. Claim ed Influence d Krt. ThooiM Had b* bean atubbom to refua* tion. to*______coat_ of Uvlag _ a n given _ aa ran* Th* mart will ba held dally there­ w w Ll with Mr. aad . Ins to trant with hla rival*, tha “Tap. I brung up my team aad Howarvn, n w ^ aona for to* general ehaagaovar la BoSy o( M iBdIaa drtro. between ua, my friend and me dug 1 after through Thursday at the dodalon would have bean vary same time with Rohert 3L Raid embarraaatog to bl* court^to the well out and loaded It onto fix and OM half mOaa of my wagon.” ua a real kick. J n t toe other ownen of real aetata a n flndlag aad son*‘handling th* auctlonaer ■oma plaeaa, whera hot word* lag for to* fourtoanto year. Th* All He Had to Sell Sotharty wan exchangad. loatog J u ^ "U la urn* now to paua* t day aa Item waa Inoludad la on* that thay cannot m ^ taraa up at ban gama catch your breath,” ha adviaed. ^ t h * lattan that rand Oka tola: taxaa Impoaed uym them ty to* “' neheater Truat oomuany Set* _ BLLaeta iliiatir town Bno In Boltoo to took ovary appaaranoa of havl^ easMor and WnUam Bagno will 4_iation of OooB. •* to Hthroo bean “thrown out on their ear^ — *T don’t Bead to,” our frtend "IB n fall recently M laa------1 government and to* Inheritance Fo#4 WMk*m Jam on _____ bad th* mlafottun* to fme* I tax la ao high that th* ownen am b* auetien maoter. Aide Ttils Senate InYep> tag areas ‘ ------wuT ho gtoon atooo ourfacto* w ao vehement araa their aaaertion Mid. “Well air, whan w* got th* StartlBg off to* *e**nn win be oQ troottoont durtof tho w m l^ of th* right to continue to office thing laahed down, I climbed up tun bar right whloh la now In a baing forced to aell to* land, *1^ tifstinf Sobcommit* traffie . ^ I or to other partlea, or mon often oCtortag* of tomaloe*. cucumber*, ONMEOIATB DEUVERV Aefaeson Rejects FlM* woah. BtaU Highway Oommla- and th* wrong of th* Bowlea ap- onto to* wagon and off w* atartad, bar I*, oora aad eaullflower. to* ON BOMB MOOBLB . O. Albort Hin announced very gentle ao aa not to Up to* W * puaalad on that for quit* a I to to* government, lee Menagement Conn* ire SB'LBck Tos Fsr; pointmanta. latto- In short supply. Europe Group ly Plan, Telling $•&- today. ___ Her*. Judge Bowen took to* weU nona tun*. Har right whatT W * B. J, HoQ. a laadlag realtor la MdCLURB Airrot v armad Oaocgla and Gs s m Won hr Dssth could *M«k aC a good'many righto I Maachaator for many yean, ro- Tomato** will be offered In th* p e lo r ABBerted H e correct view that th* pubUc to* 'Bvorythtog want all right n*w hatt-bushel package Instead SIS Mata B l Uanwr BtaMd oagM at Ma frtaado rai ator Such a Cottfse 0*10 Board of RoUof of the toreat waa beat aerved by mutual gettla’ out of to* yard and until that eould ba fractured aad oould I vaalad toaaa facto la aa Intarvlaw , of to* fonaer bawot, aad It' use TsL 8-8443 CJddld Go to White 1 3 Forept Seryiee Men war agatoot rphad, alght-itdtag Ku Opens Session Aug. 8—(SV- ■w fc Maaehaetor fire DUtrlct agreement, to* praaervaaon of to* team atartad down to* bill to ha la a aaat. but la t M caaa we yeatarday. Mr. HoO recently n - ■dwaad 8. HeB I wfll be eompulsory ea those mak- Khm Klanaman . . . Autoaitefi* _____ , _. 33, puto*d hi* Would Be UttleM ofe win «aot from T to • p. « • ^|*»* dignity and of reaaonablenaa*. Hla get to my farm. Then to* devil juat 8 14 11 know what ‘right to I turned han after a tore* moatha lag offertaig*. It I* said to result Hoaae at Any Time Vtctimst Neeriy 5 , 0 0 0 ran* Ihraugh aad goto af fany* ttoiekloa iotUr- aad death won nat IS to the town aaaooaors office, Judgment to to* courae of hi* broke looa*. H w well Upoad bato credit Mlm So aad So with kavlag vlalt to England, Sootlaad, W a ^ beat to Wanatehaa, Waah., th* gam*'0f ftuoalan roqtetto. T h a n GesturefSgfg fractured. I and Iielaad. ’Iha laat ton* b* via* a week,'or tour to 8v* doOan to* 1 L a i d t o phmgaa lipto U foot at wator, Figgp o f'lO Natkins DetecOW SgL It U Berry to gear apreale from tax mattera. own action* laavea the Impreaalon ward*. 'Ih* horaea had a hard tbno those who do not understand to* I mon protection to WashinFton. Aug. 8 — (A*) Need to Fill Vaomm S , r « J S S r b u d ,. t of $103,881 hddln’ back, and befon you emW » — iltad hla motoarland and hoam waa stag mar paapoa*.,. . Oapital iledit. Straaboivg- Tim aald toe hotel clerk waa toefcy that he practice* what th* law fftitiwen to really wtth ua final-1 town. Dudley, waa twenty-four EngUah currency system. 1“" '”“***“ ’ ■^^tanufseturar Paul Grindls —w« tor a S mill tax on a 47 mll- pnache*. yell whoa, th* w*n craahed off BaOstfnl AMIaae DC4 wfto » pataao* OB to* first spin. lgM th If ha haa not mad* a will, Sponsors^ By dtoappaared, nood not got Job to went eft poaal by Ssnator Vsndsnbsrg eua- costing from twelve to Sftsea dol- a Framingham, Mass., fumi- om ^O y In «Ms BMIs Mty ea tha B «w d Congregational c h u ^ With hU court. Judge Bowen the edge of to* well. toavaa aad vlaaa, they a n not bi Eaglaad It haa baan tar* oaotoeny, aim told to* Bmi- support har two email drildnn n Berry eald OeatUlo. faring a (R-Mich) that Congrtss prq- numaroua aa they have haaa .tomary boto leavelaava tha enttn aaatat* lan. A suit that would coat you long •* gtandpermta a n BaaaS of thla town, and 1* apandlng hla conaldered to* poaalbllltlea and "Down It went for thirty feet, ___a. _ _ AmmmealMlM VllAtttfl I .a _ _a 8^ Amenaltw HOBBY SHOP m*’* InvwrilgiMlBg *ubooiniBltto* Bavaaty Fhtaar, IB. i ttatar. l *alM, IB, I I TV I leg opentioii, had told friends: vacation with hi* family at Wood- pnat aaeaena Oaraainm plaato I fba aidaat aoa la the family. Be- around $46 hen wUl run anywhen «a T,8s a i**t sm- ly aM* to 4* * . . . Senator Ka- vidt only stop-gap arms sid the matten of fact and decided aa draggln’ to* bora** after It I waa from $100 to $135f C GriswoM St, Phons 8S8S tost Hunt * dateMd MaJ. CMu. to Chtoage la order tir tatt*r, gaaaph I “I’d rather be dead than a atoek. he thought to be right. very lucky I Jumped." aeam to ba potoonona to ^ ^ I f o n th* hair can dlapoa* ct to* R q i^ H. Vaughan, FraMdant fa u v * D-T*nn) who wanta 7 dam- cripple.” to western Europe until next Everybody In Ibigland Is ntlon am Maainpel oMStorlaai a i ^ t “a**” He waa. Our friend looked aad. 3 *et dee for thay ao aoonar toad on th* proparty. ha mlat flrat eonault toe CoatOBt Closss TfUman'* mlUtary old*, wa* ”ao* Bl** pnMMt vMto ‘ ocratle nations to Join to fadenl year. Acheson told ths Mich­ About 18 of the momberi of the toavaa than they dl*. I balr Inoumbeat aad get bla agrae- eonscloua Tb* quantity of food 14 aaoatn* union eometotog like our own un­ horaea I ever had,” he aald. S o p t 10. \U 9 of hla eloaaat frtond*” and h* la TV m Dovla. (AF igan senator, who has been a liaaehoatir Aaoodatloa of ln*ur- Our only remark waa a very Thla year th* BUBimar paata have Th* haln am finding that 1* not plentiful but It ta good food. "o*Wd md SM go to to* White ion of 48 ototoo. * y a that ‘'Con- leading supporter ot to* bfasrtl- "You know,” aald our country found another anamy thaa th* bha Inheritance tax la ao high that Tbey a n allowed only about 35 aae* agenta win have their annual dry "WeU, weU.” tk^ B ator Now HoSb* at. any tlm*.“ g ra * la far behtad tea posyia oa forelgn poUqr, that jnah .a onttagln Boaton, Wednaaday. They friend, "1 ver. near didn’t get In mar and gordoBtfa Pupplt Oimck-1 cannot offofd to fcoop tho cent* a week for meat. Ration­ thia Mbjact” hen today. Near got drowned.” ing is mon strictly enforced In S M o M s Tiuthid OM taqtary Strasbourg, France A u g.it — Pacific Pact ooune w «ri4 be ottfa mar* than win attand th* Red Sox-Tankee ’lb * ir»uKag brought toe fol­ Its, wbooa fora bos prob- pjtmtrty. and to many costa art Ortadl*'* atetomaato to a N*w British Hobm a*er*tary Janw* a gesture. baaebar gam* In the afternoon. “That would have been too ably dried up and blown away 1^ boread to aeU to maet to* tax. to the large cities, and then l* stIU AtroaeaSsdsB . ______MonL, AUf. 8—OW— Chutor Bde n il* that Seia Geirg* (F)—Th* flag* of 10 nbttm bo- bad," we aald. “It’a ao uncomfort* lowing yeaterday. W * give It aome black market Sweets and lU H XoTk aawqMMr last June touehad Flva huadtad fire fightm hurled 4*ek tol* Nto* city qa |ho Rhino Obrien* a i fi n n** to Bnesfa . TMmt arrangamenta are In charge ago, a n mitolag feaata from to* I inataaeaa to* government la Moaoeoaps eft to* anlMwinmltto*'* Inquiry Mercy Air lift Will Ualgh, eonf***d vampln killar ot of Arthur A. Knofla. 878 Mato able being wet thea* day*. What to you exaetty aa aent to ua: Uvlng bug*. I taking over to* property and turn- candles a n ntloned when to* Fuiulf i * Fas* It today at to* figuring nto* peraona must hang W edn* to wdcom* i«p i**snte**v*o at Meet Urged In on obrioua retetenca to,Bn*- happened?” U v* aad IM U v* ... T^lor Craft into claim* of tnflunca to to* front of a timbar Maoa MO eountri** who today begin Bla, Acbaaen told too aaBgta'Fsr- atraat — — Ing them Into public park* and quantity la low. Conaequently, awerdtog of govenunrat day as aeh*mled . . . Informad Our friend dnw k deep brMth Aa everyone know* thla 1* to* Johnal* M en to one of thoa* 8n I bh* bomaa for llbnrtoa and when toe restriction la U ft ^ long Spcedse-Bin Kito-TSe that ho* kiUad U FOreat aorrlea soure* do** to Israel government to* first **Mrien of tM^Oeunril ^ *i|^ R*laOond and A**>sd Itra - w«Hrfaa W. Mobile, aecretary- to take up to* alack in hla aua* worat aummer w* have had in a traci*. m*a aad burnad noorly fJlOO aeraa Aid in ’Qu^e Area Burop*. , rhiang and Rhec Issue lo*a eommlttoaa: .f veer*. And now I chief* who put* hla whole Ufa 1^ ,bh*r Inatltutlona. For thla naaon lines of people wlU form for blocka Hunt, new a management eoun- ,y* ebaaoM ot final Amh-l*n*B tiaaaurar of th* Mancheater penden. number of yean. And now I in front of the stores, and th* Mmmm FlMaV. Th* foreign mtaletor* of Bri- “In daoUag with tlja faroaS with •a' on toe robl^t hU Job. H* the large eaUte. of old a n now aalwr to Woahingtoo, once wa* a mot en “not unfavoraU*.” . . In- Uta, Freno*. Italy, Bsiffum. Hel- Joibt ' SfBfemml Alt­ aad Supply Company, Inc., North “It all com* about becaua* of a have ima u a lot of other people I end a moat energetic clttoena John 1 b,ing brokea up. stock is soon gone. Complaints Armad with oxea aad ahovtla, donaala^ KapuhUcaa F n mtor which wa an daalfaf. ysn gdlB atraat. with hU family have well,” he aald. the I Bautonant coinnal to tot Quarter- two o^^oFato battaUona oi land. l*tx«nbonrg, Bwidw. Nor­ no sdvantage by spauinfaff en si* take* hi* poaltlon aa fln chief ao I jb baa been common for on* man about ntlonlng a n very few, and . meater corn* end worked . for Can Goes Out t o r A U say* “eompleto un- er Their Conference moved from 88 Oakland atraet to He looked hard, decided we toe people a n accepting It In Machanad nma attoekad from too way, Denmark aitd Intoad, to* Utnia W* muet 4*dl fa todto aerioualy that we wonder aome- b<, own to* entln land In a alngle BOTH THESE HOMES while for toe War Aoaato adato Staff Qliefs eoa#t|ena| tranoter ot aovanignty Chertor nation m*i|ilsia. meet thair raoantly acquired property at could atand th* atory and cut 'On* thing I cannot underatand stride. north aad aouth oa 7,800 foot Wil­ Planes in PanaiDa Tha aoonar wS BH Ufa 1, why a town, or ahould I aay Umea how ha ever geta any community in th* p*.W. Mr. Holl tratkm. W AA waa. aa*lgn* i1 to* to paopla of Indonaala I* only today nt to* medtoval riilnliaa. Igina,. Aug, 40 Auburn Road. looa*. H* aeema to b* alwaya waiting the government la Independent FeopI* low BBOuntato. They atruggtad to hitlen” to Tadeaealen proMam vacuum of mllttary wqaksata In "A friend of mine dug a well. He city. Ilka Mancheater (it la big toolr at aelUng bWtona at doUan oaol oft to* fin ’s aorthaaotward Area to Carry Doctors, a t y hen. to n atop to*4 rd a fed­ Th* l*ad*n of Natlonaltot China Buropn too bettor 1$ win ho far enough to be one) doea not have forr that whUtl*whlatl* to btoat.blaat _ _ | gainingninlng control of large portion* "Tbs JCnglish people a n still werth ot war aurplua gooda. ConcludeTrip irda aaeoa* Fraeldmt Truman erated oonttoenL _ aad tb* Kiemn npubllq callad to­ got it down pntty far, but he In hi* work aa * barber aad 8^1 of real eotat*. very Independent, and resent to* monmaat toward mora baavy tlm. of fanning war hyetoria and poto- ir own security.’' didn’t atrlke no water. Bo he th* faclliUea to aupply Ita people OPEN FOR INSPRCnON Ortodla oats ha oagagod Uuat to bar to to* gatoa ot to* aaouatalna Nurses and Supplies Taday* coafen ea mtoprlo* th* day far a edefwsne*‘of Vondiobifil thBft tiMr with toe water they need. Juat hla ahop on North Mala otreat m gonlag BegulatloBa fact that they muat receive aaslst- halp hliu load a gevernmaat oqq" foraat 35 nrilaa northaaat of enliig tatornattaaol atmoephtn . comnrittoe ' ot mteitmn ot to* power* to toa Innnillif* futun to thought, aea he. “ru try dlggln’ la In a poaltlon to alwaya be ready I Americana think that oiice from other nations. People AmericB*s Top Military Secretary of Btht* A diSioa ( adnrinlatrstloa’a $l,450jSQfaOBe KnorF's Stand over toe lln* In Eaat Hartford tract During to* ooura* at thair Halana. councU. They auT be conqtand draft a Pacttlc alllanro agatoat arm* program **4a a pattera Mr on th* other aide of th* houae! Bo to anawer an alarm. Planning and Zoning law* a n over hen think th* British need Quito, Ecuador, Aug. 6-— poet* to hogta eonauHatlaiw with CVbtB^mstfstfSta- J he did, and th* water com* In everyone la wetting town*, -gar­ talko, tha furaltan makar taotl- Wlldirnaaa arao hUlo and t Pfauaera, to ^Rdum to to* goverwuat of Bunpe, it to* miUtary d*t«ns* of waptoni Wedneaday afternoon during to* ^ ^ b hen,” he conUnued. "They American dollars. ’They a n SUNDAY— 10 A.M. to 6P.M. flad. Hunt toM him: »»»• bav* an Act by Parliament over wrong. It’s buying power they “I h an onto on* thing to od tho flamao to too raat of too n * to aU U.' A Air Form aad To W asliinftou^Tc^y "But then he waa, with a big Ing a cuatomer. ’Ibe telephone | bh^e t ^ t reatrlcta a property am looking for and aa Increase in on dowdopramt ot atatomont bS rh1n*a* 0 *q m il**l- fo rn ^ under too North Atlantis daap hole on hla handa which he in aom* way*, and too Wg in other and that la influanca. My tofluanea Brilo parlmator aaarad by too blaaa. navy freight planet in ths poBty toward China and Far GsM treaty h ** coma Into balag asn waya auch aa, *H thea* new r u g and to* barber, anxloua to owner from turning agricultural foreign tnde.” la Sarnd ea aqr isputatica aad that Bhawaaa How A S n aca' dent S y a g M ghoo* of gouth 1 hated to HU la becaua* It w h ao get hla cuatomer taken car* of, land Into a reaidential or burinea* Leaning back in hla swivel chair, Phniana sysa to J.oln a m sr^ Isa don, Ahg- 8 ■ (f ) i Amorifa’a . . . Weary ganato loadon ‘ Wedneaday. to* eouadl’a firat sat up a dafwp* eommltto* fa houaea cloa* together. Mancheatar la bSpaaebabta.” ■bowan atewad to* advaaea of tap mintMy tolrg eraok’'eek' of * trytog to ‘ Oeomiltattv* AaaanMy meets-Th* Korea a fta r^ two-day eontemaa sshtaitta BRitllRnp bIbbo* ahotUd get amart and grow with aaked a fellow in th* ahop to aectlon. ThU. I mean. In th* out­ Mr. Holl Mid "the countryald* ia •Mant haa daalid that ha ever at- too flamae yaatorday, but a 80- lair Uft flying doctors, nurssi aiatanbly le a pbitjsMBL lb U bare. They rifted FraaMeat'Bfaldto lying diatrlct* of a city. Before atm as beautiful ae ever. I-took to d sra — rqf to* At- apptoral of aa Ha complatood that tbs tJpttPd the Umea. If Eaat Hartford can anawer th* caU. It waa really pour- tomptod to tall toflueooa, and BBila aa h o u r^ ^ U n a M toa.GcsI*i>4 nwdkal suppUas into thq QuWra F^^ to SHS*- bug “cat* and dog*.” Th* fellow the change can be made, the own­ many pictures, but unfortunately lontle •okto fa gefag abaqd udigafa do It ao can w*. ’Then la noj 1 bae aidd he knowa a* oa* to gov- to tha aortoatatora ooetlon. I aarthqftokmraTa^ SSetSott »''S o M 'S s- mnUtag itoTtosth Atfaptfa problem In tola world that la too onawered the phone and quickly er muat flrat petition to the City I don’t have any to show, because onuMoi wba eoaM h* teflaaiw d. Qariaa, la teta giMaetaaada hla 1 turned to Johnnie and aald "Hur­ Council, rimllar to our Board of it wa* a new. camera, and I was , « ” »'^¥ ****» from 800 to of oontral Edttdos. Thq dtoth In tte aald that be tevopi^ U g to overcome If you have toe WWfctog o a Ftaaa Facta OasI 1400 aofoo r o m m m r - I ton of m* oultka ttao rnealadi ■caacit fa W a n t to «*• way ta eirit F|ealSaa8 Tnpnsn. •teed an faUrfa* eonSdenc* and wUl power to ry up. Chief, it’a a graa* ttre.” Direeton. Land tax** a n abcn>t mlslnfornwd on how to ua* It. Saul'Its fioatlan into ooqthaeS had no eottfaont Ko dad fW a ig s ite Army and Navy W * don’t dan print what John­ five pound* an acre, or $35 in U. ’Thus, BO print*.” win show c ia a ^ that thfa tackle It. S. currency. When the change la Butppo with ,too faemsi addltlra laid the -tefaldattaB n r apadttle try Intend* to funriab aaoo, hut 'Of coura* then la alwaya a nie aald. Although he enjoyed bis trip Jkmn'omeie S*M' Mm h* wa* of Qriaa* ana Th rify to tho piea- pqat laat *Math to a riaSfar o*a> win not'pnclUd* further Jiiqt few who a n jealoua of their granted by th* Council, the taxea very much, Mr. Holl said that aft­ wimn ___ from' MSeeaebueett* Jump op to $300 an acre.” ws9 ^ e a “* 8900,000,000 daot loM tomwanda wen injured. f«e a M at M|guio la toe FMUp- rllM iin f. a u b nelghbora, and have to get back W * heard a aporta fan com­ er being away from Manchester fee fiian* aorta.” to* Mlaaogri rtvar wlada ptetrir**- AB FrMgM ~ pripeh to prMn'track-hut an **ari3 S ^ S l t f t source* sold to* ptada. Vandeabeyg ifirtfl AdM0i4i 1C at__ them one way or another, llVW««V8t Juat I piMlUIlH,plaining. th* wvaaw*other —day ^ that— there “How la the houaing problem for auch a long time, he waa glad quely through meuatota p *k * qulekly rocaptnred . . . OT " and building program In th* war QriSo* quMad Hunt oa oaytog Tha U. 8. Caribbean Forrign Mbriston qonpfatto*. to* gfae* tlfa' Chlang-Quirinp aMSb b* would “r**|pt to* td*a’’ ef b ^ u a e to* graoa la greener on bav* been no motorcycle racn in to be back home. The recent to waa to have, plan* pert* CaUa tor voluntoen went oft headquerton alertod oU otovakla la training oeotSa of oounril’a «x*cutlv* anoowUI ^ toff, the pfo%e hap fawi ehwwid iwadlng with a your eld*. If everyone would thla vicinity for aome time. How torn citlea?” Mr. Holl waa a*ke* hi* program.” ahould be pay for our outaid* fau- doam toe pubnelubnc highway. Op- being spent enjoying tb* outdoon hr* CTO*** Willow meuatala. TluV taapoetod toa y . B. Ateey S ia m writ* of f Aaaambly—eight for Tliriny and 'enimiritag NptfaaaUat rogiSM to _____ •__ _ akoale# ttmA 4f A 1 BtamM Tt/tiSV t building lUelf that it ia taking It wag a daal which would carry to* required «uppll*a, addi- to next fit yean. “Y**. Senator VaadiMlMM^ 1 Every Saturday Night cet when you can only ua* It a enton of thea* nolay vehicle* and relaxing in the peaceful sur­ $ 1 1 ,5 0 0 i^tbe tsxpoyor* blood boU If The Foreet eervte* h u not oeat tlonal.planes will ba dram trton of eoeapattsp.ta-Q*Rnasy.( > Thay six far Omee^hrtngtog‘too as* Chin*. aeem to take gnat delight In run­ much of toe work away fronr con- rounding of hi* beautiful home In aay of it* Parnehuttag fire-fight­ would tsalat'toaL” ' Aoh*ban- ro» llttleT W* ahould have thU tneton and builden. Once you ehmitlt” kapao.. gmnv 'American met w lb Bsitieb. VoiWMlnL- cs6 aembly’a nfa*r up to 19 1 dtputfas. 3. T ^ United gtatos l**u*d It* ^ e d qntpUy. “I;thtok wp^ ppfa amount taken off our bllL ning at breakneck apeed through Bolton. took . the atand after er* to to* Mas* fine* Friday— p lan * amady hav*' partidpdtod Danish 8*011^ ^Iste to LsBgee . y nr iii N*t Bwwaaatod Whit* Fapar'oa'Chfa* two day* have aeen what they a n doing, 34 WESTWOOD STREET and. coefamd. wtto.tnai*. For- F^)c^R BbniiB go forward on goto ftedti.” ■> r STARTING AT 8:15 SHARP “Another problem cloae to a lot toe main tooroughfana. ’They you can readily ae* that it ia for of Defonee Jqhnaoa when to* *mok*-Jumptog pro­ to ttw nllaf -rfork. Tha oaunell bring* togatoor to fatte and fahelfad to* Chfaflf gov' of people 1* to* polio. Mothen a n likely to Snd toemaelvea In OFF MeKEE ST., MANCHESTER I the laqaUa gram Be win gram euftored Its worst tragedy tagus**K Dutch,and -ite iS t mUh to* eomaaittoe of mtoUten and too •nurient a failon to to* emi war the beat the manner in which they *nM aartoqjmha, wMeh etruck tary d»1agattoua.ta Fajffg (Ooatlansd on Faff* *wa> [ would feel a lot aafer If their toe near futun facing th* new a going about it. If the problem It rid-et oiwenipuleu* to It* KLyaor hletory. Friday, battdrsd 'oommualeaUon ****mbiy half a dosen orgafaqta agatoat to* Chtaes* Qoaununfat*. 2 0 REGULAR GAMES 3 S P E O A L S chlldnn oould run In th* aprlnkler Town court Many of toeae 6 ROOMS, 1 UNFINISHED, nREPLACB, FRONT i w n hiataeaa and *18 8m*ke-4nmp*n Trappai and transport Itoos. ’Two tiuAiaand TiMy.rolmdaA qe.tJMhn 011 CathoUcs tlona that work-for Buropaan u i»- A apakedmaa ter to* FhUippta* of reconatructlng home* waa left —Ota afi libld tfS *v piWdent aald’last' faght Qwriao la their own back yard. But aom* apeed limit violatora have already up to to* builder, too** people that KITCHEN ment bgr pedditog tofhi' Fifteen *mak*-jump«rs. mo*Uy Bounderean troop* cm on duty in 6 ty and la d lv k ^ Madera of almagt •T been warned once by toe local coU*g* etudenta, wen trapped by grmtoot's*cra»iTWI! ‘ “ ' • ' ^ ■ .7 •' would makO'M atotomdat on axa buay body nelgbor might object. controlled toe money would be REFRIGERATOR, STOVE AND A N ?V W A 1 JL;T0 - to* aarthduoh* .adn*. remhttog every p o lit y cafa. «ao»pt.toa.«|»- And no one family uaea toe aame police. FILMS tin when to* wind ahlftod ■ * dotarto-ftkl^'highway* and Uto- euagfon mtli FMfd phasa w tooiprbjpbtod prbjpbtod anisnda*nis»d* W - getting their wlahea granted flrat. WALL LIVING ROOM RUG INCLUDED WITH ‘^ S to d le opined hie toatimany by count itemfantsry. < O iq h fm A^heng^ Leiffer- trfabw ot Taoddm and' Oeauau- had UIk*d with Mr. Trp-| amoimt of water for their houae- DEVEliOPED AND denly after toay were eatoly on Une*. g t*^ Brst old and Mam. ■ tu fa Parliament ha* taken over to* eutltatag bow he happaned to m**t to*',W*ito*niBivoiN*ff hold. Some familiea a n large Th* way , we ... -get------it the dog _ war- building prognm and providing PRINTED THIS CHARMING HOME to* ground at Mann gulc{i. Only "i^ p vol KiRing Aid Th* moat colorffa figur* la to* and that mean* a lot of bath*. 1 den la In for a big time. **•■** “SMod home* for the homeleea and vet­ 24-HOUR SERVICE oa rage -two) a aa Fans T w o )' aapWag f i r f t ^ i ' ^ 4 * Pnblic SHioolg ••••mbit ^ b* BiStsto’*, - w«r- othen even take In waahlnga and atreet, alnc* to* alart of tota^nk. eran*. The council naa complete to to* 13 amoko- ttm* les4*n Winatoa Churchill, (eanStowi*'ag.'Flige" a m an m m aom* have gardana. It la alwaya haa been driving alalomlng dog* jumper*,Jumpera, to* nr*fir* kUladIdUad n * * v * n - ___ • Heltoadaad UtoW' contro’ over thea* project*, and Filn Dopooit Box .•te post-war aatfaidiMt for v n M ^ ' almply craay. togetoar Ri* vjetor *h ;th* vnn- to* development* a n beautiful. At Store Batraaeo In 4 Theae home* a n made of brick, Simke Peace ^ Flqfida BSlidi qa toinsoo- qfafaMl s*bno stoong'ifaiL ^ _ _ According to tola week’* new* A kellcepter b r o n T ol* area, aScuaod .ChurririO I* •xpsetod to artlv* Heat Rittin^ from to* Board of Director*. Bla- built well, and a n neat Then ttdn.'of. Am orim toroba;to . AU*. a n uaually *lx room* to the home charred bodl* to a tria .V / v -- th* nfasan M toodarafap Wedneaday from L«ak* Oard*, va- aeU atreet may go to pot and no cellar*. Th* (Sovernment KEMP'S [ot A p p ^ n t morgue where fellow flnfighten Sel^iiig K ^ e r I rattors to Wsah- lafa night of eatlqn>*^ to the Italian Alpo. i l l feiii Identified them. **** ' aU to KNOFLA W * would *tin edvlae that no has taken over about aeventy-five '■‘j - 'v taSaf: vWh fsm teoqt Churi»l11 may. tosk*. tlm daptn- per cent of to* building material* 1/' ■ Mopptag up op*rati«u waWfe* ‘dMsRIto'bqdhor My hla pfatjfaim tot saothsr on* waR at CenUr and B ro ^ ttaued today • on t l ^ io>itsrvl«w (WWDQ) atreet* until to* autooritlea ae* fit and bav* diatributed them ao that » a-, ^atavyuaaia**t'.'AgW ■**'*■» * *»“*•*■ to*' ■ Governor Or* Arm ed Vigilantw H u n t toWtefF Stew a p m fgsfaot the' daagsr Two Now m *SS BROTHERS to inaun a traffic Ught there. The to* reconstruction program la be­ - 'ww. - . I toirita I of Soviet expeastoa. > - 9 5 D c l j p ^ ■baa osg. BdSdHfIdnvMb ing carried out In every community i|ion and Seven •Nto* m S i? ** to* nutoeast of I M a d WtiQ S U liM EI- on Fnhee*a Fonipi'Mtototer Ito- klm on a tip ftete CMof InatalUtkm haa been talk ^ * ^ t •it was a part B o M o n ) i l e Genera] Contractor'' for almoat ten y *a i» ^ y b e « in toe country.” ___ -J^fov bert gohumaa la expected to rSfae B l* * ft of W eides sagee. The New Building lieBume Worii « 1 «p rng* n«a) d g r iy Mfde to- Pcsili of '*'• ilatod p lot"'o f # , Onatoad |oaah Jobbing and ^ can be paid for by ca*h from to* noar boftiN R e c o r d . ^ . 'In -' parking meter*, aay, about a week Old bulldinga a n being torn ’ *. t^ ’QllM e hUjr^ . ( 0 *n«taq*4 SB FhffS flvaK aosrisi oqip 8 ta HILDITCH * waa***dMyiMd General Repairing from today down In deaolate area* and new *£ 'S: " ■ 8—rVD“rAl> Im.- Crystal gaaeh.>F|a..-A< » I ■ *to- II ii I p - i one* nplaeing them. Rental fee* gevamment goto —Amsd h*^. of _ 'pM- to' public ; ^ .1 - . 1 . •• • ,ri Bbfton. 1 Ahg-< A^rilPH-A posr Sq ten^«W ari _ _ C a n 4 0 3 3 Our predlcUon U that If thing* run from four ahilllnga to a pound io alga of.,*sity Seven Persons oproad aut;today ter a tiw hlorarahy eqa beat wav* glt'p vtead Mow 4 w ' OfSenr, whan, fa .eaeapad keep OB craahing along a* they MARKET nawairt l 40-day ww- * ^ * latobbad n TO^yssr-okl toa' public land today with Si tegrad* ton - n e 4 gong at tfa stata B e f o r e p . m . Attacks Move 6 have don* on th* Cron* Highway T aaoun mUUopp'fbr aaat far gooton by .siteqieon. Thi# ttary ad Me* torrltorlal law Hurt in Crashlsy'jaySaiSlSV’ -ot -parochial odnes- 1 to t o * northeaat of h erO ^e hoapl- 99 Sanner Street ^aakfag.for to* gfoup to would ud to* tefffg noord'ori ‘to I nsaio h*s ------t*l ttothootav*- Daad of ateh wound*, waa For- . Against Pope I $ 1 4 ,0 0 0 IF Ingram M. man Brown*,'Wbo wsn fousd. tiod asM -th* fim ** M 4 : team ed fa noently ae- isjd.' , , •- “Acaatitoimttotby.fa qpfafas.os'si- Pisa Iff Fatal HTt'haa^b^'pro^ . SERVICES OPEN toa tfittyf”* Privg^^e Bnmg apfasd-aaglad> on hla_bo4’ tai 'n L - wfaSw,’-ef . Ghlaain^Auf. te I yon can get a* many aa a d o ^ 38 ALEXANDER STREET::.^ ttris rioftga wfnt of a a t l-^ | M n 7.ln ^ t e t armstoreauroe Nortll Edge of Rent^ 1 5 am 'oominpnlty. ms -throaL Romra C ^glic- PriMt *% tgaauiamdr la hkaly to euatomen from on* good amaan- That Intorpnt the 'wishes Thay laft. th* waclA .gtM 'of BH' Blrtrnl SUNDAYS OFF CENTER ST., MANCHESTER atomaeh snd wytoU wan aloahad. . . . __ edn faelhsr"' 4^ afa M op- Urgm PgrUiionert to fa tha •oar at e $ ^ A. Non. lKiis"'wa!e^'todleatl

/ •
