Ìnii 1IE Iserving OUR READE1SS1 D-SPECF E,; S
YOUR LOCAL SOURCE S1.00 NteSNUt234 ìNIi_1IE iSERVING OUR READE1SS1 D-SPECF e,; s. -- s - Photo by Rob Hart Staff Photographer Michelle O'Shea, of Edgebrook, attempts to get lier children, Delaney, 2, and Decam, 5, to smile as they pose with the Easter Bunny dur- ing a kids Lunch with the Easter Bunri at the Howard Leisure Center in Mies Saturday. Page 7 inside! NEWS. ERS1 Visitors get a look at Milwaukee Avenue Niles West students are competing to plans. Page 5 make it to the 2008 U.S. Physics Team later this month. Page 15 Pi et1 :t() .Epcct hc Still making your Landlord RICH? Where are you going to go when your lease is UP? NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY! Mary Lou Scinto Allen, ABR ú:-pc9rn. 4 Top Producer/Coidwell Banker/Martin & Marbry .LB t4Qi)1'Q tOSI9 4632 W. Church St. Skokie jc14t:11 3t1(1cI :B-u4 Call inc @ 847/691-8235 or visit "y website at: jSIú À1il3Iflc3 91IN MLSallenIio,,,es.co,,i ÇUXRXO LLJO ?pr9# jLn OOZI.L0 1£_3ci For all your Real Estafe needs M\IIlN & MARItRY A Pieeer Press Psablleatton 2 Thuredsy,Morolila,2008 A Pioneer Preso Psblirntinn Thursday, Meroh 13, coasI 3 Time to buy. Ort a lumi, on tise Spring market evish sise brut selection of home in yearn Preview thou ands of new h sings and EVERY 'Olsen House" on dim,srhet Sign up su receive fr automated iipdaten as new home am added daily' Time for Baird & Warner. Por compinle tofo on ALL our "Open goulet" lisis weekend, Soil 0115 webaile today' ''°" ' ' bairdwarner.com SAME DAY Mulhaple Phoios Robusl Delails Dynamic Mapping I e-Mail Alerts r - I I o iL ' .
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