ored children ever established south of Maaon under the gnidxnce of two of the scho- will be O of Scrinton. .n J * }»lght, . aociety meetings Hare, Pa.; Hon. Nathan Goff *. Bock Point. Frederick historian of the Disou liu». r"*!*-f1om Georgetown college. In Septem¬ £T7\ ?,v. *nd students of the of ?.. Md.; J1 Catholi.- church in Amtics for original d the idea .f, stablishing .n coi Motion Rev. Samuel succeeded Father ? P"f Pr;-">t Bi?hoP Northrop, Charleston. Frwlk Pr*»n.-4u- hia work. 'The Life and i imm of w Ui tlif (\i . A. Mallear ber. 1827. he entered the college as a novitiate, {rL'L.Ldepartments of arte, medicine ar.-l Uw. In the YV*8. C.;\',rglni?r:M. F. Morris. District of Columbia; Hon. ri,hV £eW \ork; L*"!*!". Archbiahop u«,m Umli department. -hi. n Ryder in 1845. but 'here when he was » i. John M. Lswton. Washington; CarrolL'" would offer an .rrniM for the of 1!,,.r*n'f1Dfd for|two year», academic *e«- I.mile Ro»t. Louisiana; Hon. Edward D. White, i/L Prnu->e-»l«>-Chi<,n: Rev. John The edibles. disposition s,. in a few month* sent to Frederick to complete hi* theological .ion of the^.erethroewj»faculties,bf at which honorary Senator-elect from Hon. Thomas J faculty gold medal for presentation to rxtrnd tU (ppartanibm of Thomas Mul- Louisiana; i!^* «\^£?er' J- Lin-oln. the is < ted to arrive from the mint in other* in thai Father °*°r*eto"n * «». degree, will be conferred. Prtsident Cleve¬ Semines, Louisiana; Hon. Patrick Walsh! rTn^.