ored children ever established south of Maaon under the gnidxnce of two of the scho- will be O of Scrinton. .n J * }»lght, . aociety meetings Hare, Pa.; Hon. Nathan Goff *. Bock Point. Frederick historian of the Disou liu». r"*!*-f1om Georgetown college. In Septem¬ £T7\ ?,v. *nd students of the of ?.. Md.; J1 Catholi.- church in Amtics for original d the idea .f, stablishing .n coi Motion Rev. Samuel succeeded Father ? P"f Pr;-">t Bi?hoP Northrop, Charleston. Frwlk Pr*»n.-4u- hia work. 'The Life and i imm of w Ui tlif (\i . A. Mallear ber. 1827. he entered the college as a novitiate, departments{rL'L.L of arte, medicine ar.-l Uw. In the YV*8. C.;\',rglni?r:M. F. Morris. District of Columbia; Hon. ri,hV £eW \ork; L*"!*!". Archbiahop u«,m Umli department. -hi. n Ryder in 1845. but 'here when he was » i. John M. Lswton. Washington; CarrolL'" would offer an .rrniM for the of 1!,,.r*n'f1Dfd for|two year», academic *e«- I.mile Ro»t. Louisiana; Hon. Edward D. White, i/L Prnu->e-»l«>-Chi<,n: Rev. John The edibles. disposition s,. in a few month* sent to Frederick to complete hi* theological .ion of the^.erethroewj»faculties,bf at which honorary Senator-elect from Hon. Thomas J faculty gold medal for presentation to rxtrnd tU (ppartanibm of Thomas Mul- Louisiana; i!^* «\^£?er' J- Lin-oln. the pope is < ted to arrive from the mint in other* in thai Father °*°r*eto"n * «». degree, will be conferred. Prtsident Cleve¬ Semines, Louisiana; Hon. Patrick Walsh! rTn^. <ie?r^t,",n; Ledyard exp< dirtvlion, and ururiiii a cheap. ledv ».tn recalled, land will announce the P" Lothr°P- Washington; Philadelphia, where it haa been struck, early w« 11-cooked breakfast. lunch or >1 bin'ordinatio.'10 degrees. and ha* con¬ Georgia: Bishop Healy. Portland. Me.; Hon. ?.mMJames H.h :t S. Tenlevtown. D. next week. nominal diuaer, and during this term Here he entered upon his duties of sented to make a brief address E. Washington. Hon. Chas. Longhborough, C.; figure* for thoe* to whom economv infirmary wis Joseph Tennessee, Marquette. Mich.; Ludwell H. The must b« a constant --- the philosophy and natural science, of the H. Voorheen, . ¦vVon«7'?,»r. Uat of Commlttw. companion. From this the " foanJiag Washington territory; Hon. F. C. L ughborough. Luther M. Long- row of completed and °® he continued to teach for forty-eight «lIh.?VW!!!oldest Catholic collegeC°!fbra^din thU country. Nor is C. Zegarra. minister to United States from Tenlevtown; The committee* who have attended to the margin operations the work baa tt buihVngs generally Hi* work in the establishment of the the from the and Tallm«dge A. Lamhert. landed until it u beyond the patronage onIt of °ld*8t' but, Peru, many others. \V?aT" .a"hl"?to11'' ^n,l"4S details of the arrangement* for the eentenuial those who work to earn improved. Father otoerTatorr, for which he drew the and ^gn, >D which have been es- \ViiH Lawler! Prairie-du-Chien; their dailvbread. It plan*, ? M ^ cnll"*<- THE PRESENT OFFICERS. g^°: New William H. celebration, and who will act on the occaaion Ryder again became he conducted for so a is re- inKberv.0f 8hfc he stvled LTBeh' York> affords opportunities, without curtailing th. j long period, ra"-v at L.m.?wDl Albert W. Houl- I are aa i president in 1*48. 7 in the sketc h of that branch of the #ercollegesn,nK- Hence her centennial The officers the present time are James T. ~"laaJ,-Washington; Madigan. follows: hsnces of their leas fortunate sisters. to many « ?f AtilU F. Pens^ola. bleased with and it *»< during coiiege but his valuable contributions to soi- 'ion u the one hundredth anniversary Coleman, Cal.. president; . first V", *["¦¦ Mallory. Fla.; General committee of arrangement having good.plsin food and warm clothes. a nt * Mor*'-Wa»hington: Chas. A. Mnr- The sale of a tidy, a scarf. or a mat meat) i administration neTer be fullv appreciated 0 educatioa in the United vice-president; Chas. A. n),v n ir Chartea F. McGahan. Ch.rles- general charge of centennial celebration.Re v. quilt, that the medical de¬ save!.!!'\Wl!wrhllPsby the few scientists with whom he was in State! Hoyt. N. V., second vice- J. Havens Richards. 8. J., president George¬ book*, music, a day's outing for some fragile, (h of the uni¬ i ve MaS.der. Marlboro; Cecil town Geo. delicate body, or a week, a war from MEDICAL CO U.S., partment correspondence during the vigorous pros- The Alumni Medal. Dr. Francis \l !r tt- te university; E. Hamilton. E. P. F. perhaps. E. versity wasestablisbed of his work. His observations to dek r- president; D. Morgan. Washington; Clement Manlv. New-J Brady. Pr. Geo. L. Magruder. Thos. E. the scenes and narrow* of every-day life* which jL Gunnell, C., third F- Lancaster count Wagga- come* as editionie the exact of from a Magee. v, man. Jan. A. Grant, francis W. McGurk. cool, clear water, to a tbiratc soul. FATHERS STOWEHTREET A>D XAOU1RE. longitude Washington vice-president; T 1- pS"1'a.; DameiV C:>,D#v.G. I>*n- lku- Un sale in the .r» enwich. made half a centnrv have re¬ A. Lambert. I). Major, Georgetown; net B. 8. establishments here. a> . Ise- Rer. (.has. H. Htonestreet became ago, madge Deadwood: Rer. Phillips. are artn ics president cently been verified the fourth v McLaughlin, Invitation committee.Rev. J. Havens Rich¬ where, representing almost every In but one officially by govern- C., vice-presi¬ {' a. J.. of the 1851, resigned after year, having 10 and accepted bv those con- dent; Chas. O'B. Cowar- r"«- M00".. Washington; ards, 8. J.; Judge Walter 8. Cox. Pr. Ja*. E. variety band i-work of Wadiiutng i been 'i ^^trononiera CockevsviUe Ellis worker*, from a hand-made lace appointed provin¬ iH-cted with the English royal observatory. dm. Va., fifth \ Mills.11 t1?.9- .- ferryman, Morgan, Chief Justice W. A. Kichaidaou, Pr. K. busy kandknr- cial of the s«h ietv of a ner also ice-presi¬ Washington: Carroll E. Morgan. M. D. W. H. Hon. F. Martin chief, valued at nearly half a hundred of dollar < Curley established the greenhouse dent; E. IX F. Brady, D. E. de S. Lovejoy, C. C. Zegarra. to Jesuits. and Rev. fcer- at tne and became as a botanist Washington; L. McDonnell. J., Fred- F. Dr. Samuel Hon. stiff, semi-f^now looking dolls of cotton let¬ college, skilled C.. secretary; Dr. F. O. ; H- L. Morris, C. Buaey. Nathan Hard A. Maifiiire. well rrom his interest in the care his Maddox, Washington; Francis P. Goff, Charles W. Pr. ting made, doubtless, by some tiny, but of plauts. St. Cluir. D. C.. treas¬ Mt Manus. F. W. McGurk. Wash¬ Hoffman, Joseph Tabor hand whoae willing remembered in Wash¬ 1 his work he still attends to as much as his urer. At the time of his Philadelphia; Johnson. E. P. F. Bradv. little owner anxiouslv and ex¬ ington aa a zealous will ington: George L. Magruder, M. It., Washing- Press committee.E. L>. F. pectantly await* a report of aale. Article* of grl uVBge ?nd Phy«ieal infirmity permit. death J u<la_;e Mtrrick F. Sew York; George Brady. George P. uwful and valuable prieat and eloquent 18 B" an astronomer and botanist occupied the office of George Murray, Goff. W. H. Pennia. Pr. Frank T. Howe. Even- needle-work hang around preacher while pastor tnat«, . fatherp i is known to the outside first ®nn5fPolw; Henry E. Mann. Balti- IN<» STAR; John Uuited Press: W. H. Can- with price* affixed side by aide, with the at Curley vice-president. re: Her.rv I). Jaiucs Poyle. sheerest trifles ttt Aloysius chur:-h. oriel. to those who have sat under his teach¬ At the annual in Malone, Georgetown; sidy, Albany Argn*; W. K. At<ell. Baltimore conceived only to please sow eiins; " succeeded, and under ings or who have his he is Morgan. M. D.. Washington; James D. C. O'B. Richmond passing crwt, or doveUiled 'in abow-windoas enjoyed friendship, :n 1888 Judge Merr c't Morgan. M. I).. James F. McEl- Sun; Cowardin, with his rule the number of recognized as a man of widespread inform.i- was elected centennial **mw v. oolehax. Washington; Patrick Walsh. Augusta Cknmoli: Henry C. cakes, canities, jellies, piea. cookie* and of students in¬ >on in almost hone; Washington; James P. Montgomery San Suit* ami . lut-uot, en'h Miut tlunu th« of »u largely every department of science, orator, but when recently attacked by his fatal rrancisco; James McY. Mackall. M. I).. Wash¬ Walsh, Philadelphia Queries; Martin ludustrv eipoo^Qt creased and the stand- tie is a man of singular simplicity and purity ll.iic"* resigned the di tingui h"d honor, and T. Dickson. by which aome need)" *oui is to be fed ard of the was or ington; John T. Mitchell. Georgetown; John J. Committee on and clothed. college thought, diffident and retiring in manuer, Rome months ago. when the Society of the Mart:n I1. Alorris. LL.D.. of this city, has been Bev. John B. 8. music.F. J. Kieckhoefer, considerably railed. and yet at his great age his intellect is still selected to t ike his Major. Georgetown; Mullallr. Prof. J. C. Fo»rt9ch, Prof. A. Oloetcarr, Pr. the BEOIXKIKO OF TW* WOVTXEHT. He also erected the clear and Alumni was considering the preliitiiijurie* t'or place. J., Cherrytown; J.
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