Government Gazette



Week No. 21/2005 Friday, 27 May 2005 Published under authority by Containing numbers 58, 59, 60 and 61 Government Advertising and Information Pages 1781 – 1892 Level 9, McKell Building 2-24 Rawson Place, NSW 2001 Phone: 9372 7385 Fax: 9372 7421 Email: [email protected] CONTENTS Number 58 PRIVATE ADVERTISEMENTS SPECIAL SUPPLEMENT (Council, Probate, Company Notices, etc) ...... 1886 Local Government Act 1993 ...... 1781 DEADLINES Number 59 SPECIAL SUPPLEMENT Attention Advertisers . . . Local Government Act 1993 ...... 1783 Government Gazette inquiry times are: Number 60 Monday to Friday: 8.30 am to 4.30 pm SPECIAL SUPPLEMENT Phone: (02) 9372 7447; Fax: (02) 9372 7421 State Environmental Planning Policy (State Signifi cant Email: [email protected] Development) 2005 ...... 1785 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE DEADLINES Number 61 Close of business every Wednesday LEGISLATION Except when a holiday falls on a Friday, deadlines Proclamations ...... 1851 will be altered as per advice given on this page. Regulations ...... 1852 OFFICIAL NOTICES Please Note: Appointments ...... 1858 • Only electronic lodgement of Gazette contributions Department of Infrastructure, Planning and will be accepted. Natural Resources – • This publication is available on request via email, in Planning ...... 1859 large print and/or on computer disk for people with Natural Resources ...... 1863 a disability. To obtain copies of this publication in Department of Lands ...... 1864 either of these formats, please contact Denis Helm. Department of Primary Industries – Other formats, such as Braille and audio (cassette NSW Fisheries ...... 1870 tape), will be considered on a case-by-case basis. Roads and Traffi c Authority ...... 1873 Other Notices ...... 1877 Tenders ...... 1885

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Government Gazette OF THE STATE OF NEW SOUTH WALES Number 58 Friday, 20 May 2005 Published under authority by Government Advertising and Information SPECIAL SUPPLEMENT

LOCAL GOVERNMENT ACT Order Under Section 318B I, the Hon. TONY KELLY, M.L.C., Minister for Local Government, in pursuance of section 318B of the Local Government Act 1993, do hereby order that the election requirements of the Act in relation to a by-election of Tweed Shire Council be postponed until 31 December 2005, by reason of the Council being the subject of an investigation under section 430 of the Act and of a public inquiry under section 740 of the Act. Dated: 20th May 2005. TONY KELLY, M.L.C., Minister for Local Government 1782 SPECIAL SUPPLEMENT 20 May 2005

Authorised to be printed ISSN 0155-6320 ROBERT J. GALLAGHER, Government Printer.


Government Gazette OF THE STATE OF NEW SOUTH WALES Number 59 Wednesday, 25 May 2005 Published under authority by Government Advertising and Information SPECIAL SUPPLEMENT LOCAL GOVERNMENT ACT 1993 PROCLAMATION MARIE BASHIR, Governor I, the Honourable MARIE BASHIR, A.C., Governor of the State of New South Wales, on the recommendation of the Minister for Local Government, after considering the recommendations contained in a fi rst report of a public inquiry concerning the Tweed Shire Council, and with the advice of the Executive Council, and in pursuance of sections 255 and 256 of the Local Government Act 1993, do, by this my Proclamation – (a) declare all civic offi ces in relation to the Tweed Shire Council to be vacant; (b) appoint Garry Payne, Director General, Department of Local Government, Lucy Turnbull and Max Boyd as Administrators of the Tweed Shire Council; (c) order that the term of the Administrators will commence immediately and cease on the date of the Council’s next ordinary elections to be held on 27 September 2008. If Lucy Turnbull or Max Boyd decline to be appointed as Administrator, or resign, then the Minister for Local Government may appoint alternate persons as Administrators for the remainder of the term. The quorum for a meeting of the Council is two, one of whom must be the Director General of the Department of Local Government. Any matters before the Council that the Administrators are unable or unavailable to determine for such reasons that may include, but are not limited to, the declaration of a pecuniary interest, the declaration of a confl ict of interest, illness, or other absence may be determined by a substitute Administrator appointed by the Minister for that limited purpose. The Administrators are to complete and lodge with the General Manager within 21 days, a disclosure of interests written return in accordance with Division 2 of Part 2 of Chapter 14 of the Act in the form prescribed by the regulations. For the purposes of the Local Government Act 1993, the Administrators do not hold an offi ce or a position of profi t under the Council. Signed and sealed at Sydney, this 25th day of May 2005. The Hon. TONY KELLY, M.L.C., Minister for Local Government GOD SAVE THE QUEEN! 1784 SPECIAL SUPPLEMENT 25 May 2005

Authorised to be printed ISSN 0155-6320 ROBERT J. GALLAGHER, Government Printer.


Government Gazette OF THE STATE OF NEW SOUTH WALES Number 60 Wednesday, 25 May 2005 Published under authority by Government Advertising and Information SPECIAL SUPPLEMENT

New South Wales

State Environmental Planning Policy (State Significant Development) 2005 under the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979

Her Excellency the Governor, with the advice of the Executive Council, has made the following State environmental planning policy under the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 in accordance with the recommendation made by the Minister for Infrastructure and Planning.

CRAIG KNOWLES, M.P., MinisterMinister forfor Infrastructure Infrastructure and and Planning Planning

e04-263-33.p05 Page 1 1786 SPECIAL SUPPLEMENT 25 May 2005

State Environmental Planning Policy (State Significant Development) 2005

Contents Page 1 Name of Policy 3 2 Aims of Policy 3 3 Definitions and key concepts 3 4 Land to which Policy applies 4 5 Relationship to other environmental planning instruments 4 6 Identification of State significant development 5 7 State significant sites 5 8 Procedure for addition of new State significant sites 5 9 Public and council consultation in relation to assessment of State significant development 6 10 Exclusion of separate complying development 6 11 Subdivision certificates for State significant development 7 12 Walsh Bay—designated consent authority 7 13 Repeal or amendment of other environmental planning instruments 7 14 Transitional provisions 7 15 Review of Policy 8 Schedule 1 State significant development—classes of development 9 Schedule 2 State significant development on specified sites 19 Schedule 3 State significant sites 44 Schedule 4 Repeal or amendment of other environmental planning instruments 53

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State Environmental Planning Policy (State Significant Development) 2005 Clause 1

State Environmental Planning Policy (State Significant Development) 2005 under the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979

1 Name of Policy This Policy is State Environmental Planning Policy (State Significant Development) 2005.

2 Aims of Policy The aims of this Policy are as follows: (a) to identify development of economic, social or environmental significance to the State or regions of the State so as to provide a consistent and comprehensive assessment and decision making process for that development, (b) to facilitate the development, redevelopment or protection of important urban, coastal and regional sites of economic, environmental or social significance to the State so as to facilitate the orderly use, development or conservation of those State significant sites for the benefit of the State, (c) to facilitate service delivery outcomes for a range of public services and to provide for the development of major sites for a public purpose or redevelopment of major sites no longer appropriate or suitable for public purposes, (d) to rationalise and clarify the provisions making the Minister the consent authority for State significant development and State significant sites and to keep those provisions under review so that the consent powers are devolved to councils when the State planning objectives have been achieved.

3 Definitions and key concepts (1) In this Policy: environmentally sensitive area of State significance means: (a) coastal waters of the State, or (b) land to which State Environmental Planning Policy No 14— Coastal Wetlands or State Environmental Planning Policy No 26—Littoral Rainforests applies, or

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Clause 4 State Environmental Planning Policy (State Significant Development) 2005

(c) land reserved as an aquatic reserve under the Fisheries Management Act 1994 or as a marine park under the Marine Parks Act 1997, or (d) land within a wetland of international significance declared under the Ramsar Convention on Wetlands or within a World heritage area declared under the World Heritage Convention, or (e) land identified in an environmental planning instrument as being of high Aboriginal cultural significance or high biodiversity significance, or (f) land reserved as a State conservation area under the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1974, or (g) land, places, buildings or structures listed on the State Heritage Register, or (h) land reserved or dedicated under the Crown Lands Act 1989 for the preservation of flora, fauna, geological formations or for other environmental protection purposes, or (i) land identified as being critical habitat under the Threatened Species Conservation Act 1995 or Part 7A of the Fisheries Management Act 1994. the Act means the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979. (2) For the purposes of this Policy: (a) the capital investment value of development includes all costs necessary to establish and operate the development, including the design and construction of buildings, structures, associated infrastructure and fixed or mobile plant and equipment (but excluding land costs), and (b) the employment of people by development means the average number of workers (calculated on a full-time equivalent basis) that will be employed to operate the development in any one year (other than construction workers employed to establish the development). (3) Notes included in this Policy do not form part of this Policy.

4 Land to which Policy applies This Policy applies to the State.

5 Relationship to other environmental planning instruments Subject to section 74 (1) of the Act, in the event of an inconsistency between this Policy and another environmental planning instrument whether made before or after the commencement of this Policy, this Policy prevails to the extent of the inconsistency.

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State Environmental Planning Policy (State Significant Development) 2005 Clause 6

6 Identification of State significant development Development that, in the opinion of the Minister, is development of a kind: (a) described in Schedule 1 or 2, or (b) described in Schedule 3 as State significant development, is State significant development. Notes. 1. Under section 76A (9) of the Act, the Minister is the consent authority for State significant development, where that development requires development consent. 2. The declaration of development as State significant development does not affect the development controls applying to the development (including any prohibited development) under environmental planning instruments. 3. Section 89 of the Act allows prohibited development to be carried out in certain circumstances with the consent of the Minister. In addition, sections 72I–72L of the Act enable the Minister to consider a joint application for consent to carry out prohibited State significant development and also to amend relevant planning instruments to remove the prohibition. 7 State significant sites (1) Schedule 3 describes State significant sites, including development on those sites that is State significant development. (2) The provisions in Schedule 3 relating to the carrying out of development on a State significant site have effect.

8 Procedure for addition of new State significant sites (1) For the purposes of considering a proposed amendment to Schedule 3, the Minister may initiate an investigation into the proposal by requiring the Director-General to undertake a study or to make arrangements for a study to be undertaken for the purpose of determining: (a) whether any development on the site should be declared to be State significant development, and (b) the appropriate development controls for the site. (2) Any such study is to assess: (a) the State or regional planning significance of the site, and (b) the suitability of the site for any proposed land use taking into consideration environmental, social and economic factors, the principles of ecologically sustainable development and any State or regional planning strategy, and

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Clause 9 State Environmental Planning Policy (State Significant Development) 2005

(c) the implications of any proposed land use for local and regional land use, infrastructure, service delivery and natural resource planning, and (d) any other matters required by the Director-General. (3) The Director-General is to make arrangements for any such study to be publicly exhibited with an invitation to the public to make written submissions. (4) The Minister may direct that an inquiry be held as part of the investigation into a potential State significant site. (5) The Director-General is to provide the Minister with a copy of any such study and any recommendations relating to it. (6) This clause does not preclude an amendment of Schedule 3 without compliance with this clause.

9 Public and council consultation in relation to assessment of State significant development (1) All State significant development that is not designated development is advertised development for the purposes of the Act. Section 79 of the Act (Public participation—designated development) applies to a development application for any such advertised development in the same way it applies to designated development. (2) Subclause (1) does not apply to State significant development on land to which State Environmental Planning Policy No 73—Kosciuszko Ski Resorts applies. Note. See clause 13 of that Policy for development that is advertised development. (3) The Minister must give notice to a council of a development application received by the Minister as the consent authority to carry out State significant development in the council’s area. (4) The notice is to invite the council to make submissions to the Minister in respect of the development application and is to specify the manner in which and the period during which any such submission may be made. In determining the development application, the Minister as the consent authority must consider any submission received from the council during that designated period.

10 Exclusion of separate complying development If, but for this clause: (a) particular development would be State significant development under this Policy, and

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State Environmental Planning Policy (State Significant Development) 2005 Clause 11

(b) an environmental planning instrument (whether made before or after this Policy takes effect) provides that the particular development is complying development, and (c) the particular development is not carried out as part of or in conjunction with other State significant development, the particular development is not State significant development, despite clause 6. Note. In addition, development that is declared to be exempt development by an environmental planning instrument is not State significant development because it does not require development consent to be carried out. 11 Subdivision certificates for State significant development A subdivision certificate may be issued by an accredited certifier for a subdivision that is State significant development in accordance with section 109D (1) (d) (iv) of the Act.

12 Walsh Bay—designated consent authority This Policy terminates the powers and functions of the Minister administering the Walsh Bay Development (Special Provisions) Act 1999 as the consent authority under the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 for development at Walsh Bay and appoints as the consent authority for that development: (a) in the case of State significant development—the Minister designated as the consent authority for that development by section 76A of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979, or (b) in the case of any other development—the Council of the City of Sydney. Note. The above provision is authorised by section 9 (3) of the Walsh Bay Development (Special Provisions) Act 1999. 13 Repeal or amendment of other environmental planning instruments (1) The environmental planning instruments specified in Schedule 4 are repealed or amended as set out in that Schedule. (2) On the day after the commencement of this Policy, this clause and Schedule 4 are repealed.

14 Transitional provisions (1) This Policy does not apply to or in respect of the determination of a development application that was made, but not finally determined, before the commencement of this Policy.

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Clause 15 State Environmental Planning Policy (State Significant Development) 2005

(2) If at any time after the commencement of this Policy, development that is not State significant development becomes State significant development, this Policy does not apply to or in respect of the determination of a development application in respect of that development that was made, but not finally determined, before that time.

15 Review of Policy (1) The Minister must ensure that the provisions of this Policy are reviewed: (a) as soon as practicable after the first anniversary of the making of this Policy, and (b) at least every 5 years thereafter, to ensure that the provisions continue to be appropriate for identifying State significant development consistently with the objectives of this Policy. (2) Any such review is to consider whether identified State significant development meets one or more of the following criteria: (a) the development is of regional or State economic importance in terms of a particular industry or infrastructure sector, (b) the development is of strategic significance in achieving State or regional planning, service delivery or economic development objectives, (c) the development is likely to set a precedent or is an emerging industry of strategic importance to the State, (d) the development is of region-wide or State-wide community interest, (e) the development is in need of an alternative consent authority arrangement: (i) for added transparency because of potential conflicting interests, or (ii) because more than one local council is likely to be affected or is the consent authority.

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State Environmental Planning Policy (State Significant Development) 2005

State significant development—classes of development Schedule 1

Schedule 1 State significant development—classes of development

(Clause 6) Group 1 Agriculture, timber, food and related industries

1 Intensive livestock industries Development that employs 20 or more people for the purpose of feedlots, piggeries, poultry egg or meat production or dairies.

2Aquaculture (1) Development that employs 20 or more people for the purpose of aquaculture. (2) Development for the purpose of aquaculture located in environmentally sensitive areas of State significance.

3 Agricultural produce industries and food and beverage processing Development that employs 100 or more people or has a capital investment value of more than $30 million for any of the following purposes: (a) abattoirs or meat packing, boning or products plants; milk or butter factories; fish packing, processing, canning or marketing facilities; animal or pet feed; gelatine plants; tanneries; wool scouring or topping; rendering plants, or (b) cotton gins; cotton seed mills; sugar mills; sugar refineries; grain mills or silo complexes; edible or essential oils processing; breweries; distilleries; ethanol plants; soft drink manufacture; fruit juice works; canning or bottling works; bakeries; small goods manufacture, cereal processing or margarine manufacturing, or (c) organic fertiliser plants or composting facilities or works.

4 Timber milling, timber processing, paper or pulp processing Development that employs 100 or more people or has a capital investment value of more than $30 million for the purpose of: (a) milling plants, sawmills, wood-chipping or particle board manufacture, or (b) manufacture of paper, pulp, cardboard or newsprint, or (c) paper recycling, or (d) wood preservation, or

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State Environmental Planning Policy (State Significant Development) 2005

Schedule 1 State significant development—classes of development

(e) charcoal plants, but not including development for the purpose of plantations (unless it is ancillary to other development). Group 2 Mining, petroleum production, extractive industries and related industries

5 Mining (1) Development for the purpose of mining that: (a) is coal or mineral sands mining, or (b) is in an environmentally sensitive area of State significance, or (c) has a capital investment value of more than $30 million or employs 100 or more people. (2) Extracting a bulk sample as part of resource appraisal or a trial mine comprising the extraction of more than 20,000 tonnes of coal or of any mineral ore. (3) Development for the purpose of mining related works (including primary processing plants or facilities for storage, loading or transporting any mineral, ore or waste material) that: (a) is ancillary to or an extension of State significant development, or (b) has a capital investment value of more than $30 million or employs 100 or more people.

6 Petroleum (oil, gas and coal seam methane) (1) Development for the purpose of drilling and operation of petroleum wells (including associated pipelines) that: (a) has a capital investment value of more than $30 million or employs 100 or more people, or (b) is in an environmentally sensitive area of State significance, or (c) is in the local government areas of Camden, Wollondilly, Campbelltown City, Wollongong City, Wingecarribee, Gosford City, Wyong, Lake Macquarie City, Newcastle City, Maitland City, Cessnock City, Singleton or Muswellbrook, but only if the principal resource sought is coal seam methane. (2) Development for the purpose of petroleum related works (including processing plants) that: (a) is ancillary to or an extension of other State significant development, or

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State Environmental Planning Policy (State Significant Development) 2005

State significant development—classes of development Schedule 1

(b) has a capital investment value of more than $30 million or employs 100 or more people.

7 Extractive Industries (1) Development for the purpose of extractive industry that: (a) extracts more than 200,000 tonnes of extractive materials per year, or (b) extracts from a total resource (the subject of the development application) of more than 5 million tonnes, or (c) extracts from an environmentally sensitive area of State significance. (2) Development for the purpose of extractive industry related works (including processing plants, water management systems, or facilities for storage, loading or transporting any construction material or waste material) that: (a) is ancillary to or an extension of other State significant development, or (b) has a capital investment value of more than $30 million.

8Geosequestration Development for the geosequestration of carbon dioxide.

9 Metal, mineral or extractive material processing Development that has a capital investment value of more than $30 million or employs 100 or more people for any of the following purposes: (a) metal or mineral refining or smelting; metal founding, rolling, drawing, extruding, coating, fabricating or manufacturing works; metal or mineral recycling or recovery, (b) brickworks, ceramic works, silicon or glassworks or tile manufacture, (c) cement works, concrete or bitumen pre-mix industries or related products, (d) building or construction materials recycling or recovery.

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State Environmental Planning Policy (State Significant Development) 2005

Schedule 1 State significant development—classes of development

Group 3 Chemical, manufacturing and related industries

10 Chemical, manufacturing and related industries (1) Development that employs 100 or more people or with a capital investment value of more than $20 million for the purpose of the manufacture or reprocessing of the following (excluding labelling or packaging): (a) soap, detergent or cleaning agents, (b) paints, ink, dyes, adhesives, solvents, (c) pesticides or inorganic fertiliser, (d) pharmaceuticals or veterinary products, (e) ammunition or explosives, (f) oils, fuels, gas, petrochemicals or precursors, (g) polymers, plastics, rubber or tyres, (h) batteries or carbon black. (2) Development with a capital investment value of more than $20 million for the purpose of: (a) bulk liquid storage facilities, or (b) gas storage facilities, or (c) chemical storage facilities. (3) Development for the purpose of the manufacture, storage or use of dangerous goods in such quantities that constitute the development as a major hazard facility under the Control of Major Hazard Facilities National Standard [NOHSC: 1014 (2002)]. Group 4 Other manufacturing industries, distribution and storage facilities

11 Other manufacturing industries Development that employs 100 or more people or with a capital investment value of more than $30 million for the purpose of: (a) laboratory, research or development facilities, or (b) medical products, or (c) printing or publishing, or (d) textile, clothing, footwear or leather manufacturing, or (e) furniture manufacturing, or

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State Environmental Planning Policy (State Significant Development) 2005

State significant development—classes of development Schedule 1

(f) machinery or equipment manufacturing, or (g) the vehicle, defence or aerospace industry, or (h) vessel or boat building.

12 Distribution and storage facilities Development for the purpose of container storage facilities, or storage or distribution centres, with a capital investment value of more than $30 million. Group 5 Construction projects

13 Construction projects (1) Development for the purpose of residential, commercial, retail or other construction projects with a capital investment value of more than $50 million that the Minister determines are important in achieving State or regional planning objectives. (2) This clause does not apply to major development within the meaning of section 31 of the City of Sydney Act 1988. Note. For criteria applicable to the identification of such construction projects— see guidelines published from time to time by the Minister. Group 6 Tourism and recreational facilities

14 Marina facilities (1) Development for the purpose of marinas or other related land or water shoreline facilities that moor, berth or store vessels (excluding dinghies and other small craft) at fixed or floating berths, at freestanding moorings, alongside jetties or pontoons, within dry storage stacks or on cradles in hardstand areas and that: (a) moor, berth or store more than 30 vessels in Sydney Harbour, Middle Harbour, North Harbour, Botany Bay, Port Hacking, Broken Bay or associated tidal waters, or (b) moor, berth or store more than 80 vessels in other waters, or (c) are located in environmentally sensitive areas of State significance, but excluding any development that, in the opinion of the Minister, is only of local environmental planning significance. (2) A reference in this clause to the number of vessels moored, berthed or stored includes a reference (in the case of an existing facility) to the additional number of vessels moored, berthed or stored at the facility.

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State Environmental Planning Policy (State Significant Development) 2005

Schedule 1 State significant development—classes of development

15 Major sporting facilities (1) Development for the purpose of a new sporting complex with a capital investment value of more than $10 million on land to which Sydney Regional Environmental Plan No 31—Regional Parklands or State Environmental Planning Policy No 29—Western Sydney Recreation Area applies. (2) Development for the purpose of major sporting facilities that: (a) has a capital investment value of more than $30 million, or (b) is listed in the Sporting Venues Management Act 2002 and has a capital investment value of more than $10 million. (3) Development for the purpose of a regional shooting complex where two or more shooting clubs or ranges within a defined region are consolidated into a single site.

16 Film, television, media or performing arts facilities (1) Development that employs 100 or more people or has a capital investment value of more than $30 million for the purpose of film production, the television industry or the digital or recorded media. (2) Development for the purpose of new performing arts facilities with a capital investment value of more than $30 million (excluding any development that the Minister determines is only of local environmental planning significance).

17 Tourist, convention and entertainment facilities Development for the purpose of tourist related facilities, major convention and exhibition facilities or multi-use entertainment facilities that: (a) has a capital investment value of more than $100 million, or (b) employs 100 or more people, or (c) has a capital investment value of more than $5 million and is located in an environmentally sensitive area of State significance. Group 7 Health and public service facilities

18 Hospitals (1) Development that has a capital investment value of more than $15 million for the purpose of providing professional health care services to people admitted as in-patients (whether or not out-patients are also cared for or treated there), including ancillary facilities for: (a) day surgery, day procedures or health consulting rooms, or

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State significant development—classes of development Schedule 1

(b) accommodation for nurses or other health care workers, or (c) accommodation for persons receiving health care or for their visitors, or (d) shops or refreshment rooms, or (e) transport of patients, including helipads and ambulance facilities, or (f) educational purposes, or (g) research purposes, whether or not they are used only by hospital staff or health care workers and whether or not any such use is a commercial use, or (h) any other health-related use. (2) For the purposes of this clause, professional health care services include preventative or convalescent care, diagnosis, medical or surgical treatment, psychiatric care or care for people with disabilities, care or counselling services provided by health care professionals.

19 Medical research and development facility Development for the purpose of health, medical or related research (which may also be associated with the facilities or research activities of a NSW Government Area Health Service, a University or an independent medical research institute) and that: (a) has a capital investment value of more than $15 million, or (b) employs 100 or more people.

20 Educational facilities Development for the purpose of teaching or research (including universities, TAFE or schools) that has a capital investment value of more than $30 million.

21 Correctional facilities Development for the purpose of correctional facilities that: (a) has a capital investment value of more than $30 million, or (b) employs 100 or more people, or (c) provides accommodation for an additional 100 or more persons.

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State Environmental Planning Policy (State Significant Development) 2005

Schedule 1 State significant development—classes of development

Group 8 Transport, energy and water infrastructure

22 Port and wharf facilities Development for the purpose of shipping berths or terminals or wharf-side facilities (and related infrastructure) that has a capital investment value of more than $30 million.

23 Rail and related transport facilities (1) Development that has a capital investment value of more than $30 million for the purpose of: (a) heavy railway lines associated with mining, extractive industries or other industry, or (b) railway freight facilities or inter-modal terminals. (2) Development within a railway corridor or associated with railway infrastructure that has a capital investment value of more than $30 million and that the Minister determines is of strategic State or regional planning significance, and is for the purpose of: (a) commercial, residential or retail development, or (b) container packing, storage or examination facility, or (c) bus interchange development.

24 Electricity generation Development for the purpose of an electricity generation facility that: (a) has a capital investment value of more than $30 million for gas or coal-fired generation, or co-generation, or bioenergy, bio-fuels, waste gas, bio-digestion or waste to energy generation, or hydro or wave power generation, or solar power generation, or (b) involves wind energy that: (a) includes more than 30 towers, or (b) has generating capacity of more than 60MW, or (c) has generating capacity of more than 30MW where the towers are in more than one council area, or (c) is located in an environmentally sensitive area of State significance.

25 Water supply works (1) Development for the purpose of water treatment works that has a capital investment value of more than $30 million for drinking water supply.

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State significant development—classes of development Schedule 1

(2) Development for the purpose of desalination plants that has a capital investment value of more than $10 million for drinking water supply.

26 Sewage and related waste water treatment plants Development for the purpose of sewage and related waste water treatment plants for the treatment, storage or disposal of sewage effluent or other waste water that: (a) handles more than 10,000 ep equivalent, or (b) has a capital investment value of more than $30 million, or (c) is located in an environmentally sensitive area of State significance. Group 9 Resource and waste related industries

27 Resource recovery or waste facilities (1) Development for the purpose of regional putrescible landfills or an extension to a regional putrescible landfill that: (a) has a capacity to receive more than 75,000 tonnes per year of putrescible waste, or (b) has a capacity to receive more than 650,000 tonnes of putrescible waste over the life of the site, or (c) is located in an environmentally sensitive area of State significance. (2) Development for the purpose of waste transfer stations in metropolitan areas of the Sydney region that handle more than 75,000 tonnes per year of waste. (3) Development for the purpose of resource recovery or recycling facilities that handle more than 75,000 tonnes per year of waste or have a capital investment value of more than $30 million. (4) Development for the purpose of waste incineration that handles more than 1,000 tonnes per year of waste. (5) Development for the purpose of hazardous waste facilities that transfer, store or dispose of solid or liquid waste classified in the Australian Dangerous Goods Code or medical, cytotoxic or quarantine waste that handles more than 1,000 tonnes per year of waste. (6) Development for the purpose of any other liquid waste depot that treats, stores or disposes of industrial liquid waste and: (a) handles more than 10,000 tonnes per year of liquid food or grease trap waste, or

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Schedule 1 State significant development—classes of development

(b) handles more than 1,000 tonnes per year of other aqueous or non-aqueous liquid industrial waste.

28 Remediation of contaminated land Development for the purpose of remediation of land on: (a) premises subject to a notice requiring prescribed remedial action to be taken under section 35 or section 36 of the Environmentally Hazardous Chemicals Act 1985 (as continued in force by the Contaminated Land Management Act 1997), or (b) land declared as a remediation site under Division 3 of Part 3 of the Contaminated Land Management Act 1997.

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State Environmental Planning Policy (State Significant Development) 2005

State significant development on specified sites Schedule 2

Schedule 2 State significant development on specified sites

(Clause 6) 1 Coastal areas (1) Development within the coastal zone for any of the following purposes: (a) extractive industries, (b) landfill facilities, (c) mining that is designated development and that is wholly or partly in a sensitive coastal location, (d) marinas that are designated development and that are wholly or partly in a sensitive coastal location, (e) the following types of industries (other than mining or extractive industries) but only if they are: (i) designated development, and (ii) in the case of the metropolitan coastal zone—wholly or partly in a sensitive coastal location: agricultural produce industries, bitumen pre-mix industries, breweries or distilleries, cement works, ceramic or glass industries, chemical industries or works, chemical storage facilities, composting facilities or works, contaminated soil treatment works, crushing, grinding or separating works, drum or container reconditioning works, electricity generating stations, livestock intensive industries, livestock processing industries, mineral processing or metallurgical works, paper, pulp or pulp products industries, petroleum works, wood or timber milling or processing works, or wood preservation works, (f) recreational or tourist facilities (other than internal refits of, or minor alterations or minor additions to, existing facilities): (i) in the case of facilities wholly or partly in a sensitive coastal location outside the metropolitan coastal zone— that provide accommodation (or additional accommodation) for any number of persons, or (ii) in the case of facilities wholly or partly in a sensitive coastal location in the metropolitan coastal zone—that provide accommodation (or additional accommodation) for 100 persons or more, or (iii) in the case of facilities outside a sensitive coastal location that are not connected to an approved sewerage treatment work or system—that provide accommodation (or additional accommodation) for 25 persons or more,

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State Environmental Planning Policy (State Significant Development) 2005

Schedule 2 State significant development on specified sites

(g) buildings or structures (other than minor alterations or minor additions to existing buildings or structures) that are: (i) greater than 13 metres in height, in the case of buildings or structures wholly or partly within a sensitive coastal location, or (ii) greater than 13 metres in height, in the case of buildings in other locations outside the metropolitan coastal zone, (h) subdivision of land where the future development created by the subdivision will not be connected to an approved sewage treatment work or system: (i) into more than 2 lots, if wholly or partly in a sensitive coastal location, or (ii) into more than 5 lots if in other locations (or into a lesser number of lots if the land proposed to be subdivided and any adjoining or neighbouring land in the same ownership in other locations could be subdivided into more than 5 lots), (i) subdivision of land in a residential zone into more than 25 lots or in a rural/residential zone into more than 5 lots, but in the case of the metropolitan coastal zone only if the land is wholly or partly within a sensitive coastal location. (2) This clause does not apply to: (a) development in relation to which, under another environmental planning instrument, development consent cannot be granted without the concurrence of the Minister or the Director-General, or (b) development in relation to which, under another environmental planning instrument, the Minister or the Director-General is the consent authority. However, this clause continues to apply to development in relation to which, under: (a) State Environmental Planning Policy No 1—Development Standards, or (b) State Environmental Planning Policy No 14—Coastal Wetlands, or (c) State Environmental Planning Policy No 26—Littoral Rainforests, development consent cannot be granted without the concurrence of the Director-General, whether or not the concurrence may be lawfully assumed.

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(3) For the purposes of this clause, development is not partly in a sensitive coastal location merely because part of the allotment on which it is carried out is in such a location if none of the development is actually carried out in such a location. (4) In this clause: building does not include an aerial, chimney stack, mast, pole, receiving tower, silo, transmission tower, utility installation or ventilator. coastal lake means a lake referred to in Schedule 1 to State Environmental Planning Policy No 71—Coastal Protection. coastal zone means the coastal zone within the meaning of the Coastal Protection Act 1979. extractive industry means obtaining extractive materials by methods including excavating, dredging, tunnelling or quarrying, or the storing, stockpiling or processing of extractive materials by methods including washing, crushing, sawing or separating. height of a building or structure means the greatest height measured from any point on the building or structure to the natural ground level (being the ground level of the site as if the land comprising the site were undeveloped) immediately below that point. landfill facility means a facility that is principally used for the disposal of waste by landfilling, whether or not it includes the recovery, processing or recycling of resources or the generation of energy from the capture and utilisation of methane, and includes regional putrescible landfill (being a landfill site that is used for the purposes of disposing of putrescible waste, or waste including putrescible waste, brought to the site from more than one local government area). metropolitan coastal zone means that part of the coastal zone between the northern boundary of the local government area of Newcastle City and the southern boundary of Shellharbour City. recreational or tourist facilities means facilities that provide accommodation, including hotels, motels, backpackers’ accommodation, hostels, tourist resorts, holiday cabins, holiday units, serviced , eco-tourism resorts, caravan parks, camping grounds, health farms, religious retreat houses, rest homes or youth camps, but does not include bed and breakfast establishments or farm stays. sensitive coastal location means any of the following which occur within the coastal zone: (a) land within 100m above mean high water mark of the sea, a bay or an estuary, (b) a coastal lake,

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(c) a declared Ramsar wetland within the meaning of the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 of the Commonwealth, (d) a declared World Heritage property within the meaning of the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 of the Commonwealth, (e) land declared as an aquatic reserve under the Fisheries Management Act 1994, (f) land declared as a marine park under the Marine Parks Act 1997, (g) land within 100m of any of the following: (i) the water’s edge of a coastal lake, (ii) land to which paragraph (c), (d), (e) or (f) applies, (iii) land reserved under the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1974, (iv) land to which State Environmental Planning Policy No 14—Coastal Wetlands applies, (h) residential land (within the meaning of State Environmental Planning Policy No 26—Littoral Rainforests) that is within a distance of 100m from the outer edge of the heavy black line on the series of maps held in the Department and marked “State Environmental Planning Policy No 26—Littoral Rainforests (Amendment No 2)”. subdivision of land does not include a boundary adjustment, or a strata subdivision, or a community title subdivision associated with an approved development.

2 Chatswood Railway Interchange Development within the area identified on Map 1 to this Schedule with a capital investment value of more than $30 million.

3 Kosciuszko Ski Resorts Development on land to which State Environmental Planning Policy No 73—Kosciuszko Ski Resorts applies. Note. Clause 32C of Schedule 6 to the Act makes the Minister the consent authority for all development applications relating to land within a ski resort area. 4 Kurnell Industrial development within the area identified on Map 2 to this Schedule that is:

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(a) a facility that manufactures, stores or uses significant quantities of dangerous goods and meets the criteria in State Environmental Planning Policy No 33—Hazardous and Offensive Development of being potentially hazardous, or (b) a waste facility that meets the criteria in State Environmental Planning Policy No 33—Hazardous and Offensive Development of being potentially hazardous.

5 Newcastle—Honeysuckle Development within the area identified on Map 3 to this Schedule, excluding development for the purpose of the following: (a) advertising signs or structures, (b) any use of existing premises or approved premises or resulting from a change of use, (c) fitouts in existing premises or approved premises, (d) outdoor eating areas, recreational facilities or other public domain elements in constructed or approved buildings or public domain areas, including land available for public use in streets, lanes, squares, boardwalks, roads, playgrounds, parks, open space, stairs, pedestrian walkways and the like, (e) strata subdivisions or subdivision of existing or approved premises or buildings, (f) outdoor events or temporary uses, (g) works wholly internal to heritage items, including buildings.

6Penrith Lakes Development within the area identified on Map 4 to this Schedule for the purpose of extraction, rehabilitation or lake formation (including associated infrastructure located in or outside that area).

7 Port and Related Employment Lands (1) Botany Development within the area identified on Map 5 to this Schedule for the purpose of: (a) a shipping berth, shipping terminal or associated building, structure or work, or (b) a facility that manufactures, stores or uses significant quantities of dangerous goods and meets the criteria in State Environmental Planning Policy No 33—Hazardous and Offensive Development of being potentially hazardous, or

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(c) a waste facility that meets the criteria in State Environmental Planning Policy No 33—Hazardous and Offensive Development of being potentially hazardous. (2) Sydney Harbour Development within the area identified as Glebe Island, White Bay, Rozelle Bay and Blackwattle Bay on Maps 6A and 6B to this Schedule. Note. See State Environmental Planning Policy No 61—Exempt and Complying Development for White Bay and Glebe Island Ports. 8 Rhodes Peninsula Development within the area identified on Map 7 to this Schedule that: (a) is a principal subdivision establishing major lots or public domain areas, or (b) is the remediation of contaminated land, or (c) is the creation of new roadways, or (d) is the creation of new foreshore public domain for the purpose of providing public access to the foreshore in an area under redevelopment, including seawalls, boardwalks, landscaping, stormwater management or public domain elements (such as furniture, lighting or play equipment), but excluding maintenance, additions or alterations to a developed area, or (e) has a capital investment value of more than $5 million.

9 Sydney—Fox Studios, Moore Park Showground and Sydney Cricket Grounds Development within the area identified on Map 8 to this Schedule that: (a) is the subdivision of land (not including strata subdivision or boundary adjustments), or (b) has a capital investment value of more than $5 million.

10 Sydney Harbour Foreshore Sites (1) Development within the area identified on the following maps to this Schedule: (a) —Map 9, (b) Rocks to Dawes Point—Map 9, (c) Walsh Bay—Wharf 2–3—Map 9, (d) East —Wharfs 3–8—Map 9, (e) Darling Harbour—Map 9, (f) Banks Street precinct and Fish Markets—Map 9,

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(g) Sydney Casino Switching station site—Map 9, (h) Luna Park—Map 10. (2) Development within the area identified on the following maps to this Schedule: (a) Caltex Site, Ballast Point—Map 11, (b) Rozelle Marshalling Yard—Map 6A, (c) White Bay Power Station and Hotel Site—Map 6A, excluding: (d) business identification signs, and (e) any use of existing premises or approved premises, or any change of use of those premises, and (f) fitouts and internal alterations of existing premises or approved premises, and (g) strata subdivisions of existing premises. (3) Development that: (a) is subdivision of land (excluding strata subdivision and boundary adjustments), or (b) is remediation of contaminated land, or (c) is the creation of new foreshore public domain for the purpose of providing public access to the foreshore in an area under redevelopment, including seawalls, boardwalks, landscaping, stormwater management or public domain elements (such as furniture, lighting or play equipment) but excluding maintenance, additions or alterations to a developed area, or (d) has a capital investment value of more than $5 million, within the area identified on the following maps to this Schedule: (e) ADI Site, Ryde—Map 12, (f) HMAS Platypus—Map 13, (g) Naval Stores Site, Ermington—Map 14, (h) Woolwich Defence Land—Map 15.

11 Taronga Zoo Development at Taronga Zoo that has a capital investment value of more than $5 million.

12 Development at the Australian Museum that has a capital investment value of $5 million.

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13 Redfern–Waterloo Authority Sites Development within the area identified on Map 16 to this Schedule.

14 Development on land described in Schedule 1 to the Sydney Olympic Park Authority Act 2001.

15 Housing in Ku-ring-gai Development for the purpose of multi unit housing (including related subdivision and demolition including demolition of a heritage item) on sites in the area of Ku-ring-gai listed in Schedule 4 to State Environmental Planning Policy No 53—Metropolitan Residential Development.

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Map 1—Schedule 2—Chatswood Railway Interchange

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Map 2—Schedule 2—Kurnell

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Map 3—Schedule 2—Newcastle—Honeysuckle

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Map 4—Schedule 2—Penrith Lakes

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Map 5—Schedule 2—Port and Related Employment Lands

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Map 6A—Schedule 2—Port and Related Employment Lands

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Map 6B—Schedule 2—Port and Related Employment Lands

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Map 7—Schedule 2—Rhodes Peninsula

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Map 8—Schedule 2—Fox Studios, Moore Park Showground and Sydney Cricket Grounds

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Map 9—Schedule 2—Sydney Harbour Foreshore Sites

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Map 10—Schedule 2—Luna Park

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Map 11—Schedule 2—Caltex Site, Ballast Point

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Map 12—Schedule 2—ADI Site, Ryde

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Map 13—Schedule 2—HMAS Platypus

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Map 14—Schedule 2—Naval Stores Site, Ermington

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Map 15—Schedule 2—Woolwich Defence Land

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Map 16—Schedule 2—Redfern–Waterloo Authority Sites

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Schedule 3 State significant sites

(Clauses 6 and 7) Part 1

Division 1 State significant development

1 State significant development All development on land identified on Map 1 to this Schedule. Division 2 Exempt development

2 Definition In this Division: CMP means the conservation management plan for the Sydney Opera House and its site as adopted and published for the time being by the Sydney Opera House Trust.

3 Exempt development The development described in this Division is exempt development if it is of minimal environmental impact and complies with the applicable requirements under this Division.

4 Minor Repairs (1) Exempt development includes minor repairs, including the replacement of missing, damaged or deteriorated fabric that is beyond further maintenance. (2) Any such exempt development must comply with the following requirements: (a) the repairs must not adversely affect the heritage significance of the Sydney Opera House, (b) the repairs must match the existing fabric in appearance, material and method of affixing, (c) the repairs must not involve damage or removal of other fabric graded “some”, “considerable” or “exceptional” significance in the CMP.

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5 Minor internal alterations and additions (1) Exempt development includes minor internal alterations and additions including: (a) minor building works and alterations to the backstage infrastructure and performance venues (such as widening the doors or updating flying systems) for the purpose of improving the operational efficiency, (b) minor works and fitout of new technology for telecommunications and technical purposes, (c) replacement of doors, walls, ceiling or floor linings, (d) renovation of bathrooms, kitchens and storage areas. (2) Any such exempt development must comply with the following requirements: (a) the development must not adversely affect the heritage significance of the Sydney Opera House, (b) any internal alterations must not affect the load-bearing capacity of any load-bearing component of the building, (c) the development must have no adverse effect on fabric and spaces rated “some”, “considerable” or “exceptional” significance in the CMP.

6 Minor building works related to permanent and temporary security arrangements (1) Exempt development includes minor building works related to permanent and temporary security arrangements, including: (a) the installation of security cameras, light fittings and other minor alterations and additions to the interior or exterior spaces of the building to upgrade building security, (b) the installation of emergency security fencing, scaffolding, hoardings or other barriers to prevent unauthorised access or to secure public safety. (2) Any such exempt development must comply with the following requirements: (a) the minor building works must not adversely affect the heritage significance of the Sydney Opera House, (b) the minor building works must not involve significant changes to the external appearance of the building, (c) the minor building works must have no adverse effect on fabric and spaces rated “some”, “considerable” or “exceptional” significance in the CMP,

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(d) the minor building works must be appropriate having regard to current and future risk/threat assessments provided by State and/or Commonwealth security agencies or by recognised security consultants commissioned by the Sydney Opera House and NSW Police.

7 Internal works and fitout of shops, restaurants, cafes and offices (1) Exempt development includes internal works and fitout of shops, restaurants, cafes and offices. (2) Any such exempt development must comply with the following requirements: (a) the development must not adversely affect the heritage significance of the Sydney Opera House, (b) the development must not involve significant changes to the external appearance of the building, (c) the development must have no adverse effect on fabric and spaces rated “some”, “considerable” or “exceptional” significance in the CMP.

8 Minor public domain works (1) Exempt development includes minor public domain works including: (a) footpath improvements, tree planting, re-paving, street surfacing, kerb reconstruction, footpaths, gutters, street furniture (benches, bollards, public artwork, installations and street lighting), and (b) installation of permanent directional/wayfinding signage. (2) Any such exempt development must comply with the following requirements: (a) the works must not adversely affect the heritage significance of the Sydney Opera House, (b) the works must have no adverse effect on fabric and spaces rated “some”, “considerable” or “exceptional” significance in the CMP, (c) the works must not prevent public access to, and use of, the adjoining public domain.

9 Installation of minor structures ancillary to the use of Sydney Opera House (1) Exempt development includes the installation of minor structures ancillary to the use of the Sydney Opera House, including small structures to house on-line information, refreshment vending carts (up to a maximum number of 12), ticketing and banking services and

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plasma and flat screen displays for the purpose of promoting performances and sponsors. (2) Any such exempt development must comply with the following requirements: (a) the structures must not adversely affect the heritage significance of the Sydney Opera House, (b) the structures do not obstruct views identified as significant in the CMP, (c) the structures must not prevent public access to, and use of, the adjoining public domain, (d) the structures must have no adverse effect on fabric and spaces rated “some”, “considerable” or “exceptional” significance in the CMP.

10 Signage associated with shops, cafes, restaurants and offices, and signage for the purpose of advertising events within Sydney Opera House (1) Exempt development includes signage associated with shops, cafes, restaurants and offices, and signage for the purposes of advertising the events within the Sydney Opera House such as concourse posters, and light boxes, including: (a) removal of signage, (b) replacement of existing signage with new signage, (c) installation of new signage. (2) Any such exempt development must comply with the following requirements: (a) the signage must be identified as non-intrusive or of “low” significance in the CMP, (b) the development must make no change to the dimension, size and location of the existing signage, (c) any new signage must be consistent with signage for adjoining tenancies in regard to size, dimension, location, design details and total number, (d) the development must have no adverse effect on fabric and spaces rated “some”, “considerable” or “exceptional” significance in the CMP.

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11 Temporary use of Sydney Opera House to project fireworks or make broadcast (1) Exempt development includes the temporary use of the Sydney Opera House to project fireworks or make a broadcast. (2) Any such use must comply with the following requirements: (a) the use must not adversely affect the heritage significance of the Sydney Opera House, (b) the use must have no adverse effect on fabric and spaces rated “some”, “considerable” or “exceptional” significance in the CMP, (c) the use must be only for limited periods and on infrequent occasions, (d) the use must be confined to exceptional, non-commercial occasions of brief duration.

12 Temporary use of public space for community events (1) Exempt development includes the temporary use of public space for community events that are open to the general public with no entry charges, including public gatherings, ceremonies, celebrations, sporting events, events for community and outdoor exhibitions that may involve the installation of temporary structures having minimal visual impact (such as barricading) that are otherwise ancillary to the event. (2) Any such use must comply with the following requirements: (a) the use occurs between the hours of 8.00am to 11.00pm on Sundays to Thursdays and 8.00am to midnight on Fridays and Saturdays, except New Years Eve celebrations which may occur between 8.00am and 2.00am, (b) community events (not more than four events in total in a calendar year) can start as early as 6.00am, (c) set-up and clean-up can occur one day before and one day after each event, except some community events (not more than a total of five events in a calendar year) with longer set-up and clean-up times may be required (not more than six bump in/out days in total per event), (d) should the event involve amplified music, ancillary to the main purpose of the event, the noise levels at the following locations must not exceed the background noise levels: (i) Beulah Street Wharf (off Waruda Street), Kirribilli, (ii) Cremorne Wharf (off Milson Road), Cremorne Point,

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(iii) a point within 1 metre of the residential boundary nearest to the Sydney Opera House at Bennelong Apartments, East Circular Quay, (iv) Dawes Point Park (off Lower Fort Street), Millers Point, (e) all amplified music is to commence after 8.00am (except for those four events in total in a calendar year which may start as early as 6.00am) and to cease by 10.30pm on Sundays to Thursdays and 11.30pm on Fridays and Saturdays, (f) lighting associated with events must not cause adverse impact on the area surrounding the site, (g) the event does not include staging of private or commercial functions, (h) back of house areas must be carefully designed (fencing and gates must be of high quality, and provide artwork and visual interest/public information in appropriate places).

13 Temporary use of public space for minimal impact events related to the primary function of Sydney Opera House (1) Exempt development includes the temporary use of public space for minimal impact events related to the primary function of the Opera House as a performing arts centre, including temporary outdoor events and performances, such as Sydney Festival events, that involve the installation of temporary structures (including main stage, sound and lighting systems) having minimal visual impact that are otherwise ancillary to the event for which an entry fee may be charged. (2) Any such use must comply with the following requirements: (a) the use takes place not more than 40 days (whether consecutive or not) in any 12 month period, (b) the use occurs between the hours of 8.00am to 11.00pm on Sundays to Thursdays (all amplified music to commence after 10.00am and to cease by 10.30pm) and 8.00am to midnight on Fridays and Saturdays (all amplified music to commence after 10.00am and to cease by 11.30pm), (c) no more than 5,000 people attend each event at any one time, (d) in addition to the maximum events days (ie 40 days) set-up and clean-up can occur one day before and one day after each event. Any additional days required for set-up and clean-up are to be included within the 40 days, (e) lighting associated with events must not cause adverse impact on the area surrounding the site,

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(f) noise levels at the following locations must not exceed LAmax 70 dB(A) and LCmax 90 dB(C) from Friday to Saturday and LAmax 65 dB(A) and LCmax 85 dB(C) from Sunday to Thursday: (i) Beulah Street Wharf (off Waruda Street), Kirribilli, (ii) Cremorne Wharf (off Milson Road), Cremorne Point, (iii) a point within 1 metre of the residential boundary nearest to the Sydney Opera House at Bennelong Apartments, East Circular Quay, (iv) Dawes Point Park (off Lower Fort Street), Millers Point.

14 Erection of temporary building ancillary to the temporary use of a public space for minimal impact events (1) Exempt development includes the erection of temporary buildings ancillary to the temporary use of a public space for minimal impact events. (2) Any such use must comply with the following requirements: (a) all temporary buildings related to events must be confined to the event site area, (b) public access to the lower concourse via the southern escalators, southern stairs and ramp must not be obstructed at any time, (c) public access must not be obstructed between the bottom of the Tarpeian Steps and Royal Botanic Gardens Opera House Gate along the forecourt except during events, (d) must not obstruct views identified as significant in the CMP, (e) must have no adverse effect on fabric and spaces rated “some”, “considerable” or “exceptional” significance in the CMP, (f) details of temporary buildings must be consistent with the principles of the CMP in relation to “exterior furniture”, (g) any temporary building must not remain in place for not more than 40 days (whether consecutive or not) in any 12 month period, excluding one day bump-in and one day bump-out for each event. (3) In this clause, minimal impact events include temporary outdoor events and performances such as Sydney Festival events that involve the installation of temporary structures (including main stage, sound and lighting systems) having minimal visual impact that are otherwise ancillary to the event.

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15 Erection of temporary signage ancillary to the temporary use of a public space for community events and minimal impact events (1) Exempt development includes the erection of temporary signage ancillary to the temporary use of a public space for community events and minimal impact events. (2) Any such use must comply with the following requirements: (a) must not adversely affect the heritage significance of the Sydney Opera House, (b) must have no adverse effect on fabric rated “some”, “considerable” or “exceptional” significance in the CMP, (c) must not be displayed for more than fourteen days before a temporary outdoor event and must be removed within seven days after the event, (d) does not obstruct views identified as significant in the CMP, (e) must not contain general advertising unrelated to events or sponsors at the Sydney Opera House, (f) any temporary signage ancillary to minimal impact events must not remain in place for more than 60 days (whether consecutive or not) in any 12 month period. (3) In this clause: community events include public gatherings, ceremonies, celebrations, sporting events, events for community and outdoor exhibitions that may involve the installation of temporary structures having minimal visual impact (such as barricading) that are otherwise ancillary to the event. minimal impact events include temporary outdoor events and performances, such as Sydney Festival events, that involve the installation of temporary structures (including main stage, sound and lighting systems) having minimal visual impact that are otherwise ancillary to the event.

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Map 1—Schedule 3—Sydney Opera House

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Repeal or amendment of other environmental planning instruments Schedule 4

Schedule 4 Repeal or amendment of other environmental planning instruments

(Clause 13) 4.1 Central Sydney Local Environmental Plan 1996

Clause 3 Consent authority Omit clause 3 (b). 4.2 Hunter Regional Environmental Plan 1989

Clause 58 Policies for control of development Insert at the end of the clause: (4) This clause does not apply to the area identified in Map 3 (Newcastle—Honeysuckle) to Schedule 2 to the State Environmental Planning Policy (State Significant Development) 2005. 4.3 Mosman Local Environmental Plan 1998

Clause 8A Insert after clause 8:

8A Application of plan to Markham Close, Middle Head (1) This plan applies to development within a Sydney Harbour Foreshore Site listed as Markham Close, Middle Head in Sydney Harbour Federation Trust Management Plan—Mosman No 3 (Markham Close) (9 December 2003, and amended 28 February 2005). (2) The development controls in that management plan apply to development on land identified as Markham Close where there is an inconsistency with other controls in this plan or any Mosman development control plan. 4.4 Newcastle Local Environmental Plan 2003

[1] Clause 7 Consent authority Omit “as provided by subclause (2) and” from clause 7 (1).

[2] Clause 7 (2) Omit the subclause.

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4.5 State Environmental Planning Policy No 14—Coastal Wetlands

Clause 6 Consent authority Insert at the end of the clause: (2) If development that requires consent under this Policy is State significant development, the consent authority is the Minister (as provided by the Act), and the concurrence of the Director is not required, despite anything to the contrary in this Policy. 4.6 State Environmental Planning Policy No 26—Littoral Rainforests

Clause 6A Insert after clause 6:

6A State significant development If development that requires the consent of the council by virtue of clause 7 (1) is State significant development, the consent authority is the Minister (as provided by the Act) and the concurrence of the Director or Minister is not required, despite anything to the contrary in this Policy. 4.7 State Environmental Planning Policy No 27—Prison Sites

[1] Clause 6 Omit the clause. Insert instead:

6 Consent authority The relevant council is the consent authority for the purposes of this Policy, except as provided by the Act.

[2] Clause 7 Development for the purposes of prisons Omit “Minister for Planning” from clause 7 (2). Insert instead “consent authority”.

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4.8 State Environmental Planning Policy No 29—Western Sydney Recreation Area

[1] Clause 7 Omit the clause. Insert instead:

7 Consent authority The Council is the consent authority for the purposes of this Policy, except as provided by the Act.

[2] Clauses 8 (1) and (2), 9 (1), 11 (1) and (2) Omit “Minister” wherever occurring. Insert instead “consent authority”.

[3] Clause 13 Restrictions on development Omit “, whether it is the Minister or the Council,”. 4.9 State Environmental Planning Policy No 34—Major Employment-Generating Industrial Development The Policy is repealed. 4.10 State Environmental Planning Policy No 38—Olympic Games and Related Projects The Policy is repealed. 4.11 State Environmental Planning Policy No 41—Casino Entertainment Complex

[1] Clause 2 Aims, objectives etc Omit “Minister for Urban Affairs and Planning”. Insert instead “consent authority.”

[2] Clause 5 Omit the clause. Insert instead:

5 Consent authority The consent authority for the purposes of this Policy is the relevant council, except as provided by the Act.

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4.12 State Environmental Planning Policy No 47—Moore Park Showground

[1] Clause 8 Omit the clause. Insert instead:

8 Consent authority The consent authority for development to which this Policy applies is the relevant council, except as provided by the Act.

[2] Clauses 9, 9A (1) and (2), 10–12, 14 (1), (3) and (4), 15 and 16 Omit “Minister” wherever occurring. Insert instead “consent authority”.

[3] Clause 15 Omit “Minister’s”. Insert instead “consent authority’s”. 4.13 State Environmental Planning Policy No 48—Major Putrescible Landfill Sites

Clause 7 Omit the clause. Insert instead:

7 Consent authority The consent authority for development to which this Policy applies is the relevant council, except as provided by the Act. 4.14 State Environmental Planning Policy No 53—Metropolitan Residential Development

[1] Clause 25 Development consent Omit clause 25 (2).

[2] Schedule 4 Amendments allowing multi unit housing Omit clause 1 (3).

[3] Schedule 4 Omit “Minister” wherever occurring (except where firstly occurring). Insert instead “consent authority”.

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4.15 State Environmental Planning Policy No 55—Remediation of Land

[1] Clause 4 Definitions Omit the definition of Minister from clause 4 (1).

[2] Clause 10 Consent authority in relation to remediation works Omit “on any land that is not a remediation site” from clause 10 (1).

[3] Clause 10 (2) Omit the subclause.

[4] Clause 11 State significant development Omit the clause. 4.16 State Environmental Planning Policy No 56—Sydney Harbour Foreshores and Tributaries

[1] Clause 2 Aims of Policy Omit clause 2 (d).

[2] Clause 3 Definitions Omit the definition of State significant development.

[3] Part 3, heading Omit the heading. Insert instead: Part 3 Sites of State or Regional Significance (land in Schedule 1)

[4] Clause 9 State significant development Omit the clause.

[5] Clause 10 Omit the clause. Insert instead:

10 Consent authority The relevant council is the consent authority for the purposes of this Policy, except as provided by the Act.

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State Environmental Planning Policy (State Significant Development) 2005

Schedule 4 Repeal or amendment of other environmental planning instruments

[6] Schedule 1, heading Omit the heading. Insert instead: Schedule 1 Sites of State or Regional Significance

[7] Schedule 1 Omit “Schedule 1—Map 14—Homebush Bay West Site” and “Schedule 1— Map17—Rozelle Hospital”. Note. The Callan Park (Special Provisions) Act 2002 makes the Council the consent authority in relation to Rozelle Hospital. 4.17 State Environmental Planning Policy No 59—Central Western Sydney Economic and Employment Area

[1] Clause 6 State significant development Omit the clause.

[2] Clause 7 Omit the clause. Insert instead:

7 Consent authority The relevant council is the consent authority for the purposes of this Policy, except as provided by the Act. 4.18 State Environmental Planning Policy No 67—Macquarie Generation Industrial Development Strategy

[1] Clause 7 State significant development Omit the clause.

[2] Schedule 1 Development with consent Omit “Clauses 6, 7 and 8”. Insert instead “Clauses 6 and 8”. 4.19 State Environmental Planning Policy No 71—Coastal Protection

[1] Clause 9 Application of Part Omit clause 9 (1) (a).

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State Environmental Planning Policy (State Significant Development) 2005

Repeal or amendment of other environmental planning instruments Schedule 4

[2] Clause 9 Omit “(other than development specified in Schedule 2)” wherever occurring.

[3] Clause 10 State significant development Omit the clause.

[4] Schedule 2 Significant coastal development—specified development Omit the Schedule. 4.20 State Environmental Planning Policy No 73—Kosciuszko Ski Resorts

Schedule 2 Exempt Development Omit the Schedule. Insert instead: Schedule 2 Exempt development

(Clause 14) Note. See clause 14 for restrictions relating to exempt development. 1 Advertisements The display of an advertisement (other than an illuminated advertisement), including the erection of any advertising structure on which the advertisement is displayed, but only if: (a) the advertisement: (i) relates to the premises on which it is displayed or to goods or services that are available at those premises, and (ii) together with any advertising structure on which it is displayed, has an area of no more than 0.75 square metres, and (iii) together with any advertising structure on which it is displayed, is at least 2.6 metres above any public road above which it is displayed, or (b) the advertisement is displayed behind a window, or (c) the advertisement: (i) advertises a social, cultural, political or recreational event, and

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State Environmental Planning Policy (State Significant Development) 2005

Schedule 4 Repeal or amendment of other environmental planning instruments

(ii) is displayed for no more than 28 days before the event, no more than 14 days after the event and no more than a total of 22 weeks, and (iii) has an area of no more than 7 square metres, or (d) the advertisement: (i) is a real estate sign advertising that the premises on which it is displayed are for sale or are for lease under Part 12 of the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1974, and (ii) together with any advertising structure on which it is displayed, has an area of no more than 2.4 square metres.

2 Public notices of public authorities The erection of a sign, by a public authority, in the nature of a public notice that provides only information or directions (or both) in relation to a service provided by the public authority.

3 Signs relating to safety The erection of a sign whose purpose is to ensure the safety of workers on the site at which it is located or of the general public.

4 Business or building identification signs The erection and use of a business or building identification sign, displayed on the premises to which it relates, but only if: (a) the sign is displayed behind a window on the premises, or (b) the sign has an area of no more than 0.75 square metres and, if the sign is erected above a pubic road, it is erected at least 2.6 metres above the road.

5 Internal building alterations Internal building alterations that do not involve the following: (a) any increase in the gross floor area of the building, (b) any alteration to a load-bearing member of a building or any alteration that results in the load-bearing capacity of the building being exceeded, (c) any modification of any passive fire safety measure, (d) any modification of any of the following: (i) any kitchen used for commercial purposes,

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State Environmental Planning Policy (State Significant Development) 2005

Repeal or amendment of other environmental planning instruments Schedule 4

(ii) any area, within premises, that is used for skin penetration procedures within the meaning of the Public Health Act 1991, (iii) any hairdressing premises, (iv) any swimming or spa pool within the building, (e) any alteration to a building comprising tourist accommodation that results in an increase in the size of a bedroom or an increase in the number of bedrooms in the tourist accommodation.

6 Change of use of a building New use of a building as an office, resulting from a change of use of the building as a shop, or new use of a building as a shop, resulting from a change of use of the building as an office, but only if: (a) the use of the building, before the change, as a shop or as an office (as the case may be) was lawful, and (b) the new use would otherwise be permitted with consent under this plan, and (c) the new use occurs over no more than 200 square metres of floor space, and (d) in the case of the new use of a building as a shop—the use of the shop does not involve the handling, preparation or storage of food for sale or consumption.

7 Installation and use of street furniture The installation and use of street furniture (including a bench, a bollard and a garbage enclosure) on a public footpath or in a plaza, but only if: (a) the street furniture does not prevent or extensively restrict use of the footpath or plaza for access, and (b) the street furniture is firmly anchored, and (c) in the case of a garbage enclosure—the enclosure is animal-proof.

8 Maintenance The carrying out of any development comprised in the repair of deteriorated or damaged material (whether or not in a building) or the replacement of any such material, but only if: (a) no wall of a building is wholly replaced,

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State Environmental Planning Policy (State Significant Development) 2005

Schedule 4 Repeal or amendment of other environmental planning instruments

(b) in the case of repairs to, or the partial replacement of, the wall of a building, involving the use of material that differs in nature from the material being repaired or replaced—the repairs extend over no more than 5% of the surface, or the replacement is of no more than 5%, of the wall, over any 3 year period, (c) the maintenance does not affect the load-bearing capacity of any load-bearing member of a building.

9 Development carried out on ski slopes The carrying out on ski slopes of any of the following: (a) the maintenance of ski slopes on an annual basis or of a routine nature, including slashing and trimming of regrowth, (b) the erection of any of the following structures for the purposes of recreational activities, including skiing: (i) signs not exceeding 2.5 square metres in area, (ii) fences not exceeding 1.8 metres in height, (iii) other structures not exceeding more than 2.4 metres in height, but only if the structures stand for no more than 22 weeks in any one year.

10 Antennae, satellite dishes and aerials The installation of an antenna, satellite dish or aerial, for use within tourist accommodation, but only if: (a) following the installation, there is no more than one antenna, one satellite dish and one aerial per building, and (b) the height of the antenna, satellite dish or aerial to be installed is no more than 1 metre above the ridgeline of the building that the device services, and (c) in the case of the installation of a satellite dish—the dish is no more than 500mm in diameter, and (d) there are no structural alterations involved and the antenna, satellite dish or antenna is firmly anchored.

11 Erection of minor structures (1) The erection of a structure ancillary to a permissible use, but only if: (a) the structure is erected at least 1 metre from each boundary of the sublease or lease applying to the site, and

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State Environmental Planning Policy (State Significant Development) 2005

Repeal or amendment of other environmental planning instruments Schedule 4

(b) the structure does not cover an area of more than 10 square metres, and (c) the structure does not stand higher than 1 metre above the natural ground level of the site, and (d) the erection of the structure does not require any excavation deeper than 500 millimetres below natural ground level and does not compromise any support for adjoining land, and (e) the erection or use of the structure does not involve handling, using or storing of hazardous chemicals or materials, and the materials used in the structure do not release any hazardous chemicals or materials into the environment, and (f) the structure must be made of non-combustible materials if erected on land that is bush fire prone land. (2) In this clause: natural ground level, in relation to a site, means the natural level of the site at any point on the site.

12 Laying of paving (1) The laying of paving, but only if: (a) the paving does not cover an area of more than 10 square metres, and (b) the laying of the paving does not require any excavation deeper than 500 millimetres below the natural ground level of the site and does not compromise any support for adjoining land. (2) In this clause: natural ground level has the same meaning as it has in clause 11.

13 Demolition Demolition of any structure, the erection of which is exempt development under this plan, but only if: (a) the structure stands on an area of not more than twenty-five square metres, and (b) is carried out in accordance with AS 2601—2001, Demolition of structures.

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State Environmental Planning Policy (State Significant Development) 2005

Schedule 4 Repeal or amendment of other environmental planning instruments

4.21 Sydney Regional Environmental Plan No 5—(Chatswood Town Centre)

[1] Clause 3 Aims, objectives etc Omit “encourage the development of car parking facilities on railway land” from clause 3 (2) (g). Insert instead “development to increase the use of railway facilities”.

[2] Clause 6 Omit the clause. Insert instead:

6 Consent authority The Council is the consent authority for the purposes of this plan, except as provided by the Act.

[3] Clause 7N Zone 5 (b)—Special Uses “B” (Railways) Zone Omit “Railways” from clause 7N (2) (b). Insert instead “(Railways)”.

[4] Clause 7N (2) (b) Insert in alphabetical order of development: residential flat buildings

[5] Clause 11 Floor space ratio Omit clause 11 (2) (i).

[6] Clause 15 Height Omit clause 15 (1) (g). 4.22 Sydney Regional Environmental Plan No 11—Penrith Lakes Scheme

Clause 6 Omit the clause. Insert instead:

6 Consent authority The consent authority for the purposes of this Plan is the council of the area in which the development is carried out, except as provided by the Act.

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State Environmental Planning Policy (State Significant Development) 2005

Repeal or amendment of other environmental planning instruments Schedule 4

4.23 Sydney Regional Environmental Plan No 16—Walsh Bay

Clause 10 Omit the clause. Insert instead:

10 Consent authority The Council of the City of Sydney is the consent authority for the purposes of this plan, except as provided by the Act or the City of Sydney Act 1988. 4.24 Sydney Regional Environmental Plan No 24—Homebush Bay Area

Clause 10 Consent authorities Omit clause 10 (1) and (2). Insert instead: (1) The relevant council is the consent authority for land in the Homebush Bay Area (including land/water interface development), except as provided by subclause (3), the Act and the Sydney Olympic Park Authority Act 2001. 4.25 Sydney Regional Environmental Plan No 26—City West

Clause 14 Omit the clause. Insert instead:

14 Consent authority The Council of the City of Sydney is the consent authority for the purposes of this Part, except as provided by the Act. 4.26 Sydney Regional Environmental Plan No 29—Rhodes Peninsula

Clause 5 Omit the clause. Insert instead:

5 Consent authority The consent authority for development applications to which this plan applies is the council of the area to which the application relates, except as provided by the Act.

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State Environmental Planning Policy (State Significant Development) 2005

Schedule 4 Repeal or amendment of other environmental planning instruments

4.27 Sydney Regional Environmental Plan No 31—Regional Parklands

[1] Clause 5 Consent authority Omit “and subclause (2)” from clause 5 (1).

[2] Clause 5 (2) Omit the subclause. 4.28 Warringah Local Environmental Plan 2000

[1] Clause 11 Who is the consent authority? Omit “except in relation to a development application to carry out a category A remediation work on land that is a remediation site, where the Minister for Urban Affairs and Planning is the consent authority”.

[2] Clause 11, note Omit the note to the clause.

[3] Clause 24 What development is State significant development? Omit the clause.

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Authorised to be printed ISSN 0155-6320 ROBERT J. GALLAGHER, Government Printer.


Government Gazette OF THE STATE OF NEW SOUTH WALES Number 61 Friday, 27 May 2005 Published under authority by Government Advertising and Information LEGISLATION Proclamations

New South Wales Proclamation under the Police Integrity Commission Amendment Act 2005 No 5

MARIE BASHIR, ,Governor Governor I, Professor Marie Bashir AC, Governor of the State of New South Wales, with the advice of the Executive Council, and in pursuance of section 2 of the Police Integrity Commission Amendment Act 2005, do, by this my Proclamation, appoint 1 June 2005 as the day on which that Act (except Schedule 2.2 [1]) commences. Signed andand sealed sealed at at Sydney, Sydney, this this 25th day of day May of 2005. 2005.

By Her Excellency’s Command,

CARL SCULLY, M.P., Minister for Police L.S. Minister for Police GOD SAVE THE QUEEN!

Explanatory note The object of this Proclamation is to commence the provisions of the Police Integrity Commission Amendment Act 2005, other than a provision amending the Police Act 1990 to require consultation by the Commissioner of Police before action is taken against a police officer the subject of a complaint being dealt with by the Police Integrity Commission or the Ombudsman.

s05-232-07.p03 Page 1 1852 LEGISLATION 27 May 2005 Regulations

New South Wales

Passenger Transport (General) Amendment (Safety Management Systems) Regulation 2005

under the Passenger Transport Act 1990

Her Excellency the Governor, with the advice of the Executive Council, has made the following Regulation under the Passenger Transport Act 1990.

JOHN WATKINS, M.P., MinisterMinister forfor Transport Transport Explanatory note The object of this Regulation is to extend the period for which certain persons who carry on a public passenger service by way of a ferry or bus are not required to comply with certain safety management system requirements of the Passenger Transport Act 1990. The period for which such persons are not required to comply with the relevant provisions of the Act is extended to 1 July 2005. This Regulation is made under the Passenger Transport Act 1990, including section 63 (the general regulation-making power) and clause 23 of Schedule 3.

s05-067-25.p02 Page 1


Passenger Transport (General) Amendment (Safety Management Systems) Clause 1 Regulation 2005

Passenger Transport (General) Amendment (Safety Management Systems) Regulation 2005 under the Passenger Transport Act 1990

1 Name of Regulation This Regulation is the Passenger Transport (General) Amendment (Safety Management Systems) Regulation 2005.

2 Amendment of Passenger Transport (General) Regulation 2000 The Passenger Transport (General) Regulation 2000 is amended as set out in Schedule 1.

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Passenger Transport (General) Amendment (Safety Management Systems) Regulation 2005

Amendment Schedule 1

Schedule 1 Amendment

(Clause 2) Clause 18 Insert after clause 17:

18 Safety management systems (1) For the purpose of clause 23 (3) of Schedule 3 to the Act, an accredited service operator that carries on a public passenger service by means of a bus is not required to comply with section 9D until 1 July 2005. (2) For the purpose of clause 23 (3) of Schedule 3 to the Act, a person who carries on a public passenger service by means of a ferry is not required to comply with section 53D until 1 July 2005.

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New South Wales

Road Transport (Driver Licensing) Amendment (Handbook Fees) Regulation 2005

under the Road Transport (Driver Licensing) Act 1998

Her Excellency the Governor, with the advice of the Executive Council, has made the following Regulation under the Road Transport (Driver Licensing) Act 1998.

MICHAEL COSTA, M.L.C., Minister forfor Roads Roads Explanatory note The object of this Regulation is to reduce from $26 to $10 the fee per copy for the provision of the following handbooks: (a) the Road Users’ Handbook, (b) the Heavy Vehicle Drivers’ Handbook, (c) the Motorcycle Riders’ Handbook, (d) the Hazard Perception Handbook, (e) the Driver Qualification Handbook. This Regulation is made under the Road Transport (Driver Licensing) Act 1998, including sections 19 (the general regulation-making power) and 20 (Driver licensing system) and, in particular, section 20 (2) (f).

s05-237-09.p01 Page 1


Road Transport (Driver Licensing) Amendment (Handbook Fees) Clause 1 Regulation 2005

Road Transport (Driver Licensing) Amendment (Handbook Fees) Regulation 2005 under the Road Transport (Driver Licensing) Act 1998

1 Name of Regulation This Regulation is the Road Transport (Driver Licensing) Amendment (Handbook Fees) Regulation 2005.

2 Commencement This Regulation commences on 30 May 2005.

3 Amendment of Road Transport (Driver Licensing) Regulation 1999 The Road Transport (Driver Licensing) Regulation 1999 is amended as set out in Schedule 1.

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Road Transport (Driver Licensing) Amendment (Handbook Fees) Regulation 2005

Amendment Schedule 1

Schedule 1 Amendment

(Clause 3) Schedule 3 Fees Omit item 11 from the Schedule. Insert instead:

11 Fee per copy for provision of handbook: (a) Road Users’ Handbook (including any foreign language 10 version of that handbook) (b) Heavy Vehicle Drivers’ Handbook 10 (c) Motorcycle Riders’ Handbook 10 (d) Hazard Perception Handbook 10 (e) Driver Qualification Handbook 10

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CONSTITUTION ACT 1902 Ministerial Arrangements During the Absence From Duty of the Minister for Juvenile Justice, Minister for Western Sydney and Minister Assisting the Minister for Infrastructure and Planning (Planning Administration) PURSUANT to section 36 of the Constitution Act 1902, Her Excellency the Governor, with the advice of the Executive Council, has authorised the Hon. R. J. DEBUS, M.P., Attorney General and Minister for the Environment, to act for and on behalf of the Minister for Juvenile Justice, Minister for Western Sydney and Minister Assisting the Minister for Infrastructure and Planning (Planning Administration), as on and from 10 July 2005, with a view to him performing the duties of the Honourable D. BEAMER, M.P., during her absence from duty. The Cabinet Offi ce, Sydney, 2005.

NEW SOUTH WALES GOVERNMENT GAZETTE No. 61 27 May 2005 OFFICIAL NOTICES 1859 Department of Infrastructure, Planning and Natural Resources

Infrastructure and Planning

New South Wales

Shellharbour Rural Local Environmental Plan 2004 (Amendment No 1)

under the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979

I, the Minister Assisting the Minister for Infrastructure and Planning (Planning Administration), make the following local environmental plan under the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979. (W00/00120/PC)

DIANE BEAMER, M.P., MinisterMinister AssistingAssisting thethe MinisterMinister forfor InfrastructureInfrastructure andand PlanningPlanning (Planning(Planning Administration)Administration)

e04-159-03.p02 Page 1


Clause 1 Shellharbour Rural Local Environmental Plan 2004 (Amendment No 1)

Shellharbour Rural Local Environmental Plan 2004 (Amendment No 1) under the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979

1 Name of plan This plan is Shellharbour Rural Local Environmental Plan 2004 (Amendment No 1).

2 Aims of the plan The aims of this plan are: (a) to rezone certain land at Dunsters Lane, Croom, in the local government area of Shellharbour City, from the 1 (r1) Rural Landscape Zone to the 1 (x) Extractive Industry Zone under Shellharbour Rural Local Environmental Plan 2004 so as to allow quarrying operations on that land, and (b) to require specific adjoining land to be the site of the only quarry haul road used for vehicular access to all of those quarrying operations and for the removal of extractive material from the land on which they are carried out, and (c) to require a bund wall along that road for the purpose of reducing the environmental impact of use of that road, and (d) to protect adjoining land from any significant adverse environmental impact of the carrying out of the quarrying operations by requiring an adequate bund adjacent to those operations.

3 Land to which plan applies This plan applies to land at Dunsters Lane, Croom, being the parts of Lots 1 and 2, DP 858245, shown edged with a heavy black broken line on Sheet 1 of the map marked “Shellharbour Rural Local Environmental Plan 2004 (Amendment No 1)” held at the office of Shellharbour City Council.

4 Amendment of Shellharbour Rural Local Environmental Plan 2004 Shellharbour Rural Local Environmental Plan 2004 is amended as set out in Schedule 1.

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Shellharbour Rural Local Environmental Plan 2004 (Amendment No 1)

Amendments Schedule 1

Schedule 1 Amendments

(Clause 4) [1] Clause 23A Insert after clause 23:

23A Access and buffer for extractive industry at Croom (1) To what land does this clause apply? This clause applies to the following land at Dunsters Lane, Croom: (a) so much of Lot 2, DP 858245, as is identified as “Access Land” and shown edged with a heavy black broken line on Sheet 1 of the map marked “Shellharbour Rural Local Environmental Plan 2004 (Amendment No 1)”, which is referred to in this clause as the access land, (b) so much of Lot 1, DP 858245, as is identified as “Buffer Land” and shown edged with a heavy black broken line on Sheet 1 of the map marked “Shellharbour Rural Local Environmental Plan 2004 (Amendment No 1)”, which is referred to in this clause as the buffer land, (c) so much of Lot 1, DP 858245, as is within the 1 (x) Extractive Industry Zone, which is referred to in this clause as the extractive operations land. (2) What restrictions apply to extractive operations? Development may be carried out, with development consent, on the access land for the purpose of: (a) a quarry haul road servicing extraction and ancillary activities on the extractive operations land, and (b) a bund wall screening that road. (3) The use of any land other than a road on the access land screened by a bund wall to provide vehicular access to, or egress from, extraction and ancillary activities on the extractive operations land is prohibited. (4) Development may be carried out, with development consent, on the buffer land for the purpose of a bund that will reduce the environmental impact on adjoining land of extractive operations carried out on Lot 1, DP 858245.

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Shellharbour Rural Local Environmental Plan 2004 (Amendment No 1)

Schedule 1 Amendments

(5) Consent must not be granted to the carrying out of extractive operations on the extractive operations land unless the consent authority is satisfied that the environmental impact on that adjoining land of those operations will be adequately reduced by a bund on the buffer land.

[2] Dictionary Insert at the end of the definition of zoning map: Shellharbour Rural Local Environmental Plan 2004 (Amendment No 1)—Sheet 2

Page 4


WATER ACT 1912 Notice of Withdrawal of Pumping Suspensions on Fawcetts Creek. Imposition of Restrictions on Fawcetts and Collins Creeks and their Tributaries Under Section 22B of the Water Act 1912 THE Department of Infrastructure, Planning and Natural Resources advises that PUMPING SUSPENSIONS announced on 12 March 2005, under section 22B of the Water Act 1912, relating to Fawcetts Creek with respect to the taking of water therefrom hereby gives notice to all holders of permits, authorities and licences under Part 2 of the Water Act 1912, that pumping suspensions so imposed are now cancelled. The Department advises that from Saturday, 21 May 2005 and until further notice, the right to pump water from Fawcetts and Collins Creeks and their tributaries is RESTRICTED to a maximum of twelve hours in any twenty four hour period between the hours of 5:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. Diversion of water must however be undertaken in accordance with the conditions of individual licences. GA2:476101 Dated this 20 May 2005. G. LOLLBACK, Resource Access Manager, North Coast Region, Grafton


DUBBO OFFICE 142 Brisbane Street (PO Box 865), Dubbo NSW 2830 Phone: (02) 6841 5200 Fax: (02) 6841 5231

ESTABLISHMENT OF RESERVE TRUST APPOINTMENT OF CORPORATION TO MANAGE RESERVE TRUST PURSUANT to section 92(1) of the Crown Lands Act 1989, the reserve trust specifi ed in Column 1 of the Schedule PURSUANT to section 95 of the Crown Lands Act 1989, hereunder is established under the name stated in that Column the corporation specified in Column 1 of the Schedule and is appointed as trustee of the reserve specifi ed opposite hereunder, is appointed to manage the affairs of the reserve thereto in Column 2 of the Schedule. trust specifi ed opposite thereto in Column 2, which is trustee of the reserve referred to in Column 3 of the Schedule. TONY KELLY, M.L.C., Minister for Lands TONY KELLY, M.L.C., Minister for Lands SCHEDULE COLUMN 1 COLUMN 2 SCHEDULE Walgett Sporting Ovals Reserve No.: 87946. COLUMN 1 COLUMN 2 COLUMN 3 Reserve Trust. Public Purpose: Public Walgett Shire Walgett Sporting Reserve No.: 87946. recreation. Council. Ovals Reserve Public Purpose: Public Notifi ed: 18 September 1970. Trust. recreation. Notifi ed: 18 September 1970. Dedication No.: 520097. Dedication No.: 520097. Public Purpose: Public Public Purpose: Public recreation. recreation. Notifi ed: 8 August 1924. Notifi ed: 8 August 1924. File No.: DB81 R 172. File No.: DB81 R 172.


GOULBURN OFFICE 159 Auburn Street (PO Box 748), Goulburn NSW 2580 Phone: (02) 4828 6725 Fax: (02) 4828 6730

REVOCATION OF RESERVATION OF CROWN SCHEDULE 2 LAND COLUMN 1 COLUMN 2 PURSUANT to section 90 of the Crown Lands Act 1989, Land District: Yass. The whole being Lot 160, DP the reservation of Crown Land specifi ed in Column 1 of Local Government Area: Yass No. 723427, Parish the Schedules hereunder, is revoked to the extent specifi ed Valley Council. Murrumbateman, County opposite thereto in Column 2 of the Schedules. Locality: Murrumbateman. Murray, of an area of 259.01 Reserve No.: 85181. hectares. TONY KELLY, M.L.C., Public Purpose: Preservation of Minister for Lands native fl ora and fauna. Notifi ed: 15 January 1965. SCHEDULE 1 Lot 160, DP No. 723427, Parish Murrumbateman, COLUMN 1 COLUMN 2 County Murray. Land District: Yass. The whole being Lot 160, File No.: GB03 H 184/1. Local Government Area: DP No. 723427, Parish Yass Valley Council. Murrumbateman, County Note: To facilitate conversion of Perpetual Lease 80952. Locality: Murrumbateman. Murray; Lot 81, DP No. Reserve No.: 91538. 754899, Parish Murrumbateman, SCHEDULE 3 Public Purpose: Future public County Murray; Lot 82, DP COLUMN 1 COLUMN 2 requirements. No. 754899, Parish Notifi ed: 24 August 1979. Murrumbateman, County Land District: Goulburn. The part being Lot 32, DP Lot 160, DP No. 723427, Murray; Lot 119, DP No. Local Government Area: No. 750021, Parish Jerralong, Parish Murrumbateman, 754899, Parish Murrumbateman, Goulburn Mulwaree Council. County Argyle, of an area of County Murray; County Murray; Lot 1, DP No. Locality: Goulburn. 768.9 hectares. Lot 81, DP No. 754899, 723781, Parish Murrumbateman, Reserve No.: 92798. Parish Murrumbateman, County Murray; Lot 2, DP No. Public Purpose: Future County Murray; 723781, Parish Murrumbateman, public requirements. Lot 82, DP No. 754899, County Murray, of an area of Notifi ed: 20 June 1980. Parish Murrumbateman, 327.0 hectares. Lot 35, DP No. 725503, County Murray; Parish Jerralong, Lot 119, DP No. 754899, County Argyle; Parish Murrumbateman, Lot 13, DP No. 750021, County Murray; Parish Jerralong, Lot 1, DP No. 723781, County Argyle; Parish Murrumbateman, Lot 32, DP No. 750021, County Murray; Parish Jerralong, Lot 2, DP No. 723781, County Argyle; Parish Murrumbateman, Lot 4, DP No. 821739, County Murray. Parish Jerralong, File No.: GB03 H 184/1. County Argyle. File No.: GB03 H 283/1. Note: To facilitate the conversion of Perpetual Lease 80952. Note: To facilitate conversion of Perpetual Lease 107944.


GRAFTON OFFICE 76 Victoria Street (Locked Bag 10), Grafton NSW 2460 Phone: (02) 6640 2000 Fax: (02) 6640 2035

ESTABLISHMENT OF RESERVE TRUST ADDITION TO RESERVED CROWN LAND PURSUANT to section 92(1) of the Crown Lands Act 1989, PURSUANT to section 88 of the Crown Lands Act 1989, the reserve trust specifi ed in Column 1 of the Schedule the Crown Land specifi ed in Column 1 of the Schedule hereunder, is established under the name stated in that hereunder, is added to the reserved land specifi ed opposite Column and is appointed as trustee of the reserve specifi ed thereto in Column 2 of the Schedule. opposite thereto in Column 2 of the Schedule. TONY KELLY, M.L.C., TONY KELLY, M.L.C., Minister for Lands Minister for Lands SCHEDULE SCHEDULE COLUMN 1 COLUMN 2 COLUMN 1 COLUMN 2 Land District: Lismore. Reserve No.: 82164. Woodenbong Public Recreation Reserve No.: 81500. Local Government Area: Ballina Public Purpose: Public Reserve Trust. Public Purpose: Public Shire Council. recreation. recreation. Locality: Ballina. Notifi ed: 20 November 1959. Notifi ed: 3 April 1959. Lot 7037, DP No. 1068936, Lot 7006, DP No. 1068885, File No.: GF98 R 3/1. Parish Ballina, County Rous; Parish Ballina, County Rous; Lot 7036, DP No. 1069244, Lot 7007, DP No. 1068886, WITHDRAWAL OF RESERVE FROM CONTROL OF Parish Ballina, County Rous. Parish Ballina, County Rous; RURAL LANDS PROTECTION BOARD Area: 2800 square metres. Lot 7008, DP No. 1068886, File No.: GF81 R 393/1. Parish Ballina, County Rous; IN pursuance of the provisions of section 86(1) of the Rural Lot 7005, DP No. 1068885, Lands Protection Act 1998, the reserve specifi ed hereunder Parish Ballina, County Rous. is withdrawn from the control of the Rural Lands Protection New Area: 18.65 hectares. Board for the Rural Lands Protection District. TONY KELLY, M.L.C., NOTIFICATION OF CLOSING OF ROAD Minister for Lands IN pursuance of the provisions of the Roads Act 1993, the Description road hereunder described is closed and the land comprised Reserve 79654 from sale for travelling stock, notifi ed therein ceases to be a public road and the rights of passage 7 June 1957. and access the previously existed in relation to the road are extinguished. On road closing, title to the land comprising Part Withdrawn: Lot 7028, DP 1081042; Lot 7010, DP the former public road vests in the body specifi ed in the 1056989 and Lot 7009, DP 1056988. Schedule hereunder. Rural Lands Protection District: Grafton. TONY KELLY, M.L.C., Placed Under Control: 20 September 1957. Minister for Lands File No.: GF95 H 152. Description Land District – Lismore; L.G.A. – Ballina Shire Council. REVOCATION OF RESERVATION OF CROWN LAND Roads Closed: Lot 7036, DP 1069244 and Lot 7037, DP 1068936 at Ballina, Parish Ballina, County Rous. PURSUANT to section 90 of the Crown Lands Act 1989, the reservation of Crown Land specifi ed in Column 1 of File No.: GF00 H 389. the Schedule hereunder, is revoked to the extent specifi ed opposite thereto in Column 2 of the Schedule. SCHEDULE TONY KELLY, M.L.C., On closing, the land within Lot 7037, DP 1068936 and Minister for Lands part of Lot 7036, DP 1069244 remains vested in the State of New South Wales as Crown Land. SCHEDULE On closing, the land within part of Lot 7036, DP 1069244 COLUMN 1 COLUMN 2 the former Council public road is vested in the State of New Land District: Grafton. The whole being Lot 7028, DP South Wales as Crown Land. Local Government Area: No. 1081042, Parish Clarence Valley Council. Southampton, County Clarence; Note: These Crown lands are to be added to Reserve 82164 Locality: South Grafton. Lot 7010, DP No. 1056989, for public recreation, notifi ed 20 November 1959. Reserve No.: 79654. Parish Elland, County Clarence; Public Purpose: Travelling Lot 7009, DP No. 1056988, stock. Parish Elland, County Clarence, Notifi ed: 7 June 1957. of an area of 4.219 hectares. File No.: GF95 H 152/1.


ORANGE OFFICE 92 Kite Street (PO Box 2146), Orange NSW 2800 Phone: (02) 6393 4300 Fax: (02) 6362 3896

WITHDRAWL OF LAND FROM RESERVE UNDER APPOINTMENT OF CORPORATION TO MANAGE CONTROL OF RURAL LANDS PROTECTION RESERVE TRUST BOARD PURSUANT to section 95 of the Crown Lands Act 1989, IN pursuance of the provisions of section 87(1), Rural Lands the corporation specifi ed in Column 1 of the Schedules Protection Act 1998, the land specifi ed hereunder is withdrawn hereunder, is appointed to manage the affairs of the reserve from the reserve stated for the purpose mentioned. trust specifi ed opposite thereto in Column 2, which is trustee of the reserve referred to in Column 3 of the Schedules. TONY KELLY, M.L.C., Minister for Lands TONY KELLY, M.L.C., Minister for Lands Description SCHEDULE 1 Land District – Condobolin; COLUMN 1 COLUMN 2 COLUMN 3 Rural Lands Protection District – Condobolin. Greater Western Grenfell District Dedication No.: 590030. Parish Murda, County Cunningham, Reserve No. 54217 Area Health Hospital Reserve Public Purpose: Hospital site. Service. Trust. Notifi ed: 25 March 1887. for travelling stock and camping, notified 15 October File No.: OE05 R 3/1. 1920. Part Withdrawn: The part comprised in Lot 102, DP SCHEDULE 2 1080660 of 16.85 hectares and inclusive of road within that COLUMN 1 COLUMN 2 COLUMN 3 Lot. Greater Western Forbes District Dedication No.: 1000406. Area Health Hospital Reserve Public Purpose: Hospital File No.: OE02 R 1. Service. Trust. addition. Notifi ed: 2 November 1945. Withdrawn for the purpose of future public Dedication No.: 590008. requirements. Public Purpose: Hospital. Notifi ed: 1 July 1890. Placed under control, Government Gazette, 25 May File No.: OE05 R 3/1. 1934. SCHEDULE 3 COLUMN 1 COLUMN 2 COLUMN 3 ASSIGNMENT OF NAME TO A RESERVE TRUST Greater Western Eugowra District Reserve No.: 72429. Area Health Hospital Reserve Public Purpose: Hospital. PURSUANT to Clause 4(3) of Schedule 8 to the Crown Lands Service. Trust. Notifi ed: 26 September 1947. Act 1989, the name specifi ed in Column 1 of the Schedules File No.: OE05 R 3/1. hereunder, is assigned to the reserve trust constituted as trustee of the reserve specifi ed opposite thereto in Column SCHEDULE 4 2 of the Schedules. COLUMN 1 COLUMN 2 COLUMN 3 Greater Western Blayney District Dedication No.: 590104. TONY KELLY, M.L.C., Area Health Hospital Reserve Public Purpose: Hospital site. Minister for Lands Service. Trust. Notifi ed: 2 February 1886. File No.: OE05 R 3/1. SCHEDULE 1 COLUMN 1 COLUMN 2 ESTABLISHMENT OF RESERVE TRUST Parkes District Hospital Reserve No.: 83660. PURSUANT to section 92(1) of the Crown Lands Act 1989, Reserve Trust. Public Purpose: Hospital the reserve trust specifi ed in Column 1 of the Schedule addition. hereunder, is established under the name stated in that Notifi ed: 5 January 1962. File No.: OE05 R 3/1. Column and is appointed as trustee of the reserve specifi ed opposite thereto in Column 2 of the Schedule. SCHEDULE 2 TONY KELLY, M.L.C., COLUMN 1 COLUMN 2 Minister for Lands Peak Hill Hospital Reserve Dedication No.: 590027. SCHEDULE Trust. Public Purpose: Hospital site. Notifi ed: 9 November 1904. COLUMN 1 COLUMN 2 File No.: OE05 R 3/1. Forbes District Hospital Dedication No.: 1000406. Reserve Trust. Public Purpose: Hospital addition. Notifi ed: 2 November 1945. Dedication No.: 590008. Public Purpose: Hospital. Notifi ed: 1 July 1890. File No.: OE05 R 3/1.


SYDNEY METROPOLITAN OFFICE Level 12, Macquarie Tower, 10 Valentine Avenue, 2150 (PO Box 3935, Parramatta NSW 2124) Phone: (02) 9895 7657 Fax: (02) 9895 6227

NOTIFICATION OF CLOSING OF ROAD SCHEDULE 3 IN pursuance of the provisions of the Roads Act 1993, the COLUMN 1 COLUMN 2 road hereunder specifi ed is closed and the road ceases to Land District: Windsor. The whole of Reserve 93228 be public road and the rights of passage and access that Council: Hawkesbury. comprising Lot 178, DP 752032, previously existed in relation to the road are extinguished. Parish: Ham Common. having an area of 4.047 hectares. County: Cumberland. TONY KELLY, M.L.C., Location: South Windsor. Minister for Lands Reserve No.: 93228. Purpose: For future public Descriptions requirements. Date of Notifi cation: 18 July 1980. Land District – Metropolitan; L.G.A. – Campbelltown. File No.: MN04 H 218. Lots l and 2, DP 1080514 at Raby, Parish Minto (Sheet 1), County Cumberland. APPOINTMENT OF TRUST BOARD MEMBERS File No.: MN03 H 188. PURSUANT to section 93 of the Crown Lands Act 1989, the persons whose names are specifi ed in Column 1 of the Notes: 1) On closing, title for the land in Lots 1 and 2 remain Schedule hereunder, are appointed for the term of offi ce vested in Campbelltown City Council as operational specifi ed thereunder, as members of the trust board for the land. reserve trust specifi ed opposite thereto in Column 2, which 2) The road is closed subject to the easement to drain has been established and appointed as trustee of the reserve water 1.5 wide and the easement for underground referred to opposite thereto in Column 3 of the Schedule. cables 1 wide as shown in DP 1080514. TONY KELLY, M.L.C., Minister for Lands REVOCATION OF RESERVATION OF CROWN SCHEDULE LAND COLUMN 1 COLUMN 2 COLUMN 3 PURSUANT to section 90 of the Crown Lands Act 1989, Hon. Michael Public Park No.: 500010. the reservation of Crown Land specifi ed in Column 1 of CLEARY, Sporting Complex Public Purpose: Public park. Susan CLEARY, Trust. Notifi ed: 10 November 1885. the Schedules hereunder, is revoked to the extent specifi ed Jeremy GILLING. File No.: MN80 R 279. opposite thereto in Column 2 of the Schedules. EX-OFFICIO MEMBERS TONY KELLY, M.L.C., General Manager, Minister for Lands Council of the City of Sydney SCHEDULE 1 or nominee. Director General, COLUMN 1 COLUMN 2 Department of Lands Land District: Metropolitan. The whole of Reserve 94122 or nominee. Council: Hornsby. comprising Lot 989, DP 752053, Director General, Parish: South Colah. having an area of 6614 metres Department of Gaming County: Cumberland. squared. and Racing or nominee. Location: Mount Ku-ring-gai. Chairman, Racing Facilities Reserve No.: 94122. Committee, Greyhound Purpose: For future public Racing NSW or nominee. requirements. Chairman, Date of Notifi cation: NSW Greyhound Breeders 19 December 1980. Owners and Trainers File No.: MN04 H 221. Association. Director, NSW Greyhound Breeders SCHEDULE 2 Owners and Trainers COLUMN 1 COLUMN 2 Association. Land District: Metropolitan. Part of Reserve 82462 Chairman, NSW National Coursing Council: Hornsby. comprising the whole of Lot Association Ltd. Parish: South Colah. 1000, DP 752053, having an County: Cumberland. area of 3313 metres squared. Term of Offi ce Location: Mount Ku-ring-gai. For a term of fi ve (5) years commencing from the date Reserve No.: 82462. of this notice. Purpose: For future public requirements. Note: The appointment of Peter William Mann as Date of Notifi cation: 8 April 1960. administrator of the Wentworth Park Sporting File No.: MN04 H 222. Complex Trust ceases the day preceding this notice.


TAREE OFFICE 98 Victoria Street (PO Box 440), Taree NSW 2430 Phone: (02) 6552 2788 Fax: (02) 6552 2816

NOTIFICATION OF CLOSING OF A ROAD ASSIGNMENT OF NAME TO A RESERVE TRUST IN pursuance of the provisions of the Roads Act 1993, the PURSUANT to Clause 4(3) of Schedule 8 to the Crown Lands road hereunder described is closed and the land comprised Act 1989, the name specifi ed in Column 1 of the Schedule therein ceases to be a public road and the rights of passage hereunder, is assigned to the reserve trust constituted as and access that previously existed in relation to the road are trustee of the reserve specifi ed opposite thereto in Column extinguished. 2 of the Schedule. TONY KELLY, M.L.C., TONY KELLY, M.L.C., Minister for Lands Minister for Lands

Description SCHEDULE Parish – Taree; County – Macquarie; COLUMN 1 COLUMN 2 Land District – Taree; Tuncurry Museum Reserve Reserve No.: 91224. Local Government Area – Greater Taree. (R91224) Trust. Public Purpose: Museum. Notifi ed: 11 August 1978. Road being Lots 1 and 2, DP 1081410. Parish: Tuncurry. File No.: TE04 H 176. County: Gloucester. File No.: TE80 R 455. Note: On closing, the land within the former road remains vested in Greater Taree City Council as operational land subject to easements to drain water and sewage ERRATUM created by DP 1081410. IN the notice appearing in Government Gazette No. 51 on the 6 May 2005 (Folio 1625), under the heading “ROADS ACT 1993” the description should read ”Crown public roads at Kendall being Raymond Street and Graham Street from Comboyne Street to the eastern boundary of Lot 2, section A, DP 5678”. TONY KELLY, M.L.C., Minister for Lands

WAGGA WAGGA OFFICE Corner Johnston and Tarcutta Streets (PO Box 60), Wagga Wagga NSW 2650 Phone: (02) 6937 2700 Fax: (02) 6921 1851

CORRECTION OF DEFECTIVE INSTRUMENT IN the Government Gazette dated 22 April 2005, Folio 1482, under the heading “NOTIFICATION OF CLOSING OF A ROAD” the note under the description of the roads closed in the Parish of Wantiool, County Bourke, should be amended by deleting “Lot 1, DP 1075881 and Lot 1, DP 1075882” and inserting instead “Lot 1, DP 1075881 and Lots 1 and 3 DP 1075882”. File No.: WA01 H 9.

NEW SOUTH WALES GOVERNMENT GAZETTE No. 61 1870 OFFICIAL NOTICES 27 May 2005 Department of Primary Industries

NSW Fisheries

FISHERIES MANAGEMENT ACT 1994 F03/4147 Section 8 Notifi cation – Fishing Closure FISHERIES MANAGEMENT ACT 1994 Coffs Harbour – Deep sea ocean outfall pipeline Section 8 Notifi cation – Fishing Closure Prawn Counts, Incidental Catch Ratios and Closure to I, IAN MACDONALD, prohibit the taking of fi sh by the methods of fi shing as described in Column 1 of the Schedule Commercial Prawning Nets – to this notifi cation, from the waters specifi ed in Column 2 I, RICHARD SHELDRAKE, prohibit commercial fi shers of that Schedule. taking or attempting to take, in Port Jackson, by any method, or possessing prawns taken by any method from Port Jackson, This prohibition is effective for a period of fi ve (5) years if after grading the prawns the number of prawns is greater from the date of publication of this notice, unless sooner than a count of 180 prawns per half kilogram (subject to varied or revoked by notifi cation of the Deputy Director- Condition 1). General, Agriculture and Fisheries. I also prohibit commercial fishers taking prawns by Note: The word ‘Regulation’, where appearing in this specifi ed methods and in specifi ed parts of Port Jackson if notification, refers to the Fisheries Management (subject to the conditions attached to this notifi cation): (General) Regulation 2002. 1. the District Fisheries Offi cer determines in writing IAN MACDONALD, M.L.C., that the specifi ed methods and specifi ed parts of the NSW Minister for Primary Industries estuary shall be temporarily closed, when any one of the following criteria is satisfi ed: SCHEDULE (a) the number of bream captured by any endorsed Coffs Harbour – Deep sea ocean outfall pipeline estuary prawn trawl fi sher per trawl net deployment regardless of duration equals fi fty (50) or more Column 1 Column 2 individuals per deployment, or Methods Waters (b) the number of prawns in the ungraded catch (ie. By method of Ocean waters adjacent to during or immediately after the catch is removed otter trawl net Boambee Beach, within the from the cod-end of the net), taken by any as prescribed by boundary commencing at a point endorsed estuary prawn trawl fi sher is greater clause 38 of the 30019.09566241’S and 1530 than a count of 150 prawns per half kilogram. regulations 08.0128049’E on Boambee Beach This prohibition is effective from the date of publication (approximately 1km south of for a period of fi ve (5) years, unless sooner varied or revoked Boambee Headland), then south by the Deputy Director-General, NSW Department of south east 0.19 nautical miles to Primary Industries (Agriculture and Fisheries). the point 30019.2320502’S and 1530 08.1590812’E, then south east R. F. SHELDRAKE, 0.6 nautical miles to a point 300 Deputy Director-General, 19.5707077’S and 1530 08.7425766’E, NSW Department of Primary Industries then south west approximately 100m to the point 30019.6156956’S Conditions: and 153008.7078844’E, then 1. The counts apply to prawns whether green or north west 0.61 nautical miles to a cooked. point 300 19.2735304’E and 1530 08.1183481’S, then north north west 2. The District Fisheries Offi cer is not authorised to approximately 0.19 nautical miles to make a determination regarding specified closed a point 300 19.1343999’E and 1530 waters unless fi rst consulting a joint NSW Department 07.9691728’S on Boambee Beach, of Primary Industries/industry working group that then approximately 100m generally has been formed for the purpose of overseeing the north east along the beach to the point implementation of prawn counts and incidental of commencement. catch levels that has been duly authorised to do so by the Deputy Director-General, Primary Industries Agriculture and Fisheries. 3. A closure made through a determination by the District Fisheries Offi cer takes effect when a notice is placed or caused to be placed in prominent locations on or adjacent to the waters to which the fi shing closure applies. The notice must clearly specify the date and location of the sample or inspection, the methods and/or waters that are closed and the period during which the closure applies.


4. A District Fisheries Offi cer may undertake samples catch levels that has been duly authorised to do so of prawns from waters closed under this notifi cation by the Deputy Director-General, Primary Industries using any method to determine the size of prawns and Agriculture and Fisheries. whether those waters, or parts thereof, should remain 3. A closure made through a determination by the District closed until the expiry of the closure or whether the Fisheries Offi cer takes effect when a notice is placed closure should be extended for a further period. or caused to be placed in prominent locations on or 5. For the purpose of taking samples as provided for in adjacent to the waters to which the fi shing closure condition 4 above, the District Fisheries Offi cer may applies. The notice must clearly specify the date and authorise a commercial fi sher to take samples within location of the sample or inspection, the methods the waters closed under this notifi cation on the District and/or waters that are closed and the period during Fisheries Offi cer’s behalf. which the closure applies. 4. A District Fisheries Offi cer may undertake samples of prawns from waters closed under this notifi cation F03/4147 using any method to determine the size of prawns and FISHERIES MANAGEMENT ACT 1994 whether those waters, or parts thereof, should remain closed until the expiry of the closure or whether the Section 8 Notifi cation – Fishing Closure closure should be extended for a further period. Prawn Counts, Incidental Catch Ratios and Closure to 5. For the purpose of taking samples as provided for in Commercial Prawning Nets – Hawkesbury River condition 4 above, the District Fisheries Offi cer may I, RICHARD SHELDRAKE, prohibit commercial fi shers authorise a commercial fi sher to take samples within taking or attempting to take, in the Hawkesbury River, by the waters closed under this notifi cation on the District any method, or possessing prawns taken by any method Fisheries Offi cer’s behalf. from the Hawkesbury River, if after grading the prawns the number of prawns is greater than a count of 180 prawns per half kilogram (subject to Condition 1). FISHERIES MANAGEMENT ACT 1994 I also prohibit commercial fishers taking prawns by FISHERIES MANAGEMENT (AQUACULTURE) specifi ed methods and in specifi ed parts of the Hawkesbury REGULATION 2002 River if (subject to the conditions attached to this Clause 37(3) – Notice of Granting of Class 1 Aquaculture notifi cation): Lease 1. the District Fisheries Offi cer determines in writing THE Minister has granted the following Class 1 Aquaculture that the specifi ed methods and specifi ed parts of the Lease: estuary shall be temporarily closed, when any one of the following criteria is satisfi ed: AL00/048 within the estuary of Tomaga River, having an area of 0.6372 hectares to Stefanos PASCHALIDIS of (a) the number of mulloway captured by any Batemans Bay NSW, for a term of 15 years expiring on 14 endorsed estuary prawn trawl fi sher per trawl net April 2020. deployment regardless of duration equals fi fty NICK RAYNS, (50) or more individuals per deployment, or Director, (b) the number of prawns in the ungraded catch (ie. Fisheries Management, during or immediately after the catch is removed Agriculture and Fisheries Division, from the cod-end of the net), taken by any NSW Department of Primary Industries endorsed estuary prawn trawl or estuary general fi sher is greater than a count of 180 prawns per half kilogram. FISHERIES MANAGEMENT ACT 1994 This prohibition is effective from the date of publication FISHERIES MANAGEMENT (AQUACULTURE) for a period of fi ve (5) years, unless sooner varied or revoked REGULATION 2002 by the Deputy Director-General, NSW Department of Primary Industries (Agriculture and Fisheries). Clause 39(4) – Notice of Aquaculture Lease Renewal R. F. SHELDRAKE, THE Minister has renewed the following Class 1 Aquaculture Deputy Director-General, Leases: NSW Department of Primary Industries OL74/231 within the estuary of Merimbula Lake, having an area of 2.3823 hectares to AQUACULTURE ENTERPRISES PTY LTD of Pambula NSW, for a term of Conditions: 15 years expiring on 22 September 2019. 1. The counts apply to prawns whether green or OL59/103 within the estuary of the Moruya River, having cooked. an area of 1.1079 hectares to Michael John TAYLOR of 2. The District Fisheries Offi cer is not authorised to Tuross Heads NSW, for a term of 15 years expiring on 11 December 2019. make a determination regarding specified closed waters unless fi rst consulting a joint NSW Department AL00/005 within the estuary of the Manning River, of Primary Industries/industry working group that having an area of 0.4938 hectares to POLSON OYSTERS has been formed for the purpose of overseeing the PTY LTD of Oxley Island, for a term of 15 years expiring implementation of prawn counts and incidental on 22 December 2019.


OL74/284 within the estuary of Wallis Lake, having an OL74/009 within the estuary of the Crookhaven area of 3.0137 hectares to POLSON OYSTERS OF PTY River, having an area of 0.7268 hectares to Christopher LTD of Oxley Island, for a term of 15 years expiring on LONESBOROUGH of Culburra Beach NSW, for a term of 1 December 2019. 15 years expiring on 9 July 2019. OL74/285 within the estuary of Wallis Lake, having an OL74/184 within the estuary of the Clyde River, having an area of 1.8556 hectares to POLSON OYSTERS PTY LTD of area of 0.3036 hectares to Terry Edward LUCAS and Joanne Oxley Island, for a term of 15 years expiring on 1 December Margaret LUCAS of Lilli Pilli NSW, for a term of 15 years 2019. expiring on 22 August 2019. OL58/150 within the estuary of the Manning River, having OL59/042 within the estuary of the Crookhaven River, an area of 6.3336 hectares to John William STONE and Doris having an area of 3.9961 hectares to Shirley ALLEN of Merle STONE of Mitchells Island NSW, for a term of 15 Greenwell Point NSW, for a term of 15 years expiring on years expiring on 26 May 2019. 5 April 2020. OL59/206 within the estuary of the Pambula River, having OL59/328 within the estuary of the Pambula River, an area of 0.3120 hectares to Allan Grant McINTYRE of having an area of 0.4681 hectares to Stuart Craig MANSON Lochiel NSW, for a term of 15 years expiring on 17 May of Pambula NSW, for a term of 15 years expiring on 30 2020. August 2019. OL72/320 within the estuary of Port Stephens, having an OL75/176 within the estuary of Port Stephens, having an area of 0.6424 hectares to Andrew ALDIS of Karuah NSW, area of 12.2765 hectares to Trevor HOLBERT and Dorothy for a term of 15 years expiring on 4 September 2018. HOLBERT of Salamander Bay NSW, for a term of 15 years expiring on 11 January 2021. OL82/075 within the estuary of the Macleay River, having an area of 0.3026 hectares to Mark SUTHERLAND OL74/174 within the estuary of the Pambula River, having of Seven Oaks NSW, for a term of 15 years expiring on 11 an area of 2.4703 hectares to Bruce Albert WHATMAN and October 2018. Mary Ellen WHATMAN of Pambula NSW, for a term of 15 years expiring on 13 January 2020. OL58/325 within the estuary of the Nambucca River, having an area of 0.4359 hectares to ROB ARMSTRONG NICK RAYNS, OYSTERS PTY LTD of Laurieton NSW, for a term of 15 Director, years expiring on 5 April 2020. Fisheries Management, Agriculture and Fisheries Division, OL60/035 within the estuary of the Bellinger River, NSW Department of Primary Industries having an area of 0.2775 hectares to THE WRIGHT OYSTER COMPANY PTY LTD of Raleigh NSW, for a term of 15 years expiring on 31 December 2019.

NEW SOUTH WALES GOVERNMENT GAZETTE No. 61 27 May 2005 OFFICIAL NOTICES 1873 Roads and Traffic Authority

ROADS ACT 1993 Notice Under Clause 17 of the Road Transport (Mass, Loading and Access) Regulation 1996 CONARGO SHIRE COUNCIL, in pursuance of Division 2 of Part 3 of the Road Transport (Mass, Loading and Access) Regulation 1996, by this Notice, specify the routes and areas on or in which Road Trains may be used subject to any requirements or conditions set out in the Schedule. PETER J. JORGENSEN, General Manager, Conargo Shire Council (by delegation from the Minister for Roads)

SCHEDULE 1. Citation This Notice may be cited as the Conargo Shire Council Road Train Notice No. 1, 2005. 2. Commencement This Notice takes effect from the date of the gazettal. 3. Effect This Notice remains in force until 31 December 2008, unless it is amended or repealed earlier. 4. Application 4.1 This Notice applies to Road Trains which comply with Schedule 1 to the Road Transport (Mass, Loading and Access) Regulation 1996 and Schedule 4 to the Road Transport (Vehicle Registration) Regulation 1998. 5. Routes Road Train routes within the Conargo Shire Council.

Type Road No. Road Name Starting Point Finishing Point Conditions RT 000 Moonbria Road “Euroka” 12km west Carrathool Road Seasonal approval to Carrathool Road – travel is only permitted during the months of November and December, and March, April and May. RT 000 Moonee Swamp Conargo Shire Hoads Road Road Boundary


ROADS ACT 1993 Notice Under the Roads Transport (Mass, Loading and Access) Regulation 1996 I, PAUL FORWARD, Chief Executive of the Roads and Traffi c Authority, in pursuance of the Road Transport (Mass, Loading, Access) Regulation 1996, make the amendment in the Schedule to the routes and areas previously specifi ed on or in which Road Trains may be used. PAUL FORWARD, Chief Executive, Roads and Traffi c Authority

SCHEDULE 1. Citation This Notice may be cited as the Roads and Traffi c Authority Road Train Notice No. 4/2005. 2. Commencement This Notice takes effect on the date of gazettal. 3. Effect This Notice remains in force until 31 December 2005, unless it is amended or repealed earlier. 4. Application This Notice applies to those Road Trains which comply with Schedule 1 of the Road Transport (Mass, Loading and Access) Regulation 1996 and Schedule 4 of the Road Transport (Vehicle Registration) Regulation 1998. 5. Routes Type Road No. Road Name Starting Point Finishing Point Conditions RT 007 Mitchell Highway, Manildra Street, Dandaloo Street, Narromine Narromine Narromine




Notice of Compulsory Acquisition and Dedication as Notice of Compulsory Acquisition of Land at Coolac Public Road of Land between Yerriyong and Sassafras in the Gundagai Shire Council area in the Shoalhaven City Council area THE Roads and Traffic Authority of New South Wales THE Roads and Traffic Authority of New South Wales by its delegate declares, with the approval of His by its delegate declares, with the approval of His Excellency the Lieutenant Governor, that the land Excellency the Lieutenant Governor, that the land described in the Schedule below is acquired by described in the Schedule below is acquired by compulsory process under the provisions of the Land compulsory process under the provisions of the Land Acquisition (Just Terms Compensation) Act 1991 for the Acquisition (Just Terms Compensation) Act 1991 for the purposes of the Roads Act 1993. purposes of the Roads Act 1993 and further dedicates the land as public road under Section 10 of the Roads T D Craig Act 1993. Manager, Compulsory Acquisition & Road Dedication Roads and Traffic Authority of New South Wales T D Craig ______Manager, Compulsory Acquisition & Road Dedication Roads and Traffic Authority of New South Wales SCHEDULE ______ALL that piece or parcel of Crown land situated in the SCHEDULE Gundagai Shire Council area, Parish of Coolac and County of Harden, shown as Lot 52 Deposited Plan ALL those pieces or parcels of land situated in the 1075653. Shoalhaven City Council area, Parishes of Tomerong, Yerriyong, Jerrawangala, Boolijah and Sassafras and (RTA Papers FPP 5M1548; RO 2/178.1570) County of St Vincent, shown as:

Lots 14, 16, 18 to 24 inclusive and 27 Deposited Plan ROADS ACT 1993 1075211; Order - Section 31 Lots 50, 53 to 58 inclusive 60, 62, 63, 69 and 85 Deposited Plan 1075869; and Fixing of Levels of part of the Newell Highway north of Parkes in the Parkes Shire Council area Lot 13 Deposited Plan 1070279, being part of the land in Reserve No 89959 for Public Recreation and Promotion The Roads and Traffic Authority of New South Wales, by of the Study and the Preservation of Native Flora and this Order under section 31 of the Roads Act 1993, fixes the Fauna notified in Government Gazette No 138 of 22 levels of part of State Highway No 17 – Newell Highway between 3.54 km to 10.62 km north of Parkes, as shown on October 1976 on page 4579. Roads and Traffic Authority Plan No 0017.353.RC.3684. The land is said to be in the possession of the Crown. PJ Dearden Project Services Manager ALSO all that piece or parcel of land situated in the Roads and Traffic Authority of New South Wales Shoalhaven City Council area, Parish of Sassafras and 51-55 Currajong Street County of St Vincent, shown as Lot 14 Deposited Plan Parkes NSW 2870 1070279 and said to be in the possession of the Crown and Ruth Mary Leahy (Crown licensee); (RTA Papers FPP 353.5357; RO 17/353.1261;3)

excluding any existing easements from the compulsory acquisition of the land listed above.

(RTA Papers FPP 5M1271; RO 404.1394)



Notice of Dedication of Land as Public Road at Willow Tree, Colly Creek and Fairview in the Liverpool Plains Shire Council area

THE Roads and Traffic Authority of New South Wales, by its delegate, dedicates the land described in the schedule below as public road under section 10 of the Roads Act 1993.

T D Craig Manager, Compulsory Acquisition & Road Dedication Roads and Traffic Authority of New South Wales ______


ALL those pieces or parcels of land situated in the Liverpool Plains Shire Council area, Parishes of Willow Tree, Loder and Quirindi, County of Buckland, shown as:

Lots 1 and 3 Deposited Plan 231334;

Lots 7 and 9 Deposited Plan 226641;

Lots 11 and 12 Deposited Plan 717777; and

Lots 1 to 5 inclusive Deposited Plan 527994.

(RTA Papers: FPP 5M1730; RO 260.5394)


APPRENTICESHIP AND TRAINEESHIP ACT Full-time 6 12 18 24 30 36 48 ORDER Traineeship Term mths mths mths mths mths mths mths I, IAN KINGSLEY, Commissioner for Vocational Training, in Weekly pursuance of section 5 of the Apprenticeship and Traineeship Nominal Term Required (Months) Act 2001, make the Order set forth hereunder. Hours IAN KINGSLEY, 15 15 30 45 Not Allowable Commissioner for Vocational Training 16 15 29 44 17 14 28 42

Commencement 18 14 27 41 1. This Order takes effect from the date of publication 19 13 26 39 in the NSW Government Gazette. 20 13 25 38 Amendment 21 12 24 36 48 2. The Apprenticeship and Traineeship Order is amended by: 22 12 23 35 46 (a) inserting in Schedule 2 in appropriate alphabetical 23 11 22 33 44 55 order the following vocation which is designated 24 11 21 32 42 53 as a recognised traineeship vocation for the purpose of the Apprenticeship and Traineeship 25 10 20 30 40 50 60 Act 2001: 26 10 19 29 38 48 57 Automotive Manufacturing. 27 9 18 27 36 45 54 72 28 9 17 26 34 43 51 68 APPRENTICESHIP AND TRAINEESHIP ACT 2001 29 8 16 24 32 40 48 64 Notice of Making a Vocational Training Order 30 8 15 23 30 38 45 60 NOTICE is given that the Commissioner for Vocational 31 Not 22 28 35 42 56 Training, in pursuance of section 6 of the Apprenticeship Allowable 32 20 26 33 39 52 and Traineeship Act 2001, has made the following Vocational Training Order in relation to the recognised traineeship (b) Competency Outcomes vocation of Automotive Manufacturing. Trainees will be trained in and achieve competence in Citation the units of competence specifi ed in the Automotive The order is cited as the Automotive Manufacturing Manufacturing Training package. Order. (c) Courses of Study to be undertaken Order Trainees will undertake the following course of A summary of the Order is given below. study: (a) Term of Training Certifi cate II in Automotive Manufacturing AUM 25101 (i) Full-time Training shall be given for a nominal term of: Availability for Inspection A copy of the Vocational Training Order may be inspected Qualifi cation Nominal Term at any State Training Centre of the NSW Department of Education and Training or on the Internet at http:// Certifi cate II 12 months or until achievement of the relevant competencies to this Vocational Training Order is demonstrated. CHARITABLE TRUSTS ACT 1993 (ii) Part-time Order Under Section 12 The nominal term for a part time traineeship Scheme Relating to the Reg Waite Award Trust is determined by the average weekly hours THE Reg Waite Award Trust was established in 1996 as a worked in the traineeship (including structured charitable trust for the promotion and encouragement of training) and the nominal full-time term for that education. The focus of the Award scheme was founded traineeship. on the late Mr Waite’s commitment to education, training The table below identifi es the allowable hours which and encouraging young people to fulfi l their potential and may be undertaken and the nominal terms for part-time to recognise the achievements of young Australians which traineeships. benefi ted the community as a whole. NEW SOUTH WALES GOVERNMENT GAZETTE No. 61 1878 OFFICIAL NOTICES 27 May 2005

The original Board of Governors agreed that more than 1997, do, by this my Order, declare the following area to be one award could be made each year and that the awards could an operational area for the purposes of Division 2 of Part 3 be funded from donations, sponsorship or other appropriate of that Act: means. However, the Trust Deed specifi es that only one award The Local Government Area of Orange. may be granted each year and that only the income of the trust fund be used for the provision of such award. This Order takes effect on 1 June 2005 and the declaration of the operational area remains in force until 31 January In 2004, the current Board of Governors became aware of 2006. the limitations of the original Deed, as drafted, in that it did not accurately refl ect the intentions of the original Board of Signed at Sydney, this 11th day of May 2005. Governors. The current Board of Governors, acting in good BOB DEBUS, M.P., faith, had since 1996 granted three awards per year, using Attorney General the entirety of donations for the payment of these awards. The current Board of Governors has put the payment of any further awards on hold until the Deed is amended to refl ect the intentions of the original Board of Governors, as it is CONTAMINATED LAND MANAGEMENT ACT 1997 not presently workable in practice and does not refl ect these Environment Protection Authority intentions. It is claimed that the current means provided by the Deed, that is, income only, are insuffi cient for the practical Declaration of Remediation Site application of the Trust Fund and its objectives. (Section 21 of the Contaminated Land Management Act 1997) The Trust has current assets of $51,558 and no known Declaration Number 21075; Area Number 3171 liabilities. THE Environment Protection Authority (EPA) declares The Trustees have submitted their proposed amendments the following land to be a remediation site under the to the Attorney General in a document entitled ‘Draft Trust Contaminated Land Management Act 1997 (“the Act”): Deed the Reg Waite Award Trust’. The proposed amendments 1. Land to which this declaration applies (“the site”) to the Deed would: Lots 3 and 4 in DP 12504 at 179-181 Mona Vale Road, • Extend the powers of the Board of Governors to allow St Ives. application of both capital and income of the Trust Fund 2. Nature of contamination affecting the site: to payment of expenses and the making of awards; The EPA has found that the soils and groundwater within • Extend the powers of the Board of Governors so that the land are contaminated with the following substances it can grant more than one award in a given year; and (“the contaminants”): • Provide for the current Board of Governors to be • Total petroleum hydrocarbons (TPH) replaced with a single corporate Trustee. • Benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene and xylenes (BTEX) I have formed the view that the Reg Waite Award Trust 3. Nature of harm that the contaminants has caused: is a trust for a valid charitable purpose. Although to vary the The EPA has considered the matters in s.9 of the Act and Trust Deed clauses as proposed may result in a signifi cant for the following reasons has determined that the site is diminishing of the Trust Fund (depending on the amount of contaminated in such a way as to present a signifi cant risk further donations received by the Trust Fund), I consider of harm to human health and the environment: that the proposed amendments would not be contrary to the objectives and purpose of the Trust. • Dissolved phase contaminants are present on the site in concentrations above relevant guidelines and are Therefore, pursuant to section 12(1)(b) of the Charitable indicative of phase-separated hydrocarbons (PSH). Trusts Act 1993, I hereby order that the Reg Waite Award PSH have previously been detected at the site. Trust Deed be amended by the Trustees in accordance with • The contaminants have migrated off-site in the past. the document entitled ‘Draft Trust Deed the Reg Waite Award • The source of the contaminants has not been removed Trust’. Such order is to take effect 21 days after its publication and there is the potential for off-site migration of the in the Government Gazette, in accordance with section 16(2) contaminants to recur. of the Charitable Trusts Act 1993. 4. Further action under the Act Date of Order: 18 May 2005. The making of this declaration does not prevent the M. G. SEXTON, SC, carrying out of a voluntary remediation of the site Solicitor General, and any person may submit a voluntary remediation under delegation from the Attorney General proposal for the site to the EPA. If the proposal satisfi es the requirements of s.26 of the Act, the EPA may agree not to issue a remediation order to the person or persons bringing the proposal. CHILDREN (PROTECTION AND PARENTAL RESPONSIBILITY) ACT 1997 5. Submissions invited The public may make written submissions to the EPA Order on: I, the Honourable BOB DEBUS, Attorney General of the • Whether the EPA should issue a remediation order in State of New South Wales, in pursuance of section 14(2) of relation to the site; or the Children (Protection and Parental Responsibility) Act • Any other matter concerning the site. NEW SOUTH WALES GOVERNMENT GAZETTE No. 61 27 May 2005 OFFICIAL NOTICES 1879

Submissions should be made in writing to: DISTRICT COURT ACT 1973 Director, Contaminated Sites, District Court of New South Wales Department of Environment and Conservation, PO Box A290, Direction Sydney South NSW 1232, PURSUANT to section 32 of the District Court Act 1973, I or faxed to (02) 9995 5930, direct that the District Court shall sit in its civil jurisdiction by not later than 24 June 2005. at the place and time shown as follows: Bathurst, 10:00 a.m., 21 November 2005 (2 weeks), in CAROLYN STRANGE, lieu of 28 November 2005 (1 week). Director, Contaminated Sites, Lithgow, 10:00 a.m., 29 August 2005 (1 week), sittings Department of Environment and Conservation cancelled – matters to be moved to Bathurst, 21 November 2005 (2 weeks). Dated: 20 May 2005. Dated this 19th of May 2005. R. O. BLANCH, NOTE: Chief Judge Remediation order may follow If remediation of the site or part of the site is required, the EPA may issue a remediation order under s.23 of the Act. FORESTRY ACT 1916 Revocation of a Timber Reserve Variation/Revocation This declaration may be varied by subsequent declarations. HER Excellency the Governor, with the advice of the It remains in force until it is otherwise revoked. A declaration Executive Council, on the recommendation of the Minister may only be revoked when the EPA does not have reasonable and with the concurrence of the Minister for Lands, directs it grounds to believe that land is contaminated in such as way to be notifi ed that, in pursuance of the provisions of section as to present a signifi cant risk of harm (s.44 of the Act). 22 of the Forestry Act 1916, the reserve from sale described hereunder shall be revoked and it is revoked accordingly. Information recorded by the EPA Dated: Sydney, 27 May, 2005. Section 58 of the Contaminated Land Management Act 1997 requires the EPA to maintain a public record. A copy IAN MACDONALD, M.L.C., of this remediation declaration will be included in the public Minister for Primary Industries record. SCHEDULE Information recorded by councils Land District of Cooma; Cooma-Monaro Council Area; Section 59 of the Act requires the EPA to give a copy of this South Coast Forestry Region. declaration to the relevant local council. The council is then required to note on its planning certifi cate issued pursuant Reserve No. 73027 from Sale for Timber, notifi ed 6 June to s.149 (2) of the Environmental Planning and Assessment 1958, Parish of Tinderry, County of Beresford, the balance Act that the land is currently within a remediation site. The having an area of about 395 hectares. (69192) EPA is required to notify council as soon as practicable when the declaration is no longer in force and the notation on the s.149 (2) certifi cate is no longer required. GEOGRAPHICAL NAMES ACT 1966 Relationship to other regulatory instrument PURSUANT to the provisions of section 10 of the Geographical This declaration does not affect the provisions of any Names Act 1966, the Geographical Names Board has this day relevant environmental planning instruments which apply to assigned the geographical names listed hereunder. the land or provisions of any other environmental protection Assigned Name: David Wood Sporting Fields. legislation administered by the EPA. Designation: Reserve. L.G.A.: Wingecarribee Shire Council. Parish: Mittagong. County: Camden. DISTRICT COURT ACT 1973 L.P.I. Map: Mittagong. District Court of New South Wales 1:100,000 Map: Burragorang 8929. Reference: GNB 5052. Direction

PURSUANT to section 173 of the District Court Act 1973, Assigned Name: Benoit Park. I direct that the District Court shall sit in its criminal Designation: Reserve. jurisdiction at the place and time shown as follows: L.G.A.: Blue Mountains City Council. Lismore, 10:00 a.m., 5 December 2005 (2 weeks). Parish: Magdala. County: Cook. Dated this 18th day of May 2005. L.P.I. Map: Springwood. R. O. BLANCH, 1:100,000 Map: Penrith 9030. Chief Judge Reference: GNB 5038. NEW SOUTH WALES GOVERNMENT GAZETTE No. 61 1880 OFFICIAL NOTICES 27 May 2005

Assigned Name: Philippa OLeary Park. Assigned Name: Rangihou Reserve. Designation: Reserve. Designation: Reserve. L.G.A.: Hornsby Shire Council. L.G.A.: Parramatta City Council. Parish: South Colah. Parish: Field of Mars. County: Cumberland. County: Cumberland. L.P.I. Map: Hornsby. L.P.I. Map: Parramatta River. 1:100,000 Map: Sydney 9130. 1:100,000 Map: Sydney 9130. Reference: GNB 5039. Reference: GNB 5051. The position and the extent for these features are recorded Assigned Name: James Ridley Park. and shown within the Geographical Names Register of New Designation: Reserve. South Wales. This information can be accessed through the L.G.A.: Blacktown City Council. Board’s Web Site at Parish: Prospect. WARWICK WATKINS, County: Cumberland. Chairperson L.P.I. Map: Prospect. 1:100,000 Map: Penrith 9030. Geographical Names Board, Reference: GNB 5041. PO Box 143, Bathurst NSW 2795.

Assigned Name: Mittigar Reserve. HERITAGE ACT 1977 Designation: Reserve. L.G.A.: Blacktown City Council. Direction Pursuant to Section 34(1)(a) to List an Item on Parish: Rooty Hill. the State Heritage Register County: Cumberland. Tulkiyan L.P.I. Map: Riverstone. SHR No. 1733 1:100,000 Map: Penrith 9030. Reference: GNB 5045. IN pursuance of section 34(1)(a) of the Heritage Act 1977, I, the Minister Assisting the Minister for Infrastructure and Planning (Planning Administration), having considered a Assigned Name: Albert Hutchinson Reserve. recommendation of the Heritage Council of New South Designation: Reserve. Wales, direct the Council to list the item of environmental L.G.A.: Sutherland Shire Council. heritage specifi ed in Schedule “A” on the State Heritage Parish: Sutherland. Register. This listing shall apply to the curtilage or site of County: Cumberland. the item, being the land described in Schedule “B”. L.P.I. Map: Port Hacking. 1:100,000 Map: Port Hacking 9129. Dated: Sydney, 15th day of May 2005. Reference: GNB 5044. DIANE BEAMER, M.P., Minister Assisting the Minister for Infrastructure Assigned Name: Henry Curtis Reserve. and Planning (Planning Administration) Designation: Reserve. L.G.A.: Baulkham Hills Shire Council. SCHEDULE “A” Parish: Field of Mars. The item known as ‘Tulkiyan’ at 707 Pacifi c Highway, County: Cumberland. Gordon, and its movable heritage collection (as specifi ed L.P.I. Map: Hornsby. in the Tulkiyan Inventory, July 2003, prepared by Museum 1:100,000 Map: Sydney 9130. Planning Services Australia) situated on the land described Reference: GNB 5047. in Schedule “B”.

Assigned Name: Rorie Reserve. SCHEDULE “B” Designation: Reserve. All those pieces or parcels of land known as Lot 3, section L.G.A.: Bankstown City Council. 1, DP 3267, in the Parish of Gordon, County of Cumberland, Parish: Bankstown. shown on the plan catalogued HC 2004 in the offi ce of the County: Cumberland. Heritage Council of New South Wales. L.P.I. Map: Botany Bay. 1:100,000 Map: Sydney 9130. Reference: GNB 5048. HERITAGE ACT 1977 Direction Pursuant to Section 34(1)(a) to List an Item on Assigned Name: Nallawilli Reserve. the State Heritage Register Designation: Reserve. Rosebank L.G.A.: Holroyd City Council. SHR No. 1729 Parish: St John. County: Cumberland. IN pursuance of section 34(1)(a) of the Heritage Act 1977, I, the Minister Assisting the Minister for Infrastructure and L.P.I. Map: Prospect. Planning (Planning Administration), having considered a 1:100,000 Map: Penrith 9030. recommendation of the Heritage Council of New South Reference: GNB 5050. Wales, direct the Council to list the item of environmental NEW SOUTH WALES GOVERNMENT GAZETTE No. 61 27 May 2005 OFFICIAL NOTICES 1881 heritage specifi ed in Schedule “A” on the State Heritage Library, , Ulladulla. The Bimberamala plan Register. This listing shall apply to the curtilage or site of may also be viewed at the Batemans Bay Library, Hanging the item, being the land described in Schedule “B”. Rock Place, Batemans Bay and the Narrawallee Creek plan may also be viewed at the Lake Conjola Post Offi ce, Carroll Dated: Sydney, 17th day of May 2005. Avenue, Lake Conjola. The plans are also on the NPWS DIANE BEAMER, M.P., website: Minister Assisting the Minister for Infrastructure Written submissions on these plans must be received by and Planning (Planning Administration) The Planning Offi cer, National Parks and Wildlife Service, South Coast Region, PO Box 707, NOWRA NSW 2541, by SCHEDULE “A” 29 August 2005. The item known as ‘Rosebank’, situated at 17 Speed All submissions received by NPWS are a matter of public Street, Liverpool, on the land described in Schedule “B”. record and are available for public inspection upon request to NPWS. Your comments on this draft plan may contain SCHEDULE “B” information that is defi ned as “personal information” under All those pieces or parcels of land known as Lot 1, DP the NSW Privacy and Personal Information Protection Act 567283, in Parish of St Luke, County of Cumberland, shown 1998. The submission of personal information with your on the plan catalogued HC 1991 in the offi ce of the Heritage comments is voluntary. Council of New South Wales.

NSW DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND HERITAGE ACT 1977 CONSERVATION Direction Pursuant to Section 34(1)(a) to List an Item on Notice of Exhibition of the Draft Large Forest Owl the State Heritage Register multi species Recovery Plan Hampton Villa THE Department of Environment and Conservation hereby SHR No. 1725 gives notice of the exhibition of the Draft Large Forest Owl IN pursuance of section 34(1)(a) of the Heritage Act 1977, (Powerful Owl, Sooty Owl and Masked Owl) Recovery Plan. I, the Minister Assisting the Minister for Infrastructure and Public submissions are invited from 27 May 2005 to 8 July Planning (Planning Administration), having considered a 2005. Exhibition details will be published on 27 May 2005 recommendation of the Heritage Council of New South in the Sydney Morning Herald, and on the 1 June 2005 in Wales, direct the Council to list the item of environmental the Land Newspaper. heritage specifi ed in Schedule “A” on the State Heritage GRAHAM WILSON, Register. This listing shall apply to the curtilage or site of Manager, the item, being the land described in Schedule “B”. Biodiversity Management Unit, Environment Protection and Regulation Division Dated: Sydney, 6th day of April 2005. DIANE BEAMER, M.P., Minister Assisting the Minister for Infrastructure PARENTS AND CITIZENS’ ASSOCIATIONS and Planning (Planning Administration) INCORPORATION ACT 1976 SCHEDULE “A” Incorporation of Parents and Citizens’ Associations The item known as Hampton Villa, situated at 12B Grafton The following associations are hereby incorporated under the Street, Balmain, on the land described in Schedule “B”. Parents and Citizens’ Associations Incorporation Act 1976. 1. Banora Point High School SCHEDULE “B” 2. Barrington Public School All those pieces or parcels of land known as Lot C in 3. Blayney Public School Deposited Plan 398936, in Parish of Petersham, County of 4. Collector Public School Cumberland, shown on the plan catalogued HC 1978 in the offi ce of the Heritage Council of New South Wales. 5. Conservatorium High School 6. Edgeworth Heights Public School 7. Ferncourt Public School NATIONAL PARKS AND WILDLIFE ACT 1974 8. Fingal Head Public School Bimberamala National Park 9. Gulgong High School Narrawallee Creek Nature Reserve 10. Karuah Public School Plans of Management 11. Katoomba Public School DRAFT plans of management for Bimberamala National Park 12. Marsden Park Public School and Narrawallee Creek Nature Reserve have been prepared 13. Minmi Public School and are on exhibition until 29 August 2005. 14. Mount Hutton Public School Copies of the plans are available free of charge from 15. Penrith Public School the NPWS South Coast Region Offi ce at 55 Graham Street, Nowra and at the NPWS Ulladulla Area Offi ce at 9 Coller 16. Petersham Public School Road, Ulladulla. Both plans may be viewed at the Ulladulla 17. Taren Point Public School NEW SOUTH WALES GOVERNMENT GAZETTE No. 61 1882 OFFICIAL NOTICES 27 May 2005

18. Tarrawanna Public School A. It proposes to raise an amount of $2,652,500 by way of 19. Tenambit Public School river management service charges levied on land within its area of operations. 20. Queanbeyan Public School 21. Warialda Public School B. It classifi es land for the purposes of levying service charges according to the same factors on which current 22. Wollongong West Public School classifi cations of each parcel of land are made by, and CARMEL TEBBUTT, M.L.C., appear in records of, the Sydney Water Corporation. Minister for Education and Training C. It levies river management service charges on the basis of a fl at rate for all land of a particular classifi cation except that, in respect of industrial and commercial land larger PARLIAMENTARY REMUNERATION ACT 1989 than 1.000 hectare in area, the river management service PURSUANT to section 11(2) of the Parliamentary charges relate to the area of the land. Remuneration Act 1989, I direct that the date for completion D. It levies service charges at rates set out in the following by the Parliamentary Remuneration Tribunal of the 2005 schedule: Annual Determination of the additional entitlements of Members of the Parliament of New South Wales be extended 1. Industrial and Commercial Land; being all parcels to on or before 30 June 2005. of land with an industrial, commercial or residential/ commercial mixed development superior property Dated 25th May 2005. type classifi cation in records held by Sydney Water: (Justice) M. WALTON, The amount in respect of any such land shall be $80.83 Acting President, provided that in respect of any land: Industrial Relations Commission (a) used as the site of two or more strata units, the of New South Wales amount shall be $40.42 in respect of each strata unit; (b) between 1.000 hectares and 10.000 hectares in RETENTION OF TITLE area, the amount shall be $405.58; HER Excellency the Governor, by deputation of Her Majesty (c) between 10.001 hectares and 50.000 hectares in the Queen, has been pleased to approve of the retention of area, the amount shall be $2,432.90; the title “Honourable” by Justice Charles Simon Camac (d) between 50.001 hectares and 100.000 hectares in SHELLER, A.O., following his retirement from judicial area, the amount shall be $5,586.67; offi ce on 1 May 2005. (e) over 100.000 hectares in area, the amount shall be $8,108.90. SPORTING INJURIES INSURANCE ACT 1978 2. Residential Land; being all parcels of land with the Order of Declaration under Section 5 residential superior property type classifi cation in records held by the Sydney Water Corporation: IN pursuance of section 5 of the Sporting Injuries Insurance The amount in respect of any such land shall be $32.58 Act 1978, I declare be this order the DRAGONHUNTERS provided that in respect of any land used as the site of DRAGON BOAT CLUB to be a sporting organisation, for two or more strata units or fl ats, the amount shall be the purposes of the provisions of the Act, in respect of the $16.28 in respect of each strata unit or fl at. activity of Dragon Boating. 3. Vacant Land; being all parcels of land with a Dated: Sydney, 27th April 2005. vacant land or occupied land superior property type Jon Blackwell, classifi cation in records held by Sydney Water: Chairperson, The amount in respect of any such land shall be Sporting Injuries Committee $16.28 PLEASE NOTE that river management service charges WATER MANAGEMENT ACT 2000 will not apply to any land described in Schedule 4 to the Water Management Act 2000. SCHEDULE 1 Dated at Castle Hill on this 8th day of April 2005. Upper Parramatta River Catchment Trust The Seal of the Upper Parramatta ) R. JUNOR River Management Service Charges River Catchment Trust was affi xed ) Member (as defi ned in Section 310 (1)(g) of the on the above date pursuant ) Water Management Act 2000) to a resolution of the Trust in the ) THE Upper Parramatta River Catchment Trust, in pursuance presence of 2 Members whose ) A. EZZY of section 315 of the Water Management Act 2000 and signatures are opposite hereto. ) Member in accordance with the Water Supply Authorities (Upper Parramatta River Catchment Trust) Regulation 2000, do hereby make the following determination in respect of the Trust’s charging year commencing 1 July 2005.


LEGAL PROFESSION ACT 1987 LEGAL PRACTITIONERS ADMISSION RULES 1994 BY decision of the Legal Practitioners Admission Board, the following amendments are made: Amend rule 98(1)(b) to read as follows: “has attained the age of 30 years; and has completed either 7 years service as a New South Wales government, or government related, employee performing legal services or 15 years service in courts administration in New South Wales; and has undertaken in writing to the Board that if granted any exemption under this rule, he or she will practise, as either a barrister or a solicitor, only within the Public Service of New South Wales until he or she has completed 5 years of such practice”. In rule 98(3): Insert after “may”, the words “, subject to any conditions it may consider appropriate,”. In rule 98(4): Delete the words “shall pass, before making an application for admission as a legal practitioner,” and insert in lieu “shall, before making an application for admission as a legal practitioner, complete coursework and pass”. In the Third Schedule: Add, after “$500”, the line “Photocopying - up to two pages $1”. In the First Schedule: Delete form 17 and insert the following in lieu –


Legal Application for Practitioners Practical training exemption Form 17 Admission pursuant to rule 98 Board N.B. The contents of this form may be disclosed to Law admitting authorities and Law regulatory bodies

Applicant surname given names 1 full name

2 address

3 phone home ( ) bus ( ) fax home ( ) bus ( )

4 Application This application is made pursuant to rule 98(1) insert (a) or (b) category 5 Previous If previously admitted provide details and attach copy of certificate of admission jurisdiction date of admission admission

6 Previous If practical training course completed in another jurisdiction provide details and attach original certificate of completion and official course description practical institution date of completion training

7 Documents in In this section, tick the boxes which denote the elements of practical training from support of which you seek exemption. In relation to each element, state on A4 pages the basis application of your request for exemption and provide any supporting documentation. SKILLS AND PRACTICE AREAS TICK IF EXEMPTION IS SOUGHT

SKILLS 1 Lawyer’s Skills 2 Problem Solving 3 Work Management and Business Skills

PRACTICE AREAS 4 Civil Litigation Practice 5 Commercial and Corporate Practice 6 Property Law Practice 7 Administrative Law Practice OR Criminal Law Practice OR Family Law Practice 8 Consumer Law Practice OR Employment and Industrial Relations Practice OR Planning and Environmental Law Practice OR Wills and Estate Practice

To the best of my knowledge and belief all the information in or appended to this 8 Declaration application is accurate. of applicant signed date For Rule 98 and lodgement and processing details see over


Department of Commerce


Information in relation to the Department of Commerce proposed, current and awarded tenders is available on:

NEW SOUTH WALES GOVERNMENT GAZETTE No. 61 1886 PRIVATE ADVERTISEMENTS 27 May 2005 PRIVATE ADVERTISEMENTS COUNCIL NOTICES maximum load limit of three tonnes (3) on the entire length of Spurway Street, Ermington (between Silverwater Road GOULBURN MULWAREE COUNCIL and Parramatta River). Roads Act 1993, Section 10 It should be noted that this load limit does not apply to Dedication of Land as Public Road buses, or to commercial vehicles in excess of the limit, THE Goulburn Mulwaree Council hereby gives notice that (a) wishing to gain access to properties in the road pursuant to section 10 of the Roads Act 1993, that the land defi ned above and, described in the Schedule below is to be dedicated as public (b) which must use the street and there being no other road. Dated at Goulburn this 21st day of January 2005. street to gain access to the desired street. DON COOPER, A/General Manager, Goulburn Mulwaree A period of twenty eight (28) days from the date of this Council, Civic Centre, 184 -194 Bourke Street, Goulburn notice is allowed for persons to lodge a written objection NSW 2580. to the proposal to impose a load limit. Telephone enquiries should be directed to Council’s Traffi c Engineer on 9806 SCHEDULE 5769. J. NEISH, General Manager, Parramatta City Council, Lot 2 in Deposited Plan 1048428. [1297] PO Box 32, Parramatta NSW 2124. [1309]

HAWKESBURY CITY COUNCIL TAMWORTH REGIONAL COUNCIL Roads Act 1993, Section 10 Roads Act 1993, Section 162 Dedication of Land as Public Road Roads (General) Regulation 2000, Part 2, Division 2 NOTICE is hereby given that pursuant to section 10 of the Naming of Public Roads Roads Act 1993, Hawkesbury City Council dedicates land NOTICE is hereby given that in pursuance of the above owned by Council as described in the Schedule below, as mentioned Act and Regulation the roads created by public road. The subject land is situated at West Portland the subdivision DA0092/2005 (Lot 411, DP 728359, 2 Road, Lower Portland. G. FAULKNER, General Manager, Manilla Road, Oxleyvale NSW 2340), have been named as Hawkesbury City Council, PO Box 146, Windsor NSW follows. 2756.

SCHEDULE Lot 3 in Deposited Plan 244270. [1290]

NORTH SYDNEY COUNCIL Roads Act 1993, Section 162 Re-naming of Public Road NOTICE is hereby given that North Sydney Council, in pursuance of section 162 of the Roads Act 1993, has re-named the following public road: Location New Name That section of the public road May Gibbs (formerly Barry Street) at Neutral Place. Bay, Parish of Willoughby, County of Cumberland, which extends between Military Road and Cheal Lane, adjoining Lot 1, DP 595866. G. INGLIS, General Manager, Tamworth Regional Authorised by resolution of the Council on 14th February Council, PO Box 555, Tamworth NSW 2340. [1294] 2005. PENNY HOLLOWAY, General Manager, Council Chambers, 200 Miller Street, North Sydney NSW 2060. [1296]

PARRAMATTA CITY COUNCIL Light Traffi c Thoroughfare Naming of Roads Spurway Street, Ermington AT Councils Ordinary Meeting on Monday, 21st March 2005, THE Council hereby advises that pursuant to Roads Act 1993 Council approved to re-name the road Loopline Road to and in accordance with the authority delegated to it by the Stonequarry Creek Road. If you require further information Roads and Traffi c Authority of NSW, it proposes to impose a please contact Councils GIS/Projects Officer, Michael Hingley, in Council’s Corporate and Community Services


Division on (02) 4677 1127. LES McMAHON, General Manager, Wollondilly Shire Council, 62-64 Menangle Street, Picton NSW 2571. [1292]

WYONG SHIRE COUNCIL Naming of Roads in Subdivision NOTICE is hereby given that in accordance with Part 162.1 of the Roads Act 1993, as amended, Council has named the road shown hereunder: Location Name Lot 10, DP 1048173, Minnesota Burra Court. Road, Hamlyn Terrace. No objections to the proposed names were received within the prescribed period of time. K. YATES, General Manager, Wyong Shire Council, PO Box 20, Wyong NSW 2259. [1306]

QUEANBEYAN CITY COUNCIL Local Government Act 1993 Sale of Land for Overdue Rates NOTICE is hereby given to the persons named hereunder that the Council of the City of Queanbeyan has resolved in pursuance of section 713 of the Local Government Act 1993, to sell the land described hereunder (of which the persons named appear to be the owners or in which they appear to have an interest) and on which the amount of rates and charges states in each as at 2nd March 2005, is due:

Owner or person having Description of the Land (Lot, Section Amount of Interest Amount of Interest Total an interest in the land Deposit Plan and Street address rates and accrued all other accrued charges on amount rates and on amount overdue for in charges in more than Column (c) due and column (e) 5 years in errears (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g)

Margaret Anne McDONALD Lot 5, SP 52344, 5/29 Mowatt Street, $1,761.10 $376.31 $4,348.76 $752.32 $7,238.49 Queanbeyan

Arduino ROSIN, Laurel F. Lot 28, DP 242927, 45 Pindari Crescent, $4,769.79 $573.20 $9,515.19 $2,790.72 $17,648.90 ROSIN and STATE BANK of Karabar NSW LTD

Carmen Lois HARTNELL and Lot 3, SP 41055, 3/73 Tharwa Road, $564.90 $254.95 $4,787.75 $1,294.76 $6,902.36 PERPETUAL TRUSTEES Letchworth AUSTRALIA LTD

Maria Teresa DANIELE and Lot 329, DP 807613, 21 Ritchie Place, $840.37 $40.45 $6,805.53 $1,140.59 $8,826.94 STATE BANK of NSW LTD Letchworth

Ana MARTINOVIC, Lot 392, DP 241203, 51 Southbar Road, $3,839.85 $650.51 $9,064.95 $2,671.65 $16,226.96 Nedeljka MARTINOVIC and Karabar COMMONWEALTH BANK OF AUSTRALIA

Cameron BENNETT, Deborah Lot 98, DP 749035, 22 Crest Park Parade, $3,340.83 $1,253.40 $11,697.65 $3,378.25 $19,670.13 BENNETT and STATE BANK Letchworth of NSW LTD

Freda MAROTZEK and Lot 12, DP 12746, 99 Cooma Road, Karabar $10,346.73 $1,105.73 $6,279.52 $3,833.52 $21,565.50 Renee L. MAROTZEK

Josef WETZEL and Lot 1, SP 37206, 1/24 Carrington Street, $1,127.30 $133.45 $5,394.98 $1,144.33 $7,800.06 PERMANENT TRUSTEE CO Dodsworth LTD

Micheal LAWLER, Annette Lot1165, DP 239180, 22 Oleria Street, $1,180.44 $72.80 $6,801.19 $1,069.72 $9,124.15 LAWLER and ABORIGINAL Karabar DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION


Owner or person having Description of the Land (Lot, Section Amount of Interest Amount of Interest Total an interest in the land Deposit Plan and Street address rates and accrued all other accrued charges on amount rates and on amount overdue for in charges in more than Column (c) due and column (e) 5 years in errears (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g)

Graham Gordon WEARNE Lot 4, SP 22057, 4/63 MacQuiod Street, $1,478.75 $37.85 $5,124.09 $1,386.47 $8,027.16 Dodsworth

Barry BEAUVAIS, MLC LIFE Lot 18, SP 20920, 18/13 Carinya Street, $1,112.82 $31.25 $5,288.44 1446.48 $7,878.99 LIMITED, NRMA BUILDING Queanbeyan SOCIETY Offi cial Trustee in Bankruptcy

Thuy Ngoc Thanh BUI, Duy Lot 434, DP 841860, 14 Maloney Street, $3,058.00 $1,438.66 $7,465.02 $2,667.04 $14,628.72 Tuong LE and ST GEORGE Letchworth BANK LTD

Peter R. LEESON, Kim T. Lot 67, DP 1001509, 79 Iron Bark Circuit, $1,487.10 $0.00 $11,366.39 $2,365.87 $15,219.36 LEESON and PERPETUAL Jerrabomberra TRUSTEES AUSTRALIA LTD

Peter H. VAN DEN HEUVAL, Lot24, DP 12658, 18 McIntosh Street, $1,109.21 $0.00 $7,471.74 $1,849.96 $10,430.91 Elizabeth VAN DEN HEUVAL Queanbeyan and PERPETUAL TRUSTEES AUSTRALIA LTD

John William LIPPITS and Lot 420, DP 841860, 11 McCrae Street, ST GEORGE BANK LTD Letchworth $2,490.85 $1,146.09 $7,665.50 $2,098.38 $13,400.82

Est W. F. JOHNSTON Lot 114, DP 32640, 30 Kathleen Street, $3,058.00 $1,438.66 $7,465.02 $1,426.68 $13,388.36 Queanbeyan

Radomir IVETIC and Lot 151, DP 816316, 6 Baden Place, Karabar $693.52 $42.55 $9,004.66 $1,750.74 $11,491.47 NATIONAL AUSTRALIA BANK LTD

William Robert BLUNDELL Lot 25, section B, DP 7255, 141 Collett Street, $4,864.84 $769.20 $7,485.60 $3,766.71 $16,886.35 and Jacqueline BLUNDELL Queanbeyan

Dean William MARTIN and Lot 8, DP 261127, 2 McInnes Place, Karabar $941.30 $540.25 $10,533.69 $2,108.51 $14,123.75 PERPETUAL TRUSTEES VICTORIA LTD

$240,479.38 In default of payment to the Council of the amount stated in column (g) above and any other rates ( including extra charges) becoming due and payable after publication of this notice, or any arrangement satisfactory to the Council for payment of such rates being entered into by the rateable person before the time fi xed for the sale, the said land will be offered for sale by Public Auction at Queanbeyan City Council Chambers, Crawford Street, Queanbeyan on Saturday, 27th August 2005, commencing at 10:00 a.m. GRAHAM TAYLOR, General Manager, Queanbeyan City Council, PO Box 90, Queanbeyan NSW 2620. [1295]


Local Government Act 1993, Section 713 Sale of Land for Overdue Rates and Charges NOTICE is hereby given to the person(s) named hereunder that Wollondilly Shire Council has resolved, in pursuance of section 713 of the Local Government Act 1993, to sell the land described hereunder of which the person(s) named are known to the Council to be the owner(s) or to have interest in the land on which the amount of rates and charges stated in each case, as at 19th May 2005, is due:

Owner(s) or person(s) Description of the land Amount of Amount of Total having interest in the land rates and charges all other rates ($) (including extra and charges charges) overdue (including extra for more than charges) payable fi ve (5) years and unpaid ($) ($) (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) Keith James SMALL and Lot C, DP 343444, 10 Werriberri Road, 6294.28 6427.36 12721.64 Kathleen Jean LANGDOWN Orangeville, Parish of Camden, County of Weromba. Diane SANDERSON Lot 1-2, section 2, DP 7898, 7-9 Mervyn 399.90 2937.49 3337.39 Street, East Yerranderie, Parish of The Peaks, County of Westmoreland. Richardo THOMPSON and Lot 1, DP 871091, Mervyn Street, East 637.99 3319.03 3957.02 Diane Louise SANDERSON Yerranderie, Parish of The Peaks, County of Westmoreland. Richardo THOMPSON and Lot 8, DP 5194, Yerranderie Street, 587.99 3077.06 3665.05 Diane Louise SANDERSON Quigtown, Parish of The Peaks, County of Westmoreland. Richardo THOMPSON and Lot 2, DP 871091, Mervyn Street, East 1110.82 3267.20 4378.02 Diane Louise SANDERSON Yerranderie, Parish of The Peaks, County of Westmoreland. In default of payment to the Council of the amount stated in column (e) above and any other rates (including extra charges), becoming due and payable after publication of this notice, or an arrangement satisfactory to the Council for payment of all such rates being entered into by the rateable person, before the time fi xed for the sale, the said land will be offered for sale by public auction by Mr S. C. Gurner, Licensed Auctioneer, at the Wollondilly Shire Council’s Administration Centre, 62-64 Menangle Street, Picton, on Saturday, 3rd September 2005, at 10:00 a.m. LES McMAHON, General Manager, Wollondilly Shire Council, Administration Centre, 62-64 Menangle Street, (PO Box 21), Picton NSW 2571. [1291]

ESTATE NOTICES IN the Supreme Court of New South Wales, Equity Division, Notice of intended distribution of estate.–Any person having NOTICE of intended distribution of estate.–Any person any claim upon the estate of DIANA DUNNETT GREEN, having any claim upon the estate of JUNE MOREEN TAME, late of “Greentrees”, Scone Road, Merriwa, in the State of late of 34/19A Tusculum Street, Potts Point, in the State of New South Wales, who died on 16th October 2004, must New South Wales, home duties, who died on 10th December send particulars of his claim to the executor, c.o. Lobban 2004, must send particulars of his/her claim to the executor, McNally Lawyers, Level 3, 65 York Street, Sydney NSW Leon Robert Tame, c.o. Low Doherty & Stratford, Solicitors, 2000, within one (1) calendar month from publication of 9 Campbell Street, Blacktown NSW 2148, within one (1) this notice. After that time the assets of the estate may be calendar month from publication of this notice. After that time the assets of the estate may be conveyed and distributed conveyed and distributed having regard only to the claims of having regard only to the claims of which at the time of which at the time of conveyance or distribution the executor distribution the executor has notice. Probate was granted in has notice. Probate was granted in New South Wales on 30th New South Wales on 17th May 2005. LOW DOHERTY & March 2005. LOBBAN MCNALLY LAWYERS, Level 3, STRATFORD, Solicitors, 9 Campbell Street (PO Box 147), 65 York Street, Sydney NSW 2000 (DX 471, Sydney), tel.: Blacktown NSW 2148 (DX 8109, Blacktown), tel.: (02) (02) 9299 8438. [1308] 9622 4644. [1293]


COMPANY NOTICES the purpose of laying before the meeting the liquidator’s fi nal account and report and giving any explanation thereof. Dated NOTICE of meeting of members.–F A PAGE PTY LIMITED, this 25th day of May 2005. PHILLIP R. ESCOTT, Liquidator, ACN 000 112 112 (in liquidation).–Notice is hereby given c.o. Escott Aston, Chartered Accountants, 291 Belmore Road, that pursuant to section 509 of the Corporations Law, the fi nal Riverwood NSW 2210, tel.: (02) 9534 5733. [1312] meeting of the abovenamed company which is in voluntary liquidation will be held at 52 Osborne Street, Nowra, on 27th June 2005, commencing at 11:00 a.m., for the purpose OTHER NOTICES of laying before the meeting the accounts showing how the winding up of the company has been conducted and how the Form 2 property of the company has been disposed of and giving CHURCHES OF CHRIST IN NEW SOUTH WALES an explanation of the accounts. Dated this 27th day of May INCORPORATION ACT 1947 2005. D. JAMES, Liquidator, c.o. Booth Partners, Certifi ed Registration Certifi cate No. 143 Practising Accountants, 52 Osborne Street (PO Box 1055), IN accordance with the provisions of Part V of the above Nowra NSW 2541, tel.: (02) 4421 4344. [1298] Act, the Church of Christ at Rouse Hill named Rivergum Community Church having complied with the requirements NOTICE of application for winding up order in the of the said Act and made application for registration under Supreme Court of New South Wales No. 2552 of 2005.–S the said Act and such application having been duly approved P CONSULTING PTY LIMITED, ACN 077 512 282.–1. A by the Churches of Christ Property Trust it is hereby certifi ed proceeding for the winding up of S P Consulting Pty Limited, that the said Church of Christ has been registered under the ACN 077 512 282, was commenced by the plaintiff, Fitness above Act as a church entitled to the benefi ts of the said Act. Equipment Finance Pty Ltd, ACN 067 489 365, on 20th April Dated at Sydney this 9th day of May 2005. PETER DIXON, 2005 and will be heard by the Supreme Court of New South Registrar. [1299] Wales at Law Courts Building, Queens Square, Sydney at 11:00 a.m., on 7th June 2005. Copies of documents fi led may Form 2 be obtained from the plaintiff’s address for service. 2. The plaintiff’s address for service is c.o. Lazarus Tomko Lawyers, CHURCHES OF CHRIST IN NEW SOUTH WALES Level 4, 171 Clarence Street, Sydney NSW 2000 (DX 13069, INCORPORATION ACT 1947 Sydney Market Street). 3. Any person intending to appear at Registration Certifi cate No. 145 the hearing must fi le a notice of appearance, in accordance IN accordance with the provisions of Part V of the above with the prescribed form, together with any affi davit on which Act, the Church of Christ at Mt Druitt named the House of the person intends to rely, and serve a copy of the notice and Hope Christian Community (a Church of Christ) having any affi davit on the plaintiff at the plaintiff’s address for complied with the requirements of the said Act and made service at least 3 days before the date fi xed for the hearing. application for registration under the said Act and such Dated: 23rd May 2005. Name of plaintiff’s legal practitioner: application having been duly approved by the Churches of JOHN GRAHAM TOMKO, c.o. Lazarus Tomko Lawyers, Christ Property Trust it is hereby certifi ed that the said Church Level 4, 171 Clarence Street, Sydney NSW 2000 (DX 13069, of Christ has been registered under the above Act as a church Sydney Market Street). [1307] entitled to the benefi ts of the said Act. Dated at Sydney this 9th day of May 2005. PETER DIXON, Registrar. [1300] NOTICE of voluntary liquidation.–TARSAMBA PTY LTD, ACN 001 715 297 (in liquidation).–Notice is hereby Form 2 given pursuant to section 491(2) of the Corporations Law CHURCHES OF CHRIST IN NEW SOUTH WALES that at a meeting of members of the abovenamed company INCORPORATION ACT 1947 held on 23rd May 2005, the following special and ordinary resolutions respectively were passed: “That the company be Registration Certifi cate No. 146 wound up as a members voluntary liquidation and that the IN accordance with the provisions of Part V of the above Act, assets of the company may be distributed in whole or in part the Church of Christ at New Lambton Heights named The to the members in specie should the liquidator so desire” and Heights Family Church of Christ having complied with “That Brent Antony Perkins be appointed liquidator of the the requirements of the said Act and made application for company”. Notice is also given that creditors having claim registration under the said Act and such application having against the company should furnish particulars of that claim been duly approved by the Churches of Christ Property Trust to the liquidators within 28 days of this date, otherwise it is hereby certifi ed that the said Church of Christ has been distributions of the assets will take place without regard to registered under the above Act as a church entitled to the such claims. Dated 23rd May 2005. BRENT A. PERKINS, benefi ts of the said Act. Dated at Sydney this 9th day of May Liquidator, c.o. Crosbie Warren Sinclair, Accountants, Box 2005. PETER DIXON, Registrar. [1301] 29, Hunter Region Mail Centre NSW 2310, tel.: (02) 4923 4000. [1310] Form 2 CHURCHES OF CHRIST IN NEW SOUTH WALES NOTICE of meeting of members.–A A GLENN INCORPORATION ACT 1947 MECHANICAL REPAIRS PTY LIMITED, ACN 000 745 Registration Certifi cate No. 147 326 (in liquidation).–Notice is hereby given that pursuant to section 509 of the Corporations Act 2001, the fi nal meeting IN accordance with the provisions of Part V of the above Act, of members of the abovenamed company will be held at the the Church of Christ at Tamworth having complied with offi ces of Escott Aston, Chartered Accountants, 291 Belmore the requirements of the said Act and made application for Road, Riverwood, on the 27th June 2005, at 10:00 a.m., for registration under the said Act and such application having

NEW SOUTH WALES GOVERNMENT GAZETTE No. 61 27 May 2005 PRIVATE ADVERTISEMENTS 1891 been duly approved by the Churches of Christ Property Trust CHURCHES OF CHRIST IN NEW SOUTH WALES it is hereby certifi ed that the said Church of Christ has been INCORPORATION ACT 1947 registered under the above Act as a church entitled to the Members of Churches of Christ Property Trust benefi ts of the said Act. Dated at Sydney this 21st day of May 2005. PETER DIXON, Registrar. [1302] At the conference of the Churches of Christ in New South Wales held at Sydney on the 21st day of May 2005, an election of members of the Churches of Christ Property Form 4 Trust pursuant to section 15(3) of the above Act was held in CHURCHES OF CHRIST IN NEW SOUTH WALES accordance with the provisions of the above Act INCORPORATION ACT 1947 and RICHARD NEIL COWDERY of 8 Yarralumla Registration of Trustees – Certifi cate No. 163 Avenue, St Ives IN accordance with the provisions of Part V of the above and ANDREW CHRISTOPHER BILLING of 4 Mount Act, the Church of Christ at the House of Hope Christian Street, Hurlstone Park Community (a Church of Christ) having made application were appointed as members of the Churches of Christ for the registration of the Churches of Christ Property Trust Property Trust. as Church Trustee under section 27 of the said Act and having done all things necessary for such registration it is hereby As the result of such appointment, the following persons certifi ed that the Church Trustee of the said Church of Christ comprise and are registered as the Churches of Christ as from the date of this certifi cate is the Churches of Christ Property Trust under the said Act namely: Property Trust. Dated at Marrickville this 9th day of May JAMES RAYMOND ASHLEY of Unit 24, 47 Woniora 2005. PETER DIXON, Registrar. [1303] Road, Hurstville, DAVID ANDREW BENTLEY of 20 Geneva Place, Form 4 Engadine, CHURCHES OF CHRIST IN NEW SOUTH WALES ANDREW CHRISTOPHER BILLING of 4 Mount Street, INCORPORATION ACT 1947 Hurlstone Park ROBERT MALCOLM BROADY of 11 Gordon Street, Registration of Trustees – Certifi cate No. 164 Caringbah, IN accordance with the provisions of Part V of the above RICHARD NEIL COWDERY of 8 Yarralumla Avenue, Act, the Church of Christ at The Heights Family Church St Ives, of Christ having made application for the registration of PETER GRAEME DIXON of 32 Grove Street, the Churches of Christ Property Trust as Church Trustee Marrickville. under section 27 of the said Act and having done all things necessary for such registration it is hereby certifi ed that the Dated at Marrickville this 23rd day of May 2005. PETER Church Trustee of the said Church of Christ as from the date DIXON, Registrar. [1305] of this certifi cate is the Churches of Christ Property Trust. Dated at Marrickville this 9th day of May 2005. PETER DIXON, Registrar. [1304]


Authorised to be printed ISSN 0155-6320 ROBERT J. GALLAGHER, Government Printer.