Date: Monday, July 15, 2013

Location: Annacis Room

Time: 4:15 - 4:45 pm

Presentation: Steven Lan, Director of Engineering

Background Materials:

Memorandum from the Director of Engineering dated July 9, 2013. i. MEMORANDUM

The Corporation of Delta Engineering

To: Mayor and Council

From: Steven Lan, P.Eng., Director of Engineerin g

Date: July 9, 201 3

Subject: Council Workshop: Pattullo Bri dge Replacement

File No.: 1220·20/PATT

CC: George V. Harvi e, Chief Administrative Officer

TransLink recently completed the initial round of public consultation sessions in and Surrey to solicit feedback from the public on the . A number of alternative crossings were developed for three possible corridors:

1. Existing Pattullo Bridge Corridor 2. Sapperton Bar Corridor • New crossing located east of the existing Pattullo Bridge that would provide a more direct connection between Surrey and Coquitlam 3. Tree Island Corridor • New crossing located west of the existing Pattullo Bridge that would essentially function as an alternative to the

Based on the initial screening work that has been undertaken, six alternatives have been identified for further consideration:

1. Pattullo Bridge Corridor - Rehabilitated Bridge (3 lanes) 2. Pattullo Bridge Corridor - Rehabilitated Bridge (4 lanes) 3. Pattullo Bridge Corridor - New Bridge (4 lanes) 4. Pattullo Bridge Corridor - New Bridge (5 lanes) 5. Pattullo Bridge Corridor - New Bridge (6 lanes) 6. Sapperton Bar Corridor - New Bridge (4 lanes) coupled with Rehabilitated Pattullo Bridge (2-3 lanes)

Options involving a new bridge are based on the implementation of user based charges (tolls) to help pay for the bridge upgrades.

Additional consultations are scheduled for the Fall of 2013 and Winter of 2014. The Corporation of Delta Eng ine ering Subject: Council Workshop: Pattullo Bridge Replacement Page 2 of 2 File No : 1220-20/PATT

Staff are seeking Council direction to send a letter (Attachment A) to TransLink to voice objections to any crossing involving the Tree Island Corridor. The use of this corridor to establish a new crossing will likely cause a significant increase in traffic across the and .

As well, that TransLink be requested to include a specific evaluation on the possible traffic impacts to Highway 91, Alex Fraser Bridge and key east-west MRN roads in North Delta based on the six shortlisted alternatives and the proposed tolling of any new bridge crossing.

Should you have any questions, please contact me 604-946-3299. l (fLe

Steven Lan, P. Eng., Director of Engineering


Attachments: A. Draft Letter to TransLink B. PowerPoint Presentation

f:\eng\2013 docs\gwb\memos\pattull o bridge rep lacement\pattu ll o bridge replacement rev sl. docx Attachment A Page 1 of 1

July 16, 2013

Ian Jarvis, CEO TransLink #400-287 Nelson's Court New Westminster, BC V3L OE7

Dear Mr. Jarvis, I " '11, I , .1 Re: Pattullo Bridge Replacement 1'1 Delta Council considered the replacement d~tions for the Pattullo Bridge and the three l corridors proposed in the recent public con ~ u, ltations. Delta would n0t support alternatives involving the Tree Island alignment, given the potential increase in traffic across the Alex Fraser Bridge and North Delta. I I"; III II, III, I , Also, we request that TransLink include, prior to the ne~t round of public consultation, a specific evaluation on the possible tr9fficlri,'pacts to High,way 91, Alex Fraser Bridge, and k~y east-west .Maj~ ' ~ II ~oad Netwd r~ ,road.S i h ll riJq ,~h Delta pased on t~e six shortllsted alternatlves,'andlnthe proposed toiling, ofl an~ new bndge crossing. II "Id' '" I "I' I ' I! ii' i 'I III!I I illl ' I If you have any questions regar~Hng our request, please do not hesitate to contact my office directly at 604 -g~\6 -11 321 0 d r l mayor@d'~ lta.ca. " , I I 11'1 I' ",' , I! I I I I I' 1111'lll/'llilllll'lIIl'II' II I '111' 111 II , Iii ' I , ,II " 1111 I ' "II! II1I Yours truly "I" 11 . 'illlll ' '111 1: 1'1 Ii '1111111 ./ll,ililli I Illilil 'il II I: ,I :' 1 . 111111111 11 ' 111 LOIS E. Jacksonillll'i, ' II1I Mayor I" II In,

,11111 I cc: Delta Council 11.,1 George V. Harvie, Chief Administrative Officer Steven Lan, Director of Engineering Attachment B Page 1 of 4

Pattullo Bridge Rep lacement L-

Consu ltation Process

Fall-Wioter 20 12

Public Input: Fall 2013 (anticipated October)

Public Input: \\'Ioter 20 14 (antici pated Jdnuar0

1 Attachment B Page 2 of 4

[!oad Pricing (T~

• TransLink's policy is that any replacement structure be funded through road pricing • The Pattullo Bridge replacement options involving new bridges are proposed to be tolled • This may impact travel patterns if the Alex Fraser Bridge becomes the only free alternative

L...... _~~A~li _g_nment Alternatives J

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2 Attachment B Page 3 of 4

[ 6 OPt i~ shortlisted

The crossing options on the existing corridor are: 1) a rehabilitated 3 lane Pattullo Bridge 2) a rehabilitated 4 lane .Pattullo Bridge 3) a new 41ane bridge 4) a new 5 lane bridge 5) a new 6 lane bridge

The crossing option on the Sapperton Bar corridor: 6) a new 4 lane bridge together with a rehabilitated 2 or 3 lane Pattullo Bridge.

[ Tree Island Alternative ]

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3 Attachment B Page 4 of 4

Next steps

• Staff are seeking Council direction to send a letter to TransLink to voice objections to any crossing involving the Tree Island Corridor. • TransLink be requested to include a specific evaluation on the possible traffic impacts to Highway 91, Alex Fraser Bridge, and key east-west M RN roads in North Delta based on the six shortlisted alternatives and the proposed tolling of any new bridge crossing
