U.S. Geological Survey Bulletin 1324-A

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U.S. Geological Survey Bulletin 1324-A Changes in Stratigraphic Nomenclature by the U.S. Geological Survey, 1969 By GEORGE V. COHEE, ROBERT G. BATES, and WILNA B. WRIGHT CONTRIBUTIONS TO STRATIGRAPHY GEOLOGICAL SURVEY BULLETIN 1324-A UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE, WASHINGTON : 1970 CONTENTS Page Listing of nomenclatural changes .... ... .... A1 Age and stratigraphic relations of Amchitka, Banjo Point, and Chitka Point Formations, Amchitka Island, Aleutian Islands, Alaska, by W. J. Carr, W. D. Quinlivan, and L. M. Gard, Jr . ... .......... 16 Amchitka Formation ..... .............. ....... ... ...... .... 16 Banjo Point and Chitka Point Formations .. .... ------ ................. 18 Age . .......................................... ............. .................................... 19 Caesars Head Quartz Monzonite in the Western Carolina Piedmont, by Jarvis B. Hadley and Arthur E. Nelson .. ... .. - . - - 23 Metadiabase sills in Negaunee Iron-Formation south of Negaunee, Mich., by J. E. Gair and G. C. Simmons . ......... ....... - ... ............ 24 Tracy sill .................................... - . ....... ...........-..--.--- 26 Summit Mountain sill ..................... .... ................................................... 26 Partridge Creek sill ................. .... ............. ........... .............................. 28 Suicide sill ..................... .... ............................... ........................... 29 The Osprey Formation (Pleistocene) and its Tower Creek Gravel Member, Yellowstone National Park, by Kenneth L. Pierce, Robert L. Chris- tiansen, and Gerald M. Richmond ..... ............ ...... ........... ... --.-.- 30 Osprey Formation .. ....... .... ................ ............................................. 30 Basalt member ......................................................................................... 31 Tower Creek Gravel Member ........... ..... .... ...... .. ...................... 32 Age ........ ................................................................................................... 34 Selected references . ... .............................. .... .. ...................................... 34 ILLUSTRATIONS Page FIGURE 1. Geologic sketch map of Amchitka Island, Alaska .................... A17 2. Map showing distribution of middle Precambrian metadiabase sills south of Negaunee, Mich.. ................. ...... 25 3. Columnar sections of middle Precambrian metadiabase sills in Negaunee Iron-Foundation . ....... ... ... .............. 27 4. Index map of the northern part of Yellowstone National Park showing areas underlain by Osprey Formation .......... 31 5. Type section of Tower Creek Gravel Member.......................... 33 III IV CONTENTS TABLES Page TABLE 1. Distribution of Foraminifera in the Amchitka, Gunners Cove, and Banjo Point Formations, Amchitka and Rat Islands, Alaska ........ ..... ........................ ............................................. A19 2. Pollen and spores from Amchitka Island, Alaska ............ ........ 21 3. Potassium-argon dates on rocks from Amchitka Island, Alaska . ... .... ... ... .. ... .. ..... .. .... .... 22 CONTRIBUTIONS TO STRATIGRAPHY CHANGES IN STRATIGRAPHIG NOMENCLATURE BY THE U.S. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY, 1969 By GEORGE V. COHEE, ROBERT G. BATES, and WILNA B. WRIGHT LISTING OF NOMENCLATURAL CHANGES In the following table, stratigraphic names adopted, revised, reinstated, or abandoned are listed alphabetically. The age of the unit, the revision, and the area involved, along with the author's name and date of publication of the report, are given. The pub­ lications in which the changes in nomenclature were made are listed in the references at the end of this publication. The capital­ ization of age terms in the age column follows official usage. Al A2 CONTRIBUTIONS TO STRATIGRAPHY 111 1 < -g 3 .2 * ~t """ ^ O ? 3 S -w to 'qj 1* CS CS 01 .2? s s * 'c"M §'^ ^ 1 ' '3 . £ S jj F-i^ » & 3 £ "SoTS CO S r Cfl jfl ^ _ ^" ' .x-s ' ^ Q -w 13 O ft pa C cc U eg 01 Ol ' ' . S -X "oi c o g & 05 u o cfi 3 "33 o membeltoa t- of(ascending Sundelius,196 Mioceneto paperngcorr; U5 embers(ascen andothers,iy removedfrom (Briggs,1969 Formation.us hangedfrom s!!ls owsher(1941) EarlyGretato basalmember Dnnell,1969.) Sundelius,19 Ol member.ipper w tc 13 ai^J BerkeleyGri lateEoceneD ^ O K >-< 1969.).nt, § fe g.2 . ^ ^ ta «J3Q 01 1969.) £ ^"SrfB o ^35 , £ g i 111 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 J 1 ! ! III! IM n ,3 11 .sslllallflsslllila ill 1 sll-glalS |s|ll 11 <j ^ << < ^ )^ <2<2<j^papa^ P^P- « P5 i d : g 8 | 8 j 'x 'x 1 o | | i a> v a S S s c S S 1 J 1o 1 .£ j a PH "o 01 01 j 01 z "z ~ ^ « i £5 ?H .2 0 < fc O_ c« "w <J - - 1 = S J s. s * 'S *3 i ^- C cd nj eg C Jr ft s £ * 'c S 1 U $ % t £ * IX eg | rt a c -S £ 1 1 0 Oi Oi 01 .* a* ** "c C 0 .£ C g B O 0 !> i- r-H C 0 0 01 I- 1 1 t> ct rt >: i i X -+. | _[.c « 5 ">> 5 + 5 i 5 5 5 1 is -2 £ 1t 'E ^ t- a 3 S 3 a 0 C 0 ' | | B £ g I s .s C 52| ? =2 < ^ t/1 ^ » £ fc ^ M C O P o 1 ^5 01 j 01 d B i 01 Q u o> o j 13 cfl C ta 25 i M ' S «, « L.J Pi O « W 3 * Pt ^ ^ PI a> & < O O fl c ^ o * * S 'oi 0 «" _o ||| I §p| S a, ° ° S " * B B g £ « S ^ | > fe!«g 1 -3^-3 P 4 g E 5 1 I. a rt * 1 c. >> T r ^?O« ^ K °.b 2-S i moo .2 ^^ pw 'O M 'O ki T; ,c IM ._ . ^H ^< -*JH. "C._ s rs a s rt s *3 s W C £ a E- W W W J S S (X PH PH -. W W £ ;Pn E 01 <H a> ' <« : *o ^ j J, JL o "c"o S o ^ o o i Q "^ S PH ^ ! * ' ^ S £ ^ "r2 ^ C_J C ^H U, *H X ca a! W ",2ai*a I* H O S o O c aJ o a? -CM ' .g.a »£ ^I.'o ^^ ^ ^ ° ^. : ^^ s-^rls'Eo £ st s^3 i gs 1 .^£^7 ^£ § | pfigfcSS^H'-SSS ^ S3 S »5? '8-5.2* "£2 r< aZ o a a. ^ S o *i ' S ~ie fc 53 I"'S«a«'S--o g'S-J .2 £ *Hi;i'?>sSft-sgEslg-gll^ft o Pft a & -ss|2js~ ic3 i-ifcHIs? IH£s ^l||l 5P5-fi;S " ^ '° v S ^gfeS-^cl^S^g ^ o^^.-S «^ 3«£=ft« w - "§ S * 1 * a. W -W^ J i;S o^^c | "S.S^ I^^JSOH^SlI 3 * 0 1 3 i 1i|S&'S||g-SS-s , l^^-l S^gg :l.a's^|-S2 < < < <i) <<<) <>< <!?« pa pa pa pa « pa « pa pa « CHANGES IN STRATIGRAPHIC NOMENCLATURE A3 o o; e ft a "tj Ol O P S 3 ^ a H ~G rt £ M Ol V 11 S « i"n? fiu to-S ^a-" '"<u § _ 'S S u >^ ^ ->-J Q; i-H a ° S 00 o 1 P as a 'S2 o *> V to S S 3 _c A Ol TS .0 aS«J « s| o £ B 1-1 3 . 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(Briggs,1969.) mation. 1 C S s S <" . extended pa<u -B- - wssa 3 S 15 5111 ^ ^ 22 T3 3 S S 1 " . - £ _ "H D ft 1968.)rs, 55 0 3 3 C a -2 -^ > co _o MS S-s S^i ^ 967.) lyby.j " O -u '5 V g Js^ SS i cd o , i ^r O ' £> CU "^ O^fcH 3 *p« £ FormaButte «" "2 T3 ra U* JS - u fi V M J i!"§ <u S JH s 2 c ^ §^S g B rt o -- e J3 S £ «iS « Islrfl ^1|| H C n o 01 > O T3 f r-c rt V Cu Iw fi J3 sL S 3 3 rX O W SO 2 >^ a> 4J aj .5 _ i i ^ _ a; _ h c ^' g'SgJPH g CU Q; ""^ 3 *> * 3J 'Q " <u D .s .; _£; rt ^j w i o g l~ S « Mrt g-0 ° rt S M Mi M M M pa pa Pa PC 5 P3 <ij o pa < (J " pa < o o c o I C i i | .2 >. ! 0) i ! 8 X rt O 0) ^ ! T3 S 0 ' S ' ' ">. rt ^ C ' o rt ; 2 1 .« ° 0 ^ rt I PH § rt i P 1 1 § & 1 M - «2 rt I "id 1 1 1 c d'S ~ S B 1 fe fi ^g -*Js ^« ^3 C \ 3 aJ 1* flj * * ° PH * > a! B s. a S IIw o Idaho,Mo ming. Arizona.. " ^1 5f c "B > i rt "^ 1*12 V % C £ 0) 8i a;S 1c. s ^ -0 ' rt i > 2.1 ° Jl <U -O 'a £ ^ ** -tJ 4- _c tJ "^ ' 5 -5 j ! | TTfah $ 1 8 £ c 0 § * « § 1 i ^ ^ 5 * W g 0 w 0 S i ^ 1 1 01 i i ; a c ! .2 'prt 1 is i 'S ^ ! 1 S O i Q C3 ^ --. e «> F >/ e- rt S m B « : 3 c F .2 -2 -^ -Si 0) 3 _a PM cd 1 1 Devonia ly Ovrlovini!o § - 'c > .SJ So Middi orly Devoniane C ° c i ! a 1 ^ f- 1 ld a S > -2 S S 5 C c 1 -2 " j S 1 -§ c 1 i ' 0 g C SJ >H <U 5 « ,§ ! C o S| | ^ £ o p 3 >. >1 D v ': PH £ -£ ; 1 ' S 3 ° > a; rt v i a >. j.? "^ rt c8 o rt o u K S "t rt -^ >^ a! * >H rt *3 "o H H i- hJ !-] PH PH W t & S S C i tJ ^2 P- K 2 S W S i- > ^ i t> S -g s rt ' c 0i ! r< 0) .
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