AssumesAssumes a a0.223" 0.223" spine spine thethe onlyonly knownknown exampleexample ofof WilliamWilliam HenryHenry Jackson’sJackson’s largestlargest andand greatestgreatest masterpiecemasterpiece openopen here here to to reveal reveal the the full full panorama panorama AA.. JJ.. RRuusssseelll,, UUnniitteedd SSttaatteess MMiilliittaarryy RRaaiillrrooaadd AAllbbuumm MMaaggnniiffiicceenntt BBooookkss && PPhhoottooggrraapphhss 1199tthh C Ceennttuurryy R Raarree B Booookk & & P Phhoottooggrraapphh S Shhoopp CCAATTAALLOOGGUUEE 1 17755 19th Century Rare Book & Photograph Shop CATALOGUE 175 Prices in U.S. dollars: 2 Washington $450,000 6 Secret Service 150,000 10 Vesalius 575,000 14 Watson to Crick two items 45,000 16 Watson and Crick 92,500 18 Lincoln 95,000 20 Russell Civil War 550,000 26 Wild West 150,000 30 Herzl POR 32 James 75,000 34 King James Bible 300,000 36 Carroll 48,000 38 Newton 850,000 40 Crane sold 42 Whitman 270,000 44 Whitman 68,000 46 Paine 250,000 48 Federalist 450,000 50 Milton 175,000 52 Jefferson 35,000 54 Boone 48,000 56 Shakespeare 190,000 58 Joyce 100,000 60 Miller 20,000 62 Bellow 35,000 64 Alabama 25,000 66 Columbus POR 72 Blackstone 68,000 74 Apollo 11 30,000 76 Jackson San Francisco 850,000 446 Kent Avenue, Penthouse A, Brooklyn, New York 11249 USA 10400 Stevenson Road, Suite 100, Stevenson, Maryland 21153 USA tel. 410.602.3002 • fax. 410.602.3006 • www.19thshop •
[email protected] Magnificent Books & Photographs “San Francisco is gone. Nothing remains of it but memories.” Catalogue 175 – Jack London after the 1906 earthquake Provenance: Isabelle Haynes, daughter-in-law (1878) and the James Flood mansion (1886) to its right are both Prints mounted side by side formed panoramas, but This enormous view, extending to six and one-half of Yellowstone photographer F.