Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Sarjana Sastra in English Letters

By MARCELIUS TOMY PASKALIS Student Number: 144214089





Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Sarjana Sastra in English Letters

By MARCELIUS TOMY PASKALIS Student Number: 144214089




A Sarjana Sastra Undergraduate Thesis


By MARCELIUS TOMY PASKALIS Student Number: 144214089

Approved by

Sri Mulyani Ph.D. September 6, 2018 Advisor


A Sarjana Sastra Undergraduate Thesis




By MARCELIUS TOMY PASKALIS Student Number: 144214089

Defended before the Board of Examiners on September 17, 2018 and Declared Acceptable


Name Signature Chairperson : Sri Mulyani Ph.D ______Secretary : Maria Ananta S.S., M.Ed ______Member 1 : Dr. Tatang Iskarna, M.Hum ______Member 2 : Sri Mulyani Ph.D ______Member 3 : Maria Ananta S.S., M.Ed ______

Yogyakarta, September 28, 2018 Faculty of Letters Sanata Dharma University Dean

Dr. Tatang Iskarna, M.Hum




I certify that this undergraduate thesis contains no material which has been previously submitted for the award of any other degree at any university, and that, to the best of my knowledge, this undergraduate thesis contains no material previously written by any other person except where due reference is made in the text of the undergraduate thesis

Yogyakarta, August 28, 2018

Marcelius Tomy Paskalis




Yang bertanda tangan di bawah ini, saya mahasiswa Universitas Sanata Dharma Nama : Marcelius Tomy Paskalis Nomor Mahasiswa : 144214089

Demi pengembangan ilmu pengetahuan, saya memberikan kepada Perpustakan Universitas Sanata Dharma karya ilmiah saya yang berjudul

SUCCESSFUL LIFE OF FORREST GUMP AS THE RESULT OF HIS AND JENNY CURRAN’S DEFENSE MECHANISMS IN ROBERT ZEMECKIS’ FORREST GUMP MOVIE beserta perangkat yang diperlukan (bila ada). Dengan demikian saya memberikan kepada Perpustakaan Universitas Sanata Dharma hak untuk menyimpan, mengalihkan dalam bentuk media lain, mengelolanya dalam bentuk pangkalan data, mendistribusikan secara terbatas, dan mempublikasikannya di internet atau media lain untuk kepentingan akademis tanpa perlu meminta ijin kepada saya maupun memberikan royalty kepada saya selama tetap mencantumkan nama saya sebagai penulis.

Demikian pernyataan ini saya buat dengan sebenarnya.

Dibuat di Yogyakarta Pada tanggal 28 Agustus 2018

Yang menyatakan,

Marcelius Tomy Paskalis



“Doing nothing gives me great pleasure. And believe me, I succeed wonderfully in it.” -Steven Patrick Morrissey-







At the very first, I would like to thank God for giving me the chance to complete my thesis, because of His mercy and support, I could finish my thesis and pass my study. Second, I would like to express my gratitude to my advisors

Sri Mulyani Ph.D. and Maria Ananta S.S., M.Ed for their guidance and encouragement throughout my undergraduate thesis process. I would also like to give my gratitude to Drs. Hirmawan Wijanarka, M.Hum. for giving me advice and helping me with my thesis format. My appreciation also goes to Dr. Tatang

Iskarna, M.Hum. for being my examiner and gave me advice for completing this thesis. Lastly my appreciation goes to all the lecturers and staffs from English

Letters Department and Sanata Dharma University that have given me the knowledge and shared experiences.

I would also like to give gratitude to my parents for raising me and supporting me, also my brother and sister for supporting me. My gratefulness would also be given to all of my friends especially my closest friends: Theo Augusta Soesanto,

Bayu Kusuma, Brandon Benedict Ngandianto Lim, Fazlurrahman Adiputra,

Rityasiwi Gita, Aldorio Petra, Daniel Jerry Christian and Kevin Teddy for giving me advice and support for me in my time of needs.

Marcelius Tomy Paskalis





CHAPTER I: INTRODUCTION ...... 1 A. Background of the Study ...... 1 B. Problem Formulation ...... 4 C. Objectives of the Study ...... 4 D. Definition of Terms ...... 5 CHAPTER II: REVIEW OF LITERATURE ...... 6 A. Review of Related Studies ...... 6 B. Review of Related Theories ...... 12 1. Theory of Character and Characterization ...... 12 2. Theory of Psychoanalysis and Defense Mechanism ...... 15 3. Filmmaking Technique ...... 18 C. Theoretical Framework ...... 22 CHAPTER III: METHODOLOGY ...... 24 A. Object of the Study ...... 24 B. Approach of the Study ...... 24 C. Method of the Study ...... 25 CHAPTER IV: ANALYSIS ...... 26 A. Characteristics of Forrest Gump and Jenny Curran ...... 26 1. Characteristics of Forrest Gump ...... 27 2. Characteristics of Jenny Curran ...... 40 B. The Influence of Forrest Gump‘s and Jenny Curran‘s Characteristics Toward Their Defense Mechanisms ...... 46 C. The Influence of Forrest Gump‘s and Jenny Curran‘s Defense Mechanisms toward Forrest Gump until He Become a Successful Person...... 57







PASKALIS, MARCELIUS TOMY. (2018). Successful Life of Forrest Gump as the Result of His and Jenny Curran’s Defense Mechanisms in Robert Zemeckis’ Forrest Gump Movie. Yogyakarta: Department of English Letters, Faculty of Letters, Universitas Sanata Dharma.

This research is conducted to analyze the effect of Forrest Gump‘s and Jenny Curran‘s characteristics and defense mechanisms toward Forrest Gump in his life until he becomes a successful person in Robert Zemeckis‘ Forrest Gump movie. Jenny Curran is a minor character in the movie, but she has the important role that changes Forrest Gump‘s life. The reason why this topic is chosen because the researcher finds that the movie tells us about how important someone that we love for us to change to be a better person. There are three objectives in this research. The first is to find Forrest Gump and Jenny Curran‘s characteristics. The second is to find how their characteristics can trigger their defense mechanisms. The third is to find how their defense mechanisms and characteristics can influence Forrest Gump to reach his successful life. This research uses psychoanalytical approach. The researcher applies library research as the method of this research. This research employs theories of character and characterization, psychoanalysis and defense mechanism, and the last is filmmaking technique. The end result of this research shows that Forrest Gump becomes a successful person because of his relation with Jenny Curran and how their defense mechanisms actually helped them to become better person. Firstly, the researcher analyzes the characteristics of Forrest Gump and Jenny Curran. The first character is Forrest Gump who is described as a mentally challenged man, kind, innocent and caring toward Jenny Curran. The second character is Jenny Curran who is described longing to run away from her traumatic past, too obsessed with her dream and caring toward Forrest Gump. Secondly, the researcher analyzes how their characteristics can trigger their defense mechanisms. Lastly the researcher analyzed how their defense mechanisms and characterization can affect Forrest‘s life to become a successful person. Jenny‘s traumatic past triggers Jenny‘s defense mechanism to run away from her troubles makes her reject Forrest‘s love confession and even Forrest‘s proposal. Jenny‘s defense mechanism also triggers Forrest‘s defense mechanism which makes him stronger, meet with many new experiences and makes him learn more about life. Having many life-changing experiences in his life leads Forrest to become a successful person.

Keywords: Characterization, Defense Mechanism, Successful life, Success




PASKALIS, MARCELIUS TOMY. (2018). Successful Life of Forrest Gump as the Result of His and Jenny Curran’s Defense Mechanisms in Robert Zemeckis’ Forrest Gump Movie. Yogyakarta: Program Studi Sastra Inggris, Fakultas Sastra, Universitas Sanata Dharma.

Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk menganalisis efek dari mekanisme pertahanan Forrest Gump dan Jenny Curran terhadap hidup Forrest Gump sehingga dia menjadi seseorang yang sukses di hidupnya, dari film Forrest Gump oleh Robert Zemeckis. Jenny Curran adalah karakter sampingan di dalam film ini, tetapi dia mempunyai peran yang sangat penting yang mengubah kehidupan Forrest Gump. Alasan mengapa topik ini dipilih, karena peneliti menemukan bahwa film ini memberitahukan kita tentang seberapa pentingnya seseorang yang kita cintai di dalam hidup kita, sehingga dapat mengubah kita menjadi orang yang lebih baik. Penelitian ini mempunyai tiga tujuan. Pertama adalah untuk menemukan karakteristik dari Forrest Gump and Jenny Curran. Kedua adalah untuk mencari tahu bagaimana karakteristik mereka dapat mempengaruhi mekanisme pertahanan mereka. Ketiga adalah untuk mencari tahu bagaimana mekanisme pertahanan dan karakterisasi mereka mempengaruhi kesuksesan yang diraih oleh Forrest Gump. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan psikoanalitik. Peneliti menerapkan metode penulisan perpustakaan di dalam penelitian ini. Penelitian ini menggunakan teori karakter dan karakterisasi, psikoanalisis dan mekanisme pertahanan, serta teori pembuatan film beserta tekniknya. Hasil akhir dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa Forrest Gump menjadi seseorang yang sukses karena hubungannya dengan Jenny Curran dan bagaimana mekanisme pertahanan mereka membantu mereka menjadi lebih baik. Pertama- tama, peneliti menganalisis karakterisasi dari Forrest Gump dan Jenny Curran. Forest Gump digambarkan sebagai seseorang yang memiliki keterbelakangan mental, baik, lugu dan peduli kepada Jenny Curran. Karakter kedua adalah Jenny Curran, dia digambarkan sebagai seorang yang ingin melarikan diri dari trauma masa kecilnya, terlalu terobsesi dengan mimpinya dan peduli kepada Forrest Gump. Kedua, peneliti menganalisis bagaimana karakterisasi mereka dapat memperngaruhi mekanisme pertahanan mereka. Terakhir, peneliti menganalisa bagaimana mekanisme pertahanan dan karakterisasi mereka dapat mempengaruhi kehidupan Forrest hingga dia menjadi sukses. Masa kecil Jenny yang traumatis memicu mekanisme pertahanan Jenny, membuat dia selalu berlari dari masalah yang dia punya, dan menyebabkan dia menolak pernyataan cinta dan bahkan lamaran nikah dari Forrest. Hal ini pula yang memicu mekanisme pertahanan mental Forrest yang menyebabkan dia semakin kuat dan mengalami pengalaman baru. Karena mengalami banyak pengalaman dihidupnya, Forrest dapat menjadi seseorang yang sukses pada akhirnya.

Kata kunci : Karakteriasasi, Mekanisme Pertahanan, Hidup yang Sukses, Sukses





A. Background of the Study

In a movie, there are a lot of things that can make a character to develop, and one of them is the influence of other characters. Vira Haglund (2012) states that

Character Relationships define how certain characters act in the presence or company of different people and how they can be distinguished from each other. This element is essential for the character interaction and shouldn't be underestimated. (p. 26).

Based on Haglund‘s statement, we know that supporting characters or minor characters in a story usually have a big role to affect the main character‘s development, because the other characters will take a part in the story that will influence the choices that the main character will take. The main character can learn about something through the other characters, and that can makes the idealism of the main character changes.

Dave Kehr said ―Forrest Gump,‖ the magnificent new film that Robert Zemeckis has made from ‘s screenplay and ‘s novel (2015, p. 2).

Forrest Gump is a film by Robert Zemekis released in 1994 based on a novel written by Winston Groom released in 1986. Forrest Gump is a movie about a mentally challenged man named Forrest Gump. The story is about Gump‘s life from his childhood until he became a man that has many experiences in his life.

Not only a mentally challenged, in the movie when Gump was a child, his feet is not able to walk properly and what he actually do is that he always follows what his mother always says and always act good to other people. This simplicity is the




one that lead him into many experiences, like being able to walk again, playing football, playing music, join the army and be part of the war in Vietnam, he play ping pong, be part of the war protestant in the Washington and starting shrimp business.

The researcher chooses Forrest Gump film rather than the novel because the film shows deeper relationship of Forrest Gump and Jenny Curran more than the novel. In the film, Forrest Gump always thinks about Jenny, and meets with her many times, while in the novel, Forest Gump and Jenny only meet several times, and they did not end up together. In the film the character Jenny Curran gives a lot of influence toward Forrest Gump, while in the novel, even though Jenny one of the important character, she is more mysterious and only gives a little influence toward Gump. Because the researcher discusses the relation about Forrest Gump and Jenny Curran, the researcher thinks that it is better to choose the film rather than the novel.

Forrest Gump‘s character in the movie has developed from the beginning of the story until the end. The cause of Gump‘s character development is not only because of his experiences, but also from other characters. There are two supporting characters that actually have big role to develop Forrest Gump from a mentally challenged kid into an extraordinary man that has through so many experiences, they are Gump‘s mother and Jenny Curran.

The role of Jenny Curran in the movie is really important for Forrest Gump‘s character development. Jenny Curran is a girl that Gump met in his public school.

Gump sees Jenny as his first friend, because Jenny is the only girl that did not



bother of Gump and still want to be friend with him. Through Forrest Gump movie, the audiences will know that Jenny Curran is the character that Gump love from the first he meet her until the end of the movie. In the movie, the audiences can see what Forrest Gump feel about Jenny and how that makes him continue his journey, hoping meet her again and be with her in the end. On the other side the audiences also can feel how Jenny begins to change and see Gump as a man that can make her life different, and in the end she accept Gump as the man who she actually loves, and then married to him.

In this thesis, the researcher focuses on how the relationship of Forrest Gump and Jenny Curran can influence their defense mechanisms and what are the results of their defense mechanisms toward Forrest Gump‘s character development. The researcher thinks that Jenny Curran is the one in the story that has the important role to make Gump to feel how it is like to be a man, and how love can change someone.

The reason why this topic of the thesis is chosen because the researcher finds that the movie tells us about how important someone that we love for us to change to be a better person, not like in the novel, where the relation of Forrest Gump and

Jenny is not as close as the movie. In the movie, Forrest Gump shows us that we can always go on by the support of the people that we love and make changes into our live to be better. With this study, the researcher hopes that this research helps the readers to realize how important people in our surrounding. The researcher also hopes that the readers understand that people in our surrounding can change our idealism to develop to be a better person.



B. Problem Formulation

Based on background of the study, the researcher presents the problem formulations as follows:

1. What are the characteristics of Forrest Gump and Jenny Curran in Robert

Zemeckis‘ Forrest Gump movie?

2. How do Forrest Gump‘s and Jenny Curran‘s characteristics trigger their

defense mechanisms in Robert Zemeckis‘ Forrest Gump movie?

3. How do Forrest Gump‘s and Jenny Curran‘s defense mechanisms and

characteristics influence Forrest Gump until he becomes a successful person

in Robert Zemeckis‘ Forrest Gump movie?

C. Objectives of the Study

Based on the problem formulation above, the objective of this study is to answer all of the questions in the problem formulation as clearly as possible. First, the researcher wants to find out how Jenny Curran and Forest Gump characterized in the movie. Second, the researcher wants to know how Forrest Gump‘s and

Jenny Curran‘s characteristics trigger their defense mechanisms. Third, the researcher wants to know how Forrest Gump‘s and Jenny Curran‘s defense mechanisms and characteristics influence Forrest Gump until he becomes a successful person.



D. Definition of Terms

There are some terms in this study which are used by the researcher to understand the study better. The first term is Characteristics. Characteristics are aspects of someone‘s behavior and attitudes.

The second term is Defense mechanism. Defense mechanism is the process by which the contents of our unconscious are kept in the unconscious. In other words, they are the processes by which we keep the repressed repressed in order to avoid knowing what we feel we can‘t handle knowing (Tyson, 2006, p. 15).

The third term is Successful Life. Successful life means gaining or having gained success in life, the achievement of desired visions and planned goals.

(Adu-Wusu, 2016, para. 1)

The fourth term is Success. According to Emerson, success is ―to laugh often and much; to win the respect of intelligent people and the affection of children; to leave the world a better place; to know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived—This is to have succeeded.‖ (Emerson, 2004, p. 226).




This chapter contains three parts namely review of related studies, review of related theories and theoretical framework. Review of related studies is about previously studies that related and have been done by other researchers with researcher‘s study. Review of related theories is about the theories that the researcher uses to analyze the movie. The theories are used to guide the researcher in answering the problem formulations. The last part is theoretical framework that are used to give information to the readers what is going to discus in the analysis.

A. Review of Related Studies

There are some studies that are related to this research. The researcher picks up four related studies, one is the journal article about Forrest Gump film, and three from undergraduate theses about Forrest Gump novel, which is the novel that the film was based on. The first related study is a journal article written by

Sam Wineburg, Susan Mosborg, Dan Porat and Ariel Duncan, ―Forrest Gump and the Future of Teaching the Past‖.

The journal article ―Forrest Gump and the Future of Teaching the Past‖ is about Forrest Gump movie help the students in the modern era to learn about

Vietnam War history and cultural studies not only by reading books or article, but also the knowledge can be acquired from other media. The article tells that




One of the best media to teach about to students is through the film. The authors of the journal states that compared with a film like Born on the Fourth of July, in which Tom Cruise traces Ron Kovic‘s zigzag patch from gung-ho Marine to battlefield amputee to leader in the antiwar movement, Forrest Gump maintains clean narrative lines and a steady chronological arc (2007, p 147). Besides that, the article also states

Forrest Gump’s enduring popularity – particularly in the context of schooling. Unlike Platoon, Born on the Fourth of July, or Full Metal Jacket, Forrest Gump carried a PG-13 rating, a factor that looms large when considering which cultural products pass through schoolhouse doors. (Wineburg et al, 2007, p 148).

Those reasons from the journal article tell the reader that Forrest Gump movie is one of the best movies to learn about the past history of Vietnam War and cultural studies. In the end of the article, the authors tell give conclusion about how Forrest Gump film can help the students to learn cultural studies and history more, like the article said,

This ―cultural curriculum‖ may be far more powerful in shaping young people‘s ideas about the past than the mountains of textbooks that continue to occupy historians‘ and educators‘ attention (Wineburg et al, 2007, p 176).

The second related study is an undergraduate thesis, ―A Study of Philosophy of Good Life in Winston Groom‘s Forrest Gump‖ by Verlin Maria K, a student of

English Letters Department in Universitas Sanata Dharma. In her undergraduate thesis, Maria‘s main focus is the study about how Forrest Gump‘s character can reflect a good life.



In the thesis, there are three main problems that be the focus of the thesis.

There are, first, what are the characteristics of the main character, Forrest Gump, in the novel, Forrest Gump? Second, what are Gump‘s life experiences? And the third, what is Gump‘s philosophy of good life reflected in Gump‘s characteristics and experiences? (Verlin, 2005, p. 5).

In the first problem formulation, Verlin finds that

The important thing of Gump characteristic is that he can accept and respect his own self no matter what people thought about him. He never regrets his condition, in fact he uses his weakness as motivation to learn so many things and to reach his happiness (Verlin, 2005, p. 50).

From her problem formulation, Verlin gets the conclusion that one characteristic that is important in her research is that Gump can accept and respect his own self no matter what people thought about him. This character of Gump always brings Gump into his happiness. In her research finding this characteristic in the novel proves that Gump can reflect a good life for others just because he never regrets his condition and uses his weakness to keep moving forward and obtain happiness.

In the second problem formulation, Verlin finds that there are three main experiences that influence Gump‘s life.

The first experience is when Gump joins the army and he is sent to Vietnam War. The second experience is when he meets Dan, his old friend in Washington. The last experience is when he was in China. This experience teaches him another thing that sometimes what we think as the right thing to do is the wrong thing for other people (Verlin, 2005, pp. 50-51).



These experiences that Verlin finds in Forrest Gump novel are according to

Verlin, Gump‘s three main experiences that have the most important effect into

Gump‘s life. In the first experience, when Gump joins the army and sent into

Vietnam War, Gump meets Bubba. Bubba becomes Gump‘s best friend and later died in the war. The death of Bubba makes Gump aware of the meaning of his life. The second experience is when Gump meets again with Dan, his Lieutenant in the war. Dan was in a miserable condition in his life because he has lost his soul. Verlin finds that by meeting with Dan, Gump learns the other meaning of the soul and how important to keep it alive. The last experience is when Gump saves

Chinese President, his companion did not agree to him, but he saves the president anyway, and from this experience he learns that sometimes what is right for him maybe wrong for other people.

For the last problem formulation, Verlin tells about the philosophy of a good life reflected by Forrest Gump. In the end of the conclusion, Verlin states that

The main purpose of a good life is to help people make a better life and to help people to get their true happiness in their life. From Gump‘s life we can see that people can get their true happiness if they can treat themselves in a good way (Verlin, 2005, p. 51).

With this statement, Verlin concludes her research and answered all of her problem formulations.

The third related study is an undergraduate thesis by Claudia Melieana

Megawantie, ―The Moral Values as Reflected by Gump‘s Character in Winston



Groom‘s Forrest Gump‖. In her thesis, Claudia focuses on the way Forrest Gump life can reflect a good life by doing things he believes is good and enjoy his life.

In her thesis, Claudia has two problem formulations, they are how are

Gump‘s character and characterization described in the story, and what are the moral values reflected by Gump‘s character. From the first problem formulation

Claudia finds that:

Forrest is described as a man who really loves hid momma and respects her so much. Even though he is low-IQ, he is actually smart and has hidden geniuses in his brain. Forrest is an innocent person and way too honest that is the reason why most of the time people think he is an idiot (2006, p. 56).

The character of Gump describes as a person who honest with himself, he shows that he loves the person he care about, and do what he thinks it right.

Claudia answers her first problem by finding what Gump‘s characters are and then applied these finding in order to answer the second problem formulation.

In the second problem formulation, Claudia finds that life is not about what you get or what you become, but life is about what you contribute in your life

(2006, p. 57). Answering the second problem formulation, Claudia concludes that by doing an honest life, like Gump does with his life, people can learn that what is matter is about what can they contribute in their own life.

The last related theory is from an undergraduate thesis by Agustinus Aribowo

Nugroho, a student in Universitas Sanata Dharma. His thesis is about ―The

American Dream as Revealed Through the Characteristic of Forrest Gump in

Winston Groom‘s Forrest Gump‖. In his research, Nugroho has two problem



formulations, which are how is Forrest Gump characterized in the story, and how is the American Dream revealed through the characteristic of Forrest Gump.

In order to answer the first question, Nugroho uses the theory of character.

From this theory Nugroho finds that Gump has simple characteristic (2005, p. 53).

Gump‘s simple characteristic then lead Nugroho to answer the second problem formulation. In his second problem formulation Nugroho uses his finding of

Gump‘s simple way of life to reflect American dream. Nugroho states that:

The notion frontier is represented through football, the free space by Nasa space program, being a billionaire to reflect the freedom in economic and running for the U.S Senate for representing the freedom in politics (2005, p.53).

Nugroho finds that Gump‘s simple life can lead him into those experiences, and with the historical support from the novel, he concludes that Forrest Gump‘s life reflects American dream with all of his achievements. The research finds that it is impossible to be on the shoes as Gump, but in the end the story is the reminder for American people, when they fail, they must not give up and keep reaching their goal. And the conclusion of his research, Nugroho says that no matter where the nation is going or taken to, the Americans will always hold their dreams and remind themselves of the roots of their forefathers (2005, p. 54).

From the four of the related theories above, all of the studies have the same discussion with the researcher‘s research, which is the discussion main reference about Forrest Gump, either the movie or the novel that the movie is based on. The three undergraduate theses also have the same discussion about focusing on the



study of character. Besides the same discussion main reference, the researcher‘s research is different from four of the related theories. This research main focuses is how Forrest Gump‘s and Jenny Curran‘s defense mechanisms can affect Forrest

Gump‘s life in the movie Forrest Gump. Jenny Curran is one of the main supporting characters that has a great role for Forrest Gump to develop, and the research focuses also on how Jenny Curran and Forrest Gump are characterized in the film. In the end the researcher hopes that this research helps people to understand the movie better.

B. Review of Related Theories

This part consists of the theories used in the study. Those theories are theory of character and characterization, theory of psychoanalysis and defense mechanism and filmmaking techniques. The theories are applied in order to help the researcher to identify the character of Forrest Gump and Jenny Curran in the movie and identify how Forrest‘s and Jenny‘s characteristics and defense mechanisms can help Forrest Gump to become a successful man.

1. Theory of Character and Characterization

A character created by the author in order to do the actions and be part of the story that the author wanted to deliver. To be interesting, characters must seem real, understandable, and worth caring about. For the most part, the characters in a story are believable in the same way that the story is believable (Boggs and Petrie,

2008, p. 60). Based on Boggs and Petrie‘s statement, the audiences of a movie must understand and care about the characters, the audiences must believe the



characters are real so the audiences can enjoy the movie and sympathize to the characters. In order to make that characters seem real, characterization is important for the characters in a movie.

Joseph M. Boggs and Dennis W. Petrie (2008, pp. 59-67) stated that there are eight ways to see the characterization in a movie, there are: a. Characterization through appearance

The importance of the appearance of a character in a movie is the impression of that character can deliver to the audiences. The minute the audiences see most actors on the screen, the audiences make certain assumptions about them because of their physical look, dress, mannerisms and the way the actors move (2008, p.

61). b. Characterization through dialogue

Dialogue is one of the important parts of a movie in order to characterize a character, not only by what the actors are saying but how they say it what make characters different. Thoughts, attitudes, and emotions can be reveal by actors through word choice and through stress, pitch, and pause patterns of their speech

(2008, p. 60). c. Characterization through external action

Appearance of a character in a movie sometimes misleads the audiences, perhaps the best reflections of a character is the person‘s actions. The way the characters in a movie act and how they choose to act can reflect their character

(2008, p. 62).



d. Characterization through internal action

Inner action occurs within characters‘ minds and emotions and consists of secret, unspoken thoughts, daydreams, aspirations, memories, fears, and fantasies.

People‘s hopes, dreams, and aspirations can be as important to an understanding of their character as any real achievement, and their fears and insecurities can be more terrible to them than any real catastrophic failure (2008, pp. 62-63). e. Characterization through reactions of other characters

The way other characters view a person often serves as an excellent means of characterization. Sometimes, a great deal of information about a character is already provided through such means before the character first appears on the screen (2008, p. 64). f. Characterization through contrast: dramatic foils

One of the most effective techniques of characterization is the use of foils- contrasting characters whose behavior, attitudes, opinions, lifestyle, physical appearance, and so on are the opposite of those of the main characters. The effect of this contrast just like putting black and white together, black appears blacker and white appears whiter (2008, p. 64). g. Characterization through caricature and leitmotif

In order to etch a character quickly and deeply in our minds and memories, actors often exaggerate or distort one or more dominant features or personality traits, this device is called caricature. A similar means of characterization, leitmotif, is the repetition of a single action, phrase, or idea by a character until it becomes almost a trademark or theme song for that character.



h. Characterization through choice of name

One important method of characterization is the use of names possessing appropriate qualities of sound, meaning, or connotation. This technique is known as name typing. A screenwriter usually thinks out his/her characters‘ names very carefully (2008, p. 66).

2. Theory of Psychoanalysis and Defense Mechanism

In order to know how someone does certain actions, psychological analysis is needed. In literature, one of the theories that discusses about psychological analysis that lead someone to do certain action is psychoanalysis theory.

According to Abrams, psychoanalysis criticism deals with literature and the other arts, like dreams and neurotic symptoms, consist of imagined, or fantasied, fulfillment of wishes that are either denied by reality or are prohibited by the social standards of morality and propriety (1999, p. 248).

Bressler states that the theories and practice of Sigmund Freud provide foundation for psychoanalytic criticism (2011, p. 125). Freud as quoted in

Bressler believes that it is the unconscious, not the conscious that governs a large part of our actions (2011, p. 125). Psychoanalysis cannot accept the identity of the conscious with the psychic. Its definition of the psychic affirms that they are processes of the nature feeling, thinking, willing; and it must assert that there is such a thing as unconscious thinking and unconscious willing (Freud, 1920, p.

11). Freud psychoanalysis mainly focuses on the author, what the author wants



will unconsciously affect his or her works, but it is possible to use it on the character to study what makes a certain character does an action.

Defense mechanism is one of the focuses on psychoanalytic criticism that can be applied in order to know the reason someone to do certain things. Lois Tyson stated that defenses are the processes by which the contents of our unconscious are kept in the unconscious- they are the processes by which we keep the repressed repressed in order to avoid knowing what we feel we cannot handle knowing (2006, p. 15). Tyson stated that a psychological history that begins in childhood experiences in the family and each with patterns of adolescent and adult behavior that are the direct result of that early experience (2006, p. 12). The family is very important in psychoanalytic theory because we are each a product of the role we are given in the family-complex (Tyson, 2006, p. 13). According to

Tyson, defenses include: a. Selective perception

Selective perception is a defense by hearing and seeing only what we feel we can handle (2006, p. 15). b. Selective memory

Selective memory is a defense by modifying our memories so that we don‘t feel overwhelmed by them or forgetting painful events entirely (2006, p. 15). c. Denial

Denial is a defense by believing that the problem does not exist or the unpleasant incident never happened (2006, p. 15).



d. Avoidance

Avoidance is a defense by staying away from people or situations that are liable to make us anxious by stirring up some unconscious-i.e., repressed- experience or emotion (2006, p. 15). e. displacement

Displacement is a defense by ―taking it out‖ on someone or something less threatening than the person who caused our fear, hurt, frustration, or anger (2006, p. 15). f. Projection

Projection is a defense by ascribing our fear, problem, or guilty desire to someone else and then condemning him or her for it, in order to deny that we have it ourselves (2006, p. 15). g. Regression

Regression is one of the most complex defense, Regression is temporary return to a former psychological state, which is not just imagined but relived

(2006, p. 15). h. Fear of intimacy

Fear of intimacy is fear of emotional involvement with another human being—is often an effective defense against learning about our own psychological wounds because it keeps us at an emotional distance in relationships most likely to bring those wounds to the surface: relationships with lovers, spouses, offspring, and best friends (2006, p. 16).



3. Filmmaking Technique

Joseph M. Boggs and Dennis W. Petrie explain that in order to create a film, not only story that is important, but there is also visual image that is important.

Film speaks in a language of the senses. It follows naturally that the aesthetic quality and dramatic power of the image are extremely important to the overall quality of a film (2008, p. 125). Boggs and Petrie also stated that although the nature and quality of the story, editing, musical score, sound effects, dialogue, and acting can do much to enhance a film‘s power, even these important elements cannot save a film whose images are mediocre or poorly edited (2008, p. 125).

In their book Boggs and Petrie explain that there are some techniques in visual image to create a good cinematography in film in order to deliver good messages to the audiences, there are cinematic point of view, cinematic composition, camera techniques and visual effects (2008, pp. 125-166).

Point of view techniques are the techniques to increase movie audience‘s perception effectively, focusing not just on what the audiences seeing but also on how it is being shown and why it is being shown that way (2008, p. 126). The consistency of viewpoint would be boring in a film and would impede effective communication. By using a different point of view, a movie can deliver messages to the audiences even without music and dialogues.

Cinematic composition techniques are the techniques to make a shot (a strip of film produced by a single uninterrupted running of the camera) to achieve three goals which are; directing attention to the object of greatest significance, keeping



the image in constant motion, and creating an illusion of depth (2008, p. 133). In a shot of a movie, each frame must be interesting, not like photography, a movie has its own aesthetic in each of its frames. In order to make a shot interesting, cinematic composition is used in a movie by following the three goals of composition.

In creating a movie, how the cameras are used really is important. Using different technique to use the cameras can create a different effect in the movie.

Camera techniques are used by directors and cinematographers to employ a variety of specialized visual techniques that enhance certain qualities of the action or dramatic situation being filmed (2008, p. 151).

In order to incorporate elements that television could not provide, special effect was created. It created visual spectacle on a grand scale and showed audiences things they had never seen before (2008, p. 158). As the times progressed, visual effects in the movie become more common. In modern days, visual effect become one of the most important aspects of a movie, it allows the filmmakers to create something that they wish to show to the audiences, instead of just telling them about it.

In this research, the researcher uses Boggs and Petrie‘s specific theories from point of view, cinematic composition, camera techniques and visual effects techniques. The techniques are:



a. Director’s Interpretive Point of View

Director's Interpretive Point of View in film technique theory is when a director manipulating the audiences‘ point of view in subtle ways, chooses not what to show but also how the audiences will see it (2008, p. 132). b. Indirect Subjective point of view

The indirect-subjective point of view does not provide a participant's point of view, but it does bring us close to the action so that we feel intimately involved and our visual experience is intense (2008, p. 130). This technique is a close-up technique that used by movie directors to convey the character‘s feeling (2008, p.

130). c. Sharpness of Focus technique

This technique‘s purpose is to draw the audiences‘ attention to a smaller and more distant face in sharp focus. The eye is drawn almost automatically to what it can see best (2008, p. 135). d. Extreme Close-Up technique

This technique is a sub-technique from the Cinematic Composition technique.

Joseph M. Boggs and Dennis W. Petrie stated A close-up is a shot of a person or object taken at close range-so close to the object of interest that we cannot look elsewhere (2008, p.136). e. Fixed-frame Movement technique

The fixed camera frame approximates the effect of looking through a window, pointing at one spot, as the audiences might look at something with a frozen subject. This movement can be rapid and frantic or calm and subtle.



Several types of movement are possible within the fixed frame. Movement can be lateral (from the left to right of the frame), in depth (toward or away from the camera), or diagonal (a combination of lateral and in-depth movements) (2008, p.

138). f. Panning technique

Moving the camera‘s line in a horizontal plane, to the left and right (2008, p.

139). g. Mobile Camera technique

When the camera itself becomes mobile, the possibilities of movement increase tremendously (2008, p. 141). h. Strong Visual Impact in a Static Background technique

The background provides an aesthetically pleasing composition and a strong sense of three-dimensionality and underscores the sense of place that is an integral part of the film (2008, p. 144). i. Blue Screen Process

A special visual effects film technique by which actors who are photographed in front of a blue screen can later be inserted into various movie environments

(2008, p. 159). j. Color as a transitional device technique,

This technique can be accomplished by using color in conjunction with black and white or by switching to an obviously different color emphasis or style at the point of transition (2008, p. 233).



k. Color Attracts Attention technique

A technique to attract the audiences into the sharpest object in the movie by using color (2008, p. 225)

4. Theoretical Framework

The study entitled ―Successful Life of Forrest Gump as the Result of His and

Jenny Curran‘s Defense Mechanisms in Robert Zemeckis‘ Forrest Gump Movie‖ tells about how minor character like Jenny Curran can give contribution into the major character like Forest Gump to develop into an extraordinary man which become the focus of this study. The study has three problems that need to be solved in order to find the answer of the focus of this study. The first problem is what are the characteristics of Forrest Gump and Jenny Curran in Forrest Gump movie? To help answering this problem, the suitable theory for this problem is the theory of character and characterization. The next problem is how Forrest Gump‘s and Jenny Curran‘s characteristics trigger their defense mechanisms in the movie.

The suitable theory for this problem is theory of psychoanalysis, defense mechanism. The last problem is how do Forrest Gump‘s and Jenny Curran‘s defense mechanisms and characterization influence Forrest Gump until he becomes a successful person in the movie. By using the definition of successful life and success, the researcher can find how Forrest Gump‘s and Jenny Curran‘s characteristics and defense mechanisms can influence Forrest Gump‘s character development to be a successful person. Because the researcher analyzes a movie, theory of filmmaking technique is also important in this research in order to see



the messages from the film that cannot be acquired from only the dialogues or the script of the movie.




A. Object of the Study

The object of the study is a film entitled Forrest Gump. The film was directed by Robert Zemeckis distributed by and published on June 23,

1994 in and July 6, 1994 in . The film is an adaptation based on a novel by Winston Groom with the same name Forrest Gump. The film has running time about 142 minutes and wins some prizes, for example Forrest

Gump won Best Picture, Best Actor in Leading Role, Best Director, Best Visual

Effects, Best Adapted Screenplay and Best Film Editing at the 67th Academy


Forrest Gump tells a story about a man named Forrest Gump, from his childhood until later he becomes a successful person. Gump is a mentally challenged man that lives with his mother, but later because of his kindness and with support with some other character, especially Jenny Curran, he can experience many things that change his life. His love to Jenny Curran also makes him do some of his experiences and lead him into a successful person, that in the end he married to Jenny and live with their children.

B. Approach of the Study

The approach that researcher uses to analyze this study is psychoanalytic approach. According to Tyson, psychoanalytic is an approach that can help people




better understand human behavior, then it must certainly be able to help people understand literary texts, which are about human behavior. Tyson suggest that

Psychoanalytic is an approach to see human behavior is relevant to literary criticism and experience of literature (2006, pp. 11-12).

The psychoanalytic approach is suitable for this research in order to find out the effect of Forrest Gump‘s and Jenny Curran‘s defense mechanisms toward

Forrest Gump in the movie, because the approach helps the researcher to identify the motivation, thought and behavior of Forrest Gump and Jenny Curran.

C. Method of the Study

This study uses library research in analyzing the work. The primary source of this study is the film Forrest Gump by Robert Zemeckis. The secondary sources in this study are Critical Theory Today A User Friendly Guide Second Edition by

Lois Tyson, The Art of Watching Films by Joseph M. Boggs and Dennis W.

Petrie, and Forrest Gump by Winston Groom.

In gathering data, the researcher puts the procedures or steps in collecting the data. Each step has its own purposes and benefits. First, the researcher watched

Forrest Gump movie in order to understand the story and the characters. The researcher chose the important events or things that happened in the movie and highlighted them. Second, the researcher looked for the theories and related studies on library and internet. Third, the researcher rewatched the film in order to get more valid data and used the theories to analyzing the data. The next is the researcher classified and arranged the data to answer the problem formulation.

Finally, the researcher concluded the findings of the analysis.




This chapter consists of three parts based on questions in problem formulations stated in the first chapter. In order to answer the first question, the first part of this chapter discusses the characteristics of Forrest Gump and Jenny

Curran, the second part of this chapter discusses how Forrest Gump‘s and Jenny

Curran‘s characteristics can trigger their defense mechanisms, and the third part of this chapter discusses how Forrest Gump‘s and Jenny Curran‘s defense mechanisms and characteristics can influence Forrest Gump until he become a successful man.

A. Characteristics of Forrest Gump and Jenny Curran

In this part, the researcher analyzes the first problem formulation, which is the characteristics of Forrest Gump and Jenny Curran in Forrest Gump movie.

According to Joseph M. Boggs and Dennis W. Petrie there are eight ways to see the characterization in a movie, there are, characterization through appearance, dialogue, external action, internal action, reactions of other characters, contrast: dramatic foils, caricature and leitmotif and through choice of name (2008, pp. 59-

67). In this research, the researcher only uses six ways from these eight ways to see the characteristics of Forrest Gump and Jenny Curran, excluding characterization through contrast: dramatic foils and choice of name.




1. Characteristics of Forrest Gump

Forrest Gump is a mentally challenged man with IQ around 75 from

Greenbow, . When he was a kid, he even cannot walk properly and need some pair of walking device in his feet. Despite being mentally challenged,

Forrest is a good kid and always listens to what his mother says. He cares a lot about his mother and always uses his mother‘s lessons in his life. Forrest has an ability to run really fast, this ability he acquires with the help of his precious friend Jenny, which is to run really fast, even can be faster than a normal car. a. Mentally Challenged

In the movie, in the first scene (0:00:19-0:04:45), the audiences can see a feather from the sky falls into Forrest‘s feet which shows his worn-out shoes but in contrast he wears neat suit, and then Forrest picks the feather and put it in his case which is full of things that a normal man at his age not usually brings. The scene reveals the character Forrest Gump, when the camera start to focus on his face, the actor starts to make a weird gesture, implying that he is not a normal man. A nurse sits beside him in a bench, and from this Forrest starts to make even obvious gestures while talking to the nurse which he does not even know.

Forrest Gump‘s expression changing in the first scene (FG, 1994: 0:02:50- 0:02:57).



In the first scene, the researcher finds that before talking to anyone else, the camera takes a shot of Forrest‘s face and suddenly his face makes a gesture showing his abnormality, this technique is called Extreme Close-Up technique from the Cinematic Composition technique. The pictures above, show Forrest‘s expression are the focus in the screen because in the screen only his head makes the movement which made the audiences focuses only on Forrest‘s head. By using

Extreme Close-Up technique to the character‘s face, the director, Robert Zemeckis makes the audiences saw Forrest‘s face clearly and at that moment (0:02:50-

0:02:57), Forrest makes some gestures with his face, his eyes looking into left and right and then left again as his head slowly moving toward right side of him, while moving his head to the right, Forrest shake his head a little bit which the audiences of the movie can judge just from the first time they see Forrest, that he is not a normal man because he is doing gestures that a man his age should not normally does.

The scene also leads the researcher into characterization theory, which is characterization through appearance theory. In the movie, Zemeckis chooses to use Extreme Close-up technique to introduce Forrest Gump to the audiences, starts from Forrest‘s feet, up into his head (0:02:06-0:02:54). Forrest wears a pair of shabby shoes, but in contrast, he wears neat and clean clothes. Forrest also makes some strange gestures with his head. Through Forrest‘s first appearance the director wants the audiences to speculate that something is wrong with the character.



FORREST : Hello. My name's Forrest Gump. FORREST : You want a chocolate? FORREST : I could eat about a million and a half of these. My momma always said, "Life was like a box of chocolates.You never know what you're gonna get." FORREST : Those must be comfortable shoes. I'll bet you could walk all day in shoes like that and not feel a thing. I wish I had shoes like that. BLACK WOMAN : My feet hurt. FORREST : Momma always says there's an awful lot you could tell about a person by their shoes. Where they're going. Where they've been. FORREST : I've worn lots of shoes. I bet if I think about it real hard I could remember my first pair of shoes. FORREST : Momma said they'd take my anywhere. (Roth, 1992, pp. 1-2)

Not only through appearance, Forrest‘s mentally challenged characteristic is also shown in his way of speaking. In this scene, Forrest‘s tone while he spoke shows that he is a mentally challenged man, his tone of speaking is not normal,

Forrest also keeps repeating the words ―My momma always said‖. The way he talks just like an elementary school kid. Based on Boggs and Petrie‘s theory of characterization, the researcher finds two criteria of characterization in the movie that shows Forrest is a mentally challenged man, through dialogue and leitmotif

(repetition of some words).

At 0:07:58-0:08:35, the researcher finds another proof that Forrest is a mentally challenged man. This scene happened after Forrest tells his story back when he was a kid, Forrest‘s mother asked a principal of the elementary school in

Greenbow to let Forrest enter his school because she wanted Forrest to be like other normal kid.

PRINCIPAL : Your boy's... different, Mrs. Gump. Now, his I.Q. is seventy-five.



MRS. GUMP : Well, we're all different, Mr. Hancock. PRINCIPAL : I want to show you something, Mrs. Gump. Now, this is normal. PRINCIPAL : Forrest is right here. The state requires a minimum I.Q. of eighty to attend public school, Mrs. Gump. He's gonna have to go to a special school. Now, he'll be just fine. MRS. GUMP : What does normal mean, anyway? He might be a bit on the slow side, but my boy Forrest is going to get the same opportunities as everyone else. He's not going to some special school to learn to how to re-tread tires. We're talking about five little points here. There must be something can be done. (Roth, 1992, p. 6)

In this conversation, the principal tells Forrest‘s mother that he is a mentally challenged kid, at this point the audiences finally get the clarification from the movie about Forrest‘s mentality directly through dialogue. The principal said that

Forrest I.Q. is not reaching the requirement of the school, and suggested Forrest‘s mother to try special school instead. The researcher analyzes this dialogue using

Boggs and Petrie‘s theory of characterization through dialogue and finds that through this dialogue Forrest is a mentally challenged man. b. Kind

Despite being a mentally challenged man, Forrest Gump is a kind person and can do anything just to help the one he cared about. Forrest‘s kindness can be seen in the movie through his actions. Just like the proof of being a mentally challenged man, the same first scene (0:03:18-0:04:12) contains dialogue that shows Forrest‘s kindness:

FORREST : Hello. My name's Forrest Gump. FORREST : You want a chocolate? FORREST : I could eat about a million and a half of these. My momma always said, "Life was like a box of chocolates.You never know what you're gonna get."



FORREST : Those must be comfortable shoes. I'll bet you could walk all day in shoes like that and not feel a thing. I wish I had shoes like that. BLACK WOMAN : My feet hurt. (Roth, 1992, p. 1)

In this scene, Forrest greets the black woman and asks her if she wants a chocolate. Forrest was waiting for the bus and he speaks to a woman that he did not even know. Not only had he greeted the woman, he also tried to give her some chocolate that he brought. After the woman says no, Forrest continues talking and then notices the woman‘s shoes. Forrest gives a compliment to the shoes that the woman wears.

Another scene from minutes 0:51:10 to 0:56:27 is the scene where Forrest

Gump was in a war at Vietnam, his unit was suddenly being ambushed and

Forrest remembered what Jenny said to him when he meets her before he goes to

Vietnam. Jenny said to him, whatever happens, all he needed to do is just run, so

Forrest ran from the ambush and reached a safe place by himself. After being safe,

Forrest saw that nobody was there with him, at this moment he remembered his friend Bubba is not there and without hesitation, he ran back to the ambush scene.



The camera move faster and follows Forrest running in the forest (FG, 1994: 0:51:10-0:56:27).

In his way to find Bubba, Forrest meets many of his friends that injured from the ambush and save them by brought them into the safe spot, he even saves his lieutenant when his lieutenant said that he must not save him. After saving some of his unit members, Forrest finally meets Bubba and brings him into the safe place. Two pictures above show this scene uses the Mobile Camera technique.

Before this scene happened in the movie, the camera movement uses only Fixed- frame Movement technique or Panning technique which only made the camera remains in one position or only move into the right or left angle, these techniques uses to gives calm and subtle atmosphere of the film because mostly in the scenes before Forrest and his unit get ambushed was the scenes where Forrest do the narration for his flashback. The director suddenly changes the camera movement into Mobile Camera technique in this scene, to make the audiences engage to this scene. The camera‘s movement suddenly becomes faster than before and follows

Forrest while he searched for Bubba and saved his unit in the Forrest.

By making the movement of the camera different from the scene before,

Zemeckis makes the audiences surprised and found that this movie is not just an ordinary slice of life movie. Forrest uses his ability to run really fast not only to escape but in this scene, Forrest uses it to help his unit and his friend. By using the



sudden change of the camera movement, Zemeckis makes the scene when Forrest does something good in the war stood up from the other scenes before. Forrest‘s kindness really reflected in this scene, he was really brave saving his unit even though he actually can escape the ambush by himself.

The third scene in the movie to proof that Forrest is a kind man also shown in

01.41.55-01.43.09, where he becomes really rich from his luck of being a shrimp catcher. After being really rich and come back to his hometown to stay at his mother‘s house, the city fathers of Greenbow offer Forrest a job to become a lawnmower. Forrest accepts that work, even though he is not paid because he thinks it is a fun thing to do. After that, because he does not know how to spend his money, he donates the money to help the development of a church and a hospital build. Forrest also gives 50% of his income of being a shrimp boat captain to Bubba‘s family, because he remembers his promise to his friend Bubba that they will share the income. Even when Bubba died in Vietnam War, Forrest still keeps his promise.

From these three proofs, the researcher uses the theory of characterization through dialogue and theory of characterization through external action. Theory of characterization through dialogue can be seen in the first proof when Forrest talked with the black woman. From the dialogue, the researcher finds the proof of

Forrest being a kind person. Theory of characterization through external action can be seen in two other proofs when Forrest took action of what he believes is right, saving his unit members from an ambush and share his money to help his



hometown and Bubba‘s family. Using these theories, the researcher certainly sure that one of Forrest Gump‘s characteristics is being a kind person.

c. Innocent

The movie Forrest Gump is a movie where the audiences see the movie through Forrest‘s point of view, from here the researcher finds that Forrest Gump is an innocent and honest person. What the researcher means by innocent is how

Forrest sees things like an elementary school boy because of his mentally challenged way of thinking.

At 0:18:13-0:18:25, Forrest says:

FORREST (V.O.) : He was a very lovin' man. He was always kissing and touchin' her and her sisters. And then this one time, Jenny wasn't on the bus to go to school. (Roth, 1992, p. 15)

In this scene, the audiences hear what Forrest is thinking inside his head.

Forrest thinks that Jenny Curran‘s father is a very loving man because he always kissed and touched his daughters. The researcher finds that this has happened because the audiences only hear and see this scene through Forrest‘s narration.

Because Forrest is a mentally challenged man, and at that scene, Forrest is still an elementary school boy. His way of thinking and seeing things is really different from other children. He thinks that Jenny‘s father is a very loving man, but the truth is Jenny‘s father sexually harassing his own daughters. This scene was narrated by the grown-up version of Forrest, which shows that his way of thinking



never changes. Until Forrest becomes an adult, He still thinks Jenny‘s father is a loving man, which shows his characteristics as an innocent man.

The second proof is when Forrest remembered when he was a child. After

Jenny‘s father was caught by the police and Jenny stayed at her grandmother.

Jenny often sneaks to Forrest‘s house at night and sleep by Forrest‘s side because she was scared.

FORREST (V.O.) : Some nights, Jenny'd sneak out and come over to my house, just 'cause she said she was scared. Scared of what, I don't know... FORREST (V.O.) : ...but I think it was her grandma's dog. He was a mean dog. Anyway, Jenny and me was best friends... (Roth, 1992, p. 17)

Jenny says to Forrest that she was scared and Forrest thinks it is because of the dog that Jenny‘s grandmother has. Forrest thinks that the dog is scary and must be the reason why Jenny scared. It was really clear that Jenny actually still has a trauma because of her father, the audiences can see it because the scene happened right after Forrest‘s narration about Jenny‘s father, but because of

Forrest‘s Innocent though, Forrest only can think that the cause of Jenny being afraid is her grandmother‘s dog.

Using the theory of characterization through internal action the researcher analyzes these proofs. Boggs and Petrie stated that inner action occurs within characters‘ minds and emotions and consists of secret, unspoken thoughts, daydreams, aspirations, memories, fears, and fantasies (2008, p. 62). This internal action contains unspoken thoughts and memories, and think is what the researcher



uses in this scene, because in the scene 0:19:37-0:19:55, Forrest only thinks about the reason why Jenny is afraid and does not speak to Jenny, and this scene is also based on Forrest memories when he was a child. From the first proof and second proof, the researcher finds that Forrest Gump is an innocent person from he was a child until he becomes a man. d. Caring Toward Jenny Curran

The audiences can see clearly that Forrest really care for Jenny, he thinks about Jenny almost all of the time in the movie. In the first part of the movie, at

0:13:36-0:14:44, Forrest narrating his memories when he goes to school for the first time. When he enters the school bus and search for a seat, nobody wants to share their seat with, and then a girl suddenly talks to him:

FORREST (V.O.) : I, I... don't recall what I got for my first Christmas and I don't know when I went on my first outdoor picnic. But, I do remember the first time I heard the sweetiest voice... FORREST (V.O.) : the wide world. GIRL : You can sit here if you want. (Roth, 1992, p. 11)

Forrest recall that he has heard for the first time, a sweetest voice in the wide world, and that voice comes from a girl named Jenny Curran. In this scene,

Forrest starts to care toward Jenny because among all of the students in the school bus, only Jenny that does not mind to share a seat with Forrest. After that, they spend a lot of time together and that makes them really close. Forrest says:

FORREST (V.O.) : From that day on, we was always together. Jenny and me was like peas and carrots. (Roth, 1992, p. 11)



Forrest and Jenny become really close friends, Forrest for the first time meet someone that he can call a friend, and he really cares toward his one and only friend at that time.

Zemeckis uses Indirect Subjective point of view, where Forrest met Jenny for the first time. By using Indirect Subjective point of view, Zemeckis brings the audiences of the movie drawn into the feeling of Forrest, when he met Jenny for the first time. Indirect subjective point of view is a close-up technique that used by movie directors to convey the character‘s feeling.

Forrest meets Jenny for the first time (FG, 1994: 0:13:36-0:14:44).

In the first picture, the camera focuses on Jenny‘s face, but there is a close-up of Forrest‘s body, and the same with the second picture, when the camera focuses on Forrest‘s face, there is a close-up of Jenny‘s body. By doing this, Zemeckis indirectly convey Forrest‘s feeling through the point of view and changing of the camera angle. In 0:13:36, Forrest saw Jenny for the first time, and in 0:14:44, the impact of seeing Jenny‘s face was shown in Forrest‘s expression. The director makes this moment special because this is the moment when Forrest meet the love of his life for the first time.



When Forrest and Jenny got to college, they were separated because they were not in the same college. Jenny goes to a college which has a dorm in it, and that makes Forrest often come to see Jenny to her dorm. One day while waiting for Jenny to come at 0:25:36-0:26:50, Forrest sees Jenny in a car with her boyfriend. Forrest does not know that Jenny has a boyfriend, and from afar he sees inside the car Jenny and her boyfriend starts to kiss, Forrest thinks that

Jenny‘s boyfriend tries to hurt Jenny and he starts running toward them. Forrest opens the car‘s door and start to punch Jenny‘s Boyfriend and that makes Jenny break up with her boyfriend. Forrest really cares about Jenny so that he does not want anybody to hurt her.

At 0:37:40-0:38:05 just like before, after some training in the army, Forrest come to see Jenny‘s concert, Jenny concert in a nightclub. Forrest really enjoy seeing Jenny playing the guitar and singing in the stage, despite it was a nightclub and Jenny in the stage wears nothing, only a guitar covers her body. Suddenly an audience tries to touch Jenny, and at that moment, Forrest comes to the stage and pushes that audience just to save Jenny.

The same thing happened at 01.08.47-01.09.37 when Forrest comes back to

America and meet Jenny again. Forrest sees Jenny get hurt by her new boyfriend again and punch Jenny‘s boyfriend just like what he did before. Jenny asks Forrest to stop and then Forrest said:

FORREST : He should not be hitting you, Jenny. (Roth, 1992, p. 76)



At that time Forrest gets really angry, shows how much he cares about Jenny, later at 01:09:54-01:10:09 Forrest says to Jenny:

FORREST : I would never hurt you, Jenny. JENNY : I know you wouldn't, Forrest. FORREST : I wanted to be your boyfriend. (Roth, 1992, pp. 76-77)

Forrest finally says that he wanted to be Jenny‘s boyfriend, but Jenny suddenly changes the topic and never response Forrest‘s answer. Later in the movie, Forrest gives the medal that he got from his achievement in Vietnam War to Jenny after that they talk:

JENNY : Forrest, I can't keep this. FORREST : I got it just by doing what you told me to do. JENNY : Why're you so good to me? FORREST : You're my girl. JENNY : I'll always be your girl. (Roth, 1992, p. 78)

Based on these scenes, the researcher analyzes those using theories of characterization through internal action, characterization through external action and characterization through dialogue. Characterization through internal action used by the researcher to analyze the first and second proofs, when Forrest narrating his childhood moment when he first meets Jenny. Characterization through external action used to analyzes third, fourth and fifth proofs, when

Forrest takes action to protect Jenny. Characterization through dialogue used to analyzes sixth and seventh proofs, when Forrest expresses how much he cares about Jenny in conversations. Based on the analysis that the researcher does, the researcher concludes that Forrest Gump really cares about Jenny Curran.



2. Characteristics of Jenny Curran

Jenny Curran is a character in Forrest Gump movie, she is Forrest‘s childhood friend and has many influences on Forrest. In the novel Jenny has few influences to Forrest and only appears in few moments, in contrast, in the movie,

Jenny Curran becomes a minor character that has a big influence to Forrest Gump, she has many screen times and dialogues. Jenny is a normal girl, not like Forrest, but her childhood makes her chooses Forrest as a place to run and become really close to him.

a. Longing to Run Away From Her Traumatic Past

Jenny really traumatized about her childhood past, she always spends her time with Forrest, she tried not to come home because of what her father does to her and her sisters. In the movie, at 0:18:13-0:18:25, Forrest says:

FORREST (V.O.) : He was a very lovin' man. He was always kissing and touchin' her and her sisters. And then this one time, Jenny wasn't on the bus to go to school. (Roth, 1992, p. 15)

The audiences learn that Jenny‘s father sexually harassed her daughters from this scene. At 0:18:33-0:19:20 Jenny asks Forrest to run away from her father and hiding in the cornfield. Jenny asks Forrest to pray there, she prays there and asks to be free like a bird that can fly far away.

Because of her traumatic past, Jenny searches for her freedom, she wants to run away from the world just like what she was prayed for when she was a child.

Jenny ran away from her traumatic past by going to many places and do anything



that she wants. In 1:29:21-1:31:50 Jenny is in a club with her friends, she uses drugs to run from reality. Jenny even tried to kill herself by jumping from the balcony in her room, but then decided not to do it.

Later in the movie, when Jenny come back to her hometown and meet Forrest again, they spend time together, and at 1:45:51-1.47.15 when they walk past

Jenny‘s old house, she starts to throws some stones into that house, and start to cry and then says:

JENNY : How could you do this? (Roth, 1992, p. 109)

This scene proofs that even after all those years, from her childhood until she becomes a woman, she just cannot forget what her father has done to her.

Using the theory of characterization through external action, the researcher analyzes Jenny‘s characteristic that she wants to run away from her traumatic past, which is being sexually harassed by her own father. From the proofs that the researcher finds, because of her trauma, she searches another way to run away from it. When Jenny was a child she prays, when she gets older, she uses drugs and later in the movie she tried to throw some stone to her own house which where she spends her childhood. b. Too Obsessed with Her Dream

Even though Jenny has a traumatic past, she really wants to reach her dream.

At 0:27:10-0:27:50 Jenny says to Forrest:

JENNY : Well, you'll always be you, just another kind of you. You know? I want to be famous.



JENNY : I want to be a singer like Joan Baez. I just want to be an empty stage with my guitar, my voice... just me. (Roth, 1992, p. 28)

Jenny wants to be someone famous, she wants to be acknowledged by people.

At this moment the audiences can learn that Jenny is an ambitious girl, with a dream. Later in the movie, the audiences get to know that Jenny is really obsessed with her dream to be someone famous.

In the minutes 0:35:55-0:37:37, when Forrest learns that Jenny is on a magazine, he becomes really happy about it, he does not know that the magazine

Jenny was on is an adult magazine, and Jenny become a model in it. Forrest then comes to a nightclub where Jenny has her concert, but the concert is not an ordinary concert, because it is a nightclub, Jenny in a stage wears nothing in her body and only a guitar that covers her body. It looks like Jenny wants to do anything just for her to achieve her dream.

Jenny singing naked in a nightclub‘s stage (FG, 1994: 0:37:19).

In the nightclub where Jenny concert, especially when the shot focuses on

Jenny, the dominant colors in the scene are the feminine colors, such as purple,



yellow and red. Boggs and Petrie stated color can be used expressionistically to make us experience the world of the film through the mind and feelings of the central characters (2008, p. 237). Color Attracts Attention technique is a technique to attract the audiences into the sharpest object in the movie by using color (2008, p. 225). The colors in this scene convey something beautiful and feminine and by using Color Attracts Attention, the director can chooses what is the focus of the audiences‘ eyes in the scene. Using these colors, the director makes the scene when Jenny is naked in the stage looks beautiful for the eyes of the audiences, because even though she is naked, the background has contrast colors to her skin, and make the audiences focuses on Jenny‘s beautiful skin.

The theory of characterization through internal action is the one that suitable to analyze Jenny‘s characteristic. She is willing to shows her naked body without any clothes on her body, just to be in a concert. Even before that concert, Jenny becomes a model in a mature magazine just to be famous. The actions that Jenny has taken in order to achieve her dream prove that she really ambitious or even obsessed toward her dream. c. Caring Toward Forrest

Forrest really care for Jenny, and it is the same for Jenny, she also really cares for Forrest. Because Jenny and Forrest are always together from elementary school, Jenny gets really close to Forrest. When Forrest got bullied in elementary school, Jenny asked Forrest to ran (0:15:45-0:17:15), the same thing happened when they were teenagers (0:19:56-0:21:36), when Forrest got bullied, Jenny always said the same thing to Forrest. Jenny said:



JENNY : Run, Forrest! Run! (Roth, 1992, p. 18)

Jenny wanted to protect Forrest from the bullies and because of that, Forrest learned one of his hidden talents, which is to run really fast, even faster than a car.

Jenny and Forrest also meet before Forrest goes to Vietnam, Forrest says that he will go to Vietnam, Jenny then says to him:

JENNY : Listen, you promise me something, okay? Just if you're ever in trouble, don't try to be brave, you just run, okay? Just run away. (Roth, 1992, p. 40) Jenny becomes worried about Forrest and says whatever happens all he needs to do is just run.

Sharpness of Focus technique blurring Forrest head and focuses to Jenny‘s face (FG, 1994: 0:39:41).

When Jenny said the dialogue above to Forrest, the camera shot at Jenny‘s face, with half of Forrest face in the side of the screen, blurred. This scene is almost the same as the scene at 0:13:36-0:14:44, when Forrest met Jenny for the first time, but it has different cinematic composition technique. The picture above shows that the scene blurred Forrest‘s head and focuses on Jenny‘s face when she talked to Forrest. Zemeckis using Sharpness of Focus technique in this scene, this



technique‘s purpose is to draw the audiences‘ attention to a smaller and more distant face in sharp focus. The eye is drawn almost automatically to what it can see best (Boggs and Petrie, 2008, p. 135). In this scene, what Jenny said to Forrest is something that is really important and by using this, the director makes the audiences drawn to the moment and knows what Jenny said to Forrest is important, and at the same time, it shows how Jenny care for Forrest.

Later in the movie, when Jenny and Forrest are separated again, Forrest starts to run across America, he runs for three years because Jenny left him. At 1:54:50-

1:55:12, Jenny who is working in a family restaurant sees the news on television, the news states that a man named Forrest Gump run across America, and that makes Jenny become worried.

In the movie there are many scenes that show how much Jenny cares for

Forrest, the researcher takes some of them and uses them as the proofs that one of

Jenny‘s characteristics is that she really cares about Forrest. All of the proofs were analyzed using the theory of characterization through dialogue. All of the proofs stated above shows that Jenny cares about Forrest through dialogues, she treats

Forrest like a little brother to her, and with this, the researcher can conclude that

Jenny really cares about Forrest.



B. The Influence of Forrest Gump’s and Jenny Curran’s Characteristics

Toward Their Defense Mechanisms

In this part, the researcher analyzes the second problem formulation, which is how Forrest Gump‘s and Jenny Curran‘s characteristics trigger their defense mechanisms in their relationship. The researcher focuses on both Forrest‘s and

Jenny‘s characteristics and analyzes them to see how their characteristics trigger their defense mechanisms. The researcher using theory of psychoanalysis and defense mechanism to analyze the reaction of Forrest and Jenny when their characteristics affect their relationship, and also to analyze what kind of defense mechanisms do Forrest‘s and Jenny‘s use. The researcher also uses theory of filmmaking technique, to help the researcher to analyze the movie, because in a movie, the techniques to convey some messages not only can be done through dialogues and music but also through visual. Using filmmaking technique theory, the researcher focuses on the cinematography and visual effects of the movie to help to find proofs of the analysis.

Forrest Gump is a mentally challenged person, his IQ is 75 and the way he thinks from he was a child until he becomes an adult is still the same. When

Forrest was a child, Forrest‘s mother is the one who teaches him everything in the way that he understands, and she makes sure that no matter what happens Forrest will get the same treatment as other kids. Because of this, Forrest become a kind person and innocent, but also because of his circumstance, he has no friends. That is when Forrest goes to elementary school, he finally meets someone that wants to be his friend, and that person is Jenny Curran.



The scene where Forrest meets Jenny is at 0:13:36-0:14:44, when Jenny asks

Forrest to sit beside her because nobody in the school bus wants Forrest to sit beside them. In this scene, Forrest finally meets someone who can accept him besides his mother. At 0:14:46-0:15:04 in the movie, Forrest and Jenny play for the first time, Forrest describes:

FORREST (V.O.) : From that day on, we was always together. Jenny and me was like peas and carrots. EXT. OAK TREE – DAY Young Jenny and Forrest run toward a large oak tree. FORREST (V.O.) : She taught me how to climb... Jenny sits on a large branch and calls down to Forrest. JENNY : Come on, Forrest, you can do it. Forrest dangles from the branch. FORREST (V.O.) : ...I showed her how to dangle. Jenny and Forrest sit on a tree branch and read. FORREST : "...a good little monkey and..." FORREST (V.O.) : She helped me to learn how to read. Forrest hangs upside down from a branch and swings back and forth. Forrest's braces are wedged in the tree. EXT. OAK TREE - NIGHT The silhouete of the oak tree, Jenny and Forrest as they sit on a branch. (Roth, 1992, p. 12)

In this scene, Forrest finally knows how it is like to have a friend. Forrest learns what mutual relationship with someone his age feels like. Forrest said that from the day they meet, they have become really close, ―like peas and carrots‖.

The researcher finds that Forrest as a kind and innocent boy is a perfect friend for

Jenny because she needs someone to run away from her father, the same goes to

Forrest, because Jenny is the only person with the same age as him that willing to accept him despite his mentally challenged characteristic. From this point of the movie, Forrest and Jenny also start to care toward each other.



From the discussion in the first problem formulation, the researcher finds that

Jenny has a trauma because of what happened in her childhood. Jenny was sexually harassed by her own father, and because of that she seeks for a place to feel safe, and this is when she meets Forrest. Tyson stated that a psychological history that begins in childhood experiences in the family and each with patterns of adolescent and adult behavior that are the direct result of that early experience

(2006, p. 12). Based on Tyson theory of defense mechanism, the researcher finds that what Jenny was doing, by using Forrest as a place to run away from her trauma is called avoidance.

After graduate from college, Forrest goes to and Jenny focuses to reach her dream. Because of this, Forrest and Jenny become separated for the first time. For a while, Forrest did not meet Jenny, because he is busy with his new career, until one day he sees an adult magazine. In the magazine there is a photo of Jenny, she becomes an adult model, and from this adult magazine,

Forrest knows that Jenny has a concert in a nightclub. Forrest comes to that nightclub and sees Jenny‘s concert. The first time Forrest sees Jenny in the stage with nothing to wear, the camera focuses on his expression that showing Forrest being surprised by what he sees, the camera then shows Jenny singing and then it focuses on Forrest‘s face again, this time his face slowly turn from surprise expression into smiling face. Forrest then said:

FORREST (V.O.) : Her dream had come true. She was a folk singer. (Roth, 1992, p. 36)



Forrest sees Jenny singing on the nightclub stage (FG, 1994: 0:36:41- 0:37:12).

In this scene, the focuses of the camera are Forrest and his expression. The expression changing of Forrest in this scene is being focused on the camera by making the background blur. This technique is sharpness of focus technique, by using this technique which focuses on Forrest by blurring the background, the audiences can see clearly Forrest‘s expression, it makes the audiences see how

Forrest really cares about Jenny and just by seeing Jenny finally reaches her dream makes him really happy. In this scene, Forrest believes that Jenny‘s dream finally comes true. After sometimes being separated, this meeting makes Forrest believes that dream can be reached.

The first time Forrest saw Jenny singing naked in the nightclub, Forrest expression showed that he was shocked, but then after Jenny started to sing,

Forrest‘s expression turned into smiling. At the minutes of 0:27:45-0:29:20, Jenny teaches Forrest about man‘s and woman‘s body, and from the scene (0:27:45-



0:29:20) Forrest learned that naked body can arouse someone and it is not something that people can show to everyone else easily. Seeing someone that he loves singing naked on the stage is really surprising for Forrest which can be seen in the first picture above, but then he chooses to ignore it because for him, the most important part is that Jenny finally reached her dream. Forrest only sees what he wants to see and tries to ignore something that he did not want to see.

This is selective perception defense mechanism of Forrest because Forrest really cares for Jenny, he only sees the good side of Jenny and ignores the thing that he does not wish to see.

Jenny‘s dream is to become a famous singer, she has a great dream and she wants to achieve it. Jenny is really ambitious to reach her dream, but because she has bad childhood environment in her family, getting support is hard for her, which makes her search how to reach her dream by her own. The family is very important in psychoanalytic theory because we are each a product of the role we are given in the family-complex (Tyson, 2006, p. 13). Because her family is the cause of her depression, in her journey to reach her dream, Jenny also tried to search for a place to forget her trauma. This lead to another bad environment that makes Jenny ends up achieving her goal, but still in a bad environment for her.

In the movie, Forrest and Jenny meet and separate several times, and at

1:44:20-1:45:51, after Forrest comes back to his hometown, Greenbow, Alabama,

Jenny comes to Forrest‘s house after a long time they have not meet each other.

At 1:47:15-1:45:51, the scenes show Forrest and Jenny spend their time together,

Forrest narrates:



FORREST (V.O.) : Jenny came back and stayed with me. INT. GUMP HOUSE Jenny lies asleep in bed. FORREST (V.O.) : Maybe it was because she had nowhere else to go. Or maybe it was because she was so tired, because she went to bed and slept and slept like she hadn't slept in years. It was wonderful having her home. (Roth, 1992, pp. 107- 108)

Jenny comes back to her hometown and stays with Forrest. The researcher relates this with one of her characteristics, which is longing to run away from her traumatic past. In the first problem formulation, the researcher finds that one strong reason why Jenny always moves from place to place because she wants to find a safe place for her to run away from her traumatic past. She does not want to remember her past where she was sexually harassed by her own father. She tries so many things; runs away, having boyfriend, drugs, and even tries to kill herself.

Jenny finally tired of running away and decides that the best place for her to go is

Forrest‘s side. Being with Forrest Jenny starts to open her heart again, she started to smile and even showing Forrest what makes her life like that. Jenny throws stones to her old house in front of Forrest, she expresses all of her bad thoughts and feelings by throwing those stones (1:45:51-1:47:15).



The scene where Forrest meets Jenny again uses bright colors (FG, 1994: 1:45:09).

The reunion of Forrest and Jenny uses bright colors from the moment they meet again (1:44:20) until (1:45:51) have a different color tone with the scenes that show Jenny‘s journey before. The scenes where Jenny searching for her place to feel safe are using darker color tone, in contrast with the tone when she meets again with Forrest. Zemeckis uses color as a transitional device technique, where the director makes the scenes when Jenny was not with Forrest has darker color tone, and when Jenny with Forrest, the color tone turned into bright color. By using color as a transitional device, Zemeckis makes the audiences know that the best place for Jenny to forget about her depression is Forrest.



One night after being together for several days, Forrest finally thinks that it is the right time for him to ask Jenny to be his wife. Before Jenny going to bed,

Forrest comes to Jenny and asks her:

JENNY : I'm going to bed. Jenny turns off the TV and walks outside. Forrest stands as he puts down his Dr. Pepper. Jenny walks toward the stairs. FORREST : Will you marry me? I'd make a good husband, Jenny. JENNY : You would, Forrest. FORREST : But you won't marry me. JENNY : You don't want to marry me. FORREST : Why don't you love me, Jenny? I'm not a smart man, but I know what love is. Forrest turns and walks toward the door. Jenny turns and walks up the stairs. Forrest stands outside. (Roth, 1992, p. 111) Jenny rejects Forrest‘s proposal because she thinks a good man like Forrest would never be happy if he marries her. Once again the researcher relates this to the same characteristic of Jenny which she longing to run away from her traumatic past. The researcher finds that because of her past, Jenny tries to forget it by using the wrong way to run. Jenny spends her youth freely, she uses drugs, hangs out with many people that give her negative influences, and still cannot run away from her depression. Jenny thinks that she is not the right person for Forrest, she cares about Forrest so much that she does not want Forrest to spend his life just with her.

The reason Jenny rejected Forrest proposal to marry him is that Jenny was under her defense mechanism which is fear of intimacy. According to Tyson, fear of intimacy is fear of emotional involvement with another human being—is often an effective defense against learning about our own psychological wounds because it keeps us at an emotional distance in relationships most likely to bring



those wounds to the surface: relationships with lovers, spouses, offspring, and best friends (2006, p. 16). Tyson also stated that by not permitting ourselves to get too close to significant others, we ―protect‖ ourselves from the painful past experiences that intimate relationships inevitably dredge up (2006, p. 16). In

Jenny‘s case, she thinks that she is not the right person for Forrest, Jenny loves

Forrest so much, but she thinks that she just taking advantage of him which led her to reject Forrest‘s proposal.

After rejecting Forrest‘s proposal, Forrest and Jenny go into their room. At the same night, Jenny comes to Forrest‘s room, she knows that she loves Forrest, she just wants the best for him and she wants Forrest to know that too. Realizing that she has hurt Forrest feeling, Jenny wanted to gives something to Forrest.

Jenny then sleeps with Forrest, and they spend the night together (1:49:42-

1:50:53). This is the First time for Forrest to experience it, and he did it with the one that he loves.

In the morning, before Forrest wakes up, Jenny left Forrest again (1:50:43-

1:58:55). Forrest and Jenny once again separated, and this time is because Jenny thinks that this is the best for them. This is also a defense mechanism that Jenny uses, when she left Forrest, not only for Forrest‘s sake but also her own sake.

Jenny uses avoidance defense mechanism, where she chose to run away to solve her problem. The researcher relates Jenny‘s characteristic which is caring toward

Forrest with these two events, when Jenny rejects Forrest‘s proposal and when

Jenny choses to run away from Forrest. Her characteristic triggers her defense mechanisms which are fear of intimacy and avoidance.



Because Jenny left Forrest again, suddenly Forrest thinks that maybe it is best for him if he runs, to clear his mind. Forrest starts to run across America, he only stops to sleep, eat and drink. For at least three years Forrest running, without

Forrest realizing, while he runs he helps a lot of people. Some people think that by following Forrest running they can find peace, some other people think that

Forrest brings them luck. One day after tired of running, Forrest suddenly feels that he must go home.

Because Jenny suddenly disappears from Forrest life again, Forrest decided to run and does not stop for three years. This is the defense mechanism that Forrest does to himself, which is avoidance. After Jenny left him, the only thing that

Forrest think the best to do was running. By running, Forrest avoids the situation and what he felt when Jenny left him. In the movie, Forrest said that he has no reason why he was running, but based on psychoanalysis, Jenny is the reason why he was running, because the night before he started running, Jenny rejected his proposal, but she slept with him, and in the morning she left him.

FORREST (V.O.) : ...I thought maybe I'd just run across Greenbow County. And I figured since I run this far, maybe I'd just run across the great... FORREST (V.O.) : ...state of Alabama. And that's what I did I ran clear across Alabama. FORREST (V.O.) : And when I got there, I figured since I'd gone this far, I might as well turn around, just keep on going. FORREST (V.O.) : When I got to another ocean, I figured since I've gone this far, I might as well just turn back, keep right on going. FORREST (V.O.) : When I got tired, I slept. When I got hungry, I ate. FORREST : When I had to go, you know, I went. ELDERLY WOMAN : And so, you just ran? FORREST : Yeah.



FORREST (V.O.) : I'd think a lot about Momma and Bubba, and Lieutenant Dan, but most of all, I thought about Jenny. I thought about her a lot. NEWSCASTER : For more than two years now, a man named Forrest Gump, a gardener from Greenbow, Alabama, stopping only to sleep, has been running across America. NEWSCASTER : Charles Cooper brings us this report. NEWSMAN : For the fourth time on his journey across America, Forrest Gump, a gardener from Greenbow, Alabama, is about to cross the Mississippi River again today. (Roth, 1992, p. 115)

Forrest‘s narration, Newscaster and Newsman dialogue shows that Forrest running across America for three years after Jenny left him. This also means how badly hurt Forrest was when Jenny suddenly disappear from him because the dialogue tells how many years have passed when Forrest ran for his defense mechanism.

Forrest defense mechanism to avoid his problem by running for three years was triggered by not only by Jenny‘s choice which she made from her characteristic, but also from Forrest‘s characteristic which is mentally challenged.

Mentally challenged characteristic of Forrest makes him thinks like an elementary school boy, from he was a boy, Forrest only knew the best way to solve his problems is to run. Jenny teaches Forrest to run at 0:19:56-0:21:36, when he was being chased by some bullies with a bike, at 0:19:56-0:21:36 Jenny asks Forrest again to run from bullies who chase him with a pickup truck, and at 0:39:25-

0:40:10 before Forrest goes to Vietnam, Jenny says to Forrest:



JENNY : Listen, you promise me something, okay? Just if you're ever in trouble, don't try to be brave, you just run, okay? Just run away. (Roth, 1992, p. 40)

This time, he has a problem and unconsciously Forrest thinks that it is the best for him to run and stopped after three years of running. Because Forrest is a mentally challenged man, he does not know how to handle his own feeling after

Jenny left him again, this is why he chooses to run, because by running, he can solve his problems before.

The researcher finds that Forrest‘s and Jenny‘s characteristics gives their relationship a lot of trouble, but also their characteristics are the ones who keep them together. Forrest is a person with characteristics that can calm Jenny from her depression, but Jenny‘s traumatic past lead her into bad environment and thinks that if she comes back to Forrest, it is just the same as using him for her own advantage makes her leaving him again and again. These situations are triggering their defense mechanisms, which are selective perception, avoidance and fear of intimacy.

C. The Influence of Forrest Gump’s and Jenny Curran’s Defense

Mechanisms toward Forrest Gump until He Become a Successful Person

After discovering Forrest Gump‘s and Jenny Curran‘s defense mechanisms, the researcher continues the research into the next problem formulation, which is the influence of Forrest‘s and Jenny‘s defense mechanisms and characteristics toward Forrest until he become a successful person. In this part, the researcher using the findings from the first and second problem formulations to find what is



the influence of Forrest‘s and Jenny‘s defense mechanism and characteristics toward Forrest‘s life. The researcher using theory of filmmaking technique to help the researcher to finds proofs for the analysis, and relate the result to the definition successful life and success by Adu-Wusu and Emerson.

The first defense mechanism is Jenny‘s defense mechanism which is avoidance. Jenny uses her defense mechanism to run away from her father‘s sexual harassment. Jenny finds that Forrest is the perfect person for her to forget her father, and Forrest on the other side finally finds someone who can accept him as a friend. Because of this, Jenny and Forrest become really close and even when

Jenny searches for another place to forget her depression, she always comes back to Forrest.

The researcher finds that Jenny‘s avoidance defense mechanism from her traumatic past leads her to always come back to Forrest and this influence

Forrest‘s life. At 2:07:14-2:09:25, when Jenny is dying and Forrest tells her his experiences, Jenny says:

JENNY : I wish I could have been there with you. FORREST : You were. (Roth, 1992, p. 126)

The researcher finds from this scene that finally Forrest tells the reason why he, a mentally challenged man, can go through so many bizarre experiences and stay strong, it is all because he always thinks that Jenny is always by his side, and the willing to meet with her again pushes him to go through all of the obstacles.

By thinking that Jenny is always by his side, Forrest has the strength to go through



many obstacles. Jenny‘s avoidance defense mechanism causes her relationship with Forrest stays strong and even stronger each time they meet in the movie and that is the reason for Forrest to keep going to love her.

The researcher finds that Jenny‘s Avoidance from her father‘s harassment causes Forrest and Jenny to become really close, and from that point, Forrest life started to change. When Jenny and Forrest are walking down the road, suddenly some bullies come from their behind. At this time, Forrest is still using walking aids that paired in his legs which make him cannot walk properly.

EXT. OAK ALLEY - ANOTHER DAY (1954) Jenny and Forrest walk. A dirt clod hits Forrest in the back of the head. Jenny looks as Forrest rubs his head. THREE YOUNG BOYS get off their bikes and pick up more rocks. BOY # : Hey... dummy! Forrest is hit in the eye with another dirt clod. Forrest falls backward onto the ground as the boys glare at him. BOY #2 : Are you retarded, or just plain stupid? BOY #3 : Look, I'm Forrest Gump. Jenny helps Forrest back up. Boy #1 and Boy #2 throw more dirt clods at Forrest. JENNY : Just run away, Forrest. Another dirt clod hits Forrest in the arm. JENNY : Run, Forrest! Forrest tries to run along the road, but his braces makes it impossible. He hobbles along as Jenny yells after him. JENNY : Run away! Hurry! (Roth, 1992, pp. 17-18)

Jenny knows that Forrest cannot run because of his legs condition, but she still asks Forrest to run because she cares about him and cannot protect him by herself. This is causes by one of her characteristic which is caring toward Forrest, she knows that Forrest can run and overcome his weakness.



Forrest hobbles along the dirt road. JENNY : Run, Forrest! Forrest looks over his shoulder. The three boys race on their bikes. BOY #1 : Come back here, you! Forrest begins to run faster with his braces on. Forrest continues running as the boys chase him. Blood drips down from a cut on his head. The boys on the bikes are gaining on Forrest. Forrest hobbles along. He begins to gain speed. JENNY : Run, Forrest! Run! SLOW MOTION – Forrest runs from the chasing room. He looks over his shoulder in fear. The boys on the bikes peddle faster as they gain on Forrest, running. Forrest tries to run even faster to get away. Suddenly his braces shatter, sending steel and plastic flying into the air. Forrest runs and look down at his legs in surprise. Forrest continues to run faster as the metal braces and straps fly off his legs. Forrest runs free of his braces and begins to pick up speed. The chasing boys ride over the remains of Forrest's braces. (Roth, 1992, p. 18)

Despite his legs are not function properly, Forrest still run just like what

Jenny asks him to do. This happens because Forrest‘s characteristic which is caring toward Jenny, their relationship makes they believe toward each other.

This brings power to Forrest and suddenly a miracle happens, the walking aids in

Forrest‘s legs suddenly shatter and Forrest can run like normal people, even faster than normal people.



Slow motion when Forrest runs for the first time (FG, 1994: 0:16:43).

The scene shows Forrest can run and shatters his walking aids happened in slow motion, based on film technique theory, this scene using Director's

Interpretive Point of View. The technique of Director's Interpretive Point of View in film technique theory is when a director manipulating the audiences‘ point of view in subtle ways, chooses not what to show but also how the audiences will see it (2008, p. 132). By using slow motion technique, the Robert Zemeckis makes the audiences engage with the scene and realize that the scene is really important in the movie, and in this case, the researcher finds that the scene when Forrest gain his hidden talent, which is to run really fast because of Forrest and Jenny trust and care toward each other.

The same thing happened to Forrest and Jenny when they were teenagers,

Forrest and Jenny walks in the same road when suddenly bullies with a pickup truck come from their behind and start to throw Forrest with stones.

EXT. GREENBOW/OAK ALLEY - DAY (1961) Forrest and Jenny are teenagers now. They walk along an oaklined road. FORREST (V.O.) : ...all the way to high school. Suddenly Forrest is hit in the back with a rock. Forrest and Jenny turn around. OLDER BOY #1 : Hey, stupid! JENNY : Quit it!



A teenage boy throws another rock as a pickup truck pulls up behind him. Jenny turns and looks at Forrest. JENNY : Run, Forrest, run! OLDER BOY #1 : Hey. Did you hear me, stupid? JENNY : Run, Forrest! Forrest drops his books and runs down the road. The teenage boy jumps into the back of the pickup truck with another boy as the truck speeds after Forrest. Jenny steps left and gets out of the way. (Roth, 1992, p. 18)

The scene happens just like when Forrest and Jenny were elementary school kids, but this scene has a different effect on Forrest. Jenny asks Forrest to run again from the bullies, but this time the bullies drive a pickup truck, which makes it almost impossible for Forrest to run from them. Same thing happens again

Jenny still believe in Forrest that he can outrun the pickup truck, and Forrest believes in Jenny that he should run away from that bullies. Forrest starts to run and the pickup truck starts to chase him. A miracle happens again, the bullies cannot catch Forrest even with a pickup truck, Forrest runs really fast and without his knowing he runs through an ‘s field, where there is still a college team practice. The coach of this team sees Forrest‘s ability to run really fast and interested in Forrest. Because of this event, Forrest can attend the

University of Alabama and join their American football team. This happens because of Forrest‘s characteristic which is caring toward Jenny Curran and

Jenny‘s characteristic which is caring toward Forrest Gump.

The second defense mechanism that the researcher finds is selective perception from Forrest when he sees Jenny singing naked in a stage of a nightclub (0:36:41-0:37:12). At 0:27:10-0:27:50 Jenny teaches Forrest that someone must have a dream in their life.



JENNY : Do you ever dream, Forrest, about who you're gonna be? FORREST : Who I'm gonna be? JENNY : Yeah. FORREST : Aren't I going to be me? JENNY : Well, you'll always be you, just another kind of you. You know? I want to be famous. (Roth, 1992, p. 28)

In this scene, the researcher finds that Jenny is the first person to make

Forrest believes that he must have a reason to live. Forrest never learns that he must have something to reach in his life, and by telling Forrest her dream, Jenny teaches him that in life, a person must have a goal so that their life becomes meaningful. In the nightclub (0:36:41-0:37:12), Forrest sees Jenny who finally reached her dream, using his selective perception defense mechanism, Forrest only sees Jenny who finally reached her dream in the stage, despite the fact that she is naked and the audiences does not care about her voice. Forrest‘s defense mechanism makes him learns from Jenny that in life, someone must have a dream or goal and it can be reach if you work for it.

At 0:47:30-0:48:12 when in Vietnam Forrest and Bubba made a promise:

BUBBA : This way, we don't have to sleep with our heads in the mud. You know why we a good partnership, Forrest? 'Cause we be watchin' out for one another. Like brothers and stuff. Hey, Forrest, there's somethin' I've been thinkin' about. I got a very important question to ask you. How would you like to go into the shrimpin' business with me? FORREST : Okay. BUBBA : Man, I tell you what, I got it all figured out, too. So many pounds of shrimp to pay off the boat, so many pounds for gas, we can just live right on the boat. We ain't got to pay no rent. I'll be the captain; we can just work it together. Split everything right down the middle.



Man, I'm tellin' you, fifty-fifty. And, hey, Forrest, all the shrimp you can get. FORREST : That's a fine idea. FORREST (V.O.) : Bubba did have a fine idea. (Roth, 1992, p. 47)

At this scene Forrest finally has a dream and because of what Jenny teaches to him and Forrest sees himself that Jenny can reaches her dream, Forrest really work hard to make his dream comes true, which later in the movie (1:31:47-

1:33:18), Forrest get help from his friend Lieutenant Dan. Both Forrest and

Lieutenant Dan become rich later because of this shrimping business, and using his money from this shrimping business, Forrest helps many people in his hometown to build a church and a hospital, and keeps his promise to Bubba to gives half of their income to Bubba‘s family. Forrest uses the money that he got from shrimping business not only for himself, but also uses the money to help other people and still keep his promise to Bubba to gives half of the money to

Bubba‘s family. Forrest set shrimping business as one of his goal in his life when

Bubba make promise with him. The researcher relates this with one of Forrest‘s characteristic which is kind. This characteristic makes Forrest keep his promise to

Bubba, and with a miraculous event, he turns to be a rich person because of his job as a shrimping captain, and because of his kind characteristic Forrest also gain respect from Lieutenant Dan and Bubba‘s family.

Jenny Curran‘s third and fourth defense mechanisms are fear of intimacy and avoidance which she uses when Forrest propose her. Jenny rejects Forrest‘s proposal because she uses her fear of intimacy defense mechanism, this also



trigger her defense mechanism which is avoidance where she believe it is the best for her and Forrest if she stay away from Forrest. These defense mechanisms of

Jenny also trigger Forrest‘s defense mechanism which is also avoidance. At that moment, Forrest is almost in the top of his happiness, where he finally reached his dream to be a shrimping boat captain, become rich, and Jenny also comes back to him. This is the right moment for Forrest to propose Jenny, but Jenny rejected him and left him. Forrest‘s avoidance causes him to run across America for three years.

In three years of running across America, Forrest becomes famous, he somehow becomes some people‘s inspiration. Because of him being famous,

Forrest starts showing on the news on the television, which Jenny sees when she was working in a family restaurant. Being separated for three years, Forrest and

Jenny finally meet at 2:00:03 in the movie. At 2:00:00-2:03:51, Forrest and Jenny meet again after three years. The reunion really makes Forrest happy, and suddenly a child comes to Jenny, then Jenny tells Forrest that that child is Forrest and Jenny‘s son. This makes Forrest really surprised and speechless.

Sharpness of Focus technique shows Forrest‘s expression changes (FG, 1994:




The scene when Jenny tells Forrest that her son is actually also Forrest‘s son is one of the most important scenes in the movie. In the scene, the director chooses Sharpness of Focus technique to focuses on Forrest‘s and Jenny‘s face, while the background slightly blurred. By doing this Zemeckis makes the scene has a big impact because the audiences focus on the scene. Forrest‘s expression also made the audiences drawn into the situation.

JENNY : Isn't he beautiful? FORREST : He's the most beautiful thing I've ever seen. But... is, is he smart, or is he... JENNY : He's very smart. He's one of the smartest in his class. (Roth, 1992, p. 123)

Forrest learns that he actually has a son, and that son is a normal boy. Forrest can experience how it is to be a father because of Jenny, even though he is a mentally challenged man. After that scene, at 2:03:52-2:04:50, Forrest and Jenny talk in a park, Jenny asking for forgiveness to Forrest for leaving him without telling him before, because she knows that she is the reason why Forrest suffers and start to run across America for three years. Jenny suddenly tells Forrest that she is sick and maybe has a little time to live. Forrest asks Jenny to come with him and stay with him in Greenbow, Alabama. Forrest says that he will take care of both Jenny and their son. At 2:06:48-2:07:13, Forrest and Jenny are finally married. One of Forrest goals in life has been achieved by him, he marries the girl that he loves so much, and they spend their life together.

The researcher finds that the series of defense mechanisms started from when

Forrest proposes Jenny are making them to realize that how important they are to



each other. These three defense mechanisms happened because they love each other but at the same time, Jenny‘s depression causing them to separate. Being separated for three years, is enough time for Jenny to finally realizes how important Forrest to him and finally accept the truth that all she need in her life is happiness with Forrest. At 2:07:14-2:09:25 after Forrest tells Jenny about his life experiences, Jenny tells Forrest:

JENNY : I wish I could have been there with you. FORREST : You were. (Roth, 1992, p. 126)

This shows that all this time Jenny does love Forrest, but just after being separated for three years after Forrest proposes her, Jenny can finally accept her feeling.

At 2:09:26-2:13:00 in the movie, Jenny finally died. In front of Jenny‘s grave,

Forrest stands and tells about his life after Jenny left him, he says that he finally knows how to be a good father for their son, and he learns a lesson in life.

FORREST : Jenny, I don't know if Momma was right or if, if it's Lieutenant Dan. I don't know if we each have a destiny, or if we're all just floating around accidental-like on a breeze, but I, I think maybe it's both. Maybe both is happening at the same time. I miss you, Jenny. If there's anything you need, I won't be far away. (Roth, 1992, p. 127-128)

Forrest learns that in life there is destiny for everyone, but it does not mean because of destiny, people cannot do anything, instead, because of destiny exist, people must work hard to achieve it.



Strong Visual Impact in a Static Background technique shows Forrest standing in front of Jenny‘s grave after the scene when he was talking to Jenny (FG, 1994: 2,09:30).

The scene showing the death of Jenny in the movie is really sudden, but it does not feel out of place, because Zemeckis uses Strong Visual Impact in a Static

Background technique when the camera widely shot at Forrest standing in front of

Jenny‘s grave. This technique helps the movie to convey a story without narrating it, the audiences learned the event just by looking at the background. This scene has strong impact for the audience because the scene happened suddenly, right after Forrest and Jenny talking about their past. The researcher include this data because the researcher finds that in this scene, Forrest conclude his life experiences in a speech in front of Jenny‘s graves, which helps the researcher finds what is the final situation of Forrest in the end of the film.

With all the proofs above, the researcher finds the answer of the third problem formulation which is how do Forrest Gump’s and Jenny Curran’s defense mechanisms and characteristics influence Forrest Gump until he become a successful person as portrayed in Robert Zemeckis’ Forrest Gump movie. The researcher uses the findings from the first and second problem formulation and uses them to analyze the third problem formulation.



First, because of Jenny‘s traumatic past of her father that sexually harasses her, Jenny wants to run away from that reality, she never feels safe and wants to search a place for her to feel safe. She uses defense mechanism which is avoidance. Because of this defense mechanism, Jenny become really close to

Forrest. One of Jenny‘s characteristic is caring toward Forrest which influences

Forrest‘s life such as helping him to find out his hidden talent to run really fast and teach Forrest about goal in life.

In Forrest Gump movie, Jenny searches the right place for her to run away from her trauma, leading her to many destructive environments, she uses drugs, living in nightlife and even tries to kill herself. Several times she meets Forrest but she never feels that she is the right person for Forrest, even when she knows that Forrest is the right place for her to stay. This happened because of her another defense mechanism which is fear of intimacy. Because of this dilemma several times she left Forrest because she thinks it is better for them and tries to find another place to feel safe.

After analyzing Jenny, the researcher analyzes Forrest Gump‘s defense mechanisms and characteristics. The researcher finds that the characteristic of

Forrest which is caring toward Jenny Curran lead Forrest to found his hidden talent and lead him to go to University. The researcher also finds that Forrest‘s defense mechanisms are selective perception and avoidance. Selective perception was used by Forrest when he saw Jenny singing on the nightclub stage naked.

Instead feeling sad seeing Jenny become a naked singer, Forrest become happy and learn that dream can be achieve in life if he work hard enough. Forrest‘s kind



characteristic also helps him to become respected person, when he keep his promise to his friend Bubba and gives half of his money from shrimping business to Bubba‘s family, and uses some of his money to help people in his hometown.

Forrest used avoidance as his defense mechanism when Jenny left him at 1:50:43-

1:58:55. Forrest felt sad and wanted to run away from reality. As his defense mechanism, Forrest starts to run across America for three years long. This defense mechanism of Forrest Gump actually makes him more mature and learn a lot about life.

Finally, after finding what influences Forrest‘s and Jenny‘s defense mechanisms and characteristics give to Forrest Gump, the researcher relates it to the problem formulation and finds the answer how these defense mechanisms can lead Forrest into successful life. According to Adu-Wusu, Successful life means gaining or having gained success in life, the achievement of desired visions and planned goals. (Adu-Wusu, 2016, para. 1) and according to Emerson, success is

―to laugh often and much; to win the respect of intelligent people and the affection of children; to leave the world a better place; to know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived—This is to have succeeded.‖ (2004, p. 226).

Based on researcher‘s analysis, Forrest Gump has become a successful person at the end of the movie of Forrest Gump, because, first Forrest finally reaches his goal to be together with Jenny and live with his son, he sees only what good to him which makes him always happy, even when Jenny is gone, he still try to search something positive that he can learn from it. Second, because of his many experiences Forrest gain many respects from many people, from his American



football coach, Lieutenant Dan, Bubba‘s family, and many people that he help during his journey of his life. Third, Forrest gains the affection of his son like what he tells Jenny when Jenny was gone in front of Jenny‘s grave (2:09:26-

2:13:00). Finally Forrest leaves a better place because he helps so many people and help his hometown, during his lifetime, many people becomes success because of him, like (0:10:55-0:11:59), Lieutenant Dan, Bubba‘s family, two people that he helps to find inspiration while he was running for three years, people in his town, and finally Jenny and their son. Therefore, based on the researcher‘s analysis, the researcher concludes Forrest Gump‘s and Jenny

Curran‘s defense mechanisms and characteristics affect Forrest Gump‘s life so that he becomes a successful person.




In this chapter, the researcher concludes the discussion of the problem formulations. The first problem formulation focuses on the characteristics of

Forrest Gump and Jenny Curran in the movie of Forrest Gump. The researcher uses Joseph M. Boggs and Dennis W. Petrie‘s characterization theory and finds that Forrest Gump characteristics are mentally challenged, kind, innocent and care about Jenny. Meanwhile, for Jenny Curran, the researcher finds that she wants to run away from her traumatic past, too obsessed about her dream and finally care about Forrest. The researcher also uses Joseph M. Boggs and Dennis W. Petrie‘s filmmaking technique theory, because in the movie, the researcher finds that there are some messages that delivered through visual techniques.

The second problem formulation focuses on the how Forrest Gump‘s and Jenny

Curran‘s characteristics trigger Forrest‘s and Jenny‘s defense mechanisms. In this problem formulation, the researcher uses Lois Tyson‘s psychoanalytic and defense mechanism theory, also Joseph M. Boggs and Dennis W. Petrie‘s filmmaking technique theory. Using these two theories, the researcher finds

Forrest‘s and Jenny‘s characteristics creating a complicated relationship where

Forrest and Jenny wants to be together but cannot make it happen because of

Jenny‘s depression, causing them to use their defense mechanisms. Forrest uses selective perception, and avoidance defense mechanisms and Jenny uses avoidance, and fear of intimacy defense mechanism.




The third problem formulation focuses on how Forrest Gump‘s and Jenny

Curran‘s defense mechanisms and characteristics influence Forrest Gump until he becomes a successful person. Jenny‘s defense mechanism to run away from her traumatic past really affects Forrest in his life. Forrest‘s characteristic which is caring toward Jenny and Jenny‘s characteristic which is caring toward Forrest makes Forrest learn his hidden talent and lead his to go to University. Because

Jenny wants to forget what her father has done to her when she was a child, she tries to find a right place for her, Forrest is a right place for her, but she does not want to ruin Forrest‘s life, which makes them become separated several times in the movie. This also triggers Forrest‘s defense mechanism, the way Jenny rejects his love several times in the movie makes him stronger, meet with many new experiences and make him learn about life. Forrest‘s kind characteristics causes him to help other people and keeping his promise to his friend, this lead him to become a successful shrimping boat captain but in the same time makes him a respected person by his friends and people around him.

Finally, the researcher finds that Forrest‘s and Jenny‘s defense mechanisms and characteristics lead Forrest to be a successful person. Forrest has all the criteria of successful life that Adu-Wusu (Adu-Wusu, 2016, para. 1) stated,

Successful life means gaining or having gained success in life, the achievement of desired visions and planned goals, and Emerson (2004, p. 226) stated, which are to laugh often, to win the respect of intelligent people and the affection of children, to leave the world a better place, and to know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived. All of the criteria of successful life by Adu-Wusu



and success by Emerson has Forrest achieved and Jenny has a big role in that success.



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Appendix: Summary of Robert Zemeckis’ Forrest Gump The movie Forrest Gump follows the life events of a man who shares the name as the title of the film. Gump faces many tribulations throughout his life, but he never lets any of them interfere with his happiness. From wearing braces on his legs, to having a below average IQ and even being shot, Gump continues to believe that good things will happen and goes after his dreams. While several less than ideal things occur during Gump's life, he manages to turn each setback into something good for him, such as when he finally gets his braces off he discovers that he is capable of running faster than most other people. This skill allows

Gump to not only escape his bullies while he is a child in Greenbow, but also to gain a football scholarship, save many soldiers' lives and become famous for his ability. While Gump eventually achieves the majority of the things he hoped to throughout the movie, it proved a much more difficult task to win the heart of his life-long friend Jenny Curran. The movie is centered on Forrest Gump and the incidences that occur during his life, but during each period in his lifetime he thinks back of Jenny and how important she is to him. Although the two characters grew up together and shared a very close friendship, as the movie progresses they grow apart. This upsets Gump who cares immensely for the girl who had a rough start in life, and it seems the two always end up back in each other's lives, often in extraordinary ways like meeting in the Reflection Pond in

D.C. Even though Gump is the main character of the film, it similarly tells the story of Curran and the hardships she faces.