The Comparative Effects of Three Toxic Substances on Bluegill Behavior Mary Gerard Henry Iowa State University

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The Comparative Effects of Three Toxic Substances on Bluegill Behavior Mary Gerard Henry Iowa State University View metadata, citation and similar papers at brought to you by CORE provided by Digital Repository @ Iowa State University Iowa State University Capstones, Theses and Retrospective Theses and Dissertations Dissertations 1984 The comparative effects of three toxic substances on bluegill behavior Mary Gerard Henry Iowa State University Follow this and additional works at: Part of the Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Commons, and the Environmental Sciences Commons Recommended Citation Henry, Mary Gerard, "The ompc arative effects of three toxic substances on bluegill behavior " (1984). Retrospective Theses and Dissertations. 8996. This Dissertation is brought to you for free and open access by the Iowa State University Capstones, Theses and Dissertations at Iowa State University Digital Repository. 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These prints are available upon request from the Dissertations Customer Services Department. 5. Some pages in any document may have indistinct print. In all cases the best available copy has been filmed. Universi^ MicrxSllms International 300 N. Zeeb Road Ann Arbor, Ml 48106 8423641 Henry, Mary Gerard THE COMPARATIVE EFFECTS OF THREE TOXIC SUBSTANCES ON BLUEGILL BEHAVIOR Iowa State University PH.D. 1984 University Microfilms I nternstionsil 300 N. zeeb Road, Ann Arbor, Ml 48106 PLEASE NOTE: In all cases this material has been filmed in the best possible way from the available copy. Problems encountered with this document have been identified here with a check mark V . 1. Glossy photographs or pages 2. Colored illustrations, paper or print 3. Photographs with dark background 4. Illustrations are poor copy 5. Pages with black marks, not original copy 6. Print shows through as there is text on both sides of page 7. Indistinct, broken or small print on several pages t/ 8. 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BEHAVIORAL EFFECTS OF METHYL FARATHION 6 ON SOCIAL GROUPS OF BLUEGILL, LEPOMIS MACROCEIRUS INTRODUCTION 7 MATERIALS AND METHODS 11 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 19 REFERENCES 29 SECTION II. BEHAVIORAL EFFECTS OF COPPER ON 32 BLUEGILL, LEPOMIS MACROCHIRUS INTRODUCTION 33 MATERIALS AND METHODS 35 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 42 REFERENCES 55 SECTION III. BEHAVIORAL EFFECTS OF CHLORDANE ON 58 HIERARCHIES OF BLUEGILL, LEPOMIS MACROCHIRUS INTRODUCTION 59 MATERIALS AND METHODS 60 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 67 REFERENCES 76 iii GENERAL SUMMARY 78 REFERENCES 83 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS 84 1 GENERAL INTRODUCTION Over the last decade, aquatic toxicologists have been searching for new methods which embody the best features of acute lethality and chronic sublethal toxicity tests, i.e. new tests that are short-term, inexpensive, sensitive to low levels of contaminants, and provide standardized protocols. Although many interesting approaches have recently been developed, few have reached the standardization phase and many produce results which are difficult to apply or extrapolate to field situations. The current bottleneck in aquatic toxicology is thus one of determining the ecological significance of an effect. Can we first verify laboratory effects in the field, and secondly, what do the results mean to the survival and reproductive capability of the population? This research was conceived in 1976 to address, in small part, these issues. It was the original intent of this author to employ behavioral changes as indices of toxicant effect at sublethal levels of exposure. The underlying rationale to such an approach was threefold: 1) behavior is the organismal level manifestation of a physiological, biochemical, environmental influenced and motivational state of an organism; 2) Selye (1974) indicated that behavioral changes were very early warning indicators of diseased states in mammals, including humans, therefore demonstrated behavioral sensitivity; 3} alterations in behavior due to contaminants might provide more meaningful bridges for ecological interpretation. For 2 example, intensified aggression due to a toxicant could impact survival and reproduction if social organization was degraded. Few behavioral toxicology bioassays had been developed up to 1975. Most of the few tests conducted failed to address the ecological/life history characteristics of the test animal. Sparks et al. (1972) did recognize the dominant-subordinate hierarchy forming tendencies of bluegill, Lepomis macrochirus. but far from standardized an approach. Consequently, copious preliminary considerations had to be addressed in this author's research before standardization and testing could be completed. Optimal bluegill stocking density, the utility of plant cover, density and type of plant cover, feeding regime, photoperiod, fish size, etc. had to be determined. In addition, ground work had to be done to develop a bluegill ethogram, or inventory of behaviors, from which representative behaviors could be selected for monitoring under treated conditions. Recording devices, individual identification methods, and optimal observation period length were also developed prior to testing. The first complete test was conducted in 1977-1978, using a cadmium and zinc mixture as the toxicant. These test results were published in 1979 (Henry and Atchison 1979a, 1979b). As with many research projects, a successful experiment raises more questions than it answers. Could this test be replicated; was it applicable across a range of chemically distinct compounds; could it be further standardized and streamlined? It was the purpose of the present 3 research effort to answer these questions. By using three compounds belonging to different chemical families characterized by distinct toxic modes of action, the general applicability of this approach could be evaluated. Additionally, by using three different toxicants the organismal level adaptive limitations of bluegill groups could be assessed. The range of behaviors that have been monitored in this study attempt to address three ethogram subdivisions: 1} the respiratory process; 2) body maintenance and nervous system function; and 3) social interactions. All of these relate either directly or indirectly to survival through maintenance of body function or social organization. The concentrations which have been seen to cause behavioral alterations have also been compared in this text to classical toxicity effect concentrations as well as to concentrations designated as safe for aquatic life by the EPA. These comparisons of classical endpoints to behavioral endpoints have aided in the evaluation of the sensitivity of this test method. 4 REFERENCES Henry, M.G., and G.J. Atchison. 1979a. Behavioral changes in bluegill, Lepomis macrochirus. as indicators of sublethal effects of
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