Agro-economic assessment Leren [Calathea allouia (Aubl.) Lindl] production in Trinidad and Tobago. Puran Bridgemohan Bio-sciences, Agriculture, and Food Technology, The University of the Trinidad and Tobago, Waterloo Research Centre, Carapichaima, Trinidad & Tobago
[email protected] THE UNIVERSITY OF TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO New Carbohydrate source! THE UNIVERSITY OF TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO Leren or topi‐tambo [Calathea allouia (Aubl.) Lindl] y tuberous root crop y Puerto Rico, Trinidad and Brazil y seasonal snack food y culinary • new hors d’ oeuvres y little research • (Martin and Cabinillas, 1976) Uses y Substitute for water chest nuts y Flour –pastry, biscuits y Infant formula THE UNIVERSITY OF TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO Canned Water Chest nuts THE UNIVERSITY OF TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO Processed Tubers THE UNIVERSITY OF TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO Botany Leren or topi‐tambo [Calathea allouia (Aubl.) Lindl] y family : marantaceae, y West Indian arrow root, maranta arundinacea. y herbaceous shrub [1.5 m ] y rhizomes ‐ fibrous roots with edible tubers y tubers [5 to 12g] THE UNIVERSITY OF TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO Food Value y protein [6.6% ]. y starch [13 to 15%] y Fat [ 0.0%] THE UNIVERSITY OF TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO Agronomy y cultivated by small farmers y subsistence farming practices y pure stands or intercropped (< 0.5 ha) y minimum inputs of fertilizer or pesticides. y Shade or full sunlight y Propagation ‐ small pieces of rhizomes or the “head” y harvest and consumption coincides with the dry season THE UNIVERSITY OF TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO Agronomy y rhizomes are exhibit dormancy [ January to July] y Tuberization ‐ photo periodic y crop cycle [9 to 14 MAP].