בס”ד tablecloths does not interrupt the meal. The Kaf Hachayim (§14) suggests leaving a piece of bread THE WORLD OF on the table, having in mind that one has not definitely finished eating bread yet, with intention that anytime he wishes he may still eat bread. In this case, the hamotzi remains active and covers the DAF HAYOMI B’HALACHA food eaten afterwards. Issue On the other hand, Shlomo Zalman and Rav Scheinberg (both cited in Vezos Haberachah MONTHLY BULLETIN #38 BAVLI כסלו תשע”ז: סימן קעו – סימן קפד סעיף ה Kinyan ibid.) are of the opinion that the dancing is not an interruption. Their view is that since the tables Chazaras HaShas are only removed to provide room for dancing, and dessert is still intended to be served, it is not the Chazarah Chodshi Kinyan HaShas same as removing the tables in olden days which indicated the end of the meal. Rav NIssim Karelitz INAUGURATION INAUGURATION OF Weekly Tests (Chut Shani Berachos p. 171) adds that since the head table is not moved, and there is a side table OF KINYAN TORAH HASHAS IN ERETZ YISRAEL KINYAN HALACHA 2000 PROGRAM 2005 2006 PROGRAM Mishnayos Tests upon which refreshments are served throughout the dancing, the meal is not considered to have KOLLELIM ended. Halachos Pertaining to a Meal Ba’alei Batim Kollelim Chaburas Beis Medrash Govoha Even according to the first view, that this is considered the ending of the meal and a new Amud Yomi blessing is required, if one only eats cake or pastries, he should not recite a separate after-blessing Boker Chaburas B’Iyun of al hamichyah. This is the ruling of Aruch Hashulchan (§4) and Shu”t Ohr Letziyon (ibid.), based on

HALACHA Akiva Eiger (hagahah on Mogen Avraham 177:§5). Since birchas hamazon is required for the Daf HaYomi B’Halacha meal and there are a number of reasons (as mentioned above) that it is sufficient for the pastries, Kinyan Halacha Kinyan Shmittah one should avoid reciting an unnecessary al hamichyah. One reason is that many poskim [see 208:§75, and Shaar Hatziyun there §77] are of the opinion that birchas hamazon PROGRAMS Daf HaYomi B’Halacha L’Bochurim always suffices also for al hamichyah, and there is never a reason to recite al hamichyah when one Dirshu Boker is required to recite birchas hamazon. Another reason is that when eaten at the end of the wedding Talmudo B’Yadoi Mekadshei Sheviyi meal, the pastries (pas haba bekisnin) are considered eaten in the manner of a substantial meal and INAUGURATION ACHEINU'S ANNUAL OF DAF HAYOMI INTERNATIONAL Bein Hazemanim require birchas hamazon instead of al hamichyah. 2008 B'HALACHA 2011 KIRUV CONFERENCE DIRSHU PUBLICATIONS Mishnah Berurah ryz t g"pyz Mahaduras Dirshu"ז 017 2 - 97 19 Sefer Mahaduras Dirshu QUESTION OF THE MONTH Sefer Shemiras Halashon Leaving the meal for a moment Dirshu Shul Chumash with Ramban Celebrating Ma’areh Mekomos The Mishnah Berurah writes in his preface to Siman 178 that according to all Topics relevant to the material learned on Hilchos Shabbos Kinyan Halacha Kovetz opinions one should preferably never leave his place of eating in middle of a meal, in Outs�anding Kuntresai Chizuk order to avoid concerns of halachic interruption. This does not seem to match the view this month in Daf HaYomi B’Halacha Kinyan Shmaatsa עמלות בתורה Ohel Series of Tosafos and the Rosh (cited in §34) that there is no need to be stringent with regards to merely leaving the place of eating unless his intention is to prolong his absence; and with Accou�tability ACHEINU When is a blessing recited over dessert foods 3-Step System: from the syntax of the Mishnah Berurah there, it is apparent that the halachah follows Why do some have the custom to eat a banana SIYUM SIYUM ON Mentoring, Enrollment that are eaten during the main part of a meal? HASHAS IN DAF HAYOMI & Continued Follow-Up this opinion. How can this apparent inconsistency be resolved? before the simonim (symbolic foods) on the 2012 ERETZ YISRAEL 2015 B'HALACHA Acheinu Yeshivos night of Rosh Hashanah? Batei Chizuk Answers to the questions will be published in Issue #40. International Kiruv Conference Answers should be emailed to [email protected] or faxed to What is the halachah nowadays regarding Day of Jewish Unity ,to be entered into a raffle for a set of Dirshu Mishnah Berurah. reciting a blessing over raw horseradish כ”ה כסלו by 732-987-3949 Did the Chofetz Chaim retract from the Mishnah cucumbers, or squash eaten during a meal? Berurah’s ruling that one must recite a blessing over fruit compote eaten during a meal? JOIN THOUSANDS WHO LEARN DAF HAYOMI B’HALACHA Does clearing the tables for dancing at the end of a wedding meal interrupt and bring the Does one recite a blessing over popsicles eaten meal to a close? AND MASTER THE HALACHOS OF DAILY LIVING! for dessert? For more information or to receive a free pocket luach, call 888-5-DIRSHU, press 1 for English, then 2 for Daf HaYomi B’Halacha.


For dedication opportunities please call 732-987-3948 ext. 105 or email [email protected]. Bottom Line MG: 718.377.4567 2015 B'HALACHA 1 בס”ד כסלו תשע”ז: סימן קעו – סימן קפד סעיף ה

Why do some have the custom to eat a banana Shaarei Horaah vol. 8, p. 107) and Rav Nissim Karelitz (Chut Shani (Kovetz Tzohar 5760 p. 247 §48). therefore it is covered by hamotzi. quench thirst. However, ice cream, which contains egg whites limshoch yadeinu) writes that even nowadays, if one picked up before the simonim (symbolic foods) on the night Berachos p. 168) are not certain that squash melon is not part of When is a blessing recited over dessert foods that Regarding cold fruit soup served during a meal in place of or other ingredients mixed with the fluid, and solid Jello (which the cup of wine to begin birchas hamazon, it is considered the of Rosh Hashanah? a meal and recommend reciting the haadamah blessing over an are eaten during the main part of a meal? the hot soup dish, Rav Elyashiv (ibid.) rules that it is covered by will not melt at room temperature) have the status of food and definitive end of the meal and a new blessing must be recited item which is definitely not regularly eaten as part of a meal such require a blessing. over anything else one eats. The (177:1) rules that no blessings are recited The Mishnah Berurah (177:§4) rules that something eaten hamotzi because the purpose of this dish is nourishment and as a banana. over foods accompanying a bread meal if they are eaten as solely as dessert, without intention of satiety, requires a blessing satiety and it is considered part of the meal. What is the halachah nowadays regarding reciting The Biur Halachah (s.v. she’ain anu) cites the case of large a part of the meal (i.e. for satiety), such as fish or meat, since Did the Chofetz Chaim retract from the Mishnah even during a bread meal. Since it has no association to the bread Rav Scheinberg (cited in Vezos Haberachah ibid.) ruled a blessing over raw horseradish, cucumbers, or feasts, at the end of which the bread is removed and the table the blessing of hamotzi recited over bread at the beginning and Berurah’s ruling that one must recite a blessing (which is the staple of a meal eaten for satiety) the blessing of similarly regarding Waldorf salad (a salad generally made of squash eaten during a meal? is decked with fruits and beverages, stating that some opinions birchas hamazon recited afterwards automatically cover all over fruit compote eaten during a meal? hamotzi does not cover it. fresh apples, celery, grapes and walnuts, dressed in mayonnaise, The Mishnah Berurah (187:§5) mentions that raw vegetables consider this equivalent to “finishing” with the bread, and foods usually eaten with bread. However, a food not eaten as new blessings must be recited. Others disagree and say that The Chofetz Chaim writes in Mishnah Berurah (187:§4) An example of such a food is Bissli (a crunchy, deep-fried, and usually served on a bed of lettuce as an appetizer or a light such as cucumber, radish, onion, or horseradish are not considered a part of the meal (i.e. for enjoyment instead of satiety) such as in addition to “finishing” with the bread, it is also necessary to regarding fruit dessert (such as compote) eaten at the end of a wheat snack). Since it is not something which people normally meal) that when eaten as part of a bread meal it is covered by part of the meal and are not covered by hamotzi. If they are eaten fruit, is not included in the blessing of hamotzi unless it is actually remove the tables, which makes is appear like an entirely new meal, that since it is not eaten for satiety it requires a blessing eat at a meal, it is not covered by hamotzi. Even if one eats it hamotzi since its purpose is satiety. during a meal a separate blessing must be recited over them. eaten together with bread, and the blessing specific to that food meal, in order to be required to recite new blessings. [The even though hamotzi was already recited over bread at the in middle of the meal, he needs to recite a blessing over it. Does one recite a blessing over popsicles eaten for Nowadays that these vegetables are commonly served must be recited before eating it; however, it is covered by birchas disagreement is based upon the practice in the times of the beginning of the meal. (Although most baked pastries and mezonos products are dessert? during meals, and they are eaten for satiety, Rav NIssim Karelitz hamazon and no other after-blessing is recited. Gemara to finish with the bread and remove the tables after the This seems astonishing in light of testimony by people (cited covered by hamotzi even when eaten as dessert, this does not Drinks differ from foods with regards to reciting a blessing (Chut Shani Berachos p. 168) and Rav Shlomo Zalman (Kovetz meal prior to eating fruits and drinking. Some view finishing with The Shelah (cited in Tehilah Ledovid §1) clarifies that the in Teshuvos Vehanhagos vol. 1, 177) who witnessed the Chofetz apply to foods which are deep-fried instead of baked.) over them during a meal. The Shulchan Aruch (174:7) rules that Tzoharibid.) rule that they are covered by hamotzi and no definition of food eaten as a part of the meal does not depend on the bread as the main factor, others consider it necessary to also Chaim himself eating fruit compote at the end of a meal without Although soup croutons are also a crunchy, deep-fried, except for wine, which requires a blessing even in middle of a blessing is recited over them. Rav Scheinberg (Chidushei Basra) the individual’s intention. So long as most people eat a particular remove the tables.] reciting a blessing. Teshuvos Vehanhagos (ibid.) also mentions wheat product, since they are regularly eaten together with meal, all other drinks are considered part of the meal and no explains that the difference between nowadays and the times food for enjoyment, it is not considered part of the meal even if Based upon the Biur Halachah, Shu”t Shevet Halevi (vol. that the Brisker Rav did not recite a blessing over fruit compote; soup at meals no separate blessing is required. Rav Elyashiv blessing is recited over drinks during a meal, even if drunk for the Mishnah Berurah was written is that these foods were not someone eats it for satiety; conversely even if someone eats fish 1, 205, hagahos on Siman 177) believes that the dancing after but he ate it together with bread so it would be definitely covered (Vezos Haberachah 8:4§12) explains that croutons are therefore pleasure. This is relevant in light of the requirement to recite readily available in those days, and therefore were usually not or meat at his meal solely for enjoyment, no other blessing is wedding meals nowadays, after the tables have been cleared, by hamotzi. Orchos Rabbeinu (vol. 1, p. 81) writes that Rav Mendel considered to be eaten for sustenance and satiety as part of a a blessing during a meal over something which is eaten for eaten at a meal for satiety, therefore the Mishnah Berurah rules recited since most people eat these foods for satiety. the dishes removed, and many of the tables have been removed, Zaks (the Chofetz Chaim’s son in law) reports being told by the meal and even if one nibbles on croutons alone at a meal purely pleasure instead of satiety. If it is a liquid, it might be considered that a blessing needs to be recited over them, whereas nowadays breaks up the meal; one must recite a blessing before and after During the night meal of Rosh Hashanah, specific foods which Chofetz Chaim that his opinion was that a blessing is required for enjoyment, he should not recite a separate blessing over it. a drink and not require a blessing. they are common and regularly served at meals for satiety. eating or drinking anything else. This is also the view of Rav are not always eaten at holiday meals are eaten as good omens over compote, yet it was apparent to him that the Chofetz Chaim Shu”t Ohr Letziyon (vol.2, 2:10) rules similarly. Shu”t Shevet Halevi (vol. 1, 205, hagahos on Siman 174) Interestingly, Rav Nissim Karelitz (ibid.) notes a distinction for the coming year. There are a number of opinions regarding himself did not recite the blessing [possibly because when the Elyashiv (mentioned in Vezos Haberachah chapter 8) and Shu”t The Mishnah Berurah (§4) rules that even cooked fruits discusses ice cream during a bread meal and concludes that with regard to raw carrots. If they are cut up, he groups them with whether these foods are covered by the hamotzi at the beginning Chofetz Chaim ate compote it was an integral component of the Ohr Letziyon (vol. 2, 12:13). Shu”t Ohr Letziyon points out that require a blessing when eaten during a meal. If they are cooked a blessing must be recited since it is eaten for enjoyment as salad which is definitely considered part of the meal. However, if of the meal. if the actual tables are not removed, then even removing the ניסן†≠†אייר חשון†≠†כסלו ,meal along with the bread]. dessert and not to quench one’s thirst. Rav Elyashiv (cited in they are whole he is reluctant to include them as part of the meal יום תאריך דף†היומי†בהלכה†©משנה†ברורה® מוסרמוסר בבלי together with meat, there is a dispute among the poskim א כ¢ג†ניסןכ¢ו†חשון 11/27/165/1/16 מסימן†קכ¢ד†אמצע†סעיף†ח߆ßולאמסימן†קעßßא†אמצע†סעיף†א߆ßאבל߆עד†סימן†קע¢ב†יענה†אמן†יתומה߆עד†סעיף†טß פרק †ו߆ ßכן †הדברß †עד פרק†ז߆ßגם†על†ידי†מניעת߆עד†ßובאמת†איתא߆ßוזהוß קידושין†נאבבא†מציעא†סב .The Kaf Hachayim (583:§12) writes in the name of the Mateh Rav Avrohom Gurwicz is reported to have stated that his whether a separate blessing is required. The opinion of the Vezos Haberachah 8:4§12) also rules that a blessing should be unless there is a prevalent practice to eat them as part of a meal ב כ¢ד†ניסןכ¢ז†חשון 11/28/165/2/16 מסעיף†ט߆עד†סימן†קכ¢המתחילת†סימן†קע¢ב†עד†סימן†קע¢ד פרק†ז߆ßובאמת†איתא߆עד†פרק†חß פרק†ו߆ ßוזהו߆עד†סוף†פרק†וß קידושין†נבבבא†מציעא†סג .Yehudah (ibid. §3) about leek, black-eye peas, and beets that grandfather was told by the Chofetz Chaim that at the time recited, and Rav Shlomo Zalman (cited in Vesein Berachah vol ג כ¢ה†ניסןכ¢ח†חשון 11/29/165/3/16 מתחילת†סימן†קע¢ד†עד†סעיף†דßמתחילת†סימן†קכ¢ה†עד†אמצע†סעיף†ב߆ßוכן†מנענעיםß פרק†ז߆עד†ßוגם†הואß פרק†ח߆עד†ßויש†עוד†אופן†שניß קידושין †נגבבא†מציעא†סד Haketanah is that since such dishes are served to be eaten as Does clearing the tables for dancing at the end of ד כ¢ו†ניסןכ¢ט†חשון 11/30/165/4/16 מסעיף†ד߆עד†סעיף†וßמאמצע†הסעיף†ßוכן†מנענעים߆עד†סימן†קכ¢ו†אמצע†הסעיף†ßואם†היהß פרק†ח߆ßויש†עוד†אופן†שני߆עד†ßויש†עוד†אופן†שלישיß פרק†ז߆ßוגם†הוא߆עד†ßוהיא†גדולהß קידושין†נדבבא†מציעא†סה .if they are eaten as a cooked dish during the holiday meal no that he composed the Mishnah Berurah the accepted practice 1, p. 87) extends this ruling to popsicles made of frozen liquids ה אß כ¢ז†ניסן†כסלו 12/1/165/5/16 מסעיף†ו߆עד†אמצע†סעיף†ז߆וי¢אמאמצע†הסעיף†ßואם†היה߆עד†סימן†קכ¢ז פרק†ח߆ßויש†עוד†אופן†שלישי†ß†עד†פרק†טß פרק†ז߆ßוהיא†גדולה߆עד†ßומי†שמעליםß קידושין†נהבבא†מציעא†סו filling foods, they do not require a separate blessing. Similarly, a wedding meal interrupt and bring the meal to a ו בß כ¢ח†ניסן†כסלו 12/2/165/6/16 חזרה†מסימן†קע¢א†אמצע†סעיף†א߆ßאבל߆עד†סימן†קע¢ד פרק †טß †עד †ßויש †שמרפים †עצמםß פרק†ז߆ßומי†שמעלים߆עד†ßועל†כןß קידושין †נובבא†מציעא†סז blessing is recited because they are considered to be a part of the חזרה†מסימן†קכ¢ד†אמצע†סעיף†ח߆עד†סימן†קכ¢ז ?was that meals at a restaurant did not include dessert, and he the Aishel Avrohom (Butchatch, Mahadura Basra) is inclined to On the other hand, Shu”t Ohr Letziyon (vol. 2, 12:12) rules close ש גß כ¢ט††ניסן†כסלו 12/3/165/7/16 אמצע†סעיף†ז߆ßוי¢אß פרק†ט߆ßויש†שמרפים†עצמם߆עד†פרק†יß פרק†ז߆ßועל†כן߆עד†ßודע†אחיß קידושין †נזבבא†מציעא†סח א דß לß †ניסן†כסלו 12/4/165/8/16 מסימן †קע¢ד †אמצע †סעיף †ז߆ ßוי¢אß †עד †סעיף †חßמתחילת†סימן†קכ¢ז†עד†סימן†קכ¢ח†©סיום†חלק†ראשון® פרק†י߆עד†ßובדרך†כללß פרק†ז߆ßודע†אחי߆עד†ßומה†טובß קידושין†נחבבא†מציעא†סט meal. This is also the ruling in Mikroei Kodesh (Yomim Norayim therefore ruled that a blessing was required; but since then times consider fruit that is cooked in soup served during the main part that ices, which is merely frozen liquid, has the halachic status ב הß אß †אייר†כסלו 12/5/165/9/16 מסעיף†ח߆עד†סימן†קע¢המתחילת†סימן†קכ¢ח †עד†סעיף†בß פרק†י߆ ßובדרך†כלל߆עד†ßוגם†זה†גופאß פרק†ז߆ßומה†טוב߆עד†סוף†פרק†ז߆©סוף†חלק†אß® קידושין†נטבבא†מציעא†ע The Shulchan Aruch (177:2) writes a halachah which is not 12/6/165/10/16 מתחילת†סימן†קע¢ה†עד†סעיף†גß פרק†י߆ ßוגם†זה†גופא߆עד†ßולפעמים†מתגבר†עליוß שמירת†הלשון†חלק†ב߆פרק†א߆עד†ßוכמו†דאיתאß קידושין †סבבא†מציעא†עא This is in accordance with the custom of the Maharil (Hilchos have changed and regular meals now include dessert, therefore .(7:1 ג וß בß †אייר†כסלו מסעיף†ב߆עד†סעיף†הof a meal to be part of the meal because it is eaten for satiety, of liquid and is considered a drink, even though it is not drunk to observed nowadays. At the end of a meal, after finishing the ß ד זß גß †אייר†כסלו 12/7/165/11/16 מסעיף†ג߆עד†סימן†קע¢ומסעיף†ה߆עד†אמצע†סעיף†ו߆ßוהלויß פרק†י߆ ßולפעמים†מתגבר†עליו߆עד†פרק†י¢א פרק†א߆ßוכמו†דאיתא߆עד†ßוסיים†הכתובß קידושין†סאבבא†מציעא†עב Rosh Hashanah §12, Machon Yerushalayim edition p. 279) who he no longer recites a blessing over compote. Rav Elyashiv ה חß ד߆אייר†כסלו 12/8/165/12/16 מתחילת†סימן†קע¢ו†עד†סימן†קע¢זמאמצע†סעיף†ו߆ßוהלוי߆עד†סעיף†טß פרק †י¢א †עד †ßואמרו †חז¢לß פרק†א߆ ßוסיים†הכתוב߆עד†ßוגם†צריךß קידושין†סבבבא†מציעא†עג ,bread part of the meal, (“siluk yedeihem min hapas”, literally וכסלו טß הß †אייר†כסלו 12/9/165/13/16 פרק†י¢א†ßואמרו†חז¢ל߆עד†ßעוד†ידוע†הואß פרק†א߆ ßוגם†צריך߆עד†סוף†פרק†א קידושין†סגבבא†מציעא†עד חזרה†מסימן†קעßßד†אמצע†סעיף†ז†ßוי¢א߆עד†סימן†קע¢זחזרה†מתחילת†סימן†קכ¢ז†עד†סימן†קכ¢ח†סעיף†טdid not recite the blessing of haadamah over leek because he (quoted in Shu”t Vayishma Moshe vol. 2, p. 79) also expresses ß שיום י߆††תאריךו߆†איירכסלו 12/10/165/14/16 דף†היומי†בהלכה†©משנה†ברורה® פרק †י¢א †ßעוד †ידוע מוסר†הואß †עד †פרק †י¢ב פרק†ב߆עד†ßולמה†הדבר†דומהß בבליקידושין†סדבבא†מציעא†עה withdrawing their hands from the bread), even if people remain 22 א י¢א†כסלו 12/11/16 מתחילת†סימן†קע¢ז†עד†אמצע†סעיף†א߆ßואם†בתחילתß פרק †י¢ב †עד †ßונוכל †לראותß בבא†מציעא†עו considered it part of the meal. this view that since nowadays dessert or ice cream is usually Starting the at the 7 ב י¢ב†כסלו 12/12/16 מאמצע †הסעיף †ßואם †בתחילתß †עד †סעיף †גß פרק†י¢ב†ßונוכל†לראות߆עד†פרק†י¢ב†ßוראה†עודß בבא†מציעא†עז HIGHLIGHTED SHIUR: settled around the table to eat fruits and to drink, they are required ג י¢ג†כסלו 12/13/16 מסעיף†ג߆עד†סימן†קע¢ח פרק†י¢ב†ßוראה†עוד߆עד†פרק†י¢ג בבא†מציעא†עח Rav Shlomo Zalman (in his approbation to Machzor served at the end of a meal no blessing is recited; however, he beginning of the second cycle of Daf 12/14/16 פרק †י¢ג †עד †ßגם †ידוע †הואß בבא†מציעא†עט -MAGGID SHIUR: Rabbi Hillel Brody to recite blessings over what they eat and drink, both before ד י¢ד†כסלו מתחילת †סימן †קע¢ח †עד †אמצע †הסעיף †ßאבלrecommends eating it together with some bread, in which case it ß ה ט¢ו†כסלו 12/15/16 מאמצע†סעיף†א߆ßאבל߆עד†אמצע†סעיף†ב߆ßוכןß פרק†י¢ג†ßגם†ידוע†הוא߆עד†ßגם†שעל†ידי†זהß בבא†מציעא†פ Hameforash, cited in Halichos Shlomo Rosh Hashanah 1:18) LOCATION: congregation schara tzedeck HaYomi B’Halacha was our fl agship ו ט¢ז†כסלו 12/16/16 פרק†י¢ג†ßגם†שעל†ידי†זה߆עד†ßואפילו†אם†על†ידיß בבא†מציעא†פא Daf HaYomi B’Halacha and after-blessings, regardless of whether this food is normally חזרה†מתחילת†סימן†קע¢ז†עד†סימן†קע¢ח†אמצע†סעיף†ב†ßוכןis definitely covered by hamotzi. ß ש י¢ז†כסלו 12/17/16 פרק†י¢ג †ßואפילו†אם†על†ידי߆עד†ßגם†ידועß בבא†מציעא†פב questions whether nowadays these items are still considered CITY: VANCOUVER, BC program which brought daily Torah For more information about the eaten with bread; hamotzi only covers food eaten during the א י¢ח†כסלו 12/18/16 מסימן†קעßßח†אמצע†סעיף†ב߆ßוכן߆עד†אמצע†הסעיף†ßמיהוß פרק†י¢ג †ßגם†ידוע߆עד†ßהנה†הארכנוß בבא†מציעא†פג part of a meal and recommends having in mind when reciting The Chazon Ish (Dinim Vehanhagos 6:7) is of the opinion that ב י¢ט†כסלו 12/19/16 מאמצע†הסעיף†ßמיהו߆עד†סעיף†גß פרק†י¢ג †ßהנה†הארכנו߆עד†פרק†י¢ד בבא†מציעא†פד learning to Vancouver. For some Daf HaYomi B’Halacha program, main part of the meal. The reason this halachah does not apply ג כ߆†כסלו 12/20/16 מסעיף†ג߆עד†סעיף†דß פרק †י¢ד †עד †ßוגם †גלה †לנוß בבא†מציעא†פה the haadamah blessing over squash melon that it should also a blessing must unequivocally be recited over compote served as call 888-5-DIRSHU or ד כ¢א†כסלו 12/21/16 מסעיף†ד߆עד†סימן†קע¢ט פרק†י¢ד †ßוגם†גלה†לנו߆עד†ßולא†נשאר†לנוß בבא†מציעא†פו members of our community it’s their visit dafhalacha.com. nowadays is that it is not our custom to “finish” with the bread ה כ¢ב†כסלו 12/22/16 מתחילת†סימן†קע¢ט†עד†סעיף†בß פרק†י¢ד†ßולא†נשאר†לנו߆עד†ßואם†עזרו†הßß בבא†מציעא†פז cover these foods. He assumes that squash melon is definitely dessert. Shu”t Ohr Letziyon (vol. 2, 46:15) also rules this way, and ו כ¢ג†כסלו 12/23/16 פרק†י¢ד†ßואם†עזרו†הß †עד†פרק†ט¢ו בבא†מציעא†פח .To start a Daf HaYomi B’Halacha until we recite birchas hamazon. However, the Biur Halachah (s.v חזרה†מסימן†קעßßח†אמצע†סעיף†ב߆ßוכן߆עד†סימן†קעßßט†סעיף†בonly connection to . ß ש כ¢ד†כסלו 12/24/16 פרק †ט¢ו †ß †עד †ßוהנה †הארכתי †הרבהß בבא†מציעא†פט ,not eaten as part of a meal. However, Rav Elyashiv (Kovetz this is reported to have been the practice of Rav Shlomo Zalman shiur in your neighborhood – Rav Hillel Brody call 732-987-3948 ext. 104 23 2 or email [email protected] 4