Assessment of Subalpine Grassland & Heath Sites in Haute- Savoie Using Syrphidae (Diptera)
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ASSESSMENT OF SUBALPINE GRASSLAND & HEATH SITES IN HAUTE- SAVOIE USING SYRPHIDAE (DIPTERA) Martin C.D.Speight & Emmanuel Castella SYRPH THE NET: THE DATABASE OF EUROPEAN SYRPHIDAE (DIPTERA) Volume 46 Series Editors: Martin C.D.Speight, Emmanuel Castella, Jean-Pierre Sarthou & Claude Monteil ASSESSMENT OF SUBALPINE GRASSLAND & HEATH SITES IN HAUTE-SAVOIE USING SYRPHIDAE (DIPTERA) M.C.D.Speight Research Branch, National Parks and Wildlife Service, 7 Ely Place, Dublin 2, Ireland E.Castella Laboratoire d'Ecologie et de Biologie Aquatique, Université de Genève, 18 chemin des Clochettes, CH - 1206 GENEVE, SWITZERLAND Syrph the Net: the database of European Syrphidae (Diptera) Volume 46 Speight, M.C.D., Castella, E., Sarthou, J.-P. and Monteil, C. (eds.) 2005 compilation of this database initially received funding from: contract STEP/CT90/0084 (Science and Technology for Environmental Protection), European Commission Acquisition of the 2004 Haute-Savoie data received funding from the French “Direction Régionale de l’Environnement” (DIREN Rhône-Alpes). this publication may be referred to as: Speight, M.C.D. & Castella, E. (2005) Assessment of subalpine grassland and heath sites in Haute-Savoie using Syrphidae (Diptera). In: Speight, M.C.D., Castella, E., Sarthou, J.-P. and Monteil, C. (eds.) Syrph the Net, the database of European Syrphidae, vol. 46, 37 pp., Syrph the Net publications, Dublin. ISSN 1393-4546 (Series) Syrph the Net Publications Dublin 2005 © M.C.D.Speight 2005 Preface This text is presented as a worked example of a site study. It is an English-language version of "Diagnostic de pelouses et landes sub-alpines, à l'aide des Diptères Syrphidae" (StN vol. 47) and contains the same material, except that Appendices 3 and 4 of the latter have been omitted. Contents Summary 1. Introduction 2. Materials and Methods 3. Results 3.1. Habitats observed on site 3.2. The syrphids collected by the Malaise trapping programme 3.3. Comparison between predicted and observed species 3.3.1. Anterne 3.3.2. Carlaveyron 3.3.3. Passy 3.4. Species observed but unpredicted 4. Discussion 5. Conclusion Acknowledgements References Appendix 1: results obtained on the Pormenaz site in 2003 Appendix 2: surveillance of invertebrate biodiversity in subalpine/alpine habitats Summary 1. A study of the Syrphidae (Diptera) of three subalpine grassland/heath sites (Anterne, Carlaveyron, Passy) within Natura 2000 reserves in Haute-Savoie was carried out during the summer of 2004. The objectives were to: a) evaluate these sites using the syrphid data in conjunction with the "Syrph-the- Net" database b) contribute to the process of inventorisation of the syrphids of the nature reserves. 2. The syrphid fauna was sampled using 13 Malaise traps, installed on 6 sub-sites (2 traps per sub-site), from which samples were taken from the end of June to mid- September. A total of 59 syrphid species was collected, representing approximately 20% of the known syrphid fauna of Haute-Savoie (the species list for this département is the longest available for any French département). 3. The expected (i.e. predicted) syrphid fauna is poorly represented on all three sites surveyed and for nearly all habitats observed on those sites. 4. In nearly all cases the expected species with larvae feeding in the tissues of herb layer plants are particularly poorly represented. 5. Poor floral diversity of herb layer plants on the three sites is taken to be the primary cause of the poor representation of expected syrphid species. 6. Due to lack of data from other years and other Haute-Savoie sites unimpacted by heavy livestock grazing in the past, it is uncertain whether the impoverishment of the syrphid fauna is due primarily to the extreme weather conditions experienced in Haute-Savoie during 2003, or to chronic heavy grazing experienced in the more distant past by the sites surveyed. 7. If the remaining syrphid biodiversity of these sites is to be maintained it is recommended that livestock grazing is not re-introduced to them. 8. The impoverished character of the present syrphid fauna of these sites suggests that the management priority is biodiversity restoration, not biodiversity maintenance. 9. If there are grounds for assuming the present poor floral diversity of the herb layer on these sites is due to livestock grazing in the past, rather than to the extreme conditions of the summer of 2003, serious consideration needs to be given to the apparent failure of the sites to recover since grazing ceased. 10. Deliberate re-introduction of selected flowering plants that can be presumed to have been lost from these sites by past livestock grazing pressures could be a useful tool to aid in biodiversity restoration at the Anterne and Passy sites. 1 1. Introduction As part of ongoing action, on biodiversity and management of Haute Savoie areas proposed for inclusion in the Natura 2002 network, sites in the Massif Arbe Giffre were selected by the Comité Scientifique des Réserves Naturelles de Haute-Savoie, for survey of their syrphid (Diptera: Syrphidae) fauna during 2004. This study was defined as follows: "Etude des Diptères Syrphidae des réserves naturelles de Haute-Savoie. Cette étude sera menée sur des placettes de suivi des pelouses subalpines. Elle comprend six sites de suivi qui seront inventoriés de juin à septembre. La capture se fait par l'intermédiaire de pièges passifs. Les Diptères Syrphidae capturés seront déterminés à l'espèce. Le peuplement de chaque site sera analysé et interprété en fonction des espèces présentes et potentielles. Cette analyse s'appuiera sur la base de données "Syrph the Net, the Database of European Syrphidae". La liste des espèces par habitat sera établie et l'interprétation des peuplements comprendra l'écologie des espèces, leur sensibilité et les caractéristiques des habitats. Des propositions de gestion seront faites àAsters. Les collections d'insectes triés et déterminés dans le cadre de cette convention seront remises au Muséum d'Histoire Naturelle de Genève. Les prélèvements non triés seront remis au Muséum d'Histoire Naturelle de Genève. La détermination des autres taxons pourra ainsi être accessible aux experts référents." The Syrphidae are a family of Diptera well represented in Haute Savoie, where more than 260 species are known (Speight & Castella, 2004a). The species exhibit a wide range of different types of life history and between them make use of nearly all natural habitats and most structural components of habitats, from the grass-root zone of the soil to the canopy layer of trees. These and other characteristics make them potentially valuable tools in environmental interpretation/evaluation studies (see Speight, 1986, 2000, 2005, Sarthou & Speight, 2005). This has encouraged databasing of relevant biological information about them, to make them more accessible to analysis (see Speight, 2004; Speight & Castella 2004b; Speight et al, 2004). In the Alps there are 72 syrphid species known to be associated with unimproved, montane grassland and 106 syrphid species known to be associated with unimproved, alpine grassland (Speight et al, 2004). As shown in Figure 1, 82% and 77%, respectively, of these species are known to occur in Haute-Savoie, so the montane/subalpine grasslands of this part of France could potentially play a significant role in maintenance of the syrphid biodiversity of these habitats, not only in the French Alps, but also in central Europe in general. But the study reported on here appears to be the first carried out specifically on syrphids of montane/subalpine habitats in Haute-Savoie, apart from that of Aubert et al (1976), which was located exactly on the frontier between Haute-Savoie and Valais (Switzerland). 2 montane, unimproved grassland alpine, unimproved grassland 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 France / Alps Haute-Savoie / Alps Haute-Savoie / France Figure 1: the representation of central European syrphids associated with montane, unimproved grassland and alpine, unimproved grassland in France and Haute-Savoie. 3 2. Materials and Methods Malaise traps were installed on the sites selected by the Comité de Gestion (Plate 1), following the general approach to Malaise trap survey for syrphids advocated by Speight et al (2000). Habitats present at each sampling station were noted and recorded photographically. Two, or sometimes three, Malaise traps were installed at each sampling station and sample bottles containing c90% industrial alcohol were attached during June (July at Carlaveyron, where bad weather retarded commencement of the sampling programme). Once in place on the traps, sample bottles were removed and replaced at intervals of two weeks until September (see Table 1). Damage to traps by grazing livestock (sheep) that arrived during August then made continuation of trapping at Carlaveyron impossible, so no sample data are available from that site for September and some of the samples from the second half of August are truncated. In consequence, Anterne and Passy each yielded 24 Malaise trap samples, but Carlaveyron yielded 20, three of them damaged/incomplete. An attempt to obtain data from all three sites by direct collecting (hand net), for comparison with the Malaise trap results, during a period selected as optimal (the second week in July), had to be abandoned due to bad weather - including late snowfall at Carlaveyron. On removal each sample bottle was labelled with individual provenance details. Site Sampling station Trap June July Aug. Sept. Ist half 2nd half Ist half 2nd half Ist half 2nd half 1st half Anterne Caricion ferruginae A (*) * * * * * * c 1800m B (*) * * * * * * Caricion davallianae A (*) * * * * * * B (*) * * * * * * Passy Seslerion A (*) * * * * * * c2000m B (*) * * * * * * heath with Azaleas A (*) * * * * * * B (*) * * * * * * Carlaveyron siliceous grassland + Carex curvula A * * * * c2200m B * * * * heath /siliceous grassland A * * * * B * * * * C * * * * Table 1: Malaise trapping programme conducted 2004. Blank areas indicate samples unavailable due to environmental conditions (see text). Asterisks indicate sample collected.. Partial samples (due to climatic conditions) are indicated by asterisks in brackets.