In Handbook for Decision Makers
ERS AK M ON ECISI D R O F ANDBOOK H Jochen Rehrl (ed.): Rehrl Jochen HANDBOOK FOR DECISION MAKERS THE COMMON SECURITY AND DEFENCE POLICY OF THE EUROPEAN UNION ISBN: 987-3-902275-35-6 HANDBOOK FOR DECISION MAKERS The COmmON SecUritY AND DefeNce POLicY OF the EUROpeAN UNION edited by Jochen Rehrl with forewords of H. E. Gerald Klug Federal Minister of Defence and Sports of the Republic of Austria H. E. Walter Stevens Chair of the Political and Security Committee General Patrick de Rousiers Chair of the European Union Military Committee Mika-Markus Leinonen Chair of the Committee for Civilian Aspects of Crisis Management Disclaimer: Any views or opinions presented in this handbook are solely those of the authors and do not necessarily represent those of the European Union or the Austrian Ministry of Defence and Sports. Imprint: Publication of the Federal Ministry of Defence and Sports of the Republic of Austria Editor: Jochen Rehrl Published by: Directorate for Security Policy of the Federal Ministry of Defence and Sports of the Republic of Austria Photos: Henny Ray Abrams, Etienne Ansotte, Austrian Armed Forces, Austrian Study Centre for Peace and Conflict Resolution, Tashana Batista, Alexander Belousov, Thierry Chesnot, Council General Secretariat, Council of the EU, Council of the European Union, Fehim Demir, Christos Dogas, Earth Observatory of Singapore, EEAS, EEAS/EUBAM Moldova, EEAS/EUCAP NESTOR, EEAS/EULEX Kosovo, EEAS/EUNAVFOR Somalia, EEAS/EUTM Mali, Patricia Esteve, EU Council, EUFOR ALTHEA, EUFOR Tchad/ RCA, EULEX/Enisa Kasemi, European Communities, European Council, European External Action Service, European Space Agency, European Union, EUROPOL CORPS, EUROSUR HQ, Federal Ministry for European and Internnational Affairs of Austria, Frontex, Alain Grosclaude, ICC-CPI, Enisa Kassemi, Max Koot, Christian Lambiotte, Pedro Lareira, J.P.
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