July 11, 1889
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B u c h a n a n R e c o r d . *U BUSHED EVERY THURSDAY". TC>:E3“ fcT <3 -_ H O L 1 AES. CARMIE. SMITH, NILES, MICH.. TERMS, SI.50 PER YEAR Has opened tlie most complete UndertaklngFar- lots in Southern Michigan. PAYABLE IS ABVASCB. B.trill Caskets and Cases, i)/EElii!lE HMES Mi\DE M R OH APPLICMIB8, v o l u m e m n . BUCHANAN. BEBBIEN COUNTY, MICHIGAN, THUBSDAV. JULY 11, 1889. NUMBER 24. Draped and Flaln, solid Wolnat, Oak, Chestnut and Cedar, finished and due covered Caskets and Cases. Crape, Mammy and Broadcloth, Black OFFICE—In Record Building,OakStroet. and White Silk Plush, and Velvet covered Casketa T H E N U R S E A N D T H E W O L F . at the refection that Hilly was eager How to Coax a Man lo Propose. B icycles. constantly on hand. A FINE PIECE OF to set before her. ‘ I am so much WILLIAM C. JONES. An elderly man was telling a group The Supreme Court o f Indiana was TRIMMINGS. Business Directory, obliged to you,” said she smiling sweet of giddy young girls tlie other day how ly. “ I feel rested— warmed—refresh recently called upon to review a non Gold and Silver Plated, Bonton, Silk and Em “ Leave off crying, this instant, or I’ll throw lie proposed lo his wife when lie was a suit in an action brought to recover bossed Plush, and Satin Combination Handles ed. I wonder what I can do to prove young mall. She was sewing at tlio and Tips. Knight of PythCas, Masonic, Odd Fel SABBATH SERVICES.* You oat at the window, to tho W olf below!’’ my thanks! You are not itikeepers, damages for being struck down on lows and G. A. B. Trimmings and Plates o f the .• ERVICES arc kcltl every Sabbatk at 10:30 “ What 1 I recognize the voice of the Nurse j— time, lie said, or lie never would have sidewalk by a bicycle rider. The trial richest for Fraternity Caskets. O o’clock a . M., at the Church of the “ Larger and! cannot offer you money; but— had the courage to do it. If gills would iop e also, Sabbath School services immediate' A s I am hungry, I might fare worse:— court was held that bicycling was a perhaps you would like to hoar me Sew more he thinks they would have y after tec morning meeting- 1'rayer and confer* What would bo more excellent, than a fine fat sing?” Granny’s withered face bright form of predestrianating, and that the FUNERAL FURNISHINGS. *.ice meeting every Thursday evening. A cordial Child,” more matri luotfml chan-es. Sew ing lie bicyclers had as much right on the nvinuiou is cateudcct to ail- ened up. Hilly uttered a cry o f rapture, Ladies’ and Gents’ Rohes, Habits and Slippers, IS INDEED A LUXURY And the greedy Wolflookod up antlsmllod :— and Madam Linda Veritrix. standing considers the best .accomplishment that sidewalk as any predestrian. The ap Badges and Crapes. FOLDING CHAIES l o t a woman can have. A woman engaged peal irom the non-suit was argued in House Funerals always furnished. ; 0 .0. F. —Bsu-hanan Lodge So. IS holds its Thinking the Nurse as good as her word,. there in the shadow of the great gera ».» regular meeting, at Odd Fallows Iiall, on. with a needle has a domestic, homelike the forenoon. When the court ad l F i n z e r ’ s To wait for the child, the W olf preferred; nium tree, with a firelight glinting on air that is irresistitble to a man who EMBALMING. ach Tuesday evening, For the hungry W olf had searched all that day journed for dinner. Judges Coffey and her face, began to sing; at first like a Especial and particular attention is given to In vain for food till ho came that way:— loves her. It is a picture of What she Berkshire started to walk to their ho Tjl & A. It.—Buchanan Lodge No. 6S holds a little bird far away in some summer Embalming and the caring o f the dead. Hetalic And lie waited there till tlio day was done. would be in her own home, and makes tel, and as they were passing out of and air tight Zinc lined Caskets and Cases nsed. 0 . regular meeting Monday evening on or before thicker, then gradually giving melody him long that it should be liis also. he fall moon in each month. And darkness came with the setting sun. and fullness to the sweet old words of the capitol grounds a clumsy bicycle How can a man propose lo a girl who the “Laud o’ the Leal.” until the tears rider ran into them, knocking both MR. J. Ml LEY, t j o f H-—Buchanan Orange No 40 meets on, As the twilight shades stole into the house sits straight up in her chair staring L • the second and fourth Saturday o f each down, and badly bruising the former. Twenty-eight years a practical Undertaker and COMES A S The lovely eh ild was still ns; a m ouse; were streaming down granny’s cheek, hard aC him with it pair of bright eyes? Embalmcr, Is associate Funeral Director. aonth, at 3 o'clock p. m. Save singing iis liri’nby sweet as a lark— and Dilly sat like one in a trance of This particular argument had such a NEAR BEING But when she is bending gracefully convincing effect on the minds of the Onr stock iuclndcs goods from the richest to O.U. \V—Buchanan Lodge Ro.SShotdsits Going to sleep with the evening dark: rapture. “ Anil now,” said Madam Veri oyer a bit of plain or fancy sewing, ap the plainest, A • reular meeting the 1st and 3d Friday even A * Foudling her child the Nurse said in alow trix to Dilly, “ you shall sing for me. learned judges that they immediately ES?*Telegrnphic notices quickly answered. ing of aeh month. breath: parently absorbed in counting the overruled their nnreuderi d decision Nay, no denial. I heard you in the stitclies, and the arrows of her eyes are FINE PIECE “ If the Wolf Comes now, Fllhcatbira to death!” kitchen as I came up the garden path. and filed an opinion setting forth that A CARD. .4 A.. R. -W m . Perrott Post No.-hi. Regular sheathed for a few minutes, be plucks OF It was “Bock o f Ages” you was twit a person who ‘‘rudely and carelessly” Eiles has no equal now in funeral frirnlshings. ‘ V* meeting on the first and third Saturday But the words were caught on the dewy air up courage enough to offer’her his heart roiling of each month. Visiting comrades st tering at your work. Sing it! Yes, I rides a biciele agaii st a man standing For elegant and heavy Funeral Cars, Hacks and rays welcome. By the Wolf, who heard them with despair; and hand. The average young; man is Undertaking goods, we can meet the country’ s PLUG insist.” on sidewalk is responsible ter damages wants. Disappointed and hungry lie turned to go bashful in such affairs, though bold for assault and battery. OJI AN’ S RELIEF OORTS,\Vnx .Perrott Post blattering these words in accents low : D ill}’s heart thr l bed. The yellow- { ^ “Prices same as in smaller places. N o. 81. Meetings held regularly, in t'.range POWDER euongh at oilier times, and needs en After quoting an Indiana law for W TOBACCO washed walls of the old keeping-room Hall, first and third Saturday oE each munth. _ “This comes by heeding those who oflimes couragement and opportunities. What bidding persons from riding or driving CARMI R. SMITH, Absolutely Pure. say seemed to swim before her vision, but sort of enciuragement is a-pair of U .'ll. f T s MITH, Physician and Surgeon. she never dreamed of disobeying the on the sidewalks, the court says: “ If; Graduate o f the University of Buffalo. New Thispowder never varies. A marvel o f purity Things they never intend, day after day !” bright eyes staring into his, Watching sidewalks are exclusively for the use Office, Second St., NitES,5IicH. Troy, Mich. strength and wholesoraeness. Store economical sweet authority o f the cantatriee. She than the ordinary kinds, and cannot be sold in sang “Rock of Ages,” the round, fresh his embarrassment ? Listen to the ad of footmen, then bicycles, if they are EAR. LEWIS W. BAKER, X'hysician and Snr- competition with the multitude of low test, short vice of an old man who lias been all vehicles, must not be ridden along Hints to Housekeepers. i t qeon. Night calls promptly attended to. woightnliim or phosphate powders. S old O nlyin young notes swelling 1-y degrees ifito through it: drop your eyes and give the ca n s. R oyal Bakisg P owdeb Co.. 106 Wall St., GRANNY’S SECRET. them, since to affirm that sidewalks Hfice In Kiny on’s block. something like confidence.—“Yes, I young man a chance. Remember tills, Any method which will keep tlie air N .Y . 19-15 thought so,” said Madam Veritrix. are exclusively for the use of footmen ' lLS-TlENHERSON A BRADLEY, Physicians girls, .when the favorite young man necessarily implies that they cannot from the Inside of the shell will pre n and Snrgeon*. Office in Opera House Block, Ob! Cicely, Can’t I go, too?” There “ You have a good voice; nay,it is more drops in to make an evening visit, get serve eggs fo r a certain length o f time.