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m&m roO oilT lad-raH ,0'jiii i r gftifnoo'jtl ![;d H .soifoH •. v . ogams o! mot , V* JT;CO c-:ii to fioiJriViW 7<j li^;ir4if£oT;;tn uIIT WS.iL fci it. •/' no/ir/ .'in'(= tiii sPu'jjH lij lin.u-5*iv/ .s^au'-nuff .1 <13110 J "\0 •VilVt a-tW -T»t(«o-v .-7KI .sliTSi ilfmsM ,t«I>8onT-. ,,iMil lair. I iOJ f /.l<\'i l-.ftii:J«8 • J.: ': : ! ill v;il'l ifm 'li; .Kni'.iifnq '.iti no V :.,.-. •...'. :•• T !.!*•: ,;.| ,:... •;- •fi wm NOR WALK, CONNECTICUT, TUESDAY, MARCH 27, 1877. YOL. LX.-NUMBEK 13 , WHOLE NUMBER 1524. - > the most ludicrous actions I ever beheld.-- One CONNECTICUT LEGISLATURE. NORWALK GAZETTE, REAL ESTATE. RETURN TO NORWALK. A Ballad of the. French Fleet. Luck and Labor. He threw oil his fisherman's boots, plunged F{om t/ie San Francisco Mail. into » pool, and drew himself out upon a lady insisted on putting her baby into it, HE subscriber, having returned to Norwalk, « Hors*—Monday, March 19. P1BLISHEB EVERT TIKSBAT MORIIIB. ; TA I O+ —Four large pleasant rooms, with bought out the Blacksmithing business at the [ ..?*?• ;<: An Esquimaux Wedding. while another said it was for drinking purpo u Told established stand known aB "Lamb's Shop," Luck doth wait, standing idly at the gate- higher ledge of the cliff that seemed to give Bill de* assignment 6f future earnings, re • « Sinkroom, Pantry, and Closets, on ! jected by the Senate, was opposed by Mr. sccond floor; rent low to a small family, Enquire Main Street; is now fully prepared to do 1: Wishing, wishing all the day; the best chance of further foothold. He ses, a third thought it was a book, while all of E. H. F1LLOW, near Union School. 3t*10 • T Mr. Thomas Prince loquitur Curious Customs in the North. agreed that it was a wonderful affair—as it Dibble of Danbury, and after som J scattering Tbe Second Oldest Paper In ttae State. HORSE AND OX SHOEING, And at night, without a fire, without a light, climbed a few feet higher, but he was no debate was passed. ' .J.—AND— . _ ' A fleetjyith.flags arrayed, , _ was, for it had done service for our local min T« Dnnl A Cottage containing nine rooms, And before an empty tray, cragsman, "and his feet were too large and his Bill (Senate 12) requiring oyster grounds • ** Flwllfc. with gaftlcn attached. Apply to <3jr.±Ago 3MCet.lz.iaa.s Sailed Bregt,^.'...^;^/. COMPARISON or TIIE BRIDE'S AND THE GRSOM'S strel stage for years, and came aboard packed MBS. CATHERINE STEVENS, in tbe'best manner, Doth sadly say: bulk to great to follow where the child had to be properly staked off. Passed. OFFICE IN GAZETTE BUILDING. " and at low'llites. Special at And the Admiral's sliipdisplayed]>!>/;' PORTIONS—A RICH FEAST OF OIL, BLUBBER, with one of the men's washing, on leaving A message from the governor was received, 3t*12 Prospect Hill tention paid to Lame and Interfering Horses. - "To-morrow something may turn up; gone. Between him and her there still lay The signal: "Steer south-weal,".. X-kfiii' AND FISH—A QUEERLY ACCOUTERED PRIEST San Francisco. vetoing the bill fixing the pay and mileage of EDWIN C. LLOYD. To-night on wishes I must sup." a distance along which a goat could scarcely the members of the General Assembly, on A. H. BYINGTON & CO. To Let. For this Admiral D'Anville rj "' —THE MARRIAGE CEREMONY. The question of dower being settled be have gone. Still he ventured; but only to the ground that it is unconstitutional for the suit oi three rooms,npper floor over store No. Had sworn by cross and crown. Labor goes, plowing deep the fertile rows The lookout on board the Clytemnestra, tween the parents, it became necessary to trot members to vote themselves mileage as com A. H. BYINGTON, J. B. ELLS, G. N. ELLS. •J Main St., possession given April 1st. 1 8 7 7 . fall back into the pool, from which he had to AApply to G. WARD SELLECK. To ravage with fire and steel Singing, singing all the day; cruising ki the northern regions in search out the happy fair one from under a United pensation for the present session, although swim to the ledge again, white with despair. Norwalk, Ct., March 10th. 12tf. Our helpless Boston And at night, before the fire, beside the light, furs and adventure, one evening, reported they may fix it to take effect for the next t BUY YOUR Town.: ; ; How long he stood there, in utter helpless States army blanket, where she had been seated. legislature. Subscription $2.00 per year, in advance. And with well-filled tray, ,\ To Rent. • . • •• • 0 ' ness, waiting to see his only .child suffer a land right ahead. She proceeded to inspect each article of the A secohd message from the Governor was Single Copies 5 Cents. There were rumors in the street, Doth gladly say: Our anchor down and all things prepared groom's portion with a critical eye; when she received, vetoing the new election law, pass - iW 1 small cottage 8 rooms opposite residence of Provisions, sudden but" cruel death at his feet, and before A J.1'AN TON. Esq., Broad River. Large gar In the houses there wasfear ' ' i; "To-morrow I'll turn something up; his eyes, he could never tell. But old Peter for trade, we received the chief of the Island came to the hat' she laughed outright, and ed last week. den and plot of ground with it. Rent low. Of the coming of the fleet, To-night on wages earned I sup." and his officers on the quarter-deck, who made Mr. Stevens of Hartford moved that both 12 Applyt O ROBERT ELLS. Groceries, Cobble,though himself almost paralyzed with turning to our interpreter, asked its use ; be messages be made the. special order for Advertising Bates i And the danger hovering near ; —Caroline A. Souk, St. Nicholas for March. known to us, through the interpreter, that"t he anxiety, could not look with such utter ab ing told, she put it on her head and retained Wednesday, and that the'vote be taken at 12 Four lines or less,1 insertion 50 cts.; 3 times 81 00 To Rent. ^ And while from mouth to mouth would be glad to have lMgcome on shore! tO m. on that day, but Mr. Parker of Haddam Poultry, sence of relief; and he suddenly saw some it throughout the ceremony. The groom now One Square,one insertion, - - - - • - 1 00 OUSE corner of Elm Street and Franklin Spread the tidings of dismay, How Hetty Morrison Fscaped witness a marriage ceremonycereUTO between his appeared,followed by his brothers and sisters, moved to make the hour 12 Tuesday, so as to Per week, for continuance, - - - - - GO Avenue, south side of Elm Street. Possess thing on the cliff that was not lletty. gain a day. The latter day wss agreed to. H I stood in the Old South, daughter and one of the tribe, to take place all of whom embraced the bride in a kindly One Square, Six Months, - - - - - - - 7 00 ion given April 1st. Suitabler for one or two iami- CROCKERY AHD GLASS WARE, Headman's Nose. By some sympathetic instinct, Johu Mor " " one year—with paper - - 15 00 lies. Up stairs 810 pier month. Ground floor $13 Saying humbly: "Let us pray! rison followed the look, and also saw some next day. While shown over the vessel we manner,and passed such compliments as were SENAT*—Tuesday, March 20. per month. The pi:place has the Borongh water Fruits, Nuts, etc. Two " " " " " - - 2500 and a line well. EBENEZER HILL, "O Lord! we would not advise; £ t' John Morrison was not poor for a White- thing moving downwards that was not Hetty, had an opportunity to judge of the islanders. befitting; then a pause by common consent; Bill establishing the agricultural, experi - - 30 00 lltf Elm Street. mental station, came from the House with Three" " " " " But if in thy Providence v«w;r.-rV J>;- beach fisherman. He was part owner of a nor even a sea-gull. For a moment he thought- By the aid of the glass we could discern the a death-like silence reigned, broken only by Quarter ol a Column, one time, - - - - 5 00 IS snow-capped peak of Wat-wak, a small island amendment making act take OTect on its One quarter column, one year, - - -. - 50 00 To Let. (Fresh, Salted and Canned.) A tempest should arise < ^ 'w;: boat, and an employer of others labor as that agony had sent him mad—he seemed to the roar of the surf or the cry of the Onalas- passage ; the bill was passed. well as prodigal of his own. But his sobrie in the westernmost group of the Alutian or One hull' Column, one time, - - • . - 10 00 To drive the French fleet henpe, «•' see another child crawling towards Hetty ka wolf, and occasionally the howl of the Arc Bill providing for the location of voting -"- 80 00 ty and industry were not so much the sources Fox islands! As it was broken weather' we booths in the town and city of Bridgeport One half Column, one year, - - - (Opened or in the Shell.) And scatter it far and wide, C'i. itl-aliytq down the seemingly pathless face of the rock tic wolf in the far interior. So oppressive in Fall Column, one. time, - - - - - -• - 20 00 of his comparative prosperity as one important concluded to make all sail and stand *into a fact was the silence that it .was with a feel and the manner "of appointment of box tend- - 15000 Enquire of Mr.