H . L u n d b e c k Judo Ontario Special points of interest: Newsletter The Rio 2016 Olym- Summer 2016 Olympic Edition pics will be from Aug. 6-12. The Rio 2016 Para- lympics will be from Road to Rio 2016 Sept. 8-10. Canada’s first Olym- pic judo medal was won in 1964 by Doug Rogers. E d i t o r : Val McIntyre
[email protected] Inside this i s s u e : JO Youth 2 Academy Around the 3 World Team Canada 4 Olympic 4 History Athlete Profile 5 Tony Walby Kelita 6 Zupancic Priscilla 6 Gagne Rio Facts 7 Olympic 8 Schedule P a g e 2 Judo Ontario Youth Academy Graduation! By Carol Lin Keagan Young Sheffield recognized Sensei On Saturday, June 25th Nicholas Langlois Pedro Guedes and Sensei the Judo Ontario Youth Myles Copeland Laurie Wiltshire for their com- Academy (JOYA) cele- Candice Driscoll mitment to developing mem- brated its year end with a Alyssandra Manuel bers. Judo Ontario Presi- party and graduation at Jennifer Claus the Toronto Pan American dent, Aartje Sheffield gave Sport Centre Amir Shukle special thanks to the parents (TPASC). Celebrating its Rhiannon Lau as without their time commit- inaugural year, the gradu- Rachel Krapman ment JOYA would not have ating members are transi- Jeremy Riekstins been such a success. All of tioning to the Judo Ontario Justin Riekstins the Judoka did a great job High Performance Pro- Russel Chan and should be proud of their gram (HPP). Jessica The Olympians James Longsdale hard work on the mat! JOYA Klimkait, Canadian Na- David Teper of tomorrow tional Team member was will be resuming it's regularly Elicia Lin have graduated present to take pictures scheduled Saturday 4-6pm from the Youth and hand out certificates sessions at the Pan Am Cen- Judo Ontario Sport Academy! to the following members: tre in September.