American Art of the XX Century Q\Ss R ° ^Industrial Design Museum of Modern Art, New York *HTO^T^° ,A ^ February Lu, 1955
American Art of the XX Century Q\Ss r ° ^industrial Design Museum of Modern Art, New York *HTO^T^° ,A ^ February lU, 1955- I. Chairs 230* Patent model for one-piece plywood chair. 1&71*. Designer: I. I. Cole. 231. Side chair: metal rod base, molded plywood back and seat joined by electronically glued rubber disks. 19^6. Designer: Charles EAMES. Manufacturer: Herman Miller Furniture Co., Zeeland, Michigan. 232. Arm chair: metal rod base, foam rubber pad on molded plastic shell, covered with beige woolen fabric; 2 loose pillows. I9J+8. Designer: Eero SAARINEN. Manufacturer: Knoll Associates, New York, New York. 233. Arm chair: metal rod base, molded plastic shell reinforced with glass fibers. 19^9. Designer: Charles EAMES. Manufacturer: Herman Miller Furniture Co., Zeeland, Michigan. 23^. Side chair: metal rod base, molded plywood seat. 19^9- Designer: Ray KCMAI. Manufacturer: J. G. Furniture Co., New York, New York. 235. Lounge chair: black steel tube frame, woven fiber sling seat, 1951. Designers: Harold COHEN and Davis PRATT. Manufacturer: Designers in Production, Chicago, Illinois. 236. Side chair: black steel frame, white plastic cord. 1952. Designer: Allan GOULD. Manufacturer: Allan Gould Designs, Inc., New York, New York. 237. Side chair: chrome-plated steel frame, black enamel steel brace, leather seat. 1952. Designers: William KATAVOLOS, Ross LITTELL, Douglas KELLEY. Manufacturer: Laverne, Inc., New York, New York. American Art of the XX Century Industrial Design Museum of Modern Art, New York -2- February lk, 1955 ICB-F-#2fc-5fc - 238. Arm chair: metal rod base, plastic-coated wire seat, foam rubber pad, tweed fabric.
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